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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1885, p. 3

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THE ONTARIO BANK Oonti nue s..t o do a General Bu.nking Business n-t Us .Bowmanvillo Branch. iU E PO~JJ " l'§ IMPORTED HORSE S. E 'l'AKE PLEASl'RE IN I NFORMING P·tr·ms and W others that we h11ve jus now liaYe for sa le a ve1·y superior lot of E n glish JtlA'l'.RllliONIAL lUlJSUJ. · Home rul ors-\Vivea. A rainy clay picnic and a br oken ma.r· ria.ge engag.,ment are in one respect alike - postponc·I on &ccou~t of the wedder. A fashiont\ble G alveston lady read in a newspaper Ihat Pr<-'Bident-elect Cleveland was well olf and a ba ~h·,lor. ' 'Of course, he is well off if he is not married," was the brutal reply of h ,;r huaband . "Well, Dobkins, t\l'e you going t o the club to-night 1" " [ lmven'r, m»do op my mind yet." "Haven't '! Why it"s t,ime to be there now." "I know, bur. my wife haRi; 't got back from the woman·s meeting yet " "Ah, 1 8ee. You can'c make up your mind till your wiie brings it home." Irish Monuments. our numer ou· r e turned hnd lteceived in Saving·~ R > tul( Departmen t and on Horses, twelve of which a1·0 carefully selected call and in terest a llowed "'t cnrrcnt r F.tes. No English Shil'e·bred he:t vy weigJtls. llOlicc of withd rawal n ecessar y. AH deposits payable on detnand. EX{; ll A. f"i ~;r ~~ Roughtan ~ ryo1d Uni tlod St.i United St>: an d Draftaissued uponEur0pe ' a n rl Canada . also Gold,Sil 1 ·cr u.n.r.l Green llucks bou;:ht and sold. .0 5, ... ~~ V "i.'i®~ S Promptly mad e at cu rrent.r ates upo n s,11 P~·-~ 0'l' G reat Brittain, Lhe Umlcd 8Lu.Le.a 1>nd J>0 minion of Canada. 'J.'eleg1·~ §)h '&'~·;u~ !!lfi~!·'\li Made for large or small anms on a ll pnr t~ of Canada. '!'bis is especia lly 11d va ow.i;cous to perSOJlS living in Mamtobn. or t he North-west &S-it makes t he f unds available o.t once at thtl place of payment. ]'or further particulars call at tbe Banldng We a lso h ,.ve some o! Engla nd's famous Coach llorBes, 1lno »nd blood like, wiLh weight, sty le and action second to none. l-'lease c><ll and exaruine, we are prepared tt1 s11 at terms convt:mieut and prices r ight,--' Write l'o r catalogues : correspondence sollclted A . l!'AN80N & SON; Stables 137 R ichmond St. \Vesr,, Toron to. Ont. House. ':!'.BR ODIE, .Account ant. GEO. McGIJ,L, Manage,, ·Y FB.EE~'.KAEf'S WO Rl~ l'lark 'i'wain',S N ervousncss. Mr. Clemens has some peculfari tlee, 1' ht·Y tell me ho is one of the most ner- -··--- - ·- - -- POWDERS ,, vons men in the world. H e has comta.nt difficulty in ktepi ng still, and somebody Purgati".'(J. 1.~~ n. en.to, s1rrl~, null e !Iectaa.J is ubliged to go with him to keep him .SefJtl'OY<:!l' < ·' -..,·n l"IflE in C~il ~ 'l or Adultia. - - -·.-- - busy playing billiards or d oing somethm g eke ..o r.hat, he will r.ot have to be faced with the horrible alternativti of sitting s :;ill. Two scats are reserved for Mr. HUMPHREY Clemens in tlrn drawing-room ciu· on t;he 10 IS SELLING train by which be may travel. One of t heae lleat.s it< in the ~moke rooin aucl. t,'\ie FASHIONABLE other is n the budy of the car. As soon Mr. H orsey's store, west of ouch, as Mr. Clemens finishes smoking his cigar well made and guaranteed to be of Rooms oYer Johnston & Cryderman's. he has to get up and fly from the api;.rt:superior quality, at tbe old stand, rnent , beca use he cannot b.iar the smeH of r.obacc:o smoke when he is not pro~ucing it himself. So he sits a little while in .A. l? i,. : :cr ..LO...LTY. the 11rnoke room , then trots f\\!.t to his 41-1.I. PRICES MOD1<:H.ATE. other place in the middle of the car, and afrer he has been there half an hour or so COLLARS A SPECIAI~TY. back he l'UUB to t he smoke room again. 'l'hrn is the way he goes on all the day Always on l1and and for sale very cheap long. _ _ _.., . .--4 · ._,. .......... _ _ . _ . _ . V'hips, P.lankets, Curry Combs, -l Brushes, &c., &c. Dull Boys. HORSE EN. Are :pfoo,onnt to tako. Ccnb in th eir awn ----------~ MRS. DRESSMAKING. LICHT~ HEAVY HAR~~ESS 1\11 RS. E. DEWAR, DRESS~AKEP.. O pposite Glover's liver~ Stable, MANTLES & ULSTERS A lar;e stock of Lictht and H eavy Harness "'now ready f~r the Fall trade. Ordered W ork a::i<l l tepairs receive prompt and car efnl atiention. Sign of the BIG COLLAR., Kinl! St. West, Bowmanville. - - - K » -- - v~ '.I'hlt1 Jtnr;rmvlnc r(lpIHtnta tho ~UDP itt t\ rrwel~uy nu:t.ta.J J:H;z. llE !II:::'.DY FOR CVK ING N.ew P h oto Rooms AR E NOW OPJ<~N . li'tnnd r.n-n1er ly occ upiell by tlie P o st Offic e. JUNG 8'l'.REE1 ', ::BC1'"VV'n1JrE~J:\ T"~TJOCJ1'.JL.I CON SUmPTION ,C O U G HS, COLDS, ASTHMD., CJJ';,OU!', A LL CISEASES OF TH E THROAT. LUNGS, AND P U U\'i O NARY OP.GANS. ::: · nY I TS J' /', 1T 11 J<' U I... li S E COl~SU~~PTION HAS BEEN CU'll.ED, The Gallery is fi rst-ch1ss in all ita a p pointments, and furu iahed in a comfor table m1rnner. T here will be n o poot· W(>r k allowed to leave tho rooa111, and the~P. wh o favor me with a call cnn rely on being plc'ased A!li!l~The instantenons process only 1,-j:J lsed for Pbof.ographs. \V11e a o tl:cr Rt:: rr.edics a n<l Physicians have fai teJ to e ffect ~1 curl!. Reco mme nded by Pnvs1CIA NS , I\.f J N IS'r Ti:RS, AN'P N 1.rn.sEs . In fa<..:t by ever ybody w ho ha ' ;;ivcu ir a good !ria l. f t n1:~1er /ails 1'1 /iring ,.·e/ie .f. I A: an :::::n?BC'l'Ol:tA1'l"k' it. has no Equ.~1 lt i s harm1cs.:. t o t he !'.lost Delic::ttc Ch ild . be Come in and soe m e . f ! contains no OPIUM in any form. m"Directions :'.l. Ccomp nny each bottle~ R. H. HENRY l!f!U" !?or sale J,y ,,i[ D rugi:i>Ls. ~ ~-----~-·-·--·--·-·---~------.~---_-: _ -:: _ _ . ----~ -·~ FARAiERS' ATTEN1 JON! 1 5 0 0 MO RS ES WANTED within the nex t NINETY days to wear H AR N E S S made at "-VV. ~... !:'VJ: ..A..~' s BOWM ANVI LLE . HA RNES S SHOP, A large and well assorted stock of first-class Harness on hand, both for Team and Carriage purpol:les. Also a splendid stock of Hor~ Blankets, Goat Robes and Lap Rugs for fall and winter use. Call and inspect the good£<. Trunks and Valises in stock as usual, also Saddles, Whips, &e. AH goods will be sold. cheap for Cash. W. H. MAY F ARIVI E RS! For your Machinery use l.\1.1: 0 c 0 JLm ~ ' s LAJE=l.DINE lVIACHINE OIL, The Best Oil in the World for Reapers, Mowers, Threshers and all fast-running Machinery. _J'or sale hy all D ealers. H AINES' CA RRIAGE WORK S GEORGE 0 ..HAINES, P roprietor, ---NLANUFACTURER O F - - CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C .. K ING Sl'HEET, l30W M 1 \::\" VIL LF., Has now on ha nd a number of vehicle· (anrl is ma.nufacturing 11grca t many more) nt t he newesl patterns and bes t fin ish, wh ich I .un _ o ffering for.sale ~t th o lowe" t. pr ice· c mrnisltrnt wnh due regar d to workmanship 1m d qual1 t.y. The fultowrng is a li"t of tha principal vehicles ooauufu.cturcd by me : Double Covered Carriages ...... ........ . ....... ..... . ,. .. ...... ..... ........ $200 Upwards, Single Ph~tons . ....... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. ..... ... ...... .. .... .... ... ...... .. .. , 100 11 Open B uggy... ... .... .. ... .. .... .... .. ... ..... ..... .. ... ...... .. ... ........ .. ... Top B uggy ... ... ... ........ ... ..... ... ............ .. ... ............. ...... ... ... .. 'mocrat Wagon....................... ...................... ..... ............ .. ·.her Wagons... .. .... ... ... ... .. ......... .... ..... ...... .......... ... ... .. ... 70 90 65 55 11 11 11 lesV:~~;;;~:::: :: ::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::: :: ~ton.. .. ..... .. . ... . . ... . ...... .. .... ... ..... . .. ... . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... .. .. . .. .. y............................................................................... 40 Jssessing s uper ior facilities f or m_anul'acturi nR carrlei.:~s. I inte n rl t o sell very c heap for oasl Ol' app roved credit.. a nd by s o dmng 1 ho pe t,o g r eaUy rncroa-.· . m ~ number of sales, Would sell t he wood parts only, or t he ge..rinµ;s of b1 1ggies ironed. ig 50 u All Kinds of VebJcles Repaired J At t he Shortest Not ice, P ainted and Trimmed if Desired. A t the Fact ory 1 a lso do P la nine;. M atchin g , 'l' llrn i n1,1 a nd s_.wini.: with C ircle, Band ,,r S or o! Saw s, an d p r epttre tt.11 kinds of lumber !OJ' c a.J'ptnte1·s aod 01 herM for build ing pi1rooaes. Orne.menial and Plain Picke~s for nces iu ever y stylu requirf\d. rnt1.de to ord~r. 2i< Dun't be diRcour:i.ged because your boys seem dull. Slow g10wth is otten sure g ~·o wtb . Some minds are like Norwegian 1'hey are slow in growth. buo pmes. th~y ·~re striking th eir root.s deep. Some of th.i greatest mtn have been dull boys. Drydeu and S 1 vift wtire dull boya. So was Goldsmith. So was Gibbon. So was Sir W;.1,ltor Scott. Napoleon atachool had tJO much difficul ty m learning h is L a.tin that t he ru~eter :mid it would need a gimlet t o get a. wor d into his h ead. Douglas J errold was so backward in his boyhood th11.t ll.t nine he wa~ s carcely able t o read. lrnac Bt>.rr ow, one of the greatest divin es the Chu1ch of Eogland has ever prodllctd, was s0 impem:trably stulRe~ukung ~uriosity , Large lines of Dress Goods at enormous reductions. pid thar. hfa f~ther more than onca sll.id 'rh o uthPI' day a myst erious look ing 1hat if G 0d took ;;.way any of h is children A few choice Paisley an<l Fancy Sha wls at h alf their value he h oved it would b ·i lsmw, as h(~ feared ~!~~;~~~\t:!'!:~~Z~~ :f~y~~~~~:.~ ~fi~ he wvulct . never be fi t for 11nytbiug in this world. Yet th at bvy wa s t he genius of habit ·mti:; findin g ou t. h is 11a.me, whert.:> ;h~i cam e from, or hia business. Even the thti family. b,;r-room l oidera wer·~ boffled in tlH·ir at··--~·-- ~-- -·~---._&_ lioSf !Uito's l\ilre ditat iou. tor1>pts to extract some d.,finir.e information, and the entire t own laid awak e o' ' 'Did an;t body e Vf:'r see such a,n nuuights worrying ov"r the mat ter. At 1 grateful wretch~,, eaug a M osquito, who l1111t the general agit.at i'"· grew t o 1<uch a 1-ITJ~A.LT,F-I F O ~R AI.1L T Md beon voc.>hzing to the be~t of h er pitch t hat t he sheri ff ~olu n teered to inabdity fut· a good h"\f .. hour for the sole t erview t,he stnrng.;. in behalf of the bendit of the man who lay in his heel. public w eal. Apr1 1odchi'lg the taciturn "l:icre I've b"en t.rying my be ~t i;o enter - neir.or aa h e Hat i n the office of the .hotel, tain thio ingra·e with my c hoicest sekc- i}1e functio1mry rem arked : " ]'rne day. sir ." tions, and a ll 1 he th<>· ks l get ia a cn1f in the ear. Why do~sn' ; t he fool · h~ still? "}~, eh 1 · saiu the stranger dubiously. If he ~ad i:-ny mua1c m lus aoul, he d soon " G oing to stay long in t hese p arts 1' Purify the Blood, correct all DisorJers of the be wr.ftcd ;nt~ dre:mhnd: Bu ~, no J he "J u~t four di;.ya, two ho~rs and thirty1 muat t oss ._us ~rms aboutll~e a wmdmi.l one mmutea longer," r eplied th" other, LIViI~R. §'J.' O iVllflA{} m!, IHD'.\ll~V!'ii Ji.ND) U Ol.VJEL~ . ~h I you d idn t dolt that time, old fellow . con~ul tmg his wat ch and a r.ime-fable. '·'Then !-may I-er-ahem! 1m1,y I ask They invigorate and restore to hea.lth Debilitated Constitutions, and I 11 pav ~ o.u for that by-~nd by Y~u ueed bl.eedm g badly . my fri.i!1 <;1 i you re 11 what your bm1lness is !'.' )!erslsted the are invaluablti in all Complaints incidental to Females of all .Ages. For ic~ a d~ua~dfully f1:>vensh coodmon. A ud sheriff, as the crowd g:\thered up closer. Children and the aged t hey a r 6 priceless. yet lt u1 ..-lm~st too guod of me to doc.tor "\Voll, l don't. wieh itgen er;1lly known," 0 INME N 'J-, TH .B ~ yo n for notiung. Wh~r? wou,ld you tind rap!ied the stranger, conf:id~ntially ; "but atty of your_ m.en-phy~i?1ane1 who woul~ l'm a Rus~ian ])IJhilist. " Is an infallible remedy for Ba.J Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores t,.ea.t you w1,thout ~hargrng a b;,av_v fee . "You d on't mean it 1" qasped the and Ulcers. It is famous for Go ut and " Rheumat.itim. For d isorder~ of the Hark ! ~e e_ fmormg, an 1 m al!v~. ! N"·w, officfa.I. "" · -Chest i t h~s no equal. old chapp10,_ 111 h11.ve my supper. - [Bos·'Fact," repli ed the m11.n mournfully. For Sore 'l'»ari·o:u~. §, 811·0End11i1til§, Coug·h s, (;oBds, tun Transcrlp1i. "But er-what bnn gs you here ?" ~ke d --- - - -- - - l;he eheriff. Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and' for Dickens' Jtcalism. "Well, you nee, I was c!i.ptured in St. contracted an<l stiff joiuts it acts like a charm . The followirg concluding sentences Peters burg last m onth, :md you know from an uupubJi dhf;ld let;ter of Charles how severe that Governm011t is on NihiManufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, Dickens, dated Nov. 16, 1868, are i nter · lists, don't you 1" estiog a s proofs of the earnest fashion in "Oh. !-yea-of cour~o ; go on I" 78, MEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, which the popular novelist succeeded io "'Vell, they sentenced me to twenty And are sold at ls. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., l l s., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and identitying himself with the charactera of )'ears in Siberi& or a week io may be had from all Jlifoc1icine Vendors t hroughout th"l World. his own creation at the time w LlJI1 he W !1S Petaluma, aud I w;;a fool enough to W P11l"cltnser8 slaoultl loolr nt t h e f ,abel mt fl1e Pots and noxcs. I f the n<!dres.~ ot1oose P etaluma." reading to enthusiastic audiences oer t,a in ts not 533, Oxro1·11 Str~et, !London, tlley :nc SJHU-inn s . passages from h is own works : "Come And with a heavy ~igh the condemned 1;arly in J anuary, " he writes, " a nd nee a man drift1~d i n to dinn<ir.-[~ah ll'ra.ncisoo friend ot yours do the murder from PoBt. ' Oliver Twist. ' lt is horribly hke, 1 am --- - :o : ~~ afraid. I have a vague sensation of being ' wanted 'as I walk atout the atreets. " Eman·ess :Eugenie antl Her Son. Writing to the same friend in January of I have seen the ex-Empreas Eugenie at 1869, he says further, with r1·gard to his readings : ··I do not commit murder t a.ble perha.ps a d ozen time3, and I never again in Ltmdon till Tuesday, J'.lfa,rch 3. saw anyone eat so little that aeemed to be in as good health as ehe did. Her son j(- * * I have noi; read ' The Chimea ' for ten yea.rs. I am afraid it is a little dis- ( poor boy!) however, made up for her, for mal, but l. have shortened and brightened he had a very h ealthy appetite. While at iD as much as possible I hope you will Shoeburyness Military School he had s everal photographs taken by one of the ~ol come and see t he mur der done. " diers, who had some talent that way, and he gave me a copy with his autograph on ----~it. Another embryo !lrtist at Sh,)eburyT bat Boy. ness wished to make a plaster bust of the lf h is sister is kissed by anyone, he ill always t he person to witness t he perfor- young Prince, and accordingly they arranged the s11nd and mud to take the L \llUICe a nd tell of it before a crowd. He mold, and he got down on his knees and ts always the one to give to the world the bravely pushed his greaaed face into the fat:t that hia sister uses powder and wears We have the EXCLU8I V E sale of these Wa tches, which cannot be fal8e t eeth, and is 32 y~rs old. If there mud, but nut far enough to suit t he art iat who put h is hands on the young Nabeaten for time. i~ a mor tgage on the place, t.he boy hears poleon's neck and pushed it still further you speak of it, and t h en goes around We have a reason t o b e t.hankful for past favors during forty yeara m. When the plaster ca~t was taken out talkiug about it as though it were aomebusiness here. in there v1aa a uose l ik e a gourd squash ching t o be pointed t ( l with pride arid pleasure. Everything you ~ay m the bo- ab:m t a foot long, as the plaster had Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will som of your family that should not be re somehow forced a channel fol' itself. Thie remarkable bust now stands on a pedestal peated the: boy repeata, and always has in the p ress room at Shotburyn ess, and ~h e facufoy of repeating it at t h e wr ong is marked Napoleon I V. T o think of the c1me a nd to the wrong p erson. regarding n o man, ei ther' Jew or Gent.ile. brave. bright young man as I knew him, -- - :o:--full of life and boyish earnestness as havIF R ll E Nl D § , J!<: EA NI ID ~ii {'ij IE!§~. ing died, m akes my heut a che for him, Kmed the Cfodc. " Will t hose colors run ~ " asked a cus- an d m ore for t he mot her who loved him t I never tomer of a purple-and-fine- lin en trimmed ao. After my visit to Chislebur& d erk in !3mith s g ents ' !urnishing store 011 saw either of them again.-[Oliver HarJ<"'ourth atref;lt, aa he picked u p a pretty per 's Rem iniscences. i11·31't pai r of rainbow socks. COLD M ASHED P(lTATOEs.-These may "No, sir; t.h ey are warrant ed,' replied the clerk, with affidavit-like empha- be sliced and fl ied in butter ·or fresh lard , beiug careful n ot t o b reak the sllcee ~ia. Cold Indian pudding m t urning th em. ·'A re you aure ~" " Of course, sir. They are guaranteed may be tre11t ed in tho same way. f'ast colors." .A pret.ty way t o ar range blanc-mange "Oh, t hey are, are they i Well, how is t o m ould it in smell cups, then p ut a Pimples, Blotches, Boils, llumors, Salt i lhcum, Scrofula, ~ the dickens can they be fast, if they won't m ould of jelly in the centre of a platter, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising frorn Impure Blood, '. ru n 'I" and place t he blanc~mange aroun d it . Deranged Stomach, or irregulai· action of t he Bowels. The cl erk pulled a show-case off the Sweeten ed cream should. be aer9'ed with coumer, t i·ying t o keep from fal liog. it. ·~,:.ilJ;~\;,,,i,~;:'£t'i.lj "·?'~.~~--!!J·'~~~3ff The rtiined abbeys of It-eland are among somti of the most ancient and intereatmg monuments in the world. lt is true, the sculpture is not aa massive as that of Ninevtih, B!l.bylon, or Athens, but undoubtedly it is aa ancient as the monumen ts of Greec<', and eoen of A11-MANUFACTU RER AND DEALER IN 8Jria h erself. A gr~at number of the re· ligioua houses i11 lreland were either built 011 the site of the Druidical te mples, or Mink, S. S . Seal, :Persian Lamb, Russian Lam lJ, Beaver and the temples were t aken by the Chriatidns, Otte r Muffs, Bows and Caps. ii.ltered, enlarged, and conMwrated for thl Christian worship. Irelmd is literally 1 covered with immense ruins t.f th is kind - ruins in which the Chrrniian Irish, tho pagan Irish, and the Norman styl;;;s of architecture may be iieen. ·r1moleague Abbey, near Clonakilty, is :;,n immense ruin of this kind ; so is Ardfort, in the lVUTTS and G L 0 V !~ S in Beaver, Persian a nd Russian C()unty Kerry. In Timolrngue was educ4ted the gr.· at V 1Jrgiliu3, called the fair Lamb, Kid, Wool aud Hair Seal. man, who, cent uries before ei t her Galileo or Capernicus wa~ b orn, said t.hat our ROBE S. -Bnffalo, Coon and Black, White a nd Gray Jap. earth waa round. Ardfert is Baid t,o h a.vo been fouo<lecl hy S t. Brendan, who ia sup· pr)sed to b.: the firaL Europe1;1n who ev< .r lm,ded on t he Amoric ,m c:mtinent. Although H olo ga is put d own as th;; fou nd- White, Hegatta, .French , Cambric and Wool Shirts, Braces er of Timoleague and Brendan of Ard!crt Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, C uffs, a lso over 25 Abbey, they only established churches choice lines of Fancy, P lain and Ribbed Underwherd b ~fore there were l1;1rge Drui dical temples oE excellent workmanship, which . clothing arnl Cardigan .iackcts. shoVT the kuowlt<lge which the Pagan I rish had of wc·rking in. stone. Some of the Irish peasa.nt ry say that t he beautiful work they see in round tvwer~, in ruined abbeys, and i n s t one crosses, was done by the Gob<\on Soar, a half-m)' thical architect to whom the ercctwn of many of Ireland's most ancient, structur~s ia a ttributed; or b y the fair ie1', who er ec ted t.heee structures at n ighe, and rnwer took more than one night to fin ish a building. Th is Gobaon Soar waa an extraordinary character, and, n o dou bt , conturie11 before die Chri11tian t·ra., was a grel>\t building D.ruid. The name is singular, as it means mason, and which sug'I'he work goes on. I am still continuing to sacrifice m,y gests a possibfo connect,ion betvrnen ths Gobaon a.nd tho a.rchitecture of Solomon 's temple. 'l'here a.re hundreds of t hese stock of Dry Goods. ruined at .bes·s in Ireland. The most They must be sold or given a\vay, no matter how great prominent one·i a re Timufoa~ue., in_ Cock; :Ardler t and M.uckrosa, in Kerry ; Cong, i n the coun ~y 1\foyo, wi.1ere R oderick the loss. O'Connor, 1 1,st kmg of Ireland, is buried; From this t ime.t here will be enormous reductions all around Donegal, in which tha four magters wrote their annah·: :md the famou R R ock of The stock of Staple Goods being oue of the largest, houseCa.shAl, in 1'ippern.r'" ; t.hese ar.i the Iarge11t, mollt ancient and interesting ruins in the Dritish hles, an d they prove holders will l'lave money by giving m e a call. beyor1d a ll doubt that the ancient Irish A large range of T able Linens, Blankets, Sheetings a nd had a fair knowle< Jge .;f a rnhitectural decoration. Towelin gs will repay inspection. - -- - . .."" .... ~~··,.,.._·· .,..._...___,. FURS i ROBES! HATS! _ Ladies Capes, F ur Lined Circulars and A strachan Jackets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. .,.--- - - --- - ----- ------- - -·--· ----- ------ - ----- G ENTS' FURliISHINGS. P. S.-All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. Highest Cash price paid for Raw Furs. it I THOS. P A_TER SON , -·-----: 'I rrHE P I LLS I r_r .... ·· ·---- ROCKFORD AND AU R ORA -WAT CE[ES_ S ell Che a.pe r than t he Cheapest, w m a n u A ARON BUCKLER. Wedding R ings in g:reat variety. ,,~E"f:;;;:;l~~~?~;SiJ:i;.,;I:

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