Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1885, p. 4

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G (;J. W illiam 'J'ncker . .... .. ,., .. . .... $1 00 W. Cox .......... ... ...... .... . l 00 Subscriptions to Barracks' Fund. Geo. Tingle.· ·· ·· ··· ·· ···· ·· ·· · 1 00 Miss Locl. e.... ....... .... . . . . . 1 00 · -.bl' h Mrs E .l\'1 ayna.rd . . . . . . · . · . . . . . . . 1 00 BowM:ANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAN. 9. . According to lll'Om1ses we. now pu . 1s. a Mar' 1in.II ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 hst of persona, who have pa1~ sub;cr1pt10-, C.lu·i~ Plummer......... . .. . ... . 1 00 I N"" ns to th e Fund for th6 erectwu of the :ww E. B:~ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 THE MUNICIPAL ELECT 0 ;.::;. Salvatum Army Barracks m Bo~manv1lle. ·wm. C~kman. .... ............. 1 00 Possibly some names m:1y be nnssed, and L' · C l 1 00 B low we "ive t he result of the elec · t h d'· l t ti . 1zzie ei· ey · · · · · · · · · · ... · · · · · · · · v . o . wrnng amouu s nmy e ?re Ivel o ? icrs, H.ich Haw l n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 t10us rn Row111a~v1lle ~~id Cl;i,rk e, the and seveml who have given help i:n one R . S . .. ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · . 1 00 <mly rnunic 1 -.alit1es in wluch conte.t3 were. · way ;1:1<1 another may not be ment10ned. E C 1 h '11 tt C t H ' d mmn ueman ..... ······ · ·· ·· 1 00 held in West Durham. While good men If sue persons. w~ repor 0 ap · Ill .L Snowden .. ............. .. . ... 1 00 , b d f .. b at once ny um1 ss1011 or error, we shall he S S d OO 1 00 .a.ncl tr~e i1ave evn l:l. eatea m .ot1Ip 1aced, pleased to make the corrections in a supamue1 I,H'.~v en.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 e bel1uv<· the Connc1ls elect will comr)are I t I' t t k · l t Joseph J cf!cry · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · " ~ . . p emcn <try 1s nex. wee or m a a er w R R C Il 00 favourab ly wit h forn1er ones. issue. Tl· A. . · Fa~ ,edr · ··· · · · · · · · · · · · · l 00 lC I my llC!l ..... . . . . . . . . . . . BO\\IMANVlLLE. NAilrns AMOUNTS PAII> . John N .. ncc Kivell.. .... . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Ftm .:UAYOR. .John Pinch . . . . ... .. . . . .... ... $125 00 Willi~m Creeper .. . . .... .. .. . .. ... 1 00 WEST. 1'UNT1!. souTII.'!'OTAL Gordo~ D .,F!otcher.............. 10~ 00 .Miss Trenouth... .................... .... 1 00 b lO[) lZ(i 83--318 Mrs. C. J\'[nms .. ........·....... 2.J 00 Mrs. Trenuuth .... ...................... " 1 00 com e. · · .. "· A F ricnd .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 2!} 00 Rich. Katcrson... . . .. ...... .. . .. .. .. .. . 1 00 braith ....... 71 123 102-206 M.A .·fanrns . .. . , ........· ,., .. , 25 00 Th us. Sherin............... ...... ......... 1 00 Geo. Moure . ..·...··... . ·....... 2!} 00 Mrs. J. Heed....·...... ... , . . . . 1 Ofl b . . f· L M 11JOnty or oscom e 99 ~~ A Friend. . . . . .. . ..... . . , , , . . . . 20 00 'finy Pinch .. ......... , ... . , . . . . 1 00 /' ] 'OR R~;F:v1r.. C. Boun~all (marblcsbbs) ...... ·. 30 00 E, White .. : ..... .. ... . . .. . ... 1 00 · WES'!' NOH'.i'H soU'.l'll TO'rAL. lra Pearce .. ..·. , ··.·.···....... 15 00 0. Somern .... ,.. .. . . . . . · . . . . . . .. 1. 00 ' P rower ...... .... 1.18 135 118- -371 George Allin . ....·..·. . . ....... . 10 00 W. Pooley......... ... .. . ....... 1 00 Porter Gl 114 68--243 James Puckering .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 W. Williams . ... . . . . . . . 1 00 .... .. ... W. F. Vanstone ................. 10 00 ,J. ,Jackson...... . ........ ..... .. 1 00 Majoi·ity foi· Prowei· 12 . Js1ues Stollery ....· ..··.··... ..· 10 00 J . Jewell._. . ....... .. . ... . . ..... 1 00 John Had<ly . .... .............. . 10 00 Samuel Rickard ....... ... .. . ... .. 1 00 I. UOU~ClLLOltS-NORTll WARD. s.mud Jeffery' . ..· - . ·..... .. .... 10 00 Rieh . Bly the. .. ........ ... . .... . l 00 ,.t.Thos.Bur aen ...... .... .. ........... ... ....... 168 · John McMurtry........... ...... 10 00 C. Walsh .... .... ... .......... ... l 00 'Fl'anois Mason ....... ........................ 163 A Friend ........ . , .......... ... 10 00 'l'hos..McCullough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 C. Boumall .................. ............... .. .134 Willi11m H e:ud ........ . ......... 10 00 Mrs. Amey .... ..... . .. .. .. . . · . . 1 O!J Richard Field ... ... .. .. ... .. ..... ......... .... ] 28 Stephrn Cot ton ................. 10 00 Mrs. S. S·iuch .... .... .... ·, ..... 1 00 .Jesse 'frnll. ........ . ............ 10 00 Mrs. Blythti.. .... ..... . ........ 1 00 Lewi' Cornish. ...... . ... .. ...... .. . . ......... 112 David Fisher ....·. , .... , ·· , ··. .. 10 00 Geo. Cole1mtn . ......... .. .. . ... . 1 00 SOUTH WAltn. Jaiues .McFccters .... ...... .. .... 10 00 H. Goodn11111...... ........... ........... 1 00 Richar<l Worth ... ........ ...... . .. . . .......140 Marslmll Porter .. . ..... . .. ...... 10 00 J . S utherland. "Arlington... ..... ... . 1 00 H . Kydd ..... . .................... .... . .. . 136. nobert Armour (in law) · .. .. ... .. 10 00 Arch. 'l'ait................ ... .. .. .... .. .. . l 00 Mr. Staples, t on coal. ...... .. .. . G 50 R Hambly............................. . 1 00 - ·Chas. Harnden .. .... .. .... .. . ............... 94 John Hockriclge . . ... .... .. ... .. . G 00 ~V. Foley........... ..................... . i'iO ..... ohn Fletcher .... ... .. .. ... .. . ... ...... .. . . 6G 'l'hos. Kirkpatrick...... ...... ... (i 00 E. Ball............... .. ....... ... .. ..... ... fiO 50 John Osborne . ...... ... .................... . 51 Annie Haines. . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . G O!) One of the Boye......................... .Tohn .Tames, seu. . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. (i 00 Mrs. BotterelL.... ...... .... .. . . .. .. . .. . hO CLAlUCE. P. Hai;gith....... . .. ..... ...... G 00 Mina Saun1lers................. ... ... ... 50 ltEEVJ>. A Fritmd.. . . . .. . .. .. .. · .. .. .. · . G 00 Ettie Gifford.............. . .......... .. . GO 50 Geo. M. Long .......... ......... ... ... .... .486 Dr. Allison......... . ........... G 00 Mrs. BottcrelI. .. .. ·..... ....... .. ..... . 50 J ohn Carveth..... .......... ..... .. .... .... .. .1.12 J uhu Bro\\'n,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 E liza. Rex.. .... ........... ................ John Moon .. ... ........ ..... . .. 5 00 Jolm Colwill...... ....... .. ............... 25 25 ___.. l\fajority for Long 44 \Yillia.m Foley. .. .. . . . .. . . .. · . . . 5 00 A Friend.. ... . ..... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . R. .J. i:ilaw . .···.········· w· .. ..... !} 00 80 Perch of Stone and drawing . ... 100 00 (. l! ' IRS'l' ])El'UTY-REEVE. George Roes ... ............. .. .. 5 00 Simd and dmwiniz .............. ........ :.H 00 .James Stark . ......... . .. ... .. . ... . .... . ... ! .. 437 Johr1 I~eard............... ... . .. 5 00 .John Hoc'kl'idge 3 da.ys work........ (i 00 I J. R n .3id ............... . .. . .. ....... .. ..... 42f) M. C. bdbnwth. .. · · · .. .. · .. .. .. 5 00 .Tolm Franklin 1 day....... ....... ..... 2 00 G . Pamdl................. ..... 5 00 W. Hollen b;ick 5 dity s ............... .. 10 00 Majority for S t:1rk 11 W. H . Alld:red .. ..· ...·... ... . .. 5 00 G. M. 'I.'iu~Je l~ day ... .... .. ...... . ... 3 50 Samuel Trewin ....... ......... .. 5 00 - P each] clay...... .. ................... 1 00 ' SE<.:ON'D ])El'U'.l'Y·REEVE. A Friend.. .. . .. . .. · .. · · .. · .. .. · 5 00 S. Cole . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . 2 50 ( 'l'hornas Sta~ton ..... ................ ........ 45~ James Gilmore... .... . .......... 5 00 G. Hooper 1 clay....... ....... ....... ... l 00 0 hn Remnek . ... .. .. ............ . . . .. . .... .420 W . Hutchi·on.... ...... ..... 5 00 Jos Allen 2J days...................... 2 5:~ Pierce & Robertson ... .......... 5 00 D. White, for Edtlie 8 days ...... .... 20 00 Majority for Stanton 20 S. \V. S1mcle1·s ,, . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. 5 00 B. J oll·ft'e ii days... ...... ......... .... .. G 00 H,ich. Higgins.. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. 5 00 Lee & Edsnll.. ... . .... .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . 7 00 (, COt:NCILLOlU:I, Thomas Hcmr. . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Mr. Osborne, work..................... 2 25 W. Milligan ... ...... .. .................. .. .. . 511 A Bi<! Frion d ... . . . ......... ....... 5 00 Frank " ........ ... .......... 2 25 J. 'l'hornton .. . ......... . . .. ..... . ....... .485 l\frs.'D. C ilbert ............. ., .. 5 Oo Cotton " .......... ........... 2 10 Thos. Waddell ...... ................ . ..... ... 345 John Riiley . . . . .. .. · . . . . · · . . . . . 5 00 Dodge " .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 3 4.0 The Council will be composed of G. i\1. Mr. Hopkins .. ········ .. · .. · · ·.. 5 00 Heal " ...... .. .. .... .. ... .. 2 10 l~ich. Os borno.. . . . .. . ..... . ..... 5 00 Cann .. ... .. . ............. 3 00 L ong, Reeve .. J. Stark, 1st D eputy; T. Sampson l i'rayn ........... : . .. .. 5 00 Frayn .. .. .. ... . ...... . .. .. 2 40 Stanton, 2nd Deputy; \V. Milligan, and ,T. lfaggith.. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . 5 00 Adams " ... .. .. ... .. . . .. .. ... 70 Robt. Treleven. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . u 00 Darch " .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. 1 50 C. ,J. Thornton, Councillors. John Foster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5 00 .Termings " .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 72 BowMANVILL}~ Cot.:NC;n, FOR 1885. " .... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . 2 55 W. H . Osborne . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . Ii 00 Blythe n,_R . Losc.ombc, l\1ay01·; W . I '. Prow- William Gay ... .. . . ....... .. .. . . 5 00 Somers " ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... G3 e r, Reeve; Geo. Piggott Depu!;y-R.eeve; .Tohn Fra11cin .. · · · · · · .·. · · · · · · · · 5 00 Wu have 110 list of those wlio drew the W M, Ho1:;ey;IJ.'rr. Morris, W. S. Rus-.. Cuuch,.f oh ustun & Cryderman. . . . 5 00 sand and s tone n or of the boys who did a se l ~ T. i3urden,~F. Mason, C. Bounsall, .fohn l ' ran Jc ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 00 lot of painting. H.ev. I'anl Robi ns .. ..··. . .... . . . 5 00 ·R · Worth, J. H . Kydd, C. Harnden , F alph Duwsun ... . .. ........ . . , . 5 00 Co~rn, G 1 rnTLE SPRING,-an d brm;:: Councillors. Jacob Haudall....... ........... 5 00 'r. Geo. l\fason... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 5 00 malaria, dyspepsia, biiiousues6, torpidity J. Holland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . 5 00 of liver and a t rnm of kind red maladies. Readers, Beware. Willia.m lVfotton ....... . .. , .,,... 5 00 Fortunately Kidney-Wort is at hand. It Why is it that our towns people an d Mrs. · Chas. Tod... ..... ....... . . 5 00 may be had of the nearest druggist and farmers, many of the:n, prefer p urchasing M1Rs vVilcoch . ............ ..... 5 00 will purify lhe system, correct the etomthings from travelling µeddlers to dealinJ! English Sovereign. ... . . ...... . .. 4 Sf) &eh and bowels, stimulate the liver and with ~:~er~h\<nte who na~·e not only ~lie!r W . Glovor......... .... . .. . . 4 00 kidneys to healthy action, remove all ow u 1.. t eraets hut the w terestB of their A Fu"n<l ... ..... ... , . , , , ·. , ··· , . 3 00 poisonous humor and makt> you feel like purchasers a.a well in view is paat andiug A Friend......... .. ...... . ..... 3 00 a. new mau. As apring medicine, tonic out. This bneiness (·f men, perfect strang- A Friend .. . . . .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 and blood Purifier it has no eq ual. ers to the people, going around, some with J ohn Elford .......... , . , . . . . . . 2 00 n ot i: u1s a nd ot.hers with cll'y goods, pr0- E llen Pooley. . . . . .. . . . .. .. ... .. 2 00 A NEW VOLUME- With t he first nnmtcmdmg to sell t.heir goods at greaUy Miunie Solly.. .. . . . . .. ... ... . . . 2 UO ber in January Littel's Liviny Age begins r eanc0d prices is on the incre~~ e rat.her A Friend. ... . . .. .. . . . . ..... . . . . 2 00 . ita one hundred and sixty.fourth volume. lhHJ decrease. We are sorry to St!e W. B. Pinch..... . . . .. . .......... 2 00 The ablest minds of the time are U1ore t11iH . In the 'f irdt phi.ce bec;\uso it is n ut Miss Coleman. . .. ........ . . . . . . 2 00 than ever fi nding expre~sion in foreign UJC->tn:ag ing legitimate tra·le . E i t her the Fred, H o&r. ... .... . . ....... . . . . 2 00 puiodicul literature, and the best of this goods sold ar~ not what they are repr~· J. R. Lavio.... . .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Ii1erature is presented by 'l'he LiviHg A ye seut.etl' to b r, (fm·, if they were, theu they John Jew ell. . .. ..... . .... . ..... . . 2 00 with a satisfactory completeness nowhere could b e purchased of our 111.;rdiants tlB George Gale ........ . ... . . . . . . · · 2 00 else atk mpted. The value to its readers ch ,;ap, if not ch eaper, t han auy por3on 'V . K ellman .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 of thi" standard mag9;:ine is therefore witb a b undle under his arm, tr:welling 'l'ho11rns Blyth e.. . . . ...... . . . . ... 2 00 constantly increasin11. The first weekly abou t the country could possibly affo rd to Quick & \Vright.. . . . .. .. .. . ... . . 2 00 number ot the ne w year has th~ following do ,) el~e the goods a1·e not 110nestly ob- ht:rs . ·J. Fo3ter.... . .. .. . ... . . . . . 2 00 table of con teuts :-English Songs, t;J.ined by first hauds to sta.rt with. E. Dowson............ ..... . .. . 2 00 AnciEJnt and Modern, Ninet~enth Centm·y; Gtin t-rally speaking the goods of r<lmtever .J. Sando & wife... .... .. . . ..... 2 OD The Liberal Movement in English Literantt t urn '.Old in this way are inferior or H. Gl idden.. . ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 turn, Nati.unul Re'l"iew; 'l'lrn Home Life d:i.ma.gcd. They are not wh at t h ey are vV. O utram .... . · . . · · . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 of a Colll't L ady, 'I'emple Bar; 'Nnrzburg rnpresen ~r d to be, aud, no mat.hlr wh at Jtico b Steven s.. . . . .. ............. 2 00 and Vienna, Confom11orary Revie-u; ; Bortl1u sellers · plea may be or what 11.:rgumentu 1 Sm;:m Sully. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2 00 roughdale 0 £ Borroughdale, M cwmi/l.(m ; they m11y use, if you are perijtrn.clea to buy, John Stacy. . . . . . ... . ........ .. . 2 00 At Any Cost, Sunday Magazine ; Style in nine c,;s~a ont of ten the Luyer is the Two Friend~ .. . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 and Mis!' Austen, MacmWan ; The A.rchone w h<· rti&l ly getM sold . '!.'h e be~ L wuy \V. li'ishl"y .. .. . . . . .. .. . ...... . . 1 00 bishop f'f DubliIJ, London 'L'-i,mP:; ; etc. , t u do ia tu :tlways refuse patronage to Emma Cofoman . .. .... . · . . . · · . . . 1 00 with the usual amount of choice poetry. such persons. 'l'here are de1ilerd ewry- James Outr.n n. .. .... ... ........ 1 00 This, the fi rst number of the new volume, wher e leg1tirnafoly eugaged inc:i.terinp: to .John McClellan . .. . .... . ... ... .. 1 00 is a gnDd one with which to begin a subyuur w:uns wb o will give you valuo receiv- Emma, .Plmmner . ........·. : . . . . . 1 00 PCtiption. For fifty-two numbers of ed, :J.tld who will not concoct any story to A. B . C .... .... . .... .. ......... 1 00 sixty-fom· large pages each (01· moro thlln m,;ke yo u bdwvc that yon are purc hasmg l\'Iinnie Blythe... . .. . . . ..... .. .. 1 00 3,300 pagee 1.1 year) the subscription price a r e:dly good article fo1· half piice. F ai'- R. W. He ·n.. . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 ($8) is low ; while for $10.50 the publish· nicrn, benv0tre of these trnvelliu!;:' p enions ; D , Cox . . .. . .... . ..... . ... ... . . . . 1 00 ers offer to ~eud any one of tho American t um a d '~a ( efir to thoir stories, :uid l\o h 0n S;1mucl Barker.. .. .. ... .. . . .. . .. 1 00 $4.00 monthlies or weeklies with The Liv· you wish to ma.ke fl. p urchase g~> to a rel(U· 'fh om as l'adllin....... ...... ... . 1 00 ing Age for u. year, bo th postpaid Littell lar dotiler whom you know, and thus ~ive M. Gilhmcl. .. . ... . .. ~ .· .. . . ,... 1 00 & Cu., Boston, Ml\su., are th~ publisher~. y our influence tu a busines8 h onestly con- J. H e:m'l . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 duc:tecl rather th au eucour11.ge a per~on Alex. :Mc \ Vidas.. ..... ........ .. . 1 00 ·If you have feelings of goneness, ~oo and a busine8S of which you know nothing. ,John Lyle . . ...... .. . . .. . ..... , . 1 00 S?.y "1w" promptly and iu such a rmmnur Chnfl. ·:LI c:wt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 weak and dragging to rally, too n ervous th J.t t hey w1 :l urlderstand thnt you me1m M rH G. D . F lctcli.el'. ..... . .. , . . . . 1 00 to sleep, digestion hardly snffi.ci<1nt to no. Jt 13 to L> bad to t hink strn.ugers can Bell;, Plununee.. , . .. .. .. .... .. . . 1 00 keeµ eonl aud body together, tired brain humbug our people wh en any of o ur mer· Gro. Mnyuard ....·· ·. , ···· ,,. ,. . 1 00 he1'd11ches, pains acr&ss the back, tho c .<aut.; and clothing dc1derr, will deal Mrs. ,T. R eid. . .... . ........... ....... 1 00' whole syst~ru relaxed, e.ore l ungs or 11. hono8tly and giYe v., lne receiqid . Good Samuel Gin1ble t. .. . . . ...... ... .. 1 00 .cough, and ~rill try fr. 1in one to six botp eop :e, you :tre e<Jrtaioly enco uraging diri· Jolm Franl~ ....... . . , . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 00 tles of DR. AesTrn's PnOSPHA'l 'INB, as the oa&e may require, it will not fail to make 11·in~>1te.;rn p :.titioneverytimeyou p;ttronize J ohn Haddy . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 our enthusia.stic friend. Price, $1.00. ~h e tm vr~ llers. G ive them u cold recep· · w. H . Ha.m0n ... .. . . ..... . . . ... l 00 you ion ;;,ml encourage ho neat rnercha.n<liae \ V. ]~ . l'ethi.ck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 For sale by all druggests. by in11.hng wah th1)se you kno'\v. Liz~je HH.ines . . ~.. . . . . · .. · · · . . . . . . l 00 - -- -- ·- - F :mncr l3 un t .. . . .. . . .. ·.. . . . . . . l 00 Good and seasonable advice. As there ·-----~~~=~ The Art Inlercha.ngc i~ an illuscrated X. Y . L . ..... . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. 1 00 is sure to he a great rush at Murria Car1 00 l'iage Works wh en snow fiies fur those hou~,; holci jonrnal uf Painting, Embcoid· Another Friend................ .. ury, Hnme Ai:t Work, Litcr~.ture and Art, .M.iss 13~i 1 ey .... .. . .. . , ..... , · . . . :~ 00 j new stylos of Cutters, we adviae those wiahwh h culo r and design s11ppl~meut aluwts. Fr ank Ta.liing. . ... ... . ....... . .· 1 00 i11g t-0 get their cutters repaired and p11intPublished fortnightly. Prwo per ye;i.1 :, Stephcn Wright. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . 1 00 ed to tu.ke them there as eoon aa pos$3. 00; 8ix: rnontha, $1..65 ; trial thrne J os. Carsca.dclen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 dible. month s, t ;LOO. liJ cent·s per s ingle copy. N ~llitJ Brown ... .. . ... · .... , · . . . 1 00 A single copy, with full-page colored plr.tH, Gertie :Maynard.. .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. 1 00 1 Tmi BES'.!' CoMJJINATION. - The best auo 11 c11i·1 ~logue of <>ther art work hand- R W. Wilson.............. . .... . 1 00 combination of blood cleansing, rcg ulat btJolrn, ecnd on receipc of 15 cents in W. :F'. Vanstone .. . ..... . .. ,,. . .. 1 00 1 ing, health giving herbs, r oots and bar ks ~tamps. A.dd r"ss. WM. \Vun.r.ocK, Pnb· H orbert 'l'yler., .... . ... ...·· , .. . 1 00 enter into Burdock Dbod Bitters - a. Alex Lucke . . . ..... ............ , 1 00 purely vegetable remedy that cures d iseaslisher, 140 Nassau 8treet, New York. . . Olui.rfos Bnrden . .... . . ....··... , 1 00 eG of the blood, liver and kidneys. WELL TO Rlh:.llE!lfHlllt.-.A 11titcl1 in tirn1> D . Mutton . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . 1 00 s11v ee1 mn e. Herions re1Sults oft follow a Thorna11 Blythe.. .. . . . . . . . . · . . · . . l 00 A Doo:l!L:a Punrosi:. - The popula.r n eglect of oonstipded bow11!1 a.nd b&d W. VM!e..... ... . . ............ . 1. 00 J nmedy, Hagyard'~ Yllllow Oil, i· Ull:ld blood . B urdock Blood Bitttln1 re>guli.to Sari\ H611le .. , ··· · · .····.. · , . . . . 1 00 both internally 1md externally, for achff, 1md purify the stomach, bowels, fryer, M-r~. \V. Colem1m.... ....... .... 1 00 pain·, cola·, orgup, rhe11.ma·i11n, deafnNll, lddneye a nd blood. Take it in 1i1&e. Sa mu9l J.'01·aythe,.,.,,.,. .... .. . . l QO . Mlll !iMMem &I aninAanunaM>ry .Baiurt. SALVATION ARMY. A Peculiar Law Suit A. 0 I Q. I 81 "C. =========== Owing to press of business d uring Yule tide we have had to omit n otice of a. case of unusual interest to wme of our readers, which origiimted in our midst, we refer to tho trial of Mrs. Lizzie Hall, wife of John Hall of Darlington, for feloniously wounding with intent to do bodily harm to one Martha Barber which was heard at the last sitting of the Quarter Sessions at Cobourg, before Judge Chrke ttnd a jury. The c;uie was in some respects a strnnge one, it being allegetl Dy Martha Barber, a girl of about six1 een years, that she had l)een employed l.>y Mrs. Hall as a servant for 0 n° month ending about the ist 0 £ N uvember last, and w hilc there and about ! ' ·.ii t he _mid<lle of tho term, she wns for tl. I Foo· d~ trivial reason brutally beaten by ' , Mrs. Hall with a heavy stick, tn such an extent ns to pro<lnce brn·ses, which re- and everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery and Pro~ sulte<l in serious illness and caused an v ision Store, will be sold at the lowest possible prices. abscess which required constant mcdic:Ll attendance ancl painful operations. She alleg~d tlrnt no oue was present. but her- CASH for Beef, Pork, Eggs, Butter, Hides, Tallo1v alild all self and Mm. Hall at the time of the b.,1ttFarm Produce at C. M. CAWKER'S. ing, hut other e \·idence, mnong whi~ Dr. Boyle, the attending physician, was - ---o---chief, was adcluced, who saw the marks I also return my sincere thanks to my numerous friends and. patrons. on her body, and could speak of t he abscess wl1ich he thought had been caused for their very liberal support d uring the last fifteen y ears, al"ld hope by by a. beating, to prove that some one had tock, to still merit . bea.ten her. The girl herself who was strict attention to business and keeping first -class R described ])y the Doctor as one who had the same, wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year .. not much bodily or mental vigogn.ve a very disconnected story,andonewhich wethmk, and as.the result proved had 110 right to cre1lcnce. She :i.dmitted that she had told many entirely different stories of the STAND :- Town Hall Buildings, next to Ont. Bank cause and time of the trouble, and two weeks after t h e alleged beating she left the accused's home after heg!.{ing Mrs. Hall to :illow her to remain aml telling her j if she was sent h ome she feared she would be h en.t en because she had been so untruthful, and had b een guilty of t:i.king wlrnt did not be.long to her to snch an extent that Mr. and M rs. Hall woul d not retain her in t heir Rervice. Tak iug the girl's own testimony it is dillicult t o under· 11tn.nd how the Police Magistrate came to the couclusion, on the preliminary investigation, that there was Rufficient evidence to put Mrs. Hall on her trial at the Sesswish their many friends throughout West Durham ions in the face of her assertions, that she had on no occasion in anv manner either />truck or beaten the gir( but the Magistrnte we undernt;mcl decided that he had no right to try whether the evidence in such cases is worthy of belief but is bound to commit if there be any evidence to support the clULrge, t h is view may be A .. correct and rules of law r equire it, but in ~.l our humble opinion if so, the duties of a Magistrate ;ire not very responsible, and preliminary investigations become a Farce. At the trial, however at Cobourg, where Mrs. Hall was defended by Mr. D. Burke Simpson the presiding ,Judge took a very :<trong view of tho danger of trusting to such evidence as that offered by the girl who he described as one physically and morally low, and gnvo a charge to the jury so favorable to Mrs. H all that without being their box they acquitted her. 'I.Ye arc glad to be able w cougratufate ]\'[rs. Hall as to her success, though no one 'l'ho ]mows her could have thought for a moment that she had committed the crime with which she mis charged, yet we regret if it be so, that the state of our laws is such that on testimony so unreliable, any one is liable to be put t o Emch annoyance, ll'x pense, and we might say, for the time, disgrace, as that which Mrs Hall has suffered. GROCERIESl Crockery & Giassware) flESlt AND cuaan MEA T8~ Coarse and Fine Salt, American and Canad1·an Coal · 01·1 Flou· and Feed Empire Horse and Cattle C. lYJ. CAWKER. couc::a:, JOHNSTON &CBYDBHMAN. A Happy New Year! .-..d while thanking them for their liberal patronage in the past, would assure them that nothing will be wanting on their part to deserve a continuance of the same in the future. I DOOR WEST OF POS:T orncE, BOWMANVI LLE. I ?'· I 'l'o the E&itor of the St<itesinan. · DEAR Sm,··- As I understand some persons have stated tlrnt I am the author of a communication which appeared in your l:ist issne, headed "Bricktown Church Gossip," a.nd as some may b elieve that I am so if tha sbitemen t goes uncontradicted. Allow me sp1we to say that 1 neyer saW" nor heard of it until ] saw it in prin t, and that I had nothing to do with it in any way, and am not the writer of it, and ha'l"e not the slightest idea who the writer is. Although I attend St. Paul's chucch I am not a member, and hnve nothing to d u Yours, &c. , ·with i ts quarrels. ROBERT ARMOUR.. Bowmanville, Januii,ry 7, 1885. YES, Sm,--One can't expect tC> succeed in busim ss or in pleasure either, for that matter, unless <>nti felllR ell right in h<>alth and in spirits. This is the.first considerntfon. Now, ib a amallmatter when this remedy, zo.pE.SA, is recommended so highly' even g1wranteed to renew one's energy and spirits by invigoralinv. the Liver and aiding DigP.stion, by cleaning th e B1ain, opening the pores of the akin, regulating the Bowels and system, to go to the drug store and get a single bottle of ZoPERA as a. tria.l. It is a duty every one o wes to himself. 'l 'ry a. bottle then. Choppers' Attention' ~ American Axes, Burrell' s Axes, Dundas Axes, Axle Handles Cross Cut Saws, Butting Saws, Patent Handles, at Rock Bottom Prices at LEE &EOSALL'S Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. Christmas, Christmas. Merry, Glorious, Happy Christmas. 1ed a goods of all descriptions. See table for Presents and New Year's Gifts for old and young. Call and see them at PRESENTS AND 'XMAS BOX.ES Just arri and now opened out, splendid assortment o:f S., MASON le SON'S. Fur the balance of the season we will o:ffe:t· I I EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Comprising Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishir Overcoats, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, J:i'"'ur C1 and Caps, Muffs, &c., &c. 1'his powder nevllr varies. A marvel of purity, strength altd ...-hol.ieomeness. More economic11l tha.n the ordinary kind8 and cu.nnot be aold in competition wit.h the multitude ot lo>Y tcet, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold ofl.l'V i,. ccw.s. RoYAI> B.UONG PowDJ:RCo.. Hlll w ..u .· t. N. Y. Duriug tlie qoict months we will sa.cri· ~ea prieM. .£lliton A -Oo. I - --- -·-·-- - TAILORING DEPARTMENT COMPLETE AND EMPLOY FIRST CLASS CUTTERS'.. Elegant Fits Guaranteed· . J Grocers' Due Bill taken as Cash for Goods. S. MASON & SON.._

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