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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1885, p. 6

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~rm.:t-.rQ'~~"!_.:m~~~~~lll'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!~~~"'="'~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~·m:~,rn~~t~·~~ · ~~.~~~~~~· ~ ·~~~ · ~·~·:... :;~1r.~·=;r.i::1"1!:!'J.!l'ltl'IJ'm>.1!l'A.<J!,ll!:i!!.!H:::Z1~tt'it'llmUY."it'..'..-i'.ll"-'!.ro1~~~1!.'v.:·~lllll She looked at h er with t hat curious I .BI.iUNDERS I.N IHUJG §TOZ:.ES ghmoe, half colc:l, h&lf pitying, which Flo>!S had met so often in her eyl\a of '.il'lle <.lQ1·4l lteq11.lred to 4.Toi4. Fa,t111-I Wstlikcs. CATARR.f!,- A now Treatment wb.ereby a late. Bnt thi~ was better than th., dis· Bahind a neat tmlaoYiption counter the permanen t cure iu effect1~d in from one to thre CHAPTER Vll. -(CONTINUED. ) - llYwhom eve1-ybody knows as the SUOQOSSflll gu.st and horror wit h which Geor~e hotd dru11gl11b Bl),tJ smoking 11. oig11r and talking treatments. Pd.rticulrus and 'l'reatise free on manager of the r~?e1 p~ of st1u~p . A . H. DfXON &; tlON,1361 "Wll"J did you not come earlier r' & he regarde-d her ; and she clirng t o Lady lfilh a friencl on 11 moiut eveuiug whiim I-..mg J\f. A. ..t\.MES, Street, W eot, Toronto. Heatherbloom aa her one friend. eaid. baaineas in tJ10 drag store WAS less brisk A.'1, 'l'III.C OFEICE, "I will ta.ke you homo now, FiosG," than urmal. Complex yet faint odors WHAT TilE REV . E, B. STEVENSON. B.A·. A "D1lamere will let yott aih out hia II oslOtl!eeBloclk,KlngSt.,lRowma11vllle, 6n.1 of. America, says tllat while a paA3enr:c1· from dance," he replied, after looking at the said Lady Heat,herbloon, "if yon feel able from t he hundred& of cv.rdully labdl~d CL IJ:TWYMAN OF 'l'IIE LONDON CONFEHE:SOE OF 'I'Uli: M·:1·HoD1s-r CliURcn OF CAN.ADA New Yorlt on boa1·d a ahip goivg arouH<I Capo 1111.ruea on the card. "Ask h im ; I don't to go." T J::l R. Tu:I: 8 : jars and bott les on the "helves mini·l.!ld H AS, 1.'0 SAY IN REGARD TO A . H . DIXON &, Horn, in the early days of emigratio11 to Citl.. Yes, yes," the girl answere'1 o:&gerly, 1\7ith the foi.grance . of tobacco om~ke, wa.n~ t o dance, I want to speak t o you." f!H,60 ticraunnm,01· ~l.Ollif paJtl t n aclvanee SONSNEWTUmA 'l'MEN T FOR CA'l'.ARRII. ifomla, be learned thttt one of tho ofticers oC " take me home." 0.AKT,,\ND, ON'rAlUO, llAN. , l\'faroh 17. 1883 This was easily arranged, Mr. Delamare eeemed to impart a m1storiou11 oharm to Payment strictly in advance required from tho vessel !lad ctired himsolf,.duriu(l tile voy- being an intimate fnt.nd of George's ; Mess1·s . .d.. H. Dixon, &; Son. "Geor,ge," sald Lady Heather bloom, thll conversation. ' ·I have Ula.de it a !1.bscr1be1·a outside of t.he county. Orders to D.ri:>1.r<Sms-Yoursof thel3t.h instant to hand. age, C>f au obstinate disease by the use of iscontinue the paper mu~t bt> accompanied by :.wd, a.Iter two more dances, t he young "will you t ell them to call up the point for thirty years," said the druQ'gist, It seems a lmost. too goorl to be t.ru o that I am er unount d ue,orthe papel' will not be stopped. m:m came and claimed Floss, and led her ciuria."e i" "bo pay strict attention to I\ prescliprion cured of Catarrh , but I know tbat l am, I hava eubacl'!bers are responsible until full P>LYment is no return of the disease and ne.,.er felt Flo~s said not a word, on the w11.y while I a.m compounding it, a.nd then to had away into one of the many tete -a-tele cor· made. better In my life. I have tried so many thlngs ners provided for the purpoee cf flirta- home, of what had made her iii ; aha drop it ont of my mind entirely. That i· for catarrh, sufff,red so mu ch and for so ma.ny lt AT~S OJI" ADTEJl'.flSlNG 1 ~6~ Since ijien Mr. LELAND has recommelll\e<l tion. could not nerve herself to speak of it. the best way to avoid makinfl mi8~'koit1. " years. tbat it is hard fo1· me to realize that lam Whole Column one year .... ......... $50 00 ~ ::;~ AYER'& SAllSAPAIULLA in' maur simi4u: really bettor. Bnt George seemed not to be in tho She lay b1ick still and silent in the carHalt year · . . · . . · . . . . . 30 00 · ~ ~ A girl with a. aha w1 over her h011.d I consider that mine was a very bad caee; it .lllsos, and ho has never yet heard of ite faU. One quarter ..... . .. , 20 00 ~~ rhge, and when t hey reached the house humor for flirtation or love-making. He came in and prea11nted a bot tle and a ~a~ aggravated and chronic, involving the ure to effect a. radical cure. Half Column one year ...... ... ... ... 30 00 - throat as well as the nasal passages, and I she went very quietly to her room. It remained silent for 11omo minutes after he ., " Halt year .... .. .. .... .. 20 00 p iece of paper on which her mother h11d thought So me years ago one of J1r1·. r .nLA ND'S far!\\ I would require the three treatments One quarter .. ... ...... 12 60 " ' lal>orou bruised his leg. Owl ug to the bR<\ ·was v..lone with F loss. At last she could had looked like a prieon a short time writtGn : " P iere send 6 can ts wth orinka bnt fee l fu ll y cured by the t wo sent me, and I Quarter Col urnn one yee.r .. .. , .. .... 20 00 ago ; no it appeared a haven of rest-for beat· it no lonp;er, and, leaning forwa:d a Bto.to of liis blood, 9.n \ljlly scr.oJul(}U· 8\\'~!Ung for l!IOre throte." He q11tet ly poured am thankful t.h,1t I waa cvor induced to sen Ralf year .. . .. . . .. .. 12 50 " " you. ltttle, put her gloved bad on his arm. lb seem ed t o her that no w indeed her some arn!ca. in to the bottla, paaterl on a toYou 01 · lump appeared ou t11e injured limb. l!orOne quarter ... ... .. 8 00 - 5 are at llberty to use th.is letter stating "George," she said, ' i11 there anyth ing heart was broken. She went to her label, took the proffered nickel , and e.at that I have !Jeon cnred at t1vo treatments, and riblo itchln~ of t h e akin, with burnlug a!.l<\ Sl.x: lines a ndi:mder , first Insertion .. $0 50 E ach subsequent insert.ion .. .... 0 25 I shall gla<ll.Yrecommend your remedy to some darting pains through th& lamp, aiade lilo wrong 1 You are not ang~ with me 1 writing-table and wrote two or three down to resume h!.z talk. 9'rom six to t en lines, first ineertior:, O 75 ·· ot my friends who a.re sufferers. almost ' intolerable. Tho leg baoome 1111or. And you can't suspect ma now linea to Lord Heatherbloom. "As I wafl 1111.ying, I iilwa;ya forg~t a E ach subsequent Insertion. ..... 0 35 ·Yours with muny thanks, 111-01ialy e11larged,,and r unning ulaers tormejl, "Why1" sa.id George. "Jus t becii.use :Iver ten lines,tlrst insertion,perline 0 l~ =-IO REV.E.B.STEVENSON. I o. the morning she was so. wor n out prescription as soon a~ 1 fill it. Of cour:.e dlsoh8.rgl.ni grell.t quantitloo of extremel7 the su11piclon h !l.Gbeun ah ifted on to some wlt h a sleepless nigh t t hat she made no it is number6d and praaarved for fut ure ,ij]aoh subsequent insertion, " 0 o.~ 'l'onoN'l'O, April 2!, 1882, ol101Ullvo Jllatter. No treatment was or any one else 1 To my mind that makes the attempt to rise. But she h eld bo her reference, bu \ if one of my regular c 11~ 'rhe number of lines to be reckoned by A. ll. Dixon, R.qq., 305 K1:na St .. West. he apace occupied, menaured by a acalo of avail unt\l tho man, by Mr. LELA.N~'s dJreomatter much worllo. I his was just whs.t DEAR SIH,-\\! e take 1}]oasure i n stating that 101id Nonlla'reil. ' · tlon, was supplied with AvEll'S SA.nsJ..PA.· I wanted to speak to you u.bout. I fool I urpose. She sen t the note ehe had written tomers should ask me to pub up 'some our junior nartµe~, who had for years been to .l,l)rd H ertherblo l m. more medicine &ame as the la.st, you tnrnbled wit!:l Cai;arrh, was successfully cured nrr,LJ,, which allayed the pain and Irritatil>ll. healed the sor'lS, removed tl1 0 ewelUQ\i, ai;4 can 't let Rlcldell bea.r the blame, even if W hen lie opened it in h ·e st udy, h e k now,' I would have to send him homti by t llf."" . treatments of your r emedy. '!' he L. POTTER. U .D. you are hearbless ePough. Think of i t - g:;.zed at the page as U it held some for the ~ttle which had the number of · -(.!al'l'h wasmnch aggravated, with continual oompletely restored tl10 limb-lo use. R.A.DU A T E of Queen's College, .Kingston dropping In to the throat. accompanied by loas tha.t she has served us atnce I ea.n remem a nd M<1mber of Colt ii::e of PhyRiciana and Mr. LELA.NI> hns persoo.ally wrotI mysl;e·ry, so astonL!hed was he. Then he the prescription on l b. If I had att.~:i~t or voice, hawking and spitting and blocking up durgeon e , Onta rio. bel' and alwaye honestly I What a repay· ed to r emember tAll the madiQiiiell I had ef the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to lmmediat.ely went out, keeping the let ter W Office and Residence, Enniskillen. 17 say disappeared a lmost immodiatcly a-fter t he ment t o make t o her I" in hfa hand, and drove to George'a to mix, :I would 110'"' ~;, ii.JJ!ane. .A drug· remedy was Ftpplled. Your remedy is certainly The ligh b had faded from FloBS's eyesa!sh ougM, ', o" fool t hab Wh"ll h e filb · an Inva luable on'e and. we hope all who may J) r . A.. 'BEl'Hi, chambers. her lips grew p~le-she t ook h er hand be suffering from this disai::reeable disease wi\l for Rheumatism, wit h entire sucoetls; an.I, .., RADUATE OF T HE TORONTO UNIVER ' Geor ge," he said, going straight in ph~P-~oi.an'a order he holds the life of some give it a trial, as we are aat.isfied they will .find away from hi.a arm 1md drew back from l:r SI'rY, Physician, Surgeon. &iJ. Otllce King after careful oboervat!on, de1Jlares that, fu pel"!lon in h\11 han d. To mist&ke one It a complete success. upon h is brother, and not pausing . ~ve~ ~treet, MORRIS' BLOCK. Bowmanville. him.. bis belief, ~ere ls no medicine In the world drug for another at such 11 time may coat Yours very tru lr-, "What can yon m ean!" she said. t o aay good morning, "w~~~ , dooo tb.ia a life. Such mbte.kes rtl8ult from carle"8equal to it for the cmt\ of Llvcr Disorders, WM. No1uns & SON, G. JI, CA.RTE1'll., B . A.,, B.Sc., 1\1, D ., C.M:J me~n 1 I have a let ter r.are from F loss Wholesale Pianos and OI"gans. "George, what fa it tha t hall come beGout, the elfects or h igh living, Saa n e1111 as a rule, not from ignorance, ~ s No. 8 .A.delalde St.East. ng me th~t sh e J<:.~iows Rid dell fa innot elb ICENTIATE OF THE COLLE GE Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, and u,J! Qlo t we"'ll us7" moat psop~e t hink." · of Physio°ians and Surgeons of Ontario. AD°\'ICE TO ~ronnms. various forms of bloocl d i seases. · ' "Your· own deceit.falness," he said cent, and aiikm r {n0 t o have her immedi" D a.d wants a poor-house blister," said OFll'ICE AND HESIDENCE :- Main St., OronoWe have Mr. LELA.NI>"S permlsslM1 to lnvit41 ately r.t~:aaed "'t rom arreat. Then she a hoy who he.d entered the store unobAre you distur bed at night and broken ot hruitily, and t hen stopped. H e had fl.,~ ~ your rest by a ~ick child sufferin g and cryin·g · termined -,_~,re·1roach her . What he sa,;:, ·u I want aDy explanation, to ask served. .J. W . McLaughlln, ltI, 11., · with pam of cutting teeth 1 If so, send a t once t.,~;.J' UvU · ·J:r"lt>h, tJ.ou~h~ · yQ;t, with her au thority, to tell me all you ICEN'I'I.A.'r E OF '.l'IIE ROY" T and get a bott.Je of MRS. WrNSLOw's SOQTIJING "W hab does he want it for 1" '!.Y was plain env~ 0 -, · ":;!· he of P hysicians aw' 'J !·'OR CEIILDREN TEETHING. Its Vifl e is know." "To put on ma.'a 11ide where he-where SYRUP verv difficult to exp1·e1111 it ; but it College of Snrgeo" incalc11lable. It will relieve the poor little "Th1mk Heaven!" brea.th ed Georg'} to it pains 'er I" . .Oftl.oe : M OP " sutrerf>rimmediately. Depend upon it. mothora, no reproaches, no Judgmont on · i'1e. there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentary ··Do you roean a porous plaster i" iter all, he thoughi, as he lookQ<i himself ; but Lord H oo.therbloom did not and dia.rrhrea., regulates the stomach and " Oh I yes!ir. " beautifol eyes, was she responsi- hear him. bowels. ou1 ·os wind colic, softens the gums. " Come, George," he said, after waiting " ln nine cs.sea ou t of ten, I believe," reduces inflammation, and gives tone and . ·~· "'\ ·eing so complete a mockery 1 It energy to the whole system. l\'fHs.WrnsLow's a moment, "speak out and clear up this the druggist said , when he had <>pportu· SOO'J'EIINO SYRUP Creator who had chosen to mask FOH CIIJJ,DHEN '!'EJ.:'l'illNG is nworthy aoul behind such perfoot thing, if yo·1 can. D o you know who nl~y to take up the thread of his discoui:se plC!·sa.nt to the taste, and iB t he prescrip~ion of took t hose dili.monds ~' ouo of the oldest an cl beat femal6 nurses and again, "carle~sness and not ignorance iii a. So he tol d himself, kylng to in the Unite<l States, and I.a for sale Geor~e maae no answer; and Lord the ca.use of druggists' mistakes. A physicians able, t rying to b e gentle wtt h by all druggists throughout the world, Price ·um, who~e near neighborhood Heat.herbloom, tbking t his edence as druggist wh() knows that he is not pro· 2i> cents a bottle , his pulses beat high. For t he assent, added in a lower voice , "Waa it ficiellb 1n the b usiness will ~ook carefully REST a1ul CO!tI FOR 1.' to the SllFFRfNG. at every jar or bottle which h e uses ln s heart was wounded, not dea.d, I! loss~" ". R i·own 's HonscloouJfl Panacea " has no His brother had been st.anding with his oompounding an order. An ex perienced Jied. Its dooth-a,gony had yet equal for relieving pain, both internal and exback to him, professedly rolling up a druggist, unless he is a careful man , will ternal. It cur" Pain in the Side, Baok or ilsed to recover himself, and cigarette. N ow he turned round, letting sometimes militake one drug for another Bowels, Sore Throat. Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago alld any kind ef a J>ain or Ache. " It ~ a nevr beginning.. ,, the cigarette-papt:r an d the t obacco fall ""hich hl!>s a similar appearance, because will most surely quicken the Blootl and IIeal, t you t o do something for me, from h is finger s unheeded. Th e sight of he neglects t o look at the label. Suoh as i ts acting p owers is wondorft1l. /) " Brown.a .Panacea," b13mg actmowledgod as "I do not think you can r.efoae his face was all the answer Lord Heather- errors happen more ee.sily when a man Househokl the great .Pain Heliever, and of dou ble the bloom needed. permits hls counter to become liter ed strellgth or any other Elixir or Liniment in tho "Thia t~ awful," the latter said under with drugs not wanted for immediat e use. world, should be in every family handy for uao L e what ib is !" she retu rned when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy ilough her voice trembled , for his breath ; and, sitting down, he drop- It is safer to clear t he count~l.' after ea.ch in the world for Cramps in tho Stomach, and in his manner made her vague- ped his head npon his hand. "Tell me," order is filled. The worst possible ha.bit Pains and Aches of all kiuds."and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. he went on, e.fter a long silence, " h ow for a druggist, however, is to remember s next words. prescriptions already compounded. When ; you to go to l:Ieatherj)loom you found it out. " CONSi.!Hl?TION rnm.1£l&.-,'\n Olll physician. With a. great effort, George forced him- a man attempts the feat of t hinking about retired from practico. having had placed in his .i m that you know Riddell is hands by an East India missionary the !onuula You need sa.y no mor~ ; he self to speak, and told, in very few words, an old prescription while he is at work or a. simple vegetable rcmerly for the speedy of his interview with the lam.p-lighter. on an new one, he is in a fair way of ancl permanen tcure ofUonsumption.Hronchitis. ratand whab you mean, and he ".A.nd you told h er of this 1" com.mittlng a murderous blunder. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Ltrng .A.f· make you suffer ; yon a1·e my rections, also a posif.h·e and radical cure for "Good evening, doctor." "Ye11. She made no attempt at denial ; wife, and he will remamber Nervous Debility and all nervous Comphtinta, A man with a long, t hin nose, who had after havill g teBted its wonderful curative but she fain ted dead a.way where she entered softly, waited until the druggiet powers in thousands Of case·, has felt it his !!aid Floss, "l don't know that sat." to ma ke it !mown to his snffel'ing fellows. had walked from the prescription oount.er duty 1 "You m ean to marry her 1" Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve innocent I" to the front bafore he enquired in u, lo' W b uman suffering, I will send free of charge, to "Yes. " lifted h is ha.nd and let -~t fall all who desire it, this recipe, in German.French, "Tb.en I will leave it; to you to recvv9r ~OUQ : ;111 his knee ; it was a C:1rious or 1"nglish, full directions for preparing "h ther e any aickneas in Mr. Piiibc,xe'd and using. with Sent by mail by addreasi1!Jor. with gesture ; Floss unde-rstooo the Hratherbloom diamonds. Get the f\tamp. namin~ this pape1·, W. A. NOYJ~:S 149 family i I see his boy came in .here 5, ieant disgu~t ; it meantl even sacret whlcn she keeps so closely from Powe·,.·s Blocl.Rocheste1· N . Y. 45. . spo.ir ; but ahe did not Iknow hor if yon can. They ~re not to be trac- while ago." "If you wi~h ~o knflw about Mr. PillGood-bye, G,;orge, 10 did not real113e tli.at ehia was ed without lier help. "\TT ANTED, a resident Agent in every him to the heart with 1every my poor fellow-don't let this thing cut boxe's you had better go ancl ask him. I 'fl Village, Town and City of the Doroinlonl do not make a praccfoo of r etailing goMip arso, a row 'l'ravellers to sell ou r Nicw Am GAS : h made no answer for ia mo- you up more than you ·c an help, I am about ~fAcnINES, for making .Am GAS 50 per cent. my cuetomer11. " hen he eaid, in a sullen d.ogged going to get Riddell out of cust3dy." ohoaper than coal gae, equally a.a GOOD. No I "Ah! Good evoning." FIRE or power required. Made iu all ~izes That afternoon Riddell resumed her "There Ls another reason why a d rug- from 15DllRNERS1.0 1,000, for PmvATE HOUSES, usual place in the household ; and t.he mind-I want you t o do ~t." STOR!l:S. HO'J'EU<. l·'AC1'0RIP!R, 8 '1.'HHE'.l'S, MIN EA, he answered ; "I cannoh, even servants were more afraid of her than gist should forget his work when h ia el:c., .Address, 'l'rrn GAN.A.Dl AN AlH GAS! tinlshed," sald the compounder afte r the l\iACF.U::S-1!.l MANUFAC1'U 1UNG C0., 115 St L know nothing as to whether ever, for she had acquired more alarming Fi-ancois Xavier Street, Montreal, P . Q, ~3·ly . innocent or not. Wh~1-, by as11oolations from having been so intimate- inquieitive man had departed. "Such a prp,ctloe enables a man no k eep the conly mixed up with the terrible question of do, should I bring sm:picion tidence 0£ customers withou·b trouble. 1yself 1 I cannot do it, even the lost diamonds. Late in the afternoon she asked to Nothing ls more iatal to the tuaineee of a well, be i t so I" said George, in speak to Lord Heatherbloom. He was a druggist than a well-founded belief &mcng 1.'o the Hm·tfm·d Fire Ins111rance Oo. I hereby ret nm thanks for the prompt paypa11sion that he could not little ner. v ous a.bout granting this aud i- his neighborll that he will gossip a.boor; ment by your agent, Mr. 'l'hoa. Bingham, for "If you will nob do that, ence , for hjl e;xpected reproaches ; but peraons who buy dmg~ from him. l t is darnac(e done to my honec by !Ire. I received surprising how many persons m ake at- a cash check by return ma.il after my claim ll I keep up this farce of yours. Riddell had none to m ake. · 111.HS. C. C. BURK. '0 on between ns. I know this "My lord," she began, with more tempts to get information from druggists was forwar:ied. ~as you who left the house the timidity in her manner than he had ever about their neighbore. I have given T o the Manaaers of he fllasaow and Loncton Fire Insurance Oo. . diamonds were stolen. 1 am seen before, "I don't know what it is blunt answers in such eases, and, curiousI hereby retnrn thanlts for tbe prompt pay. 6 -·~,I'; M ~[,JJlY~Al"):.'l'Jr:i_ ..._ ·· com,~ "·<ilieve, then, that you stole that has got me my release. and ( sup- ly enough many of the persons wh o have ment by youl' agent, M:r. '!'hos. BinghA.1n, for .pi.t.l,,..its1 suclt as .L ...u . ,,a;a., Dysentery, appeared to be most offended at my r edamage to my house which was insured in the v/1 .olern Infantum., su<l<l<m CoM.·, Chills, them-wu... , elae can I think 1 I had pose you don't suspect me any longer ; .A. ··" ' I Fire Insurance Co.. having received lV"eu..1·algif1, etc., etc. Sol<I. e·veryu'f1crr->. determined to bear the knowledge that bub s~ill I want to te'.l your lordship fusals to give information have be- Sovereign :J.>1·ice, 2 0 .,, 2/ir. a1'u l 150c _ p,,,. Jfotll~. come regular customers of mine. In caah check by return of mn.il after claim was my future wife is a thief and a liar ; but what I said I never W\'Uld tell any one, l east sent in. MRS. C. C, DURK. D A.VIS & LAWRE NCE CO. Limited. I cannot endure to aee her heartlessness. ofallyour lord2hip; bu t I'mdetermined t o such oases the golden rule can be followed Wholesal0 Af.l'"DtH. Montreal. From the above settlement of claim parties with profit as well as with plea sure. " You must save Riddell at any cost." now, else I sh ould never be sure you did not holding Sovereign Policies will see that they are all right, and they need not pay any atteu Her eyes were fixed upon him and had still harbor suspicions against me in your tion to the agent of the Dominion Grange Lincoln's Gr eat Strength. grown wide wi th fear ; her lips had re- mind--" humbug or any one else who are going round mained parted as she listened, and had "No, no, Riddell-no !" interrupted .A. writei:' in the New York Times r e· telling l'olks that their Sove~·eign Policies are no 17ood, become so white and parched that 11he L ord Heatherbloom ; but the old h ouse- cords an Incident in the life of Abraham THOS. BINGHAM, could hardly ~paak when she made the keeper was determined to finish what ahe Lincoln as follows : E S T A B L I S H E D 18 84, B OWMANVIT..L E attem.p b. . had to say. I have cha nced u pon a new aneodote of .J Queen S t reet Enst , T oron to, Ontario. " George, " she se.id, "how do you know. "I would have died sooner than let Abraham Lincoln, or one that is new to WITII TEETil. Wl'l'HOO T Tllrn;re. These Electro-Curative Delts, Insoles and that i t waa I who left the house t,hat the police know i ~, your lordship, for it me, at least. The Hon. Allen Francis, Trusses are night 1" would just have convinced them of my United Stat6B Oonsul at St. Thoma,, Insure in th e Confederation l/\o Asso· ".Becaure I found a man who had guilt ; but I will tell your lordship now, Can . , t ells it to me. The first dally news Superior to any other Remedy J·JtA.C'l'ICA.L ~ENTIST , seen yon, not tllllt night only, but once that y ou r mi nd will be clear about me. I paper in Illinois was M r . lJ'ranoill'. Be ciat10 n. I t is cheaper t han the 't.lanadian and w ill cin ·e ·when before. He met you face t o faoe the 'a.ad a b rother once, who got int o trouble M utna.J Aid, A. 0 . U . W. 01· any pa.'!s aOVEU TWEN'.l'll' ll'EARS EXPERIENCE. and Mr. Lincol n were fa~t Mends in roq nd your hat institution, as the follow!UtrousOxtdeGa s A.dm llltstere d fo1· Puln lcs 11econd time ; he described you to me. in Londonat Heatherlands we all ss,id all other remedies their early manhood, and he tells man;y He spoke of your hair and its i.rolden he was dead, and my mother would never anecdotes illustrative of the simple llfe ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung Ove1·a tton s. fall. OFFl <:E 11U)()L1JNG' S :CLOCK. beauty ; I showed him that tr ess you bad allow us to speak of h im but as dead- for and manly career of the fntnre Prel!!!dent b a a been insured since 1872 for$Z,000and c:u b for me, and he recognized it. You he was s en t into penal eervit ude, your ere he was called to respon3ibility and the las t five yea.rs it only cost him $2 .55 Circular and Consults.· can deceive me no longer, and you can per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John lordship ; and rather than think of a fame. M cC!ung iusured at the same time for the play wit h me no longer . I flung that brother of mine !n that way, ! learned to tion free Linooln was the local athlete be7ond trooa you gave me into the Ser pentine. think of him as dead. But, a litt le while compare. In leaping, runn ing, wre·s tling, same amount and it only coat him $1. 74 A FEW SIMPJ., J~ TESTIMONIALS THAT I am no longer yonr slave, blinded, like a a ero, some lawyers found me out ; and it boxing, swimming, in every ruDl epoxn, per annum on each $1,000 to i nsure, he SPEAK Fon THEMSELVES. fool. But I shall keep my pledge-I will s:ems poor Jim had got hi:! ticket-of- he wafl at the head. One winter night being a litt le younger. We certify the above to be correct. Tli.os. Ottawa, Sept. 3rd, 1883. do all I can for you, if you will do a. little leave, and, t hrough some stroke of good young Franels and Lincoln went sleie;hMcClung, John McClung. A. NOJ.~MAN, Esq.,- Dear S ir,- 1 have experi- for me!' luck imd his industry, had made a foring. Into an lee-covered slough went the enced considerable benefit from yourAppliances THOS. BINGHAM, .Agent. J net as he had finished spe11.king, h e tune ; and dying, with ;no other tie in hor se, to :tlouuder deeper and deeper at I !eel stronger and better every day. Yours truly, H. E. llALIBUR'l'ON. was etartled by feeling that Floss had the world, he had left it all to me. I each attempt to extricate h imself. Ont Petcrboro', Sept. 15th, 1883. fallen against him ; he had been looklng h11.ve broken my vow to mother, ever to jumped the young men t o the rescue. HARNDEN, L. D. S.9 A. NORMAK, Esq ..- Dear Sir.- i:loon after I at the ground, and was not observin~ her. let youi: lor·d~hip kno·w one of our family .Break!og t he ice from around the legs of ,our Electric Appliances. commenced to use Graduate of the Royal. College or Dental they opened my bowelR, cured my cough and Ho B:\W now that nh~ Wlli! uncommlous ; had been so diagraced ; bub I'm happier tho sunken antmel they pre1>3red to place Surl{eons, Ontario. ··· oold, relieved my liestd, and considerably re· l!lhe had fainted dead a~<>y, for the firnt now l've tol d you, my lord, and I'm HUre their Bhou\dG:tti under t,he horse's bcdy ---<0->--lioved my catarrh in consequence. '.l'he dis- time in her life. · OFFICE OVER DICKtlON'S S'fORE. you'll keep my secret." charges from my head and cheat are now eaey. to lift hi:n out. But before Frsncis waa I feei altogether botter. :My digeation has George was so scared by the sight of "Riddell, I can only beg ycur pardon fairly iu position Lincoln had .~hot h'.3 ~OLD FILLING A SPECIAI,TY. and improved, my stomach less sour and windy, l?hte Work executed in tho lutest and mo~t and I a m less troubled wi1.h lascivious and her white face and breathless llpa, that for throwing such a suspici()n on you," he11.d and shouldero between h111 eteed a vivid dreams. Iliad pre.,.lously tried almost all he forget everything but his love for her, said Lord Hoat.herbloom ; "but t he forelega, and with a tremendous efl:ort imp1·oved style ot thA Dental .A.rt. the advertised patent medioincs without deriv- which he found, n ow th..t he saw h er ln mystery a.bout those diamonds is enough had rai!ed the heavy, ht>lpler.s body high EETH E XTR.A.C1'ED WITHOUT P .A.IN · ing any good. Yourn truly. this distress, burning as hot within him t o tum one's brain and make one suspect and dry to a £rm foothold. " It w&s a JOHN GHEEN. :y the use of Nitrous Oxide G!l.ll, without injury ARE NOW OP.EN. STOTT & JURY, sole Agents. to the patient. M thClugh it had received no wound. .A.t one's bes t friend·." task for a half-dozen men," comments the venerable Consul as he recounts the inclStand founed y occupied by tbc ro~t omce. first he could do nothing but kills her "So it ia, my lord-so it iij ; I know Pm·ticular aitention paid to the regulation of IUNG S1'1tEET, fir.ca a.nd call her by every sweet name he that very well," was all R iddell answered. nent, and affirms that in all things that CH lLDH.EN'b 1'EE'i'H. could think of ; bun he soon realised that Sha knew t hat what had been lifted from go to make up the best manhood AbraEC>"'ti"i7'Di!I"..a.l.'3'V"Jl:X...::U E . ~ALL WOliK WARRANTED.-., she nooded some more substantial aid than her shoulders had goue b ) w k to :E'losn's, hrun L incoln waa pre-eminently bleesed. ·- - - - - - -- thie. He went for help, and Floss was p.nd aha did not dare to touch on this - - - -- - -- ·--..-· Th e Gallery is first-class in all its ap. d' d p k" poiutments, and furnished in a comfort Cllrried into a q uiet room, where Lady s ore subject. She knew now how terriFormerly Known as the" Soper Mills.') Prof. L1 Shan-lan, who ie at e lll a able manner. There will be no poor work Heatherbloom came " to h er just as she ble it is to lie under suspicion, and she was reoovering. When her eyes first regretti;d many a t ime tha.t she had ever Jew ~~ntha a go, '_Vas the gr eatest ~at~- allowed to leave the rooms, and these who RIS MILL HAS BEEN THORopened, t hey fell u pon George, who was spoken of seeing ] 'loss on that ill-starred emat1c1a.n that Chma has produced w1thm favor me with a c<~ll can rnly on being the present century. Western mathema· 1 d UGRLYrenovated and put in order.under watching her with an anxiety just as night. our own special supervision, for tho purpose of . . . ticiann define a. point as to that which ~as P ease,, in tense as though he ha.d never gristing and manufucturing Oat Meal and Pot (m BE CONTINUED. ) FREEMA.N'S no parts and no magnitude-that a pomt ]MB The mstan tenous process only will ~arley, and we are now prepared to receive repudiated his affection for her. She fa mere position witl?-out ma~nitude: Li be used f,o r Pho~.ographa. orders from all our old cudtomers and others ·--~++-4~... WORM POWDERSa turned away frem him with a faint cry, t.or work, and we gurantee to give them who Come m and see m~. Home should be made the d-.vel!ing Shan-lan took exception to this defimti~n, and seeing Lady Heather bloom, held out intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Are pleo,rson.t to tnka. Contain thoir o'IVll her hand. R I-I HENRY Oats and other grains taken in exchange ror s toher. Lady Heatherbloom took place f.or souls rather tha.n a mere lodging ma:intaining that a point muat be an 10· ll'lour Oat Meal, &c. fl. &; J, TOWNS, BowPnrgnth·o. Itl a snto, suro, autl cffcctua.J £mtoal.m<illy small enbo. · ·· · them and drew and step nearer to Floss. place for bodies. 227. ma.nvillo <S!#iu'Oyer ct wor= in c:..;.;J,·, r. oi· Lulllta. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN PlTBI.ISHJ.tD !EWERV .f.'illUDA.'i' lUORNil"lG, IS WARREN LELAND, Largest Hofel Enterprises ·---CATARRH-.----·--- 4 J Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " 11 r· G Ayei,,·s Sarsaparilla L de- L Cards of Thanks. 1 NORMAN'S Hf CTR IC BflTINSTITUTION, Cheap Life Insurance. J. M:. BRI MACOMBE, c. New Photo Rooms B Caledonian Mills. T ··ein------ I

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