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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1885, p. 4

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5 car loads of Salt-Liverpool and Canadian-just arrived. MURDOCH BROS. ° 'y 0 n Th ursd ay I ast th e f ·>11 owml? Inn' . d b y 0111 has 1 penecl out a choice and and masterly speec1l 1ui~ d e Iivere revresentall~e m th o Honse of Comm om l\fr. Blake utrl - B.,f, re we pro~e.·d to cheap stock of other busmess I thtnk lt my d1:ty to a\'1.ol myself of thll priv1lt>gu of makwg a substan~1ve motion, in or.lei to r"1s" a ques hon of gravity ,rnd 11rgtlncy wh·ch the 8tate of the publw busmoas and tit. order paper precludes mt! frl)ln makw~ m any other way. I reftr t " th11 dultl·S of the Governmt<nt and the 11bltg"l·>llS of -ANDthis Hou1e with r eference to it furwatwn as to pa't oventa rn the No1th-"eet. I have nut, S'llC" I entered parha·uont, used tho motion which J am about to employ for such" purpos ·, deennog that the U<e of it should be iiiparmg and reecrved for q11est10ns and s1tuatwns su<!h as I con· all of which will be sold very ce1ve the present qm1at10n and sltuauon to be. I believe lhat there exts\s here a misc ·11cepL1on or mismterpretat1on of the cheap for cash. duties, and oloh·:atwns, and nghts of the Government and the Honse on tine 1111portant queet1011. lt 1s therafore necessary that tho subject should be cleared np and that we should come tu a clear under· standrng as to our po~1t10n 011 tin~ matter. Next door to Treleven's The most 111111ted fnn c h1Dental .uid elementary concepllon of thtfunctioneof the Shoe Store, Bowmanville. Government is the mnntenauce of secu (22) nty to tho c1t1zens sgau1~t attacks froru _____,_ abroad, and against national discord This mcludes !us right to the enjoyment I ,, of Justice. Our own Const1tut10n aci ! n. knowledges .nd rather amplifies thut con '# cept1on ot Government by declaulli!1 ac it l' XlJresMly docs, fhat tlue Parhamont is au thorized to wake laws fur tho peace, order, and l(OOd go vernment of this counle the beat place in town to buy Watches, try, And if it b~ that peace has been Clocks and Jewellery of all the ne1Vest broken, 1f tho authonty of the Gol'erudesigns :Before pmchasmg give me a me11t had been vwlated, he held it to be call and you will sa.ve money-we will not the duty of the Government to grant as be unde1sold by any sin!\ll firm. We it was the duty of the Hc>use to demand, cany a large stock of such goods as are all mformat1011 so that ~they nught tlud usually kept in a first-class Jewellery store. how these thmgs had happened &o thut they 1mght de.<! with the whole snb3ect so that they might fix tho re&]}Onsib1J1ty on t he right ehouldeu or sharti it if It and Eyo Glasses we keep the best in town, \I ere a mixed respons1bihty. More Lha.n and ours 1~ the on 'y place m town where l:\ight "".iks ha.cl now elapsed &ince the inan Optometer is kept for fittm~ the Sl!!ht aunechun broke out ancl from that lime properly Yon cannot be too careful out he had been constantly pressmg fo1· about yom eyo sight. information which nnght enable the Home to reach a conclus1011 on thu subJect The oppo~ittun fe lt It to be d1cir duty heartily to c11ncm with tlrn Govtlrnour stock is :ili new and of the !ates t ment, heu1tily to assist a11y measnrn, to designs, and will be sol l at low prices 1o iestore the pl1bhc authority. Whatever eUJt the hmes. the Go~ernment proposed they 1ec01vetl wuhout an mstant's delay aud they recened also tho moral suppo1t aucl conn. ·y member of Parlt,\ment W;itcbe11, Clocks and .Tewellery 11nd all tenallle of eve1 fine work wtJ give the--very h· .t a._q~fac m Lakrng the earne~t, most act1 Vt', most tiou. We do all our own "'Ork aud defy energtt1c, and m ost complete steps that thev compet1bon · could d0v1ee for the Iresto1atlon . J l of the public authority, but w nle uorng t 1at Olcl Gold and StlveP tal,en in ex<'hang"' they must not h se sight of tlu~ oLher unMAYNARD, The J eweller 1 ortan t d nty, th e d u tyon t l te par t of tl10 H.,u.c to demand information, tlrn obhgil\'1orr1s' Block, Bow1J1r.nv1lle hon on t!rn part of the Government to vin<l1cate 1t~elfand bnug d uw1rn 11 the 111,\te1111 s upuu winch judgment could be p10nonn·tue th1.1t cod ]t was difhcul~ to lllHV 0 w1th1 ut some neglPct 01 deltiy or wrou}.( the tlvents of the ll\'t few weeks cou'd I t wa~ qutte true thut 1 have taktln pace BowMANVILLE, FnmAY, MAY 29. they mtg h t h ave tak en I>I ace Wltl1ot1 t neg 1ect or d e Iay or nus ta k e or misgovernMr. BLAKE'S GREAT SPEECH. ment. 'fhat was possible, bnt, it there was Lo be any pres11mpt10n, that pres·1mp. . aut 1 \" 'e I 1<1ve m this issne 1epublrsIleel f rom tion must be agmust those m wr·ty, th,JGJobe'sparhamcnt11ryreport asumma1y and it was for the Government to rebllt "'l cl ti Id ofMr.Bl,;ke'sablespcechon tlwNoith-west that presump110n, au 1ey con onJY accomplish tlus by brmgrng down sucl1 rebelhon The subject 18 of such general full mfornrnt10n as would enable the · tc t t 11 t f d th t 111 res O a }Jal s 0 om onumon a Honse to pass judgment between theu: our reacle1s should all 10ad 1t H.efenmg fellow-citizens lately iu arms aud thur to tlus address the Globe says ': 1 Bbkc's rulers. It \\as not only the right but the speech m tho House t>f c inrnwns 011 duty of the House, a.s the Urt~\t lnq11ts t 'l'hmsday \1,18 ,i powerful expositton of of the ni1hon to demand the rnfo11nat10n the sitnation 111 the North-west, and a This prmctple had been frequently adoptnoble defence of tho ught of Parliament ed and :icted upon in England. It was to full and frank mformatwn concernmg acted upon by the First Munster 111m~elf the causes contnbutmp; to thcoutbteak of m the case of a fonner disturbance rn rebellion that ,1e so fi equently and so 18G9 and 18'70. When they met m Par· earnestly pressed upon tho attention of liament m 1870 Louis Iiiel \las in posesthe Government. Mr. Blu.ke nude no s1011 of the Red River Settlement as Prest· charges He snnply brought forward the d1mt of the Government wlucn h e had ascrnshmg ,tccumulatwn of evidence supph- aumed to form. Negotiations were gorng ed m the past lnstoiy m the N u1th-west, on with the people of that country und ancl m the rncent ten1ble events that have the orgall!Zatwu of 1111 armed force to sus torn and devastated that pm t 1 on of the ~am the authouty of the Crown was go Dommwn and 111 ,iLle mourmng and anxiety mg on or was contemplated. It was in throughout ,111 C.mad,1 He sho 11 tld wheie such a cond1t on of thmgs that Patliament the Government wern wained , where the mot ou the 15th of February, 1870 On people cumpl.uncd, wher e ofhcials pl un the 21th of February the Gover1iment tiered, und where Mm1steu dcmed, nnd brouuht down by a message lfrom the then c.illcd upon the Government to re- t hro;e, voluntarily and witholtt aohcibt,1· spect the 11ght of I arh,iment, and by pro- t·on, a clocuwent connected with the ducmg tlw mfm matwn m then possesston matter, winch, when prmted, covered 150 allowed the House anti the count1y to pages. These were brought down and re Judge the measure of theu respons1b1hty. fcned to a committee formed from both He .tcl\lwwleclged 111 eloquent ,incl fittmg etdes of the House, who£e duty it was to tcims the nol>le servtcos iendered the exanuno them a ud report to the House country by our volunteern, a.id deplored what p;ipers tt wo~ld be advisable to p11b with h eartfelt sympatby the suffe1mgs of hsh. The CummiLtee reported 111 favour many of the w1vPs tind clnldren, who have I of the pub11cat10n of ,ill the documents been thrown upon public cha,ntv by the except a smgle despatch, aud the 11amee couutry'sco1J.l upon then p10tecto1s, The of two or three p!lrsona. \Vhat was the speech Vias woithy of the m.m character of thes" papera! They were and worthy of the occ.is10n, such as to throw light 011 the c>1.uses of and Su John Macdon ald's v10Jent, almost the trouble, on the conduct of the Govfremacd, reply rn all that is 1equ1red to ernment, on the conduct of the Hudson prnvo th.it the Gov<>1mnent cannot 111 the Bay Company, 0 11 ~he conduct of the face of the e'»deuce shu11 themselves people, and on the comluct of the officers "lllltless bcfo1 e r.Hliment an d the coun- of the Government. Be proposed to try t1ouble the Honse with a few r derences to these papers with a VJew to showml,{ 'l'h~rc see11 s to hB som<>Je 1lous1' rn W11. what kmd of mforn111tion it w:LS tl1en mpeg and it fe\\ ot her placeq O\et th~ hon- thought proper to bring down, ancl also to 01s "on by t he JYI1dland Bat"tlw11 at the throw snme hght on the pre·entsitu.ition c.tptu1 e ol B t' tJJhe. Mr Sam Hughes He read a nnrubcr of extracts from t hese wrmng to Lhe \Voild :;i"ys " 'l'he Midland papers, and contended that the dilliiculty Battalion 1s 111,1de up of p1 ~ke:l men from m that duectton arose p artly from the the 15th b!l.tt11li·m, Be1li:lv1llo, a nd from neglect of the Hudson Bay Company 10 Bowmam 1! e , Lmdsay, C,utwnght, Ji'ene- not mformmg the Government as to the Ion Falls and O rnemce compames ot the tiue state of affaus, partly from the neg45th battal10n A ll di>spa1 ch~s from To- lect of the Governmentbecanse the people ro11to, 111 ontral, Wm nipeg, St Paul. were not fully hiformed as to the nature B1uckvillc a n d Olucago ai~ ee that the of the Government wluch was to be im· 1;1.1d]anders mMle a wild and m,tgmficent 1 posed upon them, and as to the rights of ,~ha1ge Fu rt her, I lmve tnf11m at101ifrom the people tn then· land. ffo also pomted the field bv wu:e wlnch b ears out the fact out the d1fficnlt10s which aroso how the that the Mia lane, wl\h a cheer, opened attempt to proceed with the surveys withihe ball b y i1 ch.irge on the left , complete- ont extmgmshmg the lnduu title, aud ly dt 1vmg th e rebds ft om the rifle 1,its without exphnnrng clearly to the settlers al ong th e r, ver ...buve th e t,01· u , -ind fore- the intention with wluch the survey was ing them to swan or chown, and t hat then nude with tl1e dearly bought expenence they '1 heeled t o th e 11 ·ht and vnth a rmg- of tho rebellion of 1870 18{)1 the people's ii1g ch eer adrnnced to w,ud the other pits. representativea began then· source of govThen chcl the G rn1.adiers and one 1Lalf the ernmg the North·west Territories. Smee fJOth, with l311t tori'e an d ]'re;ich's sconts, that time fifteen year.;i had eiapsed, and th e surveyors, etc , acl1ar1cc. 'f!lese had the question was how they had used that been sl.1rr>nsln11µ- wh ile th e .Midl:md m,ide expeuence, how they had fulfille:l theu· the Gist cha1ge." nuss1on, how they had exe1cised their Mns.W.H.IVES NORTH-WEST AFFAIRS. A Masterly Speech by Mr. Blake. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Straw Hats, Lad· es' and Gents' Furnishings, SPLENDID VALUE IN PRINTS. IITllllrr RI ill IB ID The Jeweller's, In Spectacles In Silverware In Repairing =-=-=-=--= ======== I l power, and these questions were t o he lot of t_he peaceful settler and his wife I chums preseoted was for protection answered soon. Ho would only st,.te and cluldren. The hve> of some had ( ag:unst those coloni?.ition comp'1mes IJI them to-day, and would not attempt l'.o b1'en lost. Over a latgd area des1)lation, Them was the qL1eshon of tho en·nrnius :Branda adf'ertlHd a.c ft.bsolntely pare answer thorn, for his opinion was thal it destr,1 :t1on, and p 1vat1on pru1 a1 1 e l, and j origiml nuerves for the Canadian Pt1.c· fi e CC>NT.A.Xl.'V" .A..Dll'.])5:C>N:J:.a.. w11s the Government's duty to furm~h 1he ovtir a. still much. lonzer a·ea a11x1t1ty and 111 altera.te sectio ns, also the qiiestion~ (·f THE TEST: Honse with authtmt1c means of 811swe1111g 1ltstred8. As giving an 1dell of the lUJUIY loc.! anr 11v.. r improvemJn·s. Then 1 00 9 0 ['h e act ua1 terms o f t h e ee t'I · .. d~,,..,d11 s0 11n10"11""! 1°~me1'~!'twll'hllenatedo+ 'l~h~ t I1em ·" " IlieIl ha d b een d one, h e rea d f r.,m '['ho t here was t ]1e Jnd1an qneRhon, compli- r·pm~o ve~hc~'!,t,Y~l',, ·· ~~ ·.. ~ ct '1. ... · .... ~ b h M (> I f d H Id d f quirecl to <l·tect tho pra~nce ot aunuon&a?"'" mout of the g11evnuce raise l y t et ant- >,\tt e or era a escr1pt1on <J the clted by settlements and reserves. Then tob:i. r.ibellum embraced only a sm.tll d ..struct100 wi"<rnght m the B 1ttl1· H.1 ver there w:i,, the question of hnme pr .>tee Pr o vmce , but bayond tha.t sm · 11 Prov mce Yal!tly. But 1t wos not o 1 the side of the ti on among the rendents of the Terrnory. t l1< 1e wcirn vast te!.dons, dotted over here Loyalists ~hat home~ had bden lost an l All of thosl'! were pomts n e( esaartly takimd them "L h Indurn tribes, here and deat· assoc1at10us broken up, As 1llush"<tt mg the attention of the Go,·ei·nment, on the1.i "1'11 ,\ fow 8m,ill settlements <>f Ill~ what the Halfbrne ls h<id heen f ·reed wl:nch t hey had taken at Jiffor,rnt ti mes what might bti (,1lled H11olfbrecds, a few to It ave he read from 1> correspondent's d1ff,·10n t action Added to .,fl th·s there white~, a m1-s on, or a Hudson bay pos· . desc11pllon of ,t v1s1t tn a des\lr e I Half- w~s ,, cuuum,tanctl wluch .ti·os<1 Ill Jnne 'l'he great set· lement m the weatem p 1rt breed settltlment "f et· the 1!'1~h Cre..k last wl11ch 11dd.,d imnionoely tu 1be le· ot the T<!rntor1es was on tlrn nnghty battle, aud ahow1t1'( the comfort 111 wluch apons1b1hty of the Governmellt, th j corn Sa.skatch1rnan, as in M.in tobL it WM! on tlu>se peop'o had provwusly lived All mg to tho 'l\ rritory of L·HHS Riel llnd the Red and on the As~101bo111e rivers, ovel" tho country where the Ind1a.i dis- his hvrng from that timo ... ,110 ;er the ai.d for the sune cause tho tmd was tmb,\11ce had s :11dad, property Jud been Halfbreeds He (Mr Dta.ko) did'"' not fertile, and the river furnuhed an artery ta.ken anJ desuvyecl. 'l'he result:! of need to go further than the 8 1.,te<Ilents of for trade. Fur many years before 18'70 lab<)r had beeu lost, the ch \rm of the the Prime Mrnister himslllf to sh )W t'.te the Churches hnd had m1ssionar1es 111 people bad been broken, the habit of power and mfluence of Rte! anirin" tho>e that vast lisld, some near the cen re of aubmisston on the part of thtJ Indian was people Thore were reports fro 1~1 Govat10n of the orrnnent officers as to what views were th~ present disturbance. The settlemi>nt ended- and hereafter t '1c ie1 wasco::npoeed of 1mss1011aries, Hulleon B1\y GJvernme nt to hnn must assume a new taken (·f R1el's contin" and hrn actwna and 0 e rnployee·, and Halfbre\lds, who were and more d1tlicult phase Tlte H~lfbr.:e l what wa~ likdy to b.., the result Ail the frntghlers aud hunters and who farmed a rtsmg ha.J be.en crushed How much information he (Mr RJake) had been able httle with pi·>net>rs from the older Pro- long,ir the lnd1M1 war woul1l last none to gain couvmced hun t hat tht!I matter DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. vinces and elsewhere, That settlement could tell. It rmght be that m the oud, needed explanation. There was an 101 _ ITll HE.lLUU"ULliEH JUI NEVElt BBB!I QVKSTIOND. ha.cl the same system of occupytng the cold, hunger, and w .. nt of nrumuo1t10u on moose responsibility uisLm\.( uµou the In a rnJlllon h ome· tor a quarter ot a eentmy a bU nver wluch had obt:uned rn l\1a111toba 1 the pa.rt of the Indians W<luld prove the Government and on the Gurnrnment 1~00<1 th· consnnter1' rolh.\.ble tellt, and which had orig nated, so fat· as C.ina- most powerful a.lites of the loyal troops oflicers 111 th1~ matter and he conbended da w:is concerned, m Quebec lt was A ch·tck had been g1v1m to uumigration that their r ports a~d commumcatwns largely because of assocrnhon and h.ll'nt to the North-west, and thoso m _Eu·ope should be laid b ·fore tho House that the PRICE BAIUNG POWDER CO., IU.Jl'.ERS 01' and partly because the c1rc11ms~:\OC s educated 10 the midst of shorter d1sta· ce~ people's repnsent,\ttves should be able to were much the sa1ue. There b~mg the w,1uld not r tJahze th,tt there were vast plac" the responsibility upon the pioper Dr~ came class of people, sioulatly circums- tracts of thu territory winch were not shoulders. For those vaoers he lud bee r1 ne ·I rong..tt moat 4~UtkMat and aatura 1llaYor know111,ud ta.need aq thc>se m Manitob~, it would affected by the d1flicult1es l\1Llhons of pressing almost cmt m~ously for et.,ht Lupulln uot be unnatural tJ say th ·t 1hey would the pubhc tr~as11ry had been ~pent wedc~. '!'he P i emicr had bwught do~u F1>r Ll1rl1t, llonltlly Dread, Tile Ilest D1 y Ilop expect s11ml u· tre Ltment or t<l suppose M1ll10ns mot·e wer J yet tv be spout, uot Ronrn of 1he~e papers, and w heu a~ke<l Yca·t In the Wot Id that what 1'!1.S just for one \\ould be 3ust only Ill the extrau1du1a1y measures now from time to tnne respectmg oth Jrs said FOR SALE BY ~ROCERS. for thµ ot her. Thern were tho same taken, but .1s a .perma111tmt mcreased they wer.i being pr.ipare:l, bnt th.;y had CRICACO. &T. L.OUl8· questwns as to tho extmgui&hment of t he charge for thu mamtammce 'Jf oidor. 'l'he 11ot ytt been brought down He ll"M nut ludi.in titlti of the Ha\lbret-d, ti'te ri~hts growth of the No.th west w.i'l checked, now s·ying, whatever nught b<cl In' of occ11pancy, of settleme:it with refer- and Canadt\ had t o abandon for a tune opwirms on the mformatu;u gamed from ence to rner and survey~ as had aruen her golden drMms d mcreasecl rovenue outmde, that the tJovernment h,~d not m Manitoba It was not unnntura.l to to be paid by the N11rth· west. Thus done what \Vas proper under the circum· suppo~e that the cnur11e of the Govern- both sides of. the public ledger .were stances He did say, howev er, that then _ lJ mtint Ill Mamtob l hai ra1ssd 1he expJct- lQ)Urtously affocted at the sarna tune. dntieJ were s·1ch as he had described atlons, and at the same time had not Canadia11'<1 good name amongst the and that 1h~ House had a right to th~ furmshed meam for eettlmg t110 dtfllcul nah1 1ns had suffered . The Government facts m order to JUd~e hoiv the duty had tws of these peoplo TJus vast t1o1rr1tory had boasted that it know ba ~t how to bee'l preformed. Smee the Government h.id been under the emir ·l of Cm.via trllat the settler. The Governmcmt had took power six ye,irs had lllapsed What for lii years. There was 11 ·1 Hui!Hou B.\y cla1 med that throughout the North-west had been done 10 that time? what haLl Co '!'he Govern.neut wcr<' to bl.une for therll werd no guevances, nothmg lrnt been done lately· Sn,ely Jtwl's comrng the d1tl:icult1es ,\rlslll!? Canada mnst peace and prosperity. Sever.ti M1111~t·3ra, sounded a wammg note and wlum that EXTRACT take the respunsibiJ1ty. '!'he control se veral htgh oflici 1ls of the Gov ·J nment was sounded the Q.,~ernment should exerct~ed ornr that country by the Ca.na- hacl v1e1tcd th,it country and f0und no have redressed the real rrnevances if there di1m G·1vernment was despot10, almost gr1evancea. "All well" w:H tho cry of were any aud removed rmsconceptwns unhm1ted F or wh ..tever power the these s~ut·nels of Uan'.ld.1. (Cheers )ThB What was done in these directirms Z What Government felt it wanted it asked Par· Munsters of Pub'w works went up at the was done to provide security for the setltament, and it 1va.s rea.dtly and unflrnch request of the leader of the Government, tiers and others? The Government had l' urest :ind stron"e.~t Natt,ral Frmt Flavors. Vmull", L1' mon, <Jrange1 Almond, Itoscl etc., mgly granted . A ftsr 15 years of such specially to find 1he gr1uva nce3, and ov~n ho1ts of officers thei e. What cltd they llavor ,1:; clelll:ately 1md uaturnlly .~~tho fru t. X-ovtiruwent how stood ll1e case to day ? j lus mic.oscop1.: eye had failed to d1scvver do or say? It had a Council there, wliat PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., I hey koew h ow the case stood. S10~e any, except on the p,ut of two men who, did 1t or its rnembets do or s 1y i It had CflICA.GO 51'. LOUIS. the 1ui li.lle of Ma1ch last the puhltc if l!0 (Mr. Blikc) re1Uewbered the Mm1s- unofficial helpers m thepl:\r.mns of Huilsou peace h,1d l' ecn brolnn, public orler t.ir s statement wdl, w.ue discontmued Day officers and rms.wners deoply m t er, · v10lated, thd public authonty cl titJ.J, bec.anse thHre were so few l~d1~8 rn the ested 111 the prescrrntwn of pea.ce, what msurrection 1i~c1 m·sed its hen<l, five cou1!try. Many people rn U.rna!la thank did they do or say~ He did not attempt J -thousaud Can 1drnns had been s1mt to erl hod to-cl:i.y rh.\t there "e1 e uot more. now to answer tho~e q ues~ions. H c con- THE CR E D l T ORS AND ALL battle hy tbe Guve· nm ent with the Will- \Vhat a <Joutrn.st the faclsshu.ve ,I to those tended snnply th·t 1Ji,, mformatiou on«ht J other Pt.Htions havmg cla11ns against the 1 i1111 st11Jport of 1U:1\l t 0 b e gl\,on 'V Jlie ·ll won JJ enabl e "'h estate of \VrLLIAM BnowN. late of lhe township ~ . the Pitrliament and the smootl1 speectrns He ask~d the H 1 1 tl 1 or Cartwright, m tho county of Du1h1Lm. Yeopeople The h ves ··f some of tf.e best and the country 1f that cuatr 1~t dtd nut Hnuso lo answer ihe~" m imentous ques- 1man. who died on or about the eleventh day o! and bravest of Can <da's som htvl been demand an expl~nat1011 'l'he task of 1i ,118 rntelh ·ei1tly M:arch, I8B5, ·trc hereby nottOed tb send by ' poat, vn·1>·ul, 01 tlc!tver to JAMES PARti or R. , one o f sp eta l re l os t . M any o ti1ers l1:i l b een W<,U'1 d ,.d , the G ove1111nent \'las fl. l'nust. or cartwrigbt. aforesaid, :icxecutors and many m the 11a.tnral course of tlim~s sponsibihty commensura.to> w1 It the vast of the cstu.1c 1111d effects of tl>e S!l.td \.\<1LLIAM would suffor permanently from the hard power \\hich thlly had cla1111od and obBnowN on "' hetoie the ~ ip.sr DAY 01r JuNJll, . , 1885. their ell lsc·1111 and surnames, addresses slnps mc1dei.tal to war. rhese h ud;;lups tamed. A well-known pufiltci;t h:ict smd and descrtpt1 o11 s, the full particulars of their caused even more lus3 than tlt \l h.ittlo tliat whil e pa1hm~ntaiy g0 Hl1ume11t was The next Entianco 1":rn.nunat1on for Row- c!tJ.Ims, a si.1tc·11cntof their accouuts, and the liuld '!'hey lrnew thoso harJshtlH and the best for tllUS.i rorJrernnted it w 8 the manv1lle H>!<h Sehool wot! be held on 1'HUHS ,nat)lre of tho sccu11tics 11f any) held by them; · " DAY. anil Jo'IUDA Y, JU LY 2a(l and 3rd Jn or m dt·fault thoreor, and uumedui.teiy after d1flicnlties had beeu bo1no 1111c·>U1pla111- worst for those not tcprcsented 'l'he tcndmir c9od1dates shoulu send m their names sn<h last no.med dato, the assets or the said 111<>ly (CheerJ. ) Though they did ·;>ut Halfbreeds were near places hav111r1 rep- 11nmed1ately to the Ptlnc1pal. Wu.LIAM BnowN will be distributed a:~ong '°' of ti Tl1 l Cll\ N p f tho p<trtrna entitled thereto regard bemg had 11 b1 "' mg the h onor of a wou11d, they causcid resentat1ve 11,stitut10ns, and wany e Tl 1< h ldss thon-Hro esss1 hona1 E,xan11na· only to clu.ima or which noti~e ehall lmve beeu 11 1 1' c oo1 Howman · l I I f h ld p on w1 >e e m e ig as mnch su ffiermg, as mnc l oss, ab a t iem c1me rom t e o er rovrnces, ville begmnmg on Monday July Gth at 1 Pm given us a b ove recruncd, and the said ox. Id rause. Th ey k new titat ·h . th ey lia d b reath ed ti10 f iee air · of ecutor· w1ll not be hal>le tor the as.id 11 o an d cou · e w hem The ~econd Cla~s Non-Protess1onal Examrn· or any part thereor to any person or assets, whose fmmlies of those Voluateurs !lad suffered, our repre11entative system. '.l'he wlute atwn will bogm m the Illgh School Bmld111gs, claim nouco shall not have been received nt n oL only m feulino but 111 comfort that men and lndi,ms were brou.,ht mtGJ conBowman ville, on 'Wednesday. J nly 8th, at 11 O> the time of such d1st11lmt1011. 0 ' &. m. 1885 the pittance paid n· Ill many cases did not tacb at many p11m 1s,addmg greatly to the 'fhe First Class. 01 ade c. Nou Professional I Dated Apr1l l7th jA:\tES PAR11 } support them and that the public of the risk and responsibiluy. The d1fliculty to Exammat10n will be helcl at the Normul R.H. PHUST,' Executors I ' d b bl b d d I I h 8r·nools, 'l'oronto 1Lnd Otta.w1L beglllnmg on vunous ocahnes ha oen o 1ged to Cl conten e wit 1 was iow t ll manage- Wednesday, Jnly 15th, at l 30 p.m, come fonv,\rd m order to keep the wolf meat of tlus yast co11nt1y, with its m<iny Candidates must uotiry the County Inspectof d:m"cr from the door of the wives and "rave r>roblems was to be done from a ~;·not l,a.ter than June !st, '!'hose writuig for " "' ' , . J htrd <,Jass mu~t V!l.Y a fee or $2 ; !or ::lecond children of these who w"re fightrng the d1etance, from the offices m Ottawa, the an<l 'l'ha·d Ctass.f.)l. which amouii ts must be couutry's battl~s m the North-West. In policy bein" ci\r11ed nut through letters fornarded to the Co1 rnty Inspector with their OOALI'l'ION the duty 5et t h em to do the ttooi;s had agents, anlclerks 1t was the duty of applicaiwns. \ V.W. 'l'AMBLYN, M.A .· clon e 11< bly (Cheer~ ) 'l'hey wore not Ill Govorument, therefore, to guard soeCti\lly 31 2w. Head·Mastcr the po$session of mformation, e ven tf a~iimst the entangl ements and debya of ~~ovER 400 ACRES.·~ they h:id the ability to cnt1c1ze the ofl1ciahsm I n dealmg with the Govern military conduct of the cam9aign, but ment each man cons1deied !us own a - ANOthey had sufltcient informatt'.m, and they special case demandmg special attentwn. \\ere to Judge from mnarym)( teatiruony, 1rn1krng it the duty to m:t with dec1s10n th,1t the troops had helrnved nobly. and with promptness, but there was some the Largest in the Dominion (Cbeers) In e!!durance and powers, in ad\'autages m farnr of the 0 J vernment the rapidity of the marches, lll plllck, m One was the experienc1 of 18G9-70, whtch dash, lrl staady courage, m w1htary taught the Go' ernmen t someth1ug of the '.l'o begm canvassmg at onco on fall sales aptitude, th~y had surpassed the most feelmgs, pteJUclicrn, and customs of the Steady to successful men Good 130 PRINCli':SS MOWERS Good glowlllJ expectattons of then countrymen. people with whom they l1ad t o deal. agents employment are eottnm<t fro1 n $l0 00 to $75 00 per as (Cheers.) They were 111 soldierly qualities They had the ud v.in tage of t he sottle· month and expenses. Terms an<l outtlt free the best and Cheap as the Cheapest. Address STONE & WELLINGTON. tha lir1wer of Canada, though that flower ment made Ill the c,1se of Ma.mtoba lG 3m, Nursery11rnu, Toronto. Ont. 50 BUGG£ES, Bumbridge Patent Gears, 1rns tm!{ed with blood, and red colour 'l'hey had all the money they chosv to ask which Canacli:ius could n ot like, 1t was for, ttll the officers they chose to name, unsurpassed by any made the flower· of which Canadians have reason~ and they had ye:irs upon years of tmrn to be p1oud. {Chee·s ) L ilt all l>o JUSt before the case beeamo one of ex 200 CHAMPION PLOUGHS, warrantalSll to their foes Though wrong, treme urgency. Tiley had also the ed to clean rn wlut they did, misled, misguided, advantage of ut1liziL1g the lmk between WE PAY CA:Sll FOR unhappy men, they too fought wllh slull, tbe w!nte mau and the Indian, tho H"lf Scufflers, Rollers, Harrowa, and every with bravery, and \\ ith cleterminatlon. breed, and ex penance had shown the other good unplement used by either It nonl.l be doi ng l ess than justice to advnntage of makmg use of the H alf Grit or Tory. Every good pomt Y Conour ow n forcas to say less than that. breeds m dealmg with the ludis.ns. 'l'hey etc., or -part Cash, and Due Bills for Those men had fought. Mony had died, had the advantage of m1~ston,iries with Groceries or Dry Goodi. aeryecl and bad Reformed m the above but wor.e than that, besides th~ hornd both Indians aud Ha.Jfbreeds, and h e This will meet the requirements of all. liet. war there had been a sWl more horrid believed if theio was 0110 tlnng above Engine Work a Specialty. mmder. Sa.vage Indui.ns had started out another which had assisted the Govern W. BRJ'.l'TAIN & Co., on a caree1 of slaughter, rape, and pillage. ment m deahng "1th the Indiaus it w 1s Market Square, Bowmanville. Bowmanv1lle,May 2tst, 1885 21 Age, nor sex, nor sacred otlice, nor faith- 1 the 111fiuence of the~e n11ss10narics upon May I, 1885. 18·3m. ful fr1euclsh1p, i.vailed to prevent the them. (Here, horo.) In 1878 a specia.l == -~~ ~~ = ==~-~~~= -~ -=~~~~~=~~=~~=!!""'-....,=~~-~=~~~ -~==-~ == outra1res, which the savage called war. I survey of the prrnceAlbert D1st11ct was I' Agatnst these also tho volunteers had made In Llrn mean time, many Half ~I \ti! ~ done their duty like men and soldiers breeds h1ld moved frvm l\ia111toba to The castulties, considermg the number chfterent part~ of the 'l\nr1tc>ries, me,in,.....C)'"ll:::lt ~ engaged, had been very great. So far as t une also, there h ad been a location of '-" ..s;:-e...&..1 he had been able to learn, the deaths on the Canadun Pacific by the Yellowl1ead -MANiJFACTURED l3Your aide wore 66, a nd tlrn WQtmclecl 119. Pass, and th,tt had stimulated imrnigtaOn the side of the msurgente, t he deaths tion to tho Valloy of Lho 8as1rntchewan. were ui, and the wounded 1()1 Besides The people hoped tc, be on tho !me of · these, 1t was said the bodies of 105 Iud1- the Rail way, and wh en that loc:it10n was ----o---au braves were counted after the attack changed, n atunl!y there was chsappomt upon Pounct-make1's camp, with no ac- mont lt wa3 the duty of the Govem count given of those wounded . Taking ment to tell the House what had taken less toan the average probabilsty of pl.ice smce t hat tm1e, what had been top deaths fro111 wounds, the refolt would ba resented by the people, and what answers about 250 di>aths. Aan those, with 400 had been made 'l'hcre wo re clnuned of cases of wounds, would tepresent the re- Halfbreeds on various grounds, so·11e suit of the ooerntions m the North-w(lst clmman ts as residents of tho Terutories I am prepared to furnish the farmers in the Countv of Durham durmg tho last t1vo months The valour some as not hav in" rece1~ed the b enetit mth R. Sylvester's, Qf Lindsay, Reapets, .Mowers, Rakes, &c , and the celebrated of our sold,eis was the one rnheung fea- of the distnlrnt10; of land ir1 Mamtob 1 Mnmesoh Cord Binder . Tins Binder is acknowledged by the le<J.dmg farmers in turn m the midst of all this woe and even There were cl arms as to tho case of tho Onta110 to be the l1ghtest,strongest,most convement ancl ad Jnstable IlinclermC;,1,11ada; m rejo1cmg at this, they must IdJOlCe rectangular systNn of survey of hts ttlong h.is a doable angle steel cutter bar; has an ope11 rool can raise aDll lower it, 1rnt it with ch,,steu'3d feelmg at the thought the nvor front uud gcneia.l claims .is to backwarrl or forward with one lever; has the latgest duve wheel ; the whole l:hnder that it wn.s brought about by a conflict on ownerslup. There were also white sut - can he raised or lowered one or both 0nds from the seat The or.Iy bmder m'l.de with Canadian sml between Canadian citizens tlers' clauus nf the farm cha1·acter, and this valnable 1111p1 ovement, has an adJnstable c.1nvass that "an not choke, and H wider on euheL' s1do in one case and between there were cLmus with reference to col- than ,iny other llmder Ill use. Has an easy sprmg seat .vluch can be moved back or Canadian citizens and l11d1an bands 111 oru:rntio11 compames. Whe11 he (M, . forward w1th·mt ieruovmg a bolt, has a foldor and will pass th10ugh a 10 foot 6 rnch tho <'thei·. It was surely the duty of the Blake) had s p 11.crn on !us last po mt oa a gate, has a scihd sill and double sills at i:rcar end ; others have spliced sills and smgle Hot1ae to consider how could these thmgs prnvwus occasi on the Prime Mm1ster had sill at gear ct>d. be m free, law abiding Cniada, Bnt it eh.owed t he spmt in which he (Mr Tlus Brnder 18 thoroughly testested a nd fnlly warrimted. It is th e hghteat elevagreat as were the peuls of on r soldie1·s, Blake) approaclrnd the question, that any ted Bmder 111 Canacl,i both 111 drnft aud weight See sample mlchme at Enmskillen and deop as was the sympathy of the stick 1rnnld do to beat the Government bofore ordcrmg Ask for a catalogue ,ind testimomal people flomng out to them, those perils with Thrn sho1ved plamly that the hon Jr we10 in the Ima of their duty as soldiers, gentlemar1 hun~eH did not nnderstand J.V.LE But the peu ls and h,u dships had ex tend- the betiring of the quest10n, form some ed far beyond those, and had become the of tl1e rep1esentations m11.do, one of the TEClll YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! I THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Price's svecial Flavoring Extracts, Dr. Price's Yeast Gems :i JL1VOR\~ ~ EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MAD! ::,~· ~\\.PRICf-S SP£CIAL Executors N ot1ce. July Examinations. I ' · · ·· I WM. McCLUNG'S Machine Foundry Fon thill Nurseries, SALESMEN WANTED cARR) AGE wQR KS _ FARI PRODUCE BUTTER, f CCS, HID f S, TALLOW, ... INN Es o T A c H I EF :BIN""I:> El:Fl., R SYLVESTER1 Lin.dsay. ----o---- Highest Award Manchester Fair, 1885. F ARMERS ATTENTION I I I JAi S PYE, El1IliSkillen, P .Q ., Agent for Darlington.

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