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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1885, p. 6

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!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:,:~~~~ · ·~~~~""70~~~~~~".lillt~~~~~~i~ Jl)}mfflon' s goud gracee. M r. F ox, ther e· df z.,.la Mi~s L "q 'lerton, whom he felt jus· A GHASTLY §P.E()l'A()LE. ~AJ"r VV !.. · fora, Wid good causo fer anxiety 1 s _ t o tiJied in aer10us1y thinking a bout now what would be th;, exa.ct_~ta.te of affairs Miss Nelly hl!.d meanwhile be:-n lnf, ... n A. Horrib le f 11dd··nt. ill me Ufc era Vonn g t when-the ·old fady was finally called upon ed of th·~ conversation at M r. Fux oft1 »<l, Ue<lkal Student. h . . M~ Jll.mea Fox wa.s t e ~ umor pnr ~e.i: to join the maj(Jtit y. · ·· a.nd, with an indignant fX~lama.tion a bP·lt "You remember," H'm1.uked a ycung in the _ f iim of Plumley & ] ox, the prm'"Wi~h such an old woman " he said to "such incredible unbruths," 2he went to medi.:al friend of mine to me the othe1 cipal solicitors in the somewhat dead-alive himaelt" " who is ready to ::Oake a riew fetch. her lot~er-box. There, sure enouv, h, mah1; " whab a time ii.il medical colll'ges Save money by buying your goods at o1d Cathedral town of Slumborough. Hf 0 will any day avd to burn It t.he next, there were the lEitter, 11.H in a little p ,t ckets, nrn·t·· had a.bone ei.gh.t )'ea.rs ago over the <.:tie was a smart, well-set:up young man, is no dependence, one's future hangs ly tie1 up with blue and p c nk ril>bnna covary of thl'I bojy of Scott H ar rison , son two or three and thirty, with carefully upon a whim . a remedy must be fouud. but strange to say, she conlu not see an of the lat e l'restdenfj William H enry Har· trimmed blac~ ~iskers, a sllken manner, · The sa.fesh thin~ would of course be to adtire&s; and, oh, ~eavena I when she un ri.son, and father of Sem1tor BeL<j i!.n.iI1 ·and' an · unlimited flow of more or m~ke love to Miss Nelly· she is rather did the vac.d.et they contained nothing· Harrison of Indiana, in a Cmclnnati medless entertaining · small talk. Hence 'thirtjiish ' and altogether' nob very at- bu·plper-all white p~per, without a sin· 1cal college cisoecting room ? Well, at ·ib · c~me to pass that he was an eh· trl\ctive; 'st.ill, if sh.e .w ere to get all tne gle word on It. The wh,F lawyer had . evi: that time I was a etu'.ient in Ann Arbor .ceedmgly popular man among t e money she would be anything but unde· dently deoeiv<!d her by some demomac~l medical college, Ann Arbor, Mich. You Glassware, Pat~nt ladies of S 'umborough, bobh old and young, · bl ' trick. will recollect ib was here that the author· and, .had his views la.in in the direc_iion of si~o ~r. Jame~ Fox set to work at once The shook was so great to the poor love· it!es claimed t.o have made some startling matrimony, he would hba.v~lid ~ma.tl yifli· to make hi.meslf agreeable to Miss Brown, sick lady that she:hiid scarcely the courage discoveries. The .bodies or cadavers, as f yrone, November · l8S.l. 46-3m. 13 in inducing any u · amee or yet with.out going too far ; f cir he had by to show herself when the will was to be we call them, were kept in a large pickle -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= frisky widow t? . share his lot. , Bu~ t~e no means forgotten Miss Laq aerton, but read ; bah she rallied ab last, hoping vat in the cellar where they floated around :: handa_ome sohc1tor was ambitious · his he felt ib .was better to have bwo strings al:(ainsb hopJ that it m lght still .be in her in the brine like pork in a barrel. '.l'hey share m the bn&inees did not at present to his bow; and therefore he determined hvor wht;n she could treat with scorn were harpooned by the attendant and bring htm more than a. mo~erate income, to do hie beet-to keep Miss Nelly in good and ~ontemp~ her faithless lover a.nd-hia hoisted to the dissecting room by a. rope and he ~a.d long ago determ!ned thab when humor. This lady, however, was not so paltry da.ma;;;es. . elevator as they were needed. Well; l he married he mus~ consider nob only easilv satisfied as the solicitor expected, .Mr. Fox, although he considered him· will not harrow up your feelings by go- J UST RECEIVED ATbeau~J>, but more sosid advantages. , for "now he had once begun to pa;y self alreaciy master of the house and every- ing into an extensive description of the . Heiresses, however,_were nob plenhf~l her attentions, ' she wanted a de- thing in in, left considerably excited on scenes daily enacted in this department inSlumborough, andso,althougblMr. J'.'oir: 11 cided o1for of marriage, and not be- the morning of the day app:>inted for the of the school. Not being a physician you, atbentlone frequently flattered a. v1r.g1n ing able to get it, s~e took re· reading ot t he will, and when Mr. Plum· might find them deappetizing for a day b osom, he was earful not to commib hi.m- fuge in a atra.tagem. This consisted of ley ~ s chief executor, sat down and slow· or so." . They are Fresh, Good and Chean I thanked him for his consideration, '5elf too far, ·and not even the loc&l gossips sudde11ly making the discovery that Mrs. ly got his spsotacleaout, his junior partner A SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT OF could fairly say of him that he had C?m· Johnson's health was In absolute wan t of came over so falnt and his heart fluttered and he proceeded thus: nromised a reputation or know.ingly raised ~ome German waters-in fact, sho . decided to such an extenb thab lie hncied all his ,, h ,,.. · h e P.ir · wer "In the spring of 1878 1k entere:-i There w11s, m deed . ., one ~ ·ha" i'b wna quite dangerous f_or her to hopesa.nd beautiful cast1ea mt _e I d t e false hopes. 1 · now e 1ge " " the ·~ college green in medica as young lady who had made a deep 1mprea- apend spriug in England, with all the crumbling away as in a dream. wh Y d 1d one of as Gen. Grant's physicians. was sion upon the soilcitor's heart, bub shew _as changes of heat and cold. The old lady not his old fritmd at once read the dor.aA T EXCEEDINGLY L 0 W P RICES. tllken I up to the dissecting-room the daughter of a county magnate wt.th was therefore soon persuaded to yield tu ment 1 Why did he mak e t h e suspense so after mabriculated. Of course I aoon had whom poor Mr. Fox was not even on -vis- each t endersoilcitude,and a·waythecouple unbearably long 1 Why did he continue heard a.boub the ghastly scenes of this I.ting terms. He had at met her th~ Am.~~- went, leaving Mr. James Fox in a rather to stare' first at the p8-per in his h and veritable chamber of horrors, but I had 1 Hunt Ball, she had danced twice Wivh awkward dilemma. What was he to do? then at those around him, and then once i iw. · KING STREET, BOWMANVJLLE. him, for Mr. Fox was an excellent waltz If ne wrote cool letters to Miss Nelly, she more at the paper, with out uttermg a steeled myself not to give l expreea d on to er ,·. but her mother had dontbleas warnect· would be offiended, and all his chances single word 1 and uh en at l ae t , w h e n lie a.nv " of my feelings of surpr se or ·tsguat, t 1 1'he boy a, who have seen a · her ag~inst him, for when thef. IJe:xt met, would be lost in the event of her inherit· did epeak, why did h ~stammer, "I . -:- I d 0 ed before, tested me by courage stuffing simu my coat llome s!x weeks afterwards, l!S:.lffl! Ls _q'ler· ing 1vlrs. ,Johnson's proper t" ,· on the not know ; I see nothmg- in fa.ct, ib is the , fi pockets full of dead s ears, ngers, ton passed the unforbnno.te man w1tuout other hand, if he played the " part of a s ime paper, but--·'1 and toes, and othermen cheerful fragmenllll ~ S omuehaaabrw. M1eeLaquerton,how- lover hecommittedhimaelf, andgaveher "Con!dltbe1 Yes, Bure enong'h,there , 1mp10us ' ·1111a d whlle I who was was not looking, and one ever, was l ovely and rich, and Mr. F ox t he ma.teriab for a breach·of·promise case was th" paper on which the wl . b ten wretch calmly eating his lunchwae n.o t a. man to be ea,ily disoouraged. should the good IA-'ly die ,when hie name made ouh, b nt there was nothing upon lt . f h a d t I ~ ·· bl k hi h t 1 eon pretended to uae a slice o He knew that if he could allor to cu tie only figured in the will, and should he now ; ib was merely a an ; a. w t? 8 ee. · cheek for the meat in his sandwich. uman T he - ---o---office and blossom in to la1ded proprietor thenturnhisattentionto M iesLaquerton. "Good heavens I With what mk did i h h ·lo he would have jost as good a~ anc:e wt What, then, cou!d he do 1 you-write out t h at wil 1 b urst out·at 1 as t deception was as real as it was fl hori-ible. l 1. THE LOW DOWN is as easily operated as a reaper. her as anybody else; so he watted P.atient· The worthy F ox . was b~:ffi ·d for the Mr. Fox. · I passed through tho ordeal un · lnch ng1:v, · k o·> . h w h at m ly in the hopes of one d ay diacovermg th e moment, but after deep deht>eration he " W it · repoat ed the old but I can assure you it waa not unaccom· h 2. THE LOW DOWN weighs 1050 pounds and is JOA feet wide. · k · panled by sundr" of the s tomac · h your rn ' at idea which his chemical "en telman indgnant1y, " wit ~ q11alms I h . 3. THE LOW DOWN is as easily draw n by 2 horses as elevated ..oad which leads to fortune an d success. hit upon a gre ~ The firm of Plumley & Fox. wae a highly s tudies sugg'.lsted to him. Cnuckling to " In the c:mree of time became somewthe at binders are by 3 horses. As I found the inliatand up a~ah-s d ry, famlliar with the acenes and before respcotablA and old-fashioned c911c1Jrn, himself, he went to a. chemist's s.bop, pur- imd th" old lady was in such a deadly hut· summer vac"tion I was thoroughly tui.rd - 4. THE LOW DOWN can work on side hills where elevated binders which avoided Utigabion, and kept almos ·~ chased severi!.l drags! and mlxod ~hd re- l'f1 I ru~hed down myself to get eome, and upset. entirely 10 family business. Plu~ley was mixed untll a magmficent black lllk was seeing your bag in the hall, I took from en~'dThat. summer I accepted an invitation 5. THE IJOW DOWN has n o canvass to get wet, shrink, stretch or a f ..1 . d , . ·r1y good lawyer, but Fus legal produced, which had the gra.nd advantage it the libtle i ok3taad which you always from Harry Brown, Aamm, wear out. 11ve at knowledge was of the mes~ limited char- that in about ten days aft1ir being commit· carrv a.bout. Mich., to epend mywho vacation with him. acter and he Was m uch too lazy to take ed to paper it would fade away, without Mc. l!'oxtumed deadly p i.le, and withb k 6. 'l'HE LOW DOWN has wrought iron frame which prevents gear ' · h e d ' rk I cheerfully lefo the college, my oo to s, t he trouble to increase lh. SJ it came t o Ieavihg t be slightest trace'. Emboldsned· out eayfrig another word varne. .i e and the diaseoting-table, and pre}att'd from getting out of line, cutting and wearing out. be understood between them that while by the happy reeult of hls experiments his ink, before anybody_had found time enj >y myeelf as fully as possib.e. Hlll'ry 7. THE LOW DOWN saves all the lodged grain. Plumley did the di.ice work, Fox kip~ he became at once the most tender and to Wlk for an explanation. When the le the nicest fellow in the world, and the clients in good humo1 by.calling vll zea.lous correspondent any woman could, rest of the company had composed them· both he and his sister did all in their power 8: THE LOW DOWN will cut and bind ariy grain that grows. them apropos of nothing, ~nd amus- wish for. His letters, in fact, overflowed solves ag1iin, Mr. P lumley said: to make my vlait a j Jlly one. Every day 9. THE LOW DOWN is the most durable binder made. tnl! them with his jokes and stories wtth promises of everlasting devotion . . "I knew t~at the testatrix.hes deetroy· we went rowing or ridtngor walking over 10. THE LOW DOWN was completely successful in the harvest of '.J.:his busines11 was liechnically t ermea l\flss Nelly beamed with joy; for she all former wills, ao that -their is none at the shady countrv roads, and every even1884-50 put out and stood the t est. f t t k " keept'ng the connection t '~eth_er," an.d wae now convinced how tru<i and unselfish all inexiatence, and, by law, therd.;~e,the l t suited ·.rr. Fox very well indeed. . It was the attachment of her ad mirer. property will go to t IHI nex t of k m. I ing there was some sort o hpar y o ma . e 11. THE LOW DOWN will totally eclipse all elevated binders. ....... · tha.t part of a the day not e 1east girls enJOY· he was thus keeping the conUI!der such circumstances it wee uot know, a 1 so, t h at M re. J 0 h neon h 8 d no able. I met number of t pretty in 12. THE LOW DOWN iR warranted to work on fair trial or no sale. was while nectlon together that Mr. Fox made tne sur prising that the German water& sp@ed- relatives whatever except l\'.liss L~zzle the town, but none prettier than lovely 13. THE LOW DOWN can be raised bodily with one lever, the acquaintance of a certain rich old widow id.ly did Mrs. J .;hnscn so much good that R,o b<irts. She is consequently so1e eir- Mary Brown, and before the fall teria beoperator sitting in the seat. No weight at any time on the horses lady, named Mrs. Johnson, and so well her careful nurse conaiderP.d that the es~. ' gan we were more than friends, although neck:-;. did he play his cares that before long Plum- cure could be sb.ortened, and accordingly lV there was no engagement, as I was too ley&Fox becameMrsJ()hnaon's.fa~ilyso- the couple retumed to E ngland much Statistics CJonccrnin~ omen. young to give such matters a serious 14. THE LOW DOWN cuts 5 feet, and all l evers are within easy reach of the driver. licitors land agents, and confidential ad- e·ulier than had been expected. Almost all the Southern States have a thoaght. In October I went be.ck to colvisers.' The firm made a pretty good thing Whether, however, the waters had real- nearly equu.l 1 umber of each sex. In le<>a regretfully. I muat own, and recom- 15. THE LOW DOWN is made only by N oxoN BRos., Ingersoll, and oub of Mrs. J .-ihnson. In accordance ·ith ly disagreed with the old lady, or some- Maasach uaetta the females between twen m~nced my studies. After the long and sold in Darlington and East Whitby by. · the ustial arrangement, l'lnmley transact- hb!ng else had upeeb her, was n~ver quite ty and fifcy year3 of age exceed the ma.lea pleaeant s ummer the dark walls of the cd the business, and Fox became .a con - clear, but soon after their ret urn to .lfog· of the same age by about 44 .OOO. In building seemed more somber than ever, 8 stant visitor ab her house, and worked his land her health and strength began 1wri- seventy-eight ci~ies the excess of fema' es and the work of the lecture room appeared ,.....,..-,...=====~-======-=~~=="""":===,...=~"."":'===~ way into her good graces by his wonderful ously to fail. She complained bi'Gterly is 14.8,000. That illiteracy prevails more more tiresome than when I firt b~gan my powers of amusing conversation. There t hat Miss Nelly bad induced he1 · t.o take among women is due probably to the for· studies. Shortly after the term began was yet a r mother accomplishment which an unn ecessary and uselea15 j (mrney, and eign p )pula.Hon. Women contribu be leBB J wa.s called to my home by the death of! stood our solicitor in very good stead, that over since ehe had neglected h er al· to p:\op rism, the prep >rtion being 3 t,OOO mv father. I was gone over a month, and this was an accurate knowledge of together. The end of it was that one day to 36 U OO. fhe iatio of prison inmates and when I had settled up his atfrirs, they · cheinlsbry and medicine, which he had in the heiszht of her anger, she burnt the stands 5 068 women to 54 190 male13 were not very extensive by the way, l picked up as boy in the shop of his uncle, then exlating will, and made Mr. James Wvmen a~e In £X)e11a among' the insane, went back to college. Tho first day I re. the chemist. The horrible smells young .l:fox sole heir to everything she posseesed. men in excess among the idiotic, blind turned I vi.eited the di3secting-room and Fox had created in hie experiments and This decU.lon seemed to have exha.u, ted and deaf mutes. 'l'he proportion of wo- purchased an anatomical ticket entitling the ugly stains he had made o,n hia hands her remaining enetgy, for the di;id not men who engage io cc:upations outside me to a portion of a cadaver to vperate determmed htm to forsake medicine for many days after. of the h ousehold is smaller in thb Ufited on. The boys all seemed glad to see me Mr. Fox, who had been a.ppriaed of the States than in foreign countries, ub n no back again, and many of them offered We respectfilll invite your attention to our complete and . the law, but he never entirely forgot his early experiences. 'H e could talk fluently state of affairs by hia partner and friend, country Le the pr~portion_at' number_en· sympathy for my a:ffilction. This waa comprehensive.stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines. about every known drug and disease, ana a.lmoat lost his e<inses with J . '1 ; still his gaged in superior rnduatrial occupa.twns comforting, for they were a nice lot of b · at many w·'ch had not been exc1'tmen· did not prevent h im investing equal to that in this country. Of the fellows take them a.ltogether I b egan a Ill · di ouu a gre d he dl . agnoeed Mrs Johnson's " 2,647,000 women in occup:i.tions 595,000 ' · · ecovere ; ~ · some money in hatbands and crape, and work on my subject more to dillt1act .my sympto 8 at least as accurately as Mac- looking as mournful aa H the · sorrows o{ ue engaged in agricultare- m!lst of them m 1nd t.han anlth!ng else, and gob fairly B 0l · 0 S 00t 0 h d t and would even colored women in the Southern States ; -en," oc or, the whole world rested upon his nhoulinto it when heard a roar of laughter have prescribed for hP-r had nob the stal- dere. Miss Nelly, too, almost melied 632,000 are in mJ1.nuf.·ctories, of whom from the farther end of the room. I t reliable, safe, and pleasant to take. b S 00t ·1 thr t d t o kick him about one·half are in New York, Maas· war angri Y · ea ene · a.way in tears, and could onl"' be comfort· came from a crowd of students who wore ' f h d1 ' Bub he re·-tned a very pro " achusetts and Pennsylvania ,· 282,000 are d l . e t a BO. ·m1 · e," as ~ "he now ~n Mlled milllnare, &J.' 52,000 are tGilora. Of the smolrlng the1·r pipes nnd cigarettes nn I i . the old.... lady'e aff ctions - ed by ·· her J a minen a.ce n ' Mr. Fox. But the ltitter ne~med to have other over ihe· d1 't b P gan to"'-e whi·pered about"th· t h e ~ a ~ forty-four occupations recorded as "per- Playfully knocking each · an ·" " .. turned qnite dull with grief. He did not head with fragme ntd of bones in one cor· e h ad an excellent chance of succeeding to appear to understand her at all, and day sona! ser vic.i," torty find women in them. ner of the apa~tmont. The noise increash 1 Tile 525 female au1goona of 1870 have .d ble property er very CODS era · by day a.a she became more <lomonetrative ed instead of dv. ing out, and the crowd to b 75; momently grew larger. I mpe led by The disposaI of M rs. J oh nson ·s money he grew Iese affcction11.te. The afternoon incre&11ed to 2,473 ; th"l 7 lawyers Th 1 was a matter which had long furnished before t he funeral Miss Nelly wns ~x- the 65 clergymen to 165· e num ~r curiosity, l left my work and j >ined the I h of laundries ha.s increased from 61,000 m speculation of unfailing ntereet to t e bremely broken hearted, and amid her 1870 to 122 OOO, and of the lat ter lOS,OOO throng. The boys had taken a femal e town of Slamoorough, and filled many a ~obs remarked how comfortable and happy are keot by'women, This large increase subjact and draped the sheet over her ya-wning gap in conversation at afternoon she had always been with hor late dear · f if , fair proportions as the robes of Mary tea.. Mrs. Johnson had but one relative friend. To her astonishment Mr. Fox shows a gre~t lightening 0 the llousew 0 s Anderson are arranged in the role of Gala · L · I toberte, t. he attempted to comfort her by saying with labor.----~--~---in the world, Miss izzie tea. She was stood up aga!nat t h e ta.ble daughter of her late sister . This young cool civility, "I hope you may soon meeb as erect as If she had been carved oub of lady, however, it was agreed, had not the again with such a happy home as you have Getting up his A ppct marble. Her dark brown hair was coildlghteot chance of b~ing ·mentioned in her had here till now." " Out in Portland, Oregon, where dis- ed in a Grecian r.oll on the back of her PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with aunt's will. A handsome, well-bred girl, On hearing this Mies N elly's tears sud- tances are so decei tful, a very amusing shapely head. In her mouth there wae ehe was left at her parents' death to make denly dried up, and with eyes dilated incident occurred last summer among a a pipe, however, and her attitude was one absolute purity and correctness. her own way in the world, inheriting no- ·with a.11tonlahmenb and anger, she cried: party of friends with whom I was travel- of extreme gallueness. lb was intende_ d thing bub the battle of life and the dis- " It ts you whom I expeob to make me ling. It happened that one of om: num- as a burlel'que upon t he stat uesque, and rt - - - - - -.- -- - - ._.- ____ __ "'"'.::C".::"-:----:-.--::::--~---::----.--:-::-::--'-:-:-: ._::: _ ~ . -: _ ""'..:-:.:_ ::::-~.::: ._::: _ .like of Mrs. Johnson, who had nob seen this happy home t" bar was troubled' somewhat by insomnia, was a horrible and ghastly success. t he child bince it quitted its baby clothes. Mr. Fox, however, simply ehrngged so much so that he arose one bright morn· · · Whi;.t do you think of that as a. work This strange antipa.thy was traceable, as his shoulders, saying ; " I do not deny ing just as the day was~beginning to dawn, of art 1' inquired the ring-leader of the some peo,ple ea.id, to times long irone by, that I may have once had such ideas ; dressed, went to t he office and Inquired boys, as I approached. when Mr. Roberts, Lizzie's father, then but of late I have grown wiaer. E very · of the clerk at what time the matutina.1 "'Rlther hideous, don't you thi nk r · reiiown;,d for his manly, beauty, had been thing alters In this world; why then repast began. Being told that 7 o'clock I answered. an ~asiduous visitor at the houoo of .lVl:re. should our opinions not do the same 1 was the earliest hour, he walked to the " · If you think ao,' he t'eplied, · f~om .J ohnson'ii puents. She being the elder That is what we call progre118," piazza, looked around foe a few moments, that view, wait until you see her face. daughter, and taking all his attentions for Upon this he bowedandleft Min Nelly reburned and inquired whab mountain Come around hera and ca tch on to her herself, and had folb lt keenly as & p er - crying and fainting in an ai:m-cha.ir. that was in the distance. Upon being pipe.' sonal insult when her aister dared ·'to He did not hear anything of her till a told t hat it was Mb. Hood, he said to the " walked around to the front and 1 lOt the fa.~e aa directed. 1 had no llt:r.tch him away" ; and even later on, af- few days later, when a gentleman called clerk : If any of our party inquires for looked t.er lrnving m11de a much mere brilllant upon him saying that he had been in· me, say that I am going to take a run more tlun. raieed nly eyes to the pipe match herself, ahe never could forgive this t rusted with Miss N elly Brown's aff'Airs, over there. to get up an appetizer; will th an th.e r oom began to whirl around and early defeat. De(lth even had not burled and suggesting t hat perhaps Mr. Fox , be back in time for breakfast I' N ow M t. u.round, I ?,rew deathly sick nnd fell the grudge, which not unnaturall;y pruied before matterswentJ fur t her, would p refer Hood fa some twenty or t hirty miles from In a fain t. W hen I was revived the body from mother to child.. making some private arrangement about Portland, bub has the & j!pearance of being Will! decently ccver ed and I V at! lying in /\._ JI.nv far. this ~aylng m:i.y have been hiOJ breach of promise of marriage with not over two or three. .A.11 the hour for. the bedroom of my boan-ding-hou110. Who ~ t rue or not, one thing wa'! certain ; poor hie cllent. breakfast approached, our party began do you think sho wa.11? ' L izzie Rober ts had not the ghost of a "And what proof of thab promise has counting up its number s, but Mr. A- I was obliged to plead ignorance. chan ce of ever seeing a single penny from Mias Brown ex cept her saying so 1" ask- was n owhere to be found. .. n was M a.ry Brown. I a.ft-erward 8 her aunt's money box ; her claims were ed Mr. Fox. " Inquiry was at once instituted as to learned that ahe had died auddenly while c1e~rl:i; quite out of the question. There "On," answered the young man, "I what might have become of h im, wh en it I was at home looking after my father'e and everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery and P 1 ;0remained, then, only Mil!S Nelly Brown, have seen a bo::: full of lettera from you. " wa.s ascer hained from the clerk that he affairs, and her· body had been exhumed Mrs. J:.ihnson'slady companion, a.nd Mr. " H ave you read them~" continued had gone to M t. H oodfora morning walk, by the grave.robbers. The Rhock thre w vision Store, will be sold at the lowest p oss ible prices. Mr. Fox sarcastically. and , with a mer ry twinkle in his eye, me into a fever, from which I suffered B II 'd 'I~ 11 l 11 J i mes Fox. Mr. James Fox knew from h!.s partner, "Not yeb," replied the other; "but I he added, 'he might not be back in time for over a month ; and 8 ince t hat day I CASI-I for Beef, Pork, Eggs, utter, 1 es, a OW an t a who had cautioned him in a friendly way, have seen the box." for the firat breakfast ;' cons1:quently we have never gazed upon the face of a corpse that Mrs Johnson was nob going to divid6 "Well, you had b etter go and re:i.d them took our breakfast minue the absent Mr. in a dis8 ecting-room without a feeling of Farm Produce at C. M. CA WKEH:S. her fortune, bub would leave the whole of first before you take any fu~ther steps A- , and immediately after t ook carriages apprehension t hat I cannot rid myself of. ----o--- it to her "trueeb friend," though rshe had and if yoll can find a single line from me for a drive ~o Mo. Hood, if possible to I feel as if I might meet my own likeness · ev~dently not yet made her mind up ~s to to Miss arown, I am q uite willing to let overtake the prodigal. Finally, after in the dead face of every subject I ha.nI also return my sincere thanks to my numerous friends a nd patrons wbo deserved that title. More than once her have ampl<i <lama.gee without their be- riding an hour or two, we came to a little die." for their very liberal support during the last fifteen yrnrs, and hope by had Ml'. Plumley been suddenly summon- ing a.ward.id by a court of law," brook, and there, sure enough, was Mr. strict a t tention to business and keeping first-class stock , to still merit ed to draw up a l'.l.0W will ; so alight an There '\T'as something so diabolical about A- divesting himeelf of a.II his clothing. N ever pay cash when you can get trust- the same: annoyance as a cold cup of tea. having M r. Fox that the young defender of inno- When asked what h e was about to do he ea.µa ed her. to destroy the one in M iEs cenco found it beat t o r etire for the pre- repliea tha t he was ' going to swim across ' ed. Remember, it was a goose who laid Nelly'~ favor. Then two days! neglect on sent, leaving his opponent to rub h is hands 'But why don't you step over?' sa!u some a gol den egg every day e the ·part of M r. Fox, and a constant t riumphantly and build castles in the air one. 'Well,' replied Mr. A- , 'in this What is the difference between an exrmpply of hot tea at the hands of Miss aboub the country-seab and the horses and country of magnificent distances, how do a.ap eratiid father and a poor mus'.c!l.l con· STAND :- Town Hall Buildings, next to Ont. Bank. Nelly, a~aln reinstated t his lady In Mrs. oarria.ges he waa going to buy in order to I know but it is two miles across 1'" duotor1 None; they both beat the air. ll.l ~ ~ili.· '~ WIUQVV JOH l'hJ vll 0 \Al I· l I FA,'.'\:· i!" · . fi1'. TYRONE'S CHEAP CASH STORE, JAMES STRUT T, Proprjetor . Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Medicines, etc., etc. c~lty ~s GROCERIE J AMES ELLIOTT'S C1°ockery & Glass"Ware His ·reas are not to bei Excelled. Call and inspect. JAMES ELLIOTT. -1'1' C> :x: 0 LIGHT PLATFORM BINDER - M J F. H. MASON, Hamuton P 0. HICGINBOTHAM & SON, Pharmaceutical Chemists . BINGE'S COUGH SYRUP, 0 A . .. ' .. .. Our Own Corn Cure, Rose Glycerole, Choice P erfumery, Toilet A rticles, Ground Oil Cake, Cattle Foods, Horse and Cattle Medicines, &c. GROCERIES Crockery & Glassware, flE3lt AMtl ouarn ' · IA T'S Coarse and Fine Salt, mer1 · can and Canad1·an Coal 01·1, Flour and Feed, Empire liors e an d Cattle Food, C.·m. CAWK ER -'

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