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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1885, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS P U BLISHED t:VER Y FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- M. A.JAMES, AT TBE OFEIOE "'ea&Ofilee Block, KingSt.,Bo wmanvtlle, Ont TER]Y-[S: .t.50 pcriuu1u1n, or $1.oOif ·p alclln advnuee P&yment strictly In advance required C rom xb!!lor1bers outside of t he county. Ordl?rs to uoontinue tho paper mlll't be accompanied by Qhe a.mount due or the paper will not be stopped. subscribers are'reaponaibleuntil Cull payment is ma.de. RA.TES OF ADVERTISING I Whole Column one year ...... ·······$:;<! OOI~ ~ ~ "' " Hnlf year .. . . . .. . .. . . 30 00 ,, 0 " " One quarter ....... .. 20 00 :" ~ EfAlt Column one year ............... 30 00 - ' " Half year .............. 20 00 ·' " One quarter .. . ........ 12 50 Quarter Column one yesr ....... .... 20 00: .. " HaUyear ......... .. 12 50_ 5 " One quarter ........ 8 00 lllx Hnes and under, first insertion .. $0 Ee.oh subsequent inser.tion_.. .... 0 25 .·· From six to ten lines, first msertior., 0 75 ·Ee.ch subsequent ins~rtion ·· ·:·· 0 Sf>-10 ~er ten lines first insertion, per hne 0 10 _ Ba.ch subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ The number of lines to be reckoned by 11e apace occupied,.measured by a scale of l!Olid Nonpareil. \~ ~ ~ illl::: DR. TA.lllllLYN, P G HYSICJ.AN, SURGEON and Ace<;>UC UEUR. Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanv1lle. 7 L. POTTER, M.D. R.ADU.A.TE ot Queen's College, .Kingston e.nd Member of Colbge of Physicians 11.nd ~urr:eon s , Ontario. . lill" Office and H.esidence, Ennisk!llen. 17 Dr. A.. BEITH, ' '1"1-it:A.'DUATE O~ ' THE 'l'ORONTO UNIV~R . 'l.JI" Sl'.l'Y, Physician, Surgeon. &c. Oplce King .o-:· Street, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville~-- . ,G. u. CA.RYE'l'H . , n. A .· n. Sc.,,M. D ., C.H.' ,, f.Jf ICEN'fIATE OF THE COLLEGE · lt JU of Physicians and Surgeous of Ont1uio. OFFICE A.ND H.msIDENCE :-Main St., Orono. J, w. JleJ.aughlln, 111. B., IOEN'l'IA.'fE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE ot Physician~ and member or the Royal Oollege of Surgeons, Kdinburgh. Office: MORRIS' BLOCl{ King-st.,Bowma.n- L - Ul&. DR· .J. C · .MIT t!lll;LL, ,~.l. \i ,f"Jt1ilBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, 9o~oner, etc. 74. .OftJ.oe and Residence. Enmskillen. .Joha Keith Galbraith, ..-.et J.>ceparotf.ons and Little Bore. The Panama Oanal ls In 1uch a state D, BURKE SIMl'SON, thir.t lbs ultimate completion le beyond - J UST RECEIVED ATA.RRISTEl:t SOLICITOR, &;c., MOPlUS 1tuestlon. But ib appears equally certain BLOCK, up 'stairs, Kins. Street, Bowman that the present company never can ._-:me. Solicitor for the Ontano Bank. complete it, Three-fourth11 of the eatiPrivate ltla;11ey8 loaned at the lowest rates:.. ma.ted oosb of the', canal has already been ROUERT ARMOUR, spent, and the. reault Is a mere acra.tch Thev are Fresh, Good and C hean. across the Isthmus. Bnt the preparation ·R lllGHl'fRAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER · of Marria.ge'Lioenses, Ba.rrister and 2 Utor· for the act.ual work of digging the canal, A SPLEN DID ASSORTMEN T OF ,gy &.t Law and Solicitor in Cha.ncery. Money the clearings, boric go, aouudiugs, surveys,"0a.ned on Real Estate. Office on King street, barracks, hospita.ls, drt>dges, ex· houees, :Jowmanville. cavators, etc., are complete. The build .AMBltOSJl W. M"'SON, ing of the Suez Ca :;al was chlld 111 play A T EXCEEDINGLY L 0 W P R IC E S. RTIST, 10 KING ST. EAST, '.f'ORONTO, compared to the building of thla one. _ Ont. Portraits from Life m Otl and There nature ee.,med to have In tended ~cxa.yon . 10·3m. that th e waters of the Mediterran.,an a.nd :d. T. l'IUJ.LIJ·S the Red Sea. shonld minvle. Here she ICENSED AUU'l'IONEElt tor the County has l·pposed every possible obstacle to KING STREET, BOWMANVI LLE. . of Durhom, Sa.lea promptly attended, the marriage of the Atlantic and Pacific. 59. . Address-Ha.mvton P.O. The configuration and geological structure IL RIJ· T C)lllSON. of the country, the dead 1y climat.e, --r ICENSED A UC'TIONll.ER, CONVEY AN the intt:Jnae heat, the dlfferenoe In ~ i.J CER and Commiselc ner in B. fl , ::'ales at t ides, the Chagrt:Js, alternately a brook ended to promptly and at reasonable rates. and a. deva.etat.ing torrent, the thickly · ~ddresir-EnniskUlen P . o. matted j ungle, all compire to rt:Jnder OHN BUG BE8 - Lic>· osed A uct 'oneH, the digging of a ca.no.I acrolil thts ,. Valuator nnd Arb\trd or. Fire nr1d Lite - - --01---iathumna one of the m ost c:ifficalt pieces . nsurano<', Notes and Accounts Collected. Bow to Buy a Jlorse. "'!;Cone1 to Lend on reasonallle terme. .A.r dress of enginet'lring work ever attempted by l. THE LOW DOWN is as easjly operated as a reaper. ;:;ce.rtwrigh., O' t. 472 An old hone-man saya :- If you W&nt man, if not absolutely the most difficult. bo buy a home don't believe your own It ie a common 110.ying thab every tie of 2. THE LOW DOWN wejghs 1050 pounds an d is 10k foet wide. G OOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO brother . T~ke no m&n's word for ib. the Panama Railroad represented a human 3. THE LOW DOWN is as easily drawn by· 2 horses as elevated ' every man who buys his Lioen~e from '1ENRY SYLVESTER. Enniakillen. Your eye i11 your me.rket. D on't buy 11 life. Every foob of the Panama Ca.n!ll binders are by 3 horses. By gettiug yourself well shod at hone in harness. Unhitch him and take will repre1anfi not only a life, bat 11 for· '4,, THE LOW DOWN can work on side hills where elevated binders \l'. DICKJ< ;V, everything d f but t he halt.er and lesd t une as well. The work of preparation upset. ETERIN.A.RY SURGEON. graduate of the him a.round. If he haa a corn, or a. l!tl Jl', for the act nal digging of nhe canal has met Ontario Veterina1·y College. Otllce and 5. THE LOW DOWN has no canvass to get wet, shrink , stretch or or hu any other failinj' you can see it . with great obatacld. The soundings in 6.esidence, Nl<lWTONVILLlll, Ont. Let him go by himself & way, and If he the 11eciion between Pedro M ,;Qill and wear out . Will visit Orono every Tuesday. Office hours ·IZl"om 12 a. m. to 4 p. m ·· at Coulter's ll.oteJ· * staves righ t Into any thing rou know h e Gorgona I believe never would have been 6. THE LOW DOWN has wrought iron frame which prevents gear Special attention paid to Surgery. 3Ay iB blind. N o matter how clea.r 11nd bright made bnt for t he Indomitable energy of from getting out of line, cutting and wearing out, . M OSEY l MONKY !- The subscriber where you will find great bargains for his ey es are, he can't see any more than Mr Burt, n ow general 11uperintenden b of 7. THE LOW DOWN saves all the lodged grain. bat. Back him, t oo. Some horses ehow a ' receives money on deposit tor theOntario t he Panama Railroad, who tran sported on CASH. H aving n ow received our J:.oan .a nd Savings Company, and pays m ~iirest their weakness a.t tricks in that way when men's backs, t hrough a bE>fore impaB sible 8l THE LOW DOWN will cu t and bind any grain th at grows. .at the r .ite or 4 and 5 per cent. No not.we of bhey don't at any other. But, be11eemart jnngle, t he maohir ery necessary for t he 9. THE LOW DOWN is the m ost durable binder made. w ithdrawl\l required . Also lo:ins money .on 011 mortgages at lowest rates. .No cornm1as1 l\S you can, yon'Il g& t caughb eometiml:'ll. work:. fa going along the line of the 10. THE LOW, DOWN was completely successful in the harvest of charged,. W . F . .A.LLEN, Bowman ville. 8-l y. Illven an expert get.!I 11lluck. A horae may c1ma.l one aee11 to-day the perfect state (·f 1884-50 put out and stood the test. Look ev1or so nice and go a greab way and preparation and the ntter absence of anvt·ntw. \V. \VJJi:tSON, 11. THE LOW DOWN will totally eclipse a ll elevated b inders. yeb have fits. There isn' t a man conld like a canal at a ida.nce. In those thlng r rEACHJi;R OF PIAN O, ORGAN A.N D Or he may pretty TillaB on the hillsid<-s live the chiefs 12. THE LOW DOWN is warranted to work on fair trial or n o sale. SI NGI~G. 'l'erms : For beginners $6 ; for I will be prepared to suppl y an y kinde tell It till &omethlng happem. 00.w-anced pupils. $10 for quarter of .tw~l;e have a weak back. Give him the whip of sections. LPo&ning on their spades or .le11SOns Residence e.t .l'>lr. Joseph Britt.am s, required which yo u will fin d marked a t and off he goes for & mile or two, then all loi tering beside the huge excavators are 13. THE LOW DOWN can be raised bodily with one lever , t h e lJOl:!ler ·Liberty and Concession Street, Bow . operator 2itting in the seat. No weigh t at any time on the horses of a !ludden h e stops In the roaa, After a few scattered men. Everywhere are ~ville. 51-tf. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. neck:i-:. a r eet be ntnr t s again, but he soon stops Idle excavat ors or empty cars bearing <Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Tcanlrn for past. favor s 11nd still solicit a for good , and nothin g but a derrick could evidences of long d11uae. The songlesa U. THE LOW DOWN cuts 5 feet, and all levern are within easy move him. The weak polntls of a horse birdL drowse In the shadow of the drowsy reach of t he driver. share of y our patronage. 1I:)ARTIES WISHING THE m P I ANOS can be b etter dbcovered while standing pa.llllll. The handfnl of sleepy laborers .lL. Tuned or repaire d ean he.Te them attended H>. THE LOW DOWN is made only by N oxoN Enos., Ingersoll, and than while moving. If he ii sound he doze In the shade or throw a few ahovel· 0 by leaving word at the DOMINION 01iGA); SIGN OF" BIG BOOT." will 11tand firmly and squarely on his Umbe full· 1wld in Darlington and Ea1t Whitby by. · ir (Jo's OY'J'ICE, llowmu.nvil!e, .A. first-clas man of earth to one side wi th a weary "l.()W oeinl'I in their mvlo '. without moving them, feet flatly npon motion. Jn 11hort, In going over the canal a the ground, with legs plump and naturally route one gets the lmpreuion that work §o Ho! f-e11tle1uen o.CFa!>i!B poised; or, if the foot is lif ted d l'uhe ground is practically stopped ; and from the ~est - -· - -- ------ . . . . s_ ion, uot so tas1.. 11.llw Tyrone, :V.Carch 1. and t he weigh t t aken from ib, disease information to be got at here I behave may b e rnap~ cted , or at least t ende-rness, such t o be the case. The last revolubion nav e written these tew line11 which is a precursor of disease. If the here, of oourse, has had something to do Andall l have to sa.yhorse stanc e with his feet eprea.<:! apart or with this state cf 6'1fairs, for when bullets 'C'1at you can find me still at home , Ia.m not gone a way. otraddkn with his h ind legs t.here is a fly, si,;adt>s drop . But revolutkns have Soallmy klndold triendamay come , wei>kness in the loins and the kidneys their bentti t.11, too, for they afford t he And all the y oung ones, too, . u e disordered. Heavy pulling bende t he canal comps ny a reasonable f'Xcnee for And get their garments nicely made I n fashlonstha t are new ; . knees. Biuish, m ilk yca11t uf eyee ln hur Ae11 giv in g up the work ; a.nd irtve i b u p t hey qhere old and young, d<>P.r friends , may meA t lndica.tes moon-blindness or sume thiog maet before long or get a large amount f A weJcl)me Vl'A fltinir. bv R. P E.ATE efoe. A bad-tempered one keeps his ears new capita.I. thrown back . A kickl.ng horse ls a.pt to The g~eatest d .fficulties of constructiv~ have !carred legs. A f!tumbling borss have nob as yet been grappled with at all. has blemiehed knees. When the skin le At Culebra. th e summlt , where a cut 260 rough and ha.noh and does not move to feet deep will be made to t ide-water level, the touch the horse le a heavy eater and only about fifteen f eet have been ex· H AS REMOV l!iD YER digestion is bad. N ever buy a horse ciovated. The gr eat dam which it is prowh ose ·breat hfr,g organs are at all impair· posed to build between t he hills of Obiepo ed. Pla.-00 y our ear at the heart, and if and Santa Cniz to control the waters of to buildings for merly occupied by a wher.zing sound ls h eard it Is an indi- the Cha11r.,s has not been begun, n or h&11 oatlon of tronble. spade b';,en pnb to all those sluices and CODD & CO., WITB TllllllTn, WITHOUT TEETH. ohannela whi<.:h i>.re to t e bullt to carr; d f The Advantages of a Root ()rop. the waters of the turbulent river in the aucl everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery and P roA root crop not only furnishes a lar ge rainy aeason. PRAC'D CAL DENTIST, vision Store, will b e sold at t he lowest p ossible prices. qn~ ntlty oI t he best k ind of foddet for OVE!t TWEN'.l'Y YEARS EXPERIENCE, ~· cat tle, sheep and pigs, eq ual t o t he feed liUr1>usOxide GB 11 Aclnilnlst c r e tl for Palnles She has now in stock everything ing of eix head of cattle for aix mont hs, N ot hing- exasperates a woman who ha CASH for Beef, P ork, Eggs, .Butter, Hides, Tallow and all Ope ration s. been shading h t r eyes from the gaslight from a.n a cre of gronnd , but it enables l!IC:C:J.UNG'S BJ.OCH.. OFFI CE u sually fou nd in a well equipped bhe farmer to u se up all his stra w for feed- with h er hand all the evenlug so much as F arm Produ ce at 0. M. CAWKER'S. ing, Instead of wasting it; to a !a.rge cxt1on b to find t hat after all she had l"ft her best RARNJrns S HOP. ----0·---for litter. Any th ing th~1t can b e fed t o diam ond r ing on the washstand. Formerly ll:nown a.a the " Soper Mills. ') It is alleged that a pract b 1 l cotton pfok I also r eturn my sincere thank~ to my nume1:ous friends and patrons anilll81a, ls wasted when used for litter to nhe extexit of the f!eah or milk th at Cl\n bo er has at last bei;n in vented, and stands fer their very liberal support during ~he l~st fifteen years, and .hope ~y R IS M I LL HAS B E E N T H OR.· MRS. HUMPHREY made from it, and the increased avallabil· the test of actual use. T his has I on.g been trict attention to bu sjness and k eepmg first-class stock, t o still ment UGHLY renovated a nd put in order,under 11 ity of the manure made from t he fodder . the one l!rea.t desideratum for the cotton nur own special supervision, for the purpose of rieting a nd ma.nu!ucturlng Out Mo al and Pot So thah when a farmer can nae all h is str1Jw induatrY, nnd a s the machine in qu estion the same: llarley, and we ar e now prepared to r ecE>ivc by cutblng it and mixing It with pnlped is claimed t o pick cotton in the lield for orders from all our old cuatomera a nd others roots, hla root crop le doubly ad vantageous. one-seven th the cost of human labor In for work, o.nd we gurantoc to give thorn who · I bavo a lJotJHi ·:o ....:rni.:dy lvr tuu nhove dlticaee; Liy t! R 1~ E ntrust us with the same entire satisfaction. th ou~aado of of t lHi worat k\t~d u ncl (If l ong stand!11g The straw, aided by a little cotton.seed th at direction , the i nven tion is one of Ou.ta and other gra.ins taken in exchange for 1.11tve b een curcit. l u ihw<t. t:io 1i1 4,r.11l g l~ my fai t h I n I ta e!Il v:u:;y, meal, then becomes aa nu ~ritious feeding gr.eat i mportance. The late crop coat I will ~en d ·rwo UO't'T l..l-:::5 FRE I~, l ogc\ht·r with l\ VA.Ir STAND :- Town Hall Buildings, next to Ont. Bank. Flour Oat Meal, &;o. H. &; J, TOWNS, Bow- that [JADI.J!l 'r'RBJ.T f~E on t; lir:i dir;eaue. t o nny s ufferer. Givn F;x$50,000,000 lo pick by hand, manvllle. 22'{, prcss un d P. O. a.ddrce9. DR. T. A. SLOCUA!, l~l Pc1u·l St., N. Y·. a& hay, and aervoa the farmi;r a far more · ;King 'B A.RR Is TE R PUBLIC, &o. ' SOLICI'l'OR, NOTARY Offlce- Bounsall's ll\oc,k Stroot, Bowman ville. M.onev to lend, . B A L . J E ggs for hatching shou ld not be ov"r b'~ o weeks old. According as h enB take on fat tho)' No other complainta are so insidious in their a·ually fall oft' in laying. D o not be tv<> attac1' as.those affecting the throat and lunge: bountiful t o auch birds, b nt rather follow none so trlfied with by the majority of s uffera medium course of feeding . ers. Tbs ordin...ry cough or eold, result ing A good remedy for roup is to give ha.ff perhaps .i'rom a t rifling or unconscious exa teaspoon ful of coal oil once a day. If posure, ls often but tho beginning of a fatal the fowl is weak give a pill composed of sickness. AYER'S CnERRY PECTORAL has equ&l parts of gen t aln, quinine (or Peru· ·,vell proven its efficacy in a forty years' tight with throat and lung diseases, and sbould bo vian bark) and r hubarb. taken in all cases without delay. The poul' r y yard should be in a dry eit u tatlon, with a eouthern or south-east· A Terrible Cough Cured, "In 1857 I took a severe cold, which affeet"4l ern slope. S ome underbrnsh lg desirable my lungs. I hacl a terrible cough, and paseetl for shade, and wat er should be handy, a night after night without sleep. The doctora r unning str eam being preferable. gave me up. l tried AYER'S Cn1m1tY.PJM~·oaA.L, which relieved my lungs, induc9' N q matt er what variety of fowls you sleep! and afforded me tho rest necessary for t 10 recovery of my strc11gth. By the are breeding, you should Improve them RAJ, a perm6continued use of tho l'ECTO by int.roducing fresh blood into the flock nent cnre was effected. I nm now 6~ yea.rs occ11siona.lly, fr om such strains as you old, hale and bcarty, and run satisfied you CHERRY l'ECTOR.AL saved me. have reason to believe are of the beat HORACE F.AmDROTHaB." blood. Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. D acks 11hould be allowed ae much liberty , Croup. -A Mother's Tribute, as pllsalble, as they are nob partial to con· "While in tl1e country last winter my lltlJe finement like chickens. When they are boy, three yearsolcl, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from ~trangu· eonfined In a. yard with hens they become lation. One of the family suggested the use 'iuarrelsome and do more damage than TORAL a bottle of of AYElt's CHERRY .PEC wb.ich was always kept i n the \1ouse. '.l.'hil they a.re worth, and for that reason was tried in small aud frequent doses, and should b-0 kept separate. to our clelight ii< less than half an hour the little patk· nt was breathing ea.~ily. 'l'be doc· Sev~ral small l<msee, for sheltering tor said ~hat the CmctlRY PEC TO RAL had pur poses, are bet ter t han one of large sizs. · ai saved my darling's. life. Can you wonde1 H ouses twelve feet long by six feet wide our gratitude? Sini~~:J!J~~[!'GEDNEv.'· wiil make t wo apartments, each large 159West 128th St., New York, l\iay 16, 188!. enough to accommodate fifty hens and four " I have used AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL cocks, wh ich are as many as nhould be in m y family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual kep b t ogether. Ventllatiol\ mast not be remedy for coughs and colds we have ever overlooked, and in hot weather should be A . J . CRANE." tried. .ample. Lake Crystal, l\Jinn., March 13, 1882. .A. little space sowed to onlonB, for " I suffered for eight years from Dronchltte, and after t rying many remedies with no 111.ecllicks, will be found an advantage. Oncess, I was cored by the use of A YER'S Ounk ns c1m go in very early, and both the RV l'~~CTORH,. JOSEPU W .ALDEN." k>ps and the bulbe a.re excellent for mix· Byhalia, Miss., Aprll 5, 1!182. ing with the food of chicks and yonng "1 c1mnot S'-Y enough i11 prn.ise of .A VF.'a'tl OREnRY PIICTOR.AJ,, believin~ as I do tba$ MirkeJs. Garlic and leek are also good, but for Its use I should long smco llave diecl and such crops may be grown on a 11mal' from lung troubles. E. BRAGDON." space, without dema.ndlug exceselve labor Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. for their cultivation, though, if grown for No case of an affection of the throat or erops, the work mnst be done more thor· lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved ou2hlv. by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, At 01:te time the H oudan was characterand it will atzcays cure when the disease la not already beyond the control of medicine. 1.-.ed ae "the beet farmer'B fowl," and for all round purpo11e11, where hardiness, prePREPARED BY oocity, good laying and table qualitlte ar<i Dr.J. O.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. de.!lired, we think thi11 statement a correct Sold by all Druggist&. ooe-t bat ls, if the right Houdan11 are obtained, such a.s are bred in France. Some breeds are better layers, others excel on bhe table, but on the whole we know of no variety which can clalm a relatively higher position than this one. J!or bnsineas- that is, for all purposes ~.,ad all goose qualities and size, no breed of geose equals the Toulouse. .A.mong their good q aa.lities is their extreme hardiness. They n eed no housing ln vinter, and only gralls and water in summer. HARNDEN, L . D.S ., When spring com"s they a.re on hand with plen ty of eggs. We think them the equal, G-.adua.te of tne R oyal College of Dental if not the auperior, uf the whole guoae Surgeons, Ont ari.o. family for laying. They will produce OFFICE OVER DICK::-:ON'S STORE. more egge in a season tha.n any other b reed. iO LD F I LLING A SPECIALTY. a le nothing nncoi;nmon for a single go,,se Pl.f.lt.e Work executed in the latest and mo1 ·$ to lay 40 to 50 eggs from March to July, ' improved style of tl11i Dental Art, 'Jompared with other ireeae, their eg ~B EETH EX'fR.ACTED WITROU'l' P.A.IN are apt to hatch well. 'When the gosliDg ., the use of Nltrous Oxide Gas, without injury is hatched, after he getls on liie feet .llo ie · to the patient. all right for growin g op. With plenty of Particnle.r e.ttentlon paid to the regulation or tend er gu ss orJettu ce and mea.l mush, UHILlJltlfiN ' b TE E'l' H . slightly Ea.lted, vit.h pudd le wat~r for ..--ALL WOltK W A R.RA N1'ED. .._ drink, and a dry, warm sh elter, he is certain of thrift and a. future wdstence a.a a young mule. AYER'S Cherry Pectorat Jloya}ty on a Shake-Down. Poultry Points. J osll Billingsgate. Some years ago a. 11 t he Prince cf Wa.le1 M ost people a.re like an egg, too phull --- ' 2.nd hi1 tubor were traveliag incog In the of themaelvea to h old a.nything else, Hints for the Hay Held. West of England the landlord of a certain Oudostty is the germ ov all enter A good deal has been learned about hay. hotel ha.ving reason to expect a visit fro en priaee- men dig for woodchucks mare We know that the earliest-made hay is his R oyal Hlghnes1 prepared h is b ent for curiosity, t han for woodchncq. the best. We know alr:.o thab the hay rooms in his best st yle and then waited Thare fa lots ov pholk i n t hlil wurld which la made with the least expo.11nre.to de.y by day in feverish anxlety. One 11.f· who kan kee p n!ne out ov ten com mand. t he sun is far better than that which is ternoon a gent leman and 11 yonth arrived mentn without enny t rouble at a.11, bu b dried by t he heat and wind until it breaks at the hotel and asked if rooma could be the one that is left th ey k a.n t keep the into dust under the foob. Thousands of had for the night. .All th e servan ts were small end ov. farmers, whe first read of hay caps in in a b u1Jtle immediately, for the landlord Tha.re is n umer ous Individuals in t he the p apers many years ago, have learn- was sure be discerned the young Prin ce land who look npon what they hain't got ed thab they will save their co11t every t.nd his tutor In the newl,--a.rrin d t ravel · az t he onlv thing worth having. year, if -properly used. Experience has ers. So the besb roome were ~peedily One man ov gen iue t o 97 t housand, taught this lesson. A few shor e and given to the guests, a nd every poeeible four h undr ed and 42 men ov talent iz pithy rules for making the best of hay comfort was &,dded to make them happy ; j ast about the righ t proporahnn for acbna.l m ig ot jusb now be repeated, as follows: while the landlord, vith a cer tain wink bizz!uese. Thare ls many a. sUo between a cup Get the mowers Into good condition, with- of bland sat isfaction, beba.ved to his roy· out a day's unavoidable delay; watch the e.l viaitors with the utmo~t deference and a lip, b ut not ha.If a:i; menny BZ tha.re grans closely, and cnb it before the seed and yet without any .open acknowledg'. ought t e w be. R ather than not have foith in en nythlng, ia formed-j ast when the blossom h fad- I ment of their rank, a1 he knew l b wa11 d eIng. Cub 1t as soon as the dew is off, but aired to keep this conce.a led. Later In the lam willing to be bea.t nine times out of 10. not while it Is damp. Before the evening enning, and when almoat every room in The two most lmportant word~ In enny dew falls upon ib, rake it up and put lb in the house had been filled, bhere arrived language are the shorteab, "Yes and to cocks holding about three hundred three more travel1;r11, two gentlemen and [No. " pounds each. If rain threatens, cover the and a boy. When they aaked for bed· ~- · · cocks safely with ha.y caps. Take in no ,room11 the landlord said: "Very sorry, .A.. new explosive, kn own as klnetlte, it hay until all has been out and cocked. ~entlemen, we hue only room for two of le at present being studied iu Germany. The hay will oare in bhe best manner in your party, bnb perhap1 we can make np lb consists of a mixture of oils and gun the cock, and ib may stay a week withoub a bed for the young gentleman on the cotton, and is snperior to dynamite, as its ha.rm, If covered wibh the caps. When sofa." This was done, and In the mom· roa.n nfacture and manipulation are absoready to draw ib bo the barn, uncover the ing it vas fonnd that the youth vho 1lepb lat ely without danger ; i b will deb1 nat e cocks and throw them over and open on " the 11bake-down " was the heir t o only u nder certain peculiar md wellthem. Have one person doing this, while the Orown of England, while, much to defined conditions of shock. Only the the others are loading and drawing ln. the landlord'· discomfiture, the boy who parb exposed to concnssion explodes, an t Do not stack it, but place lt under a tight occupied ths bed meant for t he Prince when fired it burns quietly wit h a brilroof, if lt is only a barrack, open at the wu only Master P--, trr.veling with liant light. The t rue composition ls being sides. Uncover only what can be drawn l hi1 father . carefully kept a necrot. in in one day. .Ae soon as the field le · -- ___ . ----- -- - -- - ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ - - ---clear, give ib a top-dressing of compost or or some artificial fertil!zer ; but do not tnrn the cows upon it-it would pay bet· ter to buy some hay from a neighbor . Thia last rule applies t.o the next year's crop, but lb is rightly placea here, because next year would be too late to use ib. It Is of the grea.teat importance, and should Save money by buying your goods at by no means be omitted. Finally, gather tha hay caps together ; dry them, If necesury; lay t hem evenly one upon another ; roll them np ; bind them in the roll, an d. store them in a dry place where no mice can gnaw holes in them, It would be an -n . ._ FARMERS' ATTENTIONI TYRONE'S CHEAP CASH STORE, JAMES S TR UTT, Proprietor :ro~1~~tn~i~~l~u~~~e~u!~d~~nP;e:;;~~ Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Pat ent and make them waterproof. MediCines, etc., etc. THE P.l.NAllll (J.lN.lL, rJ'rone, November 13, 1884', 46-3m. GROCERIES JAMES ELLIOTT'S His ·reas are not to be Excelled. Call and inspect. JAMES ELLIOTT. c. Crockery & Glass-ware - 1'J" C> C> 1'1"- PREPARE FOR L I G HT PLATFORM BINDER .A ~ARI TYRONE 'V. V Boot and Shoe Store. Spring & Summer GOODS W. H. HICKS. F. H. MASON, Hamutcn P 0. REMOVAL[ GROSE RIES Coarse and Fine S a lt, · -· Crockery & Glassware, DENTISTRY Mns. HUMPHREY fllE8lt ANlJ euaan MEATS- ' HARNES S SHOP American and Canadian Coal Oil, Flour ·and Feed, Empire Horse and Cattle Food, J. m. BRIMACOMBE, firstOoorEastof RuebottomHouse, - .... Caledonian Mills. Call at the n ew premis es. T COffSUrilPTIOt~ C1\ H·:l) c.

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