----·-- TERMS :-$1.50 P111t ANNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER ,,. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A.. JAMES, EDITOR AND P:a.ol'lUJl:'tO:&. VoLUME 384. -----==-.::._-:-...:::..--=-=---- - -- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, PAR'l'JAJ, PitOSPECTUS Oif '---=="' :::=== DECEMBER ·~, = ====== = = = ==== = 1885. XXXI. Nmumn 49. McOLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. LOCAL NEWS: LETTERS. 'l'A UNTOJ!J. '£he annual Missionary meeting for the Zion appointment was held on Tuesday evening Nov. 24 ult. Notwithstand ing the bad condition of the roads, a f air number were p resent. and those who were not, missed a treat. 'fhe meeting was opened by singing Hymn 708, af·er which the Rev. Dr. Williams led in prayer. Mr. Stephen Wael1ington having occupied the chair on such occasions for nearly thirty ye~r~, was chose11 to till that honorable position. After tlie chairman of the Drstrict, Rev. Mr. Browne, r ead the church report., the R ev. Dr. was introduced to the audience and delivered a very interesting account of the mission work carried on among the Indians in the N. W. T., in China and Japan. The choir although very few in numbel", under the able leadership of Miss Byrom, enlivened the proceedings with choice anthemR which were appreciated by an intelligent assembly and highly complimented liy the Dr . who is a first class musician and composer. If some of our young boys would practice the advise given at the missionary meeting, first-Pray morning and evening ; second-Read the scriptures daily ; and third-Keep off the etrflete and keep choice company, they would have a little more reverence for God'l'I house and discontinue their rowdyism on thefr way home. Before this week's edition of the Sl'ATESMAN ie printed they say another marriage will have taken place. It does not take widowers so long to do business as young people. Another wedding has taken place, Mr. Wm. Pascoe and Miss Ella Ross. They have gone East for their pleasure. ·we wish them much joy. A good opening at the corners for a dress-maker and a doctor. A large n umber have been vaccinated and ~ .:ommon question is, "How is your a.rm " ? Mrs. Wannan, teacher, daughter of Mr. Rd. Mitchell , and htir husband have been home on a visit. VEmTAS. ---..-·-~-·----· WIDE AWAKE FOR 181'6. latest, writes : "1 liko tho ma!'(a"ine bBcause it is full of impulse. Another thing- when I lily it down, I feel a· if I haa been walking on brec:r.y hill·tops." SIX ILL USTitA'l'ED SEHI.A.LS : I. A lllDSHJl'UAN A.T LAltfrn. ll. 'Till> t;UIJISJ> Cito' THE t;ASABJAN<JA. l~very boy who sailed in fancy the ·late exciting race of tho l'M·itwi and the Gene.sta,and all lovers of sea stories, will enjoy those two stories of Newport and Ocean Yachting. by CHINA HALL. MURDOCH BROS. are taking down the wall between their present Grocery and the room formerly occupied by the Standard Bank, a11d will on or a pout the 15th inst., open out In t h 'e 1at. t'e F depa rtment one of the largest, choicest, cheapest~ and BEST assortments of China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc, e ver shown in. Bowmanville. Don't buy anything in above lines till you see their display. EN}! I SKILL EN. HAMPTON. A very pleas.int time was spent by all Mr. John Russell ("Sq narflfield fa.rm") who eajoyed the wedd in~ festivities e.t entertained a nurub ~r of yonn:.i people one the h ome of Mr. Pye last week, on th e evening last week, fro " Tyr· · ll ~, H a moooasion of the marriage of his daughter pton and vicinity. lhn !" ·g and other to Mr. Wm. Robbins. The bride was the amusements wero e' · !{a.~ ..1 ·n d uring recipient of many handsome presents. On the evening. M · ,st nf r.he ~ u , sr.s reached the eve of the wedding Miss Pye was pl"e- their homes before dayli f{ llt sented with a handsome cabinet photo Mr. Charles Ro1 !en .nd fa <1 ilv returnalbum by t he Methodist choir of which ed from Manitoba, to tfto;r ro 111.lenc e here, she has long been a v aluabl t'l membtlr. last week. He re ;·o t :· ,~""fr" badly inRumor aays there has been a couple of jured by frost. other marriages in the neighborh ood but Our School Boa~d · ·re illlfol' 11ving the we cannot as yet vouch for t he veracity of school grounds wit ·1 tlrn a.dditi<·n of a new the report· fence. N ot before it was neoderl, either . 'Ve understand t11 at Mr. F. Rogers, Mr.' Bantel is here yet purchasing proprietor of the Farmers General Store, horses and paying g·)Ocl pr ces. started a strictly cash t rada on the first 'l 'hesale Siturday - v ·n ' "'~ , t the old of D ecember. '!'hat's business. C. M. church went. lively ·L '. h one try Our deservedly po pular auctioneer, Mr. ing t o secu re sonMt... n ( , · ·~ · . c of the R . Hu tchinson, c0nd ncted one of thti old:cburch. m ost !\UCcessful saks of the snason for Mr. The S. A. give a :.: ···1d h , ,;quet hero \Vm. Crawford, last Saturday. E very· e r h ··V ex:pect to thin g off.ire d for eale brought high prices. on the 7tll Dccemt· The auctioneer has however forfeited his alau ~h ter a large nn ., ·er .f fo wl. M rs. S weetman , g ·ne c good name as e.n expert horseman, for on .o Guelph to gh 1er, Mrs. his journey home from Mr. Crawford 's he spen<l th e winte" <vi th her da·1 had a collision with some young rneu Deikie. We wish h.;r a pleas ·.n '· time. who wero run ning horses af ter night d own :M:re. He·1cock , (] ..·twright, wa·i i n town the gravel road . The vehicles struck S uriday What a mania our citizens with s ncll violence as to precipitate all the have for ht.rge fowl 1 occupants tive in number very suddenly Mr. CL M ~ Ewau is anxiously waiting to terra-tirma. Mr. Hutchinson received for the cheese to be sold, and then · 1 a se vere concussion of h is mental facnlH is wonclerful the power ,,f Attracticni ti~s, but recovered him.self in time t o rni~e all the occupants of the Tyrone bug· One of our citizens ··· ·trawn weekly to gy. M r. H's buggy h ad the fore wheel Ontario Co. We do t know what the badly damaged. We havo not learnt results may be, bu t we >11l'idpate somewhe ther any of the Tyrone young men thing in the near fu t !!'·" were injured or not, their buggy was bad. "Ve ~ave a n umb",. i nqn1 rers as to 1u t: Tyly smashed. Mr. L. T. Staples who was who will be R ee1·0 1. ex. \' <"a r , 1 riding with Mr. H. r ecei ved an abrasion rone correspon d eHc t1 pe:t '< s out without of the cuticle of one knee, also a very fear. Announcing a ·fat man, &R our severe fracture of his pants. The latter H.eeve next year. \ \ 'e a e two fat men, of such a sorious nat.ure that we fear each as firm as a ro0k; ·Vhi"h shall it be~ there is little hope of perman ent recovery. Langmo.id or Hanc.Jck 7 We d o not know whether the young m en S.Lo w BoY. racing -were paralo~(ld or not, at any r ate they Ehould have more wisdom than to ENFIELD. ruu horses on a public r oad after dark. lf bread is the staff o f life why does a. H.ev. l'ilr. McClaren and wife were de· posited in the ditch last week by the bug- man go of on a fo.,f ¥ Plowing beeg havfl heeu all t he rage gy overturnin g, the horse having shied. around here, n o lt)~:i t · < t ' wenty-three injuries only slight. Mr. Chaa. .Rogers and family a rrived teams being 's een 'H ww k on one farn1 in this village last Friday evening from one day last week . Mr. J no. Niddery ha.-< ·t.·> ' ed into Mr, Manitoba by the C. P. R. All looking hale and hearty. We welcome them back Jno. Ashton's hou:,e opp·" te t he church . to Ontario. Mr. Jas. Stark OHH w·th what might Mr. J ohn Moyse has returned from have been a seriuu · acu·de ·i·., while com· the city where h e received the appoint· ing from his hom.i iu W11 t'>ll', to his new ment of sole agent for the great 0 . P . farm one moruin~ . He W ··S driving a. ·i ha\t a colt Ra.ilway lantern which is s upposed to be team of horses in ., · ' .( . · tho most durable and best constructed in tied to the hind b .: ur, a I vhile coming the market. John has already taken down the hilt we~t .f h·" e, t he colt be1.ihind him, several orders and will no doubt command come frightened at ·· o s roared up and up;. 1' t ht1 '"'·· >1011, throwthe trade in this vicinity. The Salvation Army is not yet extinct ing Mr. Stark u nd.ir it. F1>rtunately he here, e. new officer being on the war path. was only slightly 15iJcN1t <lJl , bu t tbe waggon was pretty b:;r!ty J ..1a.hod. We congratulate Messrs. T. A. and S. D ame rumors s ays th(,r·; i" to b e anothG. Brown of this place on h aving been appointed to the head mastership of th e er wedding here soon. I\'.!r: Edward N iddery is \.JU tting up an public schools of L eska rd and Green add1t1on to his hou · e. River. Blood was frec1Jy ~hod horn Wednesday A little child of Mr. Jos. Chapman's aged two years that has been a great suf· nir.:ht. Scott Act m uch JJa cdecl. forer from its birth was releaved from its The ch~rch is t<>o no1;i,ll fo r the larg~ sufferings on Friday the 27th ult. The cong regations tha o .. ·sen1b!1~ er e Sunday funeral on Sabbath to Hampton cemet ery afternoons. It :ihoui ba enlarged and was quite largely attended. also the shed. Report of Enniskillen Public School for the The bones of a11 ,, vtr:;,r~tl man only month of November, 1885. ,n t y-H,.ll po~·mcls, 'and yet Sen. 3 cle.ss- l\1e.ry Virtue, H.ose Brown.Alfie weigh about tw1 Mitchell, Jennie llfoHaren. Minnie Hogers, l!IOme people put on ·nr:; an·i seep around Carrie Rogers. Bertie Byors, Clare. Brown, as though they w i~hed a to n. Mary Lewis. J unior 3- E lla SLainton. Ettie Gilbert, Calvin Mills. John Virtue, Lottie Rog· Mr. W. Bennet· :-olt! the cow adv11rers. .Alex McCullough, Fred Moroney, Willie tised by him in the 81'.!H'.f'iMAN le.st week, Potter, Willie Doan. Senr. 2nd class Louise Lewie, .Ado. Moyee, E ttie Brown, Minnie. Mar· and the purchaser h.1,1 "h" u11 sfortune to tin. Had Pyo, Maud Oldfield, Geo. 'l'hompson, loose her shot"tly .,,f r.11rwa rc l:!t.l\1ora.l- Dont Jos. Moyse, Jos. Doan, Sidney Hocke.day.Ettie buy animals adv er tised in th" STATESMAN. Gilford. Jun. 2nd· class- E mma. Lewis, W m. Ilogers~9he.rles Moyse, \ Vm. Stainton, Osbert ::SLOCUM. Byers, me.hie Hutchinson, Ethel Pbtter, Maggio Virtue. Avere.ge !or month, 62. 'J', L. STAPLES, REv. A . W.&DSTJ']lt, Jit r nf t he Christ'l 'ee.cher. '.!'he following is a. list of the candidates who ian E ra, writes: "1 b e used Davies' were successful pe.sslng the late promotion P '.1-in-Killer for m tiny y a.rn in m y family examination with the marks obtaned,, snbject with much satisfact100." to the supervision of the Inspector. Highest prices in cash will be paid for · Sen. 3rd to 4th. Max, 210. (Marks required to passs 120.) Alfred Mitchell, 1G2; Jennlo Mc· any quantity of -.ell-dreairnd poultry Larcn, 186; Hose Brown. 178; Minnie Rogers, 176; Carrie Ho11:ers. IU; Mary Virtue. 160; Ber· turkeys, geese and other fo wl by W.R.R. tie Byers U O: Clare. Brown, 1~. · Jun., 3rd to Cawker ; also for any qurrnt ity of Hides Senr. Srd.- Ella Stainton, 160; Ettie Gilbert, Sheep Skins and 'l'allow-13 tf. · 190· J. C. Mille, 130; John Virtue, 132.; Seu 2nd A fine assortment of all ~h e newest goods to Jun.,Srd Max. 18.0, Louise ~ewls, 109; Ettie Brown, 00; Ennisk1llen Publtc School. in Mantle and U lst· l' Cloths at Coueh T. L. STAPLES. & · C d , J Teo.cher, . o mston ry .irm<ln n, WIDJ~ J;ff Pull Prospectus se1tt an application\11l A mother, wliose five children have read AWA KF. from it.s first num her to ite LAST ~WEEK we bought a CHARLES KEMTN U'l'ON 'L\LBOT. 111, A. GIRL A.N'() A .n;wEL. Mns. n .umIE'!' PnESGO~"l' Sr.Oll'JrORD, in tliis delicioue White Mountain Romance. cont.rib· utes her JlrBt eeritd to a young folks' i£agazine. I\'. DULY A.ND THE (;Al"l'AIN'. l '. l'IWGY, AND Ht;R FAUILY. MAR<: ARE1' SIDNEY writes the·e two amusing Adventure Serielsfor Little I!'olks. 'l 'hirty. six illustrations each. 1·1. A. SIX ltlOXTJIS' STORV (tiUe to be an. nounced), by CHAJU,ES EGBERT CA1w ocu:, author o! Down tile Itiver. ---OF--- Black Astrachan Mantles, r Black Fur Capes, Black Fur Trimming, Black and Grey Robes. Men's Persian Lamb Caps. JlOl.'AJ, GUU,SAND JtOl.'AL (;OJTJl'l'S. By Mns. JOHN S1rnnwoon, This s"ries, 1ecislly brilliant snd instructive, will begin es1 In the Cl1ristnms number and run through the year. A t;l't::tE OF (;IJILDREN. By ELBRIDGE s. BROOKS. Illustrations by Iloward Pyle, 'l'welve historic11ol stories cele· bra.ting twelve populiLr holiday~. 'J'he Clrst blx are: ltla8ter Sitn·lay's <Jltrlst.111n8 !lnn p1Ira~on. December, 1550. New l'ear's 1·1a. J1011cy. Jan., 1500. Mr, l'eJ·Y'~ l 'alentlne. February.1660. · '.floe Lusl. ofllll' Cleraldlues. March, 1535. J)Jccou atul tile l'I' lse J<'ouls of 1CJorl11oru, lllstre~s ~lari;ery·s Tlte J.ndy Octnvfa'~ Gnrhnul. May, 1884.. STOUU:S CU,. AMEJCICAN lV AUS, April. 1~15. -WE OFFER 'l'hrilling incidents in onr various American warfares. 'l'he first six: are: Great Bargains! IN THESE LINES, And intending purchasers should g1v;e us a call before buying. ~-,·~------------------------~-- J' he L1ghl or II ey mscayne. .loci ,Jncluon's Smnl'k. A JCe \'4)1ul.ionnry 'l'nrueont, How Dunlcl Abbott Outwitted lhc ln· cllaus. la floe Turne c;rawl. The Uo)..Soldlers ol't:herry ' 'alley. IN 1··;n1L. .A romantic dozen of advantures, but all striotly true. '!'he first six are: Sn vcd by a Kile. Taz n Tn". 111 n llJtcn Jlllnt,. 'l'be Life Trail. The l'armlut t.luitr1111s on tl·tl "llcli;b· Ho!" A Strange 1·crson. "l'CHJTJI IN 'l'lVJll~l'J~ CENTUJCrns. .A lwe.utiful art feature. '.l'wenty four snperb studies of race-typ~s and national costumes, by JD. Chlld Hassam, wite text by M. E. It. of the Christmas number. 'l'he rich illustrations in· elude glimses of Holland. A.ssym, Pe··sia, .Moorish Spain and New England, with two paintings in clay modellec l expressly for WIDin AWAKE, and reproduced by speci"l processea, in three tones. 'l'Wl> I ,l 'Jl UALL,lRDS. J<' llt11.J·J,.tl:E S'l'OllJ ES. This e.rticlewill be a notable feature TYRONE. On 'I'ueaday of last week the inhn.b itants of this v illage were startled by the ne ws of the sudden death of Thomas Curtis,sr. J t appl:lars thtl d eceased met his death whilf' ~'lowing wood in the h otel yard. Ooro Ar Mitchell was at once summoned but ' l not d eem it necessary to I 11lLl an inques 1 as death must have com~, upon him j , ·stant anevoasly and appar ently withiJ.u t pain. Deceased was known as a hard·wp rking, i noffe nsive man and the fun eraL on 'l'nursday was largely attended by those who feel a deep sympathy for the bereaved family and especially for his widow and daughter both being unable to leave the house through illn~Rs. R ev. R Hazzard i mproved t he occasion by a few appropriate remarks, in tho l\lethodist church and the remains were tlien followed by a large concourse of friends to the Bethesda cemetery. Three funerals inside two weeks in this neighborhood. Mr. Nixon and wife have become residents of this famous village during the past week. Mr. J . S. D oney h as given up bee keeping, having sold his entire stock to Mr. John E vans, Cartwright . A capital sermon was deliverad by the p a11tor on Sabbath evening last to the young men, but of course the young women were not excluded. The building was filled with an attentive au.;lience and from remarks made by the R ev. Gentleman wo infer that he is not careful to avoid stepping on people's corns. Mr. Carlos Smart, of Peterboro, is visiting friends here at pr esent. The kind.ly act of some of our citizens in sawing and splitting the wood for a sick brother is commendable. Practical sympathy is after all the best. Mr . W . Ailsworth is quite indisposed. Severe.I others in t his village are at present very ill. llir. Pierce, senior partner of the fi rm of Pierce & Co. spent a few days this week at Ailsa. Craig. A good time is expected h ere an X mas Day. Particulars later on . EctOME1. 'S-E>Nil'"JOOW COUCH,JOHNSTON ~ CRVDERMAN Would announce to their friends and th e public t hat their 'l'bese are contribn ted by twelve of the foremost women poets of .America.. l<~ach ballad will fill tive to seven pictoral pages, 'l 'bo 1lrst si:i< a.re: Tile .Deac on's Utile Maid. A ballad of early New England. By Mm;. A . D. 'J'. WJJJTNEY. Illustrations by Miss L B, Humphry. 'J "be Stol"y or tbe {)hcvallcr, A ballad of the wars of Mttrit> ' 'heresa. By MRS. HARRI· E'l' PnEScOT'l' S!'on·ord. Illustrations by JJ:. H I Garrett, Tile ltlluute iUnn · .A be.Ila of the "Shot heatd round the world." By MA1WARE'£ SID· NEY. Illustrations b~ Hye Sandllam. 'J'J1e H e mlocll 'J'J·ce, A ballad of a Me.in settlement. By Lucv LARCOM. Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. 'l'ltc <JllHdrcn·s CJhet·ry l'ca st. .A. ballad of the Hussite War. By NORRA PERRY. Illus· tl'&tions by George Foster Barnes. ~1111~ t;, 1!, F. ll. U. Ul~ADINGS, FALL AND WINTER STOC K is now very complete in all its departments, having opened out during the past few weeks over OVER &69,000·WORTH OF ~E-W- meet the growing demand for the h clpf1tl in literature, history, science, art !and practical doinl':. A good commission is paid for secur ing new subscribers, either in cash or premiums. Send for Premium List. \ V101·; AwAKE is only $3.00 e. year. J>. J ,OTJJROI· & (;ct. , Publislteo·s. FRANKT,lN AND HAWLEY STS.BOSTHN,MASS., U.S. A. SPECIAL OFFER GOODS:1 To our ·Readers ! W e have made arrangements with the pub· Jishers of Treasure-'l' rove mul Pupil's Com. pat1lo11, New York, to furniRh their enter· taming aud deservedly popula.i· Magazine for young people snd the family, in connection with the 81'ATESMAN for $1.50 for 1886. Comprising Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets. Winceys, Mantle Goods, U lster Cloths, Tweeds, Over Coatings, Flannels Blankets, 1!,ur Caps, Astracban Mantles, Over Coats, &c. Their stock this season is by far the largest and best assorted ever shown by them, and in some departments the best ever shown in Bowmanville. Every article has been CAREFULLY SELECTED IN THE BEST MARKETS and at the lowest prices which CA S H can command. TltEASlJllE- TROVE AND PUPILS' UOMr,lNION ranks among tlie very first magazines in point of entertaining nnd varied reading, and in its own particular field of Bright, Attractive, Ed· uce.tive Ree.ding. It has no rival. It is Endorsed by Teachers and all over the Country as 1~ Magazine worthy :to bl'l placed in the hands of their young people. It is of such e.n entert.nining nature that it will add pleasure e.nd happiness to every home circle. and in connection with its stories and sketches of' general interest it has attractive articles bearing directly upon School Studies. Progressive in char· 'u.cttlr, Entertaining in features and Educational in its teaching, Beantifully Illustrated. 36 pages. 12 numbers in each year, P r ice $ 1 oo per Yeat'. Its contributors aru among the most success· ful and entertaining writers for young people in this country. Many ~nccessrul teachers are also regular contributors to its columns. It wil add an interest to all the school studies of your boys and girls. The Publishers· a.re at 25 Clinton P lace, New York Parents Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Dom· West o.t· Pos1 OOice. for Couizhs, Colds, IT Is PURE IN TONE Bowmanvitle. PIOKERIJ!JG. Mr. Every, Manager of the Pickering Cheese Co., rece ntly had 0110 of his cows come home with a picket- boa.rd run t hrough her bag, protruding cross-ways on each side about two feet. Several persona had to be summoned t o aid in pulling it out, then a Veterinary waa called in and stopped the fiow of blood. At last accounts the cow was doing well and did not cease to give her da ily supply of milk. is a positive cure Croup, \Vhooping-Cough, Cata.rr~, Hoarsene~s, Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fev~r, Pleunsy, and all d1sease8. of the Throat Chest 'and Lungs. As an E xpectorant it has no equal, Consumption has been c~red times without number by its timely use. It heals the ulcerated surfacee, and cares when all other remedies fail. Fifty-six years of constant use has proven lta virtues. Every family should keep it in t he house. So~d everywh~re. Henry, Johnston & L ord, Proprietors, Bnrlmgton, Vt. N. D. Do1Vn's Vegetable Da't samie Elixir THE SUN! are a _ sure cure f~r Costiveness Biliousness, Dyspepsui, Inclige<1tlon, Diseases ~f the K1d~eys, Torpid Liver, Rhet~mO:tism, DizzineBs, Sick ~ead.ache. Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, Apoplexy, Pal pitations, Eraptions and Skm Diseases. K eep the Sto!llach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs all in working order, and _perfect he:olth will be the result. Ladies and others subject to Sick Headache will find rell~f and perma~ent cure by the use of these 13itters. Being tonic and mildly purga~1ve they purify the ~lood. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Henry, J ohnston & Lord, P ropnetors, Burlingt on, Vt. The B est New&paper in America, and by far the Most Readable. .Agents wanted everywhere to ~earn ~oney in distributing the Sun's Premiums. The most interesting and 1 adventage· ous ofters ever made by any N e wspaper. No Subscriber ign ored!~or neglected. Something for all, · Beautiful and Substll.ntial Premiums in ;Standard Gold and other Watches, Valuable Books,the Best Family Sewing Machine known Henry Johnston & Lord, Proprietors of to the trade, and an unequalled list of object!! of A.l:nica and Oil Li11in1ent for Man and Beast. The b est ex~e~nal real utility and instruction. remedy for Rheumatism N euralgia, Sprains, Bruise11, Burns and Sea.Ids, Sciatica, Jta t Cll, b y ~lull, Po~t11aid: Backache Frosted Feet, and all other pain1 and Aches. It ls a safe, sure, a?d DAILY, per Year {without Sunday) ...... $6 00 DAILY, per Month (without Sunday).... . 50 effectual 'Remed'J;;.for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c. , on Horees. One tnsl per Year ............... .... .. ... l 00 will IJrove Its merits, Its eftech are in most cases instantaneous. Every bottle SUNDAY, FOUEVER.Y DAY IN 'l'HE YE.A.It ...... 7100 warranted to give satisfaction. Pricea 25 centl'! and 50 cents per bottle. Sold WEEKLY, per Year ...... .............. . .. 1 00 A.cldree~. l"HE SVN,INelTjTork c;1ty. everywhere. Di·. Henry Baxtc1·'s ~land.ra~e B~tters HAYDON. The Young.l\fen's Evangelistic Band,of which l\lr. W.H.May is the p r esident, conducted two services in the church h ere on Sunday week and their labors were greatly appreciated. The people her e express t he wish that they will come again ~oon. Scott's Emulsion of Pure ()od Liver OH. 'vlth B ypophosphltea ----c~---- For Wasting, Delicate Children. Dr. NYSEWANDER, of D e1 l\Joines,Iowa, says : "I have used Scott's. Emulsion,and fi nd it satisfactory in every respect. Children take it readily with excellent resulta," !J ]