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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1885, p. 3

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« ARD OF THANKS.-To the Mauger ot the. Fire Insurance Arsooiation: C Sm, i: hereby return thanks f()r the · prompt CATARRH. I ~auntlhtu - WUl&mt WW T 91!!~J4W!WMM111ri IW Jtatt.suuiu. paymen.t (by your a~ent~ Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham, for my loss by fire. causea by a spark from a steam thresher, having got po.yrnent for contents at market price ; no i or ~ payment like I see on the Domiulon Grange Policy to tenants. Yours gratetully, 'l'nos. HA1m1s, 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ ___ ,,,, New Photo Rooms ARE NOW OPEN. Stand formerly occupied by the Post omce. KlNG STREET. :BC>VV~l'.A.N'"V.:CLX.. !'!::. HENRY'S The Gallery is first-class in all its ap poiotments, and. furnished in a. comfort able manner. T:b.ere will be no poor worll allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a call can rely on being pleased ~The instantenous process only will be used for Phot.ographs. Come in and see me. R.H. HENRY UNDERTAKING I I -B"Y- LEVI MORRIS. ,..- I am tully preparl)<l to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. -Oaskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice First-class hearse on very moderate terms Sbmuds and Coffins constantly on hand. F un ral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & how Rooms-Bounaall'sN ew Block. 11 furnitu.-e sold by me is ma.de by the U . C urniture Co. ofBowmanvllle. I do not bn, '!!lop furniture and represent it to have been made by the U. C. ~'. Co, of this town. Also agentfortheLI-QUOR TEA for this town and vicinity. It is cheap and as good a.a can bE got in the market. A valuable prize given with every pound. THE ONTARIO BANK Continues t o do a. General Banking Business tsBo wmanvillu Branch. .DEPOSITS Received in Sa.vings Bank Depart.men t and -call and interest allowed at current rates. N . notice of withdrawal necessary. All depoaltf pa.ya.hie on demand, EXCHA.NGE Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe United Sta.tea and Canada, also Gold, Silver and United Sta~es Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold, t C:OLLEU'I'IONS Promptly made at current ra tes upon all pa.rt ~f Great Brittain, the United States and Do minion of Canada. Telegraph Transrert Made for lar~e or email sums on all parts of Canada. 'l'llia Is especially advantageous to !Persons llvi.J ~ in Mamtoba or the North-west e.s t mn.k'l e funds available a.t once at; the Place of payment. · For fu.rther particulars call o.t the Bankin~ House. T. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, Accountant. Manager. -v -~~~ -1 : THE NEW ~~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111IllII11. 1111111 lfi CHA;._ IS. RAVIVION Di ., M A NUFACTURER GUELPH, S?_'Y:!_ ONTARIO~ :2.52.5'2. THE GREAT : - TO THE- RusH! Eclipso House GlREATEST still continues for those Super Diagonal Overcoats.... $8.00 Worsted Pants...·· ·· .···· , 3.00 Mantle Cloths, per yard... . · · 50 All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 Dress Goods in aU the newest shades from 10 cents. OUR ORDERED GLOTHINC IS BOOMING, Tho · people know that if they - want a- FIRST-CLASS CUT suit of clothes they must call upon IVES. \"!/. H. I v E s. ' .· Not only must we possess a. healthy body and a sound mind in order to obt11in good refreshiog sleep ; but a.lso, very much depends upon our external conditions a.nd surroundings, for its best phyaici>l results and success. This leads us to the col'.lsideration of the suhj ect of sleep-the sleeping apartments and their contents. As all houees are not built alike no one rule will apply to each of them. Bnt upon general principlea it may bo stated that the sleeping room should be located upon t he second floor of the house ; it should be larg~ i>nd high-poat.,d, and contain,_ ample provi slon ventila.tion. Those r ooms which a.re used by the family for this pur pose should, if p o·alble, Ile selected-which admit ·tlte sun daring the greater part of the day, It is with no disrespect to "relations and frirnds," or to advocate discourtesy to guests. B1lt a.re th~re not too . many insta.ncaa where the mistaken houoewife has sacrificKin~ street, west, ·roronto, Can udq . ed the neetis and comforts of her own famiWhat the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., a Clergy- ly for a year in order to furnish these s~me man of the London Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada, lias to sa11 in reaard comforts for company, who remain bat a To A.II. Dixon&: Son's New 'l'l'eatment for few days or a week ? Kor i~ th.lo confined Cata1-rh, to one twelve montne ,,.Ione, It iA the duty Oaklans. Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883. of parenls to ~elect the pleasantest and best llTessrs. A , l-1. Dixon &: Son: · DlCAR Srns.-Y om·s of the 13th Inst. to hand. room in the house f·1r their own and their H seemed ulmost too good t.o be true thttt I am children's use, and enj »y them whi le thev cured o! Catarrh, but J know that 1 a.m. 1 are here. E . ·p·cially t rue is tb.i · of sleeping have had no return of tho disease, and never felt better in my life. I have tried so many rooms, No room should ever be cho6en for things for Oat.arrh, suffered so much and fur thia purpose which has not at l"ast ore winso many years, that it ia ho.rd to realize that dow in it, two windows a.re better tha.n one, I am really better. . and there is no obj ectiou to three. Bllt I consider tl:l!lt mine was a very bad case; it was aggravated und chronic, invclving the where there is more than on" the additinnthroat as well as th e nasal passages. and I a.l window should, If poijsible, be on difthought it would require tile three .t1eatments, tocent side o f th" r oom. \V nern tnis id done but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and I am thankful that I was ever induced to send we hwe one oi the beet means for vent ilation, to ~~~·are at liberty to use th ts letter stating We r ead a great deal a.liout open fire places tbat I have be6n cure£1 u1; two t reatments. 1>,nd being necessary in sleeping room~ for ven· I shall gladly i·ecom mend your r emedy to some tilation. Oae writer ha.a pointedlyrema.rked of my friends who are sutforers. when referring to t.hie bu bj ect that "the Yours, with many thanks. IlEV . E, l:l. l:>'l'EVENSON. moat stubborn of a.II errors v.re those which And hundreds of others have been a{'quired bv a sort of inheritance, which have p11ssed dogmatically from father to eon, or 111.i !l worse, from mother to daughter, The idea that our open fireFormerly s:nown as the " Soper Mills. ') places are necessary for v~ntilatlon la one of t.he phyeical superstitions which is proRIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- ducing an inoalcua.bfo a.mount of physical UGHLY renovated and put in order.under mischief throughout GrBat Briti>1.n ." Withour own spoc1al supervision, for the purpose of out entering Into a discussion of the favorrls ting and manuCu.cturlngOat Meal and Pot able or unfavo rable side of this question, flarley, 1md we are now preptired to recP\ve :>rderA from all our old cudtomers and othere it is suffioient t o say that fortunately we · for work, and we gurantee to give them who are not dependent upon fire places in order Int.rust us wit h the same entire satisfact .on to s ecure perfect ventilation. This ia Oats und other grains taken in exchange for ei-ecially fortunate, for in this country but Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow a. small proportion of the h oueee which manville . 227. have been built within the p~st twenty fi ve year are provided with them. S11ch as do ba.ve them need not brick them up and re· fnae tl use them, and where they are not to Do you want be found other substitutes may ea.sily be oba spl en did, hined. One of the b est and ch~ape9t may h andsomely be ext.emporiMd as follows: Take a thin bo1rn cl story stdp of board five or six inches wide, out book? You to fit the window ca11ing, place It on its edge can h ave yaur cloae to the window ledge, the side next to choice out of the room, and then open the window as far the bes',; that as the top of the board. This affords free a r e pu blishecl entrance of air without subje.cting tbe sleepif you will ob- er to a dra.ught, A similar arrangement t ain two sub- may be made with another window r>n the scriptions for other eide of the room, placing the strip of TnE WmmLY wood at the top of the casing and lowering the window. This arr1>ogement affords a MAIL. A catalogue of stan- perfect dod free circufation of air, the quan~tfl.U~ d arda:trdmis- tity being easily a.d j neted by raising or closc ollaneons ing the window as desired, We turn now to coUBider the contents of publications, given as prizes for getting up clubs for T H E l\LuL, will be senb to any the sleeping room. In this respect many address upo'n application. '£bore is 110 boy people go to eYtremes. In one ease the or girl, young nrnn or young woman, among room will be furnished with ne1>rly the same yot1 who cannot secure a handsome lot of oare and display as the p >1.r lor, while on the other h1>nd the room will have the cold books this wiutor cheerless appearance of a ward in a hospiwith very little tal. Some writers have strongly oendemneffort, if you will ed p1acing a. carpet on the floor, &nd ho.vs only make up recommended allowing only a good sized your minds to it. rng or piece of carpeting at the side of the The b ooks are bed. It may be queatfoned If such an a.rsplendidly bound rangement, on the whole, is wise. If the aml are the proapartment is to be used for any considerductions of the% able time as a. sick room, then a email piece best known au- ·1 of carpeting or rng ma.y be uaod, but where thors, which is a 1\\ the room is used only for sleeping there ca.n sufticient gnaran- 1 '1\\1 . be no objection to a. plain, neat, and subt ee that they will "~ stantial carpet on the floor. With reference not only afford ' trJ curtains a.nd draperies, they should not amusement but be too many in number, or cumbersome in boa source of pro- ,;f'_ _ l'J I _ / weight, and in no instance 11hould they be fit. THE W ElliKuY 'U/CJ:/'l.kt (~ so arranged as tci prevent free circulation of MAIL is t h e most v popular weekly publisli ed , and is only One a.Ir, 'l'he furJ>ishings of a chamber should Dollar a year. It has now over 100,000 snlJ- not be quite equal to the collection at a. scribers. Specimen copy nrnl pri"e l ist seut h lr. A few pictures and bric-a -brac, and free. Address T HE 1\fam, Toron to, Canada. other inoldentale which often find th:eir way into aome young ladies' sleeping rooms may not be objectiona.ble, but to turn the room Into an a.rt gallery, or a curiosity shop ls a la.ck of refined ta.ate, and often becomes a burlesque on the purpose for which a mod· erate use of such ornaments were de8igned. Beds anl bedding. There has been a change In the construction of bedsteads within the las~ twenty yea.rs, whioh, on the whole is an improvement over the old-fa.sh· D\'SPEPSIA OR rnmt:t:STION, loned, high-posted bedsteo.ds of a quarter of WHEN century ago. One does not now have to use a chair to climb Into bed and then jump into a. nest of tea.there which would well-nigh sul:tocate him ! Bedoteads 1>re lower, a.od Wiii thoroughly cure you. Thoy mattresses a.re harder, which, in iegard to children a.tleast, is a wise hygeinio provision, do not gripe or purge, but act a.a well as beina less likely t o cause inj uriea mildly, and whenever used to them in ca.ea they should happen to roll out upon the floor, In regard to beds, oo aro considered prlco· one who makes any pretension to cleanliness They have would think of making up a bed immediateproven to be the ly after 'getting out of it in the morning. '.['he bed and bed clothes should be thoroughly aired for two or three hours in the morning, !l.nd unless it is stormy the windows and blinds should be thrown open and frosh air and sunlight freely admitted, Intimately connected with the subject of ventilation is that of the t emperature of the sleeping room. How often do we hear it remarked that during the hot and sultry To all sufferers frcm lndlceatlon, nights lo summer it is so warm tha.t one Disordered Stomach. cannot sleep, and yet a.n a.ttempt le ma.de to obtain a.a high a d egree of temperature as possible by a.rtlficia.l means on oold win. ter nights. A sleeping room should be cool but not cold. It is desirable that an even temperature be malnt!lined in the room Use them and be relloved from t hroughout the night, When we are a.wake and engaged in active employment, our poyour misery. 30 Pills I n a box, sition is changed so often tha.t the dlffarent :25c. per box, i5 boxoa for $1 degrees of temperature do not effect us so much as when we are lylng still in the in· FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND cumbent position. Then we are more susDEALERS IN MEDICINES ceptible to its influences, it comes te !us and surrounds us more closely than when we are Beware of Counterfeits 11.nd Base Imitations. awake, If in cold weather a fire is built in Ge nuine wrapped only in Blne, with signa· the sleeplDg room, it should be continued ture on every box, Free trial package of througout the night, and a.a nearly as posthese Celebrated Pills sent to any address sible the ea.me degree of tempera.tur11 mainon receipt of a 3 cent stamp. tained. It is by a oa.refnl observance and attention to these things that we are enJNO. C. WEST Ir: CO. abled to obta.in moro refreshing sleep than ;·SOLE PROPR IETORS we could by their wilful neglect or through 81 AND 83 KINC STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. ignoranc~ t f their helpful infl nenoes, CATARRH.-.A. new treatment has been dlsJoverecl whereby a pormunent cure of this ·1 itherto incurable disease. is absolutely affect· "l in from one to three applications, no mutter .vhet.h er standing one ye1.n·or forty years. 'l'his remedy is only applied once in twelve days, ind does not interfere with business. Descrip· cive pamphlet sent free on r eceipt of stamp by A. R. Dixon & Son, 305 Ring et1·eet, \Vest, l'oronto, Canada. WTIAT IS CATARRII? Catarrh Is a dangerous disease which thousinns:are consciously or unconsciously su!ferin~ from. It is a muco·purulent discharge caused by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the lining membrane of the nose. The predispod· ing causes are a morbid state of the blood, the blighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison of syrbilis, mercury, toxomce, from the i·etencion of the effete matter of tile skin, suppressed perspirations, badly ventilated sleepinl{ apart· ments and the germination of other poisons in ~he blood. Irritated by the·e, the lining mem· brane of tho nos{' is over roady for the reception of the parasite. which rapidly spreads, up the nostrils and down the fauccs, or back of the t.hroat, causing ulcerat ion of the throat; up the enstachian tubes, causing deafness: bn.:, rowing in the yocal cords, causing hoarseness; usurping the proper structure of the urouchial cubes ending in pulmo11a1·y consumption and. 1eath. M1tny ingenious speifics for for the cure of catarrh have been invented, but without success, untll a physician of long standing discovered the exact nature of th diseaee and the only appliauce which will permanently de~troy the parasite, no matter how a!'l"gravated the case. Sufferers should send stamp a t once for descriptive pamphlet on catarrh. to the business manaeers. A, H, Dixon &. Son, 305 KING'S EVIL Wn.· ilie name formerly given to Scrofula beca.iso of a superstition that it could be curc11 by a king's touch. 'l'he world .Is wls "now, nnd knows that FRIDAY. DEC. 4, 1885. Bu cK'. SCELEBRATED STOVES The·HAPPY THOUGHT &GARLAND RANGES,, RADIANT HOMESingle and Double Heater\i. ---AND--- HEALTH. Sleeping Apartments ii.nd their Contents. BY D. N, PATTERSON, M, D, SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purification of the blood. lf this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint t11rou~ll generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic deyelopn;ie1its ~re Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, 'I u~ mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipeliis, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Physical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con· tinuc, Rhe1unatism, Scrofulous Catanll, Jridney and Liver Diseases, 'l'ube1·cular Consumption, ftntl vari· ous other dangerous or iatul maladies, are produced by it. for Ayer's Sarsaparilla P A.RLOR COOK:J b the only_ powerful and alwavs 1·eliable blood-purifyiiig medicine. It is so eft'ect· ual an altcrative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Sc1·ofula, and the kludrcd poisons of contagious diseases nnd mercury. At the b'llmc time it en· rlclJ C8 and vit.alizes the liloocl. restoring healthful action to the vitul oq~ans and rejuvenating the Clltlre system. 'J.hisgreat all fitte~ with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I · They stand without a rival. FURNACES, a specialty. For sale by Regenerative Medicine Js composed of the ~enuine Honduras 8rmapatilla, with l ellow Dor:k, Stil· lingta, tbe Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po· tcmy, carefully and scientificiilly compounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical p rofession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe AYER'S SARSAPARILLA as an S. S. EDS.ALL~ Absolute Cure For all diseases causctl by the vitiation of the !Jloocl. It is concentratetl to the high· est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like cffectlJ are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medl· cine, In the world. a J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, DRLTGGISTS'.7 Buy their goods from reliable houses and can supply the public with Ayer's Sarsaparilla :PREPARED BY .l Caledonian Mills. Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytical CI1emlsts.] Sold by all Druggists : JlTlce \11; 11lx; ' bottles for ~. Pure Drugs! at reasonable prices. T Just to hand :---A large assortment C. B. LOCKI-IART'S NE,vcAsTLE. .of TOILET SOAPS and HAIR BnusHEs STANDARD BANK from the best manufacturers. cosT oNLY MARRIAGE LICENSES $2.oo AT 4.i-ly. OF CANADA. CA.PITA.L, !!ll,000,000. _,,,,_ REST, IJl~!0,000 SPONGES, CHAM(lJl: S, PERFUMERY, &c., &c., &c. Thia Bank le prepared to do Legit!· mate Banking in a.11 its brancheii. Farmers notes discounted; Deposih received and Interest paid on amounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department; DRA.F'fS Issued and Collections made in Europe, United States and Canada. ~7 Pure Ground Oil Cake al ways on hand., == i2C££ p . . .,() - s;zq QUI I ZWAJCWWW!L J.IWWWM W.J. JONES, Agent. BRITISH EMPIRE ~iUTUAL 011 Giii! ! ~Prices - - AT - - LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ESTABLISHED IN 1847. It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, Managed by and solely in the interests ot the Policy holders, Its Bates a1·e Low. Poltclm111on forfeitable and uueondUlonal, Cash Bonus l'ald every three years, Quality, Quantity, Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one premium ls paid for two people. .A.mount of policy dra-w:n on first death, Special Inducements to Total .AbBta~. ASSETS O"l'ER $3,0UO,OOO,! IN<:OJllE OVER $1,000,080 $100,000.00 deposited with theCanadianGovern WHY SUFFER FROM ~iG~ FeadaGhe ment for benefit or Canadian policy holders. INVESTED IN CA.N.UU., $000,DOO,tO, . HE.AD OFFICE IN CA.NADA:- l'iIONT:REAL For particulars refer to E, L. LIVINGSTONE, G ENERAL .AGKN'l', WEST'S LIVER PILLS I···· ROS. TOD ______________________ ___ .. POR'l' H01'1£, ~;;;:·h;~:;·;~:t:;. MAS 01f Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever, The Subscriber having built a large nn Pump Factory in Orono, 18 prepared - to furnish- BR 0 S. . are this week giving special Bargains. in Clothing. N 0 TE TB E :t' 0 L L 0 WING: ~LESSING OF THE AGE THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AHO A Man's Overcoat, $7 .50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. PUMPS OF EVE~Y DESORIPTIO~ A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00.. With or without Porcelain Cylinder, d A Man's Suit, $7.00. the Best Mate rial, on the sh ortest notice A Youth's Suit, $5.50. and at the !o":est prices, A Boy's Suit, $4.50M Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED . PERFECT CURE P ersian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, Imitation Lamb, Plush. and Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and first-class values. ALL WORK GUARANTEED SBB our Stout Men's Shirts an~ DrawBrs at 85 cts., ~eav~, all wool, TO GIVE SATISFACTION, Our Medium Sizes in all wool at :toe., 60c., 7:ic., and $ 1.00 are being 1.·a1lhUy 1aken up. OrderS:by Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kt'lpt 011 hand. See our Tie-downs and Blankets. Heavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all wool, from 10 cents up. Bi;wma.nvllle, No' ember 27, 1885, R. FERG USON. MASON BROS11

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