~----- ---- -FOR- Wha.t Caused the Balkan War. Jn order to the better undentand this . question consult a late map of south -eastern Europe,thnt you may see the location of the contest. The last Russo-Turkish war (1877- 8) closed with the treaty of San Stefano. Before that contest the Danube River marked t h e north ern boundary of Turkey, but by this treaty the countries shown on the map as Bulgaria and Eastern Rqumelia were to form one independent State under it.s own rul er, :md under the name of Bulgaria. As the new 8tate was well unclerstoocl t o be subj ect t:o Russian control, this division was unsatisfactory to the other large Powers, and again wrui greatly opposed by 'l'urkish provinces, and S ervia, 1\facedoni.a im cl Greece, who objected t o being oversh adowed in size by so largo a Power as the n e w uue would be. Turkey, too, of course objected to being shorn of so large a p ortion of h er dominions. To settle these troubl es and to avert further h ostili ties, the Bel'!in Conferen~e of leading Powers of Europe was called in 1878. This Congress effected a compromise by which the Bulgaria of tho San Stefano treaty was divide d by the Balkan Mountains into t wo separate States. Tho part north of the Balkan~ was t o remain an i ndependent State, Bulgaria, under its · own ruler. 'l'he Congress appointed a German Prince, Alexander of Battenb erg, as its first ruler. The part south of the Balkans was to be a separate S·ate, called Eastern Roumelia dependent on tlie Sultan of Turkey, who h ad the appointing of its Governor. 'l'his compromise pacified all the parties, though the appoin tment of.Alexander as ruler of Bulgaria was distasteful to the Czar of Russi!!., as he was not favorable to Russian ideas. This, then, was the genera.I situation t h ere unt il a few weeks ago, when the (East) Roumelians r evolted from 'rurkish rule and j oined t h e stamfard of Prince Alexander of Bulgaria. :Formerly Russia desired the union of Bulgaria and ~astern Roumelia, under strong Russian influences, but when the union was effected under Prince Alexan der, the Czar fel t opposecl t o it. Servia holds that if the B er lin t reaty is to be annulled, sh e has a right to contend for that part of Roumelia which was taken from h er in the previous arrangements, while b oth Macedonia and Greece tilso want each a slice, but as yet remain quiet. The sit uation is now indeed a very complicated one. Servia h as declared war against Bulgaria, and already ~everal engagements have occurecl, wit·h varying success up t o this writing. Rmssia d esiresA lexander'soverthrow, but will not see Servia, Austria's protege, and acti!f))_g probably at her bidding,acq uire more tell'r itor y. Turkey is delightad to see her Ch!l'istian neighbors slaying each other, but willl not, if sh e can help it, allow Roumelia to be torn from h er, and th113 still weaken h er h old in E urope. :France has ceaseil to have much diplomatic interest or influence in Eastern qu estions . England is oosy wit h election2. Italy prefers to be on the winning side. Aust:ria is backing Servia, and Germany can not go back on Aushia, and so they stand j m t now. Alexan1for has applied to Turkey for assistance, but the Porte refused unW all troops had b een withdraw n from the R oumelian frontier. This demand was complied with, but tl~e P orte is r1ow undecidoo. Alexander has also appealod to the P tlwer s, claiming that Servia is a cting against all int ernat ional law and eq uity, but for the nmsuns before given, the Powers.kave s o far r efuBed to n otice h~s app eal. A conference of the Power s was caUed to settle ml\tters amicably if p ossible, an d they ha.ve u ecided that affairs must b e r eturned t o th e situation'i n which they wer e b efore the war. This is bin ding on b oth S ervia and B ulgaria, <.0n.cl should the former refuse immediate peace lunder t h o t er ms of the Conference, two 0£ the P ow· ers of Europe will force her into o b@dience. S ince the above woo written t h e ru!WS lrns com e to hand of ;m amnesty b et ween Bulg:!.rjil. and Servia, so that, if this news is correct, th o con test imiy b e consicoered ii.tan end. Holiday Presents -GOTO- p. T REBILCOCK'S~ Bibles, Albun1s, Sunday u chool Books and Cards. Peloubct' s :n1d Vince1it'!il NOTES ON. S. S . LESSONS If' OJ.~, 1886. CHRISTfdAS CARDS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWllLA.NV I LUJ: STA'l'ION. Express ....... 9.05 am Express ...... 7.10 a m Fast Express.J0.05 a rn Local · ... .. .. ·8.25 a m Mixed ...... .. A.05 p l'l' Mixed .. .... . . A.05 pm Locall ... ... ... , 7.:lO p m \ Express. ... ... 9.00 pro E xnress ... . . . 9. 40 p m GOING &AST I OOING WEST CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. BURKETON STATION GOING JUST. GOING WEST . Express ...... 11.33 am Mixed . .. .. ... 8.~6 e. m Mixed ........ 7.42 pm Express . .. ... 12.o! pm Express ...... 7.42 p ru Tickets A.r·d tu rt her in forrne.tion me.y be had f rom W . .A, NEADS, E xp1 ·ess, Re.ilroacl, and Steamboat Ticl<et Agent. Bowmanville. I ~ht Qtmmdinu Jtntt~mun. 4. ~~~----------- ..............,.,....,1 ....................,,...,.,...._....._ -./'oo.....................-.. BoWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, D Ec. Municipal Elections. In Darlington the actions of the present Councillors indicate that as far as they can arrange matters among themselves, there will be no contest. Mr. Langmaid, the preseut popular Heeve, h:i.s decided to xetire. Then by the order of promotion Mr. Hancock sh ould be R eeve, Mr. VanCamp, ht deputy; Mr. S male, who received th e larger vote, 2nd <leputy; and Hx. Cryderman, senior Conncillor. There seems to be a st rong feeling over the town ship t hat Mr. D yer should re-enter t he Council, and should he consent to fill t h e gap probably no more practical man can be found. Mr. VanCamp's card appears in this iesuf.. Tho main question in B!>wmanville is Who will be Mayor~ The followin g gentle· men have 1 ,uen freely spoken of this week: M essrs . V.'esley , Horsey, Loscornbe, G albrailh, ',I'. > urden , Younie , Buckler, l'iggot and some half dozen others. S urely from such '\ number of elegible gentlemen .a suitable selection should be made. Mr. Prower is rh e only candidate announced for t he R eeveship . '.l' he Ward candidates ·will probably be known by nex t week. S.~ Wic]e Awake is beautifully illustrated, w~.~;:1ii~t1g~~"Lt;~'~gA!~·a!1Jtl~~~· ~ne ~l American$·~ Monthlies li0r /fa.rvcr's FV e~I~· ·" notably sensible and practfoal', and ~t t hfl the ly or .Ba.zcir)·will be sent tor e. veur, postpaid; same time wonderfully enter1t· >ining. $3 ·~1;.!~r~G..S01,Lf:,,~2Nll< AQ;IUnd tha'St.Nich00 a ye11.r . The Pansy is eqµ.ally charm · 1 inu andl ;rnitable for week -day and f:luu r day reacilmg. $1.00 a year. ~llr J,ittlu M en and Women i" most adruJtrab le for the yoaingest readers. · $1!.@-0i a_ year. Babyland uever fails to carry dehght t o the babies and r est to the mam mas. 50 cente a y t:ar. D . Lothrop & Co~. PublishThe remat>kable interest in the War papers ers, Bost011, Mass. and in the numy. timely articles r.nd strong :Facto1·y cott on r educed aw. the \Vest serial featur~a ptibfohed recently in The OtnEnd Hou'8e-5c. cotton fot· 4e;,. I; for 5, 7 tury has· given that magazi ne a regular circulation of· for 6, 8 for 7, 9 for 8. l\IORETH:1AN 200,000 COPIES MONTHLY . .Improvem ents on King Street? Among the fea.ht~res for the comin" volume, Y~UR which begins with the November, ar" · JMR. ED I'.i.i) ~, yon have seen a most Jlral'>d· ad Tertl11ed "" "bsol1'tal:r,11u.,. TJil!l. WAR PAPERS ·1na< 1niJicent building :just below rom CC>l!Vo;J;".A.XN .A.Dll::n&'V'JMIX.A. BY GENE RAL GRANT AND OT HERS. J>e:te's. fa drw Ontario street. '.i'he owner THli TEST: 'l'hese will be aontinued (m ~at of them illuathereof ' lw." u~ ,-ed m on to K ing street, Pla.cea c&ntop down o n o. hot !lto~&llntll he~1 the· trnted) until the chief even ts of the Ci vii remove th&:-cover a.nd sme ll. A cl1elt1lst ,.wUl. DO~ b· IOclose to tlrn iront, and within a few feet q,uired to detect the presence o! alllllll0>nla. w,\r have been ·'escribed by leading pa.rticiof Mr. p",;,hick 'e new and nice brick pants on botbi sides. General Grant'a pap.. building. \Jf co urse Pethick's house is era include d2scriotions of the b...ttles o!ii Chattanooga and the Wilderness. Gtneral cast far i n r"J the shade and made to look McClellan will write of Antietam, General very m.J,, ·: .y t h~ side of such_ a great and D-. G. Bnl'll of Sliloh, Generals P ope, Long-m agnificent tVV T house cathearal. When street and others of t he Second .Bull Run,. Sir John, "" Lord Landsclowne pays us etc., P.tc. N arnl combats,including the fight< another yj,, jt, i i would be well that the between the K ear sage and the .Alabama , by officers of both ships, will be described. r eception " d <11'e11s be read from the balco1 The ·· R ecollections d a Private " and ny thereof. ~Yhere are our Town Counspecial wa.r papers of a.n anecdotal or humol'cil '! Did thy no~. frame a by-la w a fe w ous character will be features of the yeall', years a go t t he effoct t hat no frame SERlAT. STORIES BY buildino- fur lll~ future should be er ectecl W.D . HOWELLS, MARY HAL L OCK nearer t lui,,1 f)~) feet trorn JG ng street 'I FOOTE AND GEU . W OABLE. How a ·; ,,u 1.his filthy and disgusting Mr. Howells's serial will be in lighter ".ein p roceedinrr? Pka~e let us know and than "The R ise of Silas Lapham." Mrs . F oote's i9 a story of mining life, and Jlflr . oblige A n..1~ u 8 T. R A T. F.-P .ol.YEH.. Cable's a novelette of the Acadians of I,ouis· iana . Mr. Cable will also contribute a series ..,.,...~-· 0·,_~~ R~aders. of papera on Slave songs .and dancing,inoluding negro scrpent-wnrah1p, etc. W e can ),, 1't rongly urge npon our SPECIAL FJ<JA TURES ·eadars tn · . 1 ·r::;sit y of subscr~bing for J ndnde "A Tricycle P ilgrimage to lllome," 1 DOES NOT CON' E AIN AMMONU. a famil y w.~ . , v i'a per of the first.class, i llustrat"d by P ennell ; Historical P a?ers by ITS llllUL'l'HF UJAlil>SS RAS H£V£R nB:Eli Q U ESTIOlflll!I>. E dward Bgglcstun, and ?th~rs ; Papers o~ s nch fo , rn ice, as Tt1ll S ATl"'RDAY. In ai.mllllon hom!)S tor a q un.rter or (3, C6ntury 1t iw.-. Persia bv S. G. \ V'. BenJ amm, lately U . :s. Evi.;~IN G- Po:-i i\ nf Philadclp~ia.. Were THE BEST F A J\ULY PAPE R. mini·t~r; with numerous illustratio:rn ;. As1too.Q; the consumen' rell~lo t est, we obligC'rl. ~· MlP.ct one publication for The Det?·oit Coinme·rcial Adve1·tiser; rt.ow in tronomical Article~, practical and popular, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Having now complet ed our stock, we ofter full lines in t he very '· Pacling, to the exclusi on of the 25th year of its exist~nce, ia th-0 vory on "Sidereal Astronomy"; Papers 0n Chrisian U nity by representatives of v&ious reall othet o " . » 11oul cl choose T ffR Sa:rUR· beat general family weekly published! ~n the PRICE DAKING POWDER CO., tligious denominations ; Papers on Manu,.) ·D1·y Goods, Read y -made t')lotJaing, Oats, Caps and Fu1·s, l) Al'. EvE; U' l.i Posr, which undoubtedl y United States or Canada . I t numbe,.amore ftt~X..&RS 01' Ed~ation, by vari<>ue experts, et c;, flt~. is the b e' t ~.1· d purest periodical in Am - old Rubscribers on it.s lists (suuscriberu who Hard1vare, Paint Oil, Machine Oii and Coal Oil, Boots .cn for f. . nnber of the hom e circle, " could not do without t he paper " ) than SHOR'L' STORIES erl " · f any other journal in th~ country, and it has By Frank R. Stockton. Mrs. H elen Jack& Shoes, U1 ·ockery & Glasswaa·e, Groceries & P1·ovisions, The1tronrc1t,xno1t de!!t fo·· BQd nat.ua 1niator known,~ filled w·-d· · ··th the noblest thoughts 0 become a maxim rarely disproved, " once a s® (H . H .), Mrs. Mary Hallock Foote, t he be~t wr r. 1·· and thinkers in thewo.rldsubscriber always a subscriber " t o t his mag. o2l Chandler H arris, H . IL Boyesen, 'l' . At Rock Bottom Prices, as.follows~ 611111 J r eplete ww1 l· rilling romanc_es, fascmat- nificent weekly. It is ably edited and the A Janvier, Julian Hawthorne, :Richard l'II. Tor Lliht , HealUly llread, TI>· lie·~ Pry Bop wants of all classes of readers are well supi ug ad ve .. ,. , s, and gr'.lphw sket~hes ; , J ~hnston, a,nd others ; aad poclfill by lendiui; '?.,...tin ti.o w....kl. OY erflowin!! wil" h goC\d thmgs . to _suit all plied while it retains that individua.lity of poets. The Depai·tme~ts,--" O]O)ea J ,ett.ers," FOR SALE' BY OROCERS. ·· l1f N0 purp;se whi~h alone is the stai;np of true ' 'l3ric-a-Ihac," etc ., will be fully snstamed. CHICACO. ST. LOUI.. con ditio1,s a .. · vmplr>yments in e. succoee in either press or pulpH. In the THE IJ,LUS'l'RATIONS family can · '." r 1 to b e witho·1t it._ It has words of its prospectus, it is t ruly " inde· ' Vill be kept up to the st!mde.rcl which has b een t he ti u< iing source of happiness to pendent ; .f rankly commends tha.t which ie made The Ce11t1ci·y engravings famous the <treat numt·t·r " ,,f noble men and women good, and fearlesaly condemns all t~at is world over. ~f t wo ae11 , .,, t n s, a.nu is better than evil in political or social life." It 1 s a JOUrnal of 8 pages, 7 columns to a page, and is PRICES. AS PEOIAL m'FER. ., h k bl ever to-day . l i has t e mol!lt remar a e printed in e'Ccellent type, on good paper, a R ep;ular subsc1 -i ption price. $4 a year. '.l'o history ano · < torable recor~ of any p apmatter 0 f great importance to renders. Il: enable new readers to i;et all the ' Var p,.p. jUIRICE SPECIAL er on the c" ' nout, a nd is a ·welcome 186;~ the publisher adopted th" plan of giving era with contri butions from Generals Grant, visitor ever . " ,,,re. No ot h er paper ca~ his subscribera cash premiams instead of Be~uregard, McClallan, J. :K J ohnst on, 'bl fil l 1 · ' maps chromos, etc. The plan met with And all other goods at reduced prices. 8 erve as a subst1 I .aw W allace. Admiral Porter llnd others, ' p ·ace or such 'continued popularity that there has p os> 1 Y ' · we will send. the 12 back numbers, N ovem· been an annual award to the sttbscribers of t ute. It a.ff., ds all the ple asure of the ber, 1884, t@ 0 1Jtober, 1885. with a year's People wonder how we sell so cheap. The reasons are :- We are most fasein"' m..; r eading withont cari·yiog the Commei·cial Advertisel' every year since. subscription beginning wit h November 1885, mental or W< ·I'al impurity into any home. The A ward of P remiums is taken iu entir<· under no expense, such al:l rents, salaries, &c.; we buy for ca.qh foi· $Ci f or the whole. A subscription, with IXTRACT Only $2 a ye r, for more and better r ead - ch11orge by 11o committeeof l!llbscribersappointthe 12 nurrtiers bound in two handsome vol· and sell for cash with a very small margin, th ereby turni ng than t hr " g h any other source. Our ed from those present at the t ime of the umns, $7 , 50 for t ht whole . Ba.ck numbers ing our money over rapidly. r eatlers can do uo less than ~en<l a postal award 'l'he 23rd Annual Awa1d will cononly suiJplied at these prices with subscrip· £f sist of $40,000 among l00,000 subscribers.. A . t ions . for a free speo1uum copy,or fo~ · ty cents sample copy aud prospectus will be mailed A free sptC'imen 'copy (~a.ck number) W·ll be Butte1·, Eggs and all Fai·111 Produce taken a s Cash. the paper wih be sent on trial to. n ew free to auy address on r~ceipt of . a. postal sen t 0 11 r eque1t. Mention thia paper . Lime and Shing les always on ltalftl, "ard rerJ.11est by the puhsher, Wilham H. rmbacribers three months or tlurteen All dealers and postmasters taka ·ubscripPurest nnil strong('llt Natural Frnlt FtavorS. weeks, en:1bliug them to judge of its Burk, Detroit, Michigan. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange Almond, nose, etc., tions and supply numbers according to our llavor ns delicately andnatt1rlllly as the tJ:u1t, special offer, or remittance may be mads m erits more cr1deally. Address, \ . . THE SATURDAY Ev.&l!IINQ PosT, · . Buy everyt h:mg you want m the mueio PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., directly to Burketon, October 21J, 1886, ' H TH:& CENTURY Co. , NEW You. CB:.tQ.A.QQ. lil'..t'. LQIOl& (J,ock; B. ox), 49-2w. Philadelphi a, Pa. line at Cheaps1de Bazaar. a year, fur!'ish eB, from th~-! gx:ent and general ly inacceos1ble ma.a~ or this btcrature,the only completion that, while with iri t lrn re».ch of e.11, is satisfactory in the COMPLETEN.l<cSS with Lunu's Lrvrno AGJ~ Fern 1886. 'l'hti which it embr~ceA whntevP.r is of immediate frequent issue an d d osely fill'ld pa,>:es of intbreat, 01· of solirl, De rma.nant val'ee. H is thcrcfol'c lmll s1>·m ~abl c to every one L ittcll's Divfr·g Age enables it to preseut who wishes to keep p>ice witt1 tlt!:l eventg oe ime.or tu·cu ltivate wi th satisfactory comp lete neta as well as intellecenal progress oft.he L in himself or his fttmlly g1mere.I iniel!igence freshness what is essent ial to Am1o1ricitn and literary taat.<i. r ea clel's in the best periodical literature of 01Jiuions, the d ay. 'Jhis literatnre covers a con· '"It is not too much to say that wfth 'frrn stantly broadening field and now embraces Livrnc A(Jrn one cemm1wds the whole field or r.r to a g r eater extent than ever before the current lite1·ary actiYity; and it has· nf\V been so bright, so comprehensive, so d~h·orsi productions of ihe m ost. erni1ien t writcn fled inintcre·~ as it is to·d1J.y.".-Bnsto,.· L'ravel · in ?- ll departme n ta of knowledge and ler. "It 11as now for many years held t he first literary work. 'l'h~ L foi119 Aye was there- pl1>ce of all our serhtl publicat.ions. There is fore n ever before so ,·aluable, ~o conveni- nothing nowhere in science, art, literaituro, ent and important as now ; as with it one biography, philosophy, or religion. t.hll.tcan:not fou nd in it. It con t.ai n ~ nenrly nil the gnod can easily and ecorlC'mically k eep abreRst be literat11ro of the time."- '.l'he 0111lrchmaw. Nt:w of the best literature of the time. The York. . "Nearly the wl:ole world ofautbors and wr1tprospectus of this magazine for 1881 1 is ters t<!Jp~ar in iC in L heir best moods. 'J'he readworthy of the att enti...i1 of a ll who are er is kept, well abrf1ast or the current thOUROb:t selectin!! their r eading-matter f0r the new of t.he a.!Je."- H o·lon .Tn·iirna,l. It n11·y be truthtully and cordially said·t hat ] ear. lleduced clnbbing rales w\th other it." nev<'r otters a d1·y or valueless page."1\'ilw· per iodicals are given, aocl to uew suo- l'orl: Tribtwe. "It enables its r1>aclers to keep fully abreast ecribers remitting now for t h e year 1886 the best thought and literiit11relof civillh» a· , the intervening week ly numbera are ·s"nt of tio11."- <Jh1·istia-n Acltiocatc, Pi'ttsbury. uBiography, fi ction, science, crilicism,, his- j grati~. Littell & Co., Boston, arc t he tory. Jloetry, travels, whatever men ..re mter· 1 publishers. ested iR, all R.ro found here."- 1'/i.e Watch1naw, j - T he LIBRA.RY MAOA7.INE,for November, Bo.· ton. ' one, it_ ispossibletobe fully carries out its [Hvmise tu furn iah a a.s"1.'hro~ghitapai,e~e.l wcll rnformed m current ht,1 rature "·" by ' n 'pertory of the beot periodical writin~ the perusal of u long list or mon t hli~s " - Phif·· l of the current in vnth or t"'"'· 'fhi& adelphiabiqiii1'e1·. . ' "In fact, e. rcadtlr needs no more thtLn th18' number contaim1 about h alf a. ~core of the 1 ono publication to keep him w ..11 ab1·east or 1 m ust carefully conceived and best written I I~ngliah p<>riodical li ter..ture.'"- Sunclay· .':/chool' ' P11nmze1phia. . . . ,, IV. Y'. . pnpers in the Englis h Reviews. A~n ong : Times. "'l<'oremost or the ecle~ t1c perioc11cals. -1 · · I these is a thoughtful essay by the Brnhop Wo,.ld. of Carlisle, entitled " Thoughts about more "In.lsubaer!b~ng ror it, onr rea.d~r3 ior their investment than rn will any secure other 'W!OU l. t L ife." Among the urigin al papers in way ot "blch we a.re cognfaant."- Iowa· i this number of the LmitARY MArJAZINl· : , (J/iwr~h111vfm. Dei·cn.port. : ··coming once a. week. it gives, while yet the first place must bu us~i~ u cc~ to that. · ires b,.the prodllctions or the foremost writers r1' 11pon "John Ruskin in h is H.omes and of t)le d<1.y."-Mo,.treal Gm:dte. " One. cannot ~ea.Ci every thing, No man will Hunts, " by W illiam :Sloane Kenned y. be behind the literature of the times who reads John B. Alden, Publi&htir, 393 .P earl St., New York . $1. 50 a year. . e.n indlspensib.Jo Hterature."- CMccigo Kcc1n»g Tm1 "l\'1AN OF Oin; N .E W'5J>Al'Kll" is not so J o-wn· . at · . "H se.ve'i·noiooly time. but money."- Pacific often met with 11owarlays. 'l'he public- Oh urcli.,111u:n, S11m1f'ra»c isco, · s pirited reader urn·t kvve ~ia g md local 'lt has become i udi speusible."-N~to Yori< p1J.per, s·wh a< the NEWS, f.©>r 111fortnat1011 on O!Jsen~1·. questions cono::emin:.; his immecti,.te ueigh· ..The best pul>llcatlon we know io tho world, bol'hoo<l. lfo want~ als» 11 metropolitan ·- llforn·il·{!J> Sliar. Wilminyton, N. C. Publisht>d w&Jbl\::LY 1\t $8; OU a yoar, f ree of paper, and he wants it ir, tu ....ting '"'~ tH vostai;e. terprisin~, a~ well as th'."'"'-"l'hlY reliable 4'iY'J:O. N-KW lillfRS(JlllBERS (or the year' The l'fltne.~s. whose Rll Pcta.l announcements 188ti, remittililg beforr, Jan. h t, the numbers on t h<' occasion of its fortietil> armi ver·ary ot 18il5 iseued artoc the receipt or tlieir ~sub· a ppear iu another oolmnn i~· certainly of ocriptichs. will be S'lnt (J1YJtt is . that description. An hnnouva~l e career of Vlub-l"Noo,.. fo r tho be1-t Douae uud t'ore.I~· forty years i~ nu ·wall m>'tter <>f co11 r;ratula· : 1..nera&·n . 1Jr vl!!onrous ["Posses3ed of 'J !nte Lr.v11>1r. AGE and one or tion t" the p·JbliRh er~ ; and· m otner of our v i ve.cious America.a monthlies, a contpoi:ary ~ i ver prorois~ cf' excelling its su bscrrner w!U tLud hlmsdf in cornma.nd or ihe paMt record by its future. 'rhe December Eclectic, closing t i"' fo1ty -seconcl volumt'I of the new series, l.i one of excellent quality 11.ud keeps np t l"' magazine. The lea.ding article, by Ca··dinal N ew mau, atudien the "Developme1.I; of Religions Error," from the Pap"l st andpoiot in a m a8terly way, Mr. li. D. Traill's article on the "NovelufMiu .ners," is su rru<,stiYe l·nd brightly written, an<l Wal t;r P at t>r, ;;,n,thor of " Marius the Epieurea11," iM n > pnsented by a delightfnl eigh teenth cent.ury study under the h ead of "A Prince of Court Painters," Other papms of more than passing int.crest are to be found i" thi" nnmber. There is a goodly nuwber cf short papers, sketches, net.ion, and p oetry. A nlf\'.(UZine of this d escription is now al most a nocessity on the library table of all thoughtful students who wfah to keep tliemselvt·s a·t com·wit wi:h the g1·eat conlernpor ary writerR of the world . Published by E. R. PEI.TON, 25 Bond Street, New York. Terms, :;iif> per y ea r ; single numbers, 45 cents; trial s ubscript ion for 3 months, $1. E bLl:e1· 10 and 11ny $4 Magazine, $8. ror'pthirdyear,having mot with continuous comnrnn.Jution ancl succoss. ,\ nt:EK LI'. H .\G .tZIX "· it gins ftfty·two numbers of sixty.fou r pages each. or more thim LI}~s!~!~.:~nl~Gi~!?!ers~~~: l -GREAT MANY PEOI'LE- ( Three and a Quarter Thousand double-column octavo PMies or ree.ding·m l\tter yearly. It presents in an ltiexpensive form, considering its great a1uount or mutter, with freshness owing co its weel<l v issne, a.nd with a completeness nowhere else attempted. 1'hc best Es.il,V·· ltevlc·n, Cr!Uchm·. ~krlnl u111l Shot·r, ~torlc~, Sli..,tclltl~ Of 1'1·11 VCI 1m1I lllscovt·r)·, l'ot'!h'.r. Sclentlllc, Bio~···n1tlllcnl. "l'(Jt7 ~ llrJl" C EI --1 These columns to see whether there will be any more BIBLES, SILVER P LA'rED WA RE, WORK BOXES, WllITING DESK8, ACCORDIONS, &e., and a h ost of other things too numerous t o mention I Q10 CJID lfi1dorJm1l, and Po~ Jitlcal J_ nl'or1na.Hou. f1"0111 U·c en Hr'~ bocl.v ol' l·'orc1~-11 .Pt'1"· Jotllcal ·1 ,ucrutnrc , and from ll1t, 1'"11~ of Urn l·'o1·e1uost I .. in11g· Write1·s. Polit.ics, and Art. fin<i expression in ttie Perio· dioe.l Literat,uro of E urope, and ,especially of Great flrit.ain. '.rh·' 1.l v tng J.l.gf.~.fo1'1n1'.1nofo1tr 'l'l1c lthlt·st :uul most t'u I U vutNI inlellcets, in overy depA.rtnH~ nt o r. Litersture, Science, z A'£ TH E USUAL RltMAUTi: AllLll LOW rRICES large ·uolu11ie8 KENN!i:R & 0 0>.'S V ARTETY HALL. Yes, tl1ey nre going to irell · such pl'icee as will suit the times. NO'!"!!: 'l'UE For.r.~wTNo :- A 10 Key~d Accordion for $ 1.00: Large l'l:lotogre.ph .Album for !19c. ; A Cup, Sanner and Plate fbt· 25c.; A Violin nnrl flow for 25c. ; A Rpl'endid Fruit Dish fflr IOc.; A Dictionary contttining ovAr 20,000 wo'!·ds for lOc.; Knife, :h' ork and Spoon for lOc.; Genli'ine R1 ckter Mouth Organ for lOc. Space will not allow us to ennmere.te more, but if you want anything in our line come in and inepect oar prices bsfol'e 111nying. Remember the ~lace. A.~ KENNER &CO.'S VARIETY HALL. wE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT · :Having CO"l""pleted the Fall andl Winter p11reh ases~ ~ l" " . tha t th ey were . b ougbt' ""' ot the 1 a.nd i.ee ing. cert arn . .w.i . · l] owest pOS$1ble figure ' I woullil respectfu(L 'Y as to call andi e'Vomi"ne the i;;;lli a.."-ock and 80 for ~ U .. th8 prices· ' SUl ·t you ©T D.Ot · -W.OUrse1 VeS w h · e t· ili9r · , · 1 · 11 1 k 'l'~T~~~~:t:n!u:'~~!~~i~ r:~~~'f1..1t~·~o~i 0 · -w-oOL GO ODS I ra;ther think thew will. J! l 1 " · · 0 You will find the st©Ck of Knitted Wool Shawls, Hoods~ Bootees,.Cuffs, lnfantees, Jerseys, Children's Wool Suits, &c., &c., is well assorted; also Very; Cheap and good Value. 1 1 BLANKETS and TIEDOVt:N illE FOR 1885-86. GENTURY D RE,s s G 0 0 D s I The stock o:fl'Dress Goods is la:irge and varied a:md marked very low. TEST BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS AND TW"EEDS, ME:N'S UNDERCLOTHING, A full and weH assorted stock. It will pay you to call ancili inspect. Suits got up on the shortest notice and best style. GROCERIES! Just arrived per Sch'r "Jamieson," fifty bbs. best American Coal Oil. - Special inducements to parties buying in barrel lots. Also a lot of Royal Wringers just received. Everything in the Grocery Line fresh'rand cheap as the cheapest. JOHN. McMURTRY, - W est End House. iBURKETON GENERAL STORE! Dr. Price's SveGialFlavoring Extraci, lupulln Yeast Dr. Price's ~·~tJIRIC£S MOST PERFECT ILAVOR\~ ~:~ EXTRACTS MADE 20 lbs. Light Brown Sugar... ... .. .. . . . ...... $1.00 6 lbs. Tea.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 40 Bars Soap... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 20 Yards Print........... . . .. ..... ... . ... . . . ... 1.00 25 Yards Cotton..... .... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Good All Wool Tweed Suit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Good Pair Long Boots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.95 QUIGLEY'S GENERAL STORE.