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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1885, p. 5

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STOTT &JURY'S coons. Xmas Presents and Wedding Presents. BARGAINS IN XMAS R F d t he new ad vts. tHis week. I TUATION WANTED. -By m arried See J. J. Ma11on's new advt; he gives ma.n. on ta.rm. Over two yel\rS experience notice of h aving r eceived a large st@ck of s, me correspon denc" cro.wded out. m Canada. Address. '1'. IIJ.<:NitY, Oron o, Ont. Tait's photos are very popular. ne ..v Watches, Clocks, Silverware, &c. ,is -tw' O vurcoats our own make for r sale a t T. AND DEFO I"tl\IED . Not e Mr. Trebilcock's new ad'vt . If vou want your Tu rkey cooked r ight G eo, ~ason's Star H ouse. C HAS . C L U TH E . HESSMAKING . - To the ladies of Town Council meets Monday }bight. this 'Xma.s. gei a Happy '.l'hought Range TJ11111ex t Division Courb will be h eld the most practical and Dowmonville: I am prepared to do School books, all kinds, a t Chea.pside . for your wife. Sold only by S. S. Edsall. in ]J<>wmanville Jan. 27tli, a nd at N ew· Dreesmakinll:' at home or by tbe day. MRS. expedenced 111an on this. -:FOR BUYINGH. W, ltEFFELL, Queen st, east or Ontario-st. Mr. vV. McClellan advertises a note Cruets, pickle castors , butter coolers, castl·l J an . 26th. Continent for relieving JO·t r. lost plated knives, forks, and s poons of the The cheapest all wool ftannels and all and curing Rupture & 'We direct attention t o Messrs. Stone best qu ality and at bottom prices au S . S. wool slur ts and drawers am to be ha d at OUSE AND i\- .ACRE OF L.AND ~ Deformities of every &" Wellington's advt. "Agents ~'lanted. " E dsall's. FOR SALE. Good soil ; nioe orchard the Star H ouse. II descript ion. It will be to fin e 'residence, situate opposite Mr. \Vceley's Just received a foll stock of Silver PLEASE No:r1cE- Sale of fancy alild useyour ad vanta ge to call An immense choice of G111ristmas nov· King-st West. Apply to M. A. J AMES. ~ Ware, suitable for 'X mas presen ts at S. fol ar ticles at Miss Stough ton's, on th e elties at t he Star· House. S ee 1'. Geo. on me. 45,000Trusses S. Edsall's. week before Christmas. Furthei> notice Mason 's n ew advt . Somo very ~n e Llnes at Wholesale Prices. adjust ed in pereoo .ThouOAR FOR SE R VICE- The under---·- - - ----------- -- sands ot Deformed treated. E sttt bliabThe Grand D ivision of the Son~ of T em- next week . ~i gned keeps for service u well bred BerkThe town looked h ke old· times on SatBoar. 'l'erms· 75 cents, cash EowARo ed 15 years. I wi ll have a full supply of perance will m eet in B owmaa viJUe on the A small faa mo coHage on Liberty-st fo1 :. urday, K ing-st bem!{ crowded with vehi· sh1ro HALl!.B. Lot 33, con. 7,Cla1·ke ! S-3w these celebrat ed Trusses with m e a t tha 15th inst . m erly owned by Mr, J os. McLean was cles ,,nd pedestrians. following places :Th ere is sur e to be a b ig rush to Cheap· b~rned at all ~ally hour Sunday m oming. A well assoi ted stock of the choicest TRAYED-From lot 33,con. 7 Clarke, Oobourg, Durha m H ou se, F r ida y ,.. S~'OTT & JUR Y have secured a job side Bazaar for fancy goods. The at trac· Fire bugs agmn. ~ two Ewes and t wo E we Lam bs, marke d m family groceries and pr ov.isions, fre sh and line of the fi nest X mas Goods ever shown tions are great. l Hampt on Salva tionists have a_big ban· cured meats, always on hand a t L yle's. l'l>(ht ear with wire; also t wo Ewes outrked D ec. 11. with black on 1he shonldor, S111tahle reward Bowmanville, Rueb ottom House~ in t own . Their prices will s nrprise you , The sh eep advertised in th e SnTESMAN quti ne:x.t Mond~ y ~venrng .Meetm gs B1t0N<'HI1'rn-Uuless :M>rest.ed, will term- for :recovery. Enw ARD ItALLB, Leskard. 48· 3w Satur day, D ec 12. but th e beauty <Jf th e goodd will surprise last week by Mr. J . L awrie were c1a1mecl a ll day S111:iday, Stidf-Capt. Manton, of Send 6c. sta mp fot· reg-1sL ere·l Ill nstra tedlBools:. ina6e in consumpt1011. .An almost n e ~er you still m0re. Tor on to, will lead the m eetmgs. Every- fa l h ng cure for t his complaint is fo und in by t he owner on Saturday :m,1 orning. URKEYS- FOR S ALE. - S everal on Rupture and Human Fram e b:v CHAS. CLU T H E: , Surgical Macbinlet. p,111' 3 of Mammoth Bronze 'l' urkeys, bred Prepare for 1he col d weather by get t ing body attend. . , Allen's Lung B alsam, Vl'ih ich can be had 118 Kmg t:lG 1eot \<VeBt, Toi onto, Ont. the celebrated stock or W . .A.tt,lee, Burpee a Radiant H ome ffe:i.ter - the best in t he Chas. Frnuklm, son of¥1'.Jno.-1irankl1~1, oi any druggist , pn cit one dollar per from & C o.. Ph1ladel!ih10.. Very choice birds. I. L . market. S old only byl S . S. Edsall. Scugog·st. was very seno usly mJu red m bot tle. B S'.i.>W N , Rampton. 4.3:tf Gent's Travelling Cases. .. $1 00 to $10 00 .- ti S 1 t t he left shoulder on Sa,turday by th e ac· L Ladtos' 'fo1let Cases .. . ... 1 50 to 20 00 ~owm:;inville egrnn °~ ~c e_ ec cid ental dischar ge of his gun wlnle hunt · IDOAR FOR SEJ:i VICE. - A Ch ester AUCTION SALE. .D White Roal' i ~ kept for sen ice Qn Lot 31, H and Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 2 60 K mgh t? is called to meet Uus F riday n w;ht ma. lhs case JS said to be serio us. Coo 3. Darlington. Wm nor of three frret pri~es 111 t he Sons of Engl and Hall. N .S . Youm:i, " . B air Brushes. . . . · · . . . · . · 20 to 3 00 s. c. W A'.rl'HRs.- A good ~une-piece 1s alw:ays W1mN1~SD A.Y, D F:c. 9.--Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, at ll't11l l<'!l.iJ'd. 'l'er ms-$1 00 tit ti me or ser vico. I.adies' Companions . . . . . 1 00 to G00 SAMUEL llUNli,lNG, Pi·oprietor, Courtice, P , 0. -A'l' 'rIIEdesirahle ; i f y ou rnqmre such an f\rt1cle 43:tf lot 33, con . 7, D a.rlington, will sell a Dress Goods, Canvas Cloth, Ottoman you can be s upplied at the Star H onse quantity of s tandm g tun ber, beech and .A few things t hat can be b ough t cheaper Cords, V ict (Jria Cloth, Cos tume Cloth, W atch D epartme nt. They keep t h e best RAIN WAN'l'ED . - I will pay t he maple, m lots to snit purchasers. Sale SergeR. Cashmere, &c., i n all shades and standard m ovem euts and a full lin e new highest market puces for any q nantity of - -at -ENN.iSKILLEN. 1 o'clock, shar p, on the premises . at very c:h e~p, at the W est E ud House. Bai ley and other gram delivered a t my Elestyle cases. - -o- vator or at P ert Darlmgton. J . LYLE. Gram See bills . R. H 11l"l ' GHIRON, Auction eer . 1 Rev. E. Roberts , the genml pastor of and Provision Merchant, Bowmanville 37-tf. A toborman slide i.s to be construct ed in The undersi1'ned having made extensive rethe Queen -st church, pr eached anniver· the fi eld ~;uth of Mr. Lyle's residence, pairs on his Mills at a grnat expense, t:J> DOW' EIRTHS. than any ot her place in the county : sary sermons in t he Mar k-st Meth odist Queen-st., by a jom t stock company. RESS AND, MANTLE MAK ING- prepared t o do any amount of Mrs. · w . Bot·!and is prepared to do Dress c hur ch, Ashburnham, last Sabbath. - A.t U11rion Chnrch. Darlington, or. BRN'l'HAM Gristing and a ll kmds of Custom B eing in good !~ands , nothmg will be the H AIR B RUSfll<jS, 2~th ult.. the wife of M.r. llich. Bentham~ and l\fa.utle l\'[alm1g :ind to l'e 1ch the 'l 'ailor Noti ce to t he fraternity : The STAT~~t;· want m g to ma ke it a grand success. F ull of t:lystem ofcuttmg_, \Va1st lm1ng cut for 250. a eon. Gr ind1TJg on the sh ort est not!.ee, P LUSH CASE S, ' Residc~nce O \"Cl' .l\fr. Chas. Tod's Confco tion· 1\JAN office wind ows have at last been partwulars next week . Por.TOC'K- NeaF Ennisklllen, on 11IA 29th nit. i My Mill is now workm1 : on the Gradaal Rea~y store, 13ow~"W.nvill e. 48-l w, H AN D MIRRORS, J . ' . l. ' . Pollock, of a son, the wife of Mt. cleaned for 1885 and th e offi ce has been 1l be duction Prmoiole and salisftlCtion w 1 L ast week Mr. John McDougall at SPECTACLES, to all who may mtrust theiTi'patronguaranteed supplied with the a nnual clean t owel. TOCK WR e A LE.The u ndersigned tend ed a great sale of l umber at F enelon a ge to u s , MARRIED. olfors for so.le Young Short, Ho1 n Bulls, cu·r GLASS B OTTLES, Ladies for the finest ski rts rn t own, call F alls, and purchased it large q u:mtity of McCuru- CoJ,LINGS.'J'hanking uII ror favors during the past thirty At the residence of Short Horn and High Grade Uowd, rn calf. al XMAS P RESE NTS of eYery description on Mrs. Ives. Also for laces and em- lumber :ind shmgles for McD ougall & the bride'" fat her, on the ~;, ch oC J'< ov. by tho at moderate prices to suit t he t ines. Am short yeurs I hope m the future t o comrMmd vour confidence as in 1Ite past. lOOJn for winte1mg. '\.YM. WERRY, Hoseor ce. M.1. G. R. McCrea, of and a host, of other goods t oo nume1 ous broideries, hosiery and gloves, underwear, Metcalf, which t hey are pr epared to sell Rev. It. 'l'. Comt1 H 3w Having a gooll euvply or Old Whoot on hand Peterborough, formerly or Bow manv1lle, to landvale Stock Form. Solina. wool shawls, ladies furnishings, etc. te mention. at very low prices . of the best qnaltty, .kl! 111 want o~ Flour may J esse, youngest daughter of Samuel Colhngs, >F armers , I will pay you lh e highest ·we n oti ce by St ott & .Jury's window E"q , Cobourg. OAR F OR SERVICE .- 'l'h e 11nder - rest assured that they vnll get a good article. )zarCALL AND INSPECT . ~ 1 noun. and F E ED always on hand and going p rices for your B ar ley and other that a large n umber of t hose handsonlf\ f'A scm~-Ross -At t b'l resicl ence of the s,gued keeps for Perv1ce an excellent tmde's father, R iver Dale Farm. on Wednes· l nn:;rovod Suffolk White Boar. 18 mon th· old. Orders executed on the shortest r.ot1ce. grain delivered at my elevator or a t Por t X mas. & Weddm g Presents are already day November 25th. by the llev. J. A. Cnr· Call and see hun on lot 27, con. 6, Diulmgton. Soliciting a sha1e of public patronage, Darlington. J , L YLE, Grain D~aler. mar ked "sold." 'f hey a re offering great rmchael, William Newton Pascoe and Ella Turms: Cash. 75c; to insure, $1.00. \ V!f,LIAM I remain. respectfully, daughter of Alexander J . Ress, Lousia. second WERRY, Itoselandvale Stock Farm, Solina inducements in these lines a nd intendm g It is cause for congratulation that onr Eoq. all of Darlmgton. H -3w JOHN NiA.H.'l,'.RN. town is favored with a very able 1md pop · p urchase rs wilhio well t o call and m spect . OTE L OST.- A p romissory n nto m E nniskillen, Oct, 15, 1885. 42.5w ular staff of min isters. T he social feeling DIED. A fire occurred m the stables of M essrs. favor of \V1lliam McClellan for $350 was amon<r the m embers of the various churches Fanson & Son, of Toronto, on T uesday WADE--At his fat!Jer·s residence. 35 D'Arcy. lost on or about tho 13th of November. 'l'he street. Toron to. HOWARD CumS'l'IE. fourth pnbltc are notified not to buy sa1.:i note. .A. is als~ excellent. nigh t , b ut was ex tingmshed befor e it had son oflIENRY \VADli:, for merl v of Port H ope, suitable reword will be given for its return to LYMAN'S CO FFEE I S BEST 72,000 CO~IES :tiEB WEElt lf p rompt action on th e part of the di- made much headway. T here were twen - aged six yea.rs and threu months. ,ELI,>1.N, lot 23, con. 3, tlie owner. W l\icC r 4fJ tt. Sworn circulation Daily and Weekly Fr~~ r ector s of the Cur ling an d :t;lmting Club ty-four thoro-b r ed horses stabled there at Monn1s-In Bowmanv1 lle. on Satnrday. 28th Darlington, Bowman ville, P, 0 . 1st, Because of it s purity. , Martha. Morr1~ . beloved wire of Mr. Levi Press . can secur e early ice it 1s likely that the the time. The fire caught from a stove ult. "2nd, There is no w11ste yea.rs. Morris, Sr., aged 76 UILDIN G LOTS FOR S.ALE.-T wo stanes and steel will soon b e !rliding over m t h e workmen's appartment. CHYDERM AN- In 'l'oronto, on \Vednesday, the 3 rd, It requires no boiling. large sized buildmg loto on Church-St., the crystal fi elds in the rink. Speaking in the Town Hall the other 2nc l inst, J,oulsa .M. Lawry , beloved wife of Mr. east of Mr. \Vm. McC!ung's p1cm1ses. A num· Best Family ne;wspaperin.Canada. 4th, Y on can prepare a cup or a gallon in Es1ATILlSH ED 41 YF:A).t3·. ber or fin11 !ipple trees m tnll bea.rmg on each '!'he T own H all buildi ng has been un- eTening, I,ieut-Col. Cubitt remarked that J. H. Cryderman, merchant, aged 32 yea.rs less than one m inute. 'l'he funeral will take place from the fam ily lot. If desired a house to suit purchaser w ill mville excelled any other t own in residence, dergoing a course of repairs, outwardly Bowm1 be erected next summer. ·rer ms easy. A.pply Ontario street, on ]'rlday aft ernoon I,ARGEST E IGHT ~·AG-)! ME'l';ROPO!.llAN WEEIC;{)th , It is convemeot for pic-nics or camp- which has made a de?ided improvem ent. Camidii in Religion , Music, F lowers and next, at 2:30 o'clock. and proceed to the Bow· to F. CUBITT, Bowmanvllle. 37-tf. LY PU JJL~SH~J} IN Tl'JE DO .MINION. manv1lle cemetery. ]'riends and acquaintances ing excursions . R ifle Sh ootists. He might have added to P late glass wmdows in St ott & Jury's are i cspeottnlly m vited to attend. O.A.RS FOR SE RVICE.Two B oars, -Oth, It is cheaper than any other kin~. store would make still fur ther improve· the list g ood look ing maids of un m enti on · one a pure bred Berkslu re from imported a ble age, and popul (l,r p reachers. 7th, You have nnly to try it to b e con· men t. stock direct >ind in no way related to forme r 'l'HE owned by me, and the other a pure animals B OWMANVILL:E MARKETS.At a meeting of the T rinity Medical vinced. For sale by Mrs. J> . Murdoch r eceived a letter of bred Suffolk also fro m impor ted stock, are kept thanks last week from t ho t eacher on tho L iterary and Scientific Society, Toronto, for service on lot 22. con. 3.Darhngton. TmtMS: STOTT & JURY, Indian Mission in Manitoba to whom the on Saturday las t, amon g the officers elect - Corrccte cl by J ohn L yle, eYc r y T llurscla, ·. - $ 1.50 cash for thoro'-bred sows. and $1 00 for LONDON , ONT. S.ni'r, S:;owDH:N. P roprietor. 4.'5 ·8w* others. rhe Reliable Drug~ists. ladies of St. P aul 's chur ch forwarded a ed were Dr. Geo. A. Bmgham, formerly l<'w im, l"' 100 lts .. .. .· . . . $2 25 to $2 50 q uantity of clothing some months ago. of t h is town, as R epresenta ti ve of F acnl- WHEAT, Fall, l" b ush . . . . . 0 75 Ji 0 83 The Agrkult11ral Depar tment fa a noted ARM FOR SAT , E ,- One of the best t y, and Mr. Harry Chapple, late of L es· frat ure of the " Free Pr02!!," !wing al'l 'ho clo thing was very acceptable, 11 Spring, 0 75 Ji 0 83 farms in the Township of D.trlmgton um~ ways up to the timea,and conducted The ST.A.'l'llSM AN staff r eturn theu· sweet- k ard, as Representative of 1st year . taming 150 11c1 es is now in the ro<irket. Ucing BARLEY, 'IP' h ush .. . . , . .·· 0 55 11 0 75 by pm~n~_ 1mictiflally skilled of f,ots Nos 9 au:l 10 m the .' i tb all those p>t.rts Tait & Morrison are mak lug extensive Rn:, est t hanks t o Gordon D. Fletcher, E sq. 1 1 ....... .. . 0 53 1 1 0 55 concession of the Towusnili of Darlini;'o" m .l!'arm Wol'lt. '"'~,~~~r~r for a basket of luscions apples, and they preparation for the holiday trad e. A lar~e OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 28 I I 0 30 owned by Mr. Edward 'il'hito, F\lr ~d,rticu · r.n ·By l'eleg1aph, Telephone. Mail > addition has .. !ready been made t o then· BoWMANVILLE, FRID.A.Y, D EC. 4, all pledge to hi m their votes and influence PEAS, Bla ckeye, 'IP' bush . .. 0 83 11 0 87 lars etc apply to Jt. R USSEI, I.GSC OlllBE should he run for th e high office and large stock of fancy goods, stationery, wall ~ .; and ~uot:~e~fo;~eu~fia~io~'.> the ~ : ,. Sn1all, " 0 55 11 0 GO Barr rnter &c papers, bo')ks, music goods, etc. R eaders honorable position of Mayor for 188H. ·' Blue, 0 55 11 0 60 Bowman ville. u..i 8 opeci"\ Market Department. ,,, We shall feel obliged if any of our snb· of t lie ST.ATEflM:A'N will be hl.Jerally treated Ild1 m t, beat table, 'IP' lb . .. 0 12 " 0 15 ~ :::c "" Agricultural Department. §1 rn soriber s will send us the f ull acldress of at Cheapside Bazaar . G irn us au early LAI'" irl'l:b . ... . . . . .. ... . 0 10 II 0 13 D RESS- M AKIN G AND DRES St- ~ Capital Story always Running· 1~ Z call. G( ' ' it doz O 18 11 O 90 CUTTING.-Rare ch:1uce to learn cutting E any friends t hey m ay have living at a Sleigh s from 40c. up e.t V ariet y Hall. " ·· ·· ···· ··· ·' ~ by Pror. Moody'A New Tailor System of Dress ~ Ingenious Pu7.zl~ Column. ; The m embers of tho Church -s t. Met h . Po· 1A 'l'OES, 'IP' b ush . . ·· , , , , 0 40 11 0 45 and Mantle Cutting ,by Bquare measurement Miss Kate T . B ickell is visiting rela- distance who would be in terested in seeing ca: Humor.ms Re ading-. en tivea in P eterborough. a copy of the STATESMAN. W e will gladly Y. P , A. wer e entertained at th e parson - D1u:~SED Hoo s~ 100,,,, , 4 50 11 6 00 without t be use of paper or patterns. 011; du!;r 11-\lthorized an~ COJtipetent 11geut, Miss J . JUST THE THING l?Ort T HE FAMILY · forward specimen cop 1es free this m onth. age, on T uesday evening last. Music, Ladies will find a beautiful select10n of ·~~............---- - - - - - -- - - - I Mufti, or Torcnte, IS now in Bowro!\U V'ille, end games, etc., were engaged in, a fter which Every member of the household eagel'ly w ill teach you thorou[\'hly i n all its branches F ur Coats and Caps at Myer 's. By car c l elsew her e it will be seen that refreshmen ts were served. The young looks for it erch weflk. .eru '.1\hnntisrnttntg. at Mr. J . Allin's east or McUlnng's Foundry, o~ Mr. Sandercock has retire d from the fir m can wait on you at your own homes. Don't Call and see the New Dress G oods just of S ander cock & McMurt ry, li\'ery m en. people departed about teu o 'clock, having fail to embrace this one opportunitv to bocome received at the W est End H ouse. :M:r . McM urtry has b een manager from spen t a most en! C">yable evening with th eir ll. firet·CJllSS cutter !\! ladies' and children's !UIS!!! A . BROWN, garments. Send for Ctl'cular at once or call In Clubs of four and upwards, 75c. each. Gentlem en will fi nd a large stock of the first and will n o doub t r etain the large worthy pnstor and his est imable wife. E ACHER . OF P I ANOFORTE.at the above address and be convinced. J . & A . Mr . J. H . Cryd erman, of th e firm of :Fur Overcoat s and Caps a t Myer 's. patronage with which the firm has been Pupil or Pro!essor B ohner of 'l 'oronto. CAR'.l'ER, Toronto, sole proprietors in Canada. i5-8w. Couch , J ohnston & Cryder man , took h is Ne wcastle. Ont.. 47·Gw· P arents, h ow can you expect politeness favored. from your children nnles~ yon set th e exThe Canadian Breeder very timely wife, who has been s uffering from a t umor More monej' Citn be made by agent~ in can· 'l'R AYED from L ot lG. Con . 6, Dar l · Dissolut ion of" Parl11ei·sh11· vaseing for the " l' ree P ieas" than at an. other warns breed ers of t horo'-brod st ock to for s tiveral mont hs, to 'roronto last week a mplei iugton, 1 STEER 1 ye9.r old. Snitn ble re· employment. SAMUEL ROBINS, Boys and girls, have n o concealments h ave no dealings with strangers except on to h ave an oper at10n performed , and on ward for recovery, HE PARTN ERSH I P HERETO4.3-3w-eow. from m oth er. Do nothing that you ar e t he safe basis of cash -paymen t before de· Wednesday m orning t he m ournful tidings $12,000 IN PltE:M:IUivIS I FORE existing between the undersigned as Urnry st able ke!lpcrs, under the name of 'rlie lli0$t liO livery. A buyer of th is d escription h as of her d eath were r eceived h er e. Our a fraid t o t ell h er . < mi.! md11~ement.s ever offered in ONEY TO L OAN. M oney to loa~ citize ns sincerely sym pat hize with t h e beS.urn1 mcoc1t & l\frl\hm'l'n\', is li.ereby dis· Canada to partiefl gettillg up Clubs for the Ready made Over Coats t o sui t t h e been victimizmg a fe w breeeders n ot far on the very lowest terms on fiu·ni solved. The business w ill be carried on in the reaved h usband in his sorrow. Weekly Pree P ri;s strictly confidential. and all busmess security, ~ame place by T. J, McMl"ll'l'R'i'. wn o will pay smallest b oy and largest m an at Couch, from h ere. !1.9-l w a:~ tl.J~ hab1 hties of the said firm. and to whom 500 boys and girls wanted to eee how R. Hu·1·cH1soN, agent, Enniskillen. The Globe P rinting Co. will issue a J oh nst on & Cryd erman 's. GIVEN A VtAY to AGEN'~S ------------·-- all det:!· iJ.ue the said tlrm are to be paid. OL'r E S TH. AY.- Came into the Dated at lJQwmanville, this ~Sth day of Horsemen should not fail to inspect M . special holiday number of t he D An,Y a n d many words th ey can make out of t he Send for a copy of our P remium LM. and lot 18, con. ll, Darlington, a horse November, 1885. see the inducements we are offering. S 9tn· M ayer's stock of cntter and sleigh r obes. WEEKLY GLO.llE on the 16t h inst ., which phrase " Ken ner & Co.'s Variety Hall." colt, premises, , V, SANDERC O CK, about two years old The owner w ill The one sending in t he largest n umbe r of pie copy free on application. 'Big assor tmen t-prices low. will be beyond question the best specimen Witness : '.l'. J . McMUR'r RY, him words on or b efore t h e lUth of Dec. will please prove property, pay costs and take 49 3w, J OHNCLARKE:. 49·3w. F R E E PRESS I·R I NTI NG Co. , All wool t weeds worth 75c for 50c per of newspaper work ever prod uced in Can · receive goods, as they may sdect , to the away. '.l.' nos. McLEAN, Hampton. 49-3w. LONDON, CA?l"AD.'I.. y ar d. Mantle cloth worth $2.uO for $1. ada All yearly snhscribers to the D aily am ount of $1.00. R ules- (a ) Any word ED HEIFER STRAYED. - From 75 at T . G eo. Mai10n's S tar House. , Ra n d Weekly Globo wi_ll get a free copy. Will be allowed th at 1s contamed in our ~~ lloselandvale :warm, a dark red heifer ' . . < m ew your subscr ipt 10n at t h e STATES· w1tb. short hornsinclmmg inwards. two years Mammoth 20,000 word lOc. Dictionary . old, Ladies .Alitrnkan J ackets, the choicest MAN office befor e the 10th ... t.he property of Mrs. Trimble. Rewa1 ·d acres of lot 8 in the 1st concession goods that can be obtain ed, now showing p al '" . . (b) Co.'s is not to be extended int o for infor mation of her whereabouts. W , ofFIRST.-30 Darli ngton. lying immediately south of the 49-tf. t Conch Johnston & Cr derman 's. i . apam· ich nkwayo, or 'iVandermg Spir · Company's. (c) Words t o be neatly WEUit Y, Solina. cemetery. ~ Y 1 it ; Nopface, or I ron Body; Manach oos, a . SECOND.- The South 140 acres of lot 16 in tho ITUATION WANTE D, - .A young third ILLUSTRATED. Fmgem!g Yarn 75 cts per . i::om; d ; F.ac- Bad Arrow; K 1ttamaq ue, Miseiable Mm1 ; written in columns, on one side of paper concession of Darlmgton. and the North lacly with fair education wants a sltnatwn 36 acres c. per lb . Baldivm sFmgerm g A pischi-lrnos L ittle B ear · Wawaaso-kov· only ; name and addresses of competitors t ory yarn nO of the South 8:-1 acres of lot 15 in the to be at top of page an d to be enclosed Ill as clerk or oth er smtable cmoloyment. ·w ould same concession. k ept in stock at th e W ost End House . ees, D rnssy Man , and Ch~s Duncharme, not obJect to IP-arnmg type-setting or aslnsting Hai·per's Bazc w is the only paper in the world envelope and addressed Kenner & Co.'s at 'l'm no,-'l'he South 100 a cres of lot 25 m the office wol'l' in a newspaper o1llco. .A.cldress : t hat combines the chc1ice8t literature and the1 Is th e house .cellar clean an d in order1 alia~ Charleb01s 01 Jtmi, the eight Indians Variety H all Competi tion. third ooncees1on of Darlington, a11d the North· N ame and SCUOOL GmL, Bowman"Ville, P. 0. 49 D ont store ca,bbal!e in i t. F oul cellars are concerned in t h o F i·og L ak e massacre, number of words of winner will be - - - - -- - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - crly VO acres of the east half of lot 25 in the fi nest art illustrat ions wish the latest fashions and methods of household adornment. same concess1on. t he ca se of affi i, tion 1n many h ouseholds. were han ged at Battleford on lfriday given in ST,\T<:s:.tAN e f followmg week. AY YO"C R T.AX ES. - A ll unpaid Its weekly 1 llustratJons and descriptions of All the above will be sold in parcels to euit taxes m the 'fownship of Darltngton must purchasers. 'f ime for payment and ter ms wlll Suits macle t o order from the best goods, morning. There was no hitch whatever. tl!.o newest P aris and New York styles, with be settled forthwith to meet dematt<I~ of achoo! its useful pattern-sheet suppieroents a.nd cut. b y the b est ·wo· km~n and at th e lowest A Convention of Christian ' Yorkers for Som e Big Prizes . monies, &c. .A.II remammg unpaid after the be made very easy to satisfactory buyers. :!!'or pa.tterr.s, by enabling ladies to be their own prices at Couch ,J oh nston & Cryderman's. the Bowm an ville District of t he Metho20th instant will be collected without. further particulars apply to D. BUR.RE SI MPSON, d1 ·essma.keis, save many times the subscrip41 t f. Vendor's Solicitor Call at th e Wes E nd H ouse and see dist ch urch will b e h eld m the Chur ch -s t Our citizenR h aYe been Yery s uccessful notice. J As. UnYDEil'\lAN, Collector, Harnpr.on. t ion. Its paper· on cooking. the manage4!l2w the all wool GrPyFlan11 el, they are selling church , B?wma~ville, on Tuesday 8th inst. in the 'l'lW'.l'f! and tho L Aoms J OURKAL ment ot Bervants, and hot'~ekeepi ng in its for 25c. p er yard ; 11.l eo the all wool Shirts when s~ssrnns will be held a.t 10 a rn . a:nd Bible Competitions carried on by M r. S. va.nous details ar~ emmently practical. EDec foJJ·s o r D al'Jing·t on . :Much attention is given t o the interesting a nd D rawers at 50c. each. . \ 1 :30 an~l 7 .30 ~ m P apers on <;Jhristun Frank ' Vilson, Toron to, a s several of them topic of social etiquette, nnd its illmtrat10na . . work will b e m trodn ced and d iscussed. h ave receiYed yaluable gold and silver L Anrns AND GEN'l'LF.MEN, - Allow me to 0 of art needle wot-le aie a:.lrnowledged to be All the p ·tients who have died ~ small· I All ch r isti.m workers v nLh in the bouud s watches, handsom e sill-er cak e baskets, so!tc1t your vote and mflnence for the position uneaualled. Its lit erary merit is of tLe highest of .fi1 st Deonty·Reeve for the onsmng year, pox i n Ch .arlottetown er e unvacci?ated , of the District m·e very cordially invit ed gold r in gs ·tnd b1ooches, books, etc. B ut 188G. Yours i·espectfullv. excellence and t he unique character of itS; while patients w ho h ad been vaccm ated w :ittend. LE11 VaNCAMP. the S'l'A'rE~MAK Club has been extraor· humorous pictures has won for it the name w ere attack ed ver y R h gh tly. Darlington, Dec. 1, 1885. 49-~w* of the American Pv.nch . 'rhe lady whose de::tth is t h e s ubJect of dmar1ly successful in the competition that T hey can furnish !\ watch at any p rice the followin g paragraph was n iece by mar · closed on the :10th of October, taki ng m ore Auction Sa le oC Prop ei·t y you f eel able to pav and guarantee to give riage of Mr. J . B. Fairbairn, P . M., B ow· prizes than in any former contest . On H ARPER'S P ERIODIC.A.LS. full valu@for every dollar you p u t into man ville " The death last week of th e t he ans'!\ ors and subscriptions forwar ded in the Villag·e ot· Leskat·d. l'JIB YEA H . the watch . Seo J. J . Mason bofor e you youthful wife of lYir. J . J . Fairbairn from th is o1lice the followmg awa1ds ha ve H arper's .Magazine, .. _. ... .. . . . . . ... .. $:l 00 bny. wh ich sad event occuned at h er fat her 's been maclc: Harper's Weekly.. . . . . . . . ... . . .. ... . . 4 00 . F RIDAY, D E CEMBE R 18TII, l88ft, .Any of the 'f or onto, Lon don or Mon- reside nce, P eel-st , on Thursday evening Mrs. H arper's Bav.ar.. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. 4 00 at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the premises, in the A. J , Vonstonc,, .Orgap. IO stop~ . $2"0· treal papers clubt·ed with th e ST.A.TES~1AN cast a gloom over t he entire town. Mrs. M. Mosetta .James. t:>1Iver Tea Service. 100. Village of J, eskard in the County or Dur ham Harper's Young People .. .. ... . . ..... 2 00 At very low rates. Don 't t hrow away F airbairn was beloved by all who h ad t he Mrs. Jno. VanNest, ),a.dies Gold Watch. . !JO. there will be sold by P ublic Auction by Hebert Harper's 'Franklin Sq_1111re U brary . .. . W..r. Heard,. ..... . ...... ...... . do . ........ 90, Moment. Esquire. Auctioneer. t he pr operty One Y ear (52 N umbers) . .... . .. ..10 00 money on !or.al papers of no value b ut plea.sur e of her acquam tance and r espect - Fred Bra~· ...... . .. .. . . .. .. do ..... . . .. !JO . lately occupied by one A. Beer, and known as Mako no mistake, do not lay out a dollar until Postage Ihee to «ll subsci·wel's in the United; call at the S'CAHS:\IAN office for lowest ed by o ur townspeopl e, and her early and Amanda Boncl, ..... . .. ...... do ....... . . !JO. the J,esk'l.rd Hotel and the land hel< l and taken you have seen our new stoek . m connection therewith State&and Canada. 'l'hos. Sheridan, .... . .. .. .. .. do. .. ... .. !JO t erms. unexpected d em ise has brought ou t many Mrs. \ V R. Rond, Sliver Watch ........ . . 30. '.l.'he la.nd consists of about one quar ter acre 'l'hos. Sheridan ... ... do ... . . . .... .. 30. of lot :n. and a small pa1·t of lot :1 2. in front Mrs. Good ne w~ for Bowmanville. '\V. R . manifodations of genuine sorL t'i n c Watclle !!i, ()loc l.:: s, ·ow and symThe Volumes of the BA ZA R begin with. 30. thereof bet ween the said ono qnorter a.ere lot Werry. ... ....... do . .. . . . .. R . Cawker has r "duced the prices of L amb pathy for her grief stncken h us]Jand and Minnie Mra. W I!'. McKowan, .do ...... . .. .. . .. 30. and th ~ main street of the Village, m the 7th t he fi rst Number for J anua1y of each year. J e wele .. ~', ~i l ..-e r wa 1·e :rn follows: Legs to 1lc; Loins t o lOc; other iefati ves. M r . Fairbairn was iu Mrs, Smith,. ..... ......... do . .... .... .. .. .. :lO. concesslOn of the Townshi p of Cla1 ·ke, a.nd When no time ia specified, it will be under11.mes.. ...... do ... ... .......... 30. bemg the land desciibed iu a deed thereof from and Forequarters to Sc per pound . R e· P rince Edward I sland when his wife was Mrs . .1. H . .T stood that t he subscriber wishes t o begin. a u d Nov e I t i e s. \Vm. J ewell ....... . do ...... .... ...... SO . one J ohn Bradley to one William Caswell. On Mrs. m emb er, h e also keeps the finest q uality taken ill an d was nnt ablo t o r each h er Mt's, M. Deyman, .. .. do .. ... . .. .. .. ~O. tho property is a frame building about 2Jd 0 with the Number next aft er the receipt of of m eat s ot all kinda to be fonnd in Co.na- bedside befor e h er d eath. As migh t be \ V. \ V. Tamblyn, M. A. , do ...... . ... .. . . .. 30. ftiet, now empty, but until lately occupied as a People are now becomin r:: itware that our order. Bound Volumes of H A HPE1t's BAZ AR for hotel, which contams a.bout twelve rooms and <lil, barring none.-43 tf. expect ed he is well nigh h eart-broken and 'l'otal...... . ; ........... ·$1,100. could easily be chan11;ed into two houses or p rices are posiLively t he lowes t for th e t hree years back, in neat clot h bindiug, will F ive steps to ruin which we advise all utterly prostrated . T he funeral of the It is surprisinz h ow Mr. Wilson can a f- stores, and also baa thereon a good barn and sa me quality. All are deligh ted wit h be St nt by mail, postpaid, or by express. ahod. '1 boys t o shun: Badcompa.ny, dishonesty, deceased lady on Slmday was one of the ford to give a wa ., ·ee of expense (pro' ided t he freight does not y so many valuable prizes, 'l'he tiLie is perfectly gootl. but the Vendor Jx~eed one dollar per volnme), for $7 per rrratificat ion of carnal d esir es, r eadmg bad la rgest ever seen in Simcoe, a t estimony b ut the competition t o bo found on au will only furnish sucb. deeds ancl endences of onr goods and our sales are constantly voluwl'. increasing. You try us. · s1 ' d e patre of tl ie S rATF.SM<IN th' · title as are Incan his be possession. ~bscene literature, and hstly, intemper - of th e community to th e high esteem in m is week is Possession given immediately. Clot h Cases for each volume, suitable for ance. The first is the father of all t he which she was h eld and o f its solicitude even mor~ l 1 beral tliau h is former ones, 'l'ERMS:- 'l'en per cent. of the pnr chaee monev binding. will be sent by mail, postpaid, 011 for her loss.N orf olk R eforme1 . r est, th eref ..r e sh u n i t a6 you would smallbecause in adchtion to the prizes ha sends is to bo paid down to the YenQ.or or his solici· xeceipt of SL each. J. tors on the day of sale and the balance within Hemittances should be made by Post-Office pox. RoDrNsoN's P11osr110RIZF:D EuuLsION TRUTH for fonr m on ths ancl a llALF DOZEN one Practical Watchmaker month. without interest, or arrangements Money Orcler or Draft. t " avciid chance of ,A'l'ED TE ,i. SPOO NS to every cuu be made to leave a part on n mortgage on The extrnordin ary popula:ty of Ayer's is par t icularly adapted to d elicate fe males, :n NR :;u VE It r T loss. , senc i· ' $1 an cl six · th r ee-cen t the property. L result of in those lo w stat~s of the system that persl)n Cher ry I'ecror al 18 the ne.t m g h 1m lfor further particulars and condi tlons of sale Newspape1-.~ arc 1 wt fo copy thi.:i acliertisei ts use l)'f intelligent pe0ple or oyer forty ma111fest themselves in so many of the stamps. A club is being m ad<J up a t the apply to RORKRT MOMENT, E s<J., AuctlOneer, rnent imtliout the express oi·der of Hai-per &: Bi·9the1"a. years. lt has indispu tably } 1roven its- ailmente peculiar to thei r sex. .Alwaya 8 CATESofAN office and subscriptions wi th at Orono, or to the Vendol"s Sohcitore. 'bl CAM ERON. C..1.BW ET ,J. & t:l'l', Jon N, Address H ARPER & BROTH ERS. falf t he ver y best k nown specific for all ask for R obinson's P hosphorizecl Emul- t he correct an swers to the Bi e qu estions G l Kmg Street East, 'l'oronto, New York. ar e being forward ed every day. colds,cougb.9, and pulmonary complaint s. sion, and be 11urn you ge t it, 4C -3w. Vendor's Solicitors. No Place Like School Boor d meets t o-night. S RUPTURED D H B S At Stott 8t Jury's : T 50,000 B USHELSC R A IN YI A NTED G Boyne Water Mills, S T OT I ' & JURY'S D S B T. B. C. I. T. W. I. L. SOM ETHINC FOR YOU I N B B F K inaoi Wee k l i es ! FRE E PRESS, L ocal and Otherwise. = N LAitG-E $1 T S B ala.n ee o f ' 8 5 f ree T M C 0 · R S Valuable Farm:;J for Sale. 1886. H arper's Ba.ma r . P HOLIDAY coons ---o --- B EAUTI F UL Elegant and Desirable I ---o--SUITA BLE FOR EV ERYBO D Y · - --o--- J. MASON, i *Hous eWatc~ Oe~artmenl.

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