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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1885, p. 8

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l, ! . 1-· ' I ::;:::) c!:> u.J a: . THE \..~ ...-,~HOUSE A TESTIMONIAL. Refeuing to an oxtendell n otice of Truth's n<Jw :Bible c o mpetition in another column, notwithstanding the fact that the publishe1· of Truth has given as prizes in competition a d ozen at le1·st of firstclass pian-os, and twice that nu mber of organs a nd sewing machines, and hundreds of first-class watches, and tho names of the recipients, with their addresses, have been published, t h erA arc those who are y e t bold to assert that no such prizes are paid. Such assertions arc slanclers, and the publis h er w ould be justified in prose· euting some of the parties for slanderfor unjustly and wrongfully injuring his repu tation anll his busmess. The names of the winners have all been published in 'frnth columns, and any of t h e parties may be writte n to in regard to w h a t they have actually r eceived. The foll owing l etter has b een sent by a well-known and respected Presbyterian minister, whose son W!LS a s uccetisful competitor last year. 'fhe Manse , Markham. 'l'o WHol\1 lT GREAT ·ri · z ~ c:::: c:::> t-- Our ~present prices"U and our ~large stock~ have caused an immense rush for BARGAINS. c::> See our Mantle Cloth, 30 :pieces. c:cl a.:: See our Ulster Cloth, 40 pieces. <:C Lal.-' See our Flannels at 20c, all wool. .. See our Flannels at 25c, 27 inches wide. 3r:: >See our all-wool Blankets at 50c per lb. a:::I u.J See our heavy all-wool Hose at 25c per pair. c:::l ' c:x: See our Dress Goods, all prices. I :E .. See our Cashmeres, black and all colors. c:: u..I See our Tweeds, Overcoatings, &c. C::l Q.., 0 BIGCOST SA. L E. · CLIABIIG SALE -OF- M AY CONCERN: c:::> ::c :a: c:.::s 1-c::::> _.J c:.:> , If you want real bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing, attend The STAR HOUSE Big Cost Sale. T. GE 0. MASON. f'fl' The piano mm by my son, :Benson, in Truth Bible Competition, No. 6, came to u s about a year ago, and was a<.;knowledged 1Lt the time. .After a years service am able to say tha t it proves, in every r espect, a superior instrument. A "tun er," a T oronto gentleman, says its tone and finish are compl e t e . A large numbe r of peopl e during the year have called at the manse and examined aHd tried it, a nd are surprised at its excellonce. - It is just as advertised. I am convinced that the publisher of Truth, Mr. Wilson,hos t oo )11Uch at stake t o depart in any measure from his offeni, which are both numerous and l ib eral. F. SMITH, pastor, St. Andrew's. - Adv. Dry Goods, Millinery and Mantles commencing this week and ' ·will continue for csors1x1v ·oAYs xso) Enormous Bargains I! The whole stock will be cleared out at rock bottom prices. During will not be taken the same as cash. Q Accounts due must be paid at once. which will h ave whatever value you may KIRBY. choose to set upon them, as representin~ in a very small wa.y the esteem in which yon are On 'l'uesday evening last over seventy- of the ~~~~~~~~~.·~"'"~ held by your friends in this purto! the country, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Powers assem· BOWMANVII J " FRIDAY DEC 4 as an acknowledgment of the debt or gratitu· bled a t their home to join with M.rs. P owers in } · .!., · ' · ' de we owe for ta.vors recetved r.t your hands, 1 celebrating the 72nd i.nniversary of ber birth· and as an earne·t expression of our wishes for day, 'L'he company was composed of both old - - - - ·· your future prosperit.y. V{hilo deploring your and y()ung, all of whotn seemed t o feel as LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. j removal from Orono we cannot but admire the though they were free to let loose "in presence enterprise which induce· you to seek in the of Uncle Nelson and Aunt Maria, and go in more thickly inhabited metropolis " w ider for a real good time. After the usual greetings BURKETVN. field or labor and usefulness. \Ve shall watch the young !olks b·itook themselves to the kitch · t f h t 1 1 · d I with keen interest ,your progress ·. an~ your en .where th~y indulged in yout!1!ul games .A comp Iam o somow u nove nn energy and ample medwal a nd scientific at· while tho old people rehearEcd remmesences of llas been m ade a"ainet the C. P. R. An : tttinments lead na to believe that at no distant bJgone days in lhe front apartments. One of o ld Trisll ladv li vlng clown t he line a bout! period we snail see yo_u occupying a foremost the moat intr,re.sting events oft.he whole even· . . . . ! Place among the medical men of Toronto. IC ing cent red m the melod1ou8 songs by fifteen m ill's , who never had it ride on a, your !uture iR as replete with success as you1· Messrs. 'l'h os. Thornton, Jonathan 'ryrmnan, railway train d e termined to try the to i friend~ W9llld wish you prosperity iR aeauretl. A lfred Grifiln, Richard Huc:haon, John Clem11", , ' A 1!!oping you may b.Qt.h be ![Pared to a lon11: e uce, Ea81l Bllitng~. aml N.~l~Qu u~-ll~.f anct h er, n e w f ang'1 ed mod e 0 f t. rnve Ill~ · and us.,ful and happy lil'e. .(lf rs, -G!l.r vcH1 \.IJ. ~11noh Powers, all of whom have 1·oachad thre e day or two ago she and her son Michael d!spcnee kindness and aympat,hy and youi·aelf score,unlUng in sing in;;: the soul stirring songs boarded the midday express to co me to: p1lfa and bills as heri:tofore. we bid you o~ praise 11sed w~e.n they worshipped under ld l d h d · t t · l . f&reweli and God spee<l rn your new venture. c11·c1unstauces different from those or to-day, t own. T l1e o. a Y a JUB go mce Y I Sign eel on behalf o!friends, . ,A t length the ladies began to unload their settle d down m her seat when the breaks-: PETER GALllHAl'l'~ well filled hampers and soon a.tter a ll were nrnn v e llcd " Burketon" The daucrhter : JAs. McCoNNNAcmE ~11.Pl'>e.a.elng t hei1· app.etit~s at a table teeming ,-. , .' , , , "' · GEO. K . MoDowl!lLL. o ,. w~tll' ilto 0001cest det1cac1cs. Wh,,n the rules of Erin rose to her feet with rnfimte sur- I · pr pr,1!dl\~ee., !iegan to dictate ttia.t tile ho~u· prise, and S>\ifl "Michael, is this BurkeTho Dr. in an impromptu but excellent vi:tit>, '1 \?aring.::t;,pen th~ company should d is"" "Y " . l' d th d t'f I " ·t' reply, modestly disclaimed prete ntions to pcrse. ·Mr,.J·~atl:'">.u ryrema.n wa~ called. to ton 1 es, rep ie e n i u , 1 s d tbe'ch1!.lr· wll0.&ft'r~ma.1,lng a few '-PPropriate her." "l!~aix, thin, " ~aid she, "if Oi'd the flattering words of the ad rnss, p er- remarks, cA.lJe(l on , 1"r. C. J. Hnghso_ , to read , t o· ., . · t t 1 tl · sonally, but conceded that "the half had an addrcs~~11<l.1y·p~~ - ' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Powers tiiougn . l w,\s go:ng o ge on. Y llS t b ld " d' I 11 with a coupi\l fir, eJi,sY'~hafrs. The address con:ihort ro1de the railroad ud ncve1· agot no · e en to regar mg tie exce encies gratulated ttte;mtl llptwn'..riW!.l1iug such " ripe thurty cints on t of rue. " B ut she wt:nt of his "better half." He was deeply grate · uld age. a nd expr~l(cd .. .~:tire th~t. the pre· · · t. h f1 1l f or t l·10 e xiJl"' SSl">IlS of ki'r1d11e· aud senta might b!l ·h" rnuana. u.l'..Jurll<Bhrn:r Lbern to Qmgley s storo inar1e ' "" urc, ases · " ' "" with 80me cmn'!~rL m:"iue!['" a!tl da ys. - · .thich a n d took the tram again for home fully g ood-will in lie address and- hoped the t!icy h on!'d w~uld bi;!L·ch~1h)t~rtlli#ltl !Jv t~o t 18 . ·ti d a ssoc iat ion s for:ne d and inte rrupted under piece whic h eprmga f.romJa'llWe':.M·d ·c1,1rta1n sa e · such ple asant auspicies would again b e hope ori mmortallty at the ··J<<l~ "\4·.;qtip,o 01' the .Another car load of salt will arrive bl est. Mr. Powers briefly ·~~It !·11~il i:bank s renewed. He feelingly alluded to his und Mr, Tyremao di.missed of· Pi:oh cuncin g 1rnre for Mr. Quig ley this week. connect ion with the people of Orono and tlle bcnedi~~·i oo. May more suolJ·1 ·gatheri11gs Mr. McLaren preaches here next Sab- vicinity. On beh3,lf of Mrs. Ca r veth he be in order. h · ·1 tl k d I t f tl A rather noted horse trader iu this vicinity b ath a t r; o:30 p. rn . earti Y mu o t 1me pre sen or 10 threA.t.ens h is brother with litig1ttio n on acM r. Geo . l\:lcKib b on, J. P ., of Wing- expre ssion o f rega rd f ·Jr J\'.Crs. C. a nd gave count of ha ving a sharp kick played up on him }iam, hos b e en visitin u his dan!!hter, :M:rs. an assnra nce that they would be placed in a recent trade. It is said tlta~ the evidence ~ ~ ~ will give a way the tricks of the traffic and Quig l ey. in a home to which all present would at show np the honesty of the commou jocke y, all times be heartily y; elcomed. After For tho benelit ? of boLh pa1·ties we promise to the presen tation, dancing and other a- r oport t he case iu deta il. ORON U. d t ML. Wm. P a tterson bought from tllo Messrs. · d 1 d · · N 23 d l mnsements were m u ge m au a mos Beith the celebr11tcd horse "Olh'cr '! 'wi st". On Mondti:r e venm g ov. r ,severa , enjoyable time waa spen t. An e x cellent 'l'he 11rico paid is said to bo $3.50. Wo wish of the mai~y fr'.10n~s of Dr. & Mrs. Geo . supper was prep a r e d by tho ladies . At a M r . Patterrnn suceess in hiM venture , as he bas H Carvetn o· thm place m et the m a t expendecl more tha n thrcble the amount of · . ' ' ' ' . late hour t he a ssembly cl iapcrse d after any other farmer in tho section for improved the residence o~ D ni;ic an M c Conna clue, having enjoyed a delig htful e vening. stock, Esq. , the occa.s10u bemg the pre sentat10:1 'l'ho D r . and Mra. CarveLh left for Torouof an address to tho J?oct or a nd of a pair t o on Tuesday, SOLINA. of handwme easy chairs to Mrs. Carveth, on their departure from Orono to take up Mr. Tilley paidSolina school a. visit last week, and was w ell· pleased with the scholars. but GOBUUJJ,G. t heir r esidence in Toronto. During the thought th e school and fence might be improvcomparatively short time that Mrs. CarWEDDING.- Ou the evenin11 ot the 25inst., ed. 'l'he trustees should see to this matter. veth a'id the Doctor ha'<'e been in Orono m a ny friends met a t the resiCience of .lv.lr. S. Revi1·al meetings are going on at Eldad and Collings, Cobourg, to celebrate the marriage they h ave inade rnmy friends, while the of Mr. liobt, McCrea, of Peterborough .former· are incre&sing in interest. 1 A largo number gathe1·cd at the residence of Doctor has shown. himself to be thorough- ly o( Bowmanville, and MiPS Jessie Collings, A.lex. Ross, north of this place. on the 28th ly maste r of his profession for which About 5 p. m., the drawinp; roon1 was fillecl Mr. with expectant guests. Every ese w a s turned ult., to witness the nuptials of his daughter 11at11re has endowed him wi th a, p eculiar towards the door when the bridegroom elect, Ella to Mr. William Pascoe, a worthy young ent.ered a ccompanied by Mr. Adams, of Peter· farmer west of this vlllage. Rev. J. A. Carfitness. The follo wing is the address : borough. who acted as groomsman. 'l'hey michael, of Columbus, tied the knot. 'l'lle Nov. 22nd 1885. took their position at the rear end of the room bt idesruaids were Mias Maggie ltosa and Miss To JJr: G. lf. Carneth. and the remained fot· tho coming of the Deborah Wilbur, and the groomsmen were Mr RES1'IW1'ED Sm,- On the occaRion of your de- bride, who soon appeared leaning on ber J. Pltscoe and Mr. J . Roes. The presents were pai·turc from Orono, to t A.k e up yom· residenc<- father's arm and followecl by t he bridesmaid numerous and valuable. The bappy couple in 'l'oronto. we feel that we should wrong our. Miss Annie Collings, took the night tra in for a visit through the selves did we fail to take advantago of som e The bride was dressed in ecru cashmere west. opportunity or ex pressing the regret we Mr. A lex, Hooey has gone to Midland on a feel at the separa tion. Notr only tha.t. but we and satin richly trimmed w ith spaniah 111co of v isit. thmk it may perhaps be a. source of pleasure, the sumo color, and wore a wrel1th of orange blossoms and a veil reaching to the carp et. Mr. H. Hooper has been sick for a few days even a1nong U(nv and more stirring associations, '.!.' ho ceremony was conducted by Rev. Mr- past. to know that the many friends or your aft'a.bili· ty, and even kindness have made in and in the Courtice, of Bethany, ass1sted~ by R e v. Mr. Business ha.a been so brisk that Mr, 'l'om. our vicinity of Orono and N ewcll.Btlo, o.re not un. Copeland. of Cobourg, After the U8Ual con· enterprising blacksmith has had to get an emapprt:ciativeof the favors they have r eceived gratulations, the company repaired to the sup· p loyer, Mr. Clark Wilbur. at the hand, of. your estimable lady and your· r1er room, a nd partook or a sumptuous repast. Mr. ,V, J, Brooks has been quite ill since his self. Socially yo1u· "inllnence ha.a been pot· After supper while tho bridal party were pre· return from New Orleans, caused by the ent, cansiug those who have come within its paring to depart on the train westward on a cllauge of climate, no doubt. range. to place a premium on t.l1a.t social com· bridal tour, a serenading party was beard out side. '.l'hey pr oved to be a number or College The Enfield Praying Band condncted th e muuion which elevates the mind while break· dug d own the walls of formality, the great dot· students, who sa.ng several anpropriate pieces, sen -ices at E ldad last Sabbath evening. '!'here scattered rice lavis hly around as an emblem of was a very large attendance a.~d the meeting errent to iugenuousueas of iutercoursR. 'l'here luck, 1mve three rounds of cheers for the was a success throughout. DICK are few of us who have not been the recipients good of your hospitality and kindness in some form happy couple, and a fter partaking of a basket of bride's ci>ke, d isperood. or other, and we assure you that tile obliga· tions thus inc11rred will not soon be forgotten. MAPLE GROVE. 'l'ho wedding presents were many and USC· May these tie~ prove strong a s steel, not ending ful, among which, we mention a unique and w ith our separation, bnt being co·terminous expensive piece or gold and silver plate from 'l'he annual missionary meetinf\' or Maple with our lives. In our litera1·y pursuits you tho tlru1 of l!' itzgerald, Stranger & Co. and Grove churel1 was held on Thursday evening have render ed us tho invaluable assistance, Employers, PeLerborongh; last when a large number we1·0 presen t. Hcv. which your experience and scholarly attu.Jn. J. Whitlock ftlle1l the chair and the congregamenta have fitted you to give; while the talent A beoutitul walnut clock from Mr. Adams, tion listened attentively to the interesting l\Ud and cnervy which Mra. C!'r"eth h11s brought Peterborough; an.elegant cruet stand frOll,l tile eloquent address delivered by Ilev. N.l'Iill, ot to bear in the s «me direction, h a.vo been, not members of the Kmi,; St. church choir; a silver Osh awa, who exprcsoed his thorough appreci· only entertaining a.nd helpfnl. in the high.~~t · butter cooler from Mr: tmd Mrs, I, J~:wen, ation of the sini<lng of. the choir who sang 1 sevd egree.but h&ve inspired a praise worthy sp1r1t I Clarke; a set of tu.blo lmens from Mr. l! JCids, er a l a.ppropriate anthems. 'l'he pastor made a o f emulatiou.productivo of much good,nor can i Merchant, Ootlourg. One doz teaspoons, Mi'. short speech which was well received . The weforget the material assistance you have giv- a nd Mrs. J:tussell, Hampton; a. silver card re- finances over ran last year's. '!'he collectors e uin many ways. Notably throwing open your ceiver Mr. Hopper. Cobo ur g ; a sofa cushion were reappointed and the meeting adjonrned, doors upon many occasions a nd volnntariiy 1 Miss Bradly, Cobourg; u. photo album M1·. H. b ecoming responsible ror the accommodation Kenner, l:lowrn1rnville; a volume or "The of thoso who have come to Orono to entertain Perfect Home" MisR J\l[cCrae, Bowmauville; One g reat cause of the sickness of us. Your dtrecl Ing hand has largely contrib- H.ov 111.r. Courtice, bcautilnl.silver pickle. dish; children is the pre sence of worms in t h e uted to the success which has attended those a bea.ut1fcl cruet stand, a PIJ:lr of celery dishes, digestive demonstrations and entertainments with a. cry:stal bread plate, a fr 1~1t basket, a. pre.ttf sys tem, which irritate the which we have been a ssoo11·ted a s co-workers. toilet bracket. a. butter Jrn1fe, and a set of t1d1· organs, causing fever, s l eepl essness. pains Of your professional work we oan speak o~Iy es. a golct locket n estled among the other gins. in tcrrl'ls of tile highest praise, comrnenda.t1on We w1s11 much h anpmess to the young couple. a nd sometimes fits. The most effective '"hich ts not merely an out·bnrst of sentiment, We regret that the names or a ll the donors worm destroyer in the world is DR. or verbosity, but which is fully substantiated are not at hancl. SMITH'S GERMAN WORl\'.C l~El\'fEDY, by the morR than sat isfactory results, which a. confection pleas;i,nt t o the taste, and have attended your efforts in behalf of yo11r patient~. We have eopecially lu Ollr minds · snfe. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 CARTWRIGHT. a nua1beror moat dillloult a.net delicate opera· cents per box. tions which your skill has enabled you to carry Rev. Jae. Philp, of St. T homas, will deliver to a suc~essful issue, higllly creditable to your his famous lecture 011 'The South and the ability. The caution and careful study which i::louthern Exposition" in the Methodist chnreh, have characterised yonr treatments have Williamsburg, on Friday night Dec. 11th. Hear Entrance Exarniuation. been frequently the subject of rem11rk, and him . bave engendered in your patients.a confidence that nothing woukl be done rashly, while the Matthew Crozier , sou of Mr. Geo. Crozier, 'l'he Entrance E xaminations to High Schools, thorough knowledge of your work which yon Cacsa.rea. was drowned on '.l'uesday while brought to your assi8tauce was an a ssurance skatmg on Lake Scugog. will b e h eld at Bowmanvtlle. December the thatevcryl.hingthaicould be done would be a.sa On 'l'uesday night last Dr. Campbell was comparatively younc: proctitionor. your career pres ented by r~. O. L. 13~ with a gold·hcadcd 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Those who intend to write has been clu~i;ly watched andsuchhas been your cane as a small token of tlui respect inwhich ho success, that even t he most cynical have been was held by his Brother Orangernen. A. Dleas- at tb0se examinations must send notice ol their forced to confess that a very la rge practice ant evening was spent in discussing songs and desire t.o do so to the lnsprctor not later than muet inevitably have fallen to your lot had you salmon; music and mackerel ; and other remained with us. On behalf of a few of your mixtures of a like nature. Dr. Campbell left the lat December. many friends here, it becomes my pleasant this (Wednesday) morning tor his new home W . \V. 'J'A~rnLYN, M.A. duty to request Mrs. Carveth's aoceptance of I in Gravenhurst, Mrs. Campbell follows in a ibese chairs, o! little value in themselves, but few days. Bowmanvllle, Nov. rnth, 1885. ~7 'l'ako Aye r 's S:i.rsaparilla in the spring of the year t o purify the blood, invigorate the SJ stem, excite the liver to action, and r estore the healthy tone and vigor of the whole p hysical mechanism. "---~ ~ Go to Taylor's Mills, Hampton, for cheap Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, etc., and where you will get good prices for \Vool and good R olls. D. 'l'AYLOR, proprietor. 25-tf. 9' !'h ~ t .t· &;;t t \OIR'lUtuUtU: av' a t~tuau. "---~ ======-------- - ----- TAIT'S PHOTOS. OTTAWA, 66 Slater St., Sept. 8th_ ll-ie3s1·s. Tait cf; Morrison.-D.EAR Srns, Accept thanks for photos which please us I very much. Shall pr obably o rder m ore later. Friends who have received copies t hink them charming. Respectfuliy yo11re, A. C S .urn~mm. "---~ this sale Dl1e-bil ls "---~ ! - - --- + ·- -- - CONS1JJ1PTll'@N CUll'.tl!:D. - ....n QIU phys'lcian. rethe<l t'rom practico, havin~ had placed in Jllfi hands by an East Inilia missionary tb e formula of a. aimple vep;etable remedy tor the . speedy and permanent cu re ofUon5umption.Bro11chit1.11o Catarrh, Asthm& and all throat and Lunll .t..f. fec tion·, e.lao a. positiYe and radical cure for· Nervous Debility "'ud a ll nervous Oomplaio."te, &ft~r having tested j;a wonderful curatfie powers in tho11s11.nd1 of cases, h as felt it hi.a iury to mu.Ice It Jm own to his e11fferin11; fellows. Actuated by t hle motive and a desire to relleva~ hum11n sn fra1·in~. I will send rree or charge, t() a.ll who desire It, ~his rocipo, In German,Fren~ or English, with lull directions for prepuNilt u.od usiu11. Sent by mall by addressing " wit. IJj·Ullp, n!lml.ni;_ this pa per , w . A. NOYES l Pa-wm~s Blocl;B.ockesfe'I' N . Y. ;(6 Pl £ROE & 00. High Prices Cut to Pieces! 0 EDUCATIONAL! ADECIDED VICTORY! - T Er E - New Ontario Readers, NORTH- iVEST CAl\'IPAIGN EXERCISE B OOK, - AND ALL OTHER- SCHOO L BOOKS and Requisites FOR OUH PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS ON SALE A'.l' CHEAPSIDE VARIETY STORE, BOWl\'IANVILLE, BY TAIT & JJ'I.ORRISON, 36 PHO.rOGRAPHERS, &:b ~- TRELEVEN f.i.ha8 now in stock one of the mo8t elegant and extensn·t1 stocks of .!.!~~~s, Shoes, Felt andlRubbe1· Goods, Trunks, Valises, : :-h>: · . FSatchels, &c., in the County, Affof ;i~ich: has bee~ ho~ght for cash in the most depres8ed markets. He i s now d1sposmg of them at unh eard of low prices. 'l'~e whole stock must be sold irrespective of prices. Now is your time to get first-class goods for a mere trifle. Competition nowhere. 17 M. TRELEVEN. ·- .. COAL, WOOD & LUMBER. Having to make room for a large quantity of Wood, recently purchased, will sell, until further notice, at the following prices: . B eecI l and l'tla1·Ie, S elected Body Woofl... per Cord Delivered o ..... . ........ $4'5.00 4:. _ ---------- do. do, «Juli do. . ...... ... ........ do. do. Li1nl.ls ..... .. ......... ... ....... ... ......... .... .. Bes t Pine cut .n·om G1·cen '·'hnbe1·................... ....... Pine cut t"1·0111 Dry Tin1ber ........... ..... -... ................... 3.~0 3.:iO 2.30 I have n. pul'l !Uve l'\:rnc ity 1v1· t..nl n t.iove lih1c a1 rn; by Its ueo \bowrnnds or cni;t·it o f the wm·6t ktnd anti of Jong- etn1Htin~ b11.ve 1.>ccr1 cured. Inrh:f·< l. 11:0 11.t run ~ ls my fnlth tn tis et'lkacy, \ h11.t. l will llt!Ud '!'WO BOTl'L i s F'Rt-;Ji~, to,i:ethflr with/\ v .u,.. CONSUMPTION ~.~~s1:u~,~~~~:1~r~J;.e~~. tl~t.<!l.~~~S~oUAl, t:P:!~1 J!~~t./i: Sn·anton and Lacl.:awana Coal, d1·y and well screened, $:i.:i0 1·er ton at Harbor and $ 6.00 delivered. Bes1 ~riar HiH «Je>al, f'01~ domes1ic use, $6.00 per ton, de· hvered. Reynoldsvtlle Select l'.o1u1np Coal, Cor steani, $3.00 pe1· ton at the Ya1·d. PX.L!t..:NO·FC>Fi.TES. UNl:Q.UALLED IN E All Kin~s of ~ U IL DING MAT [RIA l ~ept constantly on ~an~, and we can furnish any bill on very short notice. Intending purchasers please call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Bowman ville, October 15, 1885. TonB: T ouch,WorkmanshiD & Durability, WILLIAM UNA 111~ & C:O. nnd 206 West Dnlt!morc Street, Daltlmoro. No. l l2 :Fifth Avenue, New York. Nos. 204 M°CLELLAN tc CO. il2:2nl

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