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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 Pu ANNUM. O UR T OWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J AMES, EDITOR AND P ROPRIETOR. VOLUME NEW SERI ES, NUMBER 385 . BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1885. L OCAL NEWS: L E TTERS. TAUNTON. Miss Helen H erring h a s been visit ing at Osh a wa . Severul huve been very sick from the effects or vaccina tion ; Miss Byrom and Master H enry Lc.nder were confined to the house for some d a ys. · Mrs . ·Joh n T1·emcnr ba.s been under the care or Dr. R ae. Site is n o w con vale3cant. 'l'wo m embers of Hampton Salva tion Ar m y have been round begging !01· th o t ea t o be given someti me soon . 'l'b er e ls no p ince like borne. Y on us h as r eturned. The malJ.narrler for the corners deser ves a handsome X mas p r esent. Give him one. .A. love let.ter was recently fou'nd east or h er e, with its address obliterated by t ho rain and mud. Jt, was n ecessary to break the seal to find to whC1m It belonged. ana i t wo.s found that it had travelled over three hundred m iles, and h a d got a3tray w hen a.bout a mile from its desLi1 mtion. N o steam· thr ash er can b ea t J a ck Stevenson's power . Ro say the farmer s, H e bas enouv.-h to k eep him busy for nearly two m onths. Which is the winer ? One w h o lives to eat or on e who eat s to Ii ve J Messrs. l\1itchell an d Stev1m s have been on e. trip to the city. It is very easy to earn money, but v ery rcw .know h ow to keep it. M.r. ltobt. Arnot, of Dakota, is home Tisiting friends and rel11-tions, M iss Ida Mitchell, of Oshawa is h ome for a few daya. 0 , I nearly forgot! Another wed11ing' M r. J ohn Stainton and Miss Jan e '.l're va il were united In holy wedlock at llarn pton on Wednesda.y evening, Ooc, 2nd. by Rev. M r . Browne. Mr. J ames Trcvail a nd Mias .Tonnie Lander we re bridegroom and brides maid, The happy coup!~ t hen returned to t he resiclence or t ho bride's mother w here an enjoyable ti me wa s spent t ill 3 o'clock in the m orning. W e wiEh them much joy. Another we dding r epor ted to have t.akon place la st F r iday ; h air a mile west or h A re. W edding·trips a re not fashionable this s ea · son. Hin d t imes. Messrs. Sanders a rid Hoop ~r had the fir st sleigh. rid e on Frida y!Dec. Hh. Mr. ·wm. Herring is h ome ror good from P ickering. MI'. U nderhill. of Atha, P ickering,ttte holder of a tbird·class professional certificate has been engaged at tho cor n ers for n ext year. Mr. J. W . Thompson remains a t Maxwell's a t an advan ce. F o11r weddings h flr e in onfl fam ily since May 22nd. YERl'AS. XXXI. NUMBER 50. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. LOOAL N E WS L E TTERS. ENFIELD. There a re no vacant houses in tbi.s 'eh terpr isi ng hamle t just 11ow. the fir st tlme such has been the case for years. · Mr. R . Pascoe has moved into his new ho1 1ae. He feels q1 1ito proud of it, a nd has g-ood reasons, for it is Indeed an ornament ·to this p11rt ol tho count r y. Mr. Sll11s 1'app, our profesional wclldig-ger has just finished digging a well for his mother: M. Ed. Niddery has taken p ossession of the p ost office store, for merly occupied by Mr. Wml Martyn. Ha.nsha king SM.son h a s commenced hero already. Mr. Alex. McCullonl{I\ in tends building a large barn next summer. Missionar y meetings w ill be hold here next Sunday nfternoon and Monday evoning. R ev. R. Hazzard. Bowman villA, is expected t o pr each Sunday a fter noon a nd the rf'sident ministers will cond uct. the services Monday evening. Collection at each service. Severa.I of our citizens a ttended the funeral of t he beloved wire of Mr. W m. H ubbard o( P or t Perry,l a.~t 'l'hursday. She was a dau i bt· er or Mr. BenJ. P owell, Sr ., and formerly reai· Sr.ocu~.r. lle here. LAST -wEEI~ w e bought a CHEAP LOT! - - - O F- - - - co 01 I Black Astrachan Mantles, B ack Fur Capes, Black Fur Trimming, Black and Grey Robes. Men's Persian Lamb Caps. ' TYRONE . T ho Sons w ill hold their Annual 'l'ea on Xmas. Da y as usual. Mr. W . May p reached an excetlent sermon here lo.st Sabbath. Mr. ~- A. "Veeks hM p urchased. a nd taken pos3ess1011 ol a h ouse on front st reet. Ou r pnpular town·man, Mr. U. l focnoek spent a. few days visiting friends near Mitchell recen t ly, Tb<? S. A . are making strenuous effi)rts to obtain :i foothold here , another application having been made for the Sons' Hall, T he Messrs. Pierou havB gone ror green !Jelds an.d pastur~s new, leaving a sad blank m th.i circle of frionds. A n enterprisin ~ store · k eeper would now ha ve a good situation in the East End S tore. I mprovements i n the sic k, Is very sligh t Mrs, Wm. Wight and Mr. W. Ailsworth tho greatest aufl'e rers, h aving had no apoarent change for the better. Cold. sna ppin11; frosts have rendered th e po'n d excellen~ for akatmg, and 1he boys are speedily ava1lrng themselves of this exhiler11.ting sport. EOOMET. WE OFFER Breat Bargains! IN THESE LINES, And int ending purcha ~ers should giv e u s a c a ll befo re buyi n g. H AMPT ON. Miss Pauline Roach, at Mr. T . Burrows, is still quite ill. 1'h e many fr itmds here of l\fr. J . JI. Cryderm a n. llowmanville. aympa.thyze with him i tl h is berca vemant. T he lute Mr9. Cryderman w as a sister of M i~s G. Lawry of t his place.and niec e of Mr s. H . Elliot t, J r , Mr. Wm . Burrows is prepa1·ing to build a nice pick et f"cn ce around hia residence. W e n otice th at Mr . F. A . Cole, our city merch ant tailor, is a t work early and Jato. l!,runk, gets a fine r un or custom. lie studilll! t o plea se. · Our church ofllcia.ls h ave decid ed to hold the a nn uol tea on Xmas eve. no pains w ill be sp ared to make this one o.f the best enter tai n · men ts ever h eld h ere. Mr. W alter Harrington. of Toronto, has been secured ror th e evening entertainment. M!". H arri ng t on t ook t he HO id medal at Cobourg College, as an elocutiom st, and all who ha ve th e privilege of hea.rln g him m ay expect a rare treat. .A. larg l} nu mber attended the Salva t ion Army banqu et hne on Monday. I t was o. monster "u ccess, tl.J,,y say. 'l'h e ba lance of cheese h eld by the company h as been sold . M1 ·, S. Wash in gton failed t o pu t in an ap. pea ra.nce S unda y morning a ccording to the plan . ·w e w ill excuse h im this t ime h owever. Our public school is flourishing u nder th e presen t manage ment , t he t oacher d becoming m ore popula r a.II t he t ime. SLOW DOY, Senior division ol l'Lampt on public school r e· port for N ovembe1·, names in ord er or merlt-l!'ifth class-N Cr yderman,A. Browne, J Elliot~. I, Ellis. Fourth class- 0 · Brown . F Hooper. M J Elliot~ .A. Stonehouse. Sr. Third cluss-F Mason. J:1; Brow n.LSa lter . E Stot t . E Bro w n, M Hastings. E La w, .A. A llin . Secon d e lassL McL ean, W Soucb , I Ellis, L Salter. lt. J, NmDERY, Teach er. MAYNARD THE JEW E L L E R, I s Showing an I mmense Stock in the Following Lines - -for the- - COURTI CE. Miss l· ' lorence Courtice bas gone to F linton jfr~~n ~d a few months wit h h er sist er, Mrs. T : Mr. ~I~nry Pelter i8 erectin11 a now stable and dr1vmg-shed for Mr. J ohn Ho.neock, Pig k il,lln g or picking fowls i s the order of the day J u·t now. It lo'?ks as if ou r cheese Co. will h a ve to carry their Sept. and Oct. cheese until spring buyers not a ppearing to purchase a t any price'. Miss Ma.ry Adair t akes charge of tho school next ~eek to allow the teacher to a t tend his exam111ation at H amilton . .A. P!'Ominent bai_:helor in this d istrict is h aving his h ouse r epaired and otherwise improved prep itrot-~ry , so the knowing ones assert to t.akrni; u11 to Ill msel! a wite. ' Mr. Osbom c, f rom Bowman ville,ts announc~d to p1·e-ach a t 1'oenezer next S unday m ornmg. DEN. XM AS _ TB-1DE O E1885 : Ladies' Gold Watches. Stem a n d Key Wind , P lain and Exquisitely E n{l;raved. N OVJWJ'Y-The New American 6 -size C a se in a ll qualities. OAKLAND. Miss l\Tary A rd is visiting frien ds near Baillieboro, Ont. Mr. D. H all, of Orono, ha.B been building a n ew s t one foundation u nder the house o wned by Mr. J . Under wood, j r,. a nd occupied by Geo. i='altersou, Esq. John Wannan & Co. hnvejust finished a large season's threshing. Our expect.eel Xmn.s tre e is likely to fail to eventuate th is season. Rome of our YOllllg ladies a nd g entlemen a.re preparrngo to tako pnrt in tho big entertainment at E uter prise on tll e 17th. l 's fine dwellin~ls progressing M r. H . Ar< fin ely under Mr . Tebble's skilltii l carpentry. 'l'here has been a lively time over a stump m achine between twg neighbors. TrrEnaw. 'SDNil'lOOW COUCH,JOHNSTON sCRVDERMAN Would announ ce t o their friends and the public t hat their Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Wat ches. Stem a nd Key Wind , Vi' altham and Elgin M ovem ents. NOVELTY-The New Cheap Grades of S m a ll Sizes. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Chains. l ? a n d 15 Karat, pin.in a_nd fancy patt erns , of fin e workmanship. NoVELTY -'I he New Short Cham a m G ol d Plate fo r Ladies. Diamond Jewelry. L adies' S uites, Earrings and Brooches, S c arf P ins, Rin gs and L ockets. NovELl'Y- The D esign s of t hese Goods. Rememb er the fact that y our tow n J EWELLER, MAYNARD, can mount p r eciou s stones iu a ny s tyle a nd quallty you wish. F A LL ~t\, N D W I N TE R S TO CK is now very complete in all its departments, having opened out during the past few weeks over CARTWRIGHT. The Rav . Mr. ' 'Vashing t on, in b i~ sermon on Sunday week gave the boys some good advice. At t.he clos~ he asked t hose who were in the habtt of ":ctmg as stumbling. blocks In tbe door way ~o g1vo up such on an ungentlemanly practice. They actu ally tl.id manage t o get ou tside. but made up for t h cil' sel!·sacriflce by throwmg snow balls a t t hose who were leaving the church. Might I just hint t o the Rev. Oentlema.n thJJ.t ~? was. not forc1blo enough in h is r emarks. . Th/,s ~ md c omes not for~h by pra yers and fast· mg. l'he skillful and vigorous application ot a. No. H c owhide would answer the p ur pose bet ter.a Dr. Ua.mpbell's successor, Dr. Oliver, is a l· ready h er e '!-nd has every prospect of having a very extensive practice. fl. a. u, OVER 969,000 WORTH OF J:'f EVT GOODS:7 Comprising Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets; Wiuceys, Mantle Goods, Ulst er Cloths, Tweeds, Over Coatings, Flannels Blanket s, Fur Caps, Astrachan .Mant les, Over Coats, &c. ----·--- ----NE W H A VE N. Gold Plated J ewelry. B a r l">im , Earrings, B r ooches, L ockets, C hain s, Cnft' and C ollar .Button s :.nd Ch ar ms. N ovELTY-Th e B eautiful Pat terns i n Goods for Ladi es' Wear. Their stock this season is by far the largest and best assort ed ever show by tliem, and in some departments the best ever shown in Bowmanville: Every article has been CAREFULLY SELECTE D IN THE BEST MA R KE T S and at the lowest prices which. C A S H can command. Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. OOUCH, ·JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West oC Post Office, Bolvmanville. is a positive cur e Croup, Whooping-Cough, Ca.ta.rr~, lloa.rsene~a, Influenza, Spitting Blood Bronchitis, A s t h ma, Lung Fever, P l eurisy, and all disease s of the Throa t C h eat ~nd Lungs. As a.n Expectorant it h as n o equal, Consump tion has been c~red tim es w ithou t number by its tim e ly u se. It h eals t he u lcerated surfaces, r.u<l c u res w h en a ll oth e r remedies fa.ii. Fifty -six y ears of constant u se has prov e n lia virtues. Every famil y should keep i t i n t h e h o use. S old everywhere. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Prop rie tors, Burling t on, Vt. IY. O. Dolvn 's Vegetable Balsamic Elixir for C ouizh s, Colds, Miss M illie Everson has b een v isiting f ri.en ds in Bow manville. Mr. ArUmr Rundlo is r ecovering from h is r ecent Indisposition. Our ubiquit ous and g enei·ous neighbor, John P ickel, Esq., ent ertained a la rge a n d selec t c ompany a t an Oyst er Supper last w eek. May his " terbacker" never run out. Mr. Jesse ·rrull returned from a s uecessfnl d eer hunt la s t week , h aving ca.ptnred H b ond, 'l'arget practico is all t h e rage among our youthful sportsmen. Mr . J ames B. W grden's good dog " Clam " shook of this m or tal coil la.st week, Deeply r e· gretted, Mr. Geo,W.Gla.sphill has b een visiting at the Parson's, bnt he says h e's not t he " m an in tho moon " who stays o ut late. ::!ome foul scoundre l stole 25 or 30 fowl from a c itizen 's h en rooY t last week, and several per sona have lost some. Mr: N ." Peters, of Hope, who w as teach er of our school about t wenty-five yea.rs ago, sp ent a day or two.m this section last week. Mr. J esse Trull, of S ax ony, h1~s r eturned from a hunti,1g expedition and r eports ha.vmg .killed a la rge numbiir of deer. Our representative in the 'l' ownship Parlia· m ent in presenting his card to the electors s hows t hat he is abrea st of the t imes- h e sol:io· its the s upport Of tho ladies.. He deserves theil' support as well as t he v otes of all other good electors. Darlingt on station is a gain in r unning order, and tho m ix ed and local t rai ns call regularly. I f "Tecumseh" of ~axony will call at the office of our genial m ayor h o will receive full infor mation a s to t.he extent and limi td of Kew Haven . W rnKLE. Silver Jewelry. Brooch es, Errings, N ame Pins , Coin Jewelr y - Engr aved and Oxi dized, S carf Pins . N OVELTY- E ver ything t h at is Fresh and Origin al in t h is Dep artment . ELE CTRQ - P ljA TED "WARE! Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Stands, P ickle Bottles Biscuit J~rs, Salt and Pepper Stands, N apkin ' Rmgs, Mugs, Water Jugs, &c. BURKETON. Services beg-in at .1 p. m . when Rev. J, Crei· ghton preaches here and a t 5;30 p. m. when Rev. A . McLaren p reached. Bnrketon soon expects to witness its Ilrs wed<flng. The. STATEl:IMAN will , of course, pu bhsh the notice free. (With delight-ED. ~ The S1'ATESMAN 1s a popula r w eekly vislto~ here, end its r eaders are increasing. One of o ur bachelor citu:ens remarked on looking Up from t he STATESMAN "I see tJ1at there were20.00C,OOO bu ttons ma.de l.n this coun· try last year." "Indeed I" he replied '·I wonder wha t they were made for l' "For sewing on garments, I suppose." "Well, somebody's &?t n;iore than their share, I guess, for t here h ain t been any sewed o n my g a rments f or a. year ." Rogers Bros' Flat "Ware. Spoons, Knives, Forks, F ruit Knives & Butter Knives. SPECIAL PIECES OF FLAT WARE. Fruit, Jelly, and Nut Spoons, Soup Ladles, Cake and Pie Knives, Fish Knives and Forks, Sterling Silver Spoons. ENJi.ilSKILLEN. We are pleased to welcome Mrs. and Mr. R. A· Lee ba ck to our village from their sojourn m Ms.doc, They look aa i ( tile gold co11ntry agreed with them. Rev . R . Hazzard, or Tyrone Cirouit,is expect· ed to prea ch a mission ary sermon in the Mith. church here next Sunday e vening. 'l'he annual missiona.ry meeting w ill be held Wednes.day evening Dec. luth. An excelleni d eputat10n o! eloquen t div ines will .be on hand to make the meeting interesting, · Mr~, and M r. Wm. Robbins have returned look1!1g happy after a v ery pleasant wedding tour m western Ontario, MAPLE GROV E. Tho lad s ancllassos h nd a gay t ime a t Farmer I· 'r ank's p a ring bee on Monday night , last week, 'l'be work a satgoned t h em was quick ly execut· Di·. D e 1u·y D axte1·'s lllandrake B itter s are a sur e cure for ed in good style too. Then came a splendid proviiled by Mr. F rank's competent Oostiveness, Biliousn~ss, Dyspepsi a, Indige ..tion, Dise ases '!f t h e Kid~eye, Torpid supper housekeeper. Heaps er fun followed, Jim L iver, R h e umat ism, Dizzine~s, S ick Headache. Loss o f Appetite, J aundi ce, Apopl e- 'Who has not m e t with civilizc:i citizens for two years, contributing a large s hare by !tis xy, Palpitations, Eruptio n s and S kin Diseases. K e ep the S t omach, Bowels, and comlca.lltles, eccentricit ies nna h umorous ness. D igestive Organs all in working order, and p e rfect h ealth will be the result. The d ea r old far mer felt as plea sed a s ir w e Ladles and others subject t o Sick H eadache will find relief and permanent cure by had been h is own children a ll at home cele· t he use of these Bitters. Being tonic and mildly purgat,ive they purify the b l ood. bratlng his 75t h birth d a y, Long may he llve, A marr iage is on t-ho tapls, so says Do.me For sale by all d e alers in medici ne. Henry, Johnston & L ord, P r oprietors, Itumor ; a t any rat e t he h ouse ls being fitted up. Bu,rlington, Vt. Mrs. John Jamee is r ecovering from a severe a ttack of inflammat ion or the lungs. Henry, Johnston & L ord, Proprietors of Miss Rachel Cole has been visiting at Ham p· A.r11ica a 11d Oil L i11i111e n t for Man and Beast. The b e st ext ernal ten , and Miss Addie Colo at Solina. Mias ren uidy for Rheu matism , Neuralgia, Sprai ns, Bruises, Burne a n d S ca l d s, Sciatica, Mabel W ick ett, t>f Toronto, is now their g uest a t " .Brook burst." D ackr.che , Frosted F eet, and all oth e r pains and Aches, It is a safe, sure , and uJl'ootual ·Remed y fo. ~Galls, Strain s, Scr atch es, Sores, &c. , on Hor ses. One trial will p r ove Its merits. Its e ftects are in m ost ca ses inst ant aneou s. Every bottle A fine assor tment of all t he newes t g oods warran ted to g ive s atisfactio n . P r ices 25 cents a nd 50 cents per bottl e. Sol d in Mantle and U lster Cloth s at Co uch, everywher e. Johnston & Cryderman'a. · F INE EIGHT-DAY CLOCKS,FINE N IC K LE CLO CKS. G old S pecta cles. (FINE WATGHliEPAIRING ASPECIALTY) Special and ·Unusually Low P rices and an unequalled stock are the inducements for you to buy your Xmas Presents from ENTEBl'I BSE. William a:id Wellington Blewet t h a ve gon e to the shanties for the winter. Mr. Wm, Allin's horse is recover ing. Dr . '.!'om. h as t~ro 1vn aside pa.tent medicine an d ta.ten t o pulling s tumps, T~e members o! Union Star Division are getting up a boas prog1·am tor their entertain· ment on ~he 17th , 'J'hey are g oing to ho.ve a grand t ime, 'l'he like of it was n ever seen here before. The dialogues, stump speeches and read_ lnga a re racy &. slde-splitting,Rofr eshmenta will be s erved. Yon get all for only 10 cents. PA'l'SY. L adies for the finest skirts in town c:i.ll on Mrs. Ives . A ls o for laces and' em· b r oideries, h osiery and gloves underwear wool shawls, ladies furnishings, etc. ' . 1 MAVNAR 0 TH EJEWELLER, K ing Street , .. Bowmanville.

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