~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!~~~~~iMM~:aMN~~~~~~~~~-~e?G~~~~~'~ ~~~~~= ~~~ma~·!f*~W~u~ ......... ~~~ ..... ~~'*~~~~~~~~~~~4Gi~~~~~.,.~~,..,..,11!1!~ .... ~~·!·~TI~llllllll-!_~!'_1~111~ · ·~~&b~·~·~~~AA~~·~~~~~~~~~hllJlii~~"*-~-~~ ., ~ sa ; arm& · - ~ wac ::::;::;: ~ sasaination he will be brnlahed to the W hite Nile, and it is a common Egypt ian pro verb tha t f 1 om the \Vhite Nlle110 one ever cc1 ·nf s back. Englaud und France have dema1· ·!.ed his b rniahm3nt, I t ell you, a.nd ev·n the K bedive durRt not ref1ue to obey the or·1e: s of the Joint Control, added to which h e "" 11 boonlytoo glo.d t ogetridof thefollow J.i tn· ·t I " · self, thonghfll be boun d he 'll d 0 I prompt er method tb~n that which is 1 1 ropoacd." y the Author of "NINA, 'IRE N IHILIST," "TnE RED 8P1DER," "THE RussIAN SPY," On rCelving this expl anat ion Mrs. Trczil.rr Io~ked as annoyed a.a most la.dies do when ETC,, ETC, t.hey have a pet scheme knocked on the hcr.d. She muttered discontentedly : CHAPTER X So t.he sleek . English noraes were once "It's a thousand pitiEB that they can 't ~ ' more whipped up and the Egyptia.n orderlies leave such a man a.lone, Every one speaks A BAFFI.ED VENGEA..'<CE-MA.TCH·MAKING EX· cantered a.long, one on ea.ell side of the ca:- of his piety a ad his cha.rity, and be asetued · "·h th ·r wo da driown and their Id TRAORDINAR.Y. rtage, wi. et " r me over and over again that if Nellie wou hob i.er fhps unbuttone,:l. but become his wite he would never tu.ke Having rea.d thie ominous wa.rnlng our "How secure this method of travelling unto himself a.i:totht r, and tba.t woukl be heroine crumpled up the pa.per whereon it make~ ine foel," ~J·aculatod Mrs. Treza.rr, wonderful and ~.osc e~empla.ry forbea.rnnce ~· wa.s written .md thruRt iii ini;o her pocket. with a sig h, "I no longer experience the in a r ich and powerful Mohammedan, I am It ha.d terribly fright;med her, but she dete: !er.st terror, " sure." "l d i· '-·-d h It d I mined to tell her mother nothing a.bout tt 1 an nm "But I ·-11 · am I " lf.(· 'I · = to ea.r te d t on Y .,.. you, Et1phnmi·, · ~ th t Ahrrl6d until.they had a.rrived home, so 1u not to gu.:ve:1 t 1at ou.n:o«t always ex n o Y·JU Ara.bl will be neither J ICJh n or powerful. for a.la.rm her needleHly, · If f r b ti · th0 same proteotum, .on 1 Y or Y011 e11u · long, and the instant that he has b~e.n Illtt Five minutes later they were seated In I I h ·i ·· k .. out of the wu y, e1 ' ther bv ass~0 ss1"n··t!ou or ~ their well-horsed cha.riot, but a.s they were u c i Cl H "a e. ' It L1 wtll th11t she does not hea you, or by b~nishment, t he rapacious Khedive will turning into the next street a. lou<t howl seiz.a upon all tha.t he is now .Poeseesed of rather than cry of "Look out there !".caused yo11 would make her Yain." "I think not, madam. Indeed, I m11.t;Jh an.cl ccnflsci.te it a~ beivg the P' operty of II the coachman ro curb his horses back a.lmost "r t ha t noth' ·g tl ··t I 0< uld ·a.y would in b l th t N e 11' en fe u , ~ ' . le wou ld b e ret urned on to their · ha.unches, to esca.pe being run d · Th · re e ,· so a d . ~· , l" 1 t , st 'gree, ere our handea. pg.upt1r, ond, indeed, I on t into by a. four-horsed, painted and glided fi uence h er 1n the s 1g1 01 berwise, but, feel quite sure t ha.t she couldn't be sold with equipa.ge, a.a grand and ta.wclry a.s a London was a time "hen I hoped 4 e· 1"t W"B onl" " the oth er mom b ere of the pa~h a. ' s h a.rein · r · " fon ,, d1·es.m ·· Lord Mayor's oe.rriage, which flashed pa.st ala ·'"'"" h ~ !I · d I I ,. at can your E:xce ency 9 wor f.I m- though I rather think not-yes, inclinr; to as though the a.nima.ls that drew it were running a.we.y, yet not so quickly as to prevent p· y r' stamm ered Mrs. Trtz;i.rr, foeling hot think not, Euphemfa." cold at the ;ame moment · .aa all tho iu· "It'~ very annoy ing, Paul, nnd this s a Nellie from noticing not only a. hideous a.nd a.nd . f h ' · l .,,h · kt T 1 aen ~ eauty gigantic black man, dressed in a costume of s t meta o {ff ·YPtca ma...: ma. ng mamma molt unfortunate country. white, and scarlet, and gold, who wa.s seated grew strong within her. "Sm ely it cannot lasts for BO brief a whiJ13 lu Fuch a. climate beeide the dusky complexioned a.nd turbaned be possible th·t you honored my daughter that uniesg ycu r ealize upoa it quickly no· ooaohma.n on the box, but also 1\n nnvel!ed so far"-B.nd h-0re she ca.me to a dead stop, thing could be a. Jes" p rotita.ble iuvestment," resolved that the war mlo.iater shoul d finish grun1blEd Mrs. '.l.'nz~.rr, who sometimes female face gla.ring out upon her from the th t h' h t h b d f e!l ence, w 1c , ho cue i>ving een ma.de use of commerci;,l similitu es c,ut o eE nearest window of the ga.me-pie shaped VO· compliment to her husband's profession. hiole, with a. fa<Je white as a· hes, eyes oi given him, he was not slow to do. "Mm. 'l'rezarr," so.id he, still aarrying on In the same language ho made r eply : flame, a.nd red, parted lips, the upper ·of which curled in a. sneer above teeth t ha.t the conversa.tfon in French, ·"to see your "Not hing in the ma.·Lrimoni·l market could gleamed like pearls, but which seemd to be lovely daughter was to love h er, to love her bd worse than Amhed Arabi, the Egyptia o, grindiDg a.gain@t ea.ch other In a pa.rPxy.sm was Mturn1ly t o attempt to win her. I of- whose raoe is assuredly almost r un. Why, of impotent ra.ge. A moment le.ter gallopmg fered t o make her my wife. I vowed to her I would a hundr ed times sooner give Na,lie that if she would a.cc.ept me I would never t o your pet beta noir, the young Irish dra.· hones, dusky drivEr, monster eunuch, and t k h cJ b All h I ld · h · · h f a · wou n t; goon, though is expect~ttona mt e utu e lumbering vehicle were gone, Qnd only the a e anoL er, an ' Y remembrance of the ber.ut!ful but vengeful but, a.las, r ionk, wealth nor a t rue and ardent seem to bJ vuy hazy." B.,fore Mrs. Trezilorr could"frame an answer fa.oe that had glared through the ~att~ing a.ffectiou, separate or united, had any weight window 11.t her, remained to the f ·tr gul; with her, r.nd much I fear tha.t a previous t o this liost observation c,f lier liege krd the not but what the mere recollection was ter· affection, a pr1Hnga.gEment even, was the servant re-enter ed the 1oom with a visiting ca.rd upon a silver ta.Iver. rible enough fo itself, for she h ad r ecognized cause of my discomfiture." "Your excellency, the.t pre-engagement Mr. T rezarr frowned a.a he heltl it np and it In an Instant by the eyes, and the eyes only, ae that of the la.dy whom her lover, was oontra.ry to her pa.rents' wishes, and ie read "Captain Donelly, Fourth Royal Irish F rank D onelly; he.d sa.ved from the oroco- now e.t an end, I think , therefore, t be.t you Dre.goon Guards," but the frown r>'pidly changed to a.n expresebn of surprise mingled dile, and who had bestowed on hi111 as a re- may still hope." "If hermo.th<·rwill beoomemy ally, verily in no small degree with alarm as he perused ward the ill-omened opal ring. the few words that were w ritten below in "It 111 she who sent me that cruel threat, I will hope." "I will become the ally of any one who io pencil : "Comes a.a & .friend to warn you of and written in French, too, so that by no possibility I eould misunderstand it. Oh, able to convince me that he fa in ev~ry wu.y great and Impending danger to both proper· · God I that woman has stolen Frank's bee.rt worthy of my child. I am not a mor~ena.ry ty e.nd life." He passed the ca.rd on to his wife 2nd said from me, and not content with that victory, mother; but I would naturally like to see hatea me for even h11.ving once possessed it. my daughter, my only daughter, m arried briPfly to hh serve.nt : "Admit the gentleman." Strimge 'tis that he can ca.re for such &being, well, on which account your excellency's exA minute or two le.ter Frank Donelly en· · even though she ls so beautiful, I'm sure alted rank and reputed wealth certa.lnly if I wae a. me.n I 1honld fee.r her almost a.a I carry weight with t hem, Yet there a.re other t ered the room with a courteous bow. things &s well." "Mr. Trez.i.rr," he said, declining t he seiot do .now, being only e. girl," "And all these other things sha.11 be add· the.t wios somewha.t kindly offered to him, "' S uch were Nellie'· thoughts as the coach· ed. WhBtt are they? What do you require? "my aff~ction for your daughter brings me man r este.rted his horses and whipP,ed them into a. trot ; but they would have tal!.tn IL You have but to speak and it is doi.e; I hither to beseech you to shield her, snd 11o11 a more terrified form still h&d she observed have one wife already, that oennot bo help· necessary consequence a.II who are dear to and guessed the meaning of some swift and eel ; but she shall be unto -your daughter as her, from peril. There is eve1y reason t o tallsmanlo signs that the eunuch Aga. had an elder slater. A third I will never take, fear thiot a crisis la at hand. The Chamber made to some te.11, swarthy Bedouins who tha.t I will vow unto you a.s I vowed unto of Notables have openly Ignored the Angl~formed part of the motley crowd that had ber. I will even disolve my harem and sell French control. Dervish Pasha., t he Sultlt.n s collected to see the Opera House disgorge a.11 my beautiful slaves; or, should she but ambassador from Constantinople, Is suppoeita night's quota. of t~red pl~a!!ure seekers, sa.y the word, give t hem thdr liberty Instead. ed to be intriguing with the wal' mioister, cl eu.rly indicating their eapecial oarrrn ge by You perceive there is nothing that I will and the njlgro regimel\tS cf All :Bey Fehmy and Abdullah Bey have secretly, during the his dumb motion· and alao the paying of not do," 1 '1 b~ liev<> your excellency from the very night, relieved the supposed loya.l relliments _ba.klheeeh, The :Bedouins, In thdr picturesque deEert bottom of my heart, and through believ ing at the Citiodel, and the K aae -en-Nil bargarb and carrying those e.rms, which they I will help your suit, The d oors of Mount racks." "ls t hat all?" demanded Mr. Trez11rr never lay aelde, even on entering a moique, Carmel a.re ever open to your excellency, and at once slipped out of the press and by short see, we have already arrived at them. Will w ith an iossnmption of unconcern that he cute with which they were familiar gained yi;u not com.a iutosupper? Mr. TreZll.rr will was for from feeling. "Not quite all, but I would ra.ther not say the neighbor hood ot the Gate of Victory, be 0delighted to make your a.cqu~inta.nce. " 1 will not aftord..myse,lf that Jlleasyr.e to- _any_ t hing furth~ h!lf · lrui " responded where they watched e.nd waited. The Mount Carmel equipage meanwhile night, nevertheless, their time Is not always Frank. ' 'Oh, you r eed have no scrupl es whatever (rapidly though by a more roundabout rout~ ) their own, who have to watch over the safemade Its way in the same direation, light en ty of kingdoms or princip,.Jitiea, and I have on th at .s1or e, Ciiptain Donelly, sinoo I be· solely by tha moon, for the only street lamps now in a.dditfon to guard that of my future lieve that I ha.ve quite as much courage as in Cairo are those that immediately front wife f.nd her excellent parents. .F arewell, my hu sband," ea.id Mrs. Trezu.rr, somewhat the great public buildings, the principa.l then, dear madam. I will leave my ca.use scornfully. The dragocn glancing from one to the hotels and the few placee~. fa.musero en t, 10 In y our hands, assured that It could not be other, came t o the same conclusion, and that on dark nights carriages have to tru~t. in safer custody," With these words and 11. low bow he raised therefore no longor hesitated to speak out. to their own la.mp e.nd pedestrians to their ...What I ha.ve already t old you wa.s com· 111nterns, which are universally carried ; yet Mrs. T reziorr's fiuger t ips to his lips, t reat in spite: of all this, rol b aries and otherjcrirnen, e_d t he back of Nellie's snow white ha.nd In municat ed t o me not two hours ago by (jUr except du· ing petiods of popular tumult, like man!1er, and then alighting fr?m the consul general, but that which I alll about when the hot Eastern blood boils over, a.re now stationary oa.rriage remounted bis horse to relat e I beheld last night with my own and trotting down the drive and out t hrough eyes when, a love for exploring led me into almoat unknown . Such was not destined to be the cu.se on the double ?ates on to the Choubra.h. road, the more exclusively native portion of this the present occasion, however, for as t he ga.llop!d Ca.i.r c·wards, follo!'ed ~y his ~wo immense oity. It was a white man's severTreza.rr carriage neared the Gate of Victor!· orde1.ltes,. '!1th a heart burning with delight ed foot stuck on a pike, in tht! middle of an open ~pace with an empty purse aitached whiCJh is a very lonely ~. nd destrted spot Ill at his ant101pated conquest. Meanwhile the still insonsible Nellie was thereto 11.nd the tees pointing towa.rds Alexthe night time, a group of half :i. dczen men suddrnly rushed outf1omits shadow, brand- borne indoors a.nd every effort was rnade to andria and the sea. On one s ide of the foot ishing knlv011 and uttering guttural Arabic resi ore her to consciousness, and before very was nailed a 5 croll whereon was written in threats, surrounded the carriage, signifying long these efforts were crowned with com- Are.bio, 'The way home,' and another stiip by signs that death would follow res st ance. p!ete RU\JCesS of papyrus attached to the puroo bore the She t hen took a gla.ss o~ wine, and going worde, ·Twas empty when you oame a.ud Then, ·while a couple laid hold of the horees' heads, two more menaced t.h e coacll· to bed f~ll Into a traIJ qutl and !e.fre·hlng the E gyptian is not fool enough to let you man and footm an with levekd rifl.iis, and t he sleep which would hardly ha.ve v1s1ted h er oarry it a.wa.y full.' If the severed and going rema.lning two burst into t he carriage, sl'iz~ J had nhe kn own of the compact that ha.d been foot, the empty purue and the t wo sent.lnces t he terrified occupants, and grasping them ma.de between her pr eeerve1· iond her moth er in .Arabic do not imply that tbe whit e popuIation of Ca.iro are threatened with plllage by their throe.ts, would, ther~ c·n be no durfng tho return drive to Mount Carmel. doubt he.ve slashed t hem across with their and murder, I ha.ve fir.ilea to read t he riddle razor·~ha.rp knives but for a shrill warning CHAPTER X I. aright." cry from t heir companions of " Ca.van I C.i.· A MATRIMONIAL COUNCIL OF W.AR- THE J!"OOT As Frank Donelly concluded hie terrible van I" (the gende.rmes or police) followed revelation, Mr. Treza.rr sank into a ohu.ir, ON A PIK!!. by the rush of their. retreating feet, whereNellie Trezarr' was not sufficiently recov - where, whipping out a yellow silk handkerupon, with mutter ed ejacul11.tions of chagrin ered on the following morning to appear at chief, he begu.u to puff and blow like an ex· and ala.rm, they hastened to muke t hem· the breakfast table, though a racking head - cited porpoise, w hile h e mopped up t he per&elves scarce In turn, happily leaving t heir opiration that had begun to gather thickly ache was her sole indisposition , fell task unaccomplished, on hie brow. Mr ~ . '.l'r ezur was not sorry for this, as H is better ha.If bestowed on him a smile The le.dies were In almost a. fainting con- she wanted a confidential talk with her huscf contempt, and then turning to Frank dition, when three horsemen surrounded the band, carrio ge in turn, whilst he wno was th~ mo~t Direct ly the covers were removed, ~ho, D.)nelly, said very gr aclouely : richly clad dismounted, and throwmg his therefore, t old the serviont · they'd dis" vVe are much obl.iged to you for the inreins t o one of the ethers, thrust his head pense wit h hia a.ttendance, an d no sooner had formation t h11t you have brought us, and no inside the vehicle a.nd tn soothing accents he q uitted the room t han she opened t he time sha.11 be lost in taking advantage of It. assured t he occupants t hat all danger was trenches with : We will nGt data.in you a moment longer, over. ...Paul there is a great man who is anxious however, since it would detain you in doing The intelligence took almost immediat e t o ma.rry our dear N eilie." that service unto others which you he.ve r en·· effect on the elder lady, who bec1>mo profuse " E h, wha.t 7" exch lmed Mr. T reza.rr, al- d er ect unto u.s, 20 good morning, Mr, Don· in her thionks t o (as she ter med him) "her most choking himself with 9a.rdlne. " A elly." deliverer," but Nellie did not speak, for she vety gr eat ma.n did you say, m y . dea.r ? P arIt was a polite and yet a most decided we.a not suffici6ntly recovered to do so. don me, but I likP, t he sound of the adverb, ' dismissa.I, ao Frank ha.d no choice but to deShe, however,·recognizfd in their r escuer " Believe me, Paul, I ain not d ealing in the part, which he did with a silent bow, for he ,A t e.bi Pasha, the wa.r minister, and instinct exaggerations to which I know that many could not trust himself to spea.k, lvely felt that she had escaped from one of my eex iore prone, The candidate for N ot unt il his footsteps had ceased t.n ·ouncl . per,il .only to fall into another, which appre· N ellie'e hiond is he who saved both our lives upon the stairs did Mr. Trezarr find words heulilion caused her to lose her senaes en· liost night ; therefore, I think t hat he has t o g11.sp out : "What were you so a.brupt with the young tire1 . ' a fa.Ir chance to one of t hem," "there is nothing to fea.r ," su.id Ara.bl, "Well, but who is he? I did't understa.nd man for 1 Why were you in such a hurry to on observing the mother booome fussily you clearly last night, Y ou were too in· get rid o.f him at a time when h e might hiove anx ious. " Permit me t o place her in a more coherent." been BO very useful to us ?" e;r,sy position, so. Now time will do the "You will readily gueee when I tell you " Baca.use t he path ts so siiptiery th at I rest, lt would be more strange If 1he had that he is the greatest man In E gypt.·' prefer a s1 ronger st aff to lean on, P a.ul.' ' no t fainted." "The K hedive ? Then your old scheme le "Oh, confound your ta.lklng in riddles, "Oh, whe.t a.re we to do?" moaned Mrs. on the eve of fulfilment, my dear ?" madam. Oa.n't you m.ma.ge to spee.k plain· 'l'reza.rr, wrlnglDg her hands. "Notso, for since the fete at t he pa.lace, ly ?" " Perhaps the best thing would be to dr ive when N ellie left my side at the yery moment ··If you wish it I will do so, eve11 though quiokly home, I 11.nd my two orderlieslrccom- when a. brilliant destiny seemed t o be a.wait- plain speech will not be altogether fla.tter pany ing you as a guard. Under our proteo· ing her, the 'K hedive baa completed his ing to your d iscernment, My stronger stick tion you have ree.lly nothing t o fear. I am number of legitlma.te wives, a.nd, of oouree, Is Arn.bi Pasha., .the war minister, who, A hmed Arabi Pa.aha.." no child of mine oa.n be anything but the from Mr. ·D onelly's report, I believe to be "Now I feel quite safe," exole.imed Mre. lawful wedded wife even of a monarch, But far more likely to supplant the K hedive on Trez11.rr, "and I avail myself of your excel - the candida.te for Nellie's hand takes rank the throne of E ~yp· ·ha.n to be sent by him l ency's offer with sincere gratitude and very next to the K hedive, and 't is said that he is t o the W hite Nile. W hy, the negro regieven more popular and powerful, In six ments that have just been marched in·o ·me.ny thanks." "lt is r eally not worth mentioning, "my .nonths he has risen from a simple oolonel Cairo e.re, as all the world knows, in favor dear made.m," replied the war minister. to the r a.nk of p&Bha, general, and war min· of Arabi to a ma.n, whilst the Egyptian pa.tT hen he added; "Shall I direct your people lster, There, now that you kn ow his titles Uioment has almost openly declared for him you must a!ao k now hie name. " as well as my own ?" by ignoring t he Anglo-F rench cont rol, an "If vou would be so good," was the re" Aye, as t hat of one who, if he has r isen if t he T nrkiah 1>mb1>ssador is a.leo coquet sponse, and .Are.bi put his head out of t he with t he speed o'f a rock et , will drop t o ea.rth ting wit h him, what can the a.ct mean but window and ga.ve the requisite or ders in again wit h the velocity of the stick. I have that his mast er , the Sultan, is prepar ed t o English and Arabic respectively, the for mer it from the very best aut horit y, my dear, b ow t o t he inevitable and a.czept h im as a q uite intelligible, though not flu ent. that if tha.t dari ng rebel escapes secret as- K hedive In Tewfik's place ?" ··'* AN .EGY f~lTIAI\~ ROMANCE A Story o f Love and W ild Adventure, founded upon S tartling Revelaw tions in the Oareer of A rabi Pasha, "w I 0 0 . 0 00 L I "If you are right, G ven In all respEot1, I don't see how any of th em will make him your walking-stick. "0!1, you man of no !m:i.gination, will he not protect ua for the love t h:.t ha baa.rs unto our child? Go a.nd a pply to him boldly ·ater ·f w"r for Qrn1ed proteci 1 ·0 n as minl u ~ · .e w and b""k, ·nd be confid: both for Our hull· -· w en ~ . t·, t both w" 1ll be cheerfully accorded . IJu When you send in yonr ca.rd at the war oflice I 11 gull.rantee that you wcn't be left to deal whh underltngs, b~t will be ushered Into the presence of the great man himself, , who w ill" make all thioga amooth and sa.fe for us, whoever elsa suifoi:,s," ".By J ovi-, wifo, I bclievo you h11.ve given me good wholesome advice. anrl .I will ioct up to It in the hope that it will save our lives and our riches as well. But I'll be banged if I'll give my Nellie to Ara.bl Pa.sba until his future is more fii::ed a.nd certa.ln. Humpty Dumpty isn'·t as yet perched so fl 1 t f ·h 11 but tha.t Humpty rm Ya op 0 · e \I a. Dumpty may have a great fall, and I don't su"pore you would overmuoh ca.re for our ., to topple d own with h' child tm?" b · · "Of couree I ehGuld not, ut a promise is "ft only the l1era!d of a g··ftand not t h e g· itself, and a promise m~de to a. great'minht or and general la by no meaue a promise to ~ degrad-.d r ebel and outlaw, Ara.bl Pasha has other thiDga . to think of for tl e pre£e.nt th·n m· rr1 "age w1"th even so lovely a gi"rl "S ~ n our Ntllle, and when the greater game has been played out we shall know whether he 1·· th~ wi n ·rra.nge ~ ...; ·n.n er or the looser a.nd o· ~ "' our own business for the second one accord· iaglv. Do you not fi,llow me, Paul?" "Ye·, and "gr:e wi"·'i you as well, Thereu w "' ~ fore if you will just touch the bell I v;ill order the cu.rriage a.nd drive atro.lght away t· :> the wior c·ffice to Mk for protection." "You will do well, Ah, there's a carriage · h d · I d 1 p oomml! up t 8 u ve nQw. eo are, au1· t he mountain ie coming to Mohammed, o.nd therefore t here fa no lenger any n & ed for Moh!\mmed to go unto the mountain. Hie exoellenay, the wo.r minister, calls to inquire now Nellie and 1 do. after our la.st night'a fright. I think you had better leu.ve me to ask the favor now, Pu.ul, for the differenoo ·8 that you - ould be almost, but I nuite, 1 w ~ ., certain of having it granted. You .will come into th 9 room after a little while, of course." Mr. Tr 6 zur promised that he would, and was by no means sorry for his wife to take the major part of the trouble and respon· sibillty on to her own broad shoaldera. He therefore suffered htr to proceed to the sump· tuous reception rooms alone, 0 AYER, s . ... l'lherry U N Pector~l. Qi th 1· " oo ercompnmts arcsoinsidioru; in the!r 'hoseatfoct111gt · 11 1 a tt ac1tas. et1roat imdlungs: 11 one so tritletl with by tile wajority of sufferers. Tile or1linary congll or cold, rcsultiug perliaps from a trifling or unconscious cxposnre, is often but the beginning of a falnl sfolmess. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL hns w ell proven its etl!cacy in a forty years' tlght with throat and Jung di5ensos, and sllould !Jt taken in all cases without delay. Terri ble Cough Cured, In18571 took a severe coli!, wllich ~fl'~o.toed my luugs. I bat! :.1 terrible coLJgh, aud P·~setl 11ight after uight wit.bout ·s leep. 'l'he doctors g>Lve me up. l tried Anett's CHERRY l'llC· 'l'OllA!., which relie··etl rny hmgs, imluce<t sleep, am! .alfonle <l me the rest 1Jccessnry for t ne recovery of my strength. lly the continuetl use of tho PEC'r ol<AL a pei;manent curn was e1~ .ect e<I . I am now 6:~ yenrs old, liale autl hearty, and am satisfied your cmmRY !'ECTOR,\ r. "a··e(\ me. llonAcE FArnnnonrnu," R oc<> '·tnguam, ' V t., J uI Y15, 1882. 11 0 ' A CARD.-To all who are suffering from the error '3 and indiwnit ions o f youth , ner vous weakness, ~arly decay, loss of nrnnbood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cnr e you FREE OJ;' CHARGB. Th is t l d" d b . . gr ea r emec Y was iscover e ya m1sa1on· S outI1 A. mer ica. S ary m ' end a se Ifdd d , t "· R J a u1e '.I' 1·resse enve.ope D o.C .. v EV. o sEPH 6 · NMAN, tatwn , .i.v-ew .L ork ity. 4 y ·- -.,.. .~ "' ""' "'"'-~""-"°--°'--"""'" · ·------ s . o· MARRIAGE LICENSES COST ONLY $2.00 AT A C. B. LOCKHART'S NEWC AS T .LE. 48-ly, A.GENTS 'VA.N1.'ED TO SELL FOR THE FONTHILL NURSERIES. LARGEST I N CANADA-OYER 400 ACRES, Steady EmJ·loyment lo Good 111.cn. ' .i, ;· . 0 which · was allrn i·s l«!pt i11 the house. 'Ill.Id was tt·1et1 in s1ua ll and fr equent doses, ;M1d to our delight iu less tllau half au hour tl1t1 little patient was br~nthing en·ily. 1."l1e doctor s:iiJ that the <.:nmmv l'1:cTORAL ha.I saved my d a rliug 's life . Can you wo11de1'.nt our gratitude? Sincerely yours, .M Hs. E~IMA GEmrnv.w 150 West 128th St., New York, May 10, lfS2. "I have nscd AYER'S CH1m1tv PECT01UL In m y family fo1· several )'em·s, alHl do not hesitate to pro11011nce it th e most ctrectnul remedy fo1· coughs and col1is we luive ever trie<l. A . J. CnA:liE." L11ke Crystlll, l\fhm., March 13, 1882. "I sulferecl for eight years from Bronchitis, nnd aftertL"yiug m:mb remedies with 110 suc~~5.P~~;;;;>nc:~~d by t e Jg~~~:~~~~~~~~;a. Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1§ 82. "l e:mnot sny enough in praise of AVF.n'S CnEnnv PECTORAL, belicvin~ as I <lo thait. but for its user should long srnco have clie( from lung troubles. E . BRAono1:1." Palestine, Texas, Avril 22, 1882· No case of an nfl'ectlon of the throat 61 lungs exists which cmmot be greatlyrelien.l by the use of AYEn's CHERRY PocrnnAL, and it Will always cure wl1en the disease Ill not already beyond the ce>ntrol of medicine. .PnE?-AREi> D Y boy, thr ee yea.rs was taken ill with c rou1r, It 'f old, 1ie would lZoem e< I as I d ie from straugu~ Jatlon. One ot tlle fllnii ly suggested tlie us& of A v1 il'.'s Cum:in' l'1wro1:AL, n. botLlc al Croup. -A Il:(ot11c1-'s Tribute. "While in the country Inst winter my l!Ulo Pa.id by salary or cammiss!on. Can start yo ·1 at once. Dont a pply unless you mean husiness ancl watot to work. >Ve furnish outfits free and pay expen se~. Add ross STONE &lWELLINGTO:s', Nurserymen, '.foron to, Ont. Caledonian Mills. Formerly Known as the " Soper Milla. ') RIS MILL HAS BEEN THORuo HLY r enovated and put in order, undel' our own special supervision, for the purpose of riating and manufi.oturing Oat Meal and Pot Ra.rley, and we are now prepared to receive orders from all onr old ouatomers iond otheu lor work, and we gurantee to give them who lntrust us with tho same entire sa.tisfactlon Oats and other grains taken in exchnnge ro:r Flour Oat Meal, &.c. H. &; J, ·rowNs, Bow manville. 227. T STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. CA.PITAL, lin,000,000. _..,,_ REST, $220,000 (TO BE CO NTI'NUED.) 0 JCA r. · · yer &C o., owe ·L II M 1 ass. The Brave Tars of the Navy. "l wa.s crossing the North Athntlc once in midwinter on 11. man.of-wa.r," said a nave.I offiaer, "when oneetormy afternoon we sight· ed a Norwegian bi>rk showing signals of dis· tress. Tne most tremendous seas were run· ning that I ever saw, but we lowered awa.y a boa~ u.nd sent her to the bark. She came back with the lnforme.tion that the ba.rk we.e loa.ded with gre.in and had ~prnng a leak. The we.ter had ca.med t he grain to swell 11nd ha.d opened the seams of the vessel so that she was rupidly going to pieces, The c·ptaln and orew wanted to be taken off. We E ent two boa.ts to the bark to take off tho imperilled crew, It was a. most difficult and da.ngerone ta.sk. A gioln a.rd again it seemed a.a if the boats on the errand of mercy would be overwhe'med by the furious sea.a, but they were skilfully handled and after hours of toil and deadly peril, all except three of the s!ltilors were t11ken off the bark, It w11o11 now growing dark, The storm we.s increasing in fury and It was evident the.t the bark could not live the night out. "Our cioptu.in cp,Jled all hands and made a speech telling them tha.t three men were left on t he bll.r]!:. He . said che knew Amer10~n sailors would never1eave a fellow-being m distTes~, but tha.t it wa.s doubtful if any boat could get to the ba.rk and back safely in the rising atorm and the gathering glcom. Then he called for volunteers to attempt the rbscue, Immedia.tely there was a rush for the boa.ts by every officer and mau &boa.rd the .man-of war and the captain had to call for volunteen to keep Jleople from r11shing into the boa.ta and swamping them. A boa.t's orew went off and brougllt the three sailors ha.ck In safety." White Men a.t a Discount. Sold by all Drugglllte, This Bank is prepared to do Legitl· mate Banking in all its branches. Farmen notes d iscounted ; .Deposits received and Interest paid on a.mounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department; BRITISH EMPIRE DRAFTS Issued and Collections made in . Europe, United States and Canada. 27 MUTUAL LIFE A'SSURANCE CO., ESTABLISHED IN 1847. It has no shareholders to vay dividends to. Managed by and solely in the interests ot the Policy holders. W.J. JONES, Agent. WHY SUFFER FROM Its Rates a1·e Lo1V. Pollet es non. forrettnble and uneon1lltlonal, Cash Benns l'nid eYery tltrcc years, ~iu~ peadaahe D\'SPEPSIA OR INDlt.:l!STIOH, WHEN Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one premium ls pa.id for two people, Amount of policy drawn on first death, WEST'S LIVER PILLS Will thoroughly curo you. Thor do not gripe or purge, but act mlldly, and whr 1ever used Special I nducements to Total Abstainer.,, ASSETS OTER $5,000,000,, INCOME OVER $1,000,000 $100,000.00 deposited with the Canadia.nGovem ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. INVESTED IN C.\NADA, $600,000.00, aro conaldor tfd ~ priceless. Th.ey __tuuro proven to bo tho <aREATEST ~LESSING OF THE AGE To all aufferora from lndlgostlonp Disordered Stomach. HE.AD OFFICE IY C.ANADA:-1\!0NTREAL For particulars reter to E.L.LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL AGEN.1', l"OR'J' HOP E, ·o r to agents throughout the county, A !H se. In some respects the natives of India ap· pear to posseu a groa.ter aptitude than the Europeion, but it is something new to hear of white men disguising themselves as -Pumps Cheaper and Better Elindoos in ordu to obtain emp~ oyment. This, howev<:1r has actually ta.ken place in than ever, Australiio, Tho shipments of hor ses t hence to I ndia a.re la.rge, and India.n syoes e.re in r Equest for their oore upon the voyage. The The Subscriber having built a large ne\1 other day an Aust ralian shipper of horses Pump Factory in Orono, ie prepar e.d hi1d been unu.ble t o obtain Indian groome, - t o furnishThe horses were on board ship, and the ves· sel was t o ea.ii in t wo da.ys' time. He waa EVE~V thus a elighted to see a. boat coming off with two black men. They were brought Into the With or wit.bout Porcelain Cylinder, o! cabin to sign the usual agreement, when it the B est M ater ial, on the shortest notice was discovered that t hey were white men, and at the !owest prices. . with their faces·a nd hands arti~tically black· eP.ed after the fa11hion of t he negro minstrel, The runner, or mion ce.tcher, t hought the Gistern Tubs and Pumps supplied ship was just lea.ving, and that he could run his men through in the hurry. There must be a dearth of employment indeed in A us· WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. t ralia when white mm a.re found willing to color their faces in order to obtain situa· t lons at the bv no means high rate of we.gu paid to Hindoos. TO GIVE SATISFAOTION. With the pa.saing a.way of Viscount Ran· ell\g b, of which tho cable bringa wor d. v.n Order( by Mail promptly attended to. 11oocm t omed figure will be mis' ed from Pall Mall and H yde Par k. In his youth be belonged to the D'Orsay set, a.nd kept bachelor DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, guarters for a long time with Jack Sp alding MOU~DIN GS, &c. , k ept on hand. Lord Brough11m 's stepson, H e had been an officer in the Life Guards, and acquir ed n.o toriet y by his zea.i for t he cause of Don Carlos, in whose a.rrny he served with distinction. Lat terly he took an active part in the vol· ,_ .._._: unteer· movements, and was Colonel of · the 11.Uddlesex Riftes a.nd command11.nt of Jones calls his dog Hickory, beciouse he the brigade to which Col. Mapleson belongs. haa. a rough bark, F or some years back he has been· regarded This is a Christia.n and civilized country, as an aged but well preserved roue. but just as soon as a baby is born its parents At Deggendons, -where the Danbube flows are anxious to give it a weigh, through a rich and beautiful va.Jley, there It was ea.Id of Lady Manya.rd ~ "'To h er is a church upon whose walls e. eeries of twenty-four pa.lntfogs represents aome re· husband she wios the immedie.te gift of God, sent for e. good a.ngel u.s well a.cs for a wife, .narks.hie events su.ld to have ooourred here, In the year I 337, tho stor y goes, the Jews As a mother she evinced an unspeakable stole the ea.creel wafer (our host) from the tondernees and loving thoughtfulnees toward ohurob. '!'hey scratched it with thorns un. her children. The servants respected her ti! It bled, 11.nd the visage of a ·child appear- a.nd her friends loved h er." " Yes, my boy, you are correot. The file e.d ; t hey baked It in an. oven ; they hammered it on a.n anvil, of which t he block lo still of a minister of the gospel is very laborious. shown ; they tried to thrust It down t.heir Between traveling in E urope in summer, gothroa.ts, 'but were prevented by the hands ing t o the W hite mountains in hay-fever a.nd feet of the child. Then, despairing of time, and arranging his lecture t our for the being e.ble to destroy it, they flung It into a wint er , he has ha.rd enough work to find t ime well, which was immediat ely surrounded by to write an occasional sermon, Hey 1 0 yea, a re.disnt glory, T he result of this story son, t her e are preachers who don 't go to Eu· wa.s that the Deggendor fers, who owed r ope, you bet y our boots. Some of them large R ums of money t o t he Jews, r ose and only know of Europe as I\ Ie.nd a little far· miossa.cred their creditors i11Btea.d of paying ther a.way t han h ea ven , beca.use they do ex their debts. The priests a.ppla.uded these pect to go to heaven (some time, But I rloings, and ever after sh owed the indestruct wasn't speaking of some preachers. I W l\S thinking of so me others." ibie wafer. Orono Pump Facto.ry. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE ANO PERFECT CURE Uso them and be rolloved from your misery. 30 Pills In a box, 21!5c. per box, IS boxes for ·· FOR SAL£ BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE~ . Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in I)lue, with signa· tnre on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any addtes& on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. PUMPS OF DESGRIPTIOR ···.·, .INO. C. WEST &: CO. : SOLE PROP R IETOR S 81 AND 83 KIHC STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. '. ;;·. THIS IS YOUR C:PPORTUNITY Do you want n s pl endid, ALL WORK GUARANTEED R FERG USON ' hand som el y bou nd stor y b ook ? Yo a can have y our chbice out ol tho bes'j that . ar e published if you will obtain two Slt~ f;J~~ ~1°:1t~oac;;cl8~~~=, ~~:~~l:~~ i ' i , co ll ti. ne o qs. publications, given as p rizes for geLting up,' clubs for 'l'm;; lt.LHL, will be sen t to a11}". address llpon a pplicitt ion. 'I'h er e is no ~Oy' or girl, young m an or y oung woman, among you who ClLUnot secur e a. handsome lot <1>l books t h is winter with very Jitt.la effor t, if you will on l y m id rn up your m inds to it. Th e b ooks are splendidly bound a,nc1 are t he pro- . d uotions of t he 'i, best known au- · t hors, which is a.!!,\; snfficient ~uaran- '·\~ ,: tee th at they will · \' n ot oaly affo.rd itmusem ent but b en. sonrce of pro- ~ fit. 'I'm: Wi~EKLV U l r ~ - /.{- '.-.'. MAIL is the m ost " V V//:{1 · h popular weekly publniecl, and i s only O':t~e Dollar a year. It haS'J)owo,·er 100 000 sr/~i. . scribers. Specim en copy n ncl p1·i ~e'li st, 11\'.bt. · free. Addr ess TnE J\fa: r,, Tor on to, U u. u~dai /c,,