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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 4

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I-FOR- FARMERS' INSTITUTE. With the object of encoumgiug the F ar· mers' Institutes in the Province, tm<l of securing a degree of permanency for them, the Commissioner of Agriculture obtained from the L B gislative Assembly last session authority to make a grant of twenty-five d1llars yearly to one such Institute in each Electoral DiStrict. This grant, however, is conditioned upon an equal sum being voted by the CountyCouncil of the County in which the E lectoral District is situated, and subject to the following regulations, framed a nd approved by the Commission- THE SALVATION ARMY. WHY? Are there m ore fcm rtles than males profeswrs uf religion ? Do saloons have shutters and bliuds on their windows 1 Are preachers more virulent and viole nt t han L aymen in secular discussions 'I S hould n1 1t wo1nen lrnvc eq ual rights wlth m en in marriage proposals 1 Dont people sleep at a concert as well as in church ~ D o ten women to one m an attend prayer me eting yet the men alone I ead in prayer ? Should men rai;ie their h:its when mee ting a h~dy in winter 1 Should 11il'ls nut be as highly educ1ite·I as boys ? Should a farmer iu his farm clothes not he shown the same respect a.nd attention as the city man in broadcloth ? Factory cotton r educed at the West End House-5c. co tton for 4c. , 6 for n, 7 for 6, 8 for 7, 9 fo r 8. Ocean fare $13. 00, st.eetage, from Port· land or Halifax b_y AllA.n Li11. e , to or from L ond0nderry, B elfast, Q1 ie.,11s t own, Galway, Limer ick Glasgow ; Cahin alHo t 'tJ · duced. W. A. NEADS, Agent. 48tf · Holiday Presents -GO'.l'O- p. TREBILGOCK'S:) B!bles, Albums, Sunday School Books and Cards. l">eloubet's anll Vincen1.'s NOTES ON S . S. LESSONS FOR 188 0 , CHRISTMAS CARDS. . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. · GOING EAST Express ,, .....9.05 a m FastExpress.10.05 nm Mbred ...... .. .4.05 p IP Local? .. ,, ...... 7.SO p m Express ...... 9.40 p m IExpress ..... . Local , ........ · GOING WEST 8.25 am Mixed ........ A.05 pm Express ....... 9.00 p m 7. l 0 a m CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. BURKETON STATION GOING EAST. Express , .... .11.33 a m Mixed .. .. .. .. 8.36 a m Mixed ...... .. 7.,2 Jl m Express ...... 12.54 Jl m Express ... .. . 7.42pm Tickets and fort her in formation may be had from W. A , NE.A.DB, Express, Ra.ilread, and Steamboat Ticket Agent, Bowmanville. I OOING W EST. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY. DEC. 11. A PUBLIC MEETING. In response to a numerously signed pe· tition the Mayor has called a public meet. ing in the T own Hall for 'l'uesday 'night next at 7:30 o'clnck t o discuss town fi nanc· es, with a special reference to the large increase in taxes this year . All cit izens in general and m embers of Council in p:irticular are requested to be present. Parents and Children. · The E ducational W eeltly h ss been saying some sen~ible things about the duties Pairents an<l responsibilities of parents to their nil over the Country as a M&gazine worthy :to 0 be pl..ccd in the hand· of theh·· you.1>ir people. children. It says the sanitary condition It is or such an entertaining. n..tu.re tt.!l.t it will of schools is 1~ matter entirely under the add pleaeure ond happlness t<> ev~ ry home circle. and in connection with ii s st1>r1es and control of the parents of the children. sketches of general in tereBt it ha<> attractive articles bcnrmg dil·eotly upo-n School Studiea. If they are alive to the benefits of good Ptogre&~iveln char· ventilation, immunity from drafts, even, acter. Entertaining in featur< s and Educatin rut.I in ilS teaching, ness of t emperature, pure water, properly Beautirully Illustrated. 36 page·. 12 numbers in ea.ch year, rr1cc $·1J oo 11cr Year-. construct ed and properly kept closet s, Its contrihntors aru am-011i.: tho most snccess!ul 1md entertaining writers for young people seats and desks that make h ealthful posin this cou11try. Many succcss.fnl teacher~ 11.re ture possible, and arrangem ents for lightalso i·egular contributors to its c<>hHnr>s. It w il add an interest to all tbe school stmlieij of your ing which are not injurious to the eyes, boys and girls. · '!'he Publii;hers are at 25. Clfunton P lace, New they can easily secure all these conditions York of good-health- they are p urchasable at fair prices. A h1rgtJ proportion of the illThe Orillia Packet i& a.gain agitating A h ealth of school children is traceable to M R. EDITOR,- ! would like to speak a the form1\tion of a ne-w county, with llra nt11 a<'ITertlM<t o.s,ftlllso!..Wly pm these causes, and it should not be charged few words of comfort to fellow sufferers Orillia as a county t own. CC>llll"X'.A.ZN .i!Ull4:M:C>Dl'X4:.... against the teacher, nor against the school from the invasion of the Scott Act, and No child or grown pe!l'son can enjoy think I can best do so t h rough the columns THETEST: system. of the STATESllIA.N. Temperance people perfect hP.a.lth if trou.bl1t1d with worms. r~~~ i~~!~~rd~:cin·a~~ei1.ho! ~t::ii:~t.!!Jie~~d~h= A still larger percentage of the ill·health may curtail our power a little, but as long DR. SmTEr's GERMAN Wo:RM REMEDY is qlllrcKl to decoct tho pi:os&nce oi! ammonia. ' .., of school children, especially in towns and as the all powerful cider remains, j ust so the most effective worm destroyer in the W !}r ld, pleasant to thetaste, and safe. cities, is chargeable to the violation of hy- long will there be lovers of alcholic stimuAsk your druggist for it .· and take no gienic conditions at home. Badly ven- lants. See h ow the drinkers of cider are other. increasing. Few good providers now tilated sleeping appartments, infreq ue nt think that t,heir arrangements for th e Mr. Solomn Jeffrey has been re-engagbathing, the weari ng of under-garments winter are complete if there is not at least ed to teach Kinsale scheol another year ~ Oil. till they have become saturat ed with ex- one barrel of cider in the cellar. Harm- at an advance of salary. cider is now t aking the place of wine lei:is cretory matter from the pores and no Mr. John Moor, of S11irley, an exceland is far more generally used. Last longer able to absorb it , irregular meals, Saturday a fe w women t ried to start a lent teacher, has been eng aged to t each hot bread and cakes, sweetmeats, unripe Band of Hope here, but the major ity of Greenbank school next year. To THE A.GED .AND INFIRM, the nourishfruit, the wearing of t hin boot9 and slip- the boys and some of the girls declared pers, Lhe wearing of unsuitable clothing that they would not sign the pledge ing and invigorating properties of R:JBlN· because they were so fond of cider. I SON'S PH©SPHORIZED EMULSION give in wet weather, the wearing of clothes t hat can tell you, my friends, that cider is one renewed strength a.nd buvyancy of have become damp t hrough exposure-all of our most powerful agents. The cider spirits. Always ask for RoBINSON's these causes add Lheir quota to the sum mill is baby brother of the d isiillery, and Pao::iPHORIZED E~nr.x.s10N, and be sure total of the ill-hrnlth of children. Again, it looks so innocent that few would think you get it. of beiug afraid of it. You k no w t hat the An exchange has been handed the folwith the wealthier classes there are other Jove for stimulants generally comes on by lowing as a suihble epitaph to m ake the ca uses of hygienic disturbances not less d egrees. No one can tell where the last resting place <>t Louis R iel, - "H1ere DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. baneful, iind more insicluous. Children boundary between cider and cider that lies t he rebel Hiel ; in life a rea.l rebel." ITS HMLTilFlJLNllSS JU8 NEVER BEEN QVESTIOJiED, intoxicates l ies, nor the exact place where while still at school are submit ted to many In a. mfl:llon homes f or o. q u arter of & century It hu Has made an~ther Great Reduction in Prices. cider fails to satisfy the thirst and strone:er CouoHs AND CoLDs,- If taken in time stood We now offer goods the con sumers' reliable test, s0rts of nervous excitation : evening part- drink becomes a Recessity. are easily cured, if allowed to continue cheaper than ever and we advertise our prices to let. the people ies, skatin g-r ink carnivals, p ublic amuseTHE TEST OF THE OVEN. W ell, I cannot say that I am in favor will result in incurable ~ons u mption. ments at late hours, which are anything of any move that lessons my cash receipts, Allen 's Lung Balsam has the confidence judge for them selves: We keep on hand full lines of PRICE BAIUNG POWDER CO., but sedative in their influence upon the but I do think that temperance people and support of the medical faculty, and lU.JtERS 0.1' uer vous organisms of children. But the are a queer set. They al most invariably is recommended by all who are acquainted Dry Goods, Kea,ly-1nade t; Iothing, Hats, C:aJlS and Furs, Flavorin~ choose intemperate men to fill offices ~nd wi th its virtues, one great cause of the n ervous exhaustion control public mat ters. They frequent fto 1tron1e1t,mo1i doJICIOGI &nil aat.oraUla,or tnown,aad. Ha1·dwa1·e, Boots and Shoes, G1·ocn·ies and P1·ovisions. T he Presbyterian congregations, Colof boys an d girls which physicians s o much shops where liquors are sold and some of borne and Brighton, n ow under the deplore is t he "s0ciety" life they l ead them will profess holiness in a r eligious charge of t he Rev. Mr. Duncan, are J'or L1&"ht, Bealthy Bread, T h e Best Dr.r Hop YH.at in the World. long before their physical d evelopment is meeting a nd then take their glass at a seeking separation, in t;>rder that a ministh otel bar. Then they have their home· f'OR SALE BY CROCERS. 15 lbs Raisins ... . , : ... .... . .$1 00 Good all Wool Tweed Suit ...$8 50 completed, and while all the recui:ierative made wine and cider, and after a while er may settle at each place. CRICACO. ST. LOUIS· agencies which nature intends to be used when their children tumble into th e The great permanency of MURRAY & 20 lbs Sugar : . ··... .... . .. . 1 00 Good long pair Men's Boots.. I 95 - sound sleep, regular exercise, quiet- · gutter, they complain of the law&of t h eir LANM:AN's F.LORIDA WA'tER gives it a G lbs Tea. ...·......... . . .. . . 1 00 Best F elt Boots. . . . . . · . · . . · 2 10 ness of habit, amusements which are ex- 1fnd. It is not my place to speak of such wonderful advantage over nearly all other tJ:iings, but I cannot look upon such perfumes ; days and weeks a.fter its ap50 Bars Soap . .. ........ ·"'· . 1 00 Best Felt Boots, all Leather to hilerating but not stimulating- are almost &bomiuable in~onsistencies and hold wy plication the handkerchief or garment insufficient t o make up for the exhaustion peace. _ Yet, if. f~md parents choose to e:xhales a foft, rich fragrance, agreeable, top... ......·. .... ····.· 2 35 Print. ...·...···...at 4c. per yard of energy and nervous force which the start their promtsmg sons and daughters refreshing, and h ealth. CE Cotton . ....·.·.... at 4c. per yard Best Coal Oil, per Gallon . . . . 18 a drunkard's career with a glass of rapid growth ef body and development of on cider, it is no b usiness of mine. P erhaJ?S On Wednesday last, Robt. Waller,har· mind, at this time of life produce. Scarce- it will be no worse for them to drin k the ness-maker of Campbel_ Iford, w~s brought People won der how we sell so cheap. The reasons are :- We are ly any words can be too strong to describe juice of apples than it was for Eve to eat ?efor e the Cobourg Police Mag~strate on under no expense, such as rents, salaries, &c.; we buy for cash one. I am in favor of having a good time a ~h~rge of forgery. ~he offen c_e was the viciousness from a physiological, not and sell for cash with a very small margin, tb ~reby turnIXTRAU to say moral, point of view, of allowing in t his world. It is possible to go a little aa1d to have been comnntt~~ 'by his fortoo far and become a slave to appetite, au gmg tb~e name of John Morg1son to a note ing our m oney over rapidly. J girls from twelve to Sliventeen, and boys inmate of a prison, a sufferer from d e- for $3u. from thirteen t o eighteen, to play the lerium tre mens, or to die a drunkard's Your hll.ir is tur ning grey and gradua lly Dutter, Egg·s anti all F~ll"Dl Produce talrnn as Cash. role of party-goers, of beaux and belles, death, and then, if the Bible ·be true, there falling out ? Hall's H11.ir Renewer will Salt always on baud, of gay gallants and ladies of fashion. And is semething dreadful after that ; still it restore it to its original color, a nd stimuyet this is wha.t one-hi~lf to thrae-fourths is easier to drift on thMl t o t urn around, late the follicles to produce a ne w and V'lll!Ua, Lemon, Orange, .Almond, 1iose, etc., so I'll risk it. l uxuriant growth. It also cleanses t he tlavor 11.s dellcate-Jy and naturally as the !ru1t. of the children of good society are allowI remain your jolly readers' obedient scalp, eradicates dandruff, and ill a most PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Burketon, December 9, 1885. ed, .a nd even e ncouraged to do. servant. ANTI ScorT. · agreeable and harmlesB dressing. CDlC.A.QQ. ST. lAOJ5. SrR.-No origaniz;\tion ha:t met with snch unqualified opposition as the Salvation Army. Tt 1Vould seem that anyone considers himself as licensed to scoff at rnd aunoy its adherents. It wonld not be a matter of s urprise if hostile feelings agains t the 111 existed in the minds of the r~bbl e , but th~t such feeliugs entered the mind of any that profess to be fol1 01Ver~ of " the meek and Jowly J esi:.s," is indeecl a matter of s11rp1·ise. Many wh o call themselves Chrioti ms, attend church, and perhaps occupy a pew, see1n to forget the great precept of behaving gently and kindly to evt>ryone. 'rhe despised Sah a. tion Army, in the estimation of these lat ter respectable Christians, are a. class er: . . I tha t should not be tole1·ated in society, 1. That each Institute shall be comopsed and should not get the protection of the of not less than fifty members, who shall civil law ; that they are a lot of lazy each pay a fee of not less than twen ty-five demented blacln:uards, mA.king r eligion a t burlesque, and mocking God by going on cen 8 annua11Y· t heir knees in the streets. Do these re2. That there shall be' an Executive, or apectable ChriPtians ernr reflect on the Board of Management, consisting of a fact th at the original Christians were President ·a Vice-president a Secretary regarded as outcasts of society ; that a ' D' ' · : handful of Jewish fisherman without · an d fi ve or more 1rectors, and · ltl1, w1 'th · fl u. a maJOrI· 1 ea1·nmg, w1·thou t wea · ou t lll ty of the Board shall be practical farmers. ence of any eafthly .kind, did establish 3 That the Institute sl111ll hold at least the religion of the crucified Jesus in spite two meetings each year, in different parts of all opposition ; that it was a disgrace of t he Electoral District, for the discussion to · be a Christian-to be a follower of One who suffered an ignominious d eath of agricultural subjects. on the cross, to be outlawed fro m society The proposition of the Commission er I - to be tom in pieces by wild beasts in was subrnittell to the various County t he Cvlleseum for the amusement of the Councils of the Province by a circular amphitheatre, and all this ~llo l'l'.ed to go on by the tolerant Roman Empne 1 . issued last ~fay, and the hope was ex pressThank ll-od the Uhri& tians in these days ed that action would be taken upon it at are not permitted f o be molested. Thank the June sessions. God we live under the banner of the It is understood that in many Counties British nobl\l constitution, where Christ. . ianity has full liberty to exercise its the necessary approprmt100 has been made influence a nd which will in the end and that already a number of Institutes make all 'tree m.,n. ' ' have been organized; but · in order that T he Salvation Army pray conatantly in any Institute may benefit bv the grnntS their ba rracks and in the streets. for the f tl · 't · t' l tl f; L t conversion of sinners, that they may give ~ us year i is essen ia m wo mee. - up sin and be r econciled to G ·> d. I canrngs be held before the close of the year, not see how Christ is mocked by that. as provided in No. 3 of tho Commission - We are commanded to pray always- in er's r e()'ulations. the lonely wood, on the mountain, io our 0 p f · employments, and in a ll other relations Tlle . ro essors of the Col- o f l'f · 1 ·t n o t, h appy f or the poor . Agr1cultura.l . . l e ; and is lege will be able t,o assist at a hm1ted num- labourer who drives his s pade into the ber of those m eetings in December, at earth to be able to say, "I do this for the twelve or fifteen in January 188G and at honour and glory of God " 1 · · 1 1 I · 'd · ' I . tA benevolent mind, oot influenced by oth ers occas1 ona y, as t ieir uties at t ie in · 'g0Lry, , o1 eran ce or b 1 can no t b u t a d mire College may allow. Any correspondence the zeal manifested by the 811.l vation on the subject may be directed to Mr. A. Army- to see the little lasses with their B lue Assistant Commissioner D epari- tambourines, heedless of the wintry men~ of .Agriculture Torouto. ' sto~ms, traver?e. the streets chanting pra;ses to 'the hvPng God. Devoted wo· ' ~---man ! Whereve1r charity or k indness is CAUTION TO SUBSCRIBERS. required you are found there. At .the ! battle of Balaclava, whera bullets Were We hereby no. t ify all subscribers to the ,flying like hail, t:b ere she was found STATRRMA.N that we will positively not be ; ministering to the want s of suffering r esponsible for any subscriptions paid to humanity. Devoted women acco:npanied agent!. W e reg ret to make this an- ihe Saviour t o Calvary, and seeing the. n.ouncement bnt we are forced to it by barbarous way be was treated, wept over the neglect of several persons to forward Him, and poor l\1lary M:.gdalene never th« money to us after collecting it from 1ost sight of Hirn til1 she sa w Him expire our subscribers. W e know of not a few on the cross. instances w~ere persons ha~e i_nformed us I am not a preach:er of the Gospel, tha~ th.ey paid their subeonpt1ons at the nevertheless I like Jiair play and ' hubegrnmu g of.the year,but onr books show ·manity. · W 1u.!AM MORNEY. t hem to be owing for 1885. There a re Seaforth, Nov. 30th. ,,r doubtless others who have paid for this year, but who are n:>t credited on our DISTRICT' NEWS. books. 1 Next week or t he week afte1 · we shall Mr. Wm. May, aa @ Id r esident of Col· eend addressed envelopes and-blank forms use an d lot t o :Mr. to all subscribers for use m i<ending their umbue, has sold his h@ Ellins. subscriptions, and we rf'.quest all who can W. B. · · t A t' f l · t It lB Will er. resurree ion 0 a.en to forward their renewals before t h e end forces is taking place. Like the world of this month. Early in J'1mnary we x· · shall, as usual, publish the names of all aroun d you, renew you\!?· comple ion, in· persons who shall have paid for 1886. vi:gorate yovr power, cleanse the chann;,ls t3arsapaail!illa is the means In the meantime t ry to secure the narr.e of life. Ayer's · of a new subscriber to forward with your to use f or t Ius purpose. t. d d . h own. Brooklin and neighbmr.i.oo are e1ig t.ed to see the ruins of the old Globe hotel Cider, Home-mad e Wines, &c. slowly cleared away. Toys, Fancy G®ds, Albums, Plated Ware, s cd ><o r.n en "t:S cd ~ 9' t:cj r.n "' CD s ~ ~ t:J z p.. ~ t-:1 CD 0 c+ UJ t-cJ ...... Vases, Cups, VERY CHEAP AT SOLINA. Mr. E. l\fillsou i~ advertising for a good blacksmith. Tbe advt, last S'!'A'l'RS,IAN fon nd Mrs. Trimble'" strav heifer on l<'rirlay nigb.t at Mr. w· Ormiston's. 5 miles from here. ~core another for the S TA'l'ESJ\CA N', Evcrybodr rnust rcttd it. K1rkpatr;ck is doing a hig trade in Felt boots. M e n e, womens a n d «hil<htn·e O' ' er5hocs a nd rubbers, having a f11 ll a.ssortment; ot those p,oods in stocl;: at. priceH to snit every body, Also a full asrnrtment of fi11.nnels. bla11ketd, undershirt.~ and drawers.~ Gall mid cx"1 nine for yourself. Miss Annie Hogarth hu.s returned ho me Crom a prolonged visit in the we· C. Mr. D. Montgomery haR moved into his bonse on the late Tyler property, Mr. \ V, A. Tom has moved into the house formerly occupied by D. Montgomery, Master Fred Jamos, of Oshawa, has been visiting m this neighborhood. 'l'heSin<:in<:t SC'hool schol1J.r3 were snr prised last w-cek at Mt. Vernon, to find all their blankets, robes, umbt·ell"s etc. p i 1ed up o u tside tne door or the churclI. Wonder what next i A. large number attonded the b usking bee a t Mr. J oh1 n Itussell's east. or this place, on 'l'bnrstlay evening Ja;,t. Q11ite a pleasant t ime IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMErr - - FFl.C>nl.C T:13:E- - WEST Having completed the Fall and Winter purchases, and feeling certain that they were bought at the lowest possible figure, I would respectfully ask you to call and examine the stock and see for yourselves whether the prices suit you or not. I rather think they will. WM· sp~nt. A Missionary sermon will be preached at Eldad on S'nndav next a nrl on the 'l'llesday evening foltowiog Missiona.ry meetings w ill beheld, \.Vhat abont. t he dog, M r. Editor '!'he resideflCf! or. Mr. hJdw..rd Pasi;oe was the scene ofa .iK>vi>tl gathering on ~·riday eve nmg last., the occasion bei·tl(' the reception or Mr. and Mrs. WHlutUl Pascoe who h><d arri ved home lrom· their wedding tour on that evep.· etc. ing. 'l'be evenill1~ wu..q spent i u n1u:3ic gam e s D1u1c. - -W-OOL G· O ODS To ou:r Readers ! SPECI.A.T, OFFER We h&vA made e,rranga ment· w'it.h the lishcrs o [ Trc ul;urc-.T rovt~ and 1·11pu·s. ( ) ou1ltanlo11. N e w York, to ftunish l ll~ir enter· pub. You will find the stock of t r Magazine for taming aud deservedly pooul> young people and the 1a111ily, in connection with the 8~'A1"ES~AN for $1.60 for 188&. TRIEA.~UKE-'.l"m.to AXD PIJl'IL,., VE Knitted Wool Shawls, Hoods, Bootees, Cuffs, Infantees, Jerseys, Children's Wool Suits, &c., &r,c., is well assorted; also C!O~liP.-L:lllt>N ranks·among the very tk~t nutgazines in point of entertaining and vnried readlu,;. 1md in its own particular field of l:lrhcht, Attr-..cln-e, Ed· ucative }leading. it has·no r ival. lt 'is· Endorsed by T·eachers and BLANKETS and TIEDOW~~~ very cheap and good. value. --- IT IS PURE IN TONE DRESS GOODS! The stock of Dress Goods is large and varied ' and marked very low. . TEST YOUR EAKIN.a POWDER TO-DAY! GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS AND TW'EEDS, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, full and well assorted stock. It w ill pay you to call and inspect. Suits got up on the shortest notice and best stvle. GROCERIES I Just a rrived per Sch'r "Jamieson," fifty bbs. best American Coal - Special inducements to parties buying in barrel lots. Also a lot of Royal Wringers just received. Everything in the Grocery Line fresh and cheap as t he cl.P J..pest. JOHN McMURTRY, W est End House. BURKETON GENERAL STORE! D r. Price's suecial Extracts, Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems I I ~·~'-t>RICES SPECIAL ~r~~! s~e~!~~~JF~~!~~. JlAVQR\~ :~:~ EXTRACTS QUIGLEY'S GENERAL STORE..

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