Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 5

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· Tait's photos are very popular. For fine cigars try the Grand Central. If you want any 'Xmas cards go in and '.Buy !\ single XMAS PRESENT until see ihe beatiful display at Variety Hall. --yon see-Those wanting fine Cream candy for Xmas should call in ;it the Grand Central. Call and get a b ox: of Electro Silicon to clean your Silverware tit Maynard the Jeweller's. .J.lagniticent Display. Call on Maynard the Jeweller and get "FOR OLD OR YOUNG. a pair of Rock Crystal Spectacles, the best in town. :FOR YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE. Candidates for municipal honors begin iFOR YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER. their speeches ::1ncl addresses this year, !FOR YOUR FATHER OR MO'rHER. "Ladies and gentlemen." FOR YOUR S IS TE R 0 R S 0 ME Some of our store windows already OTHER PERSON'S SISTER. present quite an attractive appe:trance, with their handsome display of h oliday An endless variety at very I ow goods. DO N·OT STOTT &JURY'S I Cruets, pickle castors, butter coolers, plated kni ves, fork8, and spoons of the best q uahty and at bottom prices at S.S. Eds111J's. Take your buggies and carriages to Morris' C1irriage \Vorks to be painted by A fine line of Mr. Houston Stolit. Yoll can have a job at any price desired. You can without a doubt get the best selection of good reliable Gold and Silver suitable for gentlemen Watches, and J ewellry of every deicription at Maynard's tl1e Jew.3ller's. FROM 25c. TO $10.00 AT Dress Goods, Canvas Cloth, Ottoman Cord~, Victoria Cloth, Costume Cloth, Se1ge~. Cashmere, &c., in all shades and very chedp, :it the West End House. CHRIST~fAS BAZAAR.-M1ss Stoughton will hold her annual sale of useful und Q Q' fancy articles, on Thursday Dec. 17th and O two following days. I~esidence--Sih·er --Street, Bowmanville. 50-2w. e are daily expecting another lot 1 WATClIF.8 ,-A good time-piece is always -of thosedesirable; if you require s uch an a.rticle you ctin be supplied at the Star House Watch Department. They keep the b est standard movements and a full line new style cases.· which have given our customers so much The Salvation Army intend holding a SATISFACTION. Grand ,Jubilee here on Monday the 14th S1'0TT & .JURY. inst. From forty to fifty officera :ire expected to be present, including Capt. Ada Hind, and a lively time is auticipat· ed. Don't fail to attend. A large party was given by Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Williams at their beautiful residence, Queen-st, on \Vednesclay evening of last week. Between twenty and THERE IS NO ART!CLE SO NICE. thirty partook of their hospitality and a 'THERE IS NO ARTICLE SO CHEAP, social and enjoyable evenin g was spent. THERE IS NO ARTICLE SO HANDY. Morris' Carriage Works is turning out THERE n; NO ART!CLE so PERFECT a fine lot of cutters and have already sold seven. The fine painting by Mr Houston for making a Stott is very much admired. They h ave a greater variety of styles than ever before. ffi Don't buy a cutter before seeing their popular styles. - AS'l'ait & Morrison are making extenai·e preparat10n for the holiday trade. A large -Y:M..A..N'"~ addition has already been made to their large stock of fancy goods, stationery, wall pn,pers, bo?ks, music goods, etc. lteaders of the STATES~UN will be liberally treated at Cheapside Bazaar. Girn us an early -ATcall. STOT'l' & JUltY'S MEDICAL HALL. Mr. C. M. Cawker will have two of the finest fot beeves for Christmas that can I No waste- prepared in one minute. b11 found in this part of Canada . The Perfectly Pure. one bred and fed 1Jy Mr. W. W,e_:sJ, Solina-; took fit-st prize in the- Fat Stock Class at the Exhibition, and the one bred and fed by Mr. R. M allory took second. They would be lmrd to beat in Canada. On Wednesday the 2nd inst. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Powers,jr., were surprised by BowMANVILLE, FRIDA.Y, DEc. 11. the arrival of about twenty couple from the vicinity of Maple Grove and town, who took possession of the premises and proceeded to discuss the contents of sundrY. baskets. After supper various Sleighs from 40c. llJ! aL Variety Hall. amusements were indulged 111 until the Flour and Feed of 1111 kinds at Hart· we sma' hours. nett's Flour aPd Feed Store. No sensible man should get angry beLadies will find a beautiful selection of cause a newspaper man duns him for Fur Coats and Caps at Myer's. money. A dun is n o\ an impeachment ' Call and see the New Dress Goods just of a subscriber's integrity but is siruply received at the West End House. an out cropping of a publisher's necessity. Gentlemen will find a large stock of Instead of getting angry and " stoppmg the paper " because the publisher asks Fur 01·ercoats and Caps at Myer's. Mrs. A . A. Gamsby, Orono, has an him for what is honestly due t he subscribautograph q_uilt on which are over 11,000 er should thank the editor, and pay up like a man. names. Large quantities of feed arriving daily Mr. R. D. Davidson, of Canton, h as at Hartnett's. Orders delivered promptly been appointed to the vacancy caused by to all parts of the Town. Mr. A. Barber's resignation in the Un ion School at a salary of $600 per annum. Ready made Over Coats to suit the Mr.Davidson received the appointment on smallest boy and larges~ man at Couch, the recommend11tion of Mr. W. E. Tilley Johnston & Cryderman s. , who says he is one of the best teachers Horsemen should not fail to inspect M. \ in the county outside of the towns. Our 1\<Iayer's stock of cutter and sleigh robes. town is to be congratnlatecl on securing Big assortment-prices low. the serviees of such an efficient teacher <\11 wool tweeds worth 75c for 50c per for the highest position in the Public y arJ. Mantle cloth worth $2.50 for $1. Schools. 75 at T. Geo. l\fawn's Star House. The following paragraph appdared m F ingerhw Yam 75 cts per pound; Fae- Saturday's Globe in reference to Mr. tory yarn 50.c. per lb. Bald win'sFingering Youn!; a former .pastor of the Metho?ist k ept 111 stock at the West End House. ~h.urch here : . A very succ~ssful r ev1v_al Suits made to orcler from the b est goods, is 111 progress 111 the M ethochst Church m by the best workmen and at the lowest Meaford, under the charge .of the Rev.E. rices at Couch Johnston & Cryclerman's. R. Young.. The congreg1it10n hits b ecome P . ' . . so large smcc l\fr. Young assumed the At a S11lvation Army demonstration, 111 i pastotate that the trustees arfl con sidering Toronto, last week, Com.. Coombs stated · plans of enlargement, which will make tha~ the Army had been mstrurnental m I the structure, when finished, the largest savmg 50,000 drunkards. Methodist Church north of Toronto. Call at the West End House and ~ee Ruptured and Deformed people the all wool GreyFlanr.el, they are sell~ng sh ould not forget thrit Chas. Cluthe, for 25c. per yard; also the all wool Slurts the celebmted Surgical Machinist, of 118 and Drawers at 50c. each. Kina Street West Toronto will be found Farmers, I will pay you the highest at tl~e Ruebottom' House, Satllrday D ec. going prices for yollr Barley and other lll. Mr. Chas. Cluthe has attluned a grain delivered at my elevator or at Port wit;le spread reputation for the care of Darlington. J. LYLE, Grain Dealer. Rupture and Deformities of Mechanical They can furnish a watch at any price Treatment ; and is k nown all over the you feel able to pay and gu<11·antee to give Dominion as a man of very rare. abi~i Ly full valuQ for every dollar you put into and slnll. Few have mastered this d1ffithe watch. See J. J. :Mason before you cult pr0fession as thoroughly as h e has, buy. and certainly none have attained public Any of the Toronto, L ondon or l\fon- fame and confidence as rapidly. He detreal papers clubbed with the STATESMAN serves his success, so give him a call . if at very l ow rates. Don't throw away you req_uire anything in his line. money on local papers of no value but FoR YouNG PEOPLE. - The oldest and c all at the S:rATJ>trnAJS office for lowest every way the best young people's paper terms. in the country is the Youth's Companion, 1 " CANADA'S CHRISTMAS " is a beautiful of Boston,- a weekly paper, published in illustrated Canadian Christmas Paper, quarto form, and finely illustrated. It published by the " Grip " Printing: and grows fre~h er. ~s its years increase, _ and Publishing Co., Toronto. It contams 8 h as been fam1har to us for a generat10n large pages of magnificent lithographic It haa perpetuated itself and swelled its ' 'lustrations of Canadian Christmas Scenes subscription list to 350,000 by the gener~ d Winter Games. The double-page osity of its publishers and the ability with limograph cartoon, by BENGOUGH, con- whi~h it ha~ been conducted. W e know tains correct portraits of a hundred well- a pair of bright eyes that snap every week known Canadi.Jl.n politicians. '.l'he other at sight of it. The publishers will send 8 pages are filled with entertainin!,( rei;id- you sample copies, or will send you th_e in"' m11tter. Buy your own Canadian paper every week to January, 1887, if Cl~ristmas Paper, only lb cents ; for sale you send the subscription price, $1. 75, by all booksellers. now. prices. For Gentlemen. PR E S E N TS I STOTT & JURY'S MEDICAL HALL S ille th 1 ll · N eW . ' -;! IEW AM[RICAN PER fUM ES Evening Parties. First-class Cup of Co ee L s EXTRACT COFFEE Loeal and Otherwise. Mr. Loscombe will n ot be a candidate for M:>YOr for 1886. Buy eve rytl~ing you want in the music lin"' a t Cheaps1de Bazaar. B ow manville Schools will open during January and February a t 9 :30 a. m. Buy your Christmas groceries at J. Lyle's ; fresh and choice fruit already arrived. Just recei ved a full stock of Silver Ware, suitable for 'Xmas presen ts at S. S. Eds<1ll 's. The Schon! Board at its mee!Joi.ng on Friday night passed aecounts amounting to $15G. 08. A splendid l ot of new and choice groceries for the H oliday trade h11s arnved a J · Lyle's. There is s ure to be a big rush to Cheapside B azaar for fancy goods. 'rhe at tractiqns iire great. Nomination of School Trustees take place ])ec. 30th 12 o'clock, and the elections on Jan. 6th. Mur1loch Bros. n e w China Hall will be open ed on or about next Friday. Pa1-ticull.lrs in next issue. An immense choice of Christmas novelties at the Star H ouse. See T . Geo. If you want your Tmkey cooked r ight Mason's new advt. this 'Xmas. get a Happy '..l'hought R:inge for your wife. Sold only by S. S. Edrnll. Great r eduction in t he price of fresh o that young lady saicl sh e wanted her Monts at J . Lyle's. B est cuts of till kinds Christmas present bought from Maynard for 10 cents per pound. the Jeweller. He k eeps such lovely Leave your orders for T oboggans at goods. Variety Hall, where samples maybe seen. When purclmsing your Christmas lux- Speci.il rates arc now being given, uries clont forget the immence stock of Janitor H ob bs' salary h as been raised nuts, raisins, figs, confectionery, etc., a t by the Board from $300 to $350 ; and the Granc l Centrnl. J ;mitor Botterrell's from $50 to $52. l\Ir. aud Mrs. C. l\f. Cawker returned Prepare for the cold weat her by getting last Friday from a visit to friends in a Radiant Home HeQ.ter- the best in the Essex Centre, Windsor and Detroit. They market. Sold only hy S.S. Edsall. report havmg had a very pleasant visit. A well assorted stock of the choicest Brn FuR~ITURE SALE - There will be family groceries and pro visions, fresh and one of the largest sales of the season of cured meats, always on h11nd at Lyle's. h ousehold furniture, beds, bedding, stoves, J ohn Lyle lias reduced the price of 11ll ets., on t he Market Square, D ec. Ulth. kinds of :Meats to 10 cents per pound fm· See 11dvt. next week. the best cuts and all other cuts in proporCom. Coombs, Staff-Capt. Margetts, tion. Capt. Ada Hind, t he W elch Minstr~;...- R ead J .Higginbotham & Son's ·'Facts" and the Salvation Songsters are to be in their new advt. They keep one of the here on Sunday 11nd Monday nex,t . Ju- b est assorted druggists' stocks in t he hilee Monday night ; ad rn1ssiQn 25 cents. county Proceeds for Barrack's Fund. D ont buy china, crockery or glassware Our conespondi:nrs throughout the till you see 1\1.urdoch Bros' n ew stock. It district will greatly oblige by sending in b c>tts anything e " er shown in Bowmantheir " copy" early in t he week. At this ville. Truth. season. of the year the pressure up~n our Corpl. Hobbs was great ed a bonus of space 1s v~ry f;reat. ~atter reachmg us $25 by the School Uoard at their last late occas10ns mconvemence, or must be meeting for the faithful discharge of his held a week. duties as Janitor. Anyone wanting 'Xmas presents will The business transacted at the Council do well to give Kenner & Co. a call at meeting Monday night was chiefly of a their Variety Hall. The place is well rou tino character-nothing specially in namecl as they have an endless variety teresting to the public. comprising nearly everything that a per'l'he Drawmg ClasseR will meet on Sat· so1i would r eq uirn in t he wity of presents. Ancl the prices arc very low, in some urday this week in the School Buildings cases less than wholesale prices. at 2 ancl 7:30 P· m. 'rhis class will be open for teachers and till others wishing THE DESCENT OJ!' l\1AN, by CHAm,~1:;' to join. A. BA1t1rna, teacher. DARWIN ; part secon(l ; price 15 cents ; J. Fitzgerald, publisher, 393 Pearl St., WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK. -The big New York. 'l'his book is n ow ftir the holiday announcement of Tait&Morrison first time brought within re:tch 0f all will appen,r next week. T hey !11t.vfl a r eaders. It is to be C'·mpleted in four gmml Christmas display of fancy goods. parts, 15 cents each, or 60 cents fo r entire iTheir H oliday Opening takes place next work.-. '.Che ~fowest price "'f t his ~vork M9nday, 14t hinst. ,with Band accompanihitherto has been $3.00. ment, at 7:30 P· m. See sm11ll bills. 'fhose wishing 11dvertising- space in the If any of · the mardecl men among our STA'n;HMA~ during the n ext few weeks readers want to have peace in the house will confer a faver if t hey will speak fo~· and to see his wife gay and happy he it early. The earlier in the week t he should at once give John N. Rivell an b etter. And h ere v.e may remark that order for one of the Eagle Washers. It thosewho wish to rush business before is the only Washing Machine ever introthti holidays should t ell pe;:iple so through clucecl here that gives en tire satisfaction. these columns- the best local weekly It does away with all Jrnr<l labor and advertising medium in the Dominion. washing day becomes a clay of recreation It would be impossible for any farmer Among the forthcoming books of special to read t he C ,rnad1an Stock Raisers J our- interest is the "History of the Pres byte· n al a year without receiving ten times the r ian Chu rch in the D omimon," by Rev. value of the subscription price. It is the Professor G regg, D. D., of Knox College, best journal of its class publishei in the Toronto, who has been gathering infotDominion and we have made spe~ial ar- mation for the work for the past rloi en rangements with the Publisher so that we years. From. the well known ability of can offer it to all subscribers along with the author, the care w'.th which every the STATESMAN at only $1.60 a ye1.1r. Sub- fact has oeen verified, and the interest scriptions must be sent to the STATESMAN which nat.urally attaches to the hi11tory of office. a great denomination, we have no doubt the publication of this work will prove We direct attention to t he election card the literary event of the year. Tho pub· of Mr. Cryderman in tl1is issue. He lisher is Mr. Blackett R obinson. 5 Jordan holds that an injustice was done him last Street, Toronto, who will be glad to hear week by iilacing him ulterior to Mr. of a reliable agent in each congrei;:ation , Smale, ancl claims an equal right to aspire -~=======~=====~ to the higher position ; and of course he = is correct, 11s both of them entered the BIRTHS. Counml at the same time, We placed Soucrr- Near Bradley's School-honse, Daron the 2rd inst.. the wife of Mr, Sam· Mr. Simile befoie Mt·. Cry<lennan because lington. uel Souch, of a son. he p olled a great.er number of \'Otes. lt LANGMAID-In Darlington on the G tn inst., is immaterial to us which takes the lead. the wif'e of Mr. Walter.·T. Langmaid, of a son. REASONS why Tod Bros. sell cheapDIED. er than any other dry goods house in Bowmanville : 1st, Tod B ros. PINCH-At Shelbourne, Oct. l O C h, Joseph buy for cash a nd get t he lowest Pinch, brother of Mr. John l'lnch, Bowmanvilie, aged 51 yrs. possible prices ; 2nd, Tod Bros. sell for S1'EV&Ns. -AtCalfMonnL a1 0, on the 15th ult., cash, s~ contract n o clebts which customers Jobn Lansdown, youngest son or Mr. !fen ton patromzing credit stores have to pay for ; N. Stevens. aged 1 year, 8 months 2 day3, MCFADDEN.-In Brampton, on the 7Lh inst., 3rd, Tod Ilros. have no unnecessary expeuRev. William Md'adden, in his 80th year. ses. We have opened out during 1he Deceased was father of Mrs. J .M. Joness, ot past week a splendid assortment of Win- this town. ter Goods. Space will n ot allow us t o enumerate. A p leasure to show goods. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. We note with a great den,l of ple11surc a very marked improvement in the Whitby Correclctl by ,Joint J,r Je, every 'l'hnrsda;v. Chronicle since Mr. Jacob M . Kenncd_y assumed the editorial management. !<'LOUR, 'IP' 100 ths . . .. . . . , .$2 25 t o $2 50 Following the example of the Lindsay WHEAT, Fall, lJl' bush ..... 0 75 " 0 83 Post, 'l'm'1 STATESMAN and other popular " Spring, 0 75 " 0 83 jonrnals,1t now contains three very inter- BAitLEY, 'Ill' bush . . ... .. .. 0 55 11 0 75 esting departments, viz. : Local, News HYE, " ····· ... . . 0 53 " 0 55 L et t<in 11nd District News. The Chronicle OATS, " ......... 0 28 " 0 30 came to hand last week in the eight-page PEAS, Blackeye, 'IP' b ush . . . 0 83 " 0 . 87 form which is a decided impr ovement on " Small, " . . . 0 55 " 0 DO 11 the old style. ·we wish our enterprising Blue, " . .. 0 55 " 0 DO neighbor abundant success. Burnm, best tabl e, 'Ill' it.. . 0 12 " 0 15 TnE SLrnE.- The Tobogganing Slide is ~ARD, {?'it··· ··········· 0 10 11 0 13 now under w11y and the members h ope to EGGS, 'IP' doz .···· ·· ···· · · 0 18 " 0 20 see it completed during the next week. PoT~TOES, W' b.ush. · · · · · · · 0 40 " 0 45 The prices of tickets are to be : single DRESSED Hoes 'Ill' 100 · · · · · 4 50 11 & 00 ticket, $1.00 ; double ticket, $2.00 ; f~1rnly ticket (o~ 4 rnei:ibers), $3.00. E~ch J N,em ~Onerthmnents. t1cket-hulder 1nll be given a badge, wluch ·~~-~~~~~~~~ is not t~·11nsforable, and mus~ be worn in TENDERS FOR REFRESHMENT a conspwuous. place when us~nQ" the slide. ROOM::l-Tenders for the rental of the Only season t rnket-holders will be allowed rooms under the Toboggan Slide will be reon the Slide. There will be t ob og"ans on ceiv~d by the u!idersigoed up to SA.'~'U RDAY, . l " 12th mst. Particulars may be obtamed from le ground s f or h ire. Tie company re- Mu. J. WEsr.EY or Mn. J, Lvr.E. t1 tain for themselves the right of reserving V. E. HUTCHE~ON, Secretary. the Slide one night each week, if necesBowmanvllle, Dec. 9th, 188:>. 5o-lw s11ry, for their own or other purposes, of LACKSMITH SHOP AND DWEL. which one or two days' notice shall be B LING HOUSE TO REN T ill Ute village given.' Th ere will always be two or more or Solina; t acre or choice land with good members present to see that the toboggans frmt orchard, Stone stable; hard and soft go off p roper1y and that no ungentlemanly water. Considered one of the best stands in Darlington. Wood shop will be ereeted for concluct i~ allowed. See advertisement any one desiring it. Terms easy. Possession regarding refreshment rooms. at once, None but first-class work man need apply. Should be a good shoer. Apply to School books, all kinds, 11.t Cheapside. EBEl!. MILLSON, Solina, P. 0. 50tf. '. Sleighs from 40cts. up at Variety Hall. Malaga grapes, mat figs, box elates, box figs, etc., at the Grand Central. C. M. Cawker is selling b est cuts of Meats of all kinds at lOc. per it. Miss E. Welch, of Port Hope, is visiting at Mr. J. Adams', ·wellington Street. Now is the time to make out your list of grievances against the town council. Cart loads of confectionery to be carried away at Xmas from the Grand Central. The Entrance Ei.::amination is fixed for D ec. 21, 22, and 23, at 9 o'clock each day. Silver-plated ware of every d ·scription and prices very low at Maynard the ,Jeweller's. 0YS'l'Jms.- The Bivalves always choice and fresh at the Grand Central. Next door to the Post Oflice. Our friends everywhere in the country will oblige by sendin g items of local interest to the editor of t his paper, It is a maxim of t he law that " that is a necessity which cannot be dispensea with." The STATESMAN is a necessity. See J. J. Mason's new advt; he gives notwe of h avmg received a large stock of new Watches, Clocks, Silverware, &c. 1842. A PROCLAMATION. 1886. li:now Ye! l{now l'e AU! Men, women and children-t hat the great staff of editors h headed by Dr. George Thurber, have kept a ll the .Amer i can .Am'icul t u rcili 8 ts nt th e fro~";; f 0 · twenty· t\ve years, are now l'C·Cllf"ol'CCd by Cbestllr P . Dewey and Seth Green the F ish c It 0 ' st. We purpose to adct to the hundreds of thousands of homes, in which the ' l l ur1 is read, and revered fr?m the Atlantic tu the Pacific as '. ttn old time friend and counsclo . are accordmgly enlarinn g the I. JrnAlt'l'll, iltOUs1me1,n, AND .IU"tENILt: IlEPAltTJtJJ:"""l'S . AM! tt tCAN AClttCUt. TUtttST we and adding other features, so t hat it is to be, from tllis time onward essentiallv a u · iotlit.,il, as well aAbeing- de vottd to Agriculture and Horticulture. 'E very person wh~·~e 1 erdiatcly s'!nds us.$1.iiO tlm s111lscJ"i11tlt111 JJJ"i«:c, and 1.; C<'llts for posting book m k" n$~'e: Jn ..u. will rece1v1" the .urnRICAN Al·ttlCUI.TlRlS'r for 1886, nnd the unltic~tkngl~ tc4i· CllL'l' llltl81' J,_l_ W UOOH, j nst published,-a Compei;idiurn of every dny ' L&~ io~ Fa'r m . MechnrncR, Rnsm~ss .men. Manufacturers. etc,. enablmg every one to be his own lttWJ'P-r 1'f.?· a larg~ ~olulll, ~we11llll1:'R' one pound and a half, and elegantly bound m Cloth Imel Gold. Th8 Amer.can A gr1culturist · e to yield bigger retur_na h:J'.' inorensing its great. army of; reac1e1s, \Ve distribute<! (;0.0110 Pre~ t:nts to those who aided m tho work last year, and we are planning to givo ion mm l'··ese t to workers this y~ar. Send for _ contldental 'l'er ms for workern, when you forv:ard youi· s~b~ scr1pt10n. Subscr1ptwn prwe, 1."0 a year ; smglenumbers, 15 cents. S<:1ul 5 ccuts fo r 1u:1il ing yo ur grand doul·Ie n111uber of the! .Auu~rit·:tn A'r ric uUur· ~ just t>uf, :nul s11mplc 1mges ' Ylllt tal>Ic aucl contents or L·n·- n ook. ~ ts WANTS A1ltlrcss J>Ul~LL'SllEltS 1\'. .llll>D, Pres't. TBF~EARTH CA.NV A.SERS W ANTEU EVERYWHERE. AMEltlCAN AGlU(;IJl,TliRIS1', D.lVID 751 n1·onthlaj, N. I:'. S ,Uf'L JU1ltNllAH, Sac'y. · c:: _ _ HISS ,l. UJtOlVN, EACl:fEit OF P [ ANOFORTE.l't1pil of Professor Bohnet· of 'l 'ol'onto. Newcastle, OnL . 47·6w* T BEAUTIFUL ITUA TION WANTED.-By mar r ied. S man, on for m. Over two years experience H«la. Addl'ess, UENHY, Orono, Ont. in c..1 '1'. 48-iw' HOLIDAY GOODS ---o --Elegant and Desirable ---0--SUITABLE FOR EVERYBODY. - - -o--- ONEY TO LOAN.-Money to loa·1 on the very lowest tel'lns on flnm Recnrity and all business strictly confid1mt.i1tl. R. Hu·rcn1soN, agent, Enoiskillen. !!l-lw M C OLT ESTl~AY. - Came i nto the premises, lot 18, eon. 6, Darlmgton, a horse colt, a bout two years old. The owner will please prove property, pay costs and take him away. Taos. MCLEAK, Hampton. 49 3w. Make no mistake, do not lay out a dollar until you haYe seen our ne w stock ITU ATION WANTED. - A young lo,dy with foir educution wonts a situation ' inc "\Vatcl1el!l, Clocks,. as clerk or other suitable employment. Would l· not object to learning type-set ting or assisting J ewc lei· y, Silvet·'t'" :u·e at office work in a newspaper eltlce. Address : Scnoor, Gmr.. Bowmanville. P. 0 49 / S and N o velties. !F~~~:!:B~~n:~;;:~ ::~:::fp!:~~· I beio:fo\5~~~~i~ ~~n~e1:u~~lln~~~~ 1~~ :;~:d AY YOU R 1'AXES. - A ll unpaid People are n ow becnming taxes in the Township of Darlington must be settled forthwith to meet dernands of school pr ic~s are positively t he monies, &c. All remainmg unpaid after t he All are 20t.h insbtnl. will he r.nllect.ed "it.hon t fnrther sawe quality. notice. JAS. CRYDERMAN, Collector, Hampton. our goods and our sales 19 2w increasing. You R ESS AND MANTLE MAKINGMrs. W". Dorland is prepared to do Dress and !lfantle Making Rnd to Te~ch the Tailor 8ystem ofcut tmg, Waist lining cut for 25c. 1 P D r *H awa re tha,t O U:r' l o .vest for the rle lightecl with. are constantly try us. J.J. MASON, W Prato<: ooo l Watct hmaketr state of cultivation, 80 acres plowed. Prosses- 1 eion given by the lat ter cod of March next. Applications to he m>ide before Jao, 18813 to fit!~~: SYLVES'l'ER, Esq., Pro1metor, ~o~:r~s; ~uctiou O~SB aCu. erar men r I _sale of" }>J'OIH~ t·ty ARM FOR SAL E.- One of the best ID the Village Of Leslt:al'(l. F farms in the Township of Dal'lmgton con- I -tain!ng 150 acres.is now in the m1trlcet. Bei!_lg FRIDA Y, DECEMBER J8TH all those P:Lrts or Lots Nos 9 and 10 tlrn .>th , , at 2 o'clock h . ' a, concession of 1;,h e 'L'ownsh\P of ,Dar·!ing_ton IVillage of r.eskarcf· in"tg~ ~oe P~etn~sy~· Ir the owned by Mr. Ed ward Wlute. pi!.rttcu · there will be sold by Public b 'if 188~ tu tn R. RUSSEL Losco11rnE fi~Tent, }J;~l)d uibre, Auct10neer, ~h':i Barrister & c a e Y occnp1e Y one A. Deer. and kuown as. j ~he Lesk<tr.d Hotel, and lhe land held and taken n . 1 1 , ,_.owmanvi e. m connect10n therewith. - - -- - -.--------- ------~ The land consists of abou t. one quarter acre RE SS-MAKING AND D RE S S- Of loo 31, and a small pa.rt of lot 32. in front CU'l"l'ING.-H.are chance to learn cutting ther~of, bet~een the suid one quarter acl'c lot lty Pror. Moody'~ New 'l'ai!or System ot Dress and he, mum stree~, of the V1 1J11gll. In t he 7th and Mantle Cutting ;by square measurement. co~cessioo or the ~ ow u_sh1p of Clarke, and without tho use of paper or pattern·. 01u berng the land desc1 !bed lU !L r)eed thereof from duly authorized and competent agent. Mrss J. one John Braqley to one Wil~ ta~n Caswell. On M u m of Toranto is now in Bowmanville and the property is a frame bmldmg about 2l: d0 will t~ach you thoroughly in all its bran'ches feet, now empty, b!'t until lately occupied as a .eh contams abon. t twelve 1·ooms and at Mr. J. Allin's east of Mcmung's Foundry, or hotel, wh1 can wait on you at your own homes. Don't could easily be changed mto two houses or fail tn embrace t.h is one opportunity to becorne atoms, and also has thereon a good hara and a first-class cutter of ladies' and children's ~h,etl. . . .rne title is . perfectly good. but the Vendo~ garments. Send for circular at once or call at the above address and becoovinced. J.& A. ~i11l only tu:ms~ sncl:l deeds aml evidences of CAit'.l'ER Toronto sole proprietors in Canada, tit e as are m Ins possession. 45-Sw Possession cao be given immediately ' ' - - - - - - - - -- · . T ~;R~rs:-;-'l'en per cent. of the purchase monev I S to be pmcl down to the Vendor or his solici...L.~ ..J:?..J tors oo the day of sale and the balauci; within __ ooe mon th. without interest, or arran1~emeuts ca n be rnacle to leave a part on a mortgage on To th e R a t epayers o th e T own o the property. Bowmanville. J!'IJ.r fur ther par ticulars and conditions of s ale apply to RoB bR'l' Mo~mN~', E8Q. · Auctiouee1·, -at Orono, or to the Veruior's Sollcitors GEN'l'LEMEN,CAMERON. C.ASW1"LJ, & 8'J'. J O UN, In pursuance of a promise made by me at 6! King Street Rast. 'l'oronto, 49-3w. Vendor's Solicitors. our last municipal electio n. I do not intend to offer myself as a can<lidate for the Mayoro,lty for the eosuiog year. 'l'h&nking you for your past confidence, and which I trust I have in no way f orfelted. I am yollrs respectfully, · Jars etc apply to Ji Ol' A~~t¥o0 ;ro ge:i; i~m , D ........_,-QTIQ-i:::;-i f I fl V } a uable Farms for Sale 3 Fms'.l'.-30 acres of lot 8 in the 1st concession ot Darlington. lying immediately sout h of the cemetery. SECOND.-Tl10 SonthHOncres of lot16inthe t,hird concession of Darhogtou, and the North 36 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in the To the ELECTORS of the T o wn ' aameconcession "11 'l 'mRD,-1'he Sont.h 100 acres of lot 25 m the Of B OWl:nanv1 e . third concession of Darliogtoo, and t he Northerly 60 acres of the east half of lot 35 in Lhto GENTLEMEN,same conce~sion . . HM in~ been requested by a large number : All the above will be sold in parcels t o suit of rnfluential ratepa.yers to offer lllyself as a 1 purchasers. 'l'1me for paymen t and terms will candidate for the Moyaral!Y for.the yea.~ 1S8G , be ll!ade very easy to satisfactory buyers, For I have after a careful coosiderat1 ou decided to particulars apply to comply with thcil reque·t. I L bernrore rti~pect· D BURKE SIMPSON fully solicit your VO L 'E and INFJ,lJENCE fol' U·tf. ' Vendor's Sol;citor Mayor. for the ensuing year. If elected I will endeavor to discharge all D" duties devolving upon me in s1 ich a manner as ISSOIUtiOlll 0J"Partne1·slnp in my Judgment will meet wit h your hearty approval an d endorsatioo. Your obedient HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOservant, W. lU. 110.RSEli . FORE existing between t he und1irsigned Bowmanville, Dec. 9th, 1885. as liYery stable keepers, under the 11ame of SANDERCOCK & Mc MUHTRY, is herelly disElecto11.·s oJ" Da1·Ji11g·t o11. solved. 'l 'he business will be carried on in the same place by T. J , McMUWl'RY, wnn will payI,ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, _ Allow me to all t he liabilities of ~he said firm. and t~ whom solicit your vote and inftuouce for t he position all debts due the said fi1:m are to~<; paid. of First Deputy-Ueeve for the ensuing year : Dated at llowmanville, t his ~8Lh day of 1886. Yours respectfullv. ' I Novemb"'r, 1885, LEVI VANCAMP. \ . 'W. SANDERC OCK, 49·!w· Witness: '1'. J . ll'! cMUR'I'RY. Darlington Dec 1 1885 JOHN CLABKE. 1fi·3W. ' ' ' · Bowman ville, 9,h, Dec. 188.5. It. ltlfSSELL LUS(;cu un:. ' THE MAYORALTY. T T o the Electors of the Township of Darlington: LA urns ANn_G~:N'll,b:Ml!:N,-I_ ~eg to announce myself a candidate for the position of Second· Deputy f!,eeve, and respectfully solicit your . vote a.nd mfluence. Yours faithfully, \VrLLIAl\I CRYDER:\IA N. 50-3w. E nniskillen, Dec. 4, 1885. STRAYED-From lot 33,con. 7 Clarke, t wo Ewes and two E we La.mbs marked in. \ r1 g-ht ear with wire; also t wo E";es mark ed. witll black on the sl!oulcle1-, Suitable reward fo r recoY ery. EDW ARD RALLS, LeElmrd. !l8·3w OAR FOR SERVICE- The underB signed keeps for service a well bred Berkcents, cash shire Boar. 'l' erms: RALLS, Lot 3$, con. 7,Clarke. 75 I RUPTURED I l~DwARD 48·31 V AND DE FOR.MED. A N IMPROVED SUFFOLK WHITE C HAS. C LU'.l' HE, BOOH is kept for service on lot 27, coo, Ii, . 1 d Darlington. \Varranted to be as represeuted. th e most pract ica an 'l'erms: each, 75c ; Credit $l.OO,E1JER MILLSO N experienced man on this Solina P. o. Solina Dec. 8. 188;), Cont inent for relieving I and curing Ruptu re & B OAR FOR SERVICE. - A Ch ester Deformities of every White.Boa.r is kept for service .ou Lot 31. description It will ba to Con. 3, Da,rhngton. Wumer of three f Jt"so prizes, · at I·'all I~mrs. Terms-$1.00 at time or service. your advantage to call SAMUEL HUNKING, Proprietor, Uonrtice, P.O. on me. 45,000 Trusses 4R :t.f a dj uated inperson .Thou OAR FOR SERVICE.-Th e u ndersands oi Deformed treated. Establish- B signed keeps for Perv1ce an excellent; ed 15 years. I will have a full supply of lmJJroved Suffolk \Vhite Boar. 18 monthR old. and him on lot 2i, con. 6. Darlington. Call these celebrated Trusses with me at t he Terms : see Cash, 75c; to insure, $1.00. \V!LLIAl\t following places:WERRY, Hoselandvale Stock Farm, Solina. M ·3w Cobourg, Durham House,.Fri day, Dec. 11. OARS FOR SERVICE . -1'wo Boars, Bowmanville, Rue bottom House one a pure bred Berk8llirn from imported. stock direct and in no way relatecl t c> former Saturday, Dech 12. owned by me, and the other a pura Send 60. stamp for registered Illustrated(Book animals bred Suffolk also from imported stock, are kept; on Rupture and. Human l< ~ram e by for service on lot 22, con. 3,Darlmgton. 'l'ERMS: ' CHAS. CLUTHE, Surgical Machinist, - $1.(iO cash for t horo'-bred sows, a od S::l.00 foi:118 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. others. SAbl°L SNOWDEN, Pl'O:\}rietor. 45·Sw' B

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