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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 6

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· ! SM . HOUSEHOLD. Oommon-~ense THE CAMA.DIAN STATESMAN · IS PUBLISHED - BY- AMARVELOUS STORY . 'IOLD IN TWO LETTERS. "EVER 'f' FRIDA.Y .lllOR.lWING, Receipts, The Scattered Hou ~ehold. Oh! d"8ola.te home, ob ! firalese hearth, Oh ! halie tb"'t re-coho no loa((er to mi rib, l 1ura to thee, longln~ tor faces once dear, And yearning to r .voices I nevermore hear. There's sunshine to enter the ohuttcrleaa pane, But1 eunbea~a, your glo1ioue mlf:ls ion seen18 valn; For budd thal here blossomed, and flowers that blo<m- SELF PRESERVATIONI The first Law of Nature. Remember this and purchase your Furs at M, A.JAMES, AT THE OFEICE p i·tomceJUock, King st.,Bowman.vlllc, Ont FROM THE SON: '"i~ik~~t.~b~:~ "Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. He h as been a great snfl'erer from Scrof· ula, and the inclosed let ter will toll you what 11 marveloU/J eil'ect . ,/ TER1VIS: ljll.ISO perannum.or $1.00 lf paldln advane~ . Payment strictly in ad:vance required !rem utJ,Jcr1bers outside of the county. Ordf'.rB to 1.11oontinue the paper must be accompanied by he am<>unt due <>rthe paper will nut be~toppe~. iubBOribers a.re 'respona,ibleuntil rullpayment is 'TM'de, KA.TES OF .ADVERTISING I !~;::;~ Whole Co1umn one year .... "· ...... $Gil ool~ ~ ~ ·!,. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla hns had in his case. I think his blood' must have contained t lie humor for at lea.st ten years; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about flvlil years ago. From a few spots which appeared at that time, it gradually spread sons to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly alfllctod, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few moo of bis age who enjoy as good health as he hns. I could ea.sily name fifty persona who would testify to the facts in his case. · Yours truly, W. M. PHILLil'S." WBIPPED RASPBERRY CREAM - Bent tho whites of two eg{(s to a stiff froth with four ta.ble@pooufuls of powdered sugar a.nd a dd four tablespoonfuh of preserved (or canned) raspberry juice. Beat until it is very stiff. L 9mon fhvorin1 may be added if desired, CASSINOLE OF BANANA - 8oa.k one ounce of gelt,tine In half a pint of oold water for nn hour. Then add olle scant pint of boil· Ing water and stir u ntil the gelatine le die· olved, To this add a cupful of sugar, and two banana.a sliced thin. Turn into a mo!lld and set on ice. Serve with cream. CHILI SAcCE.-Very nice. Six ripe tomatoes, t wo onions and one pepper (the Oil ions and pepper chopped fine) ono table· spoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of brown sugar, two scant cups of vinegi.u, one table· spoonfnl each of cloves, cinni>mon and all· spice. Stow gently until done and bqttle tight. APPLE·CVSTARD PU.EIDING, -Line a bub· tered pudding-dish with slices of sta.le sponge cake, or light, white bre·d; then make a filling as follows : one pint of sweet milk, one piot of smooth apple sauco well seasoned, tb.ree eggs well beat<·n, and enough cinnamon to flavor, This quantity will mllke two small puddings, A NICE DnliSSil'G FOR F owLs .- Take one pint d so.,ked bread or craokere rolled very fine, add two t easpooninls of salt, a tablespoonful of Bell's Spiced Seasoning, (instead of sage etc., ) one tablespoonful of butter or fat aa.lt pork chopped very fine, and one egg thoroughly worked in, this wdl give stufii.og enough for a moderate s ized turkey or chicken, COFFEE CAKE.-One cupful . of seeded and chopped raisins ; one cupful of sugar ; half a cupful oi butter; half a. cupful ol cold, ·trong coffee ; half a cupful of molasses ; two and a ha.If cu pa of sifted flour ; two eggs well beaten ; one t easpoonfull of powdered cloves ; half · a teaspoonful! of cinnamon ; one and a half teaspoonful of baking powder. BAKED ArPLEs-\Vash, and then wipe dry, five tirm apples, and out vut the blossom ends ; pa.alt them In a la.rge pud. ding-dish ; pour a. cupful of water over them, cover tho dish closely, set in a moderate oven, a11d let them steam until tli.ey are t ender, and craok open ; then put into e. cold dish, and pour over th.em the juice left in the baking dish. Serve cold with pJwdered sugar and cream. FRIED Crr1cKEN.- ·Cut the chicken in small pieces, and season them with pepper and & a.It, and dust with meal ; then fry them in butter, lay them on paper, and cover to keep them warm ; then pour the grease out of t he fryi ng pan, and put i nto a. t ea.cup fnll of cream, a blade of mllce, a little salt i:md pepper, a. sa.lt ·poon full of fl ou r, and a teaspoonful! of butter, mixed t ogether ; lot t hese ei mmer together a. few minutes ; place the chicken on a hot dish, and pour the sauce ove1· it. SOALLOPED T URKEY - Hutter a. deep dish, line it wit h bread ornmbs, 1md put in the bottom a l ayer of bread cruml:s sea.acned with butter, pE<pper, and salt, t han a l ayer of cold turkey chopped fine, e.nd ao on until the dish bi full, add ing the stuffing and gra.vy of the turkey ; then bel\t t oget her two eggs, add to them two t.;,bleepoonfah of milk, butter, salt , pepper and i·olted cracker crumbs; sprend thickly over the top of the t urkey ; bake half an hour , keep· ing_it covered for twenty minute.a, the n remove tho cover and brown. ·d, Beneath the green grasses have Joni{ boon entombed. The houeehold ls scattered; their gravee lie apart, heirlooms all gAthercd ano sold In the mart; <\nd spiders a veil from the cornice lave hung, To bide where rare portrahswere years ago swung. !te Tho rue\ on the door-lock has loosened lie hold, rile time-eaten Wng·B how nol·lly !old, And creaking ne neve r bdore at my t read, le the worm:eaten tbrc~hold l cr<.-ej with a dread. HAT AND FUR STORE. A full and complete stock of all kinds of F ur Coats, Caps, Jackets, Ladies' and Misses' Sets, &c. The broad, open fire-place, It welcomea me no·, No ta· from It brighten· tbi· desolate spot, The ashes are eodd·n. an<1 cbeul·st1 and oold, No light throwe a ~hadow where a.II turns to mold. Tho room of the hou9<Jhold !.1 hero to the rlil'ht, The kitott.en wa· always so cbeo1lul and bright; For children tramped h"te Ju tn· ralnest day, Aud always found room !or th ·Ir boisterous phy, And thl· is tho room where we 11athered for p>a.yers, l.nd th.is room was moth.er 3 ltere we brou;h.t all oui And these, where for rest, I.ired children conld hie, IVhen dayllgh\ wao over, and leeeone l.Jd by, Oh! rooms of the household, though speaking meet, Thero'· evervthlog laoldug to make homo of thee; :iweet voices grown eil·nt, and eyelids olo8tl preasod, In tho hall· ol dead eleepere bave long been at rest. One lies Jn Mo,1ot Greenwood, one sleeps In the sea, One rest.! ·n, a.th the ebado ol the pom·granata tree, -\nd ehe who went from ue h er bloom to teatore, liath fo und her a loue i:nve on Florlda'o shore. Halt Column one year ....... .. ...... 36 00 _ " Half year , ............ .- 20 00 " " One quarter ... .. ....... 12 50 Qua.rter Colun..n one ye&r ..... .. .... 20 O~ : " .. Ha.lfyea.r .. ......... 12 5 " One quarter...... .. 8 00 - ,. . . . . .-.. " One quarter ........ , 20 00 Half year ........... . 00 00 ::a 0 ~-n Russian Lamb Coats made on the premises. Ordered WorkJ and Repairing a specialty. BRING YOUR W ORK IN EARLY. Sb: lines and under, first insertion .. 50 5Q Ea.ch aubseq uent inser.tian . :. . .. 0 2iJ · l'rom six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 7'! ·Each subseci.uent lnsertlon ..._.. . 0 30 -10 Dver ten lines, first in~ertion,per,!me ~~ Eaoh subsequent insertion, The number or lines to be reckoned by Ile space occupied,_ measured by a sea.le ot a<>lid Nonvareil. _ __ _ _ __ ?! = 5 FROM THE FATHER: g _ a dnty for me t o state to you the benefit I ;feta!!::~~~ carea, All the leading lines and special bargains in Felt Hats and Caps. have derived from the use ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. a terrible humor and scrofulous sores, The humor caused an incessant and intolerable Itching, and tho skin era.eked eo as to cause tho blood to flow In many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were groat, and my life a burdon. I commenced tljo use of the SARSAPARILLA in Ap-ril last, anU have used It regularly sinao that time. My condition began to Improve at once. The sores have all healed, and J. tee! perfectly well In every rospoet-bo!ng now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. .Many inquire what has wrought such a cnre in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. Glo··er, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. . _ Yours gratefuJJy, HIBAM PlIILLIPS," , Gents' Furnishings, of which there is always the latest styles and best quality at lowest prices, such as Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, Underwear, Hose, Braces, Gloves, &c. GIVE HIM A CALL AND PROCURE A BARGAI N . Si:t months "go I was completely covered with DR, TA)IRLYN, .-. SURGEON and ACCOUOBEUR. P HYSICIAN, Office :- Silver Street. Bowmanvil\o. 7 U Sl'l'Y, Physician. Surgeon, &c. Office King Dr. A. Ut:ITll, f"' RADUATE OF THI£ TORONTO UNIVER Oh! home of my childhood, oh l home once so dear, With reverence l come, hut t hou glveet no oheer ; I find here no welcome, the shenoe o! years, Bot.ol<ens no gladncse, I leave tboo in tear~. And paae o'er thy throshold wlth timorous tread. U one who w&!ke over tbe mounds ol ·he <1.e...:I. And have all thy inner door. e!lghtlv aj u , Loat eharply their ~choee thy ~Uence should mar. M. MAYER, N eads' Block. --AT-Furrier treet, MORRIS' BLOCK. Bowmanvllle. ... \V. McL11Ugblln, M. n., ICE N'l'IA'l'E OF THE ROYAJ,COLLEGE o! Physician8 and member of the Royal Collegoiof Surgeons; Edin bur11:h. Ofllce: MORlUS' BLOOR King-st.,llowmanvlpe. DR··J. <:. llllTCHELL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. Office and Residence, Ennfokillen. 74. L Death of the Youn~ Wife..~ THE PEOPLE'S BOOT~ SHOE STORE, , D. DAVIS, Proprietor, M B .John Keith Galbraith, AR RIS TE R , SOLICITOR, NO'l'ARY PUBLIC, &;o. Oftloc- Bounsall's Bloc,k Kl-ng Streot , Bowman ville. Money to lend, D. Bl!RKE Sl1'1PSON, TI ARRIS'l'EU, SOLICI'l'OR, &:c., MOPRIS .Ir) BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Dank, Privat e. 111anevs loaned at the lowest rates, .Ann's SAnSAPAnILLA cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous ()omplaints, Eryslp. elas, Eczema, Bwgworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of tile Skin, It clears the blood -of all impu· rltles, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality 1111d strengthens the whole system. !J\li"o PREPARED DY Dr.J.O.Ayer&Oo., Lowell, Mass. Sold b;r all Druggists; fl, six bottles for tis. no1rnuT ARMOU:R, O E !HSTRAR, WEST DURHAM I SSUER ..Tl. of Marriage Licenses, Ba.rrlster nnd Attor· L Insure in the Confederation L ife Asso,.·· T . PHILLIT·S ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County Mutual Aid, .A, 0. U. W. or any pMe aof Durham, Sales promptly attended. r ound y our hat institution, as the follow50. Addrese- Ha.mvton P . O. ing examples will prove: 'fhos . McClung B. UlJT()llISON. h as been insured since 1872 for $ 2, 000a.nd I CENSEP AUC'l'IONEER, CONVEYAN the las~ five y ears it on ly cost him $2.55 CER ll ncl CommisFioncr in B. H. Sales at p er annum on each $1,000 to insure. John illnded to prom~tly and at reaso11ablo rates. McClung insure d at the same time for the to!l.Addros~-Enniskillen P . O. same am0unt and it only cost him $1. '74 OR N BUGBES. - Lioensed Auctioneer, per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he Valuator and A~bitrBtor. Fire and Life , nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. b eing a little younger. Mone; to Lend on reasonable terms, Ac< dress We certify the above to be correct. Tho11. Cartwrighr, Or.t. 472 McClung , John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO ever y man who buys bis License Crom HENRY SYf,VESTER. Enniskillen. Illy at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money · oa.ned on Real Estate. Of:Il.ce on King street, Bowmanvllle. Cheap Life Insurance. - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - L J A :\V. \ l '. J)ICJU;V. TETERINARY SURGE ON, gra.duat.e of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and \ Residence, NKWTONVILLE, Ont. ·wm visit Orono ever y 'l'uesda.y. Office hours from 12 a. m. to 4 p. m .. at Coulter's Hotel. · 32-ly Special a ttention paid to Surgery, ONEY ! MON E Y !- The subscriber raceivcs money on deposit for the Ontario M Loan and Sa vings Company, and pa.ya interest at the r ate of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of withdr awn.I r equired. Also loans money on mortgages at lowest rates. No commission chargod. W . F . AJ,LEN, Bo. w manville. S·ly, PROl'. W. \VILLSON, Has r eceived her new stock ot T EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND SI NGING. Terms : For begin ners $6; for advanced pupils. $10 for qnar~er of .twE_llye lessons. Residence at Mr. Joseph Br1ttnm s, corner Liberty and Concession Street, Bow manville. 51-~ Pianos Tunc(l and :Rc1·aircd. P ART IES WISHING THE IR PIANCJS 'l'uned or r epaired can ha.Ye thorn attended o by leaving wor d at the DoMINlON ORGAN Co's 0 F ll'IOE, Bowmanville. A first-cla.s man !low t>ein R in their m vlo " So Do? GenUe111e11 oCFash ion, not so t:1st. av e written these tew lines And all I liave to sa.y.fhat you can find me still at home , lam not gone away. Bo a:u my kind old triendsmay come, And all they oung ones, too, And got their garmen ts nicely made In fashions that are new; IVhere old a nd young , dE>ar !rlends, ma.y meet .A wekome vreetlnir. bv R. PEATE DENTISTRY Don't stand when you can sit just a.a and invites the Ladies of Bow- well. Don't put ofi the mending from week to manville and vicinity to call weak. Don't you know that vinega.r will clean and see her Pattern the isingl!!.ss in the stove doors 1 Don't you know your oilcloth can be wa11h· ed in buttermilk or kerosene. Don't give little cnildren t wo la.nguages and assortment ot to learn- first baby-talk, t hen aherwu.rd true pronunciation, D on't hesitat e to place a piece of zinc on the live coals in the stove ; it will olean out STORE :- Second Door West of WillJnme the stovepipe. Butcher Stnll DJn't throw a.way the nice w oolen . stockings when the feet are worn out, but odt them down for t he children. D on't fail to be clean and tidy in every nook. an d corner, but don't be a slave to a. shining s ~ove and ca.rpet. HAS REMOYJ!:D RER Don't do unnecessary work beo~use your grandmother did. There was not half so much to bd done in her day. Don't cher ish the idea tha.t yon will cat ch cold if you feel a bit offresh a ir , or know to buildings formerly occupied by th ~re is an outlet for heated impure air, D )n't throw a.way old suspender rings, CODD & CO., but sew them to the corners or k itchen holders, serving a. better purpoee than loops to hang by, D on't fl irt dirt from one piece of furniture to another and ca.11 it dusting, but take It u p carefully In a. dusting cloth and shake She has now in stock everything it from the window, Don't say "mioky" for milk, "ridey" for usually found in a well equipped ride ; baby will understand "hand ma.mma your little dross" as readily as if you ea.id HARNESS SHOP . " bring bis ittle deu h ma.mma.." Don't t alk servants or family matters to callers, and don't tell them the exact de.te of their last call. They will be likely to MRS. HUMPHREY make the interval longer the nEXt t ime. DJnt't fail, in conversation, to occasionally pause and give the listeMr an opportunity to speak, and don't mistake polite listening, prolonged, for interest in your subject. GOODS., Household Dont's." BONNETS, HATS The doc~or has j us~ told him and he ha.a gone into the little parlor and closed t he door. · All the room Le suggestive of her who lise dying in tho chamber above. Her bird Will always be found in stock a full assortment of Boots, ls singing In i ts cage at the window as m er· rily as if sorrow were unknown in the Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, etc.-as good in world. The room is flooded with the warm sunlight, full of Jifo and radla.nce, little ln quality and low in price as can be found elsewhere. consonance with the dt 11olate heart of the m1.1n standing·.there alone, Her hirds, her Special attention ' given to ordered work and repairing. books, her lounging chair, lhe touch and de,Blgn ,th11t make a. h.1me, are hers. Rer Call and inspect. living presence seems t o a.nlmate the common (22) things, and m11okes them gracious e.nd loving like hereelf. A nd it Is only a briE:f t welve =+ If! month ainoe she s tpod there a bride, and liateued to her hasb:i.nd'a proud welcome to their home. Now s he lies )·ender-dying, dying. And be, how can he bear it 1 How do men bear in their undisciplined character t he mighty shock of such g1·ief .a~ t his? :oh, if b.o could only lean his h0ad on his mether'a shoulder and sob out his sorrow, as he used to do when a boy. But he knows ot that unwritten lllw which forbids a man to cry or wear his grief on his sleeve for the da wa to peck at. He must meet it a.lone, and " Know how sublime · thlng it Is To eulier and be stroni.r." An d all the while the scalding drops of anguish are forcing themselves to his eye3, sea.ring t hem as with a red-hot iron, while ho stands there trying t e look in the faoe this awful intruder, who has come an unbidden g11eat Int o his house. " She w~nts you; she has !'ent for you," says one of the household, sobbing bitterly ; a.ud he goes, with vague, muchanici~l st epll, up the stairs to t heir room and into her pres· ence, . ' ' Efo. v " +.hey tol d you? D o you know?" ~he asks inJa whisper, "Oh, love, we are.going to bQ 1st> p1>r ated, Q od is taking me IrOl.U you. " "He ct>nnot ho so cruel," he aaye bluntly and unreoonciled, and he tabs her into his arms as if to defy deat h to part them. The h"urR w~ar on, the clock ticks in the d eath oha.mber : , , COAL COAL · D_ D..A.. V-IS_ · Messrs. McDOUGALL & M ETCALF beg to announce that t hey have received a large consig·nment of Celebrated L.ehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. "We intend to keep on hantt an assortment of Lumber, Shing ~~'-- Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. .Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Divisio11 Streets. Never- forever. 11 ' Forever- never, ROBT.McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. 35. TRIMMINGS MRs. HUMPHREY first Door East of RuebottomHouse, HARNESS SHOP Call at the new premises. WITH TEETR. WITHOUT TEETH, The Jeweller's, fa the b eet place in town t o buy W a tches, To Clean Marble. To clean marble chimney-piece you should make a strong soap ley, mixed with quick lime, of the consistency of milk, and l ay .ft on the marble for twenty.four hours. T hen wash it ofi, an d then polish i t with fine putty-powder and olive oil. To ·cl ea.n papier mache, use a. soft sponge and cold wa.ter- witl10!lt soap -:-dredge it with flour while damp, and aft er lea.viog h thus for a. short time, wipe" it off, and polish the ar ticle w ith a silk hanakerchief , T o clea.n pieture fr~mes an d gilt cornices, d issolve a. little cream of tartar in op!r lte of wino, 11ond wet the gilding carefully, quickly wiping it dry llga.tn ; but ligh tly, eo as not to rub off the gilding. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, PllA()TJCAL DEX'J'lST, Clocks a nd J ewellery of all the newest d esigns . Before purchasing give me a 'JVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. call an d y ou will save m on ey- we will not lliltrousO x Jde Ga s A<1mtnJs tcre tl for Pal.ules be undersol d by any small firm. We 01.>eratl.ons, carry a large st ock of such goods as ar e l\IC()LUNG' S BLOCK.. u su ally kept in a first -class j ewellery store. .In Spectacles and Eye G.lassea we keep the b est in t own, and ours is the on ly place in town where an O p tomet er is kept for fittin g the sight properly. You cannot be t oo care ful ab out your eye sig ht. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., In Silverware oul' stock is all n ew and of the lates t d esigns, and will be sold at low p rices to suit the times. Wnite Feathers· Y ou may clean white feathers by placing them in a hot lather for some minutes, and shake t h em ab out in it, repeating the action to dry 1hem. C url them with a blunt p enknife, commencing from the right hand side of the feather, t ak ing up about six flues, aud gently drawing t he knife underneath them against your thnmb ; continuing this all round the feather, drawing some of the flues over t hem, so a.a to hide it. Curling over a. hot iron will rend er the cud more la.sting , . Gradua.te of the R oyal College or Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFIOE OVER DICK::;;ON'S STORE. He does not heed it ; his eyes are tasten· ed upon that beloved face, changing from Its bloom and beauty iuto the ashen pallo::- which t na shadows of the unseen forecast. P resently she opeos her troubled eyes and fixes t hem upon hie haggard face, "Read t o me, dear" she whispers faintly. He knows wha.t she wishes him to read. That is one of the beautiful intuitive qua.Ii· t ies whicih nu~de of their lives a perfect harmonioua sphere- a congenhl union, rich in love and mutua.l faith, and to which there can b~ no finality of death or limitation. So he brings her bible and turns the leii.vee in se!\rch of some text of comfort, such M they have often read tog6thcr, But which one 1 T here are so m any, and all are good. He is not compelled to decide The bl~ssed Book opens to the most pr~clous one of all, that has comforted so many homesick hearts, the sweetest of the heavenly ma.drigals : "The Lord Is my slc;>tcl'd l ebail not want: ' She repeated it after him. At Intervals ehe broke forth into enatchee of speech: "Though I walk tbrongh the valley Of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." " It Is dark in .the valley- dark-dark," he beard her murmur. "Oh, love, there shall be no night there ?" he answers brokenly, feeling how poor a comforter he is. . He holds her hand and she sleeps, and dreams such dreams as the dying have, and death goes on relentlessly with his work. H er bird breaks out into a joyful st rain of music in its ca.ge below ; rnunda of llfe come into the darkened chamber; watching friends a.re near; soon she opens her eyes and there is a bright, gllld smile in them. "It is light beyond," she says and sleeps again, . He does notioe how col d her hand bas grown; how still the room is. Nor d oes he resist when they loosen his cl!~ap an d lead him aw a.y t elling him with t earful pity that it is all over. · · · What is all over 1 The love that ha.a blessed his manhood with lts crown of oomplet oneee? The companionehip that ma de heaven and home synonymous terms 7 Are these ended foi:ever 7 When he sees her again she is wearing h er wedding-dress. H er soft pretty he.Ir is 11r· ranged as sbe liked it brs t. Her eyes e.rc closed and her lips unresponsive to hie kisses. Aud over her bosom they oroseed her hands. " Oome away," they said ··God uoden.tande. Bowmanville, Aug ust 28, 1885. Granite and Marble Works, B OWMANVI LLE. . - - - o- -I b eg to announce tha t my supply of G ranit e and M a rble Monuments was never so large as at presen t . · In Variety of P attern it is most modern. In Finish, far ex ceeding any you can see elsewhere. In Workmanship, first-clu,ss. Ancl price a s low as at any ex perienced shop I h a ve r eceive d b y S. S. "Indiana," a consignment of SOOTC:H: Gr:Fl.A.l.'19:ITE:: .Another lot hae Md ved by S. S. "Nebraska, " and others are following. I BUY DIRECT FROB THE 1 UA.N1JF.'1..C'1.'1JR.E RS in A?erdeen, Scotland, a~d from long exl?erienc~ (28 y ears) a t the bes t advan tage, I mtend t hat the public n eedmg work m my Ima shall b e liberally dealt with . .. , I engage no Agents. . I keep for eale "'1 Marble Mantles, Grates, &c., and fix them, · Head Stones, Posts, and M etallic Bars for enclosing Lots, at Lowest Prices. A L L W 0 RK G U A RA N T E E D. C. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. N. B.- I have . no connection or inter est in the Coruposition, P ot t ery, or Z inc Monuments, s o oalled; I have enq u ired concerning t he ir m er its and ca nn ot r e comm e nd t hem t o the p ublic at any price. B uwmanville, J u ne 18 , 1885 . 25-:Jm. ' HEALTH FOR ALL! [-liJ THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STO.lU A.CR, KID~EYS A.ND DOWELS. They invigorate and restore to h ealth Debilitat ed Constitutions and are invaluable in all Com pl aint s i ncidental t o F emales of all .Ages, F~r · Children and the a ged they a.re priceless, .___...- THE and U lcers. OINTMENT For disorde1·e of ths Is an infallible re_medy for Bad Legs, Bad Br easb:i, Old Wounds, Sores It 111 fa.m oue for Gout and R heu m at ism , - Chest i t h as n o equ a l. - -DetroiE l!ree P ress, lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. ate Wor k executed in the lat est and most Improved style of the Dental Art, EETH EXTRACTE D WITHOUT PAIN\ the use of Nitr,ous Oxide Gas, w ithout Injury to the patient. ·Pa.rtloular attention paid to the regulation of CHILDREN ' S TEETH . ,_..ALL WO llK W .ARR.ANTED.~ -·~ Most of t he bridal couples visiting Wash· GJ~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival · and-~or lnv,ton l ately · h ave been from t he Sout h , oon t r acted and stiff j oints it acts like a ch arm , ' _ Of t hose from 'Virg inia and Ken tu cky t he Watch es, Clocks and Je wellery a nd all average age of th'll l.Jrideg rooms has been fine work we ~ive the · v ery beet satisfacM anufacture d only at T HO.MAS HoLLOWAY's Est ablishme nt, a.bout 40. a nd of the brides about 25. The tion. W e do all our own work and d efy Boston Transcript eloquently exulains that 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON : competition . " after t he war the young fellows of t he Old Gold and Silver t ak0n in exch an ge . And are sold at ls. l t d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. e aoh B ox or Pot, and South w ere not a.bl e to double up, a.nd now Eternal indigestion is tho prlo3 of pie. m ay b e had from all l\ledicine V end or s through out tbe World. that they see bright political proepects 11hea.d MAYNARD, The J eweller s~ have of la.te years ne!\rly abmdon ed they a re mak ing a venture, although i:ot Whrcbas ers 8h ould l ook at ihe Label on the l'ots and Boxes, u the addreu Morris' B lock , B owmanville the P otomac R iver, quite so youllg M they used to be," lit aot ~33, Oxford Street, Lond on, they are spurious, - In Repairing - For Sol"e Tbroat.s, B1·oncbitis, Cloughs, Clolds, .... - ···-

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