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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 7

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HAND·R.AISED P ·GP.- It 1 ·s Ba.id the.t It , ., will surely pay to try to rear a yvung pig by hand, if tta mother dies, or If, as sometimes ha]Jpens, there are more pigs than teats, The pig thus raised will nevn be -· any better than a runt, and the a.dditional . OF THANKS T ~'1 care aiven it, if divided among the remainCARD ·. o "' essrs. "' Gault & Tattley, managers of the Hoyal der of the litter, will pa.y fa.r better. Insurance Company (of England), Montreal: KEEPDl'G APPLES AND POTATOES IN SAND, GENTLEMh~N,-1 tender to you my best thanks f or th e promp_. t payment t h1·ou;,;h your agei;i t , - Dry sand le recommended d for keeping a.p I 1'Ir·. James B1;ighum, Tyrone, of m_y claim pies and potatoes in a. soun condition, n· ~gam~t Y!JUr Company for a horse k1lle<l by to b 1 fill d ith "t h f th d v em, fill sand llglltnlng m the flllId , IlllVI nJ.? r ece , , ,,i V e d a Cheque · . i 8 a a.rre d · tile 11wth ei · er ti for the fnll amoun~. _ Mas. C. J . MAUSH~ poure un a e mters oea are e Hampton, Oct, lo, 1885. · '12-4w with it. Parties who have tried this method, say the contrnts of the b:mels are pre- ~:;~f:go~~S~:se!fs~ .~~li:\,~tG';;~e~~l:ed served until Spring in a. better condition in the cool of the day." Certainly this porthan by a.ny other means they have ,ever tion of the Sta.te of Vera Cruz carries out tried, the idel\ of P aradise a.ft-Or t he curse, for no·C F p f B dd ELLARS IN THE ALL, - ro eesor u · where are there. e.ny traces of disobedient I beg to announce that I have a very fine makes the se11.sonable suggestion that eel· Eve's descendants. Within many miles h . 0f Iara in which fruit is etorccl. botween picking there are no plantations to be seen, and few c oice time and the setting ln of \'Yinter, should ev.denoos of human labor. All is a fle>wery HANG~. d d · h d b th · not be opene UI'lllg t 0 o.y, ut e Will· · wilaerneee, most beautiful to behold, but In· S'WI TC I-=[E S , What the Rev. E. B . Stevenson,B.A., a Clergy. dows opt:ned duriog the night, when the a.Ir deecriba.bly·lonesome-a deserted e.nd ten7nan of the London Confei·&nce of the Metho- is cooler, The WM mer P.ir of the day-time antleEs Eden, To ma.ke good the. tradition, and 'WAVES, dist Church of Canada, has to say in regard h 't · t · t t d by the cold 1'o A.H. Dixon & Son's .New Treatment (or ae i a mo1s ure prec1p a e a tree grows here (the chirimoya) which Is Catarrh, object~ in the cellar, and dumpnese ie en- called " forbidden fruit," frcm the danger I do all my own llA.llC WORK and wlll Oaklans, Ont., 'Canacla, March 17, 1883, gendered. of eating ton much of its rich, custard-like warrant It, Messrs. A.H. Dixon & Son: A ·WINTER PouL'rnY-Ho usE.-Ia building product. Its mammoth, trumpet·shaped lJEAR SIRS.-Y.ours of the 13th inst. to band. your poultrv-house for next Wint or, yon ot IJloesomH, hanuing pendant from every limb, I:-Iair Bleach, It seemed almost too good to be true th1tt I am -, ocured of Ct<tarrh, but I know that J a.m. I oonrse wa.nt to make It warm ; but don't are ten t imes larger tha.n the lily e.nd far Hair Pins, have had no return of the disease, and never forget that fowls need a good 11upply of more fragrant than the rose, but such are Nets & Co:in.bs. fel t better iu my life. I have tried so many freah, pure air, or disease wtll a.ttack them. tlleir soporific qualities that to s eep under things for Catarrh, so much and fur If you a1·e ma.k" ST.AMPING done promptly and nea.lly. 80 many years, that suffered it is hard to realize that mg yout' we.IIe d ouble, d o not the tree I s b e1· ieve d to b e sure d eath · p er1 am really better. · fill in with sawdust or tanbe.rk. Leave an 3ons troubled with Insomnia. keep a few of I consider t'nar. mine w11a a very bad case; it air chamber b~.twern, makbig the vutside the fiow·er11 in their u.pa.rtments by day, but · was aggravated and chronic, invclving the wall close by stripe, and the inside ones by ta.ke care to remove them. before the hour of over lH. l\fnycr's Stoi·e, · · nowm:inville, throat a~ well ·as the. nasal pas~ages, and I f L t'l b I . d - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - · - - - thonght 1 t would reqmre tile three.,t1catments1 ·It or paper, et your ven 1 a.tor e ne11or retiring, lest the r overpowermg o ora probut I feel fully cured by the two sent me. ana the top of the house. · duce e.n endless slumber, I an1 thankful that I was ever induced 'to send '.I'he maguay Pan I t I 80 · d' t th' 1 to yon. A HrnT ;,s TO Hoos.-An experienced ·a Ill igcnous 0 is : · · . You are at liberty to use this letter stating feeder of swine advi.ees that when hogs are locality, IE! believe to be the real "fodia.n fig · that I have been cured at tw!) treatineIJts. and taken from gre.aa, or other bulky diet, to be tree" to which our first parents re~orted ~l~Pr~f!~~~ ;,;~g1,;1~~~1~f~~i:i~~emedy to some fattened, the cnange to a. more concentrated wh·m they b9thought themaelves of dreea_...,.,--.Yours, with many thanks. food should be i;:radual, a.s too sudden a me.king, for in it kind nature supplied all REv, E, B. STEVENSON. ohanre is often attended with serloue r rsults. materials, its strong fibers producing both And hundreds of others The animal should at first have light food. cloth and thread, and the 11hup·polnted· Bran a.nd other mill stuff, made into slop thorns that terminate Its gigantic leaves serv~LO OK OUT FOR~ ·h i · d d · f th Ing to this day for pins and needles, and given wit gra n, ia goo · an 1 e One me.y travel for days through this love. refuse from the orchard or potato fie!d Is ·n b e b enefi c1a · 1 I l ly solitude without hearing the song of a ARE NOW OPEN. · espec a - bird or seeing any anima.l but those t}lat dee· given, that, too, wi Stand formerly occuptecl by the Post omee. ly if cooked and mixed with the bran, etc. troy. The serpent is still master cf the sit· JU.NG S'l'RllllT, CARE OF LIVE ~TOCK.-·.1.·he fa.rm er should uatlon, and has begotten a. numerous pro· bear in.mind that the comfort of his animals geny. Gigantic rattlesnakes, a.Bps, and a :SC>~1'1.J".A..N"'V":J::X:..:X.. E. --o-is e.lwe.ys of first importe.nce and in the line hundred other dangerous 8pecies glide away The Gallery is first-class in all its ap. For the NEXT 30 ])£.VS I wiil sell for LESS of direct success, observ. s a. writer on stock at our approach ; reptiles prey upon each poiotmenta, and furnished in a comfort 'rHAN cost' the remainder of my stock of husbandry. Feed, water e.nd shelter are of other In the mie.smatic hgoons, where fatal equal importa11ce in providing for the oom- ca.lenturas lurk under every leaf; enormous Stylish and most Durable Millinery able manner, There will be no poor work fort of any kind:of stock in the Northern lizards and igue.na.s be.skin the burning sun. allowed to leave the rooms, and these who DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, Sta.tea. There the Winters are severe, the shine ; tarantulas, scorpions, centipedes, favor me with a call can rely on being "ater Is frozen up, the feed is often buried and :xin-xins abonnd ln the hot se.nds, and &c., with a vei·y heavy stock of I pleased beneath the snow, and In no way can the parasitic plants, like vegetable nmpires, stock thrive without shelter e.nd having feed suck life from every tree. p--Tho instantenous process only will & stored and fed to them In the dry state. At length, gradually ascending from the be used for Phot.ographs. - -o - LooK TO YouR ]'LOCKs.-Sheep need ex- low lands, we wind along a series of silent Come in and see me. Thanking my customers for past favors, 1 tra ca.re now, in order that they may reaoh hills, till a sudden descent brings us to the respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my R.H. HENRY. utmost present stock, which- I am sure will give the the cold season in full vigor, especially where celebrated Puente N acional, a magnificent satisfaction. wool is the object. Jf kept In a poor pas- viaduct, built by the early S paniards and ture tillle.te, and brought to the hrn in known as Puentedel l~ey (the King's bridge) thin flesh, it will cost much more to get until all that ro:yal personage's poeaeasions them into condition than it would to have In this country were appropriated by the Continues to do a General Banking Business kept them so, Cotton seed er linseed meal, people, The Antigua. River, flowing beneath tsBo wmanvillu Branch, mixed with an equa.1 weight of bran, giving it 0 v 0 r a rocky bed, takes a perper.dicula.r "' " """' · i.;::..i· DEPOSITS about a. quarter of a pound a day to each leap at· this point ' Into a. dark a.nd mosey ' sheep, In addition to hay or straw, is one of dell. The quiet fern-fringed shallows above Received in Savings Bank Department and l{) THE NEW the best foodo to grow wool. Barley, rye are all tishleBB, for it Is a pEcnllarity of call and interest·allowed at current rates. N. notice of withdrawal necessary. .A.ll depoalti and oa.te are also good, but; corn alone is too Mexican streams that few of them contain P!IYJlble on demand, · starchy, · any of the tinny tribes. This hi:.ppy huntA T T · h in~ ground of t h,e nature.list, the historian, EXCHA.NGE W1N'IERING U\RKEYS.- urtteys t j\t aur· atld the curiosity seeker Is by no means a vive Thanksgiving and Christmas will not fair ti.old for the sportsman, either with the -;:;.·,,....,F--"" ' """' "'nL'~ d.a1H}Il~n.ftl!-i, gsued upon Europe require e.s wMm que.rters through the Win· United 1:3te.tes and Cane.de., also Gold, Silver and ter p,s other fowls. However cold the wea.- rod or gun, · United Sta~ea Greenbacks bou1rht and sold. THE FAVORITE li!iilillill l'he approe.oh to the King's bridge is com b e a.11owed to run out of m11nded ther, they should by stone forts on both sides, and all tCOLLECTIONS doors every day, except, perhaps, in very the adje.oent heights are strongly fortified, Promptly ma.de a.t current rates upon all pe.rl stormy weather. If confined In warm quar· Perhaps no spot in Mexico has witnessed of Great Brittain, the United States e.nd Do tere, a.nd not allowed to run out of door11, more atirring scenes, for many times during minion o! Canada, they usually show si&ns of Indisposition, the incessant wars of the last three centur· ~~~~~~Qa~~~~~~~~~~~~~a Telegraph T1·ansf"ers lose their appetite, become dumpish and in· ies has the p11oes been hotly contested. Gen. active, and not unfrequently die. They are· Winfield Soott and his troops crossed here; Made for large or small sums on all parts of very he.rdy birds e.nd easily wintered, About and not far away his army were en:Jamped Canada. This is especially advantageous to pet'flons living in Mamtoba or the North-west all they require fa a place to rcost at night, when the yellow fever broke out among as it makes the funds available at unce at the '.?<>'HIGH ARM-HIGH FINISH · where they will be out of the wind, with them and 500 brave soldiers were left upon place or payment, plenty to oet and drink, and their liberty the fielct. Armies, sweeping by to civil con· For further particulars oall at the Bankln~ -~-....- .~~~ during the day, ·' fiicts, have found their progress st9pped by · 8:0.~.Y · ~if 5@'.lura.fife. House. DRYING SEED CoRN.-The old plan of these frowning batteries. Here Gomtz prao· T,BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, hanging the seed-corn to the joists of the tieed hie cruelties in the name of llbexty ; .A.ccountan t, Manager . ~~*-~~~m JI All the "Raymond" Shuttle Me.chines kitolien by the husks, ~hich had been strip- and In the neighboring fastnesses the revol·v ped back and plaited together for the pur- utionaryGeneraleby concealed in Iturbide'u fU are fttte<l with tlle !'a.tent ~ pose, always seemed to make "aeed tha.t time, till from this vantage ground they deswould grow," because It was thoroughly cended toconcludethe fightfor independence. dried, says a oontempora.ry. Not many Aztecs, Spaniards; Frenchmen, Americans, -TO THEfarmers' wives will allow their kitchens to ha.ve marched to death over thia Mexican CHAS. RAYMOND1 be cluttered up this way nowdays ; and so styx-a long and ghostly train of warriors, i'<.ANUFA.CTU RER we suggest tha.t the corn be hung In the with varying ambitions, to write success or smoke-house and regularly smoked, like failure upon the pages of history. GUELPH, ONTARIO~ f!:! hams. This will secure its thoroughly dryIn former times this region was a. favorite ;225?_9-52!: r S"2.5'25?-5'252~ ing, which la the essential point, and the resort for salteadores0 CJr "knights of the smoke will tend to keep birds and insects road," and no dillgencia coming in from at a respectful distance when planted. But, Vera Cruz could expect to esca.pe an overstill continues for those whatever plan you may a.dopt;, be sure that hauling. The gentlemanly robbers, sally· the seed is thvroughly dried before it is ing out in sufficient numbers to in·ure Super Diagonal Overcoats.... $8.00 reached by cold weather. obedience to all their modest demands, were Worsted Pants.. . . . . . . . . . . · 3.00 CARE FO'{lo !rIIE CoLTs.-Now Is the time in the habit of treating passengers with all Mantle Cloths; per yard.. . . .. 50 to make tho young colts grow into valu!l.ble th" courtesy oonaiatent with the profession. horses, or so stnnt their growth that their Assisting them to light with the utmost All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 value, in compariaon with their cost, will be politeness, the knights requested male Dree<r.i~ Goods in all the newest __ a.lmost nominal, sa.ys the Stockman. :Che tre.vellers to stretch themselves prone upon colt, if . properly cared for now and through their faces on the ground. Few we~e so the Winter, will grow right along, and come foolhardy as to disobey, when an overpower· from 10 cents. out in the Spring in condition t o make rapid ing number ot carbines were pointed a.t their headway in development, On the other craniums, for the least sign of r.eeietance -:e"Y· ht\nd, if it is not properly fed and cared for wa.s t he signal for one's instant . execution. at this sea.son of its exintence, it will soon If any priests were present they w1ore given IS BOOl\fING, become "pot-bellied" 1>nd stunted ; and, if the first attention-out of respect for their S I am fully-prepared to attend Funere.la on it does not die before Spring, will at ltast scored calling-the ealteadores kneeling be· the shortest notice, al the lowest possil:Jle rates, Tho people know that i f they Casket.a and Buria!Cases ready on short notice never gr ow into as valuable a horse v.s It fore them in mock humility and rec1ueating First-class hearse on very moderate terms otherwise would. Nothing on the fa.rm, in "alma" (mean crosses, rosaries, or what -want aBhroucls and Coftlnsconstantly on hand. l<'un fact, pays in ci~sh returns bettor than ao valuables the father might happen to have), ral cards supplied at once, Furniture Shop &: treating the young colts that they will de- a.nd afterwards craving a parting brnedicte. how Rooma-Bounsall'aN ew Block . II furniture sold by me is made by the U. C velop Into the moat valuable animals that Nt:x:t the ladies wero relicvod of their purses earrings, a.nd other trinkets-not with· urniture Co, of Bowman ville. I do not bttl' their peculiar conformation will allow of, slop furniture and represent it to havo beeri suit of clothes they must call SCALES ON THE FARM.-EvEry farmer out m1my gallant expressions of regret t hat made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. beauty should be thus subjected to a.nnoyAlso agent for the LI-QUOR 'fEA for this town should li~ve scales whereon _ upon IVES. to weigh his own ance, '.l..J>· n the men were ftearched, the a.nd vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be produce. In discussing this m ·tter a con- pistols, ammunition, money, watches; &c., got in the market . .A. valuable prize given temporary pertinently 'obaerves that there secured. 'Ihe trunks and the treasure box with every pound, a.re many farmers who do not properly ea- of t e coach were by no means neglected, tlma.te the value of being a.hie to weigh upon a.n cca.eiona.lly even worse things occurred the farm wli... tever m ..y bo produoed there- when tne knights cha.need to be in need of on, espeolally that portion t o be sold. The new apparel. In such cases the passengers dealer in st vck who comes to your farm to were reduced to about the condition of the buy, la eBtiniatlng and weighing da.lly, and first occupants nf Eden, before fig leaves becur.nea so expert that he can guess the beca me faahion: b!e, sometimes a. single gar· weight of an Allima.l within a. few IJQUDds, l f h f d f Th:e m9 J· ··rity of farmers cannot do this. The ment being kindly e t to eac out o e erence to the ladles ! dealer ia going to buy as cheap ii.a he can, But such enlivening incidents of travel are IS ' NOW PREPAltED TO SUPPLY EVERYBODY WITH .A He a<ks the farmer Ilia price. The answer mostly in the pa.at, and to-dau we may J. our. is often ma.de tha.t he does net know what " it is rea.lly worth ; wha.t will he p~y for it ? ney anywhere in Mexico with comparative '.L'he reply Is, he ca.nnot buy and sell ; you safety. Formerly the salteadores always DAVING LJO SE'l.'S IN S'l'OCK. must set its price. If the farmer Is r eally divided their plunder religiondy with tile ignorant of its value the dealer soon discov- Virgin Me.ry, hoping thereby to secure A. splendid range of Do1·se. Blanlrnts from $1 to $.f heaven's indulgence. But in · heee degeners the fact and a.ots accordingly. erate days, when the most of t he poor each. Also, Robes-G1·ey and Black-Goo(l value. knlghta are reduced to ignoble labor, even A hotel ~t Festinog, North · Wales, has a churches are sometimes sacked, a.nd the Uubber Rugs ancl Horse Cove1·s, &c., very low. vetere.n colley w hioh acts as a tourist's guide, Virgin herself is frequently robbed, ·When told to do eo it leads visitors to t he Cynfel waterfall, and exhibits it from the "What is usually the nationality of a various point s of view, trotting from one For'·\~ ts, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or Sore Necks on horses. point to another as soon e.s it sees thii.t the bootblack, my dear ?" asked M1·s. Caution, tourists have satisfied t heir curiosity, The while her huaba.nd was studying the score. ~ · Cannot be excelled. T'r y a Bottle. dog learned h is duties, years a.go, by going "Oh I it varies," repl!ed Caution, "Sometimes they are Polish, and sometimes with hie m~ster on the s~me errand, CASH FOR 111.PES. Shinese." payment (by your 1<o:ent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham, for my loss by fire. caused by 1~ spark from a steam thresher, having got µ·yrneut for contents at marlrnt price; no fr or 1 nayment like I see on the Domini.on Grange Policy to tenant.s. Yours gratetully. 'l'uos. H.AIUUS, 'l'yrone, Sept.11, 1885. 38 - - -·- - ·· - - - - - - - - - - - - rR.D OF THANKS.-To the Manager of tho l"ire Insurance Association: Sm, I hereby retum thanks for the prompt payment (by yonr agent; Mr. Thos. Bingham I tor my loss by fire, caused by a spark from a steamthresber,havini.i received the full amoun t of my insumnce rn GOLD on the occasion of my golden wedding, Yours thankfully, 'l'nOMAB JARDINE. 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1835· SS 1~ 1111111~~biillli~~~~~~'!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! ·llll'!"""'!~~liiililiit&Wi~~~m~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·l"l\~~~1a~·il!l!i!~~WGiiW~ n.~ ·~~AliiiiJlii~~ · ~m~m~e~·~·~w~~~~~~llllllllllllll!!!~~~~~~~~~ :: = :~~~ -- -~~!..........,~ MDtAdUt Z2SlZELLiP'l1sa L H--.MW g LU . . . ct:;,~a? Yi}1~~~!~~;an~o ;;~~c~It~~:; CATARRH. ~ ~ llUUt. ·ro AND FRO IN MEXICO. SIR, I boreby return thanks for the prompt JJY FANNY n. WARD, llftWh!D-... lltnuthnt t.ntt.S C I I I - --d ---.-·--. --LT 0 t h e . a 18S C.\TARRH.-A new treatment has been dfs. covered whereby a permanent cure of this !iitlierto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· eel in from one to three applications, no matter whether standing one year or forty years.. '! 'his remedy is only applied once in twelve days, o.nd does not interfere with business. Deacrip· tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 Klog street, West, Toronto, Oanr.cla. WHAT rs CATARRH'! Catarrh is a <langeroua dis!laae which thous· o.nds are consciously or unconsciously suffering from. It is a muco-purulent disc barge caused by the presence or a vegetable parasite ill' the lining membr1<neof t he nose. The predispo·· ing causes are a morbid state of the blood, the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poiso[) of syrhilis, .rnercury, toxomre, from the retenlion of the effete matterot the skin, suppressed perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apart· men ts and the l>ermination of other poisons in the blood. Irritated by the~e. the lining membrane of the nose is eve1· readv for the recep' lion of the parasit.e, which rapidly spreads.up the nostrils and down the ranees, or back of the throat, causinll;' ulceration of the thro1<t; up the ~ust.aclliun tubes, oe.using. d earnCsB; b t1,:. rowrng m the yocal cords, causmg hoarseness; usurping the proper structure of the bronchii>I tubes . ending in pulmonary consumption and d~{f~~y ingenious speitlcs for for the cure of cate.rrh have been invented, but without suecess, until a physician of long standing rliscoY· ereti the exact nature or th diseaee and the 1 only iLppliance which will perman,ently destroy l the po.rasite, no matter how aggravated the case. Snlferers should send s tamp at once for descriptive pamphlet on c11tarrh. to the businesa manauers. A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 Kinl!' street, west, Toronto, Oanad·. FRIDAY, DEO. 11, 1885, THE FARl\Jr· .IJ'.I. Timely and Practical. Jn.Jara., t he not ed he~lth nsort, is seventy· five 'rn ' Jea north of the port of Ver.. Cruz, . and mo· e than 4,000 feet ~bove it. To reach i t, one 1 nust go to San Jua.n by the Mex ican Hailro1>rl, and travel the rema.i~ing sixty three miles by mule ca.r, over the loDgest trMnway in' the world. Most of the route liea along that splendidly paved and curbed · old Spanish highway, lea.ding from the coast t o the capital, over which-for more t han 300 ye~rs -- all pilossengers a.r.d commerce were conveyed by diligencia and mule train, t"l th t b I · un l e a earn cars ega.n nmn ng via Orizaba. The first forty miles Iee.ds mainly through tropic lagoons where every t ree is burdened wit'.' creeper·, parasitic growths and an as. toni'·h1"ng v·r1·ety of orchids all t naJ.. d to · in one ~ ma.ny-tinted · 'ma.es of ~ " c aether foliage. I"'t i· a tradi "ti'on d"voutly believed by t. ' -e In" v a dinns th· t ~he veri "·.nb1e G· t·den of E' den wna w ~ · w · ~ ~· located in this corner of Mexico, and that 0 IBu cK's CELEBRATE[STOVES mW! iM;l! !I& . The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIAN'!! HOME~ ,.., ~ Single and Double Heater, ---AND--- PARLOR COOK:1 all fitted with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I They stand without a rival. s s . · · FURNACES · lt . ·. · a spec1a y. · · E D s ALL For sale 'by il!li MRS. A. DAVIS, J..HIGGINBOTHAM &BON, DR~GGISTS;) PHOTO GRAPHY HENRY'S Buy their goods from reliable houses and can supply the public with New Photo Rooms BARGAIN SI IN MILLINERY. Pure D r u.gs! at reasonable prices. Just to hand :---A large assortm·ent of TOILET SOAPS and HAIR BRUSHES . . from the best manufacturers. Feathers Flowers. THE ONTARIO BANK Mrs. DONNELLY. SPONGES, CHAMOIS, PERFUMERY, &c., &c., &c. lmm~ ... Pure Ground Oil Cake always on hand. ~- ~~Y.~~Q~g~ m~~!iJ~ -SEWING-MACHINEFOR FAMILY USE. erzt · ~ Qual,ity~ Quanlily, ~Prices - - A T -- THE GREAT RusH! .~. ~~!~~.~~~.~~~.~~. !~~.~~. Eclipso Hausa ~ shades u No E RTAKI N c' OUR ORDERED CLOTHING LEVI IVIORRIS. TO ROS. MASOlf BROS. are this wee1{ giving special Bargains in Clothing. NOTE THE :t'OL I..10WING: FIRST-CLASS CUT w. H. IVES. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. -vv. :a:. Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, A Man's Overcoat, $7.50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00. A Man's Suit, $7.00. A Youth's Suit, $5.50. A Boy's Suit, $4.50. Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, I mitation Lamb, Plush and Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and first-class values. See our Stout Men's Shirts an~ Drawers at 85 cts., ~eav~, all wool. Ou1· lllecliun1 Sizes in all wool at o'iOc., GOc., 7o'ic., and $1~00 a1·e being· rapidly 1aken UI·· ELLI MAN'S EMBROCATION! See our Tie-downs and Blankets. Heavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents ; Children's sizes, all wool, from 10 cents up. B~wmanville, W . H. MAY. No ember 27, 1885. MASON BROS.

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