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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1885, p. 8

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---Xmas Confectionery for 1885. NeW Year's Ca,kes for 1886. Great Variety lll DARLINGTON COUNCIL. T own Hall. Hampton, } Nov. 28Lh, 18·5. Ilegnlar meeting, members all present. Minll'tes read and confirmed. Pelilions and oommuniealions were pr&· sented as follows:From E. G, Burk and 13 o\hers, ag11inst the applicr.tion of M. Mundy, for change ill road. L aid on the table . From Geo. Emmerso n and 18 othArs, Facts are Stubborn Things. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, DRUGGISTS, ;,' Desire to submit a few facts for the consideration of their' patrons and friends and the general public : to keep our business afloat. 0 . Quantity and Quality at C:ElAJ: <.LES TOD'S, King and Divisio:11 Streets. I eee voor list. 16 I aidFrom John McLaughlin and t o Jas. Brady. See poor !is\. j praying aid for Wm. Allswor,h. Received, FACT No. 1. -\Ve ]lave never resorted to meanino-less advertisements. others, for F ACT No. 2. - W c understand our business and know when and 1 l b From Wm. Trewin snd eleven others, for I W rnrc to u y . ai<i 10 a Mrs. Dell See poor list. ! FAC1' NO. 3.--W e have al ways bought our goods for cash and got the· From L . .t;utterfield, recommending" sn1Jw cash discount. plow. Received and filed. FACT No. 4.-We never make purchases from second class houses. From the Departmenl of Agriculture, a circnlar in refereuoe to the Indian and Oolon. FACT No. 5.-N o house , either in this . country or in any other buy; 4 the ir goods better or sell their goods cheaper than we do. ' ial Exhibition to be held in London next summer. Received and filed. FACT No. G.-We have always done our . business on the square and! shall continue to do so. I ~'EVERYBODY J:NVITED ~~ W o have j nst received a large and well assorted stock of goods suitable for the to furnish cedar and plank for tt.e u~e of the season, comprising : township, The tender of Mr. Staples was BC· cepled, beiuR lhe lowest . LADIES' DRESSlNG CASES OF ELEGANT DESIGN AND FINISH. I From the 'lrange 'W'holeaale Snpply 2o., GENTS' DRESSING CASES OF ELEGANT DESIGN AND ll'INISH. acknowledging r eceipt of naymeot for sewer HAND MIRRORS in great variety and style ; HAIR BRUSHES not exclled in tiles furnish ed. either town or city; CLOTH, TOOTH, NAIL and SHAV1NQ BRUSHES · A number of accounts w~re preeented and SHAVING MUGS, &c.; French, English, German and American PERFUMERY: lairl on Ibo tabl e. We invite inspection and comparison and will be s atisfied with the Application for compensatio11 · for she;ip verdict of a discerning pu b lic. damages w11s made by 0 . Diogman, W. - - F O R TI -IE. -McLaren and Alfred Ailsworth, ancl the amounL nnmed below granled. The Clerk was instr·teted fo nohfy John Cornish to move his fenoe off the road, Lot 34', 3rd Cou.; and 'W'm. R owe to make a fen ce for proteotion against a ditch adjoining Lot Ii, l Con. Also lo notify Alex . McCullough to clean a drain to allow the escape of water belween Lots 30 and 31, in the 81h Con. A By-law was passed for appointments .-if Returning Oilicers, &c. ; nnd a By.Jaw to change the road on Lot 15 in the 2nd Con., ·\ \re will still continue our BIG SALE for a SHORT TIM E. It has been an immense was read a Jirst t ime. · Moved by Mr. Cryderman, seconded by Mr. success, and the amount of business we have done proves clearly t11at the p ublic fully realize the fact Haocoek,-That t!.ie forth er consideriuion of of our selling the @"' CHEAPEST DEY COOPS IN 'l'HE COUNTY. We do not bel ieve in quoting of said By.law be deferred till next session,in priers, as it d oes not. _ convey in any way the ac_ tual value of the g oo ds; but what we wish is a n examcon sequence of a contra pelition of 'W'w. ination of our ·goods a s dis played 011 OUl' counters. vVe have a big roputation for Crawford and others presented at tbis meeting. Carried. The altent ion of tho Council was called lo lhe condition of a drain at Enfield. Referred o Mr. Cryderman. to ·w:i 1\ch · we pay particular a.ttentimi. Un motion the Reeve wtrn instructed to is very complete and contains as well as the grant orders on I.he 'fre11fimer for the · followlowm; L lines .the Ur-IOTCE ST and N EWEST DESIGNS-both i n s t y l e and quality- Lo be found in the t rade ing sums:- Eteoutors of late Hon. J . Simpson, 42 is very large and well assorted, and con- loads of gravel,$2.10. Henry Trull,162 loads of gravel, $8.10. J ohn 'W'o1·den, 117 loads of ' tains rnme choice goods at astounding prices. gravel, $5.85. Richnd Slate, 122 loads of grnvel, $0.10. John Bragg, 28 loads of gravel, $1.40. Lewis Hambly, sheep damages, $10. Orbiit Dingman, sheep damages, $9.33. W. McLaren, sheep damages, $4. Alfred Ails~ STAR HOUSE. worth, sheep damages, $3.66. rr. Mitch ell· ~ STAB. HOUSE. medicine and at tendance,on indigenta,$13 .25. John Hoidge, grave, $2. 50. Mrs. D . Cry der· ~t 111" . ~. . I ~ l Oeho.wa Lndics' College was honOl'ed by a r OSllA w A . mnu, farther compensation for d11mage from . ~JU~ ui'\'l.H . Utnlt 00" 1U.C~ll.UlU. ·visit from a couple of nabob~ from here a few . . a fall resulting 'from defective sidewnlk, $6. ·· days ago, The boys rnl).y console t::i~ru;;.-!..·Ds :i\Ir· .\.ryb1e Ca~eron. while. 1eknt1og ;;t .~, _ _ - ---~-~-~ Ly remembering tha t their ruission w a s not all Uoller Rmk, fell a11d broke his arm. Indigeu t persons, Gay und Weller, $5 each; for naught. as the young ladies will have Col. Muligan arr ived in Oshawa on Tuesday B owM1L'i VlLLE, FmDAv, DEC. 11. something to talk about now. J\fallaU, Suff, Ailsworth and Kernick,$4 each ; STRAGGLEU. last, from a trip to England. A farmer in East Whitby says he picked t11n fo1ne, OorniBh, H eard , 'W'ilson, Hobinson, = = = ==---·-Mr. A. Barber. of Bowmanville, occupied tho bari·els of Norl.l1ern Spy apples from a tree in S tacy, Dell, and Trick, $3 ea oh; Campbell Methodis t pnlpit on Sunday week. hls 01·chard this year. Pretty good ch 1 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. Rev. Adam Linton, D. D., delivere<l an in· The Presoytcrian church. of this town has nnd Gregory, $2 each ; Meunell, $10. Total teresting address before the quarterly meeti ng becu undergoing a number of rep!l.ICB tlic past $67. Council adjourned i o Saturday, 2Gth of the W. C. T. U. last week. fo w weeks. ORONO. Re~·. J . Willoughby, of Mariposa, has becu \ Osnawa foot·ball club beat Whitby club on December, at 10 a.m. A s matters of considerable importance are on a visit to our v illage. Welcome. Saturday week by 1 to o. R. WIND.A'rT, T. c. 1 Mr. C. French left last week for E nf(land to occurring at presen t we feel in duty bound to One of our citizens, wl1.o attended Ruffalo 1 resume out· vcn . J ust at present municipal B h h · 1 ·d t · d l I f l n b' ·mutter s arc beginning to absorb public thought ill's show t e ot e1· Dig 1t., sm on re urnmg supel'inten tie wor <ing o t 1e u 10on Trac· ..vncl ~peculations are rife as to who will be the that the thing reminded him of the nether re· tion JJ;ngine at the London Exhibition. THE PAIN-KILLER. - vVe h ave long candirlates. JI 11 t.he old legislators from Heeve gions. vVhcn did he see it'! Miss Lillie Wilcox, of Oshi<wa, has gone to Prof Geo. Delford,tbe eminent Engliehelecu- Oakland, Califomi&, to visit her father and known t he high character of this medito Junior Conncillor having tasted of the sweets of oJlice 1ri11 we under·tand again be in tionist, gave two or· his popnlar recitals here brother. cine, and that it is used with great success the field. Johll Carveth will also again buckle on F riday and Saturday nights and we haye Mr. John G. Smith sold out bis interest in the on the armor abd appear as a candir..ate for yet to hear of ?11 fl who does not sing lus prais· I h otel at the Grand Trunk rail way station to a nd s atisfaction in our very best families. is t h e favorite medicine of our missionthe coveted position of chiff magistrl'Lte whik es. An eflort is bemg made by the Masons to Mr s G Bennett of Bowmanville J. lt, Heid will ru n rot· th'i Jrnmbler honor of ' have him return here. · · · ' · aries in h eath en lands, where they uae it ·--· d eu.uty. Pm:ty Hues are net likely to be drawn! Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Hall, of :Maple Grove· more than all els..i together for the as Jirmly as m former years on account of the visited friends here last week. Mrs. H. has LESKARD. torma t!on of th e Temperance Electoral Union . recently re·covered trom a serious illness. diseases that a.bound in those warm Me~srs. Long, 'l'hornton and Reid have.placed Dr. Geo. H. Co.rvcth has removed to Toronto We are going to have another change in climates. It should be kept in every rl1e1r nttmes to the document agreeing to vo,t" and ho.a located at 508 Spadina A Ye. teachers Mr. Brown, of Enniskillen, has been h ouee, and be lll readines3 for sudden for no man except he be an out and out prolub. . itionist, and tborefoi·e in the nature of things . Mr. Hora!!e Moul ton , who has been ~catter· en gaged ; for 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Griffin, Sen.. left on attacks of aickness. -Chris tian I'res.5. cannot well ma ke a life plcdgo of obedience to rn g death right and left among the de~1zens of theirpurty. They must therefore lay aside all the Norih, has returned home·. lookmg.very Saturday to spend the winter with their chi!· Overcoats our own make for sale at T. dairns to political snpport and pose as inde· much as USl.\al-s~ much so m fact. that any drc n in Uncle Sam's dominion. Geo.Mason's S tar Honse. pendents. Considerable shilly-shallying is person meetmg . hi~ \yould pas~ by and not Rev. Mr.Walker is conducting special servicexpected on nmnination d1>y, and we should know what a. brave Lion-slayer he was. No es in the Methodist ch11rcl1. It is said that the Dot be surprised if such is the case. t awc·deer this time. O rono Praying Band will assist him shortly. Over one hundred and fiftv copies of the C ome along brethren. Jn some instances we mu st concede we have STA'l'ES~IAN come to Orono po3t otltce every been second to other places in enterprise, bnt ·Tho Salvation Army still live and flourish iu the matter of making successrul autoKrapll week. in our midst. quilts we claim to take the lead. 'l'be one An Orono firm wrote to A. W. Carveth the which we refer to is being made by thti ladies other day ordering a load or flour. He had KIRBY. of the Christian church and desig-ned to pay been tryinir another mill for a few weeks bnt otl' tl1e debt on the parsonage, 'L'be lady who '.l.'he following is the honor roll for thiescbool were glad te rene·w acquainto.ncee. 1'ommy h as the matter m hand, Mrs. A. A. GaQ'.Jsby, for the mo nth of November. Names in order Hill, the miller, naturally !eels proud. has been constant and peroevoring in the work merit: of soliciting subscriptions, and up to the time J unior 2nd- Evalyn Rickaby, Arthur Clem. of writing has collected n ea rlv four hundred ovce, Richard Drown. Senior 2nd- Jennie PORT BUPE. dollars. 'l'he names or Hon. E. Blake, M. P., Clemence. Hattie Harris. Junior 3rd-Louie Dr. McLaughlin, M. P. P, and muny other Brown. Minnie Clemence, Ethel R icko. by Hope has 32 electric lights, at a cost of gentlemen of note are on it, including yourself Senior 3rd- Ethel Cooney, Fletcher Chapman. 30Port each per night. l\fr.i:l'l'A'l'ESMAN,ancl as both aides of politicsare Jno. Clemence. Cap t. J, P. Clemes is a candidate for the wljl represented all whQ ~oye good company 'l'he attendance has been much better tl1an mayoralty of Port Hope. should not ~~ii t o Jvwo ttieii· l-'t·,m~~ enroll ed during tho two preceding months. Rev. Mr. Haslam's meetings in Port llopo among them, GEO. K. MCDOWELL. were well attended. We IH'O gl11-'! to hear of t:iie ro vlval atnOttq Teacher. The new post office building is to be oco u · ilfo Sen\$ or 1'emperance. New members are j ,. · hl(lng- niFhtly added and their meetings arG, '! 'he price paid by Mr. Pat}crson f!lr Ohve1· pied by next Monday. both interesting and profitable. They intend Twist" was $3.500.00, not·, $3,;,0 as prmted last Our boya scored another victory in tho Polo at an earl¥ date to give one of the best literary week. It was a printers error. match at Cobourg last ]'riday night, m11sical and dramatic entertainments ever The. only. remaininll heirloom or )l;p!Scopa.l h eld.in Orono., 'l'be drnma. will, ~e under· methodism- the sheds are being removed to s~and. be enttrel.Y frea from anythmg pe~ni· decorate the homestead of Mr. Johnat1111n BBTBESDA. cious or oft'ens1ve, the featur!' bcmg Clemence. added solely for th" purpose of teachmg a uee· dl R t f s s N 10 D r gton · names in ful and moral lesson. We hope friends or the Tho ratepayers o.ut here seem to take kin Y · epor or : · o. . arm · c ause will not miss this chance of displaying to the electoral umon and y<Ul lay aside party oigfr o~ mf{1\ t C h Arthur Brent. Franl' rather th an help elect the tip~ler or toper. J am~~~o;. bla:~ ~~';{~Jennie Harris'. . l·'red friendship in a practical manner. 'l'he Methodist Sunday School will have a ~essra. J: Mathews and J. Crosby leave for) Harris, Blake Cole. Class 3 Jun- Lizdo Hodge, s upper on New· Year's Vay. They art'> taking !" vistt to friends m the Old Country on the lOth Willie Cole, Bertie Brent. Class :J- Mabl o time by the forelock by making arrangements mst. Bou voyage, boys. I Harris Edith Hoar David Rov, Edith Cole. and those dcpL1tctt to look after the provis.iona Before this number reaches its readers it Charli~ Hudson. Cla8s l-Bcstinread!t1g- \Y"· may bo expected to make smiling calls m a will be said on all -sides; Did you hear about Roy, best in tlgures- W. Hµdson , best m !elf daJS. the wedding '! yes wci believe there has been a writing- 111. Aimee, The idea of establishing a temperance house wedding; M.MANNING, Teacher. for the accommod i~tion or the public when the - -- -- · Scott Act comeg l.n force is mooted . vVe hear COBOURQ. that mlno hoat OO L 1lter intends migra.tin<s to a field not having the rc8trictio11 or the Act, J·. Vance Gravely-retires from the Mayoralty Scott's Emulsion of Pure John is a geniul fellow and as a citir.en his de· after six years service. parture will bo r egretted. <Jod uve1· on. 'vltll nn1iipllo8ph1tes A large toboggan club has been formed here '!'he boys were glad to honr or tlle honor con· forred upon Mr. Harry Chn.i·plo by b is aasocia· a11d 'a slide is building. ' 1 n General Debility and Emaciation. tes in electing him representative tethe Litera.'l'he Congregational chm·ch ladies hold a n· ry arnl Scientific Society . of Trinity J\1ed1cal other bazaar Dec. 16th. Is a most valrntble food a nd medicine l bnve a positive remctly Jui· tu~ i~Uove <Jisc:utej Uy Jts u110: School oC Jfrst year. Harry has always been Our Polo club wa8 defeated by Pot·t Hope where the appetite is poor, and. the ordin· t1nrn11nnds of ("U5CS of thu worst kind n.nd <>f l ong Blnndlt1g b1.wi; lJcen cured. Jnde c1l, "° 1 t.rou~ ts my fatth In Hft t)rl:lcncy, popular among his fellows. club last week by 30 to 2. ary food dqee nr>t seem t o nourish the thit.tl w ill e~nd 1'WO UO'fTLES FREE, togothe'r with a VALIs there anything signiflcant in the fact of M r . Crossen has jnst shipped to the Canada UJ.llLi: TRE.A'l'fSE on this dlae!'a&, tQ a.uy soffere r. Ghe JU... t he Kendall Band uuys uciug invited into an Pacific Rail way, the two finest sleeping cars body. This is easily digested and assim- preu ancl P. 0. t1iddrc88. Dll. 'l', .A. SWCUH, 161 Pearl St. N. Y·. h as now i n stock one of the most elegant and extensive s tocks o f uptown residence and regaled to a sumptuous ever built in Canada, the "Vancouver;" and ilated and gives strength and vigor t o t he repast l 'l'he little man ba.s, in the parlance of the "Chumliere." the vulgar an "eye to business," we "kinder A few days ago, John Downey andl!'rederick enfeebl ed body. Boots, Sl1oes, Felt :uul Rubbc1· Goods, Trunks, Valises, imagine" at'ter all. Downey, of Warkworth, were <:ommitted to Tile electora l union men report a stormy the gaol here on a charge of ·tealing $500 from ~Satchels, &c., in Hae County,.,o: Go to Taylor's Mills, H ampton, for time in their meeting at K endall. Our es~eemed M r . Sayles tax-collector of the township of friends seem to have "no confidenco m the Percy They wero l!Jrought before his Honor cheap Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, e~c. , All of which has been bought for c a sh in the most depressed markets. breed" and denounced the whole busmess as a. Judge' Clark. and elected to be tried by him and where you will get good prices for political dodgo. J without ajnry. Verdict, not guilty. Wool and good Rolls. D. TAYLOR, pro· · He i s now d isposing of the m at unheard of low prices. PJL.A.lSTO·FOR.TES. Mr. T. A. Best has pure.based from_ .Jeffrey 'l'lle Council for tbese United Counties opP.nUNl<:UUALLED IN · 25-tf. Bros. 'Vllitby. one of the !::lhettand pomes tm· eel its December session here an Tuesday l11st. pric tor, Th e whole stock mus t be sold irrespective of prices. Now is your ported by them lt1st spring. It is a get black and. vc1·ily pretl·l' made. Ladies Astraka<n .Jackets, .t he choicest The cheapest all wool flannels and all time to get £rst-class goods for a m e re trifle. Competition no~,ere. WILLJA.ltI KNABE & (:0. Mi:. Horace.llfoulton 1rnd Mr..Tessa Trull. !Jf "'Oods that can be obtain ed .now showin<> wool shirts and drawers ar e to be had at No·. ro1 RJld :.'IHI West D"1tlmoro Stroot, JIQltlmon. Darlington, killed a bear and fi fteen deer m o ' , "' the S t ar Hou:ie. No. 112 Firth Avenue, New York. :theil· recent hunt, out north. a t Couch, .Jo1msto1i1 & Cryderman s. 47 ~~~~~"""""""""""""""~""""""""""~~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""~"'!"'~""""""""""""""""""""~~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ I Tenders were r ead from J. 'W'.Slnplee,Jno. I Barton ,Alex. Taylor and Tbomae Brimaoombe, -¥-:E-IOUSE I ·B IG- BAR..G- INS CHEAP DRY GOODS and CLOTHING. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. .- . CLOT. H ING TO OR DER~ SALE -OF- Our I\t!ANTLE GOODS STOCK Our BLACK CASHMERE STOCK REMEMBER we only continue the sale for a little while previous to business change. Don't.-be deceived if you want bargains. Give us a calt Dry Goods, Millinery and Mantles commencing this week and will continue for ' T. GE 0. MASON. Sit . ®:(SIXTY DAYS150) '--~ Enormous Bargains II '--~ n The whole stock will be cleared out at rock bottom prices. During this sale Due-bills will not be taken the same as cash . '--~ PIERCE & 00. A . l I I l VICTORY! High Prices Cut to Pieces! '--~ l. 0 CONSUMPTION JY-[ TRELEVEN l I Tone: To,nch, Workman&hiD &Dnrability, M. TRELEVEN.

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