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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 1

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tsm TERMS :-fl.GO Pu .A.:!owx. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J Al\IES, VOLUME EDITOR .A.ND PJlOPJUKTOll. NEW SERIES, NUMB;ER 386. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1885. LOCAL NEWS: LETTERS. TA UNTOlV. Our village smith is ke1>t eArly and late, The lhrmers k11ow he is a goon shoer. Somet.imes be works a s late as 11 o'clock. and employing an assistant from the west- The teacher. J ohn Davie, Esq., of Whitby town, has be1m a round again selling his famous medicines. Ru mor saith another or the tonr widowers iB s oon to be married. Ml'8, .A. E . Henry and Mrs, Geo. .Armstrong have been visiting the Rev. J . .A. Carmichaol, Presbyt.erian min-later at Columbus. We shall soou loae one of our maidens going to the west, A good sign ;- Another honee is being renovated. Hatber hardhearted, and ton11:h for fl perROn about 80 years of age to shif t fo~ ·herself. The young should remember that old age will come upon t hose who live long enough. Nothing like attending to business, ir not.you will be sure to lose custom. Mr. James He rring bas boon confined to the house for several days rrom the effects or a very severe cold. It seems to be a general complaint, Miss Hore, or Oshawa. has been the guest of Mies M. A. Washington. Miss Emily Bain has returned from her long v isit to the west. Plenty o! money in Taunton: Sever al or our citizens att.ended the wood sale at Mrs.Mitchell's on tho, 7th con. and out bid the northern people, \Veil done boys, you know the valuo of standing timber. rho corporation ecl\les are being put in first class c ondition, A drain has been dug, and now our carpenter Joe. has the contra ct to cover them with a pair ot doors t o keep them dry, and when opened will forlll two sides which will mako them very convenient for weighing live·stock. 'J'he farmers may now expect just weigh t. Harry Welsh who has been with Mr. Jon&· than Porter, of Michigan, id home tor the ·winter. Last Sunday week, M r, Stephen Vl'"ashtngton was nnable to tllke his appoint me nt according to the Methodist plan on account or sickness. Last Sunday morning, thfl Rev, 1 Mr. Brown, filled Mr. A . Barber's appointment at Zion. Instead or preaching a regulai· sermon, we were Kiven a synopsis or the proceedings ot tne ministerial com·ention held at Bowman· ville the previous week, Mr, Whitlock of Ebenezor occupied the pulpit. At Rehoboth services were conrlucte<l by the Pra.yiuK Ba.ude ot Enlleld and Mount Vernon. Mm Robt. Arnot, of Dakota, wbo ts home '>n a visit w ith h er husband, was taken very ser· iously Ill at, Brooklin on Saturday last, and now lies in a v ery precarious condition, IIttle hope being entertained as to her u ltimate recovery. '!.'he 'l'aunton clippers will soon be orga.nize d and r eady to receive challenges. VERTJ.S. XXXI. NmrnEn 51. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. LOOAL NEWS LETTERS. BN!Y I SKILL EN . The Proebvterinns as u sual a.re m1<klngexten· sive preparations fort.h ew 11nn11nl t ea on New Years Dav. A l(reat succ"s~ ia &11ticipo.ted. A shooting m a tch comes off hP..re en Xmas D 11y to begin at 9 a. m .. mido.r tho· manage· mentor Mr. J. Ii. M1<rtin. A ltlrge quant ity ot fowl ah eady on hand and morn coming, Sportsmen and many ot hers a r e a lready cleaning their gune · Mr. J . P. McJ,aren and Mi'ls Edith Rigll·. bot h!>( this place , take "'11!.rtl.. t o>\lpecttvely or t.he Lotoa l:'ch' ol, M11r1 .vers, and Cryetal Sprinic School, Cartwrigh t for the ens11tna: rear. Hev. Il.He r.zard, of 'L'~ Mn!J cl rcult., delivered with good effect an excellen r, m i"sionary serm on in the Meth odist ch nrch Ji r ro last Sab· bat h evenin g. Fine slr.lghing here now, and trade booming all round. Mr . Hooey·s col t r a n thr ough t his villa.go wit h t he cutt er on l\lon1iay 1 1 .nd wa s can it near L ong Sault, Da m age sli[!'ht. · On T uesday Mr. .Tas, Pye's tmlm ran away wit h t he wagon , colliding wit h a telegraph post. One o f t he .. hortoes broke through the sidewalk and brok!' b is for" leg at the pastern j oin t. Dr. Young. V. 8 ., s e t 1 .h e l«g a nd hop ~s ~or "recov ery. Mr. Pye received sligh t In· , Jury, l'he Hampton cor. to tho 8 nn was wr .gWJ saying a farm er j ust no1l; h <1f lrn>"o stole tea from a pedlar. '!~he farmer m q 1 11·sr.ion lives 12 or 15 miles n otth. Cot-r1Jspon1leut s ehould be more care ful. LAST -WEEK we bought a OJ OJ CHEAP LOTI - - O F -- - - OI I Bla-ck Astrachan Mantles, Black Fur Capes, Black Fur Trimming, ~lack and Grey Robes. Men's Persian Lamb Caps. XMAS TRADE OF 1885: Ladies' Gold Watches. Stem and K ey Wind, Plain and Exquisitely Engra.ved. N OVEL'.l'Y-'l'he New American 6-size Case in all qualities. JiJN T E UPI ltSE. Mr. :Kelson Sheldon h as sold h 1 s"team of horses t o Mr ; Dante! for a large sum. Mr. D. Conve y h as bee n re·moddling Ills house which a dds t o its 11ppe··r"'nl}e. Mr . \ Vill iam Allen h a.· pnr cha"ed .a '!new g;aiu cru~her which wil i du a ll ·Orts of chopPlDlt, Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Watches. Stem and Key Wind, Waltham and El2in Movements. Nov EL'l'Y-The New Cheap Grades of Sma.11 Sizes. -WE OFFER Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Chains. 10 and 16 Karat, plain and fancy pat terns, of fine workmanship. :N"ovELTY - The New Short Chains in Gold P late for Ladiea. Breat Bar:gains! IN THESE LINES, And i~tending purchasers should g:.1,ve us a call be[or~ buying. Diamond Jewelry. Llldies' Sui t es, Earring s and Brooches, Scarf Pins, Rings and Lockets. : Nov ELTY- The Designs of theee G ood11. Remember the fact that your t.own JEWELLER, MAYNARD, can mount· precious stones in any style and quallty you wish. Gold Plated Jewelry. HAMPTON. \ Ve understand that Mr. James Cryderman. our popular t11x collector, is preparing a num. be r ofwarren ts,"Ther e faa. t ime when patienc e ceases to be a Yirtue." A. hint t o the wise ls aufilcient. The programme committee in connection with the t eil. and entertainment to be h eld here X mas E ve are pre parin g a <llioicc programme , worth 25 cents they say. and supper to boo,, Miss Ach. Clark, of Rowm1 rnville, very e ffici ently presidP .d at t h o orga n in the Methodist chm·c h8 nnd 1iy morning and evening, and a le() Monday even.Ing. \Ve h ear tha.t she h1 to as· eist tho c hoir until after Christmas , during the temporal absence of Miss G. L n. wry, the regu· Jar organist. Rev. Mr . Whitlock prea ched a capital mis· sionary sermon h ere Sunday morning. Mr. ,V. II. May. of Bowmanvilro. gave a stirring discourse i., t he even ing. The missionary m eeting Monday evening was rather slimly attended, ot herwise it was a success- good d eputation, g ood ch airman. choice music, and l !i~L but not l east , a good c ollection and subscription. The p aity wl1 0 picke d up the horse blanket in the church shoe! Sunday before last would oblige by r eturning the same to Mr. L.' Br own. The sick In I.bis place a re p rog ressing favourably at last r eports. N o marriages yet,but w o a m 0.lCpecting them e·very day. "\'r ill r eport. Hnmor eay5 t h er e is t o be a large party in t his vici nity this F riday evening. - --- ~ ----.. ~~ Mr. George and John \VrlKh t h a ve bouirht a pea thrasher thnt will c1 c oi.r ul\t the town·hip. Mr . P . Biglow haA fonnrl hi~ swin e for wbloh he adver tis er! in the STATESMAN, Mr. H, n. Staple s has started t o run hla n e w eaw mill a ga in. A. resident of this plac~ hnppe noil 10 be the owner of a. stead wluch w as a d1nired by a little n oted horse train.;r a n d jockt>y, resid ing ou the 8th concession. Th is linla Ul..u a t once set L'? work to buy and makti a trt<de ror t he admired horse owned by 0 1 ir re:iidcnt . After ~e lit tle j o<?kY c oaxed and pleaded for a long tun e and triod t o have the t ra d" his own way they m a de a deal wh ich t h e littlAj ockv will rem ell!ber .for a s so~n ..sh~ ~or, th~ a dmired h!Jrse m h!B po ~sess1ou h H ; 11111·~inatione lec l him to behevc 1t h ad t he 1<l.. ndllr.., a n d with· out consulting a Y . S. he c ru01ly took away the poor anlmai'd life , whieh lc..Yeo ll i111 t he price of a horse out of pocket. \Vt1 un der~tand he has ei1 we t r ied to ec..rc a f e . , , d ()l11..-e out of our man, b ut h " does n ot sc1'rn w" rt.h a cen t, Ll1'TLE B RAR, Bar Pink, Earrings, Brooches, Lockets, Chains, Cuff and C ollar Buttons :.nd Charms. NOVELTY- The Beautiful Patte rns in Goods for La.dies' W oar. .M.APL E GROVE. Mr. . E . Cole. or Gene va, gave u s a call on T uesday, Mr. J. 08l>orne, ot B owmanv1lle , prea.chea here on Snn d1iy last. Mr · . W . K Bone!. or Col umb11~ . vlslted her parent s h ere t h ig"week. M rs. A, Oliver, of W a r k worth , who has been vi.icing: 1... r cousin, M rs. J . J a meo. and oth er i·e iu t ion::-s i n thi~ Yi cinit.y, r e turue d ho u1e o a Mondoy. Mr. \·\:. II. Reed. of I ,lnds>ty , hna been visit Ing M r . .J. J o.mes. Mrs. Che8 ter P ower, w h o has been s eriously lll, is r ecovering n icely. Mr . Jno. Crumb.captain o r onr gun club, sh ot a fox and t wo rabits on Monda.y, Our divi· ion will hold their ,,,nuual oyst er sur1per on J a n, 7th . .l<' nl l a tt audii11·,o of members r equest ed next Monday ni~ hL. Our choir says t h ey are i uvhed to a X mas dinne r , SKIP. Silver Jewelry. Broo.ches, Errlngs, N a me Pins, Coin .Je welry- Engraveff 1 md Oxidized, Scarf Pins. NOVELTY- Everything that is Fresh and Orig inal in this D epartmen t . 'SflNil'"IOOW ELECTRO-PLATED W'ARE! Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Stands, Pickle Bottles Biscuit Jars, Salt and P epper Stands, Napkin ' Hings, Mugs, Water Jugs, &c. 3 ~nd, REASONS WHY Rogers Bros' Flat -Ware. Spoons, Knives, Forks, Fruit Knives & Butter Knives. SHAWS SCHOOL l:l O US I~. TOD BROS' sell cheaper than any other Dry Goods House in Bowmanville : ..,_____ SLOW B OY. SPECIAL PIECES OF FLAT WARE. Fruit, Jelly, and Nut Spoons, Soup Ladles, Cake and , Pie Knives, Fish Knives and Forks, Sterling Silver Spoons. ENFIELD. Ther e were two auc tion sales Jn this locality last Weclaeeday,one at Mr. ·wm. He zzlewood's the other at Mr. Geo. Mitchell's. Dot h w ere well attended and consequently passed of b r is kly, Mr. Alex. McCullough has sol<\ h is young · . " Crown Imperial" stallion for $ 500; Horse tra ding 19 tho occupation ot some or our residents. 'l 'ero's millions in it. Mies Belle Cowie has been v isiting at Mr. \Vm, Ma son's, Sh e'e a s jolly as ever. '.file couneil has i u ~t started to show their liberality towards this pll\ce by opening a cl.itch a nd drawing a stal;'nant cesspool in the h eart ot their v illage. It is a very good im· provem ent, but i t a eidewalK w ore built along the principal street it would set us up tip-toe, M r. John Winnaoote bas m oved into the house v a cated by Mr. J ohn Harrison. Our v illage blacksmith is so busy t hat he bas to work over·time and employ extra workmen too, 68 shoes being eat in the shop one day last woek . Hev. R. Hazzard preach ed a n excelle nt ser. mon h ere last Sunday afternoon to a la.rgo and appreciative audience . There was no service Sunday eve ning, owing to the Praying Band being at Taunton. 1st, TOD BROS, buy :fln· Ca!iih and r;·et tile lowest JJOssi· ble pa·ic~es. ' TOD BROS. sen cor Casb, so contt"act no debts 1vb1c11 customers · pati·on1zing 'C1·edit sto1·es have t.o 1·ay f"'or. FINE EIGHT-DAY CLOCKS, FINE NICKLE CLOCKS. Gold Spectacles. 3rd, ·rJ.I) BROS. Jaave no nnnccessa1·y exp e n ses. (FINE WATCH REPAIRING ASPECIALTY) Special and Unusually Low Prices and an unequalled stock are ·t he inducements for you to buy your X mas Presents from vVe have opened out during the past week T h e a n n ual en terta inment a nd Chr istmM 'I'ree fo S. S.No. 1, Da.rlinl(ton, w ill be held in tho School Ilouso on \\ cdnesday Dec. 2~rd t o comm ence n t 7 p. IJI. A good pro~r nmme Is being prepared which w ill c onai Ht or recitations reailinga, d ialogues. also m usio by Morr ison's Orch estra, Bowma nv ille. a n d oth<1r vocal and i'lstrnmental m usic. Kveryuody wt:lcomo · h o11e all will g et a t;b riat mas 1<if t rrom t h& treti. Peop le coming "·ith hor.ie3 will find accommodation atJas G R loka1 ·d 's. You get t he whole thmg for 16 <>ts only. Report S. S. N o. 1 D<>rlington, tor November . Nam es m o rder of M erit ·Hh Clrtss:- W cs Jewell. · Bell a Galbraith, W m Col wili. Ch as Sando, Netta O. · kes. Sen . 3rd;- Adn Hickard. Fred .Jones, Faunie P en· found , Ada Osborne, Cha s Ro we and Mitchell J ollow equa l, Viole t O~borne, J ohn Sando. Jun. 3rd :-;-John Locke, Wa lter R ickar d . Sen . 2nd:- Jr wm Osborne, Fred Cornhh, Laura Wal ton, Lizzie Loc:rn, Chas J ones. l!'lora Gal· bra ith, Hatt ie Cornish, N ewton A sh ton .Maud K nigh t , Jt~ mma K night, W illie P oll ock Mag. gle P ollock, Jun. 2nd:- 80rtha Osborne; A m y Allen , F r e d Osborne, H.nssell Walton, Mable Oakes. Ma ble Cobbledick, Willie Suu th r..Ha ttle Gay. P a rt II- Ber tie ltic kard, Wlltie J ollow, .A.Uy Osbor ne, Chas Penfoun d . Willie Locke The following were not absent d uring the month:- 'V.ea Jewell; Ari n fticka.rd; Ada Os· bor ne, Irwm Osborne: Fred Osborne. Willie Locke ; R ussell Walton; Mable Cobbled !ck· Good conduct :- .Ada R ickard. ' M. A. WAI.Sn, Teacher, A Splendid Assortment of Winter Goods. Spa.co will not allow ns t o enumerate. A. PL "EA S 1J RE ~·~ 0 OOBV UJlG. Mr. E. Squires, a n em ployer In th e Cobourg Car Work s, had two or the 1lngers on his right band taken oft' in the m a ohlnery, last week. · T he Cobourg W orld speake lD. t h e highest terms of P rof. Bclfords, readinirs. give n t here la.et w eek, and says no e locntionist e ver furn· !shed two such. charming literar y evenings to a Cobourg a udience before . A fortun e, estimated at 81000 000 is now held ror distribu tion by t h e p'ublic Administrat or of the State ol California, to whloh sev· era! persons who r eside in the vaolnlty or Co~our g a re c laima.nts. An agent of these cla.1mant s lea vee nex t week by st l':!amer · t or l~n.glai:id t o collect the n coesaary proofs. tor h e1rsh1p. .A nov el en ter tainment, called a ·'Chris tm as Boa t ," will be h eld in Baltim or e on t he ev en· ing of 'l'h ur sday, Dec. 2iLb, Sa m . Clar ke i s a candidate for th e Mayoral· t y for 188G. ----- ..... . S LOCUM. ·-~---- SD 0 ftr G 0 0 D S. is a posit ive cure SULllV.4 . R ev. J. 'Vhitloc k preached a .v ery good Missionar y sermon at E ldsd on Sunday le.st. Mr. A. Hilli s' handsome n ew residen~e is about tlnish ed, Tho r evival m eetings at Eld ad havq closed, with a rew convert s. #~..,.,~large numb~r or the yo·.:;111f8ter e went fr:om this place to t he Freo ~1.1Mh" a t the S a.lvation A rmy at Hampto~ ~~t. week. We tnink ti:;;. sld\JWal k s In this village should hn.ve th e e~GW t\l~ll.nod otr the m. ~~·1nol:~s Is 'ler:r brisk in this village and · 11\Mh~nlcs ~t'e work ing over time . \ 'V!!'1dingti a re quite a common thing around h ero t hi11 'tieason. A nother to take p lace .soon. W~e i s to be Mayor of this village. for th e Ye.; ;;si~\ho a t tendance 80 s mall at chu rch on . 'S@!n day evenings 1 · Mr. w. W er r)'. of RoeelandvaleStock Farm, ~passed throu~h this village on h is! way to Bow· m anv ll) e "'!'1th one of th o ftnl)~t fat st eer s e,vE·r. raised m tluil par t of tl1e country, o ur Doctor is still keepin g . u p h ie good r · 3· pmation as 11sual. '.!'he people in this n eiKhborhooll are a bout reaqytor Christ mas. . DI<JK... MAYNARD THE JEWELLER, King Street, Bowmanville. for Cou~hs, Colds, Cr oup, Whooping-Cough, Catarrh, lloarsene~s, Influe n z a., Spitting B lood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all diseases of the Throa.t, Chest and Lungs~ Aa an Expeotorant it has no equal, Co nsumption has been cured timos without number by its timely use. It h eals the u lcerated surfaces; and c ur ell when all othe r remedies fa.il. Fifty-six y e n.re of constan t use has proven lt1 virtues. Every f amily should keep it in the hou s e . Sold everywher e . . Henry, Johnston & Lord, P ropr ietors, Burling t on, Vt. are ~ ;;nro cure ~or Ooativenesa, Bi~iousne~s,. DyapeJ.?sia., Indigcotion, Di~eM,.e!l. of the KidD~ys, Torpid Llvar, R?eu.m at1sm, D1z.z ine~a, Sick I;Iead.acho. Los~ of ,&,~ppetite, J1U1".1 die6) Apople · x~, Pa}p1tatw ns, Ero:pt10ne a~d .S km Diseases. .lr:eep the S tom&:ch, B ow ela, and D1geat1ve Orga.ns all 1 .n work~ng erde r, aml p e1'.'£ect health will be 'the t esult . Ladies a.nd, othe rs su bJ ect to Sick , H eadache wil.'i find relief and permane n t -cure b'y the u1111 of t hese Bitters. B eing tonic and. , "l dl ,. tl ··"""'f th bl d ' £n1 Y p1;1.rga.~1Ye iev pun Y. e oo · . . . . F or ~alo by all d e a lers m med1cme. ' H enry, J ohilston & Lor d) P r o pri et oH , B ur m g ton, Vt. IY. H. Do1vn's Ve&"etable Balsamic Elixir Dr. H enry Baxte1·'s lU.anrh·a k c O . itters · · W HITBY. R ev. Bro. w·. W . Williams, pre11.c h ed the annual sermon to t he me mbers of Cobourg Lodge, A . 0 , U. W ., on: l::ia bb .. t b week. 'f he concer t, und er the a us pices of t he yonng peop le of th e Mf'.thodist Tabern..ole ,Whit by, w;h1ch was hel d ·m tho Town ffa l on F rida y rugh t w a s a great success, In every particular, Th e young la dies a nd gen tlemen who have been att ending the Whitby Model 8 0!100! for t !te past t~ree mon ths s howed their ap:precin· t 1on o! t heir .teach ers- Meeers. James Brown a nd A: G. Henderson- by presenting tho for m· er with a h a n'Qsome walnut raced clock, and t he _la t er w ith 11. very comfortable studen t 's chair. Ocean far e $13.00, s tee1a 11;e , f rom Portl an d o r H a lifax by Allan Line , t o or from L ondo n der ry, Belfast, Q ueens t o wn Galway, L imerick G lasg ow ; Cabin al;o r e· duced. W. A. N EADS, A gent. 48tf 1 1 Henry, Johnat.on & Lord, Man . a.nd B e a s t ; ".lihe b es t e-Xt"'~nal remedy for " lumm a.t1am, Neur algia, S prains, B rt· ,ises Burns attd. Sea.Ide, 'Scl!!~ica, T h e ~heapest all wo~l fla nnels and aH : llacka.che, F: .·etoo F e!)t , a.nd all. o ther pa.ins ar ,c1 Ach es. It is' a . s:i,fe, s ure , a?d wo~l sh 1rts and drawer s are to b e ha.d a t . & On"' trial t he Star H onse . · e ffectual Remedy for Galle, Strama, Scra.tches ~ , _ H or s"S ill It.s · ·t I ft · . ' ~ores, o. , 0 ., .,. · ·" . W prove m.erl. s. . ts 0· acts ar_ e m .moat c 1.ses inst anta.noo\18, :Evety I.bot t le Fact o ry cot ton reduced at t h e W ~st · , warr ant ed to give sah sfact1on. Prices 25 cen .h tmd 50 cettts . per "bot t l e . S old End H o u se - 5c. cotton for 4 c. ; 6 fui- 5., !l . eyerywhere. . : for 6, 8 for 7, 9 for 8.. . I 0 Arllil'f! and _ O ULini!nent ~or Proprl~tora o f - I

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