Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 2

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.,... "THE CA~~~~0~.~!ATESMANI WARREN. [ELAND, 'l:VERY FRIDA.I lUORl'IING, -BY·· THE. HOUSEHOLD. Ohristme.s Fare. M. A.JAMES, AT THE OFEIOE whom evcrybo<17 knowa as th· suoceliSM mana.ger or the Largest Hotel Enterprises · ot America, says that ,rune a paese11gor 1'Mln ;New York on board a shlp going around eape 6orn, in the early days or emigration to Cal.;tornia, he learned that one of tho ·fticers c>f the vessel had cured himself, during the voy· age, o! an obstinate disease by the 11Se of :l'Mt9fDeeBl11ell,King St., BowmanTUle,Ont TER::IY.l:S: .1.118perani·um,or1111.00if paldln ·ad-vonee ·p ayment strictly in advance ·required from 'bsoribers ont~ide of the county. Ord~rs to lalontinue the paper must be accompamed by he amount due or the paper will no£ bes topped. .IJllbf3orlbers are 'responsibleuntilful !payment ls , .1JU¥de. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. LELAND has recommended AYEit'S SARSAPARILLA in man; similar cases, and he has nover yet heard of its fail'lll'C to etl'ect a rndionl cure· Some years ago one of :Mr. L!i:LAlm's fann la.borers bruised hie leg. Owiug to the bad 11tate of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swoliing or lnmp appeared on the injured limb. Ho~ l!lblo ltohing of tbe srotn, witb burning and chrtlng pains through the lump, made llf· almost Intolerable. The leg became ell01'· n1onsly enlarged, and running ulcers fonucd, diacliarging grea,t quantities of extremely olrenslve matter. No treatment WWI of any IW!l.i! until the man, by Mr. LELAND'S direetion, ·was su1>plied mi.th Avmi's 8ARSAPA· RILL,,1. 1 which allayed the pain and Irritation, 1.1.ealed the sores, i·emo\'ed the s\velllug, :i;ad cbmpletely restored tho llmb to use. ,.. Mr. LELA.l!D has peracnally used f ·.·.l · Whole Column one year···· .. """' $~O 00 ,~ ~ ~ " " Halt-year,...... ....... .,6 00 ~o " " One quarter . . . .. . ·.. 20 00 ,... .,, 36 00 .Halt Column one year ...... " ..... · · 2 " Half year ........ ... · · · 0 00 _ ,· " One quarter- . ........ 12 50 Quarter Coluu.n one yel.'r .. ....... .. 20 00: " " Halfyea.r ........... 12 50 5 One quarter...... .. ~ 00 Six lines and unc1er, ft~st in~ertion.. $0 ~~ Each subsequent mserLum ·· .... 0 ~0 · ,f'rom six to ten lines, first li;isertiol!., 0 75 ·Each subsequei:i Linst;rt.wn ·: · ·.. 0 ~g -10 ':Over ten llnes,tlrst ln~ert1on,pet.~lne oa Each subsequent insertion, The number o! lines to be reckonecl by he space oocupied,.meaaured by a scale of ~lid Nonve.reil, it.A.TES OF A:DTEltTISIN'Gs !~~~ 1 =- = g c=:=- - - - --· ~ ~- ---- P DR. TA.MRLl'.Y, HYSICIAN, SunGEON o.nd .A.ccoucHEUR. Office :-Silvel· SLreet, B~wmanv1lle. 7 Dr. A.. BJEl'l'B, flt RA.DU.A.TE OF THE TORONTO UNIVJ.llR U SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &o. OJ:tlce King ireet, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowroanville. .1, Ayer's Sarsaparilla for Rhoumattsm, with entire sueooss; and, after careful observation, declares that, lu hls belief, thcrCl is no medicine in tho world equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorders, Gout, tlie effects of high living, Salt ;Rheum, Sorce, Eruptions, 311ld all the varlous fo1·ms or blood diseases. We have llfr. LELAND'S pennisslou tolnvtte tOt whu m:iy desire further evidence in rega1"<1 lo tllO .extraordinary curative powers of Av.ER'S SARSAPAr.ILLA to see him personally e.lthcr at hi9 mammoth Ocenn llotel, L<1>llg Brancl1, or o.t the popular Lelancl liotei 1 Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, New York. l\lr. LELAlID'S extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequallecl eradicator ot blood poisons enables him to glvo lnqulraPQ much vamable information. PREPARED DY w. McLaughlin, Ill. B., . L .lCENTI.A.TE OF 'L'liE UOY.A.L COLJoEGE of Physician~ and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. . Offloe: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowman· ·vl~le. DJt. J. C. l!IITVJUELL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS M and Surgeons, Ontario, 9oi:oner, etc, Office and Residence. Enn1sk1llen. 74, John Kcitl1 G. 11lbratth, · .A. RR Is TE R SOLICI'rOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Ofllce- Bounsall's Bloc,k B Kmg Stre-:it, Bowman ville. to &;c. ' M.o~iey l~~·- D, BlJRKE Slllll'SON, SOLICITOR, &.c.,. MOPRIS BLOCK, up staira, K ing Street, Bo"l'man R .A.RRISTER, 'fille. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Prl-vate lllanevs loaned at the lowesti:atea, &OBERT A.R!llOlJR, Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,lowdf,Mass. lold bf all Druggists; $1, alx bo"1as.ftt es., .n ot Marriage Llcen3es, Barrister and 11..ttor· ;ey at La.w and Solicitcr in Chancery. Money > hned on Real Estate, Office on King street, ~:iymanvllle. ·- -- 21. T. l'lllLLll"S ·' '-DEGISTR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER Cheap Life Insurance. Insure In the Confederation Life Assoclatton. It is cheaper tha.n the Canadian Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. o·r any pass around your hat institution, as the following examples will prove: Thos. McClung ban been insured since 1872 for$2,000and the last five years it only cost him $2.55 per annum on each $1, 00() to insure. John McC!ung insured at the ea.me time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 p er annum on e a.oh $1,000 to insure, he being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct. Thoe. MoClung, John MoClung. THOS. BINQ HAM, Agent. ., ·""' ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Durhom, Sales promptly attended. L .A.ddress-Ha.mvton P, O. 59. B. UIJT()IO!!ON. ,ended to promptly a.nd at reasonable rates. ·ft,.A.ddress- Enniskillen P . O. AUCTIONEER, CONVEYAN LICENSED · CER and Commissioner in B. R. Sa.lee at :Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Cartwright., Ont. OHN RUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and .A.rbitrator. Fire and Life J · nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collootod. .A.~dresa 472 GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buys his License from HlliNRY SYLVESTER, li:nnlskillen. .A V \V, W. DMJKEY, ~~~ p I 1'fil\I~ i f ETERlN.A.RY SURGEON, gradua.t~ of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and "Rasidonce, NrowTONVJI.I.E, Ont. ..Will visit Orono evel'y Tuesday. Office hours trom 12 a. m. to 4 p. m .. nt Coulter·s l:iot~l. * Special attention paid to Surgery. 32-ly ONEY ! MONEY !- The s ubscriber receives money on deposit for thcpnte.rlo Loan and Savings Compi>ny, and pays m~erest at the rilte of 4 and 5 per cent. No notwc1 of withdraw11.l required. Also loans money .on mortgages a t lowest rates. No com;inss;on charged. W. F. ALLEN, Bowroanv1lle. 8·1Y. Has received her new stock ot --------H I~ , ~ c T ay IS fH M GOODS"J and invites the Ladies of Bowm.anville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern M BONNETS, HATS and assortment ot PROF, W. \VILLSON, TRIMMINGS E ACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND STORE :-S~uond Door West or Wllllnme SINGING. Terms: For beginners S6 ; for advanced pupila. $10 for qua.r~et· of twylye Butcher Stall lesson~. Residence at Mr . Joseph Brlttam·s, corner Liberty and Concess10n Street, Bow manville. 51-t r. T Pianos 'l'unetl and Rcpab·ed. ARTIES WISHING TllEnt PIANOS Tuned or repaired can he.ve them attended 0 by leaving word at th e DOMINION ORGAN ·O o's O:Fll'IOE, Bowmanvillo · .A. tlrat-clas man !lOW being in their mvlo r. Mns. ii UMPHREY HAS REMOV.BiD RER to buildings forme rly occupied by CODD & CO., P HARNE SS SHOP So Jio? Gentlcm.en o.C.l"aiib ion, uot so tasG.. ave written these tew lines And all Iha.veto say_ ..that you can find ~e still at home, Jam not gone away. Bo all my kind old I r iende may oomo, And all they oung ones, too, ..And get their garments nicely ma·de In fashions that are new: Vbere old and young , dearfrlends,ma.y mee* A weloomearMtlnll. bv R. PE.A.TE fi rst lloor East of RuebottomHouse, She has now in stock everything usually found in a well equipped HARNESS SHOP. 'D ENTISTRY Call at the new premises. MRS. HUMPHREY WITH 7'EE:TB. WITHOUT TEETH. The Jeweller's, Is the best place in town to buy Watches, Clocks and Jewellery of all the newest J.M. BRIMACOMBE, PRA.c·n c:A.L DENTIST, ".>VER d esigns. Befor e purchasing give me a call and you will save money- we will n ot l'ltrousOxtdeGM Administered tor Polnles be undersold by any small firm, We Operations. carry a larg e stock of such goods as are ·oFFIC:ll: lllt:C:LlJNG'S BLOC:){, usually k e pt in a first-class j ewellery store. TWENTY YEARS EXPERill:NOBl, In Spectacles and Eye Glasses we keep the b est in town, and ours is the only place in t o wn where an Op t o meter is kept for fitting t he sight properly. You cannot be t oo careful about your eye sight. c. HARNDEN, L. D. 8., In Silverware our stock is all n ew and of the latest d esigns, and will be sold at low prices to suit the times. Graduate ortheRoyal College or Dental Surgeons, Onta1·io. OFFICE OV:ER DICKl:>ON'S STORE, lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. In Repairing j ate Work executed In t he latest and mosi Watches, Clocks and J ewellery and all improved style of the Dental .A.rt. fine work we give the very best ea tisfac .EETH E XTRACTED WITHOUT P.A.IN1 tion. We do all our own work a nd defy competition. · the us e ot Nitrous Oxide Gas, wfthoutinjur;y to the patient. . Old Gold and Silver t aken m e.x:cha~ge. Particular attentlon po.id to the regulation or ::M:.A.YN .A.RD The Jeweller OH:CLDREN'::'.I TEET H. · , · '. .p-ALL WORK WARR.ANTED. ~ Morrill B lock, Bowmanville The pleasures of Chrl.etme.e oommenoe a.t the flret note of prepara.tion for the eventful day, a.nd its influence last· long· after the We wish to retuPn our sincere thanks to the people of fun, frollo, and feaatln. v ha.ve beoome dim memories. It Is emphatically a. day of 11,ood cheer and Bowmanville and sun-ounding neighborhood for the liberal . patronage merry-mr.ldng. In many homee it is a. day of fa.mtly ~u.iion, 1i.nd e. time when o/d w hichhas been extended to us since our opening last spring, proving friends a.nd merry young people gather 1n ITEMS INTEREST. old homeeteade, and eit around generous . snb · 'conclusively that t he method adopted· by us of making " every wlde·spread bca.rda telling mirth-provoking The short h a i r oraze among women 1s . . . parcel stories of the long ago, and enjoying the happy present, siding. and every bargain an advertisement" is one which the Horseflesh is large~v used for food in a bartrain ~ W hl\t wa.e once a. day 0£:'.faating has now M11onchester, Eoglal).d. become a day of feaeting, and the dinner la Ginseng is worth $1.80 a pound. China people appreciate. We shall continue to act on that principle a.ml oonoirlered the crowning even~ of the da.y. It ia fitting that at such times the larder ls the principal market. should groan with plenty, and the ta.hie Rev. Mr, Kenna.rd says he knows of 1,200 astonish and delight you all. We shall astonish you by the lowness show in all Its a.ppointments th.a.t a. time of gambling ple.oes ln Chicago, plea.sure and festivity Is a.t hrnd. T he larg· By a new invention blind people c11on play of our prices and delight you with the excellence of our goods. ·est turkey, the yellowest pumpkin, the r ed· whl.et a.s well aa those who oan aee. · . , d~st cranberries, and the ohoioeet fruit to be found ln the markeis, together with the Half of this yeii.r's cotton crop in t he We have for this fall bought a choice selection of seasonable goods m°"t sa.vory cakes, richest puddings, and South has been raised by .white labor. spiciest of pies, are brought forward to do Spiritue.llatn have become so numerous at and may safely say that we have quality and value unsurpassed, honor to the occaHion. , Atfanta that they propose to build a temple. Turkey and pumpkin pie have from time. A farmer in Ohio says he ha.a developed and that our reputation will not suffer in the output of the goods. honored custom become an indispensable part of the bill of fare for Chrlatma.s dinner. a breed ot chickens which lay two eggs a They are, however, ably sustained by a vari- day, Come and inspect our goods and allow us to put you up a parcel The rector of a fashionable church In ety of other di.iihes, to a.11 of w~!ch .the wel· come gueet is expeqted to do JUahce to an Utah ia sl?°ken of as the "Apostle of the when you will find that it is indeed a barga.in, and we trust, will extent which h not demanded of him at any Genteels,' other time. It is ill~ge.l in Paris for a newsdealer to Auy k ind of eoup.ca.11 be served for a. first lend out a. newspaper to any one !or rending become an advertisement. conr111t. If oyster soup la chOl!en, it can be purposes. mt.de after t his recipe, 6nd e. moat excellent Spurgeon has cut down hie allowan:ie of result· be secured: olg·rs and says hie health ill much better Cut two medium·aized bunohes of celery in consequence. Late S. MASON & SoN. into small pieces, add one qne.rt of wa.tor, Over the grated d oor of the county jail In and stew briskly for fifteen minutea, Strain the j nioe from two q ue.rts of oysters ; remove 'Vinona, is the m otto, "God Bless Our a.11 bits of shell from the oysters ; add one Home." pint of wa.t('>r to t he oyster juice ; place it An e.lligo.tor two and a half feet long was over the fire, and add also one level tea· found the other day In the P ittsburg City spoonful of sa.h, ha.lfthatqua.ntity of pepper, Ha.11 waterplpe. one-ha.If pound of butter, and four 1.»0l·. Over a. million dollars worth of Austra.Ue.n apoonfuls of milk into which one t.bJe. llovereigns ha,.·o been r eceived at San Fra.nspoonful of fiour ha.a he'e n mix.ed amootb cisco this week, As eoon a!l It britla, drop in the oyatars aod North Carolina is a.a large as England, a.cl d the wat1;r fx om the celery, straining it off ca.refnlly so that no bits of celery drop yet it has only-1,500,000 inhabit11.nta, wbile You can do so by calling at the the "-tight little isle" oonta.ins 26,000,000. in. Serve as ·oon as It boils up. Roasting Is the g~neral way of serving the Wiid coffee, whioh proved to be of good ChrlBtma.s· bird, a.od va.riety is chiefly made quality when roasted a.nd mads up, has been for filiing a.nd gravy. tound growing in Butte county, C~l. A madhtm-sized turkey will require two A pe"rl as large a.a a pigeon egg was shown a.nd a half vr throo hours' roa.sting ; 11o large one wi ll need t obeeookedanhour longer in Paris recently. There wero 114 others where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of When placed in the oven the pan ehoul<1 be In the bivalve from which it was taken, footwear from the smajlest to the largest. covered over t he bottom to the depth of a.n · Prarie grau iP now turned into paper·· A inch with water, and more added from time mill at Quincy, Mo., ha.a used (400,000 tons If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we ~n make you any to time as It cooks away, The turkey mu·t of the gra.~li for that purpos~ einoe Juno. be basted frequently with the gravy In the kind that may be needed, in the latest style. dripping-pan, an 11.t lea..t once with cold Assooiations of Christmas. butter, A good plain stuffing is made by cutting a BY E , n. HARPER, D, D, loa.f of ate.lo bre11od into small pieces, adding All the bells which awing in the countlf'lls enough salt and pepper to see.ion it high, · oEJY-r:E~TIN""G and water su fficient to moisten thoroughly, tower11 of Christendom, a.re now pouring their mueio forth to hall this ha.ppy morn. but not to make it ao wet that it will not mould up into a firm ball, Stuff the turkey Pa.la.ca and ootta.ge, the swelling city and neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. with this, tilling the body a.nd the opening the castled atoop, catch and return the glad echoes. The young yield themaelves to for the cra.w. festive mirth, and tho a.ged are happy again The above forms the basis o£:eevera.l kinds ere they depart this earth. The eyes also t he of filling~ which a.re variously tiavored whh rf the dying light up ; and immortal hope sage, sweet.marjoram, or thyme, It la W<'ll cheers even the gloom of the grave. to omit all such herbs unless It is known Thia should be tne nappiest da.y in the that they will suit the taste of all the com· year, It has a. source of gladnea11 all it.s No trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. pa.ny, for it is better fo have only I\ plr.in own. This is not the greeting of friends, stuffing tha.n t o make lt unpalatable to ev!;ln nor the gathering of childhood and r.ge once "'fT7' one or two, A nice stuffing 18 made by moistening two m orn around the family hearth. n. is not cupfuls of bread-crumbs and the same qua.n· the interchaogo of kind wiehe.t!, c.r t he ming· ~~!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!~~!!!!!!!!'.'!!!!~~~~!'.'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- tity of crackers, rolled, with boiling milk, ling of gla.d voloes over the banqueting boa.rd, It Is not- that bright promise which adding salt, pepper, and two he.rd-boiled greets the glance of the father in the face eggs chopped tine, and mixing lightly but of bis boy, nor those smiles ot Infant beauty thoroughly. over which the mother hangs In transport ; Whole oysters mixed with bree.d-orumbs nor is it t hat sacred tic which binds a make a most excellent stuffing, which la liked brother's pride to a sister's confiding love, by almost every one. Select small oysters, It ia a love beyond this, beyond all that free t hem from a.U bits of shell, and dr..in huma.n heart ha.th known. It wa; born far them d1·y ; add one-third as much bread· b!!tck in the depth of a.gee, No earthly orumbe, moist ened, ao oysters; a. liberal splendour encircled its cr ad le ; no philos· supply of melted butter, s"lt, and pepper. ophy taught it lessons of wisd_om ; no aysA very good addition to the above ill a oup· t ema of humanit y matured 1t int o higher Beg respectfully to announce that their New Stock of Fall .ul of very finely chopped celery, strength. Yet &t its word sorrow forgot and Winter Goods is complete. We make· a ~pecialty of It muat be borne In mind. however, that ita tearn, and d espair smiled-the lame va.riety ls al we.ye more aocopbble t han sr..me· l\JT' ness, and if celery is used in the oyster leaped like the roe, the dea.:! lletened to un .LY.La eoup, it ehou!d notalso appear in the stufl· wonted ha.rmonies, the blind caught visions of t ranscendent beauty, the dumb shoutod in,11, nor flavor the chopped cabbage. for joy, and the dead ltift the dark prillon of White or brown gravy m"y be made, but the grave. Cloakings and Ulsterings, Black and Colored Silks. tho latter is to be preferred, For white But thi..e love was unrEquited; it wa.s gravy pour off into a pan a cupful of t he persecuted a.nd betr11oyed, The form In which clea.r gravy ; add one cupful of bulling water, it dwelt wa.s mangled on the oro~e, and yet two tel\apoonfuh of fl.our mixed smoot h in it prayed for those who did t he deed. Over one cupful of)milk, and the juice of one h.rge its divinity dee.th had. no power ; it r ose lemon. Stit' all t1>gether until it he.e boiled from out t~e gloom of the gravel pourad for five minutes. To mako brown grny, its light over the hilla of Palestine, over the Cottons, Flannels and Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers. pour off 11oll the content s of the drippiug·p11on isles of Greece, &nd through t he pa.laces cf excepting about two cupfuls of tne brown imperial Rome. The divinities of super· gravy at the bottom; to this add one cop· stition sa.w it and fled ; while the dark ·ys· Having bought very largely we want to sell quickly, conseful of boiling water, llnd two tea.·spoontuls tams of philosophy, like shadows at the quently, we will offer goods at prices that will of flour stirred smooth in half a cuplul of break of morn, melted a.way In its light. oold water. Cut up the liver and gizza.rd, Agee ha.ve passed away, nation11 dieapastonish our customers. a.nd add them to the gravy when. ready to pea.red, the storms of revolution and time pour into the bowl. This gravy should be swept over the wreoka of human greatness, thin, smooth, and very brown, but this Divine light atlll streams on. It The taste of minoe-pies ls as varifld as their oontenta, and they e.rci good, bad, or glows this day over the c'ty of David ; it ie We mean business this season and a re bound to sell, thereha.llod in the baronial halls of En?.land ; it indifterent eccording to the way the Ingre- gleams amid the relics of Rome ; it kindles fore, parties ~sking us for bargains will not be disapphu1ted. dients a.re proportioned, llilnoe-meat should along the ioy cllffe of Greei;i.land ; it melta not be spiced too highly. It is better to over the dark bosom of Africa ; it illumines take a email quantity of es.oh of a. variety of the lule11 of the northern see.a ; it pours it.a Bowmanville, September 30th, 1885. spices than to depend on a ·l arger supply of splendours along the banks of the Ganges. one or two kinds to give flavor. It Is this ll~ht which cheers our temples ; Amiuoe-mea.t which has been much prais- which sanctities the hearth of our homes ; ed by every one who has tasted It, is made which fills this day the swelling city, the 1ufollows: quiet hamlet, a.nd the aisles of the deep forTake tbroo pounds of cooked Iea.n beef, est with hymng of gratitude and devotion, two p~und1 of beef suet, five pounds of e.p· Thie Is that light which came from heaven; pies, two pounds of c11orrants, three pounds that love whose miallion of meroy flows to of re.loins, one pound of ol tron. three pounds all lands, a.nd which will yet reach the sorof 1 .ugar, one heaping teaspoonful of cinna- rows of every human heart. mon, aame of ginger, same of nutm·g, one The voices of the a.ngels, as in Bothlehem, scant half teaspoonful of cloves, Bame of mlMle, same of a lh1pice, one level tea.apoonful atill peals the anthem, P EA.OE ON EARTH of salt, two wine glassfuls of strong bra.ndy, A.ND GOOD W1LL TO MEN ; and the cross of four of sherry, the juice of two lemons, one Chriet stands now as it stood eighteen bun· Cit pint of wa.ter in which the fresh peel of two dred years ago, unworn by age, and throw· lemons has been bolled for three minntee, ing its sa.ored light through the earth. Re· and into whiuh hae been stirred one tumbler pentant multitudes through the past have ...._. of ourr1i.nt or gooseberry jelly, and as muoh turned to-ij;, and forsaken the pa.the of guilt ~ cider as I· needed to make the minoe-mea.t and error. Goo men in all ages have lifted ::;;;;: su:fficiantly juicy. T he.meo.t, suet, apples, to it the eye of faith, and talked of its ~ an d ra1slue must be chopped as fine as pos- glorie~ in their dying liour, Ma.rtyre at the 0 sible, a nd the citron out Into sma.ll thin bits, stake, the soadfold, and the block , have look- r ..,. ot ten their persecutors and All bits of akin and gristle must be cu.refully ed to it and forg_ removed from the b eef and the suet, and the their pain s 1 No wonder, then, tha t the r..,..., suet especially must be minood to a powder. angels watohed that hour when the Saviour --~ T o insure the epioes being evenly distrlb· wa.s born- that t hey hymned, in eera.phio uted, mix them with the dry euga.r, then numbers, that love which induced the Soll r:....... mix sugar and meat together before adding of God to veil his divinity in mortal for m, ~ the rest of the ingredienta. Mix all together and which made him the hope and refuge of ,.,, ........ thoroughly, and set over fire until heated a lost world I It ia this event for which these Christ mas 0 through. Pumpkin for pies should be fine-grainod bells a re in chime. It is th~s event that h~s ~ &nd have a. deeP rich color. If rquruih ls given such beauty and brightness to t his used in place of pumpki n, the pies will have morn. It is this event that has poured suoh a much riohor flavor than if ma.de out of the a tide of happiness a.nd love through t he myriads of hearts that beat in Chriatie.n vegetable by whose name they are called. Peel and out the squash or pumpkin Into lands. May this happiness, dear r eader , be thine · may this love be the ligh t of t h y long stripe, and steam until tender; then pnt through a fine ~ieve, For e11och 'pie allow soul; 'may this Saviour be t o thee the cftie one egg, halt a cupful of squa.ah, one oupful u.mong t en thousand. This ohofoe and affecof boiling mUk, two te11ospoon fuls of eug1u, t:ion His fidelity will repa.y ; B e will be t h y and a quo.rter of e. teaspoonful each of nut· sta.y and strength when other supports aha.II mag aud cinnamon. Boat together the squash fail · He will sustain thee when the lamp of eu~ar, eg~, ·and s_Pioo ; then. pour on the life goes out, and graciou~ly remember th~e in tha.t d~y when. He sha.tl number up his boiling milk, etirrmg quickly all the time: Cr11>nberrieB should alw11.ys be served with j ewels· roaat turkey. They are much betkr whoa prepared a.s follow· than when · suewed In the ordinary wa.y : Put thom on the fire lG a large kettle with oold wr.ter 1ufficieilt to cover them well, cover cloeely, and stew until tender ; then put through a. sieve to ·remove the skins, return to the tire, and add enough sugar to sweeten to tute. !Uimove from the fire a.a soon as the suga.rps thorough. ly die1101ved, which, unless it Is in lumps, will be a.a soon as the fruit bolls. MA. S ON .BROTHERS. ..OF-·-. MASON BROS., Boots and Sl1otts·. Keep yovr feet dry and warm, 'Parlor Shoe Store,' Good· fl.ts warranted every time or no sale. Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Best quality of Dressing and Blacking vv · STAND :- N eads' Block. JENNI · TQS ',. · Now Dry Goods and Clothing I 'ELLISON d:~C O. Read y d e an d Q r d ere d Cloth· Ing. ~ffer Dress Goods remarkably low.) It is generally admitted that we sell cheap. ELLISON & CO. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS fl> t-3 1-;3 t:z:j f:Q t!J rn P> t-3 = ~ p:: ,q krn 0 All Wool Suit BIB MADE TO ORDER FOR 9 DOL!ARS Well Trimmed and W el Made. J Gents' Furnishings of all kind s. EPll JEFFERY.,

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