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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 3

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!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' - ~~!..=-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~csa:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~!.!.~.~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~ . ~~~~·!~l&&!!l!~iWfiMliiiMilli~~~~~~-~~·li4J4itJ~ . -~ !!'!~~ -··'. !' ~. ~ . c 11. I\ BU ~.s. CELEBRATED srovEs J:-J:~X..:C...'S Vegetable Sicilian CH ltISTMASNIGHT IN THE RANKS. 'nl<- Spt-~trc ASSAl!~IDS of the Picket Line The ,H APPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIANT HOME. S ingle ,and :Double Heater, _ _...._AND--- HAIR RENEWER was the tlrs1; preparat ion perfectly adapted to cmo <liseases of tl1 e sealp, and the first sue· c.essful restorer of faded Q1· gray l1air to it3 nntural color, growth, and youthful beauty. l t has had many imitators, but none bave so fttlly met ail t ho requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair :md scalp, HALL'S HAIR R EXEWER has stoadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the gloh11. Its nnparal· lcled success can be attributed to .but one cause: tlie enfo·e fulfi lment of its 1n·omfaes. PARLOR COOK , . . The propriet ors lw.ve often been surprised at tho rc coi p ~ of orders frorn remote conn> tries, where they had never made an ell'ortfor Its lutro<.luction, T ho use for a sh ort time of H A LL'S HA IR nicXEW .::: n wondei·fu!ly improves the per· smw.l appearance.. It cleanses the Scalp fron.l. n.11 irnpuriti.e s, cures n.ll ht1mors, fever, a nd, <lryn~~s, arnl thns Jlreven·s baldness. lt all fitted with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate l They stand without a rival. FURNACES, a specialty. C:-------·--··#-·-···-~~- ttimu1atcs the woakcnc<l g1'wds, and ernthles t hem to push forwn.rd a new and Yigoroue grnwth. 'Jho effects of this article aro not trn11sie11t, llke those of a lcoholic prepnrations, but r emain a. Joug ti rue, which n1akes Its use a umtter of ccouomy. For sale by S. S. EDSALL.. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ~-011 'l'liE WHISKERS · Will change the beahl to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wasl1 awny. (."'-Onaistlng of n single p rel'aration, it Is a pplio<l wltilout M.A!!.1 0lf BROS. are ,this week giving special Bargains in Clothing. :N 0 TE THE .~ tnrnlJle. - · PilEI';A.RED UY R. P. HALL & CO., Nasnna, N. H. Sold hy all Dealers In 1\IeuicineL IOR ALL THB roRMS OF 0 f,. _I~ 0 WI NG: A Man's Overcoat, $7.50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00. A Man's Suit, $7.00. A Youth's. Suit, $5.50. A Boy's Suit, $4.50. Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, Imitation Lamb, Plush an°d Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and :first-clasH values. Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, the b est remedy, becau~A the most eearehiu~ and thorouih blood-purifier, is Aye r's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Drngg!sts; $1, six bottle·, Q5. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ESTABLISHED IN 1847. It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, See our Stout Men's Shirts ann Drawers at 85 cts., ~eav~, all wool. Our Medium Sizes in an wool at oOc,, GOc., 7Gc., and $1.00 are being 1·api<Uy 1ak~n op. ' Managed by and solely in the interests ot tho Policy hok\ere, Its Rates are Loll". Policies non lorfeltable nnd uneondltlonal. ()a.sh Bonus J·aifl e:vory three ;rears, See our 'Tie-downs and Blankets. Heavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all wool, from 10 cents up. Brwrnanvllle, No · ember 27, 1885. Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one premium is paid for two people, Amount of policy drawn on first death. MASON BROS. .. f Special Inducements to Total .Abstainer-¥, f .USET$. OVER $5,000,000.I . INUOltlJ<; O'floJR $1,000,000 -· ~ ~ QUIOX: RON I 8100,000.00 deposited with the CanadirmGovorn "Ladies'[!Journal" Bible Competition. ·· We annonnoe our eleventh Bible Oompe· three ; and so on, till the whole ninety r·· tition with a great dee.I of satisfaction a.nd wards are given away. plea.sure. The complimentary lettere we are receiving almost constantly from· our subscribers, who ha.ve won prizes, a re H numerous that we could be kept busy night and day reading them. 'Ve give everything just 11.s promised and oa.rry out every euga.gement to the letter, THE BIBLE QUESTIONS. ht, Give first mention of the word SALT i· the Bible, 2nd. Give first mention of the word ONIONS in the Bible. · The first person correctly·answering these B . IBLE QUESTIONS and , sending a.. ha.lf-a-dol· lar ·for one yea.r s snbscrlpt1on to the , Ladies Joiirnal a la.rge 20-pa.ge stary and . fashion monthly, will receive number one of · theFIRS't REWARDS named below ;the send· er of the second oorreot 11.nawer, number two ; and so 9n till all the fii;st rewe.rds are distribute I, One Fine Grand Square Rosewood Pb.no, bv a celebrnted maker, ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. INVESTED IN CJANADA, $000,000.00, HEAD OFFICE IN CA.NADA.:-MONTREAL For particulars refer to 1 I GENERAL AGENT, THE MIDDLE REWARDS. POR'.l' HOPE, 1, One lO·stop Fine-Toned Ca.bluet Or- Or to agents throughout the county. '18-6se, gan, 2. Le.dy's Fine Gold Watch. 3 to 7. Five Fme:Solid Silver-Plated Cab :Baskets. 8 to 20. Thirteen Solid Gold Rings, lovely designs, 21 to 40. 'lweuty Rolled Gold Brooches, 41 to 90. Fifty Fine German Oleographs, suitable to decorate any house. In order that even the most di·ta.nt ma.y not bo left out in the cold, we have a.rrang'·tion R gwe.rd s. T o t h e e d a seri es of 0 onso..,. · d send er of the 1ast oorreot answer receive fte d t f (J ) 1 w r a e o c osmg anua.ry 31st. w11 1 be gi van uumb er one, (the Gold W ateh) of theee coneo1 .._ e a tion reward a; the second to .. ..... }n wB t , numb er t WQ; the th' Ifd , numb er t hree; and so on till a 11 th ese conso1 11.t' ion reward. ~ a.re given away. 4 E; L. LIVINGSTONE, Que Chrletma.s night, when Ouster's men nlcl! ated the Shenandoah Valley against Earl , a m11n wa.a found dea.d on his post, M : al!!!1na.ted, A p1oworful blo·"', from a long, keep knife had finished him ao suddenly that ne lu·d not time to fire his carbine or cry out. The war has begun with mud and slush, but Who had done this bloody dead ? Men a.Rked the question 0f e11ch other, but no one could a.nswllr it. It could not h11ve been a comrade-no enemy! w11.s near by. That gloomy winter's mght, ae the pickets were posted a.long the front of forest a.nd thlclwt, has a word of consolation to offer to all who are in need of Boots and the offioar w hispered to ea.oh man as he left Shoes. He ha.s a large and complete stock, having received his him on his post : " Remember the murder of la.st night ! Lilt nobody approach from tho woods," When the relief had passed out of hearing the lonely wa.toh b0g~. A soldier may pace and ' i:espectfully solicit.s the patronage of every one seeking good a. beat or take up his station in a 11h,.do w of bargams. He has all km<ls w11u te<l-hiah and low-fine and coarse"' tree to watch and listen for the enemy who has fought him in open day l\ud keep hie w ide and narrow-~lieavy a nd light-·-h~nd made and machine made, n,erve, but the feeling tha.t an u.aRa.seln ma.y all to be sold at prices as l ow as any other house. This is no idle. creep upon him and ·strike h im '° the h,,a,rt boas. t or advertisi?g dodgebut is a truth easi ly verified by calling ·maket! quite another man of him. aood quality The wind blows up betimes in fie·ce gust'!, at his store. H e is bound t o k eep in the front rank with 0 roaring and sobbing a.mong the leafles1 tree~ , - - - .and low prices. · · r.nd a.gain it die11 away, until ·h ~re b ·ct1.roolv a. ruatlwg in the bushes. The fierce gusts Full lines of F elt Goods cheaper than ever sold here before. rouse the picket to intense w11.tchfulnes.,, ;;.11d the low rustling ma.kes his heart be11.t fae~er, Was It on this post the picket of the nigh1 previ11us was murdered? R e does not know, recei ve special and prompt attention. but a.a the thou~ht flashes through his mind hie eyes scan tho earth 11.t hit feet, as If Full hnes oC 1.'rilnJH.1, Valises. Sat:claels, &cc. blood woul~ not &Ink into t he soil. It must have been this pOBt; There is thr.t tongue of the thicket reaching out int-0 the field to Bowmanville, N ovember 10, 1885, furnish cover for an as1111.s11in, until within fifty feet of hh victim. Then adva.nbge c conld be ta.ken of the broken ground to oorue Mit lll nearer, 1 md one who~e eyes were not looking for an 1uoassin, would fail to deteot him nntil he ro11e up to ·trike. The night grow11 hbcker. and the mah of ~-------·. wind whltle 11. snowflake a.gafoet the soldier e ·oheek . Re ~ta.rte as if struck ~-Ith a mbsile. H storm be added t ·) gale and darknese what - - -MANUF.A.OT UilE R OF--chance h'!.B he against those whn P0:1ay prowl with. murder in their hearts ? J:l, la a ms.n of nerve rmd he fights 11g&ln~t the timidity oreeping into bis heart. One who rides 1.g11.lnst a battery belching grape and 011.nis· KIN G STREET, B OWMANVILL hr should not fear ii. iililgle man, if it be in Has now on hand a number of vehioleo (and ia manufacturing e. great ma.ny ·ore) of the newes· etorm and darkness, patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale at the lnweet prices consistent · W ha.t I The relief ooming l He would have with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following la e. list of made oath tha.t he had not been on his poet t he prlnoival vehicles manufactured by lll4I more than im hour. Yes, It must be the re~.ou~le Cover ed Carriages ... .... . ................. , .. ........................ $200 Upwardr., lief. They u.re coming from the right direcing e Phretons ............. . ............ .. ........ ..................... . ....... 100 11 tion, r.nd there·eeemu t o be the right number. ~penBBuggy ............. ... ................................ ............ ,. ....... 70 u The assrusln if he meditated fur,her bloodehed had b6en ha.filed. Hie is tho firstjo·t op uggy ............... ............. .... . . . ........... .. .................... .... 90 11 t.o be relieved. The relief advances an he Eem~crat Wagon . ................. .. ... .. . ... ;............ .. .. .. ................ 65 " calls out: ~m er W agona ...... . . ..... ... .. , ·· .... ·· ..... .. ·· ···.. ...... .... ........ .... .. 55 11 "Hi.It I Wlio comes there I" Light W a.gon.. ........ .. .. ....... ............. .......... ....... . . .......... ...... 40 11 "Relief guard, with the countersign I" Express Wagon........... ....... . . ....... ... ..... .. .. .. . .. ...................... 75 11 "Advance, offic~r of the guard. !" Skelet on . ......... .. .............. ..... , , , ... ...... .... , .... ,, ... · .. ........... .... 50 11 The officer steps forwe.rd, and as ho bends Sulky .......... ................ ............ :......... . ............................... 40 II · over to whisper the word the picket drops his cMbine, throws up his h11.nd1 v.nd sinks P ossessing snpertoi:: facilities tor ID;annfactnrlng car riages, I intend to sell very ohea tor 0 ~.sh or a pproved cre dit, and by so domg I hope to greatly iucrease ms n umber ot Se.leap )V"0 uld to earth. · · sell the wood parts only, or t he gearings of b1J.ggies ironed, ' Forward to post No. 2, Forward from that to No. 3 and down the line u ntil No. 8, the last is roached, Tho wind waves and shrieks among the groa.ning trees, and the At t he Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. · ' snowflieoin great white clouds, butthespeott oll ers move on and.on-from poet to poet-from At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Tur ning and Sawing with Circle Baud or·s"' and prepare all kin?s o~ lumber ror c1 u penters nd others for builcliiig purposes. man to m11.n, The snow d ea.dena every foot- . Saws, Ornamental and P lam P ickets tor fences i~ every style required, ma.de to order. fall, there is never a whisper among them. Silently, swiftly, grimly-without v. cl11.nk of saber to alarm-without shot to arouse, they move down the face of the foreat, a.nd 11.t ea.ch post it is lilie same : " Ha.1' ! Who comes there !" "Relief gu1 i.rd, with the countersign I" "Adv&noe officer of the gua.rd !" Now and t hen the stricken picket utters a. half-nob or a. 11ro11.n as the knife eeeks his life, but there Is no sound to be heard above the storm. The reserve, sheltered in their tents, half a. mile away, would soaroely hear 'he report of a carbine. A.iid the spectre:! c11m11 with noisle11e tread, moved down the front of half a mile with· out the echo of a foot-fall, a.n'd departed u if taken up on the wings of the gale, An hour later another relief gn11.rd passed that way. S11.bers clanked, nien growled and onrsed, and the officer at their head stumb. led ever a form in hie pa.th and reached hh feet to cry out : " Dead I Murdered I The MllBl&Sin has been here 11gain I" And they drove on with the ~torm, fear· ing yet hopiq.g, a.nd post No. 2 yielded up its corpse. Then deep Imprecations and cries for vengeance a.re caught up by the We have the EXCLU SI VE sale of these Watches, which cannot be wind and sent along the path to the next CQrpee, and the next, a.nd the next. but ai:1 beaten for t ime. the guard gathered around the eighth there was never a. whisper or word. Some men, We have a r eason t o be thankful for past favors during forty yeave. with vengeance in their eyes looked toward in business here. the forest for trace or sign. Others, whose faces were whiter than the snow driving N ow our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will around them, looked a.croBB the fields, h l)p· Ing t o see or hear a movement to give them the clue to a pursuit. 'l'here was no sign-no sound. The spectres h11.d done their work 11nd vanished. r egarding no man, eithor J ew or O~ntile. In after days men spoke of th~t dreadful. night in low voices, and some wondered !f the dead of the battle-field had risen to ..... RIE~DS, WF<. M EA.N BUS I NESS., m!\ke war again. Othere replied by one whispered word : "Guerrillas !" W .Lf R BEG F'lf and Victory Won., HELLYAR N ew Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING JOHN HELLYAR· . = HAINES' CARRIAGE W-ORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ,. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &o . All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired J Going, Going. ROCKFORD AND AURORA -WATOE:ES_ Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER. 9-3m TffE CONSOLATION REW.ARDS. The Old Story. BY A. S, l'>I, Wedding Rings in great variety, I, Lady's Solid Gold WAtch, a superior time-keeper. 2. and 3. Two . Fine Heavy Silver-Plated 2 to 9,. Eight E x:tra Quadrnple Plate Cak& Tea. Services, Baskets. 4, 5 and 6. Three cetebrated Wanzer Sew· · 10 to 30. Twenty-One Ralf-Dozen Sets of ing Machines, Heavy Silver-Plated Te11. Spoons. 7 to 20. Fourteen Fine Solid Gold Gem :n to 57. Twenty-Seven Solid Gold Gem R~ngs, size to fit the winners, Pum ps Cheaper and Better Rings, 21 to 47, Twenty-Seven Solid Gold Rings 58 to 121. Sixty-Four Volumes of Poems, than ever, of 10 beautiful patterns. beautifully bound, ordinarily sold 11.t 48 to 127, Eighty Fine Rolled Gold BroochThe Subscr iber having built a large ne~ $2.00 es elegant new designs. · Pump F11ctory in Orono, is p r epared In a.ny oa.se you will get /till value for 128 to 129. Two Hundred and Two Oopies your money in the Ladies' Journal, for one -to furnishof" Ladles' Guide to .F11.ncy Work," a year. Y cu will not regret the investment most u·eful book for l11.die8, Only fifty cents required, and you have &n .Then; so all may have an equa.l chance, opportunit;y of getting one of these costly With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ol there ha.s been arranged a. series of Middle rewards named above. Don t delay. Look the Beijt Material, on the shorteijt n oticK Rewards, number one of -w:hloh will be giv· up the questions now. lt will do you good and at the lowes t price!!. eu t o the sender of the middle correct an· whether you get a · prize or not, and Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied.., sw~ of the whole Comp~tition from first to you will be pleased with your outlay 1111ny· last. Thp sender of the next oorroot answer way. , Address, Editor LadieB' J.oumal, following th.e middle' one will get. number two TorontO, Canada.. Send all letters by mail WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. of tb.ese middle rewards ; the third number, or exoress.· Orono Pnmp Factory. Look at the slime on he· golden hair, Li>Ok at her hol!Om muddy and bnre, Lo. ok iit her body lying ther·, Oloae Gt the foot of the fandlng stnlr. Wlmt brought the poor wanderer here, To be shred at by crowds with a. pitying leer 1 Some one she loved wae her llle, was her ~II, Bad left hor alone with the · hMlle of her fall. Poor child l 'hy burden was hard to bear, And th!l llearer wa· sorely ladun with care. Seeking !Or rest, oho sough' It In vam, T'was cruel to keep tho poor lone one In pl\ln. Ju her ml.s'ry to the river she flr d for relief, And t ho kindly watNs buried ber grief ; Leib no traoe behind her, no tafo of her ehame, Not a note, not a letter, not even a name, And they'll eay that bar life had been guilty ; That abo'd sinned from ber youth until now, Poor child, &he waa not yet twonly, Yet ehe elnntd &nd died, W.hy ! Row ! Poor, broken, bleeding heart, Thy trials at last are o'er. And now no cruel earthly dart Oan pierce thy bosom more. Perhaps In some peaceful region Thy weary bear~'· at reet, And there by tho.t while· robed legion, Thy erring eoul'e cueesed. OareOO<ld by their heavenly linger&, FJOr otl on tbab golden shore, Where never pain nor mheryllngere, Safe and pure for evermore. c. I Grocer, Butcher an d Provision Mercha.nt. STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. c KER , A complete stock always on hand.-. He has all th e best gm.des of .PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESGRIPTIOM ~Q:LLBB~ ~Mr~ l~Qllf~ l(1lLQ1W~ that. is manufactured. He has in stock all k inds of General Groceries, Coarse and F ine Salt,. American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed; Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and rendering. His life-time experienee in the Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best qualit y. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts of the town on sh ort notice. A call solicited. PIA..N"'O,..FCll>kt.T E S . ~one: Noo'. 20,l and 206'WeBt J~nlt1more Street, Illliltlmore. No. 112 Fi!th Avenue, New York. ToucmJ orkmanshiD & Dnrabilitv. wn.J fAM }{NA.EE & <JO. UN'l<:tWALLRD IN T he Diocesan Synod of Armagh lately discovered the pr actice existing in various parts of t he north of Ireland of drinking ether ineteady of whiskey. The habit prevails tailed l s no Tl)US\IO f or not uow t·ocol vlni; n. cu -r-o, Senll at one" foe- a tront1su and n F ree Dottla of my 1nfnllihlo DOORS, SASH, BLINJ;>S, PICKETS, lar gely, and has given rise to aeveral ca~es nnnody. Give Expro1:1a and rost Office. lt. coSt)j you. of insanity. Tho ca.use of the preference nothluxxa~:s!rt~~: Ii~(~~ 1Tifhi\\0slP~Url St.· New York. MOULDI NGS, &c.,kept on hand. for ether is that it is a cheaper intox icant. The synod recommends that the t ri>ffic in this v.nd other noxious drug9 be restricted; The oannib111a have an easier time of it so north of Ireland men well soon have to than tho man who eats sh ad. There are . fall biick again on whhkey, only 240 boneij in the huma.n body, Whon 1 sny c ure l do u m; moan 1J1crcly to titOP tnom 10r r. time and t heu h nve them l'Bturn ng(IJ n, I mcn.n u, rAlllcal cure. I bn.vo m nde t ile (.}t 1wnse ot' Fl'tS, EPILErSY or· FA.I.LING SICKNESSn. llfo*Joug study. l warrant my rnmCdy t o clll'0 tlle worst cu11es. :Uoci.lUSO ot.h or3 hnvo I DURE FITSr ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFA.Ql'ION. Orders';by Mail promptly attended to. · us ON. R. FERG Cash :Cor Butter, Eggs, Hid es, Tailow, Beet, Po1"k a nd all Fa1·m Produce. STAND :-Town H all B'ld'g. C. M.CAWI KERir

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