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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1885, p. 7

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,;,.-- J · .· \ " . · "1' .. . . ... . ... - ~· - ·The moon had ·g~ne down when .we atart- pine. Oarl'f was helpless ,and lnsemlble. A c..:R.D,_:T~ all who a.re suffering from Daleo~. built· nearly 6,000 sohQOl houlea j C.ARD OF THANKS.-To the Mana.L1 ll ·e'd for . home, r.nd tlie snow . lng·n tO. · fall. Even the crnnohing teeth of the monster in the put je&r, I ger of the Fire Insurance Aeeoci11.tlon : the errors and indiacretions of youth, unruu ' ~· ~ ·· · ·nut we heeded lt not, for we talked., fast u did .ot awn.ken her from the deathlJ The Sunday movement ie spreading in SIR, I hereby return thanks for the prompt · nervous .· weak neee, ea rly decay, lofY! 9f . . paym ent (by your all'.ent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham .\ Thrilling Tale of Pioneer Life ~he stout\horae 1p~d on the. tor~at'path. awoou Into which et e had fallen. » E,nrope. I n S w1t~rland IB a paper devoted tor my manhood &c., I will send a recipe that loss by fire, caused by a spark from ~ AnuLl\er W~ei:toh Wf\8 made by the wolf, tQ In Ontario~ Carl'f graape<I m)" a~ and whispered hllt l the reclamation of the Sabbath &a a. day steam thr esher, having got payment for conwill .. Jur~ y' u · FREE .oI<' CHA.RG~. This The' wind akriekou ·o ver ..·he 't o pa of ihe .dark and Curry's wa.lst slipped from my · a.ohlng of rest. It is Clllled L e Jow· ds Repos tents at markeqir!ce; no ~ or : payment like g reat r emed was discovered by a mission- . ..But a few days dnce, my eye fell upon a pines, and I langhl)ld at h:er f~r~.- But... eh· graop, leaving me but the hold upon the · I see on theDomuuon Grange Polley to tenants. ary in South America. Send a self- thriUi.Dg description of a conteet with wolve·.· · tteatltid cloaer ·to mi sid!I; &lld· . talked: ·with 1kirt of her dress. The incarnate devil had If the sohf me to dry up the Zuyder Zee Yours gra tefully, 'l'Hos. HAnms, 'J'yrone, Sept. 11, 1886. , . addreased envelope to t he R&v. JosEPH fhe det..lls atlrred 1ome bittei; i;r1ci'mo.r iel of lea gloe. In apit.·of all my effort·, a 1ha· not released hia hold, hut as . if aware of in llolland, which la again revived, Is car· 38 RD ' · T . ;INMAN,·Station D, .New York Oity. 46y: die· past. The very name of wolf, ci>uses ·a ddw"would creep OTer my o~n 1pirit.i. " · dlnger beneath, rs,~ined hie. grip Lo tht ried to cornpletion, it' 'l>il! add to Dutch terri i tory a province :twice the siz of UtC A . 0}' TH.A.NKS.-To the Ma.naAhudder to creep over me, r.nd brings back ' ·T he r<>Ml wound among a dtiiuie . growth shoulder of Carry. ·. ' · · · ·· ...._. . 9 ger o! the Fire Insurance Association : b ii. tniil of moiit bitter assoclationa. A .:.dark, : of .pinee, which sho~ upwards and vei~ed Iha end had come ! My brain reeled. rec t. Thia problematical lana na. already Sm, I hereby retnrn thanks for the prompt payment (by your' agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham) horrible. vlsJon fall11 upon the:·lnward.-aoul, even: the aky from ouq>&t,h. The old pfues The long body of the wolf hung downward been named" Willem.elr.nd," t 1" H bb b th Ch · 11 ! · tor my loss by fire, caused by a spark fl'ow a Its freezing incidents being as. ,vividly por- iiw~yod and moaned. in the increa.iilng 11torm, Uke a dark ahadow Into the al;lyBB, fa.at ·i, 1 u y; ro or .~r e s going a.way, steam t hresher,having reoeived thefnliamount trayed 'ae when enacted long years ago. a.nd. the snow fell fast r.nd thiobly, I touoh- 11'earing out my remalni11g 11trength. The a.nd I feel that we Ahould give him 11ume lit- of m:y: ineurance Hi GOLD on the occasion or my COST ONLY $2.00 AT Reader, indulge a.n old friend in a brief ed the hone with the whip, and. he moved blood guahod W&l'mly from my nostril"· and tle keepaake." "So we llhou1d my dear" golden we ding. Yours tbankfnlly, THOMAS . "lk um 'bre 11a d o · -..;.:.. tale offaotii. Di-aw your obair oloeer to .the briskly tbro.µ gh the woods. · llghw danced a.11d fiu.shecl aor<lH my eye- "H . ow wouId a nice Bl ?,, J ARDINE. 'l'yrone Sept. i'.t~R!\ 38 . _ .'._.:::s._ __.__ ".· fire, and I will tell you a story of Qhristmaa Again Cillry grasped my arm, I heard ba.lla. The overtaxed rnusclu of . the hand "First rate ; but don't give it to him out- - _ _ ,_ _ night which will stir your blood,. nothing sa.ve the ntorm, and yet I wa.1 wo11ld relax and as instantly cloao oonv ulrig~t. " "Why not::· "Just lend .it to him, C ARD OF THANRS, -To Messrs. NEWCASTLE· . . Did you know Ca.rry Mason? Why do l startled as the horae gave a. quick mo1t and dvely upon the eluding skirt. I ' heard a He 11 keep it longer. Gault & Tattley, managera-ot-.t;he Royal 48·1f. u.ek the question, ·for years have gone by atrilck Into a. gallop. · With a. heart full of tear!n,g .of l titches ! The blaoli: me.1111 bsTh f t h It I I h lnsurance Company (of England) JlllnnJJ:eal . e oo men w o wa so e y upon t e GENTLEMEN,tender to you my 'beat tha.pka ehe died. I knew her and lo-ved heri happiness, I had not yet. dreamed of any ·n«ath writhed and.wrenched, a11 if to deepen Queen of Swede1;1 and her d~ughter wea.r a for the prompt.1 payment, . through your agent, AG E -.N ·'.l' S WAN '.I' ED since Who oould know her a.nd not love her? anger. :the hold. A sharp cr aoldng mingled with very quaint uniform, consisting of tunic . Mr.. James Bingham, .Tyrone, of my claim · Carry I I turn b&ck into the pa.et when Again the horse l\!lorted In a.Jann. 'l'bere the humming of noi< ea In my head, and the pettico..t and breech&& edged with gold Jae; 'TO SELL F OR THE ~gaiu~t Y!JUr Company f_or a horse killed by .. I · hghtnmgmthefleld,havrnllreceiv"'l·a cbcque the world was all a paradise and ehe ita a sound above the storm. ·1 felt my dress parted at t he waia1s l I shrltked, a1 Thi e r attire me udes a wonderful head- tor the ruu amount. MRS c J MARSH loveliest imgel. She was beautiful-how cheek grow white o.nd cold, a.nd 't he blood I he&rd the swooping eound of the fall of the dress, consiating of a kind of embro!dE?ed Hampton, Oct. 15, 1885. ' · ' 42-<lw* beAntifnl l ·No t hi.cg on earth wa.11 ' ever rnBh quicli.ly back to my heart, ·hl11ck devil and his victim, &s the;y shot akull-oap from which arises three oetr!oh more so. I will not attempt to do1cribe her. Clear, wild, terrific, It burst out lo an down, down Into the da.ikneu. I hfard feathers, none of w hiohle le.~11 th1>n three LARGEST IN CANADA- OVEU 400 ACRES. No light cloud tracing the summer sky , was unearthly howl like a wall from the world 1omethl.z:.g like the bay of t he old house dog feet high. ever more· graceful ; no suow-fiake ever of fiends. I heo.rd it. Its dhmo.1, heart· and the firing of gnna- and heard no more, · · · ... · * Steaily EmJ)loymcnt to Good lllcn . purer ; no · warliling bird or dancing stream, chilling echlles hl\d ·not died away on the ever more happy or gleeful. .And yet she etorro;when It was s.n1wered .from a n:>:1re "\Veekl and months puaed away, before ba·d a spirit which soared, And her blue eye, of throats. Paid by aalary or commission. Can s tart I beg to announce that I have a very fine tha fearful delirium of that Chri.cimae night you at once Dont apply unless you m"an ..a mild as the dupths of a uummer sky, CATARRH.-A now treatment has been disMerciful G"d I ·, A pack of wolvea were left me, I returned to colll!cioulll'.lee11 in my choice of , · business and wau.t to work. We furnish oua- would melt In tao.rs or fie.ah indignantly at 11.ronnd ue covered whel'eby a permanent cure of this at night, father's oabin, an em11.oiated oreatnre, :a hitherto incurable dlsc11.se, is absolutely atfect· BANGS, 1 In t h<>lle dark woods ilts tree and pay expensed. Address a ta.le of wrong. She was surpassingly ·· in !ram one to three o.pplica tlons, no mtttter STONE &jWELLING'l'O~. beautiful In form, and angelic in mind. and the storm how)ing overhead, a. score of helpless as a. child, My youth had pa1111ed ed S "VVJ: T C :E-I ES, whether standing one year or forty years. 'l'hib Nurserymen. Such was the guiding sta.r of my youth-the hungry throats were fiercely yelling each aw~y, n.nd I wa.s prematuxely old. The remedy ls only applied once in · twelve days, 'l'oron to, 0 n t. ti;ven black looks of tw0nty, h:Ml oha.nged and "WAVES. and docs not interfere with business. Descriplov~ly flower which bee.med out in the then other on to the feast. For a moment, my ssnees reeled. But I to the silvery ones of eighty yeara of age, tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stam.P by wilderness. Do you w onder that I loved A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, I < lo all my own II.A.lit WORK mul will L ook at this arm that clung to· Carry ! It her t I love her now as embalmed in mem- felt Carry leaning heavily on my shoulder, ,varran& tt. ls withered. I n~ver have raised it sinoe 'l'oronto, Cano.da. ery around · m e in the winter of life. The and I aroused myself. WHAT IS CA'l'ARRn'! Formerly Known a.s the" Soper.Mills. ') Catarrb, is a dangerous disease which thoua- I.:i:air Bleach, Garry Ma.son (\f earth, ie dea.d. I know But what hope was there? I h u.d no th ..t night. In my dNama I foel ag11oin that. But the Oarry Mason of Heaven, weapon, and the maddened devils were In t hat foarful night, and awa ke, covued ands'are consciously or unconsciously suff'oring Hair 1=>ius, MILL -. HAS BEEN THOR· liV'cs, and I love. her aa I love the th!nga the path before a.nd behind us. There was with t he cold, cla.mmy oweat that gathued from. It is a muoo-purulent discharge caused by the prosence of a vegetable parasit e in tho UGHLY renovated and pnt in order.under of Hoa.ven, Yea.re have swept by and ::a:ee .chance, and that was to push upon me while on that pln·e, Nets & C o :rnbs. lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he predispos· our own spemal supervision. for the purpose ot The neighing of the horse, as he da·h<d ing cauAes are a morbid sto.te of tho blood, the i k Into the clearing, had Rnmsed the people at blighted rlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot sifted the snow among my locks and my eje STAMPING d one promptly and neatly. corousclo of tubercle. the germ poison That was a slim chance, o.nd I grew e c Barley, and wo are now prep> i r ed to recf'ive looks dimly out upon the world ; yet that of Ryfh ilis, mercury, toxomre, from the retenordere frot!i.,all our old cuatomers and or her e one bright dream lingers as freshly In the ae I thought of Carry. The quiet cabin · nd home, The empty 11nd b:roken ~leigh told tion of the effete matter of the skin, suppressed for work ~ud we gurantee to give them who heart "" whon tree.sured the.re in the.spring the hi>ppy hea.rth a\ home, fi,.Bhed ewiftly a brief story. The howling of the wolves perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apart· lntruet us with the same entire satisfaction arose on the blant, and with guns a.nd the mcncs and the germina tion of other poisons in ~~er lll, Ma~Store, · · nowm:111Tllle.. ~hrough my brain, Oate and other grains taken in exchange ror t i me of life, .ilt th ..t moment, a de.rk shad(\W .11lidec;l old house dog, they rushed to the ecene. the blood. Irritated lty these. the lining memFlour Oa.t Meal , &c. H . &:; J, TOWNS, Bow brane of the nose is ever ready for the recep. Q:loser with your chair, Heap on more up by the side of our sleigh, and so wild and They found me sennoless upon the trunk, tion manvllle. 227. of the parasite, which rapidly sproads,up fuel, for chills creep over me as tha.t blast devli·h a yell, I n ever htard since. My covered with blood, and a wolf feeling hla the nostrils and down the fauces, or back or go~s by. l ou.n hear the snow sift thickly flesh oni.wled on my bonee. A. 'oold shiver way t owarda me. fn turning .at the sound the throat, can sing ulceration of the throat; up against the window pane, I know thti.t a r&n to the hea rt and kept civar - my head as of their 11ppn a.ch, ha slipped and went <lown the enstachian tubes, causing deu.f'ness; bu,:. ..,,,_ rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarsen(lss; thiok, white snow-shroud is silently weav- though the hairs were iitandin.g on ena.: upon the ice. usurping the proper structure of the bronchial iog over the leafless, bladelees, fiowerleeQ Two orbs gln.red out like· dem,on .. Ught s, and Our people looked Ieng for Carry Mas!)n tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and OF CANA DA . earth. So hM time woven a ~hroud over all I could hear the panting of t he e1>ger beast. but did not find her until nrxt mornln~. de11th. Ma11y ingenious speiflcs for for the cure of CA.FITil, s 1,ooo,ooo. bright hopes of my youth. Flrmly gra.ap!ng the lines· ail.d shouting They then went down on the ice, and found ·catarrh _.,.,_ ll.EST, $21?0,000 the have been invented, but without ~uc The drifts & re piling up I Away back of sharply to the horse, we shot ii.way. her corpse. The wolv~s. h11d not picked cess, until a physicia.n of long standing discoV· This B ank ls prepared t o do Legiti- the village churoh, the heaps lie upon the The hone needed no urging. At the a.ct; her crushed bones-I thanked God for tha.t ered the exact nature of th disea~e and the mate Banking in all its branches. g~v.vee of the dead. Carry lies there. I the infernal chorus a.gain burst out In ·earn· -The fall had partially ·broken the ice, and ·only appliance which will permanently destroy Farmers notes discounted ; D e posits 800 the l!lpot now, even &S I Wl\tch the blaze est, and t heir dark forms leaped ir:dengthen- the oozing water had frozen and faatened the parasite, no matter !low aggravated the ARE NOW OPEN. case. Snlferers should eend stamp at once received and I nter est paid on a mounts of and listen to the wind without. The snow ed strides on either side of us. · T he speed her Ion!{ black hair a.a it had floated out. for descriptive pamphlet on cata1·rh, to the Stand rormerJy occupied by the Post omee' $5 upwards in Savings Bank Departµient; thare gathered la not purer thr.n the spirit was fearful, and yet the yelling devils krpt The wolf had not released his death grasp, business mana1rnrs. A , H, Dixon & Son, 805 JUNG STltEET, · f O.u ry. pace, Turning to speak to Car ry, I and his teeth were buried In her pure1 white Kin~ street, west, 'l'oronto, Canadll. What the Rev. E . B . Stevenson, B .A., a Clergy,DRAFTS 'J:Ja&t; was a fierce one I The rilght windn aaw a dark form leap into the path, ·and shoulder, :aq-,;;viv.r.S...1'TVZLL E. man of the London Conference of the M etlwIssued and Collect!onfl ma.de in Europe, have a language, l understr.nd it, Long as we oped _a.head, his teeth nhut with a The spring sunshine, a.nd bird1, 1U1d dist Clmrch of Canada, has to say in r egard To A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Ti·eatment for -long years I have eat here and listened. vice-like snap, mhning Carl'f, bot stripping green leavee had come again, r.11 I totterep The Gallery is first-class in all its apUnited Stat.es and Canada. Oatm·rh, As they go pa.at, they whisper, and I WaA· her shawl from her shoulders, With a out, My 1i.steT8 led me ~o a grave on the pointments, and furnished in a comfort W.J. JONES, Oa.kl&ns, Ont., Canada, Ma.rob 17, 1883. der in thought until the &ahea gather on the shriek ehe clung to me, and with my arm river'· bank-the gra.ve of all my youthful able manner. Ther e will be no poor work Messrs. A . H. Dixon & Son: 27 A1J&nt. waning hearth, I saved her from being dragged out of the hopes, and of all thall I lovad, The wild DEAR SIRS,- Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand. allowed to leave the rooms, and tlieae who How the winds shriek and wall I They seat. flowers were alrea.dy etart!ng on the 1111.cred It seemed almost too good to be truo that I am favor me with a call can rely on being have a touching moM. It ma.k&· me aad mound. I wept over~and bleBSed them, for cured of Cat1nrh, but I know that I am. I to hear them sigh, and I people the night God I It was horrible I We were to be they wr.re blooming upon the grave of haYe had no return of the disease, liud nover pleased felt better in my life. I ha.ve tried so many f eaten alive I ~The instantenous process only will air with spirits of grief, Now a aint, I beci>me maddened-reoklees. I shout· Carry. things for Catarrh, suffered so muoh n.nd for solenµi . dirge goea by. There I hark to a , Such was the fate of my firat and only so many years, that it is hard to realize that be used for Phot.ographs. shriek which leaves a freezing sense of aome ed to the horse, now reeking with fon.m. love, I am really better. · Come in and see me. fearful crime committed. And yet the We went at a fearful rate. The stumps, I oonsider that mine was a very bad case; It There never was but one Oarry Ma.ion, winda are company for me. They have and roots and uneven places in the road and she wa.s ·aaorifioed to the woh,es forty. was aggravated and chronic, lnvclvlng the throat as well ·as the nasal passages. and I been my sole companions for yeara. threa.tened every inatant to wreck our eight years ago thi1 Christmas nigh~ thought it would require the three ;tieatments~ but 1 feel fullf cured by the two sent me. ana Let the winds murmur, for I ahould mlsa elel~e was three milea ahead o, for a DYSPEPSIA OR INDh.1fSTIOH, 1 I am thankfu that I was ever induce(l to send their faintest whisper. to you. Forty-eight yeare ago I world to give for home l FUN FOR ALL. WHEN You are at liberty to use this letter stating Continues to do a Gener'&! Banking Business Time has fled fi.eetly. It seems but a day, .As the road &truck the river b11nk, it that I havo been cured at two treatments. and tsBo wmanvillo Branch, and yet I look in the glass across the table turned shortly almost on the brink of a I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some Tue right hand is the cleverest member of my Criends who are sufferers. and eee the withered features of an old man. fearful precipice, Here was a new danger. of t ke body. It never gets left, DEPOSI'J' S Yqurs, with many thanks, -r- ~Is it myself that is old? i draw my band It wiu a diflioult pfoce, and not only danger IlEY. E, B, STEVENSON, Received in Savings Bank Department and Wiii tnoroughly cure you. They over a face of wrinkles and then lay it upon of up~etting, but of being hurled int o the ~ ~The last new wrinkle in overcoats h"11 And hnndreds of others call and interest allowed at cu rr ent rates. N ~ been found in oreasing. ..,...,;, ·#~··' ~\ii'· notice of withdrawal necessary. .All deposltu a smooth bald head. Around the ear11, are river. do not gripe or purge, but a~t payable on demand, thin, white locks, and a well worn staff 'J.'hore was a path acroes thie u.ngle of A man died th-;;;tne~®ywho never had ~LOOK OU'l' FOR~ mildly, and whenever used h b.nd where logs had befln drawn out. It but one love, Don't be iuoredulous, girls. glisten in the firell.I( t. wao a mile nearer thin way to the cleiuing, He fell in love v;ith himself early in life r.nd are considered p riceYee.re have gone by, while the heart hs11 th&n by the river. But I durst not at · never fell out again. l ess. T helf have Rought and sold and Drafts Issued upon Europe, been dreaming as though there was no t empt it with the sleigh. United States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and proven io be the A man told his tailor that he wouldn't United Sta :eBGreenbacks bonaht and sold, winter 11ofter tne spring time of youth. On we ~ped l th1tt infernal pack neck and Forty-eight years ago, a.e I aa.id, my neck wit h us, and eV0I'f now e.nd then, fay for that " li>at epilepsy." I t wa.a di.a· fa.th.en family settled In one of t he counties jaws shuttlug like llt~ el·trapa close to oui· covered th11t he meimt " ba.d fit," --o- A gentleman would like t.o meet a Winter of central Ontario. All was a wilderness, persons, Once aroUD.d ' hat angle, and I Pl'omptly rn ade at ourront rates upon all pad ovErco1>t that is fond of goivg to places of For the NEXT 30 DAYS I will eell for LESS of. wild, grand, beautiful. We located fifteen hoped I Great Brit tain, the United States and Do THAN cos1· the remainder of my stock cf minion of Canada. m!les from the farthest pioneer "clearing." H ow ma.dly I ehouted to the noble brute ! ammcment on cold nights Stylish aml most Durable Millinery '.I'he shll.dowe wore around us, the tall tre.s We neared the turn in that race for ~i'eleg.r:tj)b n l'1·ansl'er8 The wag~e of sin befog death, we oa.n't life. e.nd the plcturHque hills. understand why a. lot of people 'll'O know DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, l\'fa1le for large or small sums on all parts of OF THE AGE Many a. summer's day ho.ve I tolled up Heavene I the lnferne.l devils had croH- .don't get paid ~ff a t once and have their serCanada. '.l'hia is especially advant ageous to &o., with a vet"y heavy stock ot the hill sides aad looked out upon a sea of ed ahead and hung in dark me.ases ahead. viocs stopped, persona living in Mamtoba or the North-west To all ·uffercrs f r om lndla;or;tlon_, green aa it swayed and rolled in tir e summer A demon instinct seemed to possess them. as it maims t he funds available at once at tho "Why didn't you put on a clean collar F eathers & Flowers. place of payment, Dlaarderod Stomach. bree:.-.e, or watched the waning sun as it A few rods more ! The wolves seemed lingered to bathe thii whole wi!derueos in to feel thAt we had a chance, for they howl- before you left home?" called out an imperFor rurthe1· particulars call at the Banklna --o-tinent yonng fop to a car conductor. "Cause Honse. a flood of gold and crimton. All was very ed more devilishly than ever. Thanking my customers for past favors, I THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND beautiful. GEO. McGILL, With a swoop the horse t urned in spite lour mother hadn't sent home my washing," respectfnlly solicit all to call and fospoct my T. BRODIE, Manage? .A.ccountan t. present stock, which I am sure will give the The axe had opened a space in the forest, of me. The left runner etruok hfgh on the wae the exting11ifhing r eply. PERFECT CURE utmost satisfaction. ·v "Are' you an actor?" ar.id one of the a11 d a cabin of thn.t good old time, afforded roote of a pine, and the sleigh swuvg over Uao them and bo rclloved from us shelter. It looked new and coqifort able, like a fi~sh, burying us in the new enow, " profosh" to· a stranger yesterday. " No, and its chimney-smoke cur led gncefully Away sped tl1e horao, and my heart sunk tir." "That's st rnnge. Your faoe looks GREAT your mlaery. 30 Piiis In a box, up and vauished with the shadows of the as I heard hls quick foot steps dying out very familiar to me." " No doubt of It. 215c. per box, boxes for $1 ~t R ~~ ~ ~g [t~~ ~ U~\)J ft ~~. ~ forest. Tho blackened hev.pe smoked a.n<.l towards Jiome / I'm a pawnbr(.kor." - TO THE~1~ ~J m~, 1~-;w ,,1tl ~w~ t ~ u~ crackled, and deep in those wild-wood But I had no time to think. In truth, I I have ;::. 1.otii lh-e 1·e n 1thlY l ~n· 1,..1il uvovo u lsec~s"; Uy !tr> u&i:t FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND A correspondmt "ants to know if it is solltudeP, the wilderneas blossomed and oan remember nothing dl.etlnctly. It all proper to urge Et young lady to sing at an thournn(h1 of cuscu of th\l \YOl'f: t k lud 11nd o f long H t1ncl!ug b c c:n curod. l n ·ll't-·l. s.n 1i1l ron z Is m y l'nlth t n i 'ff cff.trn.ry, DEALERS IN MEDICINES smiled in the presence of yellow harvesta. seem11 a nightmare whioh I can never evening gathering, after ehe hae refused l1K1'0 th nt, l ,,, ,.m strnd 'l'WO BO'r'l'LF.S F REB, t nliCe thc r w ith a VALlJAUL Z 'l'Rl~.ATfSl:~ ou th i;, cits ee.i:.e ,to nnyett.ffo:-er. Give J(v;~ A happy home wae ther e, The birds sang forget, Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. once. It is proper to urge a little, but not pr cae and I.". 0. 1.alJrnl!e, Dlt. 'r . ..\... SLOCUAl, 181 ha..rl S~.· N.Y. '.1.'he maddened pack had followed the too muoh, lest she should change her mind, Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with · signa· at earhoot morn, and the deep river near the door murmured sweetly at nightfall. There horae, and shot by us aa we were thrown ture on every box. Free trial package of "H&ve you found religion yet, my friend !" these Celebrated Pills sent to any address were g<int le whisperings in the old trees. .out upon the b1mk, for a number of rode. the Rev. Sam Jones inquired of one of his still continues for those All they bowed their heads in the winds, a In en ineta.nt, they were npcn us. I gavo on ·receipt of a 3 cent stamp. h<ily anthem floated np from the vast one long, desperate shout, In the hope hearers. "No," was t he reply. "What is Super Diagonal Overcoats ... . $8.00 temples where Nature breathed fresh and of arousing the folks at the oablns. I your occupation, may I ask ? ' " I'm a deJNO. O. WEST le CO. tective." "H'm!" observed the great reviv· pure from the hand llf God, The wild had not t ime to shoot again. Their hot Worsted Pants... .·. ......· 3.00 f so1.E PROPRIETORS fiowera bloomed even by the Vel'f door-sill, breath burned upon me, and their dark allst, " ~hat accounts for it." Mantle Cloths, per yard.. . . . . 50 Regula.r customer (dbposed to bo faoe81 AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT, r.nd the deer stopped In the fol"' st edge to masses gathered around like the ahadown gaze on the smoke of the chimney top. of doom, With a broken limb, I wildly tlom)-" I guess you'll have to trust me for All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 'Twas a beautiful home in the old wilder- kept them at bay for a moment ; but this paper till morning." Clerk-" Oh, Dress Goods in all the newest fierce and closer surged the gna> hlng teeth. that's all right, Mr. Brown," R egular Cu1THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY nese I The spring brought n11 nelghbon. 'TwH Carry lay insen sible on the grou11d before tomer-" But auppoae I was to be killed Clerkshades from 10 cents. a great day when a. settler came in and pnr- me, There wae oile more oha.noe. A atunt- between now and to morrow." Do you want chaeed land aorons the river. He received ed pine grew upon the outer edge of the " Well, the loss would not be muoh, sir." " splendid, a wiirm welcome from pioneer heart·, and bank, and shot out nearly horizontally over -:av· An exchange say1 : " A Ketnuoky man handsomely by the re·dy agency of pioneer hands, a the river oelow, h.11 a hundred feet from reoently wandered Into church while service bou nd story oomfortAble log-cabin peeped ont from the the 11urface, IS BOOMING, waebeln~held. " It ls supposea that some b ook? You dense woodland of the opposite bank. I .D111hlng madly In the teeth of the paok g I am fully prepared to attend F0:ner als on can have your watched the smoke from Its open roof as the :with my cudgel, I yelled with the waning Hallow e en jokers had removed a lager beer the shortest notice, at the lowest pos~1blera.tea, The people kW> that if they nlgn and placed it over the door of the Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice choice out of the bes'; thu.t sun went doWP, and eagerly looked for it energy ot despair, grasped Carry with one ohurch. It ill an outrage tll fool a Kentucky First-class hearse on very moderate terms -~ Shrouds and Coffins constant ly on hand. Fon aro published the next morning. But it w·s not the arm, and da.ehed recldMaly out upon the man that way l smoke tha.t I cared so much about. I only pine. I thought not of dr.nger-I oa.red ral cards supplied at onoe. Furniture Shop&; if yon will ob- knew that it curled upward from the fire- not. I braved one danger to eaoape a 11rea.tMrs. McEwen-" D!d you tip the waiter, how ltooms-Bounsall'sN ew Block. ktin t wo sub- aide where dwelt as beautiful a creature a.1 er. I reached the branahea, and brea.tbed Henl'f ?" Mr. McEwen-" Yea; didn't you 11 furniture sold by me is made by the U. C scriptions for see me givo him a quarter j ust before he urnlture Co. ofBowmanville. I do not buy ever bloomed a.way from the buay world. freer, as I hoard the fierce howl of the slop furniture and represent it to have been suit of clothes they must call Tm: WEEKL-Y went for the check ? But he tipped me And eo I watched the smoke and dreit.ml!>d baffuid pa.ck. made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. MAtJ,. Acata- aa back." Mra. McEwm-" A waiter tip you, Aleo agent!or t heLI·QUOR TEA for thiatown 1 watched-until the moon threw down I turned my herul, o.nd, God of mercy I upon IVES. logue of stanvicinity. It la cheap and as good as c:ia.n he its beautiful pathway of shimmering silver, o. long shadow wa1 gliding along tho trunk Henry !" Mr. McEwen-" Certainly, l:le a.nd ~~ d arc1 andmis- a.nd got ln the market. A valuable prize given tipped me the wink when he ha.nded me an listened for the eound of famllia.r foot· to our last refuge. O·rry WILB holpless, with every DOlllld. · Cellan eous and it rEquired l\ll the st:rength of intense 11ighty-five cent oheck for a dollar-and-a-half publications, given aa prizes for getting up 1 tep1" lnncheon." .Acrou the river was the home of Ca.rry despair tu hold her aod remain upon the clubs for ·rnE MAIL, will be sent to any Colonel Witherspoon, of Austin, Is a·very address upon application. There ia no boy Mason. Before the mellow haZ0 of autumn slippery trunk:. I turned to fACe t he wolf close man. Not long smce he lost his pocketor girl, yonng man or young womv.n, among had dropped its dreamy hue on lea.f a.nd -he was within reach of my arm I 1 book conta.ini.ng a large sum of money, It you who cannot secure u. h anilsome lot of stream, I had learned to love her, and to struck with my fiat, and a.gain those f&a.r- was found by'\ poor, old, but honeost negro, tell her 10 iu the still .moonlight of that fnl jawa 11h11t with a snap a.a my hand brush· books this winter hidden home, · ed his bea.d. Witil a demoniac growl he who &Sked : " h dis heah de portmania yer with very little The leaves faded r.nd the winter wind· fastened upon the shoulder of C&?I'f !.1 0 lost?" " Why, yes, I am a thousand t imea effort, if you will swf.pt through the fore1t. But we oa.red for help-for a weapon-for a foothold u"pon obli~ed t o you." "Thi.nk you, bo88, YQU only make up little for that. The snow fell thiok and earth, where I could have gra.pi:»Ad with fa welcome. And if ever yon lose your IS NOW PREP.A.RED TO SUPPLY EVEIWBODY WITH .A your minds to it. pocketbook and I should happen to find it fas~, but our cabin homes were bright and the monster. T h e books are I'll give it back to yon, and It shan't cost our hearts were alive with happineas and I heard the Jong fangs crunch !IJto splemlidly bound hope. When the spring opened and the the flesh, and the smothered breathing, you a cent unlel!ll you want to:reward me and are the probirds returned we were to b1l married, as t he wolf continued to make 11ure of his for my honesty, " ductions of the' HA1T JNG 40 SETS IN STOCJ{. I was happy. hold. 0 it was horrible. I beat him over Excited individu&.I: "See here, Mr. best known auA Christmas pn.rty In a new country. the head, but he only deigned a. munching Bangs, youare ascouudrelofthefirstwater. A. splendi(l 1·a11ge o:t Hor se Blanliets from $1 to $4 thors, which is a ,( Did you ever att end one, reader ? There growl . I yelled, cursed, wept , prayed ; When I bought that horse I supposed I was sufficient guaran- ·\ each. A l so, Robes-Grey anti Black-Good value. are large hearths 1md open hearta there to but the h ungry devil oared not for ourse~ gett ing a good, sound unimal, but he's spav· tee that they will \lbe found. or prayers. H is companions were still ined and blind, v.nd got the heaves. Now, Uubbe1· Rug·s and Hors e C!O'V4?l'S, &c., ver y Jow. 1JOt only, r~ff o rd Carl'f e.nd I were invited to att end the whininiz, and venturing out upon the I wl!.nt to know what you 're going to do a muscm <\. t but party. A rude" jumper" had been built, pine. I a.lmo&t wished the tree wo!lld about it,?" Bs.nga : " Something ought to be a source of pro/ Al ~u m m fnl. n R and in t bis we start ed. Ten milea were give w11y, J:ie cfone, the.t'o a foot." Excited individual: Ill . · a~ BVm K ll fit. T fn: WEEl(J,y ~ /C,,c;/,?/ · soon pasaed, and we found ourselves in n.s '.I'he wolt s·tm kept his h&ld upon Cari-y. " Well, I should eay there had." Ba.nge : · I\fAu, is t ho most popular weekly publisl1ecl, a11:1 is only One merry and happy a throng as ever gathered None can dream how the blood hiss1id " ' .Yell, a.fter prayer-meeting I'll give you F or Cut s, Sprains, Bruises, S ore Backs or Sore Neck s on h orses. Cannot be excelled. Try a Bottle. Dolh r ri. y rni.r. It !ms 110\V ove1· 100,000 c,11 b- on a frontier. The huge fire crackled on and swept through m y knotted veins. At the name of 11. good veterinary surgeon ; i t's scr ibcrs. Specimen COJ1Y a ncl prizo list SPnt the wide hearth, and old fashioned fun and last tha brute, hungry for his prey, gave :,:~;me to have thr>t home ~uffer in tha.t C:ASll FOR BIDES. ;> 1 frolio ra.ng out until & la.te hour, a wrench and nearly threw me from the freo. A d dress TnE ~h.!L , 'l 'or onto, c.~nada.. HHJ1:DTM!8 ···f'VIGHT !MO·G ·. WOLVES.: ;·: .... ; MARRIAGE LICENSES C. B. LOCKHART'S I FONTHltl NURSERIES. was I To the Ladies CATARRH. Caledonian Mills. ins T MRS. A. DAVIS, STANDARD BANK PHOTOGRAPHY ·. ___ New Photo Rooms NRY'S WHY SliFFER FROM ~iv~ FeadaGhe ...... ,._i.··- R.H. HENRY. THE ONTARIO BANK WEST'S LIVER. PILLS BARGAI NS! IN MILLINERY. GlREATEST ~LESSING es __ Mrs._J20NN~~I..~· THE u m- e n Ru sHI Eclipso House -· uNDERT AKIN cI OUR '. ORDERED CLOTHING LEVI MORRIS. .... FIRST-CLASS CUT p w. H. IVES. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, EL L M A s E B 0 c m..y 0 ' W . H.. M A y

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