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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 1

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! TB RMS :-tl.50 Pu .!NlfVV. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. M. A. JAMES, EDxroR .ut» P:aoHiaro:a. VOLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 387. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, F:~UDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1885. LOCAL XXXI. NUltBER 52. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. NEws: LETT:t!lRS.. CARTWRIGHT. "' (J ~ .J = .,..... cf:: >< z = = r ca ::J s "'C Cl) VJ. ...... lr1 i ii!! ~ ~ rn 0 ~ ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ 0 u: ,.c= ,.c= Cl) "'C ~ = cd ~ r.l.l ........ . . '-·-' > On Wedne·d1<y, Dec. 9th, I\ la.rile company of fri end~ anrl 1<cq1111lntnncesaRsembled. at thfl residence of Mr, W111. Philp "Willo w Orove." Cartwright., to witness 1 .he marria.~e of their youngest daughter Annie, to Mr. J. "V. P hilp a respectable young r1muer or Pickering. 'fhe eAremony was performed by R.ev: Joseph Ph ilp, or st.. 'fbomnK, brother of the l>rldo. The btldes maids were MlssesLbzie and .Addie Pb lip, sisters of thfl '(room, of Pickering; the 11roomsmen Mr· Jas. H. Philp, of ·.roronto University, and Hlcha.rd Philp. brothers of the bride. 'l'he bride was a.ttlr~d in cream color cashmere with satin trimmings;the bridesmaids were dressed in cream color and lace. .Arter diu·n cr WM servud the company .was enter· -ro.t&ined with music, chiefly by the ·'.TollyFour" singers, &pecches ot which Rev, Jos. Philp gave a few hurnormts anecdotes of his early manhood and through his mlnietereal ltre.recitations. irames, etc·· until the wee email hours. when 1h1< part.y dispersed i.rter a very appropriate quadctt by the "Jolly F our," havin1t spent a very p'eaaant time, a.nd soma only regretting that C11ortwright was losing one ot its most respected young ladles. MoralYoung men look sharp and not Jet foreigners take away our best younw; ladles. The follow· Ing is a partia l list of the presents received by the bride:Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Philp, fur coat and silver dinncroastor; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Philp, Pickering, dozen silver tea knlves; Groome pair gold bracel ets; Re v. and Mrs. Jos. Phll p, St. 'l'llornas, set toilet bottles hand painted ; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Robt. Philp, silver butter cooler; Mr. ltichard Philp, 'l'oronto, elegant family BOWMAN VI I-LE. bible ; Mr. Jas. H . Philp, Toronto, silver cake basket; Misses Lizzie and Addie Philp, pair crystal bread plates; Mr. Robbie Philp, Bow· manville, handsome clock ; .Riobard Philp, -o--Esq .· cry·tal cakest ancl; Miss Sarah Morris,. Howmanville, silver pickle cruet ; Mr. and Mrs. John Werry, 'l'yront', Klass wator pitch· er and' dozen gobblots : Mies Pollard, Salem. toilet dcca.ater· lllr. John Wright, handsome parlor lamp; Mies E . J. Elfor·i, glaa· oheose dish; Mr. Larry and Miss Ka.tie Werr;<, Pair vasee&gla&e bread plate; Mr. Peter&Mies Lyle Wright. sliver 11iok10 cruet; Mr. 1'hos. Elford, Can be se13n that for varie ty, qu:ility, lamp; Misses E. M. a nd J,, Power; set pitchers; Mr· .A.H. and .MlsslNettle Veal, sliver pickle quantity, and price cannot be excelled cruet: 'l'he "Jollv FoU:r"- Messrs. A. IL and Will Vt'lale, W. Wilson and J. Swaio, sllTer in D urham County. butter cooler: Mr. John and Miss !£. Marlow, glaes bread plate; Mies Mary }'rank, doz · trUit dishes. LADIES' COMPANIONS, Rev. Jostph Philp, or St. Thomas. delivered " capital lecture on "l'he South and the WORK BOXES, Southern K:.:position", 111 the Methodist shurch of our village on l'Lst J<' riday evoninQ' ...... .. A. JEWEL CASES; short tlm11 ago one or our villairers received a check for $1.000 as a legacy !or hie better halt. .. .. .. Mr. Albert W~rry is r ega.inlng his PORTFOLIOS, he11olth. GENTS' COMPANIONS, S · ANTA CLAUS' ANNUAL VISIT LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. ORONO. Mr. A. A. Oameby has returued from t he North with ftt least one deer. Our Bailltf has R:lved up his le~ll.l wor:t for a time a n d i~ trying to bity turkeys. .A. fitting business. Mr· J. Mlller has a good display of Christmas beer. Miller keeps good meat 1<nd charges accordinQ:ly. We hear that Mlsli Annie Squair ha.s .beon re· engaged by the trustees or Sf\lem Rchoel. MiH Squair has always been & successful toaohcr. l\faster James Newsom Is borne a.fter spend· ing his term 11.t the high school. Master Wm. Newsom is alao expected home before Christ· maa. CltlAt8ttJI BA·ZAAR HOLl· D AY GOODS ENNJSKILLEN. HAND:f{ERCHIEF BOXES, .An interesting la.wsnit her la.st week before Squire Sylvester.- Ramm veritns De MiilsWR1TING · DESKS, Ono Daniel De Mills fined ten dollars and 0 ost for firings l{un at a load of Ramm's, . Nobody hurt, however . . ... . 'l'he missionary meeting TOILET SETS, was quile a succee11 last week. Excellent a _ d· drl't8e8 from Hev. Messrs· Addison, Ha?.zard FANCY INK STANDS, and \\" oodvor ... ... A l!ttlo girl, daughter or Mr. \Vm. ::>t.reet, fell from a chair and broke LADIES' SATCHELS, h er a.rm one clay last week .... .. Mr. R. A. J ..·e takes chargo of the public sohool l\t Canton r1 ;r next year ... ... W her~! Oh wl1ere! h116 our lit\ le CARD ltECEIVE~S, Joe gone~ Where! Oh where! can he be! A«ly person giving information as -to his wher"1a· GLOVE BOXES, bouts will be suitably rewarded . .. ... .. .... Mr. Bunting. of Brnndou. a distrint rcjatlvo. or C, W, llunting,'l'oront o, lutB been 11 guest of ~ev. PLUSH MIRRORS, C. Taylor. He greatly admires "the :musical ability of our Methodist choi1'. ,.,., Mr. J. ]1;jl. ODOR CASES, Rmgham, or Dukota, has been Oil a visit hore. Ed. looks as natural as ev(ir .'. .. ·· '.l'be boys FIRE SCREENS, ha.ve great sport eleigh-ridlng on the big hill[ It ls a natural tobogganing elide ... .. . 8choo report for Dec. Names Jn order of mori t: !th TRAVELLING COMPANIONS, class- Alfie Mltohell, J ennic fl\foLaren, Minnie Roi;cers, .Ca.rrie ltogore. Mary Vutue, nose Drown. Bertie Ilycrs.Clara.B1·own.:\1ary J,ewie, CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS, Senr 2ml class~ALl"' Moyse, Haury Pye, J<~ttle Gifl'urd, Joe De· n. .Mand Oldfield, Sidney Hockaday, Minnie j, \1 artiu, George 'l'hompeon, and an ENDLESS VARIETY of James Moyse. Senr 3 cla ss- Calvin Mill, ]j -:lJ"a Stainto.1, Ettie Gilbert, John Virtue. Jun 3 class- Fred Moroney, J,ottie Moyse, .Allie Mc· C ullough; J,ottie Lewis, Ettie Brown, Will Putter, Will D.e t·U· Jun 2 cl!J.88- Emma Lewie, Wm. Rogers, Chas l\loyee, .Mable llatchison. Osbnrt Uyers, Wm. ::Hanton·, Ethe l Potter, Frank Mountjoy, Ma.g11:ie Virtue. Sen. 1st ciass- \Vebster Virtue, Norman Gilbe1·t, Harold Mitchell. Eddie Gilbert, Lena. Hutch· ison, Maud Brown, Geo Le wis.James Brown, Rebeo. McLaren, Letta Pot ter. apa·c e will not permit our mentioning . s 'SBNil'"IOPW REASONS WHY Fancy Goods ---o--TOYS, DOLLS tc NOTIONS TOD BROS' sell cheaper than any other Dry Goods House in Bowmanville : M cOREAS CORNEBS.. b1, ·.roo BROS, buy Cot· Ca~h a1id get tl1e loweist J>ossible prices. 2.td, TOD BROS. sell ror Casl1, so contt·a,..ct no debt s winch customers patronu1:i11g credit sto1·es lttlve to 1my tot·. un11ec<~ssa1· y S1·d, TOD BROS. laavc no expen !!ies. We have opened out during the past week A Splendid Assortment of Winter Goods. Space will not allow ns to enumemte. Mr· Richard Gilbank, or F ormca.il. part a visit to his numerous friends recently .. ... , Mr. Jamee Webb lost a valno.blohorso recently .. .. The so1·e1 horse blindof an eye ha.a been fright· ened away by a gre} overcoat aud a ourly ·cap Mr, Chas. Billings is p_ r epa.riug to do a larp;e lumber business this winter.. , Weddings_are not so numeroua·horo now a.· last winter , hut rumor says we a.re to have one shortly, ... ... . Pontypool is our chief market town now, . , ... . Mrs. Brown's annulll wood bee ca.me off on Wednesday .. . . . . 'fho north of Manvers seems to have great attractions for one of 011r young men ... .. . Bob has got n pet now- a tame one too ... . 'l'he revival services h e ld In tho ch11rch here bv the Itev. Mr. West, pastor. r esulted in much ·good ..... . 'l'he Rev ; Mr. :MoCamus, of will be found in abundance. Cavan, occuplod the pulpit here on S unday moruing last tn the absence of 1he pastor aud he lllled It well, ... ... Mr, C. W r lgl1t after a prolonged illness dled on Jfritlay · and his re. AN IMMENSE Q U ANTITY OF DOLLS mains were la.Id to r "st in the burymg ground FROM 5c. TO $1. 50. here on S unday afternoon. Althoull."h the weather was very unfa vorable ther e was a large attendance et the funeral, Miss Jennie Gilbank is visiting in Orono..... Full lines of Mr. W. · K Gilbank and si8ter are · vlslting friends in Camero11 .. . ... Mr. James Cochrane had two·of h is fingers out off by getting them ~ caught in the cog wheels of a horse power· ...· lfl t:l Mr,-Verner Cochrane has returned from hili prolonged trB.vels lu t ho North,look!ng hearty. He reports having a good time and talks o! .writing a book on his travels and adventur· es. Nodoubt it will be Interesting. Buslt WHACKER. Zion was well represented at Eldarl mission· ary meeting .... .. '!'Ile choir h l!'reatly 111 need of more singers .. .. .. La$t Sunda y the Sunday school closed for the winter. Daring the sum· mer, th.,re i· a very la.rge attendance, but whon the snow falls, very few a t.tend on e o· count ot t he long distance t h e $Cholare ho.ve to come. [Why not drive tbern a nd keep the echool open! surely a christian erluorit iim is not valued less than a seoulQ.t" one.- Ed.] .. ...· Mr. Robe rt Boddy, of Raltirnot·e. has been Yisiting frieods 1rn1 l relations here and i n Oshawa ... .. . Miss Minnie Mitc1101l llas gone to live with Mrs. S. H. Crydormau , nf .Bowman: ville ...... Several more wodrlings in tho near future .. ... . Mr. Johiel Uoolldge, who b11.s been It appears that our ambitious village is not In atte11d1<Dce at the Port Ho pa M0dol School. content to allow the c~mmon malda.ios to do is hom e for his l1olitlays. After New Years he the work but again wants the ska.ting rink to rake s charge of ').'hompson·~ school on thfl ninth bolp swell its annual quota or p remature line of East Whitby two miles e·Ut of lbglan. doatba. . . ... . Messrs ::lta11ton and Fur·eY are mRking We here that one of the adJacent fl\rmers In· prep&ratione for th~ erecting of,t~o largl'I barns tends adopting the example act by the Ma.nit·· next summer, ..... F ~ w oommnn1tles posesses ob11o ra.rmer and move Into the village during j e. ~ne.r collect.ion of to.rm residences and o11t the winter and return to his wanted house 1 "n b_mldrn!l"s than this ...... Miss Orchard ·yho re· summer ' s1de1 with t he popular Jleeve of Dul111gton, · Id on the sick list, M··Y sh e sp:o~clily t-ecover. Mr. Long mcetst~e children of the Methodist ... ... Teachers should not look for schools, nor Sunday School durrng the week to practice for should tru·toes receive ap;ilioMiona on Sunday th_e New Yea.r's Anniversary. Hev, Mr.Addi·on ...... A11:>ther warntu11:: - a few week~ ago a will pre.sch In th!' mornlng and Rev. Mr. you11g mR.o representing h1msel! as an agent Walker 1n the evemng. for some Toronto jewellery tkm ·ucc6 etl8d Ju Tne corner-store tna.n must be prooperous, ~elling ab-Out $ 30 worih in. one h ouse , consi·t· He sports a. bran new cutter direct from D . mg or g'!ards, lockets, rtngs, br()()Che3, &c. McAlden's noted shop. Mr, William McCor· Some or 1t turns ouc to be not much better than mack ha.a also been equipping 11 iwsel! in the bra.as . ., ... Some ot Mr. 'l'hownson's scbolara samo direction, A.hem! wrote at tho entrllnce examiua.tloa at Whitby. The funeral of tho late Charles '.l'amblyn was A long w~y to go ·· · ... Messrs. Bowman and largely attended. Rev. K Roberts, of Bow· Her.ry, emco tho open111g of the Os!>awa m1<11villo nrea.ched the fun~ral sermon which branc,h, h11:ve done a muc h larger busrness, will be long remembel'e< I he,,e. '!'he churc h espeo1ally 111 the prod11ce Uno ...... T~ose w .h o was heavily draped in mourning which added a ttoud the ttl& at ¥edoalf St. Mothodist f-huroh much solemnity to the occaelon. on Monday evemng la.et ha.ti an en10yable . time ...... On Weduesday Dec. 16th the wire of . A certam pll-?t ot our oomruuni.ty are predict· Mr. Wesley Glaspell, or a eom. V1mrr.i.g Ing a tough future for the tempera.nee party · now that the McCart.y .Act has beeu declared ultra vires. Wbat a terrible blow! ENFIELD. For men may come and men 111"-Y ~o. but t.hc malty current like'l'ennysou'd "broo.k" 1\owa on '.l'he annual Missionary meeting was held forever. \Ve she.II see. here on .Monday Dec., 14th. 'fh~re was not a Six new members havelbeen initiated into tho very large turn out but t he faw tb.::.t were there Orono Division Sons of 'l'emperance, at the two gave liberally in the colleotlon box a.nd on the last meetings. They are· introducing spell. eubscription list. The meet lng opened wlt h inp: and mel\ning matches. rlob.it.eH, readings singinR and p cayer, Kfter which Mr. Toylor of essays, etc.. for mental improv11ment du1·ing gave .a short sketch or the r eport ror the year. the .winter months. Young veoplti"ol i11tcgrity The Rev, Messrs. Hazza·rd 11nd Walker then addre~sod the Ulfluting in t urn. Tho clwir en· arc invi1ed to como a11d join. livened proceedings by singing appropriate -On Sunday evening Rev.R. \Valker preached eeleorlo11s . .. .. .. Mr. Jno. B . Martyn, of Bow· a uermou having special refer ence to dancing. man':"lill-. ~"""t a few days rox·huntlng in this Ile chose for his text, Amoe 6:5.- A very large v1cm1ty week: . .... . We are glad to see the oopgregfttion attended and uJI must have f elt smiling- last fooo or Mr. Levi N idclery amongst u s a,mply rl'IJaid. \Vo Imagine some present re- OllCP. morp .. . . · Thu stores !lave laid ina choice called t-hc story of 1he qt1a.ker who told tl1e etock .,r ·.'.uri·tOl<lR doing a thief: I'm going to shoot just where thee is llvely holirlfl.y trMle. goods and are SLOCUM. and thee had better got out of t ho r oad. A few daye ago a young man who has bee n working with rarmcrs a.rouud h ero, began BURKETO.N. acting et.rnnRely and showed signs or insanity. He was examined by Dr. Rutherford and pro, Mi·s E llen Goodall is home for he r Christma.s nounced insane and committed to gaol by a h al!days .... .. Sorv100 next StJ.bbatil as usual a t loco.I Magistrate. Our worthy chief of pol1 ce i p.m., conducted by Mr. Creighton . ..... Xmas after seveml severe rights 511ccceded In land· c"'rds are ft _cing. Good sleighing expected tor ing h im at his destination. 'l'he poor fellow is Xmas ·· ·· -· ,\11-. G. C. Read, s1-:ent C. P, U. to bo pitied a.a be has only ono rela.tivo m this slipped and ~pr1J.ined hi s thu rn b, which ha.s part of the country. caused him much pain slrioe ... .. . Business Things promise "to be ·Ji vely a t the nomination seemes lively in B ttrketon by t ho number oC on Monday. V/ o hope r.he councillors will geese and turkeys displa.yei:l in the Burketon Jliug the stories w ith rer.ard to useless and cheap store . .. .. . Good sin1'inp; expected next ext1'a va ga.11t expenditure back to thosA who l:lunday ...... Something i.roing t o happen. wonhave told them, i f they a re untrue as they der how soon ·1. . .... Mr. F rank Qulgley has left (the oouucillors) allege. We aha.II a lso ex· tor homo to speud his holidays. MtN:S-IE·H.A·lIA. pect to bear eornethmp: about the doublc-abuftle in tho a1>po!ntment or Assessor. The public ehc;mld know t he wholo trutb about t his matter j J(N-TERPRISR. and lf It. B. was wronged he will surely t ell us ~~;i~~d why, \.Ve repeat, Rally to the nom· Mr. anrl Mrs. W. Brown n nd Mrs. ,V.Thorn. : . . ton h & ve retttrnod from visiting friendR in tho On F nday ovomng a meeting or the Tern· Collone district P ATSV perance Electoral Union wa.s held In the Sons · ·· Hall to discuss the matter pro and con. Messrs. Knox and Moment ndd reescd ths meeting, pointing out the great need of a union HOl..1IDA_ Y lll EETl.l'WGS. o.mong tho ratepayers to p revent m eo ol auti· tempflrance princlp1es beinw; elected to public ofilces. 'l 'hey stronfl:ly depreoa.tcd the cry of · fJA.llTl'flllGUT.- Annnal solroc of tho F irst some partisans I.hat it was in 1..vor of a poIiti· P resbyterian onuroh, Cartwrii>ht, In the T ow11 cal pnrty a nd called on all present irrespective Ha.II, W!lllamsburg, on 'l'n esday nex:t 29th inst. or their J>olitic11l complex ion t o unite under 'l'ea. begins at 3 p. m. Program at" 7 o'c lock in their banner. It wa" very clearly shown that tho frame churcb, Seo bills. one need not desert bis pa.rty by so doing, so RALJ,YDllFl·'.- Annual Soiree of the P res· long- es he eupoortlld no one who was not a byterla.n B&llydutf, ou 1'hursday Dec, known and proffessed prohibitionist. When a 31st. 'l'ea church !Mm 3 to 6:30 p, m , Uterary ma n not having t hese principles became his program serve<! begins at 7 p. m. A grand t imo party's nominee he must or course stand aside, but need n ot necessarily vote tor h is opponent expected and everybody lnvlted. See bills. even If h e be rully up to the required standard. ENNISIUJ,Lt:N.-The Presbyterians at .ll!n· .At·the c lose of t h o meeting quite a nwnher nisli::lllen hold their Ohurch ·rea on Ne w Yeeris yoluntarily became members. · Day when a great success Is assured. See bills, Mr. John Dest, .fr., 11\ndeonpe artist or Winnipeg, Mau., ls home to spbnd the holidays. He looks as though the land blizzs.rds agre11d with him. Theeo binder agents ere t.orrorR to talk. If we were .in any Wl\Y ooonect..,11 with a part.y eaucus meeting we would'nt wa.nt one of them there, ell her. Mr. E. Billings bas collected almost $900.00 the product of hie steam thresher <lurinp; the past season. Mr. llillings is very popular among hls patrnns. Mr. J. L. Rowe has made a harness purposely for '1'. A, Best's Shetland pony. :Mr. Best also intends getting vehicles ma.do wit.h an adjustinlC body to flt either wheels or ruuners. Tempera.nee and electorril union men must not forgot tho school meeting oa the 30th inst. The pledge ot the latter w ith regards to votinf. r~~s~tustee11 is the samo as mumoipal counci ·_ MURDOCH BROS' wish their numerous customers a. Merry Christmas, and would say that since opening their new CHINA HALL tkeir whole staff have been kept very busy waiting on the crowds of people that have thronged the store, hence they have not had time to prepare an holiday advertisement. TAUNTON . KENDALL. Tbe X1na.e tr ee in connection with the Pree. byteria.n Sabbath School was a. grand success, the singing by the choir and the r ecita.tlons by the pupils !rom the McLean S, Section being unusually fine. Amount realized $27 ...... The ladles or the W. F. M. S. provided a firilt·ola.ss eooial after t he programme and realized about $ 10 ...... Miss McLean. our talented orga.nlst, was presented wit h a well filled purse by tho congregation and wlth a beaut iful silver cake basket by the members or the choir .... .. 'l'he Salvation Army are beginning t-0 make some progress, several joining them during the pa st week, they eoem to be doiug a good work .. .. . A good tlmo ls expected at the Xmas eupper in connection wtth the Methodist church, ae the ladle11 a.re noted for the bounti!ul feaets they prepare . .. ... What we would lil4:e to know: ·Did a. member ot our council pledge himself to ·abstain from drink ror the p11rpose or inducing some othera to do the same and then go around to & baok wludow of au Orono hotel to aToid observation while get ti ng a sly drinkl. .. ..· . Where all the presents tor the XmM tree were obt&lned that cansed the split In the M ethodist ohoM Why the Presb_rterio.n choir imported so many to help &t the Xmas t ree 1 0NLOOKKft, ·usi·c Mu 51 ·c Goods. ---o Figures. a u d can bo seen by e veryone. lllAPLE GROVE.- The Maple Orovo Division, Sons of 'l'emp,erance, held their Annual Oyst er Snppcr on l'hursda.y Jan. 7th. Big t imo assured. NEWCA.llTLIE.-Prof. Geo. Belrord's humorous and d ramatic r ecital in Fothergill's Hall, Newcastle, New Years Evo, Dec. 31st. Seo programs and bills. BOWMAN't'ILLIE.- Blg rush at the STATES· lllAN ofilce every business day from 8. a . m. to 6 p. m. to renew sub~criptions to the 8TA'l'Ji;S· MAN and other pa.per1. Admission free. WEEK OF PRAYER. Meetings will be held as follows durin g the week of prayer : Monday Jan. 4th, in Trinity Congrega · tional Church ; subject : "Than ksg iving" by Rev. R . D. Fraser, M. A.. Tuesday, in tho Church-S t., Meth · Church ; subje ct : " Humiliation and Confession " by Elder Sheppi.rd. Wedne sday, in tho Disciple Church ; s ubject : "Church and Family" by ltev, C. E. Mcintyre. Thursday, in the Presbyterian Chu rch; subject .: " Home and foreign miHions " by Rev ; E. Roberts. · ... ~'riday, · in t_ h e Queen- St., Church:; subject : . " N·tions an·d G overnments " by Rev . W . H . Warrine r, B. I). Each IJleeting will commence at 8 o'cloci.c, sharp ; all are cordially invit ed to att end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~l!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'! J'W ·· A J mmber of geese and ducks · were stolen for Oou11:h11, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Ca.tarr~, lloa.raene~a, Intluenzjl.,' ·n · a BI'o od Bronchitis Asthma. Lunrr Fever Pleurisy a.nd a.11 diseases o f tll~ Splttl " · · · o , ' . ' . .. Throat, Chest and Lungs. As an Expectorant it ha.a no equal, Consumption has been cured'°times without number by its timely use, It hes.la the ulcerated surfaces, · · F "f · f t t 1 · and en ·es .wJ1en a.11 otlti:r remed10a fail. . . 1 ty-s1x y ears o . oona an use 1a.s proven Its virt es. Every family should keep it m the house. Sold everywhere. I Henry Johnston & Lord Proprietors Burlington V~. · ' ' ' 1·LEA, ~1J RE TO SHO U T G OOD S. _ I · OSHAWA . Every Article Marked in Plain d.uots a Kindergarten i.n .th~s tow~..... .. The -y:ouug People of .s t. 11em g~ s Churuh Intend iimng a concert m the Music Ha.II, on New Year's Night ...... Oshawa Whist Cl11b boat Newcastle club last week by63 .to 00 gam.es. . . .... The Iron Moulders are 1111a.k1ng extensive prepo.rat!ons for their ball and support on New Year's TI:ve .. . . . . 'l'he momlng E xpress west now stops at Oshawa station at 7:27 ...... Ou Satutday.· Sund1<Y and !l.fonday, ·Dec· 26th. 27tb. an(i 28t.h, the Army w.Hl hold a three dtJ.ye' engagement with the enemy ...... 'l'he Osha.wa Dr, Deury Bax:tm·'s Mandrake Bitters a.re · a· _sure cure f~r Skating and Curling Club, a.re a.ctlvely engag·_ Ooativ:eness;· · Biliousness, Dyspepsia., Indigedtion, Disease s ~f the K1d~eys, Torpid ed iu fitting up thl'I r inks t.or opening. · Llvar, Rheumatism, Dizi:inede, Sick Hea.dacho. Loss of Appetite, Jaundi ce, .A.pople· xy, P&lpitationii, Eru~)tione n~d · skin Diseases. Keep the Sto~ach, B owels, and NEWHAftEN. Dige stive Organs all m workrng order, and perfect health will be the r e sult. Mr. Daniel Pollar.d Is running a large hospl· Ladtes a.nd others subje~t to S~ck _ Heada,\)he will find reJi?f,,and perma~ent cure by t&l just now .· ,. ::Mre and Maeter C_ h arlee the usu of these Bitters. ' Being tonic a.nd,mildly purg11:i.1v e they purify the ~lood ; Amsbary are'vlsiting:triends In Port Hope.... . Mrs. and Mr. C. :S. Morland of Orono spent a For sale by all dealers in medicine. H enry, Johnston & Lord; Proprietors~ few days ,with friends bore. 19.st week ...... A. Bur' :·1gton, Vt. · ' large surprise p11orty came dow11 on the res!· -7-' dence of ¥r· Po1\fttd .i on Frl!lay night last., their-object beln1e to give our r..evartlng tea.ch· · H v·nry, Johnaton & L_ord, Proprietors of · ·. · er Mr. J ; H. AHin a farewell. A pleasant A.rnica a nd Oil Liniment for Man and Beast. Tlie pest . external Alld enjoyable tim~ we.a spent and the gathet.. remedy for Rheumat~sin, Naur&lgia, Spra.in11, Bruises, B urns and Sea.Ida, Sciatica, Ing broke upin ,t)lo email hO_ urs. WINK r.11: Back1M:he, Fros fed· ; Fe~t;'· and ·au other pains and Aches; lt ia :· a safe, sure , and _ ____,__.. __... ·:.-. ·- -effectu&l R e medy ·Galls, S t rains, Scratches, Sor es, &c., on H orses. One trial Ladies for the finest skirts in town, Cl\ll will prove Its merits, Its eftecta are in most ca..ses instantaneous. Every bottle on Mrs . Ive s. .Also for laces and em · warranted to give satisfaction. Prices 25 cen·GS and 50 cents per bottle. Sold broidories, hos iery and gloves, underwea'r, e-rerywhere. · wool shawls, ladie s furniahini·, ete. ._ · u · Do...,.n's Ven'et·able Balsamic Elixir is a J.'W· ·· e · · positive cu ·' ba,dly cn t last week·. ... ·· Miss .He11ry con· ifJa.st' week from l\Ir. D. Blair,'l 'aunton.. . .... Mr. o. J,. Nott had two . flniters of his loft hand One Price to All! · COME AND EXAMINE OUR COODS. ~-T-YR -oN-m-.Stock Complete, Prices 'R ight, Everyb~(ly De.l ighted ·~ o -~ WE SOL10IT A CALL - - -·o.........._ Mr. F . .A.. Weeks, with an eye to Uie artlstio, een busily engaged in te&rlng down a shed adjacent hls premises. A. mor e charitable per· eon, might have donated it to the S, A ...... An uuueually larl{e audlence attended senice In this church on Sabbath evening. Thanks to our Long Sault friends ...... Mr . J. E. Bingham an .old 'l'yi:one.boy, is home at p resent on a visit trom YanktonDa.kota, after an o.bsence ot fuur years .. . ... A number or 011r citizens are re· cove ring from severe sore throllts ...... The good sleighing or );ho paet week la causing · a -revlva..l ot trade in our . midst": ...·· Hope · to have more n ews for tho ever welcome STATES· ·MAN after Xinaa ~, .. . . W e . expect a big d&y on F r iday. Como out. and join our throng. . . . EuoMJCT. ------- ' . Cod I.Iver Scott's Emulsion of Pure on, wUli D7poph08phUe11 Is Excellent fa Ltmg Troub~s. OEDERDA.LE. for l 'TAIT & ·MffRRISON, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, . Mr, Alfred B. Bowen· . one our :· e nterprlil,. Ing young farmorl', lo&ves thls week for Cedor Springs, Mich., tak.lng with him ": s panking young team orl(l"afB . a nd a promising young roadster 11tallion. We regret hie departlll'6, but wish hl.nl success in hU new American home, o f · Dr. ENOCH CALLOWAY, LaGrange,Geo., says : " I hava used Scott's Emulsion with~ wonderful success in iill Lu11g troubles, also find it has n o eq ual in Summet Diarrhooa of children."

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