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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 6

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j . I' THE Cf\NMHAN STATESMAN iH ~- A l 'Jslon or tile l\°l~bt aml Its Sml Ful.111· liLCllle · Notes and Suggestions. Writing of drea.ms and their fulfilment, a . Nin a miilion . acr«s of la.nd In German·' EVER V FIRi.DA. Y MORNING, correspf)ndent of ttie St. Louis Globe:D emo~re d . voted ,to ·t.h e cultivation of the pot&h- crat relates th.ls actual incident : -BYThe _ p roduct 111.at year amounted to 23,000. · ·we were eating break.fa t one morning, A~1:ES, · No other complaints are so insidious in their 000 tons. · when our nearest neighbor, the millsr's wife, Three hundred barrels cf apples are con- came in, She was pa.le and excited, and to AT THJJ: Oll'EICE ottack as illose a:t!'ectil1g t he throat and hmg·: verted ioto j"lly every d."Y l'> t A lbany, N. our great astonishment ehe at once told us 11." ..totnceHlock,KtngSt.,nowmallvllle,Out . 11one so triOe°<l with by the maj01·ity of su!ferT E R :I!ll.I: s : ers. ·The ortl·inary cough 01· cohl, resultiug Y;, for exportation to G~rma.oy. that her husba.nd would be drowned th at i.f verhaps from a trifling ot· uncoi1sclous c>:.A B~lt.ish Consu hr rqiort ota.tPs that An- t ornoon. She s ,,id: l.ll011erannulll,Ol' $1.0olf paidtn a dvance ~ ~ postii·o, is often but .t he l.Jcgiirning of a fatal .oona, Italy r· exports to England 5,200 tone "Only ltl>st night I dre.i.merl t liat my li 119Payment strictly in advance requlred l'.toin:' sickness. A ¥·E n's Cnmmv P1'c1:onA1. has of ~ggs· eve.ry )ea.r .though th.. tr1.1de only band was drowned in t he mill-ri>ce, a.nd that bsor1bersoutside of the county. 9f.d~rs to well prove1i its eillcocy in a forty years'.fight beg..n teti }'cau ago. a man, ridiDg a whit9 horse, ha.d come about oontlnue the pap·er muftt be accon'.lpamed by with throat and Jun'g.<liseasc~, and should ue Fr(\IJOe ha.ij. £evernl .l'gricult.ural ecbooh dusk, and told me the news. So impressed l not bestoppe~. . h e amount due, or the p~per wil. aubsol'ibcrs are responsibJeuntlHul )payment ie· ·tnkeu iu all cases with_out. dc\ay. ·for girls.' ···.A.t ·one of thi se; situa.°ted nea." w&s I with the dre11m, that I warned my Ronon, there i>re sa.ld to be 300 girls from hnaba.nd not t o go near the mil to-day, mado. A '1.'01·1·i.hl e Coni;l1 Citrecl. six to e 'gbteen ye·a ra of age. ·The farm con e.ud I told him my dream, but he only RA.TES OF AD\'EKTISING I 1ii:~~ "In 1857 I took a severe cold, whicha·lfocted llloughed at my fear>, e.ud Ee.id that we no Whole Column one year ............. $611 00 ;::~;;; my lungs. 11.lad a terrihle cough, nn<l passed . »·slats 400 ·acres. .. " Half year ·.·..· , ·.·. , 36 00 "'., night after uight witho ut slee\>. , ·.rl.Je,rlooto1's ·The pap~rs of Cu:lton, D.i.k., ~peak of a longer lived in d ..rk agea." u One quarter ....... .. , 20 00 µ:!.....,. gavo n1e tlP· l tri ed .A YEH's CnBnnY J·.u:c~ We t hought at first that ehe muat be Halt Column one yen.r ... ..... ... . ... 36 00 - 'J'OUAL, whlch rcli ored rny ln11gs, i nduced ·girl thirteen years old, in that vicinity, ¥ ho ·cr.i.zy, but at last 6ln GO f ·r co1ivinDad the " Hal! year . ·..··.·····.. 20 00 sleeph and atlonlcd me t ho rest necessary ploughed eighty·two acres of land with a ,· " One quarter .. _.· ·. ..·. 12 60 for t e recovory of my s trcJJgth ,' l.ly· L"l.10 pa.ir of hoTses and a con1moa stubble plough. folks that ehe W0.9 nvt, thJJ.t, they consented 20 00 ·. continued uso of t ho l>r:cTonJ\L n. p cnnato have me st11.y w·ith her during the day, Qu&rtor Col mr..n one yest·· · ··· -· · · ·· 12 50 11ent cure \n\S effecteil. l am 11ow fj~ years Manure is one of ·th e· things of which a aod I f,ccompanied her to her home, she " ·· Halt year .. ..·.·.. ·· old, hale aJHl 11earty, and arn satislled your 9 Cnmuw l'i,:cTonAI. ·aved me. . . · '. ·farmer can never !'Jave to ·much. .'['he more muttering all the way : " One quarter· ······ · 8 OOhe ui,ea the hotter b.ie cro.f11"91'Hl ,be» and the Slx lines and under, fl~st insertion ·. $0 5~: Jl<1r.AcE l·'Arnnnor1rnn;" "l wnned him, but he only laughed at Ee.chsu)lse(luentmser.t10n ..: ... . 0 2~ _ Rocltinglrnm, Vt., J ulylti,1882. broader be.comrn the: foun< fation which .he me. I know ha will ne ver l'eturu homo." l!'i:om six to ten lines, first rnsert10L, 0 7~ _ lays for penntimmt proep0ri~y, As evening came on, her !l>n:clety tncreas· Each subseq110nt insertion···: ·· 0 35-10 · · Croup. -A M'otlie1·'s Tribute; A farmer ln Juditi.na is ~v.ld to have culti- ed. The ariproaching da.rkn~SB aet.m~d to Over'te·n lines,firat insertion,perlme O lO .,.Whil" in ll1e cotu 1try l:ist ,\.inter my little JCach BUbsequentinSel~tiOll, . " Q 03 boy tliree y(lal':iOJd, W<l8 ta ke11 .il] With croup; va.tel a pumpkin vine this'eee.son which pro her he sha.dow of death, a. od ,her face grew The number of lines to be reckoned by'it ~eernetl a.s if h o wpuld <lie rrom stm1.1gudnced 18 pumpkins, ranging in wdght from oi>ler 11.s the last sun-tinted cloud in the he space occu:P,ied,,mcaeured by a scale of littion. Uue ,0f tl1e fa 11oi Iv >uggestcd th~. 11sa 53 pounds to 115 pounds. The entire lo~ Weat gave way to the all-ruling twilight s~lld Nonpareil. of Av1m·.~ C1uw1l1· J'i-:· ·To11 M,, ·a ·bottlo o~ weighed 1,467 pounds, three specimens ag· Although I put no foith in the woma.n's pee· ~· which. w a~ rqw:1ys . h cp i. i! 1 t.l1e 1.iouse. This was tried 1H s111 all ::111d 1reque11t doses; :utd greg.ting 319 pounds. diotion, yet her strange murmuring had had DK. 'l'Alll&LYN, to our tleli(4l1t in le~s tlrnn ha.I t:. .:'lll r1ou1· the a.n dfect upon me, and it was with some· ·. If the m >jor p ortion of a gitren farm be lit.Lie pa.tiuut.. wns 111'6.flthing cnsiJy. ' 1' J 'he doe~ HYSICIAN. SURGEON and ACCOUCHEUR. to<: ··till tlint the C1m1:1:v P rct:TORAI· ltad fht, moist pasture land, no discreet farmer thing almost Jlke disappointment tho.t I saw Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 save<! my clarli11g"s lite. Can IOU wonder at er bre~der would . think of stocking up the night close in, and no messenger appear. o ur gratitth.le··1 Siucerely yours~ nr. A.. UEITU. mainly with horses or sheep. On the o'.her l<'or I we.~ young, then, and fond of :the ex· Mus. J·: >rniA GEDNEY." RADUATEOFTIIE TOltONTO UNIVER 159 \Yest 12Stll St., New Yori<, !\Jay 16, 1882. hand, if the grazing surface be largely hilly citing and marvellous, without stopping to · SI'fY, Physician. Surgeon, &c. O!'fice King or broken, it would be the height of iudls- inquire the cause. And so it was with a .. I have nsed Anm·s CHERRY PECTORAL tr.oot. MORRIS' BLOCK. Bowmanville. cretlon to Hel'ect cattle, e;pbcfo.lly he11ovy sudden shock that I again looked out of the in my fawi) y for sovcral :years, :ind do not hesitu.te to pro1101 111<~0 it the most eJl'ectual window, more oareful1y this time, and sa.w cattle, for such l1>nd, J. W. McJ;a11gl1lln, lti. :R., remedy for coug·hs uud c olds we hav.o ever a white horse come galloping over the hill tried. A · ·J. CRANE." ICEN'l'IA'l'l~ OF 'rllE ROYAL COLLEGE Soldiers are given the nr1gm~~. sharpest at Its utmost speed. The woma.n saw my Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. of Physicians and member of the Royal a.nd most effective .weapons-so every farm· emotion and quickly fluw to tho window. Col.loge ot sm·geons, Edinburgh. "I suffered for eight yetl.rs from Bronchitis, er ~hould have the very beat machine a and Down t.he snort hill, OV< r-the stone bridge Oflloe: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmannnd after tryiug 1na.ny remcrlies with l10 s ue~ Implements for tho war which he h as to in the hollow, 1\ud up the long sfope to thti VJ!le, ~te:ij>~~~~:iRc~::~u l>y tlw J~~~i/i\~~~~~~'.~;rt· wage ogalns t vrgetable &g~rei;aor·a and inse 3t house, we wii.tol;io:l it come, together, and it DR. J. c;. lllllTf:llELL, Byhalia, Miss., April 5, lti82. depredatore in the field, the oroha.rd a nd th." would have been hud t o tell which was tlie EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS "I cannot say enough in praise of Avrm's garden, and evny farmer's wife should most excited ; for although Iio personal feeland Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Crmimv P~:cTORAL, l>clievini; as I <lo tha.t have every tippli!Wce for economizing mus- ings moved mo, yet I' was in a state of the Office a.nd Hesldence. Enniskillen. 74. hut for its use I should long smce have <lied ole. utmost uncertainty as to th.a outcome, while . E. BnAGDON." from lung troubles: Brrnd is a luxury al)1. 811 g the P a.sa.ntry in the w0 mao, alth~ugh agitated by the terP.alestb1e, Texas, April 22; 1882. John Kclth Gtllbrnith, rarts of uouth.ern Austria, Italy, and in rible grit,f, yet had ncJt a doubt a.a to what No case of an affection of the throat or A.RR IS TE R, SOLICI'l'OR, NOTARY Roumanie., In a. village not far, from Vien- the measa.ge would.be. And it was no surPUBLIC, &c. Ofi:ice- Bounsall's Bloc,k lungs exists wllich cannot be greatly relieved na., the f t~ple food d the people ls sterz, a l t h f t h King Street, Bowman ville. Nl.oney to lend, by the use Of AYER'S CnEBRY Pl!lCTORAL, kind of porridge made 1 f ground beeoh-nuta. pr ae 0 e1t er 0 ue, 0 see t e man 8top a.t and it will al111a.ys cure wllen the disease 1e A porridge m ..de of boiied mai.i'B, called the Ra.t.e and walk slowly up the avenue D. BURKE SDIPSON, leadtng to the house. not already beyond the cGntrol of medicine. 1D ARH.IS'l'Eli, SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIS polenta, forms the chitf article of food in The fo.dy mot him at the door. .As I f l BLOCK, up stairs, K ing Street, Bo-wme.n PREPARED BY northern Italy. Thesa.me thing, somewhat watched her standing there in the twilight, vllle. {3olicitor for the Ontario Bank. · diff~rently pr~pared, under the name of swaying back and .forth in h er agony, with Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. mamaliga, Private !Uouevs loaned at the lowest rates, is th6 common a rticle of f<.1od iu her hand on the door knob for support, I felt Sold by all Druggisi1:1. R ?Umania., . h b f · JtOUEltT A.ItlllOlJJt, Every· one who has fowls should provide a great t ro 0 pity at my heart, and at the same time a eerie.in awe for the two who EGISTRAR, WEST DUlUIAM ISSUER a dust·box l:~i.ne ro~d duet is best, but coal were playing so great a part in the dra.ma. of of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttora.shes, sand, pulveri·ed loam1 or chy, even, death. · ey at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money are all very g0-0d, and with a sprinkling of The fa.ct · ha.t the nows ha.d been expected oaned on Real Estate, Ofllce on King street, pow- all d ay, and had b een foretold in a dream, llowmanville. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso- fbur qf sulphur or Stoddard'.B ca.rbolic der, constitute as good a bath. "'8 can h e de· which I knew of only as belonging to the 21. 'l'. PJlD,Lll"S ciation. It is cheaper tha.n the Canadiun sired. Thia should be placed in ~ s-qnny mysterious past of King · Arthur and Frois· ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W. or a.ny pa~s a· exposure of the room, ti.nd kept dry and sart·s Chronicles, placed the cha.ractera beof Durham, Sales promptly attended, your hat institution, a.a the follow- olell.n, so that the fowls m~y enjoy its bene- fore ine on an equllity with the me.gici.cna Address-Hamvtou P.O. . .?. 9· .round ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung fits when they choose. · of old Grana.da. I shr.mk ba.ok, feeling tha.t bas been insured since 1872·.for$2,000and B. lllJT()Dl!!!fl!V. The long evenings can nowhere be so pro- the cold w ind which came in through the I C.JtNSED AUC'l'IONEEll, CONVEYAN the last five years it only cost him $2.55 fitab1y spent as on the farll'!, giving a tilost· open door, Ind carried me ba.ck hundreds of C.l\.R end Commissioner in B. R. Sales at per annum on each $1 1000 to insure. · John or rea.fing and study. ' Many a young farm- yaara, -V.nd pla.ced me in t\ different nge. 1ended t·o p~omr tly nn.d at reasonable rates. Ev<n the calm, prosaic hrmer, w ith his McClung insured at the same time for the er or son of a far.mer has a chtiuce to ·im'Cln..i. \ ddress- Ennisknlen P. o. same amount and it only cost him. $.1. 74 prove hia mind during the next six months, snow-white hair, a.ud fiowiri g beard, seemed OHN HUG HES, ~f<icense<l Auct=oneer, per annum on each $1,000· to ins~re, he if only he will apply himself diligently a.nd like some old seer, as he passed his hand Valuator arid Arbitrator . Fire and Life being a littl(:J yo11p.ger. systematically. One or two good books on over his forehead, . and tried to collect ·hie , n 8 urance,. N'otes· · a'tl!l' ·' Accounts Collected. We certify the above to be correct. Thos. grain-g1owing, or live-stock, or fouit cul- scattered thoughts, The silence became Money· t6 Lend·on.rea.sonable terms, ..A.rldress ture, well studied during the winter even· terrible. Cartwright, Ont. · !l72 McClung, John McClung. Inga, Cllnnot tail to tell on the results of The pa.le· faced sufferer was growing lmpa. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. work in all future yea.rs. tient. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who_buys his J,!cen~e from We ha.Ye met with the following cheap "Sj>eak !"she said, "I can bear it now as HENRY SYI,.°V]El:}T,ER, JJlnniskillen. m~de for painting out.door structurria : well as a.ny other time." Make four gallonB of paste of rye fl.our, like _ And then the brmer looked up. \V. W. DICKEY. Has r eceiv:ed her new stock oJ.. tho paste u sed for papering rooms, an& then "Ah, yoe ; I -remember, I remerober;-now, E'l'ERINARY SURGEON. gradua.t.e of the mix in one ga.llon of common oil p·lnt. This ma dam, " im d his voice was low and meas Ontario V 0~(li:ina1·y College. Oftlce and will cover as .much surface a.a fiv., gallons of ured; "M&dam, your husband wants the tesi.donco, N1~wT01'"YILLE, Ont. Will visit Orono every Tuesday. Oftlce hours and invites tht:' Ladies of Bow- paint alone, For the second coat add two calves tnrn~d into the little pasture back of gallons of oil ; and three for ths third . the ba.1n;" i:om 12 a. m. to 4 p. m., at Coulter's Rot.el. Specla.l attention paid to Surgery.. 32-ly* manville and vicinity to calJ These three ooa.ts will last about as long as then 1;e turned and rode a.w&y as swift ly -- - three co11.ts of oil paint. A good pa nt for as he came. · and see h'E:ir Pattern OXEY ! l\IONEY !- 'l'he subscriber brick is ma.de of fresh lime wash and sulAnd still there are oome people who do r)ceives money on deposit ror theOntario phate of zinc, not believe in dreams I !Loan t>nd Savings Company, and pays interest. CLt the rate of 4 and 5 per· cent. No notice of -~·withdrawal required. Also loans money on and assortment ot Marketin~ Poultry. Disraeli and Gladsto.t1e· mortgages at lowest rates. No commission Our Canadian mukets are full of h~lf charged. W. F. ALLEN, Bowmanv!lle. S·lY. It has been said, and with undoubted fa.ttened, ha.If.dressed, poorly p<.1cked poulPRUl'. \V. WILLSON, try, which are ocld at half price, at little truth, th11ot the mJJ.11 who is an &rtiat, what· evtr be hie oalling, seeks relief in b is o.rt EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND 'STORE:-SecondDoorWcst ot' Wllllnms profit to dealers, and at a 2erlous loss to when fortune turns unkind and ha hM failproducers, Wily is this 1 It is booa.use our ed in other pursuits. While Mr. Disro.eli SINGING. Terms: For beginners $6; for Uu.tcher §tan advanced pupils. $10 for qnar~cr of twelve poultry is in to:> m,~ny ca.see a. eort of bv u t in the · C,1,binet as prime minister of l.esaon~. Heaidencc nt Mr. Joseph Brittain's, produut ; not a regular farm crop, seldom corner Liberty and Concession Street, Bow England he did little in fiction, but h e con· calculawd upon a9 oue of the r egular sources manville. 51-tf, of a farmer's income. It ie qa!te worth trived, after a fashion, to construct sc!Eontific Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired. while for poultry ra.foers to take pains. Buy- frontiers and g'ltteringpolitic~l pageants after HAS REMOVt:D RER ers do n ot want the poor stuff se1.1t to mar- the epic and gra.nd manner whiah hold exer· ket. A foe.n chloloce;l ia not as t ender as a ciaed his imagination in his books. Bilt no AR TIES WISH ING rnErnPIANOS Tuned or repaired can haTe them attended well fattened yee.r old fowl ; and a thin sooner had he reo.lized hfa last fall, and bl!fore o by leaving word at the Doi.UNION ORGAN young gobbler, c'"nrot compa.re in· fit>vor the bitter critic could declare tha.t there Oo's 01>'i'ICE, Bowmanv ille . ..A. flrat-clas man with one two or three ye:ns old, and well "was a.Disrrn°i," he hied aw11.y to bis cloaet, !lOW oeini< In their mp.lo'· to ~ildit1 gs forme rly occupied by fattened, The v ;ry ohoicest birds may be dte 117 forth Endymion, refurbished that per ruin·:d by the way they are killed and sent son, w rote some fi:i.shing chapters, and preg· So !1.ol f1le:nUemen 0C.Fa111li CODD & CO., to markot. Tons come with their crops foll nant epigrams, and g~ve his b ook to the ie>n, not § O of corn and other guln, and their entrails worli. The .fame of nis novel w~.s a. food foll of half digested food. '.,['his ferments for h is ambition when the sweetness a.nd ave written these few lines and the odor from it t aints the whole fowl, glory of power ba.d paesed away from him. And tt.11 I have to sayeven though the l\ e ;ther remaino C()ld, and Weha.ve another ca.ae in point in England ,fba.t you can find m e still at home, there is n o da.nRer of "sweating," or "sour · now, No sooner does Mr. G'.a.dstonco f.t.11 l&m not gone a way, from the united assault of the va.unted Boe.ll mykindoldtriendsmay oome, She has now in stock everything log." When good, healthy young fowld or guardia.n of the stability of t he empire and And all they oung ones, too, turkeys, a.re ahut up in cages with. slatted the vaunted 11.postle of its d ismemberment, And get t heir garments nicely made bottoms, regularly fed all they can digest, usually found in ·a well equipped In fashi ons that arc new: than he soothes h is bruised ambition by the and given tresh water daily, or better, milk, ~here old and young, d Eoar triends, ms.y meet HARNESS SHOP. thf.y will gain very fast. When they are balm of literary work. It b not surprising, A welr,ome vrMtinll, bv R . PE.A.TE fat it is t ime to market them, either dead therefore, though a. ·very thoughtful and or alive, If the dist1.1nce i2 not great, poultry cultivated weekly contemporary thinks it is, will often sell better a.live than dead, but to find him in t he pages of the Nineteenth Century setting his fanoe aga.iru;t moder!' MRS. HUMPHREY transporting live fowls very far in bask ets lrre lg1oua science in a. contribution and crates, adds to expenses, The fowls get sickly and dirty after a few days, and there entitled the" Dawn of Creation ani 'VVoris danger of serloua loss in caae the ma.rket ehlp. " In this paper he takes occasion to should fall, and then the sa.le for such etock speak of a certa.,n noble house, illustrious in is v ery slow. Some die and all lose in the history of Engl.nd as · ho.vlng for its weight, When killed on the farm, pe1ltry head in the long a.go a p erson " who was a should al wa.ys be 2ta.rved thirty-six hours be- driver of pigs." This must eettlethe question, fore they are kilied. During this time they we suppose, that the lllustrioue Howard is WITS 'l_':EETll, nothing more a.I; the fountain head tha.n a WITHOUT TEETH . should remain perfectly quiet and if poss!· H c(g)wa.rd, from whobe name we ha.ve poIa the best p lace in town to buy Watches, ble ln the dark. At the end of this time, sitely dropped the "g." Clocks and J ewellery of all the neweat the food will all h ave digested, ~nd the rRA.CTtc;A.L UENTIST, designs. Befol.'e purchasing give me . a bowels will be empty or nearly so. Then, <)VER 'l'WENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, The Fatal Watch. call and you will save money - we will not If they are hung up by the feet, bled by the mouth, dry-picked while warm, singed over !Utiroa110xt1le Gn s A.dmtnlstered for PalnleH be undersold by any amall firm. We an alcohol flame, and 11'id on a table to cool, The late Dr. .McLeo.n sometimen, in feeling Operattous. can-y a large stock of such gooda aa are being formed up n icely into shape, and the pulse of his patients, bdd his watch in OFF.llCE MCCLIJNG'S Bl.O()K. uimally kept in a first,class jewelle ry store. · wr11opped or wound with Etrlpe of muelin to hie hand and counted the pulaations. On keep them so while ' they cool ; in twelve one ccoasion, when doing this, his wa";cb. hours they may be pa.eked. J.t la well to stopped suddenly in his h and, and his pahave clean on.t-stra.w to line the boxee in tient, contrary to his expectation, died. and Eye Glasses we keep the best in t own, which they are p'1.cked for shipment, and He rela.ted this to a party of gentlemen, and ours is t h e only place in town where the boxes themselves ~hould be light, strong among whom wo.s Davy H,rrls, awell-kuown an Optomet er is kept for fitting the sight and tight. Clean barrels a.re very good. citizen of our county, long time clerk of our properly. - You cannot be too careful The manner of pa.cklog depends upon the inferior coutt, Not long after, Ha.rrls was size of the box or tarrel, and the character ta.ken sick, and sent for t he Docto1, When 11tbout your eye sight. of the birds, It 3h ould be uniform a.nd sys- the D:>0tor arrived, he was a great dea.l bet· ter, and was sitting on the p iazza at M9jor tom~tic, and always in rliatinct layers and ,. very cloae. T heymust,of oourse, be tborough- Burt's, where h e lived. The D octor felt his pulse, and unconsciously pulled ont his HARNDEN, L. D.S., our stock is all new and of the latest ly cold before they are p:1ooked. wa.t oh. Harria, rememberiPg the incident, designs, and will be sold at low prices t o Graduate of the Royal College or Dental said : " Dun't pull that watch out on m<i." ·Eve nin~s on the Fa.rm. Surgeons, Ontario. suit the times. The watch stopped. In forty.eight hours There ls no mora pleasurable way of spend· h e was a corpse. OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE, Ing an evening on t he fa.rm, than in the study of some subj eot of n atura.l history l-QLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. "Yes," she said, " l alwaya .ob ey my s te Work exeouted in the latest and most Watches, Clocks a nd Jewellery and all connected whh the fa.rm work. T h ere is hnsb:md, hnt I reckon I have ~omething Improved style of the Dental ..A.rt. fine work we give the very beat satisfac- an extensive variety of subjects to choose bo say abou t _ w hab h is commands shall be!" RETH KXTR.ACTED WITHOUT P ..A.IN \ tion. We do all our own work and defy from, and all 11.re of suoh mtere&t that no diffiaulty can be experienced in ma.king a. He-" Well, here s good news at last. the 11se of Nltl'ous Oxide Gas, without Injury competition, to the patient. Old Gold and S1lver taken in exchange. choice. Moreover, as a method of cultivat- Tom's letter says t h a.t after y'lars of q ua.rreling eocfal interoourse, these subj-9cts may be ing he and Martha have stopped all discord l.'& r:tionlar &ttentlon pa.id to the regulation ot and dfacussed among a few frieuds, and come t o a. perfect understanding." She CH ILDREN'& TEETH. MAYNARD, The Jeweller studied invited for the purpose, who should come - "I'm so glad. " He- " Yea, I gu ess Tom . . .ALL WORK WARR.ANTED.~ . Morris' Block, Bowma.nville prepared to take pa·t in the oonvereatlon. is ; they've separa.terl··" i>U LlLISHED ' . =· 7 M. A. J ·A. YER'S Cherry · Pectoral: THE FARM. .A FATEFUL DREAM. ·Bu GK'S CELEBRATED STOVES F II W The HAPPY TI-IOUGH"\i1 & GARLAND RANGES, RADIANT HOMESingle and Double Heater, ---AND--'--- PARLOR COOK, all fitted with the Celebrated and only 1 Duplex Grate! They stand without a rival. FURN ACES, a specialty. For sale by P S.S. ED ALL~ G L MA~~olf N 0 T E THE BROS. M B are this week g iving special Bargains in Clothing. ·' 0 L L 0 \V ING: R Cheap Life Insurance. A Man's Overcoat, $7.50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00. A Man's Suit, $7.00. A Youth's Suit, $5.50. A Boy's Suit, $4.50. Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, Imitation Lamb, Plush and Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and first-class values. L See our Stout Men's Shirts ana Drawers at 85 ck, ~eav~, all wool. Our lllctli\Ull Sizes in all 'vool at :iOc., GOc., 7:ic., and . $1.00 a .r e bein;;· rapi·H y 1alicn 111>. L J See our Tie-downs and Blankets. Heavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all wool, from 10 cents up. A -181 McTAVISH GOODS., · V M T BONNETS, HATS .. IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY EVEl~YBODY WITH A Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, HAVING- 4 0 SETS IN S'l'OCK. A.. splendid rang·e of Do1·sc Dlanlrnts :from $ 1 to $4 each7 Also, ltobes - Grey and Black- Good value. Uubbcr Rug·s and Horse C:ovcn, &c., ve1·y Jou·. TRIMMI N GS Mns. HUMPHREY HARNESS SI-IOP ELLI MAN'S EMBROCATION! For Outs, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or Sore Necks on horses. Cannot be excelled. 'l'ry a Bottle. P CASH FOR HIDE§. tasa.. ___ - THE ONTARIO BANK , W. H. MAY. firstDoor East of RueboUomHouse. Continues to do a General Banking Business tsBo wme.nvillu Branch. .DEPOSITS P;!;(:..C;.~:l!»J'O -Ji!o"" OI't. T E S . U NJmU ALT.lm I N TonB, Toncil, Workrnanshiu & Durability, "l'l'llT,T.1;\. ~J n111.&.1n; & .-.;o. No.'1 . ::ait. :mU :·~nt> W..:-tJ t Tii\l t1 rnore Street, Bad.tlmore. Received in Savings Bank Depar1mentand oall and interest allowed at current rates N notice of withdl·awal n ecesaa.ry. All depoalti payable on 1lemand, .EXCHA.NGE ·1 _ noi;ightand sold and Drafts issued l':,-0...__ ' Europe United States and Canada, also Go!O.'Silverand United Sta~es Greenbacks bouicht e.i:d sold, v r- 1 ".:! r.1rrh A \·tmue. N o w York. Call at the new premises. COLLECTIONS Promptly made at curreut rates upon all part ot Great Britte.in, the United States and Do minion of Canada. '1.'elegraJlb 'l'1·an8f'Cr~ Made for l11rge or small snms on a ll parts cf Canada. 'l'his is especially advant ageous to pel'sons livin~ in Mamtoba or t he North-wesi as it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For further particulars call at the :Bankinl( House. J. m:. BRIMACOMBE, The Jeweller's, THE GREAT R.usH! -TO THE- -·- Ecl!pso Houso ... Super Diagonal Overcoats.... $8.00 Worsted Pants.. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Mantle Cloths, per yard... . . . . 50 All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 Dress Goods in all the miwest shades from 10 cents. In Spectacles ~ll nonl no~ ROD1~;,·· ~··· ...,., ··o.M··~r· ' " lho"' PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ ___ HENRY'S New Photo Rooms ARE NOW OPEN. !ltantl r~rmerly occupted by the Po8t omce. KING S1'REE'I ', c. In Silverware In Repairing - ·- - OUR ORDERED CLOTHING IS BOOMING, Tho people know that if they - wa.nt a- ::B<>V'Viv.1'.A.lSTV'"::CX..LE. The Gallery is firat-clasa in a.ll ita appointments, a ud furnished in a comfort able maune r. There will bi;i no poor wor k allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor m e with a call can rely being r pleased · jl1iif'The instantenous process l#J~ly will be used for Phot.ographs. ' .. -·...... FIRST-CLASS CUT suit of clothes they must call upon I VES. on Oome in a n d see me. W. H. IVES. R.H.. HENRY. ·

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