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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.liO PE:& A..N?fVM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN A.ND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PlWPlUXTOB. VOLUME 388. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1886. LOOAL NEw.s : LETTERS. llfAPLFJ GROVE. XXXII. NUMBER 1. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. CARTWRIGHT. Dr. Oliver is kept very busy. Young man from the North, pay that Uc for cake and save exposure. St. John's choir is likely to lose another mtimber. It won't be all Wri1-1ht this time, will it ? A Mr. Richardson, c..f Port Perry, takes eh"rti:e of our school for 1886. Mr. Geo. Wilson gets $500 salary at Fenelon Falla. On Tuesday last as Mr. Geo. Wilson, teacher of Williamsburg School, was bid· ding farewell to his pnpils, they, to show their respect for his valuable service durin!{ thti past year, presented hirn with a handsome ea.·y chair for which they receivP.d his hearty thanks. . e d on 'Xmas Day. "' a z :J ..I "'C · ,..-c VJ. ~ Q) ~ c~ s ~ · ,..-c c'd ~ ~ VJ. ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) 0 u: ~ "'C ~ c'd ~ ~ · ,..-c r:n ~ ... > · z ,, · :c I I I I I I __ 1I{!AUBWMOB: 'JIU'llg O!Jl?lUQ ansoddQ s ~nd, ~ 'SflNfi'"IOOJ/\I REASONS WBY TOD BROS' · sell cheaper than any other Dry Goods House in Bowmanville : 1st, TOD BROS, buy Cot· Ua1d1 and ; ·et tlte lowest possible p1·ices. ,,~:: 't~cb 'crOD BROS. sell £01· Casb, so cont\"act no deltfs customers · patro1nzing c,1·edit :o;to1·es ltave t ffi 1·ay tor. · 3rd, 'l'OD BROS. ba1·e no unnecessa1·y expenses. We have opened out during the past week A Splendid Assortment of Winter Goods. Space w:ill not allow us to enumerate. A. PLEA.SlJRE TO SDO"r GOODS. ie a positive cur~ Croup, .\Vhooping-Cough, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Influenza., Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma., Lung Fever, Pleurisy, a.nd all diseasee of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. .As an Expectorant it has no equal, Consumption has been cured timee without number by its timely use. It hea.ls the ulcerated surfaces, and cures when a.11 other remedies fail. Fifty-six years of constant use ha.a proven Its virtues. Every family should keep it in the 110use. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. N. H. Down's Vegetable Balsamic Elixir Cou~hs, Colds,, for Dr. Denry Baxter's lUandrake Bitters are a sure cure for Cloativeness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia., Indige11tion, Dieeaees of the Kidneys, Torpid Llver, Rheuma.tism, Dizzine11s, Sick Headache. Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Apople· xv, P11.lpita.tions, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. .Keep the Stoma.ch, Bowels, and Digeativ~ Organs all in working order, and perfect health will be the result, Ladies and others subject to Sick Headache will find relief and permanent cure by the use ot' these Bitters. Being tonic and mildly purgai.ive they purify the blood. -. For sale . · all dealers in medicine. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burli1u~~r ·, Vt. enry, ;:iofiuston & Lord, Proprietors of Man and Beast. The best external edy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, .Jackache, Frosted Feet, and all other pains and Aches. It ie a safe, sure, and effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on Horses. One trial will prove Its merits. Its eftects are in most caee11 instantaneous. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Pricea 25 cents and 60 centa per bottle. Sold eveeywhere. A.rulca and Oil Liniment for relations lu Kin~ston. · home. About twenty young people went from here Master Ooe Pollnrcl spent Christmas with to Oshawa, to the church opening on Monclav relations In Monaghan. A. J . Lockhart's be,.ming to.co lias gladdo noel week, our streets ror a few days, Master Arth.Foley has been visiting relatives ML · Leslie Staples, or Ennleklllen, adds at Mariposa. another to our list or visitors. Mr. & Ml'!!. Geo. Allin entertained about Mr. Lou Putten or roronto, is visitlng fifty or their friends including the oholr, at a Cllrietmas Dinner, A very &oolabfo ti me was among the Gamebys 'ancl 'l'rulls. n · B l epent by nil present. Mr. & Mrs. Allin and ·Mr. ~ncl M r~· .c, Smi.th, ot a.ltlmore, iave tamily have tho best wishes of all for a pros· b~~n v1sl.tlng '.~ the neiiihborhoo~. perous and.Happy New Year. .I he Misses Ia.I~ or Bowmanville were at We a.re pleased to seethe smilinit face of Mr, D. McCon.nach10 s for a few days, George Allin, jr,. in our midet again. SJC!P· Mr. Addison Gamsby. of i'<ew York. son of · L, A. Gam~by is homo for the holidays. The clMlng Examination or the pupils of Mr. J .E. Armstrong, 1'ea.cher, Uiverslde, is Maple Gro<re School wae held on 'l'hursda:r visiting his namesake. Mr. C. G, Armstrong. aft<>rnoon: 'l'here were in attendance over 40 Dr. Hutherf0rd vaccinated about tort.y peo· of tho pa.rentB and other vie1tore who paid pie In on0 house near Ponty·pool on Wednes· every attention to the work or the exa.mation arte1· which a abort but well selected pro· dR' 'l'he Presbyterians had a good time at thPir gramme was rc·ndcred by t.re pupils, At the annual Christmas tree on the evening o! the eloso Master Herbert W. Foley, one ol the pu]Jlls, read a hiR'bly complimentl\ry addreB8. 2Hh iust. 'l'he Uhl'ist.ians held u. social in the Town e::pre·slng deep regret over Mr. Kirkpatrick's Ha.II on Christmas evenln~ which was fairly dcpa.o.;;ure, aoknowledglni;c hi· fa.it hful eenice· his u11flag11:lng interest ancl zeal in the welfare attended. Considerable money Is changing hands with or his scholars. and a·suainl( him of their regard to the election ot our local cu.ndida.te to respect ancl 1tood will and best, wishes for bis fumre success. Mr. Willie 0. 1"rank. on behalf the position of Councillor. the scholars then preseutcd him with n 'l'J1e Masons are making rrevaratlons tor a of magnificent volume of the Scriptm·es bouml in big 1ime ar, 1heil' entertainment and supper to. l! ' rench Morocco. The teacher being taken by night· ltl r. Belford Is in town. surprise, Andeavored to rep]~ in appropriute Mi~a "'ddie Po<><·er, o! Brantford, and her terms u.ud aft.er speeches lJy Messrs. John dster MIR~ Cor· Power, te1<0her of Me.rmora, Winters And W, Foley, trustf'CS, D. JL Co11.t.P.s are spending their holidays around here. WalterGoode,.Tohn James, George Power, \V'. Miss Ella. .Tones. an olcl Orono girl, was mu.r· Worden. Jaa. Stollery and \V. J, Harnden, rled e. fow uays ago to a l\fr. vVragg, of New· expressing their complete s11tiMa.ction with ' he tonville. Several trom here attended the working or t.be Sohool and the cxaminatio'h. The teacher b,.de farewell to the pupils and wedding. Tucker's pond was covered with ekntere on atrormer proceedings, the aft.ernoon and evenin~ or Christ.mas day. .A hugh bontlre in the evaning added zest to LAKE VIEW-CARTWRTGH1'. the merry pastime. We omitted to mention the song.~ or Mr. and The followinl<' are the namee ot the pupils of Mrs. H. Kelley a t the Christian church enter· S.S. No. 9. Cartwright, according to merit for tainment. 'l'here are few better local singers Deo. for perfect recitatfone and good conduct. than Mr. and Mra, Kelley, 4th class- Thomas Suggith, Minnie McNeill, A fly-sheet 11:lvlng the answer or each muni- Bertie Devitt. Ambro3e Veale. 3rd Rencipal candidate to the questions submittecl to Lanra McNeill, Lena. Moore, Lii.zie \Yilliams, them by the temperance party is being circu- Willie Monro, )!;dwin Veale, vYesley Mills. 3rd Jr;- Maggy ~'Ca.baft'y, Johfl Sloam, Florence lated through tho iownehip. io Ney, Mcintyre, Thornton. 2nd Sr. Peel. EsR Miss Braden's 1ree and entertainment m S. Sammy Mahaffy, Percy McNeil, Ethel Thomp· S. No. 21, was also well attended and proved son, Edgar Lena 'rhompson. Susie Chap. that tho children in that section ara capable mu.n, SarahPeel. \Villiams, Edmund McCrea,Mlnnlo or ente1·taiuing a11 a.udience without importing Chapm!ln , Ada Wilson, Lizzie !!'ice, Annie 011tsid" talent, Tim anniversary services in the Methodist Fice, 2nd Jr.- \V'alter Veal, Richard Williams, l!'reddle William. 2nd part of lat Jr.-Minnie church were well attended on Sunday. It was Sloan. 2nd part of 1st (2ud Sr,)-Willie Ney, a 30llfC(l or pleasure to bear tho old time rin!{ Martha 2nd pu.rt of 1st Jr, Ney, Charlot,te of Mr. .Addison's voice in tho morning. 'l'he Eliza Sloan, Wesley Ney, Campbell. HA1'TIE E. children di~couraed eweet music. Muell cred- GIHB8, 'l'ea.cher, it is due to Mr. Long for the great pllins he has taken In their tralnin§t. BRADLEY'S SCHOOL. 'l'he Army meetings have been or special interest or late and la.ri;ie crowds attend. Capt SCllOOL REPORT.-Thefollowing Is the stand. Girt.le Dimsdale has been here tor a. couple or mg of the highest three in ea.ch class in order weeks and her stirring appeals seem to have of meriT·, for the month of Vecember- Fonrth &\\ akcd the soldiers and aroused the sinner. cla.esMina Groat. Frank Moorei Eleanor The meetings were led on .::>unda.y by staff 'l'llird clues-George Mil son, Ada capt Manton, ot Toronto. Tiley have had a Hea.tlie. Hardy, Louis Vannest. Seconcl Seu,-Lottie pow~1·rul and · unscrupulous enemy to fight Vaenest.. Mrna Heatlle, Annie 'l 'rull. Second since they canie here, bnt everything port.en· Jun.Robt. Vannest, Norman Hestlie, Nor· ds at preBent to a brighter future. man Ros~. First Sen,-Annie Vannest, Edna Mr. James Leigh int~nds Renclinl<' an en'!ine Ross, ~'red Jeffrey, J!'irst Jm1-Auclrew Van. with the traction newer utte.ched which he nest, Mark Souch, Albert Bennett, J. C. invented to the Colonial and Indian Exhibiti· GRO ..l.T, Teachtll'. on in London. He has already received cert! Jlcates from the oftlces at Ottawa ancl \Vash· TYRONE. ington or the acceptance or the application for patents and has also given notice to his soli· Crack went the whip, round went the tors to apply for a pa.t..nt in England, It will wheels be lrfod on our stretts ln a few weeks, 'l'he men who have been doing the villaire in Were ever folks 110 glad. behalf or Electoral union have not met with 'l'he road re-echoed neath their feet. mnch encouragement. There seems to be a As if '.t'yroue were mad. !eelini;t pervading the electors tha.c it is ooing worked In the interest or some part.lcular par· Revival services began here this week, eons, Nor is it to be wondered at 1 Had the agitation been be1rnn so t.hllt it might have to be continued for an indefinito period. been proverly undr-r·tood. or left untll after The news that small po:x: is within a the election 1t would have been much better tor t11,. tempernuce P>H't.y. \Ve hope it may few miles <>f this place has given our prove a Jeseon ror the future, citizens another sc11.re. TheChristmas tree and coocortat Lockh>1.rt's Soho ol closed on Wednesday of lnst school house on 'l'uesday evening passed ofr very nicely. 'l'he rendition or tho programme week, by the presentation of prizes to the reflected credit upon those taking part u.nd most successful pupils by the returning wns of an interesting and edifying nature. intersperoed by racy and humorous songs and teacher, Mr. E. T . Sle:non. recitations in anewer, to the encores. Tho · Fonr pupils from the school wrote at tree was well laden with presents and pre· . . . sented a pi·ctty appearance when lighted with the entrance examination held In Bowwax candles. An Orono man was thA victim man ville last week with what success or a bad "sell", but wo advise him to be lose b b h' l' I l personal in his accusations or the perpetrators may e seen Y t e tat e sew iere. or not to go on the streets alter dark. Mrs. W. Wight has taken a serious A f~w clays. 011;0 a report was ~oosely circu· turn for I he worse Many fervent praylatec1 m the village that some friends in the ,· neighborhood or Ponty-pool were a.fllicted by ers have been ottered for her recovery, small-pox but was not generally heli~ved. 'l'he though at present there are few hopes. truthfulness of of the report bas smce been · · Among those who spent their holidays confirmed however and causes considerable anxiety. .At the nominalion on lllonday Reeve in this vicinity we note -Mr Russell Long told the electors that an extra tu.x had H · f H · k o t 'R T. F · been imposed to stamp out ,the, plague arr1s, o 0~1c , . ~ .; ev. . orrier, al10uld it como into ~he 1mmlc1pa!1ty. ':Vo Mr · ·J. N. Hoid~e, Miss A. A. and M. hope thl;lY may use some or it nowm takmg E. Hoidge of 'l'oronto and Miss E R precautionary measures. People !rom the . · · · Be11, of Bowma.uville. infected section are not wanted in Orono· On Monday the male portion of this 'fh., ·snpper and entertainment in connoctlon with tlle Christian cllurch on the 23rd ult., ·t d wns,. great success. 'J'he spread was really communt Y turne out en 1nasse to at· erodible to the. la.dies a.nd a large crowd par- tend the grand hubbub in Hampton, we took or the damties. At the churl'h the P~O· are pleased to learn that Mr T H gramme was made up of e. read mg from llbss · · · Jflorence Reid which she did in her usual Hancock was elected Reeve by aoolatna· correct and emphatic manner, a pie.no solo tion from Miss Alice Leigh a musician 80 well S· h · h b · X known that It goes without saying the.tit was .' uc m1g ~ e said of mas ~ay. :'he done well, an instrumental duett from the crisp,frosty air, excellent wheelmg, bright Misses Walker was loudly applauded, songs aunliaht "11.Y costumes and the attracttrom O. A. Ga.msby ,.nd C. G. Armetrong, the . " ' :' · latter giving his noted piece '"l'he hard work- tons of this place, reudered the ecenti on me.n," and better than any a couple er songs that occasion one of enjoymeRt and <>'aiefrom Miss Munson, ot Bowma.nville. Dr, Mc· t Th t d "' II J,aughlin's lecture on " ·robacco" was one or Y· e ea an programme were a tho best e~· er doliv<1red in Orono and simple they wore represented to be, and the lexicon. The not~d autop;raph quilt was put Sona have no reason to complain of the up for sale by auct ion and Mr. A. R. Gamsby d f . . declared the buyer tor $21.00. Eld<iN :b'owler, iitten a.nee, as riend& fro~ Bowmanv1lle, Percy and Glllillan from a di~tance wore Hampton, Maple Grove, Enniskillen, pr.lieu;~ nomination on Monday G. M. r.ong Haydon, Le~kard, Long Sault and other was no111ina.ted by w. Moff<>tt aeconde<l. by places c:,J,me m largt- numbers, and proGeo. Gra;r. e.ud John Carveth by R. !J!llv1lle. fess to be satiafied with the whole pro· T · sec by Richard Osborne for tho position of r d' Reeve. For1lrst Devnty J!lmes Sta.rlt was cee mg. he actors played well their 1iom~nated by John Can,eron, seconded by part, th.i music was lively and abundW. 'Ihompson and James R. Reid by Robert a.nee 0 [ it 1md a recitation by Miss Mabel Morton, sec by Jos Simpson. J!'or 2nd Deputy . Thoe Stanton was nominated by Geo. Patter· I Harns was largely applauded. Proceeds, aon sec b;r ~hos Patterson and Wm. > Wade by !\bout $80.00 which after deductin<>' ex'Vm. M1lhgan sec bv James Burgess, For lilenses wi '11 st1'111 eave a neat sum in -" the Councillors 1'zra,Hall was nominated by Wm. Milligan sec by R. Osborne, s..ml Alexander treasury. nominated by Hobt. Glass sec by Herbert E C10i\IB:l', Ronwlck and O. J. 'l'hornton nominated by Jas BurgeB:O aec by John MnKe.y. .As the greater part o! the electors were present we IIAYDUN. shall not attempt to <liscrimina·e but leave On Tuesday night Dec. 22nd, a large them to decide wit.l1out auy commentR. We certainly think a good council can be chosen number <>f the friends of Mr. and Mrs. from these men. We are sorry that Mr. John Davy's nomination was not put in on time as John Siemon surprised them, it being the he·is u. man well qualttled to fill · the position tenth anniversary of their· wedding da.y. or councillor. 'l'h e temperenee pledge of the Se I f l t' l f t' majority came up to eta.ndu.rd of tho Elect oral vera Ul6 u ar IC ea o mwa.re were Union. presented to the bride. A very social P1rnsoN AJ.- The following pl~rsons are evening wa.e enjoyed by 1111 present. or were home for the holidays. Barry On the 1111me evening a larqe party Chappell, of Trinity Medical School, gathered at the reRidence of Mr. W. J. Toronto ; Albert Odell, St. Ca.tharinea Haycraft to assist in celebrating their Coll. Inetitute; F. W. Trull, of Bellevue wooden wedding. They a leo had a. very Mcdi~al Uniyersity, New York; W. T. J h_appy time "tripping the !}~ht fantastic" Rowlison, Km.mount. . ; till an early hour. Much Joy. We agree with the News when 1~ says: J . We believe the Township of Clarke ranks 1 ~dose or two of DR. Sr.m:fi'a GERMAN as one of the most prosperous and beau- WORM REMEDY, or Wormerine, will tiful of any in thia fair Province of ours. remove all worms from child or adult, and Its people are an enterprising, industri· reatore to health. For biliou11nesa or ous go-ahead lot, and a spirit ef determi- indigestion it has no equal. All drugnation to succeed among the farm.er· of foliate keep it. Price 25 sents por box. Take no other. thi1 Ticinity in every where manifest~ Ml'll. Chas. Rundle, l<>'lt a valuable horse ORONO. last week from windy colic, Mrs. R. B. Thornton has gone on a visit to Mr. D. H, Coates le Bponding his holidays at I MURDOCH BROS'wish their numerous customers a Happy New Year, a.nd would say tha.t since opening their new CHINA HALL tkeir whole staff have been kept very bu a y waiting on the crowds of people t hat have thronged the store, hence they have not had time to prepare an holiday advertisement. 1 · HAMPTON. The Met hodist Tea came of M announc· Snppor consistin~ o.f The tea and entertainll.lent in connectlowls, etc., was serv.. d in good style in ion with the Met h o rli~ t church, Xm1111 the Town Hall, after wh ich an intelleotna.J Eve, was a gr1md success, the Wll:.ther was feast was girnn in the church. Speeches delightful, the roads in prime condition, of a very interesting character were de· the attf'ndaucfl large, iin d ~ verything livered by ltev. l\Jessrs. Ferguson, of went off swimmingly. '.fbe. c< m1witt.ee Pickering, \Voodger a nd H11ssard, of certainly d ef!erve prairn f . r tli<· very su 'l'yrone Circuit, 13:i.lfour and McKay perior programme fnrn i:J1,·u The fulPresbyterian and Mr. Jas. L. Hughes, lowing persons cnntrihn ·'d to i · . Cha.irPublic School Inspector, of Toronto. man's speech-Rev."E. Rob~rts,.BowmanProceecls nearly $100, with expenses t o ville; Anthem-"Oh 1 be .l ovfu ;' ', Churpay. · choir; Prayer by Re v, C Toylor, E· On T uesday evening last the Young killen; Song- "Christ was Gr' l\len'a Band of Christian \Yorkers met worcis and music written hy I T at Mr. James Reacock's, and dter usual Mr. I. L. Brown and r:hi ;> religious service, Rev. \V, C. Washington tion - "1'he Soldier' A Sac~· read an !!·dclress to Brother Wilson (who ' Quartett>1-"When I ie lea.ving us prior to taking another clear, &c", Mr. · school in Fenelon Falls) and Bro. W. E. Anthem,- ."V lferguson on beha.lf of tho Baud presented Church chr him with a. Pocket Tt'<chers Bihle with Jacket", 7 Cruden's Complete C.:·1corda.nce and to; D· Scripture index. Mr. w·. made a very Browr euitable reply, in which he st,ated that h" P · had enjoyed the service of thti ~and r ·~ hoped if it was not hia privileg0 · them again on earth that the,1 meet in Heaven. Mr. W. ha hie new sphere of labor and the beL of his many friends follow him a, amiable partner. The nomination of Councillors for Hii;\ passed off very quietly and harmoniously. Mr. Jas. Parr, our present worthy Reeve, t was re-elected by acclamation, and so he A.· ' ·11 b e next year if living, so that he ceede', wi may be able to fill iho more honorable On Sai~, position of Warden in 1887. Mensrs. R. maid, Esq., J. Graham and W. McLaughlin were also tertained the ~. nominated, but ~racefully declined to be Township Offic, candidates. R. J. intimated.· however, friends, at a gn,· . that he should run next year. Mr. John Clemens' Hotel i, . J. McKee was r e-elected Deputy-Reeve, following gentlerueL thei only other nomination being that of Reeve·s h v,pititlity: our venerable Treasurer, R . B. Spinks, Hancock, L~vi VanCain1, 1£sq. For Counoillo1·s there were nowinat- man, Thonrns ~male, lt. · ed Messrs. Thos. Darcy, Albert Spinks, Cryderman, H . Ellioit: Sr, , Irw J. H. Devitt, David Fallis, R .·T. '1\iylor, Brow11, Wm. Winda.~i, .la. l~ · UtUl· -:::P. Holt, and John Devitt. M.essi·s. Holt Johu Humll0, T. ill. w.,.,, n i ion, A. :r. ~ and Darcy re11igned, leaving live men in ReynolJs a.1,d Prof. Hu -o, ·rorontl), field-four Scott Act men and one anti- After supper considerable t imo "'a" 11pcnt Scott. in speech-making. rtJforence be·nl( 01ade to Mr. J,'l.n gmaid's municipal career of Weddings appear to be the order of seven years by nearly e1·ery sp,·aker and the day out here for we could record one all were una.oimous in ··Xpre. " ing. the or more a week for several weeks past. opinion that ho WAS rt<tinug fro!ll t.he On Wednesday December 16th Mr. John municipal field with "' cleau ·;,,h.-et. The Wright, one ot our respectable young bachsupper was up to th " hign st"ndard for elor farmers, wns united in marriage to which this hotel i3 so wid<1iy uoL e.L Miss Ruth, youngest da.ught<ir of Teasdale Whitfield, Esq. The ceremony was perThere was a large numb~r ,,f ratepayformed by Rev. J. Crei~hton, R ector of ers in attendance at tho nomination here St. John's Church. The bride's hrnids on Monday. Fur the position of Reeve were Miss M. E. Wright, sister of the there were four nominations, ail retirmg groom, and Miss Sophie Whitfield,cousin in favor of 'l'. H. Hancock, l!l·q., who of the bride. The groom's men were Mr. was declared duly efocted. Th.ir<> wa' Isaac Whitfield, brother of the bricle, and only one nomina ~ion for First. Deputy Mr. Richard Philp, cousin of the groom. Reeve, Levi Vancamp, Esq, who wa.i A large number of friends assembled to also declared elec ttd. For Second Deputy witness the ceremony. After an excellent there were two nominations, Thos Smale, dinner the company enjoyed themselves and Wm. Oryderiuan, Esq. The conin the usual form at such gatherings. teet between these g.·ntl.,inen will be de The followiag is a partial list of presents cided next Monday a; tha polls. ]'hern received by the bride : Mr. and Mrs. were fourteen nominations for c·iuncilora, 'l'easdale Whitfield, China. 'l'ea Set ; Mr. all, except Mr. James Worden, withdrew, and Mrs. T. A. Wright, Elegant Family and he was declared el~cted. It s<lemed Bible ; Groom; Gold Locket and Chain ; to be the intention of t.he meeting to Mr. Isaac Whitfield, Floral Photo Album; elect Mt. D . Dyer, t<J the position of Mr. Peter and Miss M. E. Wright, Silver councillor.had hll not got. exasperated nnd Butter Cooler ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry withdrawn. For a abort time it was not Mountjoy, Silver Pickle Cruet and Fork known wha.t course pr ·ceedings woul<l and Gia.es Cako Stand ; Mr. Teas. and take, nearly every on " in the house were Miss Sophia Whitfield, Garden Lamp ; spinning their own y ·rn, a ptirfect babel. Mr. Richard Philp, Glass Fruit Dish ; 'There is still one seat 1111provided for. Mr. Rohbie P~i;p, and Miss Sarah MorAt the preseut time the contest is r1s, Bowmanv11.e, . Parlor ~amp ; M~. between Messrs. Smale and Cryderman; and Mrs. J. W. ~h1lp, Gents an~ Lady_s these gentlemen in turn verbally 11tated Cup and Saucer ' Mtss ~ · J. Philp, Pair their position to t.l1e ratepayers, Mr. C-Crystal. Bread Plate11 , Mr. Wesley taking a good deal of trouble to vindicate MountJ_ o y, Silvor Cruet Stan~; Mr. ,John the course taken by him, regarding the and Miss Lerm Larmer, . Sil;er Butter dispute between Messrs. Climie and Cooler ; Mr. S . J, anti M iss ~: C. Iaaac, James, wiLh r eference to Township prlntprctt~ Cup and Saucer and 'lmted. Cry- ing. We think Mr. Cryderwan's chance stal Cake Stan~ ; Mr. H.J.~~~ Mis.s E: would _have been eriually good had he M'. Werry, Haudso~e Lookm., Glass., left thii< 111atter uu ..oticed. W. and. Miss E. Bradburn, Frmt :Pollowing are the Nominathns: Dish ; ~'.Ir._ Fletcher and Miss, Se Della FoR Ru:v.E-'r. H. Hancock, w. H. Werry1, Solma, Parlor Lo.,mp ; M~. and! Langmaid, C. W . Smith, Wm. Windatt. M.rs. · L _H. Hancock, 'Iyrone, Cheese For first Deputy-Levi Vancamp. For D!sh, Mllls _ A. S. Veale,_ Crystal Water second Deputy-Thoe Smale, William P~tclwr ; Miss ":an~ah 8iwson, P~Aserve Cryderman. Councillors-f;. M. CourtD1_ eh ; l'i~r. ~evt Sisson, Oak? Stand ; ice, C. W. Smith, James Worden, 11. Miss Marta. Sisson, Preserve Dish ; Mr. Hutchison, James Pye, H. C. Hoar, ,V. .J-:lm . P1:out, Glass Brea.d a~d. But_ ter E . Pollard, Thos Bu.ker, Wrn. Bmgham, Dish , Mr. and Mrs. John Smit!i, 3r., Levi VanCamp,Cornel111s 0dt>orne, W. H. Glass Tea Set and doz. Preserve Dishes ; Langmaid D . Dyer T. H . Hancock. Mrs. W. Hooey, Stand Cover and half ' ' doz. Silver Spoons ; Miss Kattie Werry, SOLlNA. Glass Water Pitcher a.nd Ma.t ; Miss E. J. Elford, Table Cover; Miss J. H . A Park River (Dak.) paper referrin1t Prout, Table Cover; Mi1111 Mary A.Prout, to the marriage of Mr Chas. E. ShortPair Vases; Mr. Samuel Jeffery, Lamp(ridge, formerly of this section, s · 1ys: A and Lady's and GeI.it'a Cup and Saucer ; large company of friends witnt.ssed the Mr. and Mi~s Marlow, Crystal Cake/ ceremony and joined in the festivity. Stand, etc. 'rhe youn~ couple were well and favorably FIZBUZ. known here, and we are p iea1ed to state will r eside near Park River. ' Tim HARD WORKED MAN of business, toilin~ day by day, with little chance for In MuRRAY & LANll:AN's FLORID~' reat, should take occasion1.1lly RoBINf>oN's WATB.R the most debiht°'ted and nervp _,. _ PnosrHORIZED EMULSION, to give activity can find relief. Ueed freely in the w to the brain, a.nd strength, to the constit- of the biith, its effect is almo11t marvello ~t · ution, and thereby prevent the attacks of so strengthening and bracing, and witha. fever and other destroying d iseases. so exquisitely agreeable. M.r· ·

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