SOME KIND WORDS. Mrs. J. G . Frost, of Belleville, is visPeterboro has paid $175 for vaccinating iting old fritinds in town. 700 school children. Y om· paper is ever a. welcome guest a.t Mr. McAr.tlrnr has isaued a card declinAll the schools will reopen a week from .11. 1r fireside. It does us good to hear what ing to be a candidate for the Mayoralty. next Monday, at 9:30, a. m. Have opened out this weel.: lr1 going on in our native town. You deMr. E . Wescott, of Toronto, has been Bowmanyille, Port Hope, Cobourg :md Merve great credit for making THE SrATESspending his holidays with relatives here. Tre11ton have toboggan slides. what i t is.-A.G., Guelph. We received a call from Messrs. M. P. Man The G rand Division Sons of 'J'empemnce I cannot do without the STATESMAN. Talling, of{.foronto, and Neil McPherson, It is better than a letter. I consider it will m eet here on thtl 19th inst. Suitable for the Holiday 'l'ratle, the best local paper in Bowmanville.-J. A large crowd attended t~e opening of of Brantford, on Tuesday. Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from Port· M-, Conn. the ice rink on Monday evemng. To which they invite the attention of all who wish to buy somdhing Call and see the New Dress Goods just land or Halifax by Allan L ine, to or from WEEK OF PRAYER. Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town, Galreceived at the West End Bouse. really useful a s presents, consi8ting of: way, Limerick Glasgow ; Cabin also r.i· John Cra<>o and A. O'Laughlin who duced. W. A. NEADS, Agent. 48tf Meetings will be held as follows during were committed for arson tire out on bail. The Editor of the S'l'ArESMAN on Mon- the week of prayer : Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King have been day declined nomination in the West . Monday Jan. 4th~ in Tri~ity Con~r~ga.~ spendin~ the holidays with friends at Ware! to allow the three gentlemen to be t1011al Church; sub1ect: 'Thanksg1vmg Kingston. elected by acclamation whose names appear by ~ev. H.. Fraser, M. A. W e call the attention of our r eaders to elsewhere. He is too busy at this s\)ason I Iuesd~y, i~ t~e ,~hurch:~t.! Meth. Church.' snb3eot . !lum1hat1on and Kenner ,Ii; Co's., new advertisement re- to prosecute a general canvass. fine assortment. ·· , , \ r F .1 Confession " by Elder Shuppi.rd. garding new Ontario Readers. . ~est s Worlds ~ ?ndi<r, or ami Y Wednesday, in the Disciple Church ; Found ! t hat Weat's Cough Syrup is Lm~mont, a nev~r fatlmg cure for r_heu- subject : "Church and Family" by Rev. t.he best for coughs, colds, and all throat ma:ism, neuralg1 .., cuts, hur?s, brmses, C. E . Mcintyre. and !Ung diseases. All druggists. wounds, ~nd frost b1tes. 2.:· aucl 5 oc. 'l'nursday, in the Presbyterian Church ; A Watch-night service will be held in All drug~1ats. subject : "Home '11d foreign missi()DB " th e Church-st. Meth. church on Thursday The Star House wishes their numerous by ltev · .E. Roberts. They also show a fine stock of evening Dec. 31st, to commence at ten patrons a prosperous and a Happy New l~riday, in the Queen-St., Church ; Year. 'Ne beg to announce ·~big Bonus subject : " Nations and Governments" o'clock. Teeeive~l another :Magnificen~ Stock of Ove1·coats in all sizes; Blankets a1ul Uove1·1i(h at tile Mr. A. Barber, fate teache1· in the P ub- S1ile for January, for thirty clays, we will by Rev. W. H . Warriner, B. D . Each meeting will commence at 8 ve1·y Lolvest Prices; Dress Goods in all tile :Newest lic i.chool hero, left on \Vednesday murn- give bonuses as follows: To every cash ina for Cobour·', his new field of labor. purchaser of over $1, a good whisk, worth o'clock, sharp ; all are cC>rdially iuvited 1Uate1·ials, with '.l'rinnn111gs to nmtcll. 15 cents; to every cash p urchaser of over to attend. B;.~t wishes. " The m emberi of the Queen-st Meth. $2, a pair of woolen Socks or Hose any si;1e; to every purchaser of over $3, a Scott's Emulsion of Pure church will hold their Annual 'fea OJn go@d Silk Tie; to every purchaser.of over I New Year,s Day. Tea will be served in ()od I.Iver OU, 'YHh JlypophHphltes $5 <rirls wool Hord or boys kmt Cap; Bowmanville, December 17, 1885 . the basement from five till seven. ln '1.'iiberwlar Diseases of the Lungs . to 'e~ery purchaser of $10, Silk Handkr.BY E XPRESS LAST NIGHT. Amusements, will form the subject of chief or imitation Fm·ICap. For largest Dr. Jo11N BADil!W'CON, Corrunna, Mich., AN'fED- LADIES to work for u s ONEY TO LOAN.-Money to Joa~ ~ the second of three special discourses to cash purchase during January, Silver a.t their own hornes. $7 to $10 per week on the very lowest terms on farm the young people by Rev. R. D. Fraser, Teapot or Silver Watch worth$12. Laclies says : "I have prescribed Scott's Emulctm be quietly_ma~e. No jlhoto. painting; no Hccurity, and all business str;ctly confidential. with satisfactory results in Tubersion, M. A. , in St. Palu's church, nex t Sabba~h and Uents Fur Coats, Goat Robes. Bufcanva~smg. l!'or htll particulars, please ad· 49-lw cular diseases of the l ungs, Mesentery Il. HUTCllIBON', agent, Enniskillen. dress.11.t once. Crescent Art Co., Hoston.Mass., eve)}ing.falo Robes, and all winter goods must be glands; also in Neura.lg ia. due to defective OG LOST.- A white and black Dox 5170. tor these goods are Thc connty rate in these U nited sold. Come and iret our prices. T. Geo. uerve nutrition." Hound pup, white no~e. black head an<l OUSES TO RENT. - That comCounties' is only seven-tenths of a mill. Mason. ears. two black spots on right ahouloier and fortable dwellin1t now cccupiP.d by Mr. J . black spot over tuil. rtewarcl for return to W. The Counties are entil'cly free from debt, Worth its weight in gold. West's If. H. Jury on Couce"siou Stl'!let. Oood garden J . HAYl'RA}'1', Harden. l·VI'. and there is q uite a respectable sum in World's Wonder, the cheapest and best TO CLEAR OUT the balance of ·l· an acre well stockc(l with fruit of vn.rious ATTLE ASTRAY - Oame into the kinda. Possession Jan .. 10th 188ti. Also 11. the treasury. liniment in the world ; cures more cases .J premises Lot 11, 1st con. Cartwright, on number oC rooms in Hm·seJ'· Block next to -ANDof their Holiday Goods, We received a call from Mr. W. J. and go ~s fort.her than any other medicine. 01· about tho 8th inst, ono heifer co ming two Standard Bank. .Apply to W · M. HORSEY, Ear, o ~lb, Ill., on Monchiy. He, Rheumatics try it. 25 and 50c. All old and one steer coining twn years old. 80 ~.'.~.~~~~~:...............- -..-- --··---- 51 _ -t_ f_ MURDOCH BROS are selling Out· Stoel.: is the F inest ill like a wise man, came over to get a Can- druggists. Owner will please prove property, pay costs, OA.RS FOR SERVICE.- Two Boars, a.way, RonER'l' HALI, and take them adian bdy for a wife. He speaks in high 'l'arr's PHO'ros- Messrs 'l'a1t & Morri~on, one a. pure bte<1. Ber~ hire from itnported &l-3w Burketon. china, china ware, fancy cups, Bowman ville, Ont.- Dear Sirs :--A proof or the stock direct and in no way rebto<l to former terms of Illinois. Town. neaative taken by you was duly rcotived. animals owned by me, and the other a pure OTJCE : -THE GENERAL MF.ETING of The town mill pond bore a merry look I ha.vo to thank you for your kindness. 'l'he saucers, Grockery, table and thePatrons ofth.,RamptonButter &Cheese bred Suffolk alHo from imported s&~ck, are kept on Xmas Day with its crowds of joyful cabinet is certainly one or the best. tr not the l\l'fg., Co .. !or the closing up of the business of for service on lot 22. con. 3,Darlington. TERMS: best. I have ever had tRken. I would like you hanging lamps, and other fancy the nast season will bo held ir1. the l'own Hall. - $l.50 cash for thoro'-llred sows. and $t.OO for skaters flitting over its clear fro7.en surface. to quote me your price for a ilozen. A number Hampton. Jan. 9th, 1886, at 2 p,m. All JJersons others. SAM'!, SNOWDEN, Proprietor. 45-Sw* At one time of the clay the re were over of people to whom I !1avo shown It say It is as interested will please attend. F . L. ELI,IS, 1\ne work as any they ever saw done In 'foronto · goods at miprecidentedly low Secretary. Hampton, Dec. ~'!Jth, 1885. 1-lw BLACKSMI TH SHOP AND DWEL250 enj oying the pleasure. Let me hear from yon, and in qnoting price - ---- ---·--- -- -·-· LING HOUSE 'l'O REN1' in the village The D. 0. & P. Co., are sending a vlease quotA it as tine as you oan as I may lake HE ANNUAL G&NERAL l\IEETINCJ of the , or ~olina; 11 acri; or choice land with)io;;,t( Don't fail to call 1.>oz~1i. requests continually coming in f pri,c;es. splendid Exhibit of Pianos and Organs to several Shareholders of the Hampton Butter & / frUlt orchard:. Stone stable: hll.rd a.::.a soft for that. sort of thing. Yours truly. EDMOND and Cheese 1\fanuracturing Co.. will be helcl in the wate.r. Cons1d~red ono of ~l}e b::,·dt stands iii the Colonial Ex:hibition at L ondon, Eng., K S1n:Pl'ARD, ·roronttl. Nov. 26th, 1885. 53·t! get a bargain, Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday the 16th Darlrngtou. . \Voo!1 sl)~P w~~. 11e c,rected for and iire busy pushing them foreward. ~-------ot Ja.n .. 188G,a~ 2 o'clock p.m.. for the purpose any one des1rmg it. )e.: r:n!! l'"sr. P.osseseion Entrance Examination., We expect to hear gr eat things of theit· ot receiving tt.e Aun!ml Ueport. tor the elect· at ~nee.ShNo~e .but. Jlt·at,Qlas~ workman need. ing 01 t b.e .Board o~ D1reetora-tor the yeo,r 1886, jf P.Y·M ·011 .,e a wooc1 aboer, .. Apply tO' products. 1 and for ot;;:'.'" bu.smess. AH Shareholders will BffiR n-~i>oN, Solina. P. o. ~Otf, Thirty-five ea.ndidates prllsented t.hemThe Dairyman's Association of Eastern :BIRTHS. plcaee attend. l' . ::.·.· El~)S, Sec. U~f!'.!:t~!!, - - 2 1 Ontnrio will hold their annu al meeting sclves 111st week for admission t o the TIUXTON- ln Bowmanvllle. on Dec., 26th the D~~~, 29th, 1885, _ -----~ ~~~ · W - I and Co1;vcn·io1 \ at Belleville, Ontario , on H igh School- twenty from the town and wife or l\lr. Geo, JI. Buxton, of a son. fifteen from the country. We give. the S OU'l'H WARD. l! ~El!OUS.lN -On Tuesday, nee, 22nd. the wUe W ednesday and 'l'hursday, January i1th and 7th, 1886. HARFORD Asm.1 n :, Sec- nam es, marks and te"chers of the succes" M Mr. Robt, l!'erguson, Orono. or a daughter. r .. rnn:~ GENTT.Ei.i:1cN,- While deeply The ..1lmdersigned havin<T bourrht out HitNRV·- In Cartwright, on tho 23rd ult., the sens!blc ,o! AND fol ones. re r,-'IJelleville, Ont. the 11onor to be conferred by the (1'it~l"t MILt. of J Sti<er E~q and Alice McGlll, 506, nowmimville Public School. wife of Mr. rtobt. Henry, of n very fine dll.ugh- nommatmg me a.s a candidate for tho repres" £....J.W· .,. . · · ' ." A man named John Fraser :dropped Matilda Prout, H9, No. 9, Darlington, Mi~a ter. entative of yonr Wat·d a.t the Council. I am put evr1"';;rrli~· 11'1 tu.s t-class order, 1s preSq_uair, ~acher. compelled by other duties to decline the pro· p:Lret'Ftf> t' .~ M11l'~a '.,f Grtstina. I will d ean in the bar room of the Alma H otel J ohn 11 Cory, 45l. No. 3, .T. H. Allin, MARRIED. fc1red honor, ond therefore hereby announce rruaraiitee' i£ ?·' Rl>'l.1.I"'I': ·,, < h t "ARN l!O' on Wednesday evening 23rd ult. H eart- Bessie Brooks. 4l0, Conrtice, R. B. Watson, PASCOE- ror r - On the 25th Dec 1885 by the th&t I am not a C 3.11didate for the position and "' , ' · · i1. · nn'."toU',".11,..'"';i,CS · · rA · disease was suppos1~ d to have caused his Alice Darch. 430, 8 PS, F·~ouu thal; 18 ~~ c,~ ipe,eouUvf · as the R ev. G. Rr°ow~~. at the houee of the' bride's reque5t you not to mark ballots in mr favor, Colville, 425. Clarke, Miss Linton, sudden death. He was in the act of ta· JM, mothet', .M:r. l!'li Gen. Pa.scoo, or Solina, and Re'.f.~~~111s mill ha8 been fµi\4 . .J.l~h~i¥+J,1Pqiaijy for Neil McDonald, 425, " " 1· 1w Miss Jane Joli. second daughter of the l11o~e Geo, ,_ _ ' I hancliing that kind'of wt. :"i~ · . king J}...glm!S-<lf liquor when he dropped to Bertha. Sherrin. '2~. B P 8, Wm R Hoidge. 421, 'l'yrone, E T Siemon, ,Toll, Hampton . ,., W I have also p11t in a. S4~.!\;U.1 Ill rcmthe1foor. Violet Farron, 41.ii, BPS, SHORTRinG ~]-lIJGOINs-At the residenl:!l of .NOll'....11 AllD. · w· · . ~ "" . D. Davidson, who has taught J 1 nectwn _ ith ti e, and .~"' '[>:"tm&red no W Jewell, 411, S S No, l, Darlington Mias the bride's father, Ben.1. Hlg'('ins, Esq.. by B.ev. sc.hool at C:mton for a number of y ears, Walsh, ll, !'· Coop_ e r, Mr. Chas._])). S~ortridge. ,or Park ELECTOg,S OF BOWMAN VILLE. to take Ill a11y quantity of. Su Loga. . H11 er, Dak., to Miss Allee Higg10s, of Tiber. I have lowered the pr tee of Chopping very much to the satisfaction of p upils, F Lockhai·t. 407, B P :>, John Mara, 4.07, " llAm- STAl'LEs--At "l\fople Gro,.e" on Dco., to w 1 ·t the tim parents and truMtees, has accepted the N Sincll\lr, 402. " 2·1tb, lSS.5, by llfr. Kilgour. Mr. David LADIES AND GEN1'LEMEN,-l beg to announce I ~s. r ,.... ~ -.--· . _ position of H ead-Master of the Union Jas Medland, 388, Stevenson Haig, Baltlmore, 1Lncl Mi~s .Taney B. myself as & candidate for Councillor for your A' ~· · :rQ dl.l·\j J! .A l\110i:-caud, 388, " second daughter or John U. Staples, Esq., all ward tor 1886, and aolioit yottr votes and influ· · p I , l\;. School Bowmanville. Mr. Davidson is a Alico Vvolsh. 381, " Municipal Nomioa.tio o! Hamilton~wnship . ence. Yours n.espectfully eop e s u 11 s, youn" man of excellent ability, and his Charlotte Grltl\n, 382, No 17. Darlington. Miss './ '\vmonT- Wm·1 'PlEW·- On the 16th ult., at 53·2w* JOS. BRITTAIN 51 Kin>(stou Road. Kerslake. deii.~r.!;l f}.]!!1 Cc<n t on is greately regret- .M:abel The candidates in Bowmanville the residence or the bride's father, by the Hev. Couch. 380. B PS, ted.Port ope 'l'iines. J. Crell?hton. B. D., Mr, John Wright and Miss taurttlBnll. 379, 'l'~rone, E T Siemon, Mayor- W . M . Horsey, F. F. McArthur; ' Rntb. ·whitfield. daughter of Teasdale Vvhit- TO THE ELECTORS Ol· " 'l'he special envelope collection Jor the John McFeeters, 378. " fleld, Esq>, all or Cartwright. · . I~eeve -W. P.Prower, W.S.Rugs.ell; D epBOWlUANVILl-' E~ Augmentation of Stipends Fund, taken c,.,.§X.\Uh'llS-SYMONR- On tho 22nd of Dec .. by Frns1'.- 30 acres of lot 8 in the 1st concession High School Examinations. uty Reeve- Geo. Piggott, Dr. A. Beith; the Hev. S. Salton. at the residence or the Darlington, lying immediately sollth of the in St. P:i.ul's church last Sabbath, amoun.t LADIES AND GENTLE~rn. - Believing there or bride's parents. Mr. W, H. Symon~. or Hope. should cemetery. ··Councillors-North Warcl-R. .R. Los- ed to $107, which, with moneys in the 11ositio11s be n contest for the principal to Alice Mary, second daughter of William tor Municipal honors in thlB town, r hereby MATirnMATICs - - Hooors- The honor SECO:'<D.- The South UO acres of lot 16 in tb.e ' Symons, Eeq., or Clarke. · combe, M . Purter, Tl10s Burden, Frank. ha nds of the Missionary Association, will list contains the names of those p upils announce myself a candidate for the Iteeve· third concession of Darlington, and the North QuJCK- RATCLll'l'll:- In Bowma:1ville, on ship for 1886. and respectfully solicit vonr vote 36 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in the Mason, Jos. Brittain; W est Ward- D. pcrmit~a grant of at least $150 to this im- who made not l ess than .sixty per cent of the 2:k d mat., by Rev. W, H. >Varriner, B. D., and influence. same concession Yours i'ruly. "T. Morris, John Wesley, John Percy, jr., portant object. 'l'his is a good beginning the mar-ks gi.-en for those subjects in Mr. L. G. Quick, to Miss E. A. Itatcli~e. niece 52-~ w W . S. HUSSEI;L Tumo,- The Sout.h 100 a cres of lot 25 m the in the effort to raise $850 for A ugme ntion connection with which their names ap- or J. R ueooHQrn, l~f}q., both or Bowma.nvil le. third conceFsion of Darlington, and the Nortlt. elected by acclama.tion Sollth Ward- .J. in the Presbytery of Whitby. 'Xfoon£-Avi.:tiV-· 4.~ the r'J\!ld1,1n<.:o or Mr. PUTY REEVE. erly 60 s ores of the east half Qf lot 25 In tile. pear. DE S!l!IDQ Q9!l.Q9~s1Qn, K. Galbraith, T. B ·odie, R. Worth, Jno. DarlingL oli, oii tlie l!Oih lllet., 'fllO·. Woodley, The following visitors spent Christmas UNIVERSITY CLASS-MAT!!ilMAT!CS- by the Rev. E. ltoberts Mr. .Ta.bez l\foore. to AL) the abov<o Will ho sold in parcels to suit 'H. Kydd, J. F letcher, Jas. Noiwerthy. with friends in town:- Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Eliza.beth Ann Avery, both of Darlington. 2'o the Electors o f the !l'oum Df lJoWriUtnviile: pUl'1Jhuaer.s, 'l'irne for P8:Yment and terms will Lestock Ried, Port Hope; Mr. aud Mrs. Algebra :- R. Lawrie. W. Parks, W, . Et:lDY- GrnsoN - .:\t the Queen St. 1\11,thodist 1 l>e lll!ldi> very easy to satisfactory buyers. }'or James, G. Shaw. Senior Trig onome" Parsonage. 1 .JADIEB A NT> GEN1'LEil[EN,- liav1 ','g filled the particularll ltJ:l:Pl)' to on the 30th inst., by the Hev; E. Brown, Toronto; Mr. R. IC. Orr, G uelph; D Bt!RI{E SIMPSON try:-None obtained fifty per cent. Sutiior Roberts. Mr. Charles Mattison Eddy to Miss ofllco of De1mty-Reeve or your '!own for the Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Archer , Cobourg; Miss Geometry: -J. Newsom, ,V. Hassard, ]j)stella Maud Gibson, both of Clarke. ' Vendor's Solicitor past two years, to your enFire eatisfaction so I'il·tf and havrng been repeatedly _ _ . -as I a m aware. fat' Mathews, ·roro 1 1to; Mr. W.S . Greenaway Junior Trigonometry. W. Ha.s~ard, J. the same position, requested to otfer again for Mr. ~Tno. D .,boyes, of Myrtle, is visiting and wife )!al' Hope; Mr. E . Brittain, I now tmnounce myself as a Candidate for reDIED. J. Newsom. friends in town. ·r~ntb; '.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clarke, Coelection.and respectfully solicit your votes &nd BAt~llETT-Jn Bowmanville, on 24th instant Third form · - ARl'rHMATIC:_:.G. Jones, William 'fhomas Barrett, &ged 30 years. influence, CEO. PIGG01'1'. In my opinirm your paper is wonder- lfourg; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Higginbotham, .:iow~~.:'.: Dec. 24, 1885. 52 . ·J . Gilfillen and A. Elliott, W. Hosken, Oshawa McINTYRE-At the residence or her brother. fully in1proved - J. C Little Britain A. McLan!l(hlin, A. Booper,K. Morrison, M. Bul'ns, U Herkimer street, in·law, John '!'he annual party given by Mrs. D . Silver-pla t.eel war e of every discr· tion H8.m!lton, on the Deo., Annie. rellct of the J. N. Brittain. T HI~ late Il.obt. Mcintyre, of I'ort Hope. in the 55th . a nd prices very low at Mayn rd the Davis to her boarders and their friends, year of her age. GEOMETRY :J. Gilfillen, G. Jones, G. took place on Wednesday evening, of last Jeweller's. 0 S'l'O'l'T- At the residence. lot 13, con. 4, townweek, Mr. Jule Roenigk, on beha.lf of Rowe, A. Hooper, A . M cLaug hlin, J. N. ship M i;. J . E. Souch and wife of of Hamilton, on Monday, Dec., 2let, 1885. the boarders, prcsent~d their h ostess with Britt.llin, R . Stark, H. Hosken, K . Mor- William Stott, a g<'ld 7fi yeara, father of :'dr. W. k ot ·' been guest'! at his fat r ison, J . CouchB. Stott, or Port Hope Model School. a s upurbly haudsome silver d in ner cruet. J'1·o~~dence. · Music was furnished to the dancers by A LGEmu:- A. McLaughlin,J. Gilfi llen, The S[),lvationi-ts will h old a b ' " meet - the Orchestra and a most enj oyable time :ing in the barracks on New Year ni!{h t . was spent by all present. The cruet was W. H osken, K. Morrison, G. Jones. BOW:M:ANVILLE MARKETS. LADIES AND GENTLEi\tEN,-Your Are now JJrepa1·ell to qiwte prices of AmTHMr.T1c :- D . J amieson, W. B lack, All ar e welcome. bought at Mayuard t he Jeweller's , of \V. Allen, A. Caracadden, .·T. Brown, M . HINDER TIVINEjo1· t11c,,eason ofl 88G . votes and influence respectfully C:orrcC'l·e1l by .John Lyle. cveryTl>ursduy. Miss Mabel 'l'a ·t, of this town, recite ot~l'ae. A1hhess, Rossie and J. Chaplin, M. H aines. solicited for ;:;o FRONT STHEE'.l', EAS '.l', ·at a concert in 1i i i brook r ticently and r eOm former yo ung townsman seems to TORONTO. ALGEBRA:- M. Haasard,A. Carscadden, FLOUR, ~ 100 its....... . . $2 10 to $2 50 c eive<l. great applause b e as popular ahr<>ad as he was at home, {;. J . THORNTON, WHEAT; Fa,ll, ii!' bush ·.... 0 75 11 0 80 M . Rossio, M. Nott, L. Welch, J. Brown, 11 Spring, 0 75 11 0 80 for Councillor for 1886. Murdoch Bros', are selling 'l'able and judging by t he following ex tract from the D. Jamieson, J . Lawson. BARLI:Y, i\t bush.. · .. · · .. 0 55 11 0 70 Hanging Lamos, DJ ui:h lolll'er than usual. A lbany Pres~: MANAOElt CHERRY R R· GEO.MfffRY:-- J . Lawson and A . CarsCEIVES A VAur.rnLE Gn·T.- The employees 0 53 II 0 55 They have a great. a·~ortweat tuo. II . .. . .. .. .. of the Whit e S· wing Machine agency last cadden , M. Nott, M . Hassard and D. RYE, OAT~, II · .. .. .. · · 0 28 II 0 33 . 0 . Canada's Couiic Journal ? If you want t·' see the finest Ohina Hall J amison, M. Rossie, J . Brown and W. evening p1'es<:n te d Manager :F'. D. Cherry PEAS, Blackeye, 'lr bush .. . 0 83 " 0 87 I -east o~ Toront·>, call at Murdoch Bros'. with a magnificently chased gold mounted Allen , M . Allen and M. Hai nes. Thlr1em1tlt Ye:u· or 1·ubUcuU011.. " Small, " 0 55 11 0 60 To the ELECTORS of the Town Since it was opened huudreds have v isited ebony cane, engm ven with the name of F irst Form- ARITHi\IATrc: - E . Short, 0 55 II o· G 5 of Bowmanville. " Blue, it. the r ecipient. 'l'he presentation address The aim of GRIP is to set forth, in u,u impartMr. J . .A Williams, l ibrarian of the was made by Mr. Daniel P omeroy and A. B ellman, H . Wendell, A. Beach , C. BUTTER, b est table, ~ lb. . . 0 12 11 0 15 ial and independent manner, tho pa.ssing Russel and H. Hutchison, M . l\foLaugh - LARD, :UY lb .· ··· - . . · · · · . . 0 10 II 0 13 GEN'rLEMEN,()Vents ot Canadian political und social life. Mechanics lnstit ute, Linds ..y, !:ell d own Ha'"ing been requested by a largo number was r esponded t() in appropriate words by Cartoons spealc more definitely and more -t he Institute stairs on Tuesday night and Mr. Cherry. The gentleman has b een in lin, C. Hill, M . Reid, F . Horsey and F . Eaas, if!' duz ...... ...... . 0 18 11 0 20 orinfluential ratepayers to ofter myself as a lts pleasi!!-r,;-ly than· wl1olo. columns of editorial. Po1'A' r oEs, V bush . . . · · . . · 0 35 11 O 40 evens. S t for the Moyaralt.y for the year 188G Jn candidat,e was instantly killed. 1ly appreciable, ond this pungent, eaR the employ of the comp:my for some time Ihavo after a careful consiileration decidccl to a.rtisti~ st:yle of presenting a. subject, the wl10le AL<iERRA:- C. Russel, M . Climie, A. DnEsSED H oa s ~ 100. · . . . 4 50 11 5 25 comply West's Cough Synip. A snre cure for and h a2 shown himst lf capable and enterwith their request. I therefore respect- s1tual."1on 1s revealed at 11 glance. Tl1e success. fttlly solicit :vour VOTE and INFLUENCE for o.f: ORIP shows how well this fact is appreciat.coughs, colds, br 110hit1s, sore throat, prising. A collation followtJd the pres- Beach and M. McLaughlin, B. Thornton, Mayor. for the ensuing year. E . Short, F . H orsey, A . Bellman, F. ed-it~ Uartoons on the passing political events; and all dise:i.~es ,.f th.- , ,, ,.o,1t. 0.·1d lungs. entation . Ir oleotedI wili endeavor to discharge all of tho country being even more eagerly sought; Bra1rg, W. Grant, S. S teven s,.T. McClung, New 2loucrtisements. 25c., 50c. and $1 per h"ttl11. All drugduties devolving upon me in such a manner as after than the chaste and hnmorous letter-preM On Tuesday evening, a su rprise party l\:I. Reid, H. Windelt, S. Che1·ry, W. I ~,...f'V'.,.._,~~ in my j udgment will meet with your hearty of the pa.per,- though the latter is elJual to that gist. consisting of about forty couples presented Cherry. a.pprnval and endors:i.tio11. Your obedient of 8.ny similar publication on the continent, Couch, .Tohmitou & Cryderman are now themselves at the Ruebottom H ous e. \V. .ltl. llOJtSEl' . For I 886, GRI P is to be considerably imprnved OARDERS WANTED. - Comfortable servant, Bowmanville, Dec. 9th, 1885. The old cover is to be discarded; the paper is. Pass - Second Form- AmrHMETIC :accommodation and good board for two -showing a lovely ass.. rtmeut of Silk H and- After b ein!!' cordially welcomed by the to comprise 12 pages; while a handsome design M. Hassard, J . Lawson, F . Mason, frl. students can be had on a pplication at the .kerchiefs Silk antl Cashmer e Squares, genial proprietor, Mr. W. Manning, on for the tttle page, a re-arrangement of the STATES~Ll.N Office. 1-2w* TO ·ruE E l"E(;'1'0RS matter, and improved facilities for the artistic m en's fancy Braces, lined Kid Gloves, behalf of the visitors presented Mr. a nd Allen, M. No tt, W . Tamblyn. production of the Cartoons, will ma terilly i :- M. A llen, W . Tamblyn, F. M en 's andBoy'a Knitted Gloves-just the Mrs. L . Geo. Quick with an address and OF CLARKE· prove the t,-pographical appearance of ther EDAR HAILS AND POSTS .- The Wesley, W, B lack, F. Ma~ou ,M . Haine!, .right gt1ocls for holiday presents. paper. china tea service, as a slight token of esundersigned offers fnr sale a qua.ntit.y LADIRB ANI> GEN'l'LEMEN.- Raviug been .lrif'THlc PR1CE wru. NOT HE I ll!CREASED. of dry cedar rails and posts. cheap for cash. nominated '.l'he nominations for School Trustees t eem from t heir many friends. Mr. l.luick, W. Allen. for the position of Councillor, for F irst Forn·- AmTH~tE'.l.'W: -W . Grnnt, J'OHN Bli:ACOCK, Cartwl'lght. P. 0. !.i2·tf" this Township, is now the oheapest pa.per of its class. -0n '\Veclnesday resul ed in th" r e-election th e n ewly made groom, replied in a happy I respectfull y solicit your votes inGRIP America; and .these ·mprovements must EJ>: U.A HALL. decidedly influence. .of Mr S. Burden fur the West Ward and manner, thanking the donors on behalf F . Bragg, B. T110roton , A. Wesley . n:'r.NG·LES - T c L d f xx. and enhance its value. No one who Orono, Vee., 29, 1 885, 63-l w fl. H h' n WO .:ir oa s 0 Mr. Ch~Ji. T od for the North Ward by ac- of his wife for their very handsome gift. takes any interest in the p . oliticat and social A LGE.f!R..\..~C· ]3··11 l , ·· utc 1 8011, J;··· 1 · 12 inch shingles for sale, also a quantity of affairs of this conntry should be without; .clamati~ '· T here are three ca.ndidates in A b ounteous supper was then partaken of, Ji.:Iason, E. H emlerson, A, Wbs1ey, E. ced11.rposts, The aboveshingles 11re bv GRIP, as it presents a complete and entertain· D ?-t·Jing ton E lections. ithe S u t. 1 W ard- Mea.sra J . J,,yle, 'fhos . a nd a few h ours pleasurably spent. 'l'he Osborne William Ridge Esq.. one of the best shingle lug pictorial record, a.a the panorama. moves. · · makes in the county,Apply to R : HU'l'CHl!lON l1ow2 ~ and G . D. F letch er. Election g uests departed at till ca.rly hour with LADIES AND GENTLE~JEN,-Hnviug been J<Jn niskil len. !i2·1 w· by a large number of the electors of n ext vi ,.dn.,sday. best wishes for the newly married pair. CA'U'llION.- buying au a rticle on which . . solicited the 'l'ownshlp to be a candidate for the position 'Ve take pleasure in testifying to p ublic health depend11 it ia right u,nd T HE BOWMANVILLB B wn ScnooL Deputy Reeve for 1880, l have con· Hllrnor w i tltmtt V1ilon:rit11; P ab ·iotisni Mithof Second CHOLERA lNFAN'l'UM.- Wh en the poor · will re-open Monday Jan, llth, 1886. at ~ .30 sented to·stand for that poaition,and respectful- out I'a,rtiza1isliip; 1'rutlc 10Ulw1et T emper. t he merits of ·h e Eagle Steam Washer little fellow wakes you. up in the rniddle proper that we llhould be carefuJ;, The· · p bl' JI ltl A · t' I 11;.m. All its candidates passed at teachers. ly solicit your votes and influence. for which Mr . J. N . Kivel!, Bowmanvi lle , of the night, away fro.n physician and A mer1eain Sincerely Yours, u ·· tc ea ) :s~ocm 1011 i~s aml college eJO;amlnations. in 1885. and at Only $·:! n Year. Postage Free, ·rrros . SM.A.LE. is t he generai agen t. It hns been in use friend, and yoa suddenly feel th at .his d that of all the d1smfectants m . · rorontoUniversity Matriculation E:irnmlnation . . last J uli;. Pupils of. ~h!a school took very high ;in our household for several weeks and it Spirit is a bout to Clcpart before morning, the mar ket aitd c.:1refully examined by ' , S . honors 10 Ma.thmat1cs, Classics, and Modern To the Electors of the Township of' Darlinoton.· .Adclrees the Grip Printing& Pllblishir> -gives the best satisfacti on of any washer and all your· eherisbed plans frustra ted, t.hem, Lyttle s · ohtble Phenyle is three· Languagee,. 'l'ho IHgll School Inspectors pany, ~i;. & 28, Front Street West, ·ror· LADIES ANDGE:'<"l'LEMEN,- I bell: to RnDOUnce leave ever used in ou r family, and we have tried h ow h elpleas y.:;n feel- Take our advice, times strorwer than all (}there . At the always epAalt. M its work. in the highest terms. myself your ord·e r with your bookseller candidate for the position· of Second- lecnl agen.t. "t E.xl 'b't· ·h' '. t' FllJl\ticular attention is paid to book-keeping Deputya Heeve, ' \ndidly believe it to go buy & bottle of Perry Davis' PAIN· recen·tTo:on a great mimy . W 0 C.. and respectfully solicit your O . 11 l ton ~ rs pre1 ;iara 1011 nml writing in the t wo lower forms. There Eii7'The STATESMAN and C l'ltIP w ' vote and !nft uence. he the b est :Steam Washer made in Can- KILJ,En, and you have a remedy n~ hand i:tlso ea.rried off tll·e bron ze medal over w ill be t ile same staft ror 1886 o.s has been !or ished to eubsciribers, by speelal ar Yours faithfully, competito.i;s,. Pri~e· 26e 11.t,. Stott & yeurs. Board cau be got In comfortable places ada. ' Ve shall tell. further of its good you can safely rely upon. D o not neglect Of tha latter j· with the 1 mblishers WlLl.IAM CRY.DERMAN. , " at reasonable rates. \Y; W. TAMBLYN, M. points in a futur.e iss11e . J Uli)l I!.. 50·3w. papeue tor on!y ~2.00. so iinportimt. & <ihtty. Enaiskillen, Dec. tl, 1885. A,, Head· Master· l ·2W COUCH,JOHNSTONiCRYDERMAN IA F1·ne Assortment of New Goods 1?· STOTT &JURY New Astrachan Coats, New Persian Lamb Caps, New Lined Kid Gloves, New Silk Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Children's Gaiters, Woollen Hoods and Scarfs, &c. Plush Case s & Xmas Goods AN EARLY CALL SOLICITED. 0 U R P R IC E S M D W H RE MARKAB LY l C B N ··-------- IT I I P ublic Notice. 1°RODIE I Valuable Farms for Sale. Local and Otherwise. _ ___ :'.'.".'*.".------"' - . j I ELE0 ;o:asl Dartmouth BINDER TWINE CLARKE. Ropework Company" Halifax, Nova Scotia, THE M AY RALTY 1873. GRIP? 1886" B C I s=., ' . GRIP'S PLA'IPORM: all