W~DiWCIW1AZMWWWiGHiiiikDWiii M ASEi&ZA a 416&§ 19 &&&EL AN . EGYPTIAN _____ ,_,;__ ROMAN .OE.~ ___ AStory of Love and Wild Adventure, fonndad -n11on Etartling Revala- tions in the Career of Arabi Pasha; CHA.PTEP· ..r.."'.'II. BEHIND A HAREM OURTJIIN professional female jegter and story teller, If t hl)re i · a.ny b<lla.uty in the grace of the SYNOPSIS OF PREOEDilHl CnA.PTERS, admirably intimating the waddle that cha.r· brawny tigress as she crouches purring over [The scene of thia thrilling story opens in a.cterizesmlddle-a.ged Egyptian women, who her stricken a11d prostrnte foe, so a~suredly Cairo, the city of modern Egypt, i:.nd the invariably Wll.lk on thefh.t of their feet, anii wa.~ there both grace ·and beauty In the reader ia introduced to Nellie Trezarr ll.nd with their legs wide apll.rt, presently entflr· lithe, quivering limb of the Egyptian prin· Frank Donelly, two enga.ged lover~, :who ed the harem of the Khedive. cess, a.· ahe gav.e utterance to ·he words are prepM'ing to attend a. grand ball give.a. Aa the reader hae accompimied him thith- with which we concluded our la.st chapter. by the Khedive. Frank Donellf is a. non· er before, and Fr.>J..k D6nelly likewise, She never altered her elegant pose upon commissioned officer in the Enghah arm~, there is no need to give a. sec,'Ond description the soft, yielding cushions, nor suff~red a . ---AND--and Nellie's mother does not P.pprove of hu of the route. Suflioe it, ti:ierofore, to say frown or a sneer to disturb tho cold, unim· attentions to her daughter, for :whom she that the eunuch-g\larded curtain wae a.tlt\et passioned loveliness of her face, so that the cherishes an alliance with soi:rie of the passed, wheµ the war minister found him· fl..sb of her large, dark lustrous eyes and Egypthm nobility. At the ball Mi_ss Treza.rr eelf in t he presence of the Prinoeae Zoeneh. corresponding thrill that passed through her ~ mee1is Arabi Pash!\, the war minister, who Alone with the Prlucolll! Zeeneh, for El· entire form, ca.n11ing a momentary twitching . invitee her to a stroll in the ga.rden, wheo. mar, the buff..1on, had not entered the cham- of her little plump pink toes, ...lone showed he makes a. proposition of marriage t?. her. her with bim, and each moment the p& tter how every nerve and fibre in her frame pa.r· l\ellie, true . t o her lover, Frank, pos1t1valy of her receding feet eounded farther away; tioipated in the triumph that she had ob· refuses, which refosal angers Arabi, and he The priuc&ss reclined on a pile of crimson tained. becomes somewhat insolent. :E'rauk appears ea.tin ouahione o.nd was attired in a blaok Ma.ny writers have described their emo· on the 80ene and ta.k.ee Nellie away back velvet, closely fitted, sleevtlless and very tional heroines a.a all eoul, but we oa.n only to the bi.111 room. Shortly afterwards, o.s low cut boriice, embroidered with silver, deacribe this bea.utfful yet terrible woman· he is on hie way J;iome, he la met by a mes- while her full pink satin Turkish trousers a.a all !}\alignity or all hate. senger bearing a summons for his 1.1ppearancs Wl'!re d otted all ovlilr with little !llver crea· Arabi P11osha. would fa.in have made some before a young la.dy whom he had some days cents and fa.otening tightly a.round the a.nijwer to her la.st speech, aosimple in sound previously rescued from drow~lng. Ho _ac· ankles revealed her little naked, Ivory white yet so cruel in significance, but the Princess comp1>nies the mP.Ssenger,and Ill a short t~me feet, one of which was thrust half way into Zooneh, perceiving his intention, clapped finds himself In the ha.rem of the Khed1ve, a. ecarlet leather, bead·embroidered d ipper her little ba;nde ~ill tho large and shapely and face to foce with the dark-eyed charmer r.nd the other entirely uncovered, The arms quivered from shoulder to elbowx, and whom he had rescued from the crocodile. ebon-bln.ck hair was cot straight acrosa her in a.n inat.ant the curtain Wt\B rahed and An interview follows, during which the brows, att.ir the ma.nner of our Europel\n there stoodElmar the buffoon as a.n eif.ictual y oung la.dy asks Frank to take her a.way girls' fringe, and plaited behind In &n in· check to all further converse of a. confiden· and ma.rry her. He, of course, refuses, and finlty of smt\ll ttt.lls, which seemed to en· tial nature and In to~ en ·also that the inter· afterwards esoa.pes from the place. Mean- twine a.round her superb form and limbs view wa.a over and tha.t she waa walt!Dg to while events in Ca.do &re aha.ping In ·the di· like wreathing sn11okes, and which were stud· conduct him flhom she had brought hither rectivn of insurrection, warnings of which ded with strings of tiny gold coins. once more beyond the man·fotbidden p re· Suddenly she looked up at the war mini&· cincts et our harem. ha.ve been receh·ed hy Nellie from several unseen sources. Ara.bi, the war minister, ter and spoke o.e follows : The princess pointed t owu.rde the cnrte.ln who le of couree the inspirer of the dlsccn· "The last time that we met and oonvers· but spoke no word, !>Ild ihe di~gulsed w11r tent among the people, ha.a p erfected his ed my final words to you were, ' Is It " minieter had no option but to bow a.nd ro· plans for any emergency, a.nd the Khedive, bargain?' and yours to me were, 'In thB' tire. who ha.a suspected him of treachery, eum- name of Allah and of the prophet, yes.' Elmarthe buffoon now h nrr!ed hlm a.long mona him to the palace. On his way thither, snob an a.11Burance is never lightly given by as though she had · ome canoe for anxiet y, Ara.bl, who is commander-In-chief of the a true Mohammedan, 11ond I have already but Ara.bi could not gueaa wherein it la.y un· N 0 T E 'l'H E F 0 L L 0 W I N G · army, takes the precaution to replace the performed my part of the contract." Iese iG bad aomething to do with the more Khedive'e own trooi;s who are on guard of Arabi Pasha's eyes fl.ashed with triumph. than ueu<>l racket and riot crea.ted by the the palace, bv his own trusted soldiers, It was as ho suspected, She had won the wlvea and ela,·es of the Khedlve, who, as a intending that If the worst came · to the Sultan's sanction for the great national rule, poseaselng not the slight.est mental wont he would make the Khedive a prisoner movement of whioh he was the mainspring oulture, are addicted to all k.wda of romp· in his own pa.lace. A stormy interview and the head, and he felt tha.t that ea.notion and noisy games and oportu. . follows, and, although the war minister of- was of greater value ~han an army of fifty But the bufi'oon'e nui.l reason for baste fera certa.in terms to the Khedlv,., they &re thousand men. Carried a.way by his excite- wa.e now m i!ode a.ppa.reut enough, for &S they spu.rned by that potentate, and the ·wily ment he excfaimed: . reached a vast and teseelated-fioored a.part· miniater lea.voe the p !l.l ace, which is now the "Your highness you have saved the ment that had a door at either end, one of prison of the 'Khedive.] nation-you are the preserver of Egypt. Aa these doors opened Mid thtiro came hopping ' you have kept your word, so will I keep through it o. crowd of young glrla mine. Aye, by Allah and his only prophet, wto h11od evidently just emerged trom the Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, Imitation Lamb Plush CHAPfER XVI. by the blessed Koran, which is the Book of b"th, for eome of them wore more than par· . ·· I SilALL BE HER MIS TRESS, AND THAT WILL Life, and by the eacred heads of the martyr tlally clad, and some were almost or even and Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and first-class values. CONTENT MK." brothers, Ha.eean and Hooseyn, I swear that entirely nude, whilst their long unbound With the feeling that he had drawn ihe for this gree.t thing which thou· !last done I ha.Ir, which in many co.ees r eachGd almost to swor d and thrown away the sca.bb~rd, Ara.bi will grant wha.tever thou deairest. Speak, their heels. dripped moieture on the floor a.t1 Ohoioe Receipts. Pasha left the pal11oce. As he passed ·out lovely princess, a.nd thy servant will obey." they came alon~, laughing, singing, romp· "Thou must obey after the taking of so Ing, and sometimes caressing ea.oh other a.e RICE WAFFLEs. -One pint flour, ·one pint Our Medium Sizes in an wool at iiOc., 60c., '1:ic., anfl i nto the open air o.nd the sunshine ho met solemn nn oath or t he flames of El Sfrat though they had not a ca.re in the world. bolled rice, two eggs, one tablespoonful but. Toulba. P asha, still looking calm, emiling will consume' thy perjured soul to e.11 eterni· Suddenly, however, there was a sound cf ter, s alt to the taste, milk for a stiff ba.tter. $1.00 are being rapidly 1aken up. and lnscruta.hle, He was the man whom ho .tdeairod most ty, Thou loveat a. Feringhee girl. Nay, a blow on naked fleah, followed by a little ~eat the yelk.s of the eggs till light, add the .i.i i1 deny it not, for I read .the truth of my ao· panting and half stifled cry, and Arabi Pa.· ,1 "' to sea and he immed ia.~~\Ylft'r"!Jl:J!'.Jn as< e, cuaa.tlon in your eyes, and the eyes cannot aha, glancing in the direction thereof, be· rice and butter, then the flour and salt, and next the mllk, beating all the while till "Gentle mear'. ure~a ;yp.v,'1ifM~.-,!(. sa~? he, lie like the tongue. Well, I will be good· held one ofjthe females befaboring another smeoth. Whip the whites of the eggs to a "so we must. h,VIV1 !W Jifl 1!¥~g. natured and you shall possess her." with a something which she held in her stiff froth, stir q uiokly In, an< l b.Mte in well Heavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all "I re .a d .ail ~~en §yqµr1,~oe, a.lso that Arabi Pa.shll could not conceal his sa.tls- hand, buttered w11.ffie·trone. · you ha.ve-'ob~l\te~ Q ; liljj! 'strong. " faction at this answer, for a sudden and a. A eeoond look sufficed to show that the 8 wool, from 10 cents up. ." ;Ala.ii<'h s lk' tl. ," 1 The Khedlve le MusH W AFFLEs.-One quart of flour, one lliidhtlr~~i>'Miof!ff-·ltid' so we must be de· terrible fear had crept into his hea.rt that belaborer was a little skinny woman, past pint of;corn· mea.l mush, two' . eggs, one tabletermins;\,1· r,,,1w the prlneess would take advanbge of his the prime of life, and the belabored a. glor ·ft ~r) lff 1'·if.l1U.w;;:'e uch result and have al· oath to grant her whatever she desired to ious young creature not moire than ·hdf way spoonful of butter, salt to the taste, and Brwme.nvllla. No' ember 27, 1885· through he r teens, with tht~ moat exquisite- milk to make a. thin batter, Mix and cook .J):n~" ,.,,..,.Vfded for it. Tewfik ha.a favored p:irt him from Nellie Trezarr forever. · r·But the beautiful Or!eutal watched the ly rounded .limbs and flesh of the moat d!lz· like rice waffles, tqic ~ranger. rather than hie own people. llgb.t ing up of his whole countenance with zling purity and whiteness, F LANNEL CAKEB .- 0110 teacupful bolled ..y,ery well, a.s he has sown the storm, so let . d i d The elder woman had dragged from off rice, fi1rnr to make a p a.n cake batter t wo him r eap the whirlwind. Egypt will rise secret exultation an n ulged in a truly her victim the solitary garment that had in her might and ca.st off the viper that she Satanic smile as she ma.de r eply : eggs, one q uart of milk, three tea.spo~nfuls the Albanian "Yoe, I will be thy wife, Ara.bi, a.nd my concealed her nakedn6!18, and having taken baking p owder. Jill.ix in the s>1oip.e ao rice ha.a nurtured in her bosom, " three turns of her magnificent golden hair despot, who would take the bread of her royal ran1i:. wm make me supreme over all wafilee and fry on a soapstone griddle, which children and cast it unto dogs. I ha il thee, others, and ahe, t his Ferlnghee girl, shall a.round her own:.coarse, long a.rms,eha.d com· requires no g1·011sing and wakes a. very light menoed to strike her ae ha.rd as he could Ahmed Ara.bi, a.sour future Khedive." be a- slave of thy hareln, a. beautiful oda.· and w bolE:1.1ome cake. · "Hail me only as the running ea.fa who lU.que and no more, and as such I sh11oll be w2th the sole of a. yellow satin shoe, which IS NOW PREP A.RED TO SUPPLY EVERYBODY WITH A H ARRISON .BR,,AD. - One pint of milk, she grasped firmly in her right hand, at t he heralds the approach of Prince H alim, our hbr mist ress, and tha.t will content me." one tablespoon of 111rd, four eggs'well b aa.ten, same time exclaiming in tones of exoeasive legitimate ruler according to t he 111.w of the Had a apea.r been thrust suddenly into flour for a thick b atter, CM gill of yel'>at. prophet and the Koran," the t enderEist pa.rt of his body Arabi Pasha's pasalen: "You wretched Zobeide, you s plashed Pour the milk, bolling hot on the la.rd · when "But P r ince Ha.lim is a shadow and no count enance could not have ex hibtted a HA. VING 40 . SETS IN STOCK. me purposely in the bath. You did It once, co!d stir in the eggs, fl.our, and yea.st,' set to . oµe k nowa if he etill lives." sharper ex pret sion of pain. you did it ~ice, you did it thrice, you great rise and when light bake in a loaf. Serve it "If he be the chosen of Allil.h, Allah will He read the prh>cess'a fiendish intentions A.. splendid i·ange o:f 801·se Blanlrnts from $1 to $4 with respect to her younger and fairer riv a.I sleek, .saucy, white.fleshed Zobeid e, and hot, and eUce it t\t the table like cake, restore him to usa.t the proper hour; mean· in a.n in -t ant, " I shall be he.- mlatres11 now that I have got thee, by the prophet I each. Also, Robes- Grey arul Bl::rnk- Good value. APPLB DUMPLING.-M l\ke a. crust as for while, for a year, a month, a week and a. and tha t will content me." The words will take it out ot thee for not haviag that pies. P a.re and core the apples, then fill Rubbe1· Rugs and Horse Covers, &c., very low. day I will keep the silver throne empty and wer!l simple, ·a.nd yet what did they not ex- rl'l!pect that Is due to the Valida Khanoum, them with sugar and butter and roll each In contant myself with the ivory footstool." press! H9 knew that they would signify the chief wife of the Khedive-el-Mlse, the a pi~c" of cruet sufficient to cover it well "It ma y be a wise plan, for t he u uselfinh t o Nellie Trezarr atrocious tyranny, perpet- great sovereign of Egypt." folding it qver neatly on the top. Bake in man alwa.ys wins respect, love a.nd- r ever· 1 i i 11 h d I And then the hag-like woman laughed a -w ell-buttered tin ha.If an hour in a quick eric<1, but mea.n~hile would to Allah th"t ua. i;erseont on, t e en · n all pyoba.bill· like a hyena and took a yet firmer granp of our Lord the Sultan would sanctl . on our up- ty, madness. ]' ar better for her ha.d she her y ellow satin slipper and of· the glorious even or boll one hour tied up In 11epiur te For Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or Sore Necks on horses. been murdered by the Sedouivs, Keep the water const antly boiling. . Cannot be ex celled. Try a Bottle. r aisin g, and why should be not, for the Khe" You hesit,,.te," 11aid the princess, sa.rcas- golden tresses, e.nd down on the glosay ;-lothes. To be ea.ten with hard and eoft sa.uce. dive h as of l u.te ~ent but little tribute tically. " Do her parents refuse h er to you, shoulder s fell blow after blow, each followw· ONE E oG CAKE. - Rub t wo large spoonfuls CASH FOR HIDES. or does it h i.ppen t hat she loves another, or ed by a twiBt, a. writhe, a moan or a. cry, money to Stamboul ?" At t hia inst ant e. little Nubian page, a.t· likes not the darkness ef your complexion? whilst the other girls and women stood still of butter into a h eaping cup of white sugar.· tired in a. picturesq ue and scant y coatume W hy, what matters a.ny of all of these and la.ughed., and even clapped their handa Add a beaten egg and a. cup of white sugar, of ai<ure sat in a nd silver la.oe tha.t left hie things when I a m alJout to place you in a. at the sight, for not only was it p olitic to Add a. beat.in egg and a cup of s weet milk Continues t o.do & Gen eral Banking Business supple and glos~y bla.ck limbs l\lmost entil'e· . position t o seize upon, as the lawful captives appland all that the Va.Ude K ba.noum or wi~h one t easpeonfnl of s oda disolvad lu it'. ts Bo wmanvillo Branch . !y bare, appro1>ched t he two conspirator&, of your bow and ~pear, as many of the F er- head wife did, but th.a beautiful Circassian Mix two teaapoanfula of cream of t art11or in· t o two heapiog cups of fl.ou r and stir in. sbaking his wcolly head eo t ha.t h ia great inghee women a.ti you like ? This l etter will al&ve Zobeid e was the youngest of them all, DEPOSI'.l'S _ 1...· ··; 1 golden ear and nose r!nga might jingle and ma.k.e you all powerful In t he land of Egypt. the la.st a rrival amongst and the present Flavor ~o. t\ete, B l.\ke in d"ep paM. 1 P ::l!:.A.N"O ..JE"C>'.!Bt. T E S . Receive~ in Savings Bank Depart.men nd·· UNl:QUALLJm I N And llft.ing up cne of her superb wr"ps suprome favorite of their lord and master - .BAKED-M Ac'A~'o~=W~h iil;~ so dve evidence of h!s tiro:x imlty. ma.car~~i ca.11 and mterest allowed at cm-rent ra.te>B' N . But his gaudy butterfly look did that with· she drew from underneath it a fo lded letter the Khedive, who, it w11os believed, had im· and put it in a. sa.uoe-pa.n with sufficient not ice o! withdrawa l necessary, All d"'postti payable on demand, ' out t he noise , and Arabi Pasha turning & n d held it towards the war minister with a ported her from St a.mbonl at a. cost equiv&· Wllter to cover it ; boil ha.If an hour ; put alWUJL J:AM JfNARJ.~ & CO. lent to five thousand doll11ora, which is a ternate In a. pudding diah a layer of ma.ca.r· round regarded him e11>gerly a.nd keenly, cold and Icy smile. EXCHA.NGE 2M nntl 206 West Tio.ltlm or e Street, Do.ltlmoro. But ho hesit ated to tak e it. He looked high prioe a.a t imes go even for the most onl and grat ed cheese, se;i.son!ug each le.ye. Nos. T he shapely boy's lips expander! in a. grin N o . 11? F l1' ~ h A ,.,.,1·11~ . N"~'l" V r1 ... 1,. tba.t revea.led r ows of t eeth as white as boil- indeed like a man who had bsen turned into lovely specimens of tho p eerless r ace, and of macaroni w!tb salt and p epper ; have the BO J?ghtand Bold andDrafts issued upon Europe, Un~ted Sta.~es a nd Canada, also Gold,Silver and ed rice, then with a. salaam he advanced a.nd stone, on this a ccount moet of the other girls were top la.yer of cheese, with a. teaepo. 1 nful · of United Sta.,es Greenbacks bou11:bt and sold. jealous of, whilst some hat ed her. placed h is closed fist in t h&' war minbter'a The princess' eyes flashed. bu"or in the center ; pour over it half a plnt Oh, how the blows of the lithe, pliant of !tweet milk ; bake half au hour, · hand, "What, do you not t hen ca.re for what I ; COl,LE()TJONS When he withdr l'W it, however, It ha.d ha.ve. been a.t such trouble to obtain?" she lea.ther must have stung that porcelain olea.r Promptly m!1dc.at current rates upon a.II part left somet liiDg behind, and Arabi Pa.sha., demanded. " If the document is of no little and ivory soft akin; but the delicate pink Winter Flowers and Pruit11. of Great Bntt..m, t he United Sta tes and Do gfanoing hastily at something, discovered ii value you will n ot regret ehould tho flame splotches tha.t rose to lta st&inleBB snows minion o!Cana.da, Among fl.,wers this sea.son the ohrysanthe to bea.nopa.l ring. of my chibonk consu me it," and as she ut- won no mercy from the strong heart of the Telegraph Tram1f'eri His eyes at once blazed as brightly, a.ye, t ered the words she puffed the perfumed Valide K ha.noum, wheae anger was as yet mum has ea.eily ta.ken the lead in popularity. Florists attribute its euccolll! t o the fact that and as luridly too, as the red fire that seem · ble.zes into a red fl'l.mo and applied the cor · far from satiated. Made for large or small eums on all pa.rte ot' it is a "good, lively l ooking flower," and, (TO BE C ONTINUED.) Canada. ~his is eepecla.lly advantageous to ed to gleam forth from the very heart ot t he ner of the all important d ocument thereto. although it has no perfume, ito infinite varie pe rsons livmg In Ma.m toba or the North· wesi gem, :md making a rapid sign to the boy t o At t he prospect of Its deatruotion~ how. . asitma.keethefunds a.va.ilable at once at the ty in oolor ha.e recommended it to la.dloo for await him at a. little diHta.nce he r eturned ever, a cold perspiration broke out on the Lifting the Hat. place of payment, corsage decoration. It is seldom worn in to Toulba Pasha. and said in an excit ed war minister's cont'r aoted brow, and he In the good old times when "eussiety" the hair and 111 never seen in ha.nd b1.1uquets, Forfurther ,partlcula ra oa.ll at the Ban klnA ·TOTREwh isper : cla.in1ed breathlessly : Honee. didn't d epend on the height of a. man's The moEt popular colors are pink and "A native befoi-e an Individual, no ma.tter shirt-collar or the ecar~-lty of cloth in hie " A wait me here, and percha.nee I will shortly return with that w.hich we most re· how young, innocent or fair she be. Give pan ts, or the dra.wl In his articulation, there yellow, and qua.ntities of t he fl owers can be quire, The clou dB d doub t a.n!l apprehen · me the letter and(a.ll shall be as your high· was something stat ely and commanding in ha.d for the reasonable price of 50 cents a dozen, The r arer varietio11 are grown In the sion seem t o be rc>lllng away, lee.ving a. ole&r ness d esires. I " s wear It u nto you yet the m11onner of lifting the hat when the lady east. They a.re rem ~rka.ble for their delisky behind them. N o more at pr esent, for again," g we the signal for recognit ion. It was com· cat e and variegated colors, t he tips of some I go t o one that cha.fee at d elay or ta.rdy oba· The pr incees ms.de no a nswer, but han ded bined with a. bow which h ad to be well exedi~mca." Arabi the letter open and he re ad as fol . cuted in order to ma.ke tho other effectual. of the petals being of a dark red, whioh continues for those merges in to a light blue toward the cen ter W u!;h t hese wor ds he darted onco more lows : ...,,., t was a sure index to a gentlama.n, for I of the fl ower. Super Diagonal Overcoats.... $8.00 from T oulba's aide, aud a. minut e lawr wii.a H l.8 maj esty t he Sultan has order ed me I never knew a vulgar ma.n t o acq11ire the art following the N ubie.n page through an or&n· t o express his pleasure and his pa.rd9n t o of lifting the ha t gra cefully. But this seems The chrysan t hemum begins t o appear a.bout Worsted Pants.. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 gery t hat a lmost deaerved t he name of a you, my sen, an d t o say tha t a~ the m ain· t o have been ob lit erated by the coming the middle of October, and after t he l et of Mantle Cloths, p er y ard... . . . 50 grove, so much space did it cover, and so teno.nce of the integrity of the Ci..llphate b generation in pants. The thing now is to December it la seen no more. Roses will contin11e in fa.vor during the thickly were the trees t>la.n ted. a dut y which touches.the hon or of all trnc grab the rim of the hat In front with much w inter, but the et!ff style which hae hereto· All Wool Shir ts and Drawers 1.00 E re t hey h111d got t o t he other end of it , l'.fo· lems, It is incumbent on every Egypthe same celerity you would grab fo·r a sctit however , t he page came to a full stop, seiz. tian t o strive ea.!'neetly after the comilida· in a street oar. Havin g clutch ed the right fore chara cterized the designs in which they Dress Goods in all the newest ed t iie war minister b y the a rm , and first tion of his power therein, in order to pre. spot, you j erk t he h at down as if you were a.re wor ked will g ive way to a. loose arra.ngeAR E NOW OP EN. shades from 10 cents. making a. sign that he dared go no further, vent Egypt from pas~fog ont of his hands tr ying t o hide your face- then r ub t he hat ment. Stand rorru~rly occupied by the 1·0S,t-omce1 W icker·work 'Plaques will suppfant basXt pcint ed towards a tree tha.t was much into the r apacious grasp of foreigners as up and do wn your front, ta.king cue not KING STREET, l&rg>:,r t han any of 'the rest, and intimatad the v~layet ?f Tunis h.~1'1 already pa; eed , t o go below t'he belt, very quickly ae i f you k ets l&rgely. The background of the plaque b y pantomimic act.ions (for the poor litt.le an d his ma3est y repo~ ea all confidence in were trying t () allay irrita.t1011, When th e is filled in with ivy leaves surrounded by a EIC>VV:lV.I" .A..:ISJ""V:I:Ll:J ,.:z::. wretch had had h is t ongue cut out in his your excell~11cy to exert all you r Influence hat gets ba.ck t o its p lace you. ~rin like a gr a.ce{:ul wr eath of ·smilax, and t he r em.le, IS BOOMING, euliest infancy) that 11o second guide would and to pnt forth every effort to prevent so monkey ; one grm is all t hat custom re- wit h a. few R om1m hyacinths an d nar cissi, The G aller y is fir st-class in al · s apbe found behind It. great a Cfltastrophe from happening. and quires. By this t ime t i.e la.dy bas pa.~aed ar e then a.rre.nged in an unconven tional way The people k now that if th ey pointmen ts, a nd furnish e d in a. comfort So t be wa.r minist er gave him a handful you ar e to remember that, he looks only t o :m d if she '3 a senaible woma n it is her turn around thodark·gr een cen t re of ivy lea.vaa, able m anne r . T h e r e will b e n o poor work A little m aiden hair fer n worked In with the of loose silver and passed on, to dfocover you "nd to none other. -want ato grin. ivy m akes a pretty contra.et. allowe d t o l eave t h e rooms, a n d these who the secon d guide t o . be E lma.r, t he b uffoon, Done by his majesty's humble ser vant un· favor m e with a. ca ll c an rely on being and vrovided with the usual feminine dis· de r his ma j esty's eye and authority. · A ghost without a. head la reported a.t The m an who has ·n othing on hie mind pleased AHMED p ASHA H.ALIB, ·ulse. Lancaster, Some brave man ought to put nsu a.lly h a.11 room for no mor e than that, lie donned the loose cap acious r aimeut, A d e· de Camp and Secret&ry. a. head on it, -~The lnatanten ous process only will suit of clothes they must call "It Is sufficient, a.nd E gypt is S"-Ved I" 'oh covered hi m from the crown of the An Oi:naha. man ofi'ers $10 for every thief be u sed for Phot ographs. upon I VES. · There, iB no occasion for a. man with a. killed in that city. Some may think that oo t he sole of the foot, and ca.used h im exclaimed the war minist er, pressing t he Come in and see m e. like a per a.mbulatory cotton be.le, d ocument fitst t o h is lips and then his bro w cold In his head to be idle, H e's up to his Is a. low price, but a. little :figuring will a word, and side by side with t he ere he placed It in his pocket, sneeze in business, show that it averages about 7 cents a pound. By the AuthO'I' of" NINA, T HB NIHILIST," " THE . RED Sl'O'l'," " THE RUSSIAN SPY," ETo., ETo. " And I am avenged on my brother. on thee and on her," responded the prin ~ae " Thou knowest much, oh, Ar~bi, lorol ·of my.life and hear~, bu. t thou knoweet not ..11. :Jo, my pozticni of our compact le perfor111ed yours ha." still to be a.coomplished, and you dare not fall me. 'Tis Haid that wome11 1>re pleased with trifles. It may be so, for I nay a.gain that I shall be her mi1;1trt;llls, 111nd that will o<>iite.ot me1" WHAT MAY OCCUR THE H:~::~::~OLD. . I I To cle~n marbfo wipe off the dust with a. piece of ch:i.mois leather, then apply with a. soft brush a. good coat of gum arable abou.t the con&lstency of thick mucilage, andexpc,se to the sun er wind to dry. In a. short time this will peel off, and any that rema.lns can be washed off with olea.n water and towel. If tbe)1r et application is not Sll.tiefactory a second process will generally produce the desired result. The ueua.l met hod of freeing ti~s11tla o! ink and rust spotu oonsiets in the a.oplica.· t!on of an oqa.lid acid solution. The poasi· bility of spoiling tho tissue is always pr,,s· ent with tnh method. The mixture of two parts of cre&m of tartar a.nd one pa.rt oxalic acid is therefore recommended, the Iogre . clients being well powdered and thoroughly mixed. A dry rag iQ used ,for rubbing this powder on the spots of the tissue, which should be wet. When the spots have dlsnp· pea.red the clvth should be thoroughly waehsd. The beet way of cleaning black oa.shmere is to place the dress or goods in 11troug borax water ma.de Juke warm ; let it rem&in In eoa.k all .night, then take out and hang on a line to dry, and when dry press off. Do not rinse or wring. Any gold jeweky that an lmmoNion in water will not ·tnjure can be beautifully cleaned by shaking it well in a bottle near· ly full of warm soapsuds, to which a little prepared chalk has been added, and afterwards rlnslng it in olea.r, cold water and wiping it dry, A chronic aufforer during ten years from ore.eked hands, who, like the woman of 01d, vainly tried many doctors and m1Joh medi· cine,. finally adopted the following s imple treatment : "Some one told me to try hon· ey, and I found great relief from a. few appliea.tlone, and then I got honey and kept a d1nh of it beaide my wash·bMin, a.nd every time after wMhlng my he.nds, while they ware yet wet, I dipp<:d my finsrers in tho h oney Pond rubbed i1 all over my ha.lid". It's only a moment of work. Rub your hands quickly, ae if washing them ; then wipe on the towel; it will not leave any sticky sub· s~oe-:your hands being wet, t.he honey mixes with the we.ter," · Put into the bottle some kernels of corn, a hblesp1onful of ashes, fill to half.full with water, and after a vlgorouii shaking and a th orough rinsing you will find the bottles as good a1 new, Wheu the re ia a. crack In the stove it oa.n be mended by mixing aehu and·nit with water. · To ma.Ito pa.per stick to a wall that ha.& been whitewa.ahed, wash the wa.11 in vinegar and s<>lal"atus· wa.ter. When clothes are scorched, remove the 11tain by placing the garment where the sun can shine on it. Starched shirt., will Iron ea.aler If you let them dry after starching so you will have to sprinkle before ironing. lBu cK's CELEBRATED sTO vE8 . , The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIANT HOMEPARLOR COOK all fitted with the Celebrated and only Si:agle and Double Heater, Duplex Grate.I They stand without a rival. For sale by S. S. EDSALL~ FURNACES, a specialty. are this week giving special Bargains in Clothing. . A Man's Overcoat, $7.50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. A Boy's Overcoat, $4.00. A Man's Suit, $7.00. A Youth's Suit, $5.50. A Boy's Suit, $4.50. ' SBe our Stout Men's Shirts an~ Drawers at 85 cts., ~eav~, all wool. See our Tie-downs and Blankets. Wo a MASON BRGS. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. 'VV. - :a:. Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, ELLI MAN'S EMBROCATION! W. H. MAY. THE ONTARIO BANK ti T ona, Touch, W orkmanshiD &Dura b ility. Eclipso HOUSH T.BROD~~··m··: . ··o. Moa~, ~till T HE G REAT R USH. ' PHO T OG RAPHY ___ ___ · HENRY'S New Photo Rooms OUR ORDERED CLOTHING FIRST-CLASS CUT w. H. IVES. R.H. HENRY