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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-fl.iO P:s:a A.RlfW, OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. H. A.. JAMES, EDITOR ..um PaoHlXTOR. VOLUlCE N:e:w SERIES, NUMBER 389. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY , JANUARY 8, 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. HAMPTON. The balance of the cheese ha.ving been shipped, a pubhc meeting will be held on Saturday the 0th inst. to wind up the buBiuess of the i;ea.soo. Mr. Geo. McEwan, chee1e maker, has rotnrned to his home near Stratford. Rev. George Browne and · family have been spending a few days in the Queen City. '!'here has been a number of 'visitors to our village during the holidays, among them were Messrs, J, J. Hoidge, H. J. Hoidge, T. B. Hoidge, H. C. Phillipe, Mrs. T. Clarke, Capt. J . Braund, S. Bennett, Prof. J . RuHe and family, Mr. W. Anderson and family,Mr. S. Heacock, Mrs. 1'. Mason, Mr. Charles Trick and others. Messrs. Clatworthy and Johns, builders, of this place, have done a large business during the pa,t season, and they have recently contracted for the building of a fine school house at R111(lin, Ontario Co. Good workmen and square dealing will succeed. Boys ! cant you look after home duties better, and keep out foreigners 1 Two of our young ladies married during the holidays and removed from our vilh.ge, Christ.mas d<'y. Mr. Eli Pascoe, Now Year's Eve, tt1 Miss Jane Joll, and l\lr. Gilbert Anderson, ot Oahi.wa, to Miss S. Goyne, one of our alto singera. And still there's more to follow. Mr. R. J. N iddery, our popular school t<eacher, was off for a h oliday trip to \Vool!stock, Hamilton and other western cities. Mr. F. J. Osborne, from Bowmanville, preachod here Snnday morniug and his discourse was very pathetic. We dont know which church he belongs to, but would infer from hi~ remarks that he was an honored supporter of t he S. A. We .~ere J.lleas9.~ to.,,l'l,~ M,'.fs. Thos. ~~~~~;11j)rL~i9s~iftt. orgitq , Sunday XXXII. BOLIN.A. NUlCBER 2. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, BowmanVille. THE EACLE STEAM WASHER IS THE BEST WASHING MACHINE ON EARTH. ·· 0 .....s 0 r:q 0 t-1 CJi ~ P4 H c fl) Ct-t 0 0 ~ ·r-1 ..p ..p ro 0 ~ rn NO HQ"IUl"E IS COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE .u... r:q te 0 <D z C'J ·~ ~ ~ "t} cp·· . '. P4 r:D. c.e ..!:4 (l) (l) ~ ~ f/.l ....... ..p ,.Q B LI.I ,.c::I .... rn. (l) 0 c:::, N.S , o~ _...- · · ·.. ·4-Q'.b'.clJ ,. ·. .. --·....... · .. ~ · .. .... ,.,. · '. ; .............. c:tS ··· ·# .,.._., ' · rn'· ,.,;- ~ · Q) """'- a ; z ~ ~ ..C:: f-4 'vuna ... l "a O!J'"1UO l"l1!SOddo ~-t 0-t 'SflNfirroow TOD BROS' sell cheaper than any other Dry Goods House in Bowmanville : 3 REASONS '1\THY 1st, TOD BROS. buy Cot· (Ja!§b an'l g·et the Jowe9ft possible prices. ~nd, TOD BROS. sell cor Cash, so contt·act no 'lebts nh1cl1 customers pati·on1zing credit stores have ""pay Cor. 3rd, TOD BROS. have no unnc(·,cssary exp~nscs. We have opened out during the past week A Splendid Assortment of Winter Goods. Space will not allow us to enumerate. PLEA.SURE TO snow GOOD~ . IV. B. Down's Vegetable Balsamic Elixir is a positive cure for Ooughs, Colds, Oroup, Whooping-Cough, Catarrh, Hoaraenesa, Influenza., Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all diseases of the Throat,. Chest and Lungs. As an Expedorant it has no equal, Consumption has been cured times without number by its timely use. It heals the ulceratedaurfaces, aud enroll when a.ll other remedies fail. : Fifty-six yea.re of conatant use has proven lts virtues. Every family should keep it in the house. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Bnrlington, Vt. Dr, Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters are a m.re cure for :!ostiveness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid i.tver, Rhenmatisrn, Dizziness, Sick Headache. Lose of Appetite, Jaundice, Apoplexy, P&lpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Stomach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs all in working erder, and perfect health will be the result. Ladies and others subject to Sick Headache will find relief and permanent cure by the use of these Bitters. Being tonic and mildly purga.~ive thev purify the blood. For sale by\ all dealers in medicine. Henry, Johlll!ton & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington ~ Vt. Henry, ~ &nston & Lord, Proprietors of ~ I ~~- A.rnica and Oil Liniment for Man and Bea.st. The best external re_medy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia; Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica., · ~1ckache, Frosted Feet, and all other pa.ins and ·Aches. It is a safe, sure, and ~l iectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, . Sores, &c., on Horses. One trial 'Will prove Its merits. Its eftects are in most cases instantaneous. Every bottle Murdoch Bros', are selling Table and 1"8rra.nted to give satisfaction. Prices 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold Hanging Lamps, much lower than usual. everywhere. They have a great auortment too. Where is tho lady who would not buy the EAGLE STEAM W A8HINO MACHINE that will wash clean without a wash-boaru. One that a girl 14 years old can wash 50 to 100 pieces in one hour, one that will wash blankets imd comforters clean in ten minutes, one that won't pull off buttons, tear the clothes, but wi.11 make the clothes last three times as long as they will by being washed on the ba.ck-breakin~. woman-killing wash-board. The Eagle Steam Washer will do an ordinary wiishing in an hour, with · Easy Labor, that would require all day to accomplish by hand or so-called washing machines, with Hard Labor. Its Operation is so easy that a child ten years old can do tho washing. c · ·.:-;: It cleanses the finest Laces, Cambrics and Embroideries, also Heaviest Blankets, Quilts, and Spreads without injury. It Cleanses any article of wearing apparel perfectly ; alB<l Prints and Ging· hams without Extracting the Color, and Woollen goods and Blankets without Shrinking them. It Washes, Steams and Bleaches the article at the same time. ENFIELD. It saves Labor, Time, Soap, Clothes, Mending, and last but not least, Une of o.ir widowers ha~ taken unto Health and Life. himself a wife. It is sufficiently lar~e for any Family, H0tel or Laundry, as it holds 17 Shirts, Our hunt club bro11ght in a conple fine or 40 or 50 ordinary pieces, or 2 Blankets, or 2 Quilts. coons on New Yea.rs day. It is made entirely of metal, and very simple ; consequently it cannot get out of There was a very good nttendunce at order, and with ordinary care last ten years. the school meeting last Wednesday. Mr. It uoes away with the use of the back-breaking washboard. also Patent R. Pascoe was re-elected trustee. Soaps, Washing Powders or Fluids, which contain Chemicals, that invariMre. John O'Le11-ry is vi~i«ing friends iu ably Rots the Clothes and are.also an Injury to Health, though seemingly do tho township of Arthur, and l\1iss Mary good work. Tapp has been spending the holidays iu The Washer does away with all the severe drudgery of wash-day. Toronto . The school has been thoroughly clean Consequently, many families who, from lack of·strength, are compelled to have their washing done at a great expense, can eave that expense by doing it themselves ed during the vacation. with the W a.sher. Miss Mary Jana Niddery is very low with ~.9Ji§~i· Hi"'." .f1~8~ ilJJll'll' , fi.~ ' · -- . ;M.1.~ld Tu"' Bt~ · 1isatstod on a pr~- ·~ Ever,Podv ~vlw_t:i<:s it will buy_ it, as ~tis t~1e only perfect succes~ful Washer disease of the lungs, her rec·1\·cry is rli::st11:me···t Enmsk1llen on New Year a ever invented, and will da.11._we claim for it . Smee we got our patent 111 the Sta.tea pared. evenmg. three years ago there has been oVEfr!l.e ~undred thousand sold there. Last :i-:ear we The people around here are eicited o" er Mr. Chas. Stonhouse ~nd wife, Bow- i;(ot our patent for Canada, and we are 1)u ,.;·"!ldY: to llupply every one with our the smallpox sea.re. m:mville, were in the vjJ]age a few days STEAM WASHER who is tired of the old way of washii1~1Q.thes. The Brooklin Times s·ty· t'. ·t Mr. D. dUl'ing tho h olidays visiting friends . Archer, son·m-law of Mr. D. D . Dyer, of Cash Pr.ice, $8.00. Wringer,~~00. Tho time is draw ing nigh when the ·tion to this place, has tend er tj1I his resi,z ·H Agents that sell for Jess than iiborn price will have their agency ·k,.·in__fr~m the trustees of our schoc.I. He has been Scott Act will come in force in these U nited Counties of Northumberland and them. Every machine is warranted for TWO YEARS. e rrg~agl~, ~':}he ,Smith 's l<'a.li·. a · scco~d Durham. And in order that the Act teacl1er. Mr. ·:;fher has given enhro shall wo1;k successfully, temperance m en sa.tisfaction to this ii~~on, anrt the trustall over the counties must r ealize that they ees express their regreft, hav1ug to find have a work to do. Therefor, temperance From BOWMANVILLE STATESMAN, Jan. I, 1886. a ancc .. , fi · 1l'. ~ _ workers tbroul(hout the Township of We tako great pleasuro in testifying to the merits of tho Eagle Steam Washer 'l'hos. Hobbs of our school passed the Darlington, are requested to attead a for which Mr. J . N. Kivcll, Bowmanville, is the general agent. It has been in uso recent, ·'ntrn.nce examination. His name meotiug to be held in the T own Hall, at in our household for several weeks and it gives the best satisfaction of any washer was omitted last week. ~LOCUllf. Humpton on Tuesday the 12th i1111t., at ever used in our family, and we have tried a great many. We candidly believe it to 2 o'clock p .m., to make arrangements that be the best Steari1 W Mher made in Canada. We shall tell further of its good HA. YDON. the Act shall be euccessfully carried out. points in a future issue. Christmas passed v..ry qui~,t her e, tho Mr. J. Y. Cole and wife will attend a From Miss KENNER, daughter of Rev. J. Kenner, Ohelsey. yonng folks spent ihe day o n i.he pond silver wedding in Whitby this Friday We have used the Eagle Steam Washer for six months and ~re satisfied with it ska.ling and some of 0111· t1por ' s went to evening. SLOW BoY. in every particular. It saves time and labor to say nothing of tho saving on clothes. Eoniskillen to the shootm~ ma·ch. Mr. Would not be without it if it cost $20.00, if we could not get another. W. J. Haycraft captured thrnll turkeys TYRONE. and two gtJese. l!'rom Mns. HAMBLY, wife of Rich. Hambly, EsQ., Brickmaker, Buwmanville. New Year's Day passed away very Mr. ,J. N. KIVELL, Door Sir.- We have tried the Eagle Stean. Washer and like Our scl1ool meetiniz was well attended, quietly. In ihe morning the members it very .mn'ch. It does excellent· work. It washes better and quicker than any l\'.lr. W. H. Creeper bein>L til.ici:1,ci trustee. of tho Young People's Band (thanks to other that I have tried. Miss L. Broad bas beAn re-en.caged for tho kindness of our worthy Reeve) enjoyFrom MRs. JoNESS, wife of John M. Joness, Esq., Darlington. this year at ii higher Pal .. ry. ed a pleasant ride to l'Sowmanville, for Mr. J. N. KxvELL, Bowma.nville,-We have given your Steam Wl\sher a thorough Mr. Wm. Trewin and family , of Bowthe purpose of securing one of Tait's trial and aro very much pleased with it. We h!i.ye proved it to be all it is repremanville, spent New Y1:..rs at Mr. J·. popul11r grunp pictures to present to their sented. Slemon's. late leader, Mr. E. T. Siemon, before his From C. M . C..tWKER Esq., Gr ocer and D ealer in Provisions, Rowmanville. Miall Ida Blight, of Myrtl··, and Miss departure to Collingwood, Ont. l\fr. T. To JoIIN KIVELL, EsQ., Dear Sir.-This is to certify that we have used the T. Jardino took a large load of young Steam Washer that we bought from you, and are well satisfied with it. We have Lottie Wheeler, of P -.rt, Perry, r.ro visitpeople to Enniskillen in the afternoon, tried it with Ivory Bar and Soft Soap, have washed all kinds Linens, Curtains, ing Mrs. W. J. Hayc raft, while those at home enjoyed themselves Prints, &c., tmd H does the work splendidly. Would not like to be without it. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Rpent Now Years in skating, eltigh-riding, etc., on the Can recommend it to anyono. at Mr.,Tiloa. Hill's, LtJakard. pond. One of our young men who drives a From Mns. SAMUEL JEFFERY, Maple Grove. On Sabbath morning, service was conThe Eagle Steam Washer bought from Mr. John N. Kivell, Bmvmanville, does black horse and coven d bul{gy may be ducted by members of the Ba;nd, led by ib work with great satisfaction and it is a great labor saver ; and, unlike other wash· seen driving towards the north about once Bro. E . T. Siemon, there being no min- ing ma.chines, does not wear or injure the clothes. a week. May he woo and win, for ister present. living a bachelor is a ht tie to solitary. From Joe. J&FFERY, EsQ., Merchant Tailor, Bowmanville. Messrs. Chas. Potter, B. A., A.Harris, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradey, who have Mr. J. N. K1vELL, Mrs. Jeffery likes the Steam Washer I bought from you very Dakotn, S. Vanstone, Bowmanville, and much. It is the' best washer we ever had. After a fair trial I can recommend it Lo been sick for some tin.1e ..re nu better. Mre. John Davey, Whitby, are among anyone wanting a waahing machine. those visiting here this week. From R. 'VoRTH, E SQ., Contractor, Bowman ville. SHAWS' SCHOOL HOUSE. Mr. W. Bunt, a rising young blackMr. JonN N. K1vELL, Dear Sir.-We 11ave m1ed the Eagle Steam Washer that The Christmas f ree 11nd entertainment smith of this place, leaves this week for we bought of you every week for over three months, and it gives perfoct satisfaction. in connection with S. 8. No. l, DarlingUxbridge. Success, William. I can with plell.Bure recommend it to all, for it is a great saving on clothes, soap, ton, was a grand suc.,ess. Although the Miss Mary Manning has been unable time and especially labor. I advise all ladies that have washing to do to buy one at evening was very dari1., rhere was a good to take charge of her school for a few once. turn out. The rendering ··f the programme dnys through illness. I·'rom MRs. W1LLUJ1r JACKMAN, Bowroanville. by the children reflected credit upon the Tho condition of Mrs. Wight and' Mr. Mn. Jorrn N. KIVELL,-Agent for the Eagle Washer, teacher as well a~ upon thoao who took DEAR Si:&,-The Eagle Steam Wa11her my husband bought from you gives com- part in the exercises. Morrison'sOrcheatra W. Ailsworth iH still unfavorable. Mr. W. Jewoll has also been on the sick list plete satisfaction. Any man who loves his wife should show it by buying a washer. was highly appreciattid, the music was She will lh·e a grell.t deal longer by using it. for some time. really grand . The songs 111ven by Mies From Francis Ma.son, Esq., Dry Goods Merchant, Bowma.nvillo. Brown and Mr. Cobblediok were fir11tThe indefatigable efforts of certain Mr. J. N. Kxv&LL, Dear Sir,-The Steam Washer that t bought from you gives class and were Jondly .. ncored. Mr. candidates on Monday last, excited the wonder and admiration of the natives. the best of sa.tisfacLion, and I can heartily recommend it to all my friends. It econ- Joness's, conversation with the Cornish A remarkable scarsity of the " fair " at- omizes time and labor and does not wear out tho clothes as is the case with most man took very well; a· d Miss Joaess machines. gave a reading which w11.s very much tended tho polls. l!'rom SAMUEL W.urn, EsQ., Merohan~, Hampton. admired . Mr. John A~hton's reading School, under the mana~ement of Mr. Mr. J. N. KIVELL, Sir,-1 have been using the Steam Washer that I bought was loudly applauded . These annual 4. 1'illey, began on Monday with a fair from yon, and I can truly say that wo would not like to do without it. It will save entertainments have been the means of attendance and prospects of a still larger us $20 a year. It is a great saving of labor as well as clothes. It is a pleasure to creating great intl'lrest in the school. The number of pupils. EooMET, wash with the Steam Washer, and I recommend it to a.II my friends . children look forward 10 it with pleasure and delight. The tha.uks of the audience Reference by kind permission may also be made to M.APLE GROVB. is extended to all who took pllrt in the Mrs. GEOitON IlAIDEN, Bowma.nville. J Mrs. W. E. PETIIICK, Bowmanville. programme. Miss J os"phine Penfound,of Tyrone, is Mrs. RICHARD Huomis, do. Mrs. BnoWN, do. ------- ·-~-visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Allin. Mrs. A. M1N1<BAUD, do. Mrs. ·w. ALLIN, do. WHIT.BY. do. Mrs. JAMES KNIGJIT, do. Mrs. HEZEKIAH HAMBLY, Mr. H. Barber . took charge of our W. H . Higgim, Esq., and family are do. Mrs. JAMBS BuTIIE, do. Mrs. RoBERT FosTRit, school on Tuesday, with a full attendance. leavi111~ Whitby this w~ei. for Toronto, Mra. .SAMUEJ. McCoNACIIIR, do. Mrs. JOHN J EWELL, do. The election passed off very quietly where they will reside io fut ure. Mrs. JOHN BAIJ,EY, do. Mr. JOHN MAYN.rnD, do. here on Monday, there were only 43 MiPs Doyle, who hua s u efficiently Mrs. CHA.ItLllS HoRN, Hampt.on. Mrs. GEo . H. BUXTON, do. votes pooled.. taught the Romm Oatholic Separate OMB&, Haydon. Mrs. J onN HELLYAR,. do. Mrs. THOMAS BRIMAC Mr. and Mra··TohnJames gave a. party school in Whitby for the past eil:iht years, Mrs. W. K. BuRx, do. Mrs. ORVILLE DnmMA.."11 Darliugton. on New Years Day, to their grand childhas left for Detroit, Mich. Before leavFREE TRIAL will be given to any person desiring to test th~ A dren and friends, including Miss Maude ing she was presented with 11 beautiful i:;tuart, of Whitby Ladies College, Miss Washer. We will send a Washer to any part of the County on and costly dressing-case by her pupils. Laura Wickett, of 'l'oronto, Miss Beotia receipt of $8, and should it not prove satisfactory after a. fair trial, Sixty-two candidates wrote a.t th11 en. Pellow, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. we will refund the money. trance Examination held at the Oollegiate We a.re also handling the Cheapest and Best Wringer in the Institute here last month. James Pellow, of Oshawa. A very Market. pleasant time was spent by all pre~ent. " 1 Th~ College authorities 1m: erecting a SKir. tobogganing !lido. School has open ed out !:again with a line attendance. Mr. A. J. R eynold11 has been re-engaged for the prosont year. There has been quite a number of visitors at this place thr· ·ugh the holi<lays, among whom were Mr. and Mrti, A. Webber, of Mariposa; Mr. J. D. Holrarth and family of Stratfor<l; Mr.' !!.nd Mrs. John Fletcher, of Birtle, Ma.n.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Searls. of Norwich; &lld Mr. E. Humphry, of Whitby. Mr. Geo. Hogarth has accepted the position of t euchor in Str. thr ·'.\' High School for the present year. He will leave for th Pre shortly. Messrs. W. Werry and A H ogarth intend erecting new barns tho following summer. There was quite a. number at Mr. ,J. Gibson'~ wood sale laRt week; prioos ruled well. Kirkpatrick i8 det.ermim-,d ~ o cle11.r out the balance of his winter stock at very low prices. Look on (, for ba~~a.ias in Blankets, U adershittn and Drawers, Felt Boots, &c. He will ·ell yoa a ~· u>d felt boot for $1.90, origina . priC ·' , $2.25, and one all leathered-up at $2.25. original price, $2.65. Com1;; alou~ a od got a bargain . There ha.ve been a great number of parties around here of late. DICK. '"ill \Ao_ TESTINLON'I...A..LS_ JOHN N. KIVELL, Good live Agents wanted in General Agent for County of Durham. BOWMANVlLLE, ONT. every Township of Durham. Found ! that West's Cough Syrup is the best for coughs, colds, and all throat and Jung diaeases. All druggiata . ... --------

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