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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.90 Pu .A.NNtrn. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 392. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, E DITOR A.ND PMa111toJ1.. VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. XXXII. NUMBER 5. / CARTWRIGHT. . GOUJI.TICE. A FEW DAYS AT HOME. / Tho popufation of our village ha.a been Mies Emily Courtice i11 visiting friends ! By invitation of the R ev. Geo. Brown e, increased by one--a girl at Mr. George in P ickering. ~AN ACROSTIC. Bartley's. Mies Kate Mcintyre ha.s been on tho I came to Da.rli11gto11 thid week to repro· RY "\V. G·. M.t T.A lJNTOX. ,._,.__..-commercial traveller for a Toronto sick list for a few days, but is now con- duce the substa,,ce of Dr_ DeWitt TalAdYerti~e judiciously! magtJ'a lecture on ' 'lngersollism", as house dron· ,into the village one Snnday valescent. A motto w1so and trite. delivered at Gri111,,by Oa1 u1J Ground. It Do not invest a penny morning thi~ month, took an order (so it Mr. and Mrs. Clark contemplate t akUntil your ad. is right; has been I.bought · trall;(tl by soma that is said), and left again the same evening. ing a trip to I reland soon. 't·ain will your everv e.tfort prove any ono shouid pr.,s1 1111" to d.,liver anothD on 't do it again, y oung fellow or you Jf you forget this rnlc. Several local "sports" attended the er man's lcct.ure . The 011ly apology I ·;trcctlve ads. are fish that can't will get a free advertisement in t his col· Newcastle races last week. Be caught in every pool, offdred (if any "'~ '" ""ederi ) was that I umn.of tbe STA'.l'ES!IIAN. :Remember well another thing, Mr. L. M. Oonrtice h ~s purchased bdieved tho tedeliv 1ry of, - t least the An ad. must be displayed There was a. very' poD r attendance at To 9atch the eye so quickly Ct-I from Mr. Jonathan Porrer t hat w~ll and snbstanc:e of it , wo11lri do goo .,and at the the Missionary meeting in 8t. John's favorably known clydesdale stallion Bame t ime aff,,ri! a Jo opportunity to those That lhe reader can't evade 0 In itlancing- o'er his paper, church last Wednesday evening owing to "Knight of Tollcross". who 11ever heard the or10.:i11al, of knowmg TmM. The points you would i111press the stormy weather. Select the mediums which are read · something of thtJ a· vle uf one of tho greiit By those you should address ; ~ Crowded hou1e at the thrfle services inpreachers of our timt<H. :t:spec:ial care in this rego.rd FARMERS, before giving your the MethodiAt church on Sunday. The \.._ 0 To me, pt1r~· ·na l ly , t he vrn1t le time and thought well spent, ~ " -orders for BIN.D.Elt 'l' wrnE, call ·r-1 meetings will be conducted this week. has been a pl~asa , t ,oe, .it the same time 0 .Just whom to choose to blow your horn, ·at RS. MAN)!ING's Hardware ~ ~ affording a littl,· cha11ge a.ud rest from Thero was an attempt to organize a And when he should bu sent; ' 11 nless he goes to blow your born the duties of · ··~ u i"r ci1cuit work. I singing class made last FriJay night, but Store and get prices. Where your horn should bo blown, +:> wa,nted to .iee a·,ai11 t ri"' pi ·c" wh~re was ----·----~.... as it was & very rough night, a p uatpone~ Uon't let him blow your.born at all. ~ passed the happy y~1.·rs of my boy-hood. But let him blow his own. m nt was made till next Friday. M,1PLE GROVE. In other words, Insert your ads. 0 On the way 10 M V " n1 '" I p;1s11ed the In a r ow in one of our hotels last week Where they will do you good. Miss Mary Jane Lii.ne, of Oahaws, is spot ou wliich "t" d ( n 1860-62) the old I\ young man had an old cut in his head (Jonteniplate well your methods~ You unquestionably 'lhould. frame school l1rn1· - 1.-. h ..-.-e l .:m 8tarted on re-opened. As Dr. Oliver was . not at visiting at Mr. John James'. 0 In case you are in doubt at all, Missos Em m And Jane Cox are vi11it· t he path to lea.ru 1 Tn ima"' s of boys h ome a te legram was sent to Dr. MitchRega.rding the result a.nd girls I mA , ·. r c:o.tu,, b .,ck vividly O f this perplexing matter, ell ,of Eoniskilloo. Both d octors arrived ing their brother, William, at Solina. H rJ'l It were betler to consult at t he same time. Who will have t<> foot H.ev. J. Whitlock added eil;(ht mem- to me, th,~ Ji ..,ri: y, 111 ... ,;y h s, and the IJpon the Important question, ~ pink·cheeked, hr1~h -ey.-.i la~rieS in t. h oir the bill 1 bers to the church roll cu Sabbath last. r-1 i>omcone both skilled a.ntl wise, Q;) Some man who makes a Rtndy 0111e-s pun dr<'esos. Who sold tl10 whisky on election day 1 Quarterly service will be held here on gingham or ~triped t1 Of tho wo,y to a<l\'ertise. rn1 of th tu ! o , ked in their The beautiful mud has not come yet, Sabbath morning next, wh o11 the Rev. H ow sweet so1 ·r-1 J,et M. A . James insert your act. Q;) home-spun frocl!a. Th"Y were as fresh bnt we have a fresh supply of snow. He'll print it right we know. . 0 Mr. Scales, of O"hawa, will occupy the You'll bnd him in the STATESMAN block, 1md as sweet H,~ thti hn neysu ckle~ they I.e. U. pulpit. <D Bowman ville. Ontario. ~ . , placed iu thefr huir o" t rit1 w y to school. 0 Prayer meet mg at M r. Geo. Power s to- When l enquired for some of tJi,,m I found 0 HAMPTON. niglat, commencing at 7 :30. 'they had gone--soiue tu 1i·tftJ·'"nt parts cf ~ We are prepared to the country, o.nd 11 ·Ifie tu auutltH r w\>rld. f/l Rev. J . Carscadden, of Bowmanville, O th er.a are l ..ft, s" o1e mothers .,f falllilies, ENFIELD. preached here Sundi\y morning, giving a ~ some still "serviug «I" . ,e" in che old buy a n y quantity of Red f/l good address. Rev. G. B rowne gave one Se\'eral lo&ds of young people attended home. The rush 11[ old m"mor1es ma.de Q;) of his best efforts in the evening. the soiree at; Columbus last week. a ni ht before my "Y"S, ,;hutting them for and Alsike Clover S eed. ~ 0 M iss Ada Clarke, of Bowmanville, pre· Mr. Robt. and Miss Maggie Gray, of a moinent, the 24 1.. ter v euin~ years van<D sided at the organ in thu Methodist 0 Clarke, have been visiting friends in this ishcd aud I w... a 9oy Pg<llll, »lid like Parties having any to <D church here S unday w oruing and evening. locality. others c1 1n re member thw ~s for which ,I 0 Mesers B. Elliott, jr., and John Rundle dispose of, kindly call Mr. Wm. Mason has rented a farm h ave had regr.,tii. Nev~irthM!ess, those attended the church opening at Port south of Raglan. He has started to move wo i·e gladsome a · h "f' PY ·h\yd. A belov'"C Perry last Sunday. on us before selling. there already. ed broih ·, r w " '" w1.1,ked with mu past the ~ Mias C. Cree1;away, of Port Hope, has The following persims ar e on the sick old will, ar··ttnd the sw 1tmp and .. vcr the ·f""'i ~ WM. QUICK & Co. been visi&ing friends in this neighbour· list: Mrs. B eni . Powell with inflamma- hills, is r.o mor.,,got1·>t" a su .. "ier clime, ~ hood this weuk. tion. Miss Mary J an e Niddery with. where there artJ uo w11d m vaumg wiuds, f/l luug disease, two of Mr. Jno. McC ul- no ehilliug snows. Staf-Oapt. Manton of the S. A. hae Q;) lough's childreu dipht heria and Mr. Wm. 'l'he weather dnring the w .. ek militated been here this week recruiting. '.!~he S. bJl Jackeon Ormil!ton with premature old somewhat against thti a . ten.iauce, stiU ENNISKILLJiJN. A. of this place have bought the old ~ age. They are all doing favorably under the gatherings wore encuU· agtU>.( , and I Methodist cburch, and will move the same ~ Wednesday evening 21st inst., the thti skilful treatmen t of Dr. Mitch ell. tt-ust rptite sattsf ..ctory. 'f,, tnose who forthwiU1. R e\·. D. Rogers gave Talmage on In~er C ')ntri bu1ecl t oward 1uaki ·1£ t rie visit sp ,.Q Q ;) Mr. B. Dickinson, of Port Hope, has solliam, in a masterly manner. All who Mr. John Allin, t.!1e popular carpenter pleasa nt I extend my thanks; and if we been visiting in this neighborhood th'.ie · had the privilege of hearing it enjoyed a and framer, wl10 did considerable work meet n o more on earth, may we "ll meet; week, as he is not much acquainted hsr , r imi treat. The attendance was not large around her9 last summer, has taken sev- by am ] bye where it will be nu longer ~ <D he deemed it wise to bring an eacort. o wing to the condition of t he roads and eral more contracts here for the coming neces~ary 1,,, defe url thti truth.. of the summer. 8LOC UM. Bible a.ncl Ciiris1 aui y, which are now- the Th e uomination on Monday to fill the the aev(·rit:v f the weather-. ..... A great ::lalvation march anCl pow-wow vacancy at the Couucil Board was well founcl ·ition of our civtl and rel11<.i" us proere last Sabbath afternoon. A number attended. The Township Clerk, Mr. ll. g ress anrl Rtii.hillty. Yours fr.t.terna.lly. LESKARD. Windatt pr.,sided a t tho meeting, thu of Soldiers from Hampton and BowmanIfamp t<>11, Jau. 22nd, '80. .0, H.oa ER~· . People here are making good use of the ville, oflicer from Toronto, and lots of follvwing g"otlemen were nominated for snow that has beon so long wished fo1·. music made things lively. The Enniskil_ theoftice:_J\fossu:- W.-Werry, W . Cryder SOLINA. m an , R. Pascoe, 'r. Baker, G, Awde, S. len contingent were conspicuonr. by their Fine time for breaking in colts and oxen. J. Williams, 'l'. Burrows, D. Dyer, T. absence. A meetiug was held also on l Cirk jlt. ri ck has only I), felV more pairs On S unday the S1 \lvation Army opened Washington, C. W. Smith, R. Short, W. Monday evening. their n ew barracks in t,h is place. A nf th of.lu wouderfully cheap frlt bo,,ta left. IlIAUBUIM.08 Three more (Jf Mr. Thos. Ormiston's number of Ottl ce1·s and Soldiers from Buy 1 ww <1 Ud got tho b()notit of them; Wiudatt, H. 1'. P hillips, W. Bingham, W. :Bowman, and R. H. Bunt. Shor family are down with diphtheria. At Orooo and Kendell took part, and two also oto..;t· v.·iuter good· aellin~ a.t very speeches were made by tho nominees latest account s they are recovering. lively meetings wore held. The barracks low price11. Miss Taylor has 11tiirted a music class in which was form erly the old school house, ~~~~~~~~ All except six: of the candidates withdrew from the contest, it was then agreed be- Tyrone. All in that vicinity who wish is nicely fitted up inside and comfortably CLARKE COUNCIL. tween the candidates that a ballot should to tak e lee~ons from au excellent teacher seated , presenting a very nice appearance be taken, all the ratepayers present to should avail themselves of this privileize. ge11erally,although "the same old nicks are Statutiiry ·ue"1 ,ing ,fan, 18. l'riembors Special services were begun in t ho in the wall" that we carved there in days made U3U"'l d t:c iar.nons of q ual ttica.tion give their vote, the hig hest vote to be the Methodist church here on Tuesday evencounmlor elo>ct. G. Awde, Esq., being of yore. and office and took th.,tr sea.·a Suming last. the highest was declared elected. The old church, purcha3ed by Mr. M. mary of btutu,·ss: R . J. RnWd was ap· When truthful reports of public meet· Robbins, is being taken down. The Band of H ope are to give an enMr. pointed nssesso r, anJ Dr. Dickt1y collect· tcrtainme. n t on the 15th of Fe brua.ry in ings written with no intention of hitting Robbins intends m oving the Limber to 4js or. Orders 'wore paac t ur $104 collector's the way of an Orange Sociable and prog· anyone, strike the S1m correspondent as farm and using it for a barn frame. salary, ancl cootiu:.i;eoc"s; $47 r"~urning ramme worth 25 cents, all for 15. cents, hard, well aimed shots would nearly The attendance at church for tho last oilioers' election cXpt1ncea; $1, 70 taxes pari!.ly~e him. His not neccooa.ry (qt1oting T he beat taleut a>ailable has beP.n procur refonded to J e~se B "lknap, indigent; the language of our learned friend), "to few Sundays has n oL been as la rge as ~l dog tax r ef1u.d to Jas. Hallett; $1,15 ed for the occasion. usual on account of the severe weather . hit the mark iitraight." taxes refn nded to Mrs.Colburoe,indigent; R ev. D. R ogers was visiting friends The many friends of R ev. Mr. Addison, $3,oO collec ·,.-d i " error from C. G. Armhere last wetJk. who has been ailing for some months, strong; $7 coffiu for 0. Wright, indigent; ORONO. Council meeting to. morrow, 30th inst. were much pleasbd to h ave him with ~2 repairH to bridge, con. 2 . J. Pun ward'l'he "budget of fun Co" played here ou them , once more in their Wednesday some time the members of the en; $5 t,, P. II. Bryce for vaccine pl)inis. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. M For eth')dist church ha ve talked of chang- Friday, Saturday and Monday, evenings evening prayer meeting. The nec < S· .ry by·laws wertJ pas·ed . rather slim houses. 'fh ey will return t o When huying Coal Oil -ask your dealer for the N ew Oil, ing the siuging gallery, the idea has been Mrs. G. J ardioe, who ha.'I been visiting in three weeks. suggest ed by members of the choir, to h er mother here, left for h er home at Scott's Emulsion of Pure Master J. Chester's steed ran away on Burnt River, last week. changti the entire seating capacity of the <:o'l Liver @ll, wltb U7popltospl11tes chu rch, to face the present gallery, and Monday, but d icl htlle more than frighten Mis11 Annie Carveth has gone to the place t he pulpit in front of tho choir. the driver. city to visit friends. For A naemia and Marasmus in Children. We were glad to see old 79 S . of T. so The seats under the gallery to be placed Try once, you will use no other. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lawson has been visitwell represented at the Grand Division. Dr. W. D. QgYTlW Kansas City, Mo., where the pulpit now sto.nda. She has eome real "true blues" within ing h is numerous friends in this 1mction. says : "I have utkd Scott's Ewulsion foi: SwwBoY. .McCOLL BROS. & CO' Y, Toronto. her ranks. For some time past the idoa bas been y ear:i, and tor cnnsumption anti anaemic Capts. Gertie Dimsdale and Lottie O'· entertained by a numbe1· of the inhabi· patients aud children with marasmus, _,,,,..,TYRO NB. Gilvie were in town to attend t he Army tauts of this vil111go, that potrolum would have fou11d it very reliabl.,, Hare fre· IY. B. Down's Vegetable Balsamic Elb:il· is a positive cure / 'Mr. Chas. Welch has been under the banquet Wednesday ni~ht. be found in this vicinity if it well were q ueotly giY1111 tt when patients could care of Dr. Potter for some time past, but J'or Couizhs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Oatarr~, lloarsene~e, Influenza Mr. C. J, Hugheoo made his first bow only sunk to the depth that it is generally retain no1,uiu;{ dse u u ·he stum"ch. it is hoped will soon bo well. . Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, P leurisy, and a.11 diseases. of t h to the public in the capacity 0f auctioneer necessa.ry for them to be 101rerod, in Throat, Ohest and Lungs. As an Expect.orant it has n o equal, Consumption h as mo11g th e many transient visitors to on Satnrday night at Proctor's. ' Ve are 01;der to procure the liquid i n those AUCTIO N SALEJS. been cured ttmes without number by its timely use. It hea.ls the ulcerated surfaces, our town during the week we note : Miss told stra.nge noises proceed from his out· places, where it is already ob tained. and cures when all other remedfos fail. Fifty-six years of constant use has proven Addie Johnston, Kingston; Mr. J ohn buildings at home which are not unlike Those who are acquaintecl with the SATtr.BDAY JAN. 30.-Sa,e of valu.a.ble lti virtues. Every family should keep it in th e house. So.I d everywh~re. Dames, Mariposa; Mr. and i\irs. Lawson, an amateur at practice. general a1ipearance of the countries where h orses, on Market Square, at l p . m. See Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. Bobcaygeon; .Mrs. J. and Miss Arletta Tho Sons of Temperance aseist their it is already found, and have observed advertisement in thi!j pa.per. S.CHESTERMaynard, a.nd Mias Ida Bingham, Bow- L cskard brethren in an open session t o the peculiar kind of atone belcmging to l!'IELD, auctioneer. be held there this (Friday) night. t heee places, a.long with other surface Dr. Henry Baxter's l~land.ra~e B~tte1·s aro a _sure cure f~r manville. Every body had some special business indications (t.he m ost important of which . Costiveness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia., Iodigeat 1on, Diseases '?f the K1d~oya, Torpid Quietness again reigns since the nom$500 REW ARD ! -We will P"Y the ab,ove at Newcastle last week. It was a strange is the.accumulation of a thick, rusty· look· Llvar, Rheuma.tism, Dizzine~s, Sick ~ea.cl.ache. Loss of Appeti,te, Jaundice, .A.poplo· ination and election panic has subsided. xv, Palpitations, Eruptione a~d Skin Diseases. Keep the Sto~ach, Bowels, and How long, temperance men, how long coincidence that the races were there a t ing oily substance on the aurface of the reward fur auy case .,f hvec, co!11pla.~nt, STRAGGLER. sm all pools of water on the lower land) , dyepeps111;, 111ck h?adache, md1gestion, Digestive Organs all 111 workmg order, and .per~ect he!'lth will be the rl.'flult. shall the scene daily witnessed in our the same time. tall ua thut all the!e characterist ics are const1p ... t1un or co11nven,, ~s we cannot cure Ladies and others subject to Sick He!l'dach e "'.111 find rel~~f and perma.o eot cure by streets continue 1 Shall anything be ddne 4· .... p laiuly visible here, and that this oil if with ~ee!'a Vegetab!e Li<-er P1.Hs, w~en the use of these Bitters. Being tome and mildly p urga.1ve thev purify the ~lood. ere the poor unfortunate freezes to death KIBBY. collected on a ptece of stick and ignited the d1rocti"na an' strictly complied wit~. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Henry, Johnston & Lord, l"ropr10tors, during th ose bitter winter nights 1 As we have seen nothing from Kirby will burn quite brightly and rapidly. By They. are µ~rely vegetable, und never fail Burlington, Vt. Nu~ weddings of late, and still for two or three weeks we will t ry and many, the " wild notion " was favorably t o. give ~a.tlofac· ion. L · .rge bot~les con!Porfio follo w soon. write a few sentences in our own humble held, and a meeting was announced for taming 30 aug r c·1at"o1 p1lls, 2[)c. For Henry, Johnston & Lo~d, Pr_ op . r_ietors of J\..t·Hica :uad Otl L11111ne nt for Man and Beast . The bes t e.x~erlljl;) ' Revival ser\'ices were discontinued on style. W e see by the "Orono News" the diBcnssion of tho subject. On Monday sa~e by ~11 drn .: ~·" .a. t5eware o.t couutereven iog at 7 :30 o'clock the very ontlm· feil.s and 1m1 ta i ,us, Tu·: ~"uume manuremedy for R heumatism Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, Sabbath evening. The unceremonious your regular cor. is at Cannington visit· siastic crowd that had gn;hered in the fa.ctured .. .,Jy tty Joai:; C. Wxsr & Co., Backache, Frosted F eet, and all other pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, a?d ej ection of an individ ua.l from the church ing friends. If he is not on a visit of Sons' Hall was called to order and a 81 King~ " E., Tor.. n·o, ·affectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, ~cratches, Sores1 &c. , on Horses. One trial on that occasion leaves a doubt on \.he fo rthor importance to hi mself we will chairman and secretary appointed. The - -· - - - will prove Its m erits. . Its e_fiecta ar~ m most cases m stantaneous. Every l>ottle minds of eourn, as l o the good results loose our guess. We suppose he will chairman then clearly laid the obJ·eot of Bowmanviilu, TA11"s J>nor Ont.os- :'<leMsrs Tait & Morrison, d :- A proof of the Dutll' !:JH warranted t o give sahsfact10n. Prices 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. SQld which may accr ue from such a proceed- scout the idea of being on a lookout for ' ng· a place to settle, but we know a thing or their meeting before the people, stating negative takun b .1 yuu .. .;.~ duly received, everywhere . l:ie.vo to L h·nk yuu ror )'vur kind 1eas. 'r he Mr. Arthur E. Harris, of this place, t wo and see if it don t come t r ue. W e that they wished in some way or other to lcabinet ls cartatoly one of cue bust, if not the left on Monday for Ashburn, there t o expect to receive one of his severest d res- ascertain appr oximat ely the co~t per foot best. 1 han1 ever ha.11 taken. l wuuld like you of lowering a well or of sinki1lg it a. to quote aw your price for .. d1.111on. .A. number Sencl 10 cents postage, and meet and proceed with relatives to sings next week, but honest, ·the thing is people I have 1111.uwu it say it ls as · numb er of f ee t ' an d the sett· we will mail you free a D akota. The be8t wishes for his futur e too good to keep. cer t a.in ing or llne wurk to ae whom any they ever nw done in · roronto royal, valuable, eo.mplo box prosperity accompany him t o his new Mr. McDowell has gone home t o see in motion a project to organize a company J,et m e hear from you, and in quoting pric6 of goods · tha.t will put you the cost not please quuL Ait aR.tlue as you can ...s I may take E GOM E1'. his father who is ill,aod as a consequence, to execute the work sh<:>uld in the way of making more money a t once. home in the far West.. . seyeral POJJ<oll, r.,qu ~dts ountua U<4llY coming ill be too great. A comm1tteewa.s appointed for that 11urt or Lntnl{. Yours truly. li:DMONI> than anytl1ing.s else in America. Bo . th ~exes ot no scheol. all ages ean hve at home and work m spare Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from Port· 'l'hree sleir.:h loads of young people t <:> communicate with parties competent E. SHEFPA.J<I>, ·rorunt... Nov t 6cll, 1885. 63·tt . Capital not required. 'Ve time, or all timeA · · · .. will start you, Immense · pa.y sure tor those land or Halifax by Allan Line, to or from from here went down to Hope on Friday t o furnish such information, and repor t Couch, J ohnaton &. 0 , yderDlll.n are now M~tni:,t,art at once, STINSON & Co.. Portland, Londonderry, Belfast, Queens town , Gal- night and s urprised the home of Mr. a.nd at next meeting. Shares amounting to way, Li~rick Glasgow ; Cabin also · r e- Mrs. R. S. Powers formerly of this place. nearly $1000 were 11poken for in case a showing a love·y ailllo·tment of bla.ck and duced. W. A. NEADS, Agent . 48tf Company should be formed. The meet· colouri.d Surah Silks N o hdy shollld 'l'hey had a rolloclcing time. A DTEltTISERS l send for 011r Select List ot Ask to see t he prepared Mince Meat at Roads drifted badly but getting bettor. ing adjourned, subject t o being called by buy a eilk dr1111s btl1ol'ti si:eiug their ne,r fot°p~g:1s~.~W.~pers. Geo.P. Rowell &;Co., Murdoch Bros'. committee. JF.cK. ani elegan$ goods. Szx . McCLUNGS, C'.) Opposite Ontario Bank, .Bowmanville. ·-· tn c 0 0 · 16 A [fl s~ ro ·~ .... ~ c:::::. = ~ = ·= > - ·- --- ~i 00 Pi ro t-1 ~ 0 (\) ...c: C'.) ~ ~ C'.) (\) ·~ (\) ..,~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ·...c: ...c: rn ~ rn ~ 0 o~ N c:::::. ~· ..,c;::, - 0 '-1.J ---------------------------------=:'!"'-· z ~ ~ ~ - - - _______ 0 'SDNil'"JOOW U se McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated FARMERS, THRESHERS! ~inter Lardine M-ACHINE OIL. ,. &UNLl:GHT " · Coal Oil. it I " , U IFT D N N'S AC NC B A KI DER Ow P THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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