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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1886, p. 3

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hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· ed in from one to three nppliliations, no matt~r whether standing one year or forty years. Thie remedy is only applied once in twelv\) days, and Ci'oi anot interfere with business. Descrip· tlve .Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by A. lLJ)ixon C<; §011, 30~ King street, Weat, '.l'oronto, Canada. "WHAT IS CATA1lRB1 · Catarrh is a dangerous dis1>as~ which thoue· ands' are consciously oi· unconsciously sufferln~ from. It is a muco·purulont disoharlile c_auee by the presence of a veget able parasite m the lining membrane of tb..e nose. 'fhe p~edlf!PR~" ing causes are a morbid state of the b.cou.,_ tne blighted cornuscle of tubercle. the germ poison of syrhilis, mercury, toxomre, n;om the retention of the effete matter of the skin, suppressed perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping_ apar.t· ments and the germination of othe~ po1aona rn the blood. Irritated by these. the lining membrane of the nose is ever ready tor the 1·eception of the parasite. which rapidly spreads,up the nostrils and down the fauces, or back of the throat causinc.: ulceration or the throat; up the eustacnia.n tubes, causing_ deafness; bn ,:._ rowing in the vocal cords, causmg hoarscne~s, usurping the proper structure of the b~onchui.l t ubes ending in pulmonary consumption and. death. Many ingenious speiftcs for for the cure of catarrh have been invented, but w1_thout suct andmg d1scoV· cess, until a physician of Jong s_ ered the exact nature of th d1st1a~e and the only appliance which will permanently destroy t he parasite, no matter how aggravated the case. Sufferers should send stamp at once for descriptive pamphlet on ca tarrh. to the business manaaers, A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 K ing street, west, 'foronto, Canadq. What theR.ev. E . B. S teven son, B .A., a Clergvman o.f the London Co11fer en ce of t~1.e M ethodist Cli:urch of Cana d a., has to s<tY ·in regard 1'o A.H. Dix on &: S on's N ew Treatmen t f or Catat·1·h. !!!!!~~~~~~~-==~~Wll~!!!"!!!!!~~~~-~·~!!l!!!'!·~!!!!!IP!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!C:!!!l&~~!!!~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~"" !!! ~ ~ :rnt~~~~~~~~~~!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!~~~~~·~'PF~~~~~~~l!!!~~!!~~llllOll~11n1~~~~aa~aaz~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!ill!! /'1' ~t r,! mlrablyad11.p ted to water color drawings, YO U NG FOLKS. CATARRH. ~.au.a ~ t~m.au and 11ore leas exp~ns:ve than other etylea, :r:o kee.p Insects out of bird cages, tie up CATARRH.-A new treatment has boen disLove One Another. a. little sulphur in a ba.g and "rnspend it In covered whereby a permanent cure of this 4·tan af . M essrs A. H . ]);:con & Son: Oaklans. Ont., Canada, Merch 17, 1883. haYe had no return of the 11Jsease, and never felt better in my life. I have tried so many things for Catarrh, su:ll'ered so much. and fur so many years, that it is hard t o realize tbut I am really better. . I consider that mine was a ":'"er_y ba d .case; it w as aggravated an(l c hronic, rnvclvmg the -tll. oat as well as the nasal passages. anJ. I t hought it would require the three , ti mitments, but I feel fully cured by the t wo sent me. ana I am thankful that I was ever indtrned to send It seemed almost too good to be true that, I am cured o"f Catarrh, but, I knqw that I a m. I DEAR Sm s.- Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. to-£'.~~·a re at liber ty to use this letter statin!!' t hat I have be6n cured at two treatments. and I shall gladly recommend your remedy t o some of my friends who are sufferers. Yolll"S, with 1\ian y thanks, REV. E , B. STEVENSON. .A.nd hundreds of others ARD OF THANKS.- T o the ManaJ. ger of the Fire Insurance APsocit>tion: C Srn, I her eby retmn than ks t?r the. prompt payment (by your agent, Mr. I hos. Bmgham, for my loss by fire, caused by a spark from a steam thresher, having got payment for c!'nt ents at market price; no ·] or 1 payme nt like I sec on the Dominion Grango Polley to tenants. Yours gratefully. T a os. H AlUtIS, Tyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 ARD OF THANKS. - To the Manager of the Fire Insurance Association: C Sm, I hereby return thanks for the, prompt payment (by your agent, '.r4r. 'fhos. Bmghaml tor my loss by fh'e, ~aused oy a spark from a steam thresher,havmg received the full amount of my insurance IN GOLD on the occasion or my golden wedding. Yours thankfully, 'l 'HOMAB J ARDINE. 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 ARD OF THANKS. - ·.ro M essrs. Gault Tattley managers or the Royal C Insurance Company (of England), Montreal: & GENTLEMEN,~! t ender to yon my best thanks for the prompt payment through your age~t, Mr. James Bingham, Tyrone, of mr claim against your Company for a horse killed by llghtning in the field, having r eceived a cheque Mns. C. J, MARSH. for the full amount. Hampton, Oct. 15, 1885. ~~ 42-iw· THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a General Banking Business tsBo wmanvillo Branch. -f.. DEPOSl'l'S Received in Savings Bank Depart.rnentand oall and interest allowed at curren t rates. N. notice of withdrawal necessary. .A.11 deposlu payable on demand, EXCH&NGE Boughtand sold and Drafts issued upon Europe United States and Canada, also Gold,Silve1· and United lil'io~11s Green backs bOUllht and 50ld. t COLLEC:TJONS Promptly made at current rates upon all pa.rt of Grea t Brittain, the United States and Do minion of Canada. , Telegraph Transf'ert1 Made for large or email sums on all parts or Canada. Th ia is especially advantageous to persons living in Manitoba or the North·weal as it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For further par ticulars call at the BanklnR House. GEO. McGILL, 1'.BRODIE, Manager Accountant. ·V ~LO OK OUT FOR~ BARGAINS! IN MILLINERY. --o-:ll'or the NEX'.f 30 Dill:'S I will sell for LESS THAN COST the r emainder of my stock of .,tylish a nd most Dura ble " Millinery DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, &c., with a very heavy stock of F eathe r s & Flo -wers. - -o- Tbanking my cust omers for past fa vora, I respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my present stock. which I am s ure will give the utmost satisfaction. Mrs. DONNELLY. UNDERTAKING! - :BvL EV I MORRIS. WI am f ully prepared t o attendFunor~lson the shortest notice, &t the lowest possible rates. O:sskete and Buri al Cases ready on short notice First-class hearse on very moderate terms Shrouds and Coffins constantly .o n hand. Fun r al cards supplied a t once. Furniture Shop & how Rooms- Bounaall'aNowBlock. 11 rnr niture sold by me is made by the U . C urniture Co. ofBowman ville. I do not bu y slop furniture and r epresent it to have been madti by the U . C. F. Co. of this t own. Aleo ageV:t for theJ,I-QUOR '.l'EA tor this town a nd vieiJ:l)'·y. It is cheap and as good as can be got ifi t~ marki;it. .A. valuable prize given with every vound. · " Did you say or did you not eay what I said you said 1 Bwnusa Walt eaid you said you never sa.kll what I said you said, Now, if you d id say t hat you did not say what I .said you s~!d i hen what d_id you si;y ?" the cage, Red ante will never be found in U ,·as Saturday night, and two cbll~re11 smnU 1o1, on bbe ·tBlrs ol tho lighted ball, closet or drawer if a. small bag of sulphur be 1 Vr<·d and troubled and oore perplexed kept consbntly in these places. Tu loam for Sabbath the forgotten text, Old newspapers will put the finishing touch o.,1y three words on a. gild~d card. to newly cleansed silver, knives and forkA Buu both the children declared It hard. STAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. Soa.p-Ma.king. and t inwa.re better th1.n anything elae. Rub ., 'Love," th1>t la e·sy- lt me1>ne. whr this" So long as it le more eoonomlca.~ to buy t hem well a.ud ma.ke p·rfectly dry. They (A warm embrace and a loving klse); than make soap many a. woman will ma.ke are E'XCellent t o p11ish Rtovee that have not "Jlut 'one another,' I don't see who he_ r own soap. . .A !!'!df in th~ :farrµ Jouina! I !;i<;>~n J.iJacl,tenecl t<.>~ ~ 0 m 6 lmgt\l cf time, J ~e 1 ueant b,y 'anotber'-now. May, do you?" He has all the best grades of tells how,.~he __ doo_ ' it~ . _ . . '1 VE ry gladly ehe ralaad her heatl, Dd'!~ ~.iwh your posts in a square a.bout Our thoughtful darltng, and elow:y said, kur feet a.part · place a. trough in the centre English Elections. Aa she fondly smllod on tbe llltle brother, with the , end w'here the lye ls to run out the The elections for a new House of Oommons And "Why lam only one, and you are another, this le the meaning-don't )OU see !d lowest. Take clapboards or waste boar s took place in Great Britain and Irela.nd dnr- That I must love you, and you must love me." that is manufactured. of auy kind, sharpen th"m at one end, and in the fortnight beginning November 24, and He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt put ·the aharp end in the t1·ough, le. nlog the ending December S. The result of these Wlec little preacher I could any sage Interpret better the·sacred page? wide end against t h e etrIpa o f wood ( t h a t elections was in ,several respects surprising American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicke~ have been nailed to the t aps of the posts a.ll and interesting. Feed, Crockery and. Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and around) at the aides and ends, this will In the last House 'of Commona, there Sunshiny Tilda. La.rd of his own make and rendering. His life-time experience in t he make the hopper. Th.en carry two big arm· were three hundred and fifty.four Liberals, The cold winter's wind blew ficroely. and fuls of straw, spreading it up the sides a. two hundred and thirty-sevenConserva.tive3 Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalled. ways to keep the ashee from sprinkling or Tories, and sixty-one Irish Homo Rulers. rooked the orazy old house In the miserable through between the bo <rds. Thus the Liberals had a majority over the quarteni where the city's poor were c~owd The Grocery Department, undm· the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is Put in ahout:a bushel of ashes, pour In a T.,rfes of one hundred and seventeen, and od in housea loDg since condemned as unsafe, of th~ very best quality. ~ o t~ash or poor goods kept in stock, deals "Oh, I'm so cold I" said Tilda R)'maa, aa gallon of water, and pound it down with an over the Tories a.no Home Rulers combined, only m the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. old maul that has one side split off, Then of fifty-six. Bllt it muat be added that of she lay in her low bed of straw, »ha.king Your patronage will be thankfully received. put in more ashes, more watr;r, and pound the aixty-r ne Home Rulers, only thirty-five with cold, in the fireless and 011.rpetlesa room. T.tie wind through t he crevices in the wall again, using the rest of the straw up the followed the Ie11d of Mr. Parnell, the Irish to all parts of the t own oo short notice. Goods delivered aides a!! it is neeil ed till your hopper Is full or Nationalist leader. The other twenty-six ciiilled the weak little body, and there was A call solicited. run out the · ashes (I always run out), fh,tten were prnctic11lly supporters of the Liberal no warm covering upon Tilda's b~ d. the top evenly, pour on abvut ten gallono p&Tty. Tilda was hungry ; though 'twas after· of wa.ter (two gallons at a. time), and leave it The Liberii.la were thus, In ihe last House, noon, she had not tasted food, and her sup· Cash :Cor Butte1·, Eggs, Rides, Talltnv, Beet, Pork and to soak for a. week ; then pour on water as very strong, and the Liberal ministry of Mr. per the evening bafore had b~ en cold boiled aH Farn1 Produce. fast ns it soaks through tlll yon h11ve your Gladstone waa able, for five years, to have pot atoes without salt or pepper. But Tilda. kettle two thirds full of lye, b ring it to a its own way in policy and legislation. ex pected nothing; it waD no new experience STAND :-Town Hall B'ld'g. boll, dip a fea.ther in it t hree : tlmee ; if it The situation is greatly chaD~ed by the re· for thlo 10-year-old to be alone, cold and oats it put in the greruie ; if t he lye Is too cent electiona. Tlle new House llf Com· hungry, wea.k, boil it down and keep running off the mons will cont&.in three hundred n.nd thirty· "Oh, I wonder if mother's drinkin' again, four L iberals, two hundred and fifty Tories, I'm so afeued she·ll freeze to death, such lye from the hopper and pouring inio it. As to the amount of grease to be put In, and eighty-six Home l"tulers. Thuo the cold days as this l If I could only watch that is something that no woma.n knoweth Liberals have lost twenty scats, the, Tories a ft er her 11 bit, 'P ears as if I shouldn't (uor m!\D eh her). I generally put in about have ga.lned t hirteen seats, and !;he H ome want to be In th!s world without m11mmy !" five gallons of meat rinds, cracklings, a nd R ulers have ga.ined twenty-five senlis. T he and t ears s~ole down t he thin cheeks of ha.If· such, t hen I put in more clear grease (if I new Home Rulers, moreover, are pledged starved Tilda. have it} till h "comes," boiling it all the a.nd devoted adherents of Mr. Parnell, to a "Ar e you awa.ke, Tild11? and' don't you time, and putting in moN lye from the hop· man ; so that the real ga.in t o the Irish Na· want to take 01'\r ll of Polly Fipkln while I'm per, My kettle: holds a.bout fifteen gallen~. tionali~ts la fifty-one, and the rea.l loss of gone to the school ?" Anda larger girl puahed Sometimes I mnke a kettleful in an hoar, the Libera.ls is fiftv·six, open the door and see.t ad herself in the one sometimes in a day, and once In a while I In short, the L iberals In t ho new House, shaky chair m the room. have to boil it three days, Th ia le the way will only have a majority of eighty.four "Oh, Mm rtha Jaue, please hand me Polly to make "liver" sonp or "jelly" soap. ov1Jr t heir T ory rivala, an d the Tories, and this very minute!" and Tilda. sat up in bed, T her e la a nother kind ot soap ma.de with Home ~11lHa oomblne<:l will h11vo a majority eagerly reaching out for a. ba.ttered, soiled the ea.me kind of lye and gr ease t hat ie called of)wc over the Liberals. dolly, so ugly that few littlo girls would "ball" soap. It is as thick as the cornmeal Mr. Parnell and his party, therefore, hlls have wanted to look at it. . dough that we ~eed the chick ens, and a.bout achieved his avowed purpose of securing Tilda couldn't move her lower limbs, .A as yellow 11-s yellow cornmeal, enough .Home Rulers in the new Houee to drunken papa had struck her cruel, heavy It will go three times as far in wa.shil'g as hold the balance between the Llberals and blows when a wee girlie, 11nd ever after the "liver" soap will; it takes strong lye Tories, and to be able to make terms with something was the trouble with Tilda.·s and lots of gre11se to mak e it ; then, I be- one or other from 11 commanding position, back, her rosy cbeeke grew thin, and mama. qu&ntity of lye in The greatest, perhaps, of the questions ma sobbed all the time. Jieve, there is always . the bottom of the barrel, while "liver" soap which will come before the :new House, is Tilda didn't mind much then that she is 6oap all t he way down. Have I made it that of the Irish ;demand )or Home Rule. plain? That demand means simply that Irela.nd h<L<l to sit still and could never run or play, I read In 1111 agricultural paper to-day sha.11 have 11 local Parliament, which shall for m11.mma was so loving and tender with that few farmers' wives now use soap made sit in Dublin, and mr.ke I11ws for the local her crippled girlie; but she had not learn· We have the EXCLU SIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be of wood &Shes ; that they prefer the con- government of the island. The connection od to drink then. '.l'illie hu~ged Polly Pipkin close to her beaten for time. oentra.ted lye soap. It is not so. We all Ireland and Great tBritaln :would still, In hate th11t blue, slippery, ill-smelling stuff, that oaee, be maintained by the executive breast. The tumbled flaxen hair had not and never use lt if we can help It. I do power, in the person of the Lord-Lieutenant, boen combed for several daye, and the thin We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty yeam~ cotton dress was tattered and dirty; no lov· not know a single instance where the real 11.ppolnted by the Queen. in business here. old-fashioned 119ap is not preferred to the Since Mr. Parnell ca.n convert, at will, inr mother had looked after Tilda's com· imitation article, either the Liberale or the Tories into a ma· fort. Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will "Much cold, Tilda ?" asked Marth& J .me. jority of the House, it is not impr obable "Yes ; but then the sun'll melt the snow, scheme of Irish Home Rule will, t ha.t some Householcl Hints. at no distant day, be adopted and put inte you haven't had any dinner, To clean brass, tal,te one ounce oxa.lio acid, operation, Indeed, both the Liberals a.nd alx ounces rotten stone, one-half ounce gum- the Tories are considering how large a. mea- Tilda, Well, mine wasn't enough for one regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. ara.bio (a.11 In powder), one ounce sweet oil, sure of Home Rule they can safely and sue· even : 1 tried to get you 11 corn cake, My and sufficient water to make a paste. Apply coeefully grant to the slater country. daddy is drinkln' ; 'pears like every time he a small portion and r:xb dry with flannel or FRIENDS, WJ?. MEAN DlJSINEss. Some of the features of the recent eleo- gete paid for work, he jest drinks it up. leather. tions are interesting. In former times, the 'l 'ilda, do you suppose we shall ever like the Colored hose that stain the feet should be greatest strength of the Libera.Is hao always atuff?- whlsky, beer and brandy, 1 mean," put Into a po.il of boiling-bot clear water, been in the boroughs,-that Is in the cities, Ancl Martha Jane's blaok eyes snapped and let them stand until cool, rub them out by towne,'a.nd villages; while that of the Tories sparkled. hand, o.nd put into hot salt water. When he.s been In '. the counties. Thia time, the Tilda opened wide her blue ones, She 1 9·3m cool rinse from that thoroughly, wring dry, position of the parties Is exactly reversed. Wll.B a loya.l soul to mammy, bnt ehe ha.tad and hang out smoothly in the shade to dry. .Che Tories made their gains In la.r11:e towns with 1111 her young might the curse which Black cotton goods of all kinda are benefit- like London, L!verpool, Manchester and had wrecked their home and made a drunk· l - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --ed by the same treatment the first tlmethey Leeds. The Libera.I gains on the other en sot of her mother. are washed, using the usual method of wuh· hand, came almost wholly from the old Tory "! know you hate it now, Tilda; so do I, iniz with soap ,fter eca.lding. and onoe your mammy did, Old Granny strongholds in the counties. Flannel underwear · should reach from The r eason of t he latter f11ct Is, that the Marks says your mammy was once the throat to wristc and ank les In winter, Why rooent reform bill gave the suffrage to two prettiest and sweet.let woman · she ever should ~he legs of children be left with less millions of men of the laboring and the agri- knew ; and now look at her !-all purple protection from the cold than the rest of the cultural classes, who for the most pa.rt live and bloated-Hush I I didn't mean to body? They should be loose and easy in in the countries; and these new electors m11-ke you cry. Here, Tilda, let me warm -~MANUFACTURER OF~every part. with allowance for shrinkage seem to h11ove very generally voted for Lib· you up a bit;" and Martha Jane held the and growth, The legs should elope by both eral ca.ndldatee, cripple In her 11rms until she had warmed a ontaide and Inside ~earns from the oalf of The elections were also notable for the little the benumbed body of Tilda, the leg down. Leave them open 11 few inch- defea.t of some prominent men. No less "I mnat be goln' to the sohool, We learn es at the bottom of the Inner se11m, that than twelve members of Mr. Gladstone's late to mend and sew things there. I'm goln' KING STREET, BOWMANVILL they may· be folded smoothly under ,the ministry were left out of the .H ouse, while to bring you something ; It'll be company Has now on hand a number of Tehiole5 (and is manufacturing a gr eat many more) of the neweEl stocking. four membors of the present Tory ministry for you to try to guess what It will be." patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale 11.t the loweatprices consistent The old-fanhioned d fppers, worked in suffered the sa me fate. Tlte most eminent " M11.rtha., if you- should-see-mammy with due regar d t o workman ship and quality. 'l'he ft>llowillg i8 a list of silk and wool on canvas, are comiDg in again; defeated Liberal was Mr. Childers, who wa.e - lyln'-ln-the-streets, will you-will the principa l vehicles m anufactured by me . but they a.re improved upori in the designs. Mr, Gllldstone's Chancellor of the Ex· you- jest-- " Double Covered Carriages .... .............. . ....... ... . ........... .. .. .. ..... $200 U pwards, , Tulips and Qther flowerc are worked in em- chequer . "I'll t ry to bring her home, Tilda, The . Sing le Phoot ons . ....................... .. ............ . .......................... 100 11 broidery-stitch, the ground only in cross boys shall not throw snowballs at her while Tne Ma.rqule of of Lorne, son-in-law of Op!;!n Buggy................ . ................ . ........... ...... .. ..... .. . . ....... 70 11 stitch. Griffins and heraldic devicee, as the Queen, and lat ely Governor· General of I'm around, and I'll try to sober her up well as create, are a.lso placed on the front, Canada, was defeated; and so was Jaoob with a cup of hot soup," Top Buggy............... ... . . .. ........... . ...... . . .... .... ....... . .............. 90 11 while soma of the ground works a.re shot Brli;:ht, the brother of John Bright, With a ba.ng Martha Jane closed the door, D em ocrat Wagon... -·- · ·· · ···· ······················ ·· · ······ ···· · ··· ···· ····... 65 11 with silver , Quite the newest ha.ve large Lumber Wagons........ . .. . ... .. . . . . . ........ . . ... .... . . .... ..... . .. ......... ... 55 11 T he curious position in which the elections Tilda snuggled up into a. heap and cuddled pleoes of plush tied on the can vas, forming have placed the t;hree parties in the new P olly close to her, and then went to sle~ p. Light W agon........... . ......... . .................... . . . .. ............. ......... 40 11 p&rt of the pattern. "I'll a & k the ladles t o help her, I'm strong H ouse, will un doubtedly give rioe to t>Xcit· E x press W agon.... . .. . . ,.. .... . ....... . ......................................... 75 11 . To cure chapped hands- Wa~h clean every Ing ecenes a.nd critical events when t hat 1 md can work, but Tilda. never can. W hy Skel eton..... .... . .... ................. . ... .. .......... .. .... ... . . .. . . . .. · . . ·. . .. ·· 50 11 evening with pure soap a nd tepid water, not H ouse meets. The genera.I prediction in - if here isn't old Mag, d runk, and almost Sulky........ ............. ....... ........ ..... ................ .. . .. ..... ...... . .... . 40 " hot or cold. Do not use a towel to dry them E ogland, however, 16 that the life of a Honse snowed over! I'll h a.veto miss school, but I but a lotion of g lycerine two ounces, pur e sa constituted will be a brief one, and that promised Tilda. to 1iok after her mother, Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing c arriages, I intend to sell very cheap for ou~ ca.rboiio acid eight grains or drops, and p ure fresh elections a.re likely to take place at a and I think ahe'd ra.the~ I'd bring her or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Incr ease my number of sales. "\Vould sell the wood par ts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. water . six ounces; !a. , t easpQPnful will not distant d ay, 'mammy' than anything, though I wanted · be enough for both hands. Rub the hands to get her some bread a.nd meat a.nd a bit of together briek ly u nt il they a.re d ry. P ersugar ." Musical Sands in Oalifornia. severe and the cu re will be sure. Down upon her knees Martha Jane knelt, At the Shortest N otice, P ainted a nd T r immed if D esired. An exa.mination ol the musical sands of and with her fingers beg1m to dig out the Kaua.I, Cal., which h a.ve excited so much woman, etupid with drink, not minding the At the Factory I also do P laning, Mat ching, Turning a.nu Sawing with Circle, Band or Sor oll Saws. and prepare a ll kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others for building purposes interest on t he part of geologisl;!J o.nd others, approach of a. beautifully-dressed lady, Housewife's Sora.p Book Ornamental and Plain Pickets !or fences in every style required, ma.de t o o~del', ' ~hows that they possess a peculiar micro· '.l'he d runken wom&n muttered in her Sta.in on oupe and saucers may be r emov- scoplva.I structure, The graillll a.re found to sleep n.e Martha tried to arouse her, when ed by r ubbing with ashes. be ' chiefly composed of s mall portions of t he lady too knelt, ~aylng, "Lt t me aqafat W hen sponge cake becomes d ry lt ls nice coral and ap par en tly ca.lca.reons _ sponges ; you." And befor e Mart ha could think, t he to cut in thin slices and toast, they a.re all more or Iese perforatei with Ja.dy had called help and her carriage, and sma.11 holes, in some lnstanoes formlngtubea, and they were 11.l l driven to Tildo.'s, If ~he oven Is too hot when baking place a but most ly termina.ting In blind cavities, Mrs. M anning's tears blinded her eyes as small dish of oold water in it. wh ich a.re fnquently enlarged in the inter· she looked upon Tilda. and Polly "Pipkin. To r emove mildew, soak In butter-milk ior of the gra.ins, communicating with the With Martha's help she aoon had Tilda and spread on the grass in the sun, surface 'by a. small opening, There were In a wa.rm bed, wearing a. fl.a.nnel wra.p per, also in the ea.nd email bl11ck pa.rticlos, formin 11 home specially for weak, poor children, To p revent mustiird plllster from blistered principally of crystals of augite, nephe. Tilda'11 mother wa11 ca.red for by ladies ing, mix it with the white of egg, llue, and magnetic ox ide of iron, em bedded who work ea.rneetly to help men a nd women Nev~r put salt in to soup when cooking in a glassy matrix. The structure of these brea.k cff the habit of lntemperanoo and be· till it has been thoroughly skimmed , 11s salt grains expla.ihe, It is thought, why s ound IP com9 respected, pure, good aoule ag a.in; and You can do so by calling at t he prevents the sknm from rising. emit ted when they are set in motion ; that Tilda. prays daily for " m11mmy." is, the friction against ea ch ot her causes " My I but you're fine ! I e' poee you W hen the burners of lamps become clogm d conse· wouldn't look at P olly Pipkin now!" said ged wit h char, put them in a strong so11op v ibrations in t heir substance, 1 quently in t he eides of the cavities they con- Mar th a., as she viuited T ilda in her warm suds ancl boii a.while to clean them. tain-and these vibratfons being commun i- room, just after she had eaten a broakfa.st Bolled starch can be much impteved by cated to the air In the cavities, under t he off warm oatmeal and milk, and a. pink· the addition cf a liitle sperm or 11 lit t le salt , most fa.vorab!e cooditlons for · producing chet>ked dolly .in a pink dre8s lay in Tilda's or both, or a little dissolved gum arabio. where t here will be found a complete assortment of every kind of ~ound, t he result Is t he loud noise occasion- arms. "No, I d on't mean a word of that, you footwear from t he smallest to the largest. To brighten the inside of a co:ffe 01 tea ed when any lar ge mass of sand is set in pot, fill wit h water, add a ijmall piece of motion, t here beiDg, in fact, millions · u pon dear sunshiny Tilda ! You'll always st ick 11oap, and let it boil a.bout forty' five min· millions of resonant oavities, each giving to homely ol-0. friends, and I'm glad you If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make y ou any forth solind, _ · have a new dolly. Good news! D-Addy's ates, k ind that may be needed, in t he latest st yle. ta.ken t he pledge, a.nd maybe I'll ha ve a new If mat ting, oounterpanee, or bedsprea.ds dolly too. I know you'r e glad, Tild a dear." The society pa.per bueinus ie grea.t1y ov~r have oil spots on them, wet with alcohol, ~ale. rub with b.a.rd soap, then rln110 with clear, done in London, and some of t hese publications barely pay expenses, sold wa.ter, T he widow Li!.r kin aa.ys that the main r eaSince t he S tead-Armstrong business it son why oo many men have family t roubles I t is said that canned berries retain t hei r b.as been a common pract ice for girls and flavor , and keep bat1 ;ei:, -vhen a buttered ia t hat t hey m11rry a miss. cloth is lo.id over the top of the jar before women In England to accuse d octors atThe great question of the &infulness of neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. tending them of Impropriety, I n some inscrewing down the cover, stances t he ju1 ·y have promptly acquitted, rs.files h not permitted to rest in Saotland. Nuroea in a 11fok room should not sit or but a. Dr· .Bradly was sent t o prison, On The Free Churoh Presbvtery of Inverness stl\lld too near the p'l.tlent, a.nd above all Dao, 11 this i;;en blema.n was entertained at haa decided by a largo ma.jority that m illing also the thiugs they eho11ldavoid t alking when lean- dinner and pr011mt ed with an a.ddreae and Is not only contrary to the law of the land, ing over a. sick person, 400 guineas by the members of the profes- but to the 111w of God, "11.Ild c11.nnot be r eA liquid bb.ck lead for poJighing stoves fs sion, as 11. mark of their~esteem and belief in garded as harmless or allowable for any obmatle by adding to each pound of black le11d hie innocence. Sir "\V illiam J en ner, physi- ject wha.taoe:ver ;" moreover, "tllat the one gill of turpent lne, one gill of wo.ter, one cian to the Qlloon, was one of t he first pro- practice is dishonoring to God, who is ir· No trouble to show goods. Please give us a call. ounce of sugar. moters of the fund, and the addreas wa.s reverently appeal ed to ae disposer of the Picture frames made with a. combination signed by him and the le!\dlug medical men lot, contNl'Y .to every p~inclp!e of sound mor:tli~y. " of p·ilished oak iond gilt ornamen ts 1u·e ad - throughout the country, ]'RIDAY, JANUARY 29. 1886. THE HOUSEHOLD. c. I Grocer, Butcher and Provision Merchant. CAWKER, A complete stock always on hand. B,~~:&i~B~ Allf]l) ~~QNJ~ U~~TQJ~ C. M.CAWKER. Going, Going. ROCKFORD AND AURORA VTATCE:ES_ 11.n~la~·afra.id Sell c heap er than the Cheapest, W e dd' · great var1e · ty lllg R" lllgs lll AARON BUCKLER. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, _ GUTTERS, WAGONS, &Q. Al 1 Kinds of Vehjcles Repaired I Boots and Sl1oes. Keep your feet dry and warm, 'Parlor Shoe tore,' Good fits warranted _ e very t ime or no ........ - O E M: E:NTIN""G Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Best quality of Dressing and Blacking STAND :- 1:-Teads' Block. "W. JEN~TIN.G·S~ .. .

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