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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1886, p. 4

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P. TREBILCOCK. --o-- AND- ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETJNG. following list of officers besides t ho~il alriacly mentioned above : MEMBERS OF SESSION. MoDERAROii : Rev. R. D. Fraser.l\L/\ . E LDEJt::. : Messrs. J asc Mc01'3llan, J. B. ]<'airbairn, P. Murdoch, (clerk), l·'. Bleakley, Dr. McLaughlin, .Tohn Mc· Murtry, J. McClella.u, ,Jas. Bllith. SAilllA'.L'Il ~CHOOL OFFICEIU'I AND TEACHERS. S u I"J' .: Dr. lllcL,rnghlin, M. P. P. DEPUTY Sun'. : J. B. Fairbairn. SEc.-TitE.AS. : J. McDougall. SEc.-'r Rus. BIBLE CLASS: M. Porter. LrnnALUAN : Thomas Tod. TEACHEl\"3 : Misses l\foorcraft, Mary Murdoch, Maggio M cClelln.n, J ennie 'rod, Ma1·y Galbraith, Stoughton, Broughall, M. Moorcraft, A. Bleakley, Fisher, M cMurtry, Rev. RD. Fraser, Messrs. Blea] ley, and ·J as. B eith. wmrnN's ~'ORElGN MISRIONARY SOCIETY. ~ TO CLEAR 0 UT 1!he balance School Books lleS · SCh 0 0 1 SUpp · --o-~ SPECIALTIES: My 200 page Scri hhl ing Book, ;)c. My Exercise Bo( ·k~ at 5c. and lOc. My one dozen fl;t" .,; Lead Pencils for 10 cents. Scholarn Companion·-< for 5 cents. Tait's photos ?.il'e very popu Jar. School books, ~.II kinds, a t Cheapsiiifu. PRE!!Im;NT: .Mrs. F. Bleakley ; V1cgP1tE~rny,NT : Mrs. R . D . Fraser ; TR.EA ~.: Mrs. Keys iS< s6llling Ilerlin Wools· all "Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, one of the Mrs. w. F. Allin ; SEC itE'l'.ARY: Miss 15c an ounce. --o-Elders, removed to Toronto, and four Mary Murdoch. Call at T .. 1·t .f · :rv.f orr1'son 's to l\f Elders have been a·lded to t be Session, ·· ~"' see rs .. viz. : Dr. ¥cLaui.?hlin (re-elect ed), and l\f" A '.CJIEO CHOIR. M' F . ClaLrkd e:scookery&bok.B 1· \U l ... . iss rrnour, t·ganist ; isses 'air· a ies ,you cim uy er m ·· oo s t..., Messrs. John Mcl.\!Iurtry, ,John McClellan, Maps obtnined on short notice. and James Reith." bairn, G. Fairbairn, M. Fait-bairn, B. Mrs. Keyes' for l:k an ounce. I "Two names ha ve heen removed from Yellowlees, M. Mayer, I. McArthur, c. ~splendid lot e>f new and choice i;r o-. : - - o -the Communion Itoll by death, and Allin, E. Allin, Maggie McLaughlin, cenes for the H@biday trade has arr1ve(l . SPECIAL LTN F.S OF seventeen certificates of disj unction have Messrs. N . Yellowlees, F. Brown, A. a J. J,yle's. been grsnted. Ten have been added by McLaughlin. The cheapest aJll wool fla nnels and all l & certificates and three on profession, makCHUiiCII OFPICER: Lewis J ollow. wool shirts and draiwen are to be had at I ing a present total aQti"e ~membership, - -- · the Star H ouse. after careful revision of the R oll, 0£ 182." TOMKll\fS AND F ATHER. Great reduction< icr'i! the price of fresh " Early in the year Dr . McLaughlin, Meats at J. Lyle's. lBest cuts of all kinds M . P. P., having been chosen foi· the nY KNOXONIAN IN OA!'fAlJA. I'RESBYTERU1f. for 10 cents per pound'. A distinguished English visitor saw All wool tweeds w:<il.lth 75c for 50c per office by t he teachers, was appointed by BoWMANVILLE, FRf n AY, JAN. 2D. t he Session as Superintendent eof the Tomkins and Falher p~inted upon a yard. M llntle cloth. worth $2.50 for $1. Sabbath School." signboard in New York City. The name 75 at T. Geo. nfa,on :S. ~ar H ouse. A well 1 1ssorte(l stoel5 of the choicest " The Session, in common with the and stvle of that firm astonished t!rc REFORM MEETING. 1isions, fresh and whole congregation, rejoice at the en- Englisl{man. I u h is slow, old-fashioned family groceries a nd pv0· co uruging attendance on the Sabbath country the firm would be Tomkins and cLired meats, always on· hand at Lyle's. The Executive Committee of the He- pu bl. · 1c wur.; h" 1p an d t h e mh j orsd ay even mg Son . Yuung America had got ahead of John L yle has red heed the price of all form Allliocintion for West D urham is pra.yer meeting, as well as in the adnlt his male parent. and wrote it Tomkin~ a.nd kinds of Meats to 10'cenils per pound for called to meet ln the Council Chamber, and j unior classes of the Sabbath Schou!." Father. The na me and style of that firm the best cuts and alli uthe:r cuts in proporThe r eport of the Sabbath School was is very snggesti vo and t1xplains a g ood tion. Bowma.n ville, on Satur<lay next a.t 2 p . If you want to see the finest China Hall m. by order of the President, D. Burke. read by Mr. John M~Dongall , Secretary, many things that troubl e l rs on this a.nd and contained the follow in g information : the oth er side of the lines . east of Toronto, call at Murdoch Bros'. Simpson, Esq. "After the retirement of M1·. '1'. YelTomkins and Father e-.lplaina quite Since it was opened Jiund\1'lds have visited lowlees(gonetoToronto)Dr. McLaughlin clear)ywn·y i t issodiflicult t(!)l keep order it. THE COLONIAL EXHIBITION. was appointed to t he Superintendency of in many of! our High and Pu·Mic schools . O that young lady. saidi;;,lie wanted her the School." If o.ir excellent Minister of E'ducatiuu for Christmas present boughtt. from Maynard "'rhe total number of pupils enrolled Ontario C>)~il~ t~ll ith.e number of teacher& the JeweDer. He · keens such lovely Somo time .. go a circ11l!tr from the Edl h ' .._ d · who lose t'heir s1tui:.it10ns each J'!ar on th& ucation Depa.rtmtiut. of Ontario was l . c urrng t 1e year, was 171 . ' of w ren 62 vague geneJJal char.ge that they' "cannot :: goo s. - . ." l'Y"nl printed in tbe local papers, an d a copy belonged to the P astor's Adult :Bible keep orderr" the figl!Jres would throw a . F ARMERs,- McClell!u_i <l3' Co. ]~ave n ow J..~ sent to each t. 11cher i1; tho Connly etat Class, begun in October, and emb1~ing flood of lighti on fam;Jy training in this on 11:1.n~ a brge q1~:1.ntityc o_f. Salt an.d ing that it was the int en ti on of the the Bible Class formerly taught by Miss Province. Why is it:llo difficult i'-19· keep !' laster and for sale m · qµ:mtities to smt department to forward specim ens of Moorcraft. Average attendance in the ortlerl Simply becaus·~ young '.Jomkins . wurchasers. Writing, Drav-ing, Gengraphy o.nd ArithBible Cll\ss was 43.G, and 83.fi in i he has never bean kept ii' order a l; home. 1 Dont buy ~hina, orocl.er:r or glassware metic, in order to iepresen t the educa- Junior School. Miss E . Armour, (g~~c 'l'he young scamp h11>s done just as he ~ill you see Murdoch·Bros'.'111e_ w stock. It tion1tl progre~s of Ontario at the above to the North West), Mi!!O Fairbairn, Mr. pleas~d at home, an<l D~W he thti'lli.s he OOl\ts anythi~)g ever ·shuwa rn Bowmanexhibition. As the sp~ cime n s a re to be P. Murdoch, 'l'eacher11, and Mr. II. ought to do j m st. as he 1&leases in .:rehoc>I. ville. Truth .. sent to the Depart>m·nt by th>3 1st Feb., i\'lm·doch, Sec.-'freas., lmni·retired duri~ He h:ts tram11led upun everybod:l" and Take your· buggies> amJ; carriages to the teachers d Dur lrnm were a~l<ed t o the year, and Miss B~ougliall, R ev· R . · everything iu his fatrrllr's house,. ;u>d Morris' Carri=¥(e Works-:to loo painted by forward them t o the lnHpector by the Fraser, Mr. Jas. Beith, :Mr. J no. M~; .now he expeetl! to tnmple upon his Nr. Houston Stott. You <lWl have a j ob 30th of J ·nuary. A A lt, rn very desirable pou~all, Sec .-Treas., :i:nd Mr. MarshaJ;I ! teacher in t he &ohonl l>ouse. 'fhat ±a ex- i;A any price desired. that the schooho · f Dnl'ham Co tJ nty be Porter, Sec.-'rreas. Bib.le ma,s:~· haver· ! 1aetly how the rlilOatt er St>rniil~ . Too aften fully repr6l111 nt .. <l , we t·,.. produce Pssential b dd d t 0 ti16 t ft A. ]· h You can wilil1out a;1 dou'\:;Ui get the best . e1;;u. e s _ eac ers lt~e trustees tak 3-·the par~ :of ~011.ng "!lorn- Mlection. of !!<JOO reliRblo G~kl and Silver part of the circ"l" r , n .nd rt:quest that meetmg has been held weekly for the kms. Perhaps old TomkiiM 13 nch, <M"· he ~ d · .,_ d d Watches, and Jewellty. of 11>Very eicripeach teacher fn . nish ...t. least one specime n s t u d Yo f tiie l ess~n . A black · i:;e>ar an a is connected with some of the truste911 ·in 1!I ' in each 11ubject. A oy spPcial specimen board for. markmg tl1e_ atte;i:iihn~e have i·\b1J11siness, or ~ome of tnem want his vote tfom at Maynm1 d's the ·J ewil er s. of Drawing or Wr ·tii .·g will alrn be ex- been provided for the Bible Cloo. s . '-land inflnence, or their wivf>:B are on ·ro· y Ladies forthie finest sloirbin town, call hibited. " $3!l.03 was pronded by a collcct1on :irt·timate terms wtlih Mrs. '.l·omkine. 'l'he om Mrs. Ives. Also · for lilices and emWIUTING.-Ten copy books r e present· in the Church for · papers, le~scn leaves, ~acher, perh11>ps,. young w"Jlllan atq:>,_ort·· b:ooideries, hosrery and!glo\ces, underwear, ing each class u~ing copy books , i e, forty and o~her require ments. $5~.3!) w;Ls in~ a widowed methl:!r, ur liel[!>iug to ::iop,· w~l shawls, k.Aiiea furnishings, etc_. bot~ks from the ins{1ectnrate. Speci:u ens contributed for Missions by t h:::t Junior J.ll0ll~ a poor fa mil~~ h<1s. 110 friends. ·"Hor- ( F ARMK~-S , before ~ving your) of writinit on ruled paper may also be Classes and $15.00 (twelve weeks only) haJll& ehe is a. huutlired mile~At'om heme. . orders for !UNDER 'JJWlNE, call sent. The name of the scliool and class by the Pastor's Bible Class. " .P!nyway, elle is 0':-'11 a poor t~cher. l t is at R. ·s. Manning's Har:h'fare Store, must be written on the t op, and the Miss M. Murdoch, Secretary, p1msented w ueh easier tu ~.ismiss a pµor . te~ier Bowrnanvill.9; and get l~l7iicea. pupil's riame and oge at the bottom of the Repor: of the Women's li'nreign tha:n offend To'IllB '-IMI and M"rs. T·omk.in~. Every lady iinterested m..setting out a each book. This Society was :;:.'iJ.tJ!iiiese msn~y an~ enlightened·fi:Uardians· good table sho~tld Juve one of those fa. DnAWING,- (1) Samples of Drawing Missionary Society. organized in 1878 and is an Au"l.il!iary di 0 wr educatwnalirntcreste r;neet rand tiis- Iliill>US volumes oo highly p11m:ed by every 'from pt\t·s I and IJ, of First R eader . S . of the y< ftes tern m ilffl the 1 eacher oo the genera! chanp:e lllilly who has seen it-we m~n Mrs. Clark's (2) SamplE'B from each of the :mthorizt.d of the '\V. F . Drawing Boob. For 1he ~ake of nni- ings Section of the Church. M onthly-meet · t!l:aii she "caonot keep order ..'.' It makas a!l Tn.it & Mor;:iison's . l· for business and for the hea·i.,ing of one'&fu.lood boil to t~i~k t~at 36CJh ;a~ou1i11fotmity t.he Blank Books which accom- intellioence from ~he various Mission able- tyranay andin3ushce oan·e:nst and pany thtt authorized Drawing Books fields have been held, with an a·rerage g.-.ow on public m c;aey, but sueh c11 ses ooehould be u~ed by the pupils for t hi11 attendance- of 12. There ar e 20 :i>ames eun· & \'e ry day. C'ases have 'Ileen knoWlll purpose. Twenty s pec;mens are requfred on the roll. 'l'he meetings h:we been of i!'..iwMch To '.11kins,renr.,wn.s ~·merabel!· of I frn rn ,,..,,,h Drawing !:Sook a nd Reader, great interest. t~e ~ard h1mself,,.and t he teacher was name and age of pupil tfl be sbo' n aa in The payment ·of 25 cents am:rnally dli:J1msaed hecan~~· ~e or ~he . c1J:u~d Wi·iting, 11lso name uf ::1chool. entitle~ to membership in the Auxi!liary, u~t c©ntrol Tomkmll.-Junr. . 'J\lmkrns d1sGEOGRAPHY. - (1) :Map of t he Western and $1.00 in General SocietJ>. The fees, nmieea1 a t eacher ~ use lus (!)WJl ~on was' _Hemis,.heL""· (2) Mao of Ont11rio. (3) tocrether with t:fue collections made ~t1 the :Jl.j')OU.D g Ara.b or daughter ill-bra.el;. Map of the Brit>sh l·lands. Ten speci- m~nthly m eetings, and free-will offe!li1'1igs, irope~·tineut fledgli.mg ! It iyoold_ perhflps. :mens from the Impect.orate of each map, have this ye~r ·~mounted t o $154, wllich 'lie·wu~ked to take a.Dy satis'.h-eti?'n foom :.name ancl ·.ge of pupil« t.o be shown as in is to b e d.,voted to wor k among women tl;ie·.!biet tha· t.he dt>:f of retr~11tmn soen, Wri!ing bo11h, and children ~ft Central lndia Formosa, comes to the Tornk.ins family; T-omkios ,. ARirllldJ::'ftc. - Twenty specimen s of Trinidad and t h e Indians of 'the North j1!U1D., and Mrs. Ti-mkins solon bring the the \'fork of pupils in en.ch o~ the four We~t. The am&unt named is the l&rgest '.fomkins family t e<"lu egrace a.nd the W® ·st·. classes, on pape r ,,f the sawe srn~ . as the yet raised in any on e year. ii¥.Uu.re of the caae iis that thctirt'?wn: concopy book s, narn " n.ud age of pupils _to be them to·brmg u i. the: 'l'he Annual R eport of the Boa.rdi of d uct, perhaps he lpoo 1 shown a s in \Viit·ng. Say 80 spemmeus Managers was read by _ Mr. Th"s. Tod, lllh~e. . " ,,,. . from the I nspl'Cl.oriv e. Secreta.rv and on motion of Mr. J .. B. ! r eachere c.t 0111.:>ino, put tilt'1 bud on .Fairbairn'. eeconded by Mr. P. Mnrdoch, . · ~om.kius,j uor. P'J>t1it on vigQ11omly- B utr. ' w as adopted. 'fhe report showed the ;it~ if you shoulll wal~ out of,the .sch~w1 REVIEW NOT!CES. receipts for the past yei.r to have l;Jeen !lwuse to-murrow. A n gorom1 apphGllltl©n. · fron1 all sources, $2.883,!)!) . Disburse- 1 s· f. the "bud" on 1:be. youthfuhnembera. @.fi: The D @ i:t,mber Electr,, edited Misses ments, $3,384,45, of which $635,58 weoo ·ihe Tomki ns fam'ilY., for 1881.lmill d o., tJb,ei Annie H. Wils"u and I sabella I.III. L ey- for repairs to the Mame, and $675,50· fo11 i ~otintry m ore gottd. than the N, . P .. iwelt burn, L"uisvilfo , Ky , is a very interestsupply, during vacancy. crlid. . . ing numb ... r. E lectr"' is .wor thy of a .place p ulpit Mr . .F. Bleakley, Secretary, read;. the 'fomkme and Flather cxnlarna why in every h omeste><d, bem g pure and clo- r eport of the Congr egational J.Ylissionrn:y ' serue fami lies gc~_s0 irregularly t~ o.~u.rc.h. vatiog in clmrnc:rer. Association, which was, on rnoticn of: Mr .. ·.Al:rnot says t he finest sig h t on. th1a..s1de uf The February number of Demor~at's Chas Tod, second ed by Mr. M. P@men, heave n i~ a b.tge, intelligent.,. ? e·vont M a"aZille is bofor,, us, and on examma- adopted. : a0ngr egat10n as·embled furi w.ors.!n1p~ It tio; we find it n ry r"nd able. "A Quai!lt This r eport covers a period of oncy ' iB a. fine sighr, ruid the fir..ilst pa~t of ~t. is Old City," which ia profusely illustrate~, nme months- from April 1st to Dec.31~t. ·a lol!lg pe w " i (.:il,;.. solid looki~g man at i s quit tt interesL iug, and "A Year m The contributions to the different schem es one end, a fine, muthed:i;-lookmg. woman Tkis powder never varies. A m arvcl of Los Angelos " an d ".Pet.er the Great" are is somew hat in a dva nce of last year, bei,ng at the other, a'!d a rnw of. handsome, well puri.ty, strength and wholesomeness. More oconorn teal th11.n the ordinary Kinda, and can' ' . I '"nh good articles. Mrs. Hart s s erm . .1. e $500,74. The thanks of i;h e congreg~tie,n behaved chil:irml ~etween tbam. The ne>t be sold in comper.ition with the multitude Other P er E on," it1 co ntinued, and th~ were tendered t<;> the lady collecOO-na for name e>f that fam i_ ly is r~t·:'I:bm~111s.. Tbo or ~w t.est, shM"t weight, alum or phosphate shorter taks are unusually well t ola. their work. These are Misses M cAi;nlirnr, I heads of that. tamily t ram the1t" children pc,wders. l:lold only in cans. UOY A.L BA.K"From Pencil to Brnah" is an admir able Galbraith, McDougall, Mayer, Murdocll, ' on the ~b · wam prin!l.iple, a.nod . when ING POWDER CO .· 106 Wall St.. N. Y . feature of this mu.,;;azine. J ennie June T od, Quick, Allin, S tewart, am1 Agnes these cluldren gro w u p to n;ianhood an:d furnishes a imper on the origin '?f, "So- Bleakley. womanhoodi theee parents w~U :&ave their rosie "and the art department is made T he Misdionary and Benevole]1t Asso- r eward. T!l.ey w1 l: lu.ve·a higher r e ward attra'ctive by a fiue oil picture. "Love's cialion which is composed of all members farther on 1 PostKlil"'1 " "'lcl a. photogravnre from a and ;dherents of t h e Coogreg11tio11, TomkiI>..11 aud F ath er ~lains why "J· painting by Aub err, and fifty other illus- elected the following officers fo1· 1886 : crowds of half grow11. boys and girls are j tra.tiona. PRESIDENT : R ev. R. D. Fraser. Bt'en gadding abou.t on the streets of OUl"' ' rhe numbern of The Livinq A ge for l sT V1cE-PRESIDEN'J~ : P . . Murdoch. cities anti: towns ai. bbuseasonable ~our!!;. ~ 2Nn VICE-PRESIDENT : T . Paterson. The youthful members of the fanuly goJanuary 16t.h and 23rd C?ntain Po~try, Politics E>.nd Ounservat1sm, Natwn_ al SEo.·TRBASUREit: F. Bleakley. out and come in when they please . Tao B l'v iew; T he Story of the Babe , and D1sCoMl\11'.l"rEE : M essrs. W . F. Allen, R. house i~ to small too hold thGm at night, ~ endowmonr., Contemporary; Old Floren~e Beith, T. H. Smelt , Geo. Pearson, F. and the result q uite frequently is that a.ad Modern 'fusc· ny, and The Poetic Talling, jr. , 'r hos. Tod, T . Bingham, J. some of them get shut up in !1' good deal Imagination, M acmilla.n;Reminiscences ~£ B. Fairbairn, N. McDonald, and M. A. smalle1· room than any room in the Toman A ttaooe B la.cku:.ood;'Frogs,Gent leman s; James. kins homestead. )> The followina six members of the Tomkins and Father explains why a Similes 7'e~!e Bar; G ermany's lndus. vict.s in r...1 tri&l P;o~resa , &r.tui·da.y ~ll'V~w; Ordeals Board of l\fanag':ir11 were elected for this very large propor tion of the con the Kingston penitentiary are very young l"'t and Oaths, .t1 n tiqiwry; with mstallment~ year by ballot: of "F<i1:tune's Wheel," "Dr. Barrera, M essrs. Dr. B eith, M. M ayer, C. Tod, men- some of them mere boye. 'l'om"A Stra11ge 1'empt.1ti<m, e.nd poetry. A T. Patterson, T . Bingham, W. H. Wil- kins would nut control his family- PerIJ.0W volume of 'l'he Li'Ving .Age began Iiams. 1.'hese' gentlemen and t he four hap11 Mrs. 'l'omkios 1rnuld not allow him \..:.) with the year, e.fford ini;i a favorable op- De11.eons - Messrs. L e wis Quick, J ohn to do so- and the Sheriff undertook the portunitJ fur the beginning of a. new Murdoch, F. F. McArthur, and ".\£, Por- duty for him. That is h0 w it too often Is a powerful re"lledy tor thin hair, grey hair and dandruff, where the roots of the hair is not subscription. For fifty.two numbers of ter,- compose the entire Board. ends. entirely destroyed It will yrodnee o. heavy M essrs. M. A. James and William A good thing to do at the beginning of thick growth ot h11>ir, it wil likewise restore aixty-four large paf;leS each (or. m?re th:an 3,300 pa«Ee a year) the subscript ion p~ice Cann ward appointed Auditors. this year would be t o change the name the grey and faded hair back to its former and where dandruff exists will remove The meetinrr was closed witl1 singing and style of i.his lirm. Instead of Tom- color, .($8) i& !ow; while for $10:50 the pubbsl~ It without fail. 'l'estimonials by the hundreds kins and Father, make it Tomkins and conl1rming the good results ot the "HAIR t;ra offec t.o send any one of. the _Am0~1- ·anrl benedictio~. MAGIC.» can $4.00 monthlies or weeklies with 1.Jie The report of the .Annual Meeting and Son with all t hat the chang" im plies. Manufactured . only by A. DOREN WEND, .LWing .Age for a. year, both po~tpaid. the detailed reports of the variout organ· >··· ·-. sole owner for· U . S. and Csaada, 1'03 an<l 105 Littell & Co.· Boaton,are the pubhshera. izatione of the church were d istributed Ladies, you can eee somet hing new Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. amons the members on Sabbath last in and nice in the shape of prepared Mince For sale by all 11rincipal drug stores. The Fancy Goods and China that pamphlet form with a Congregational Meat at Murdoch Bros. Those who have J, HlGGlNBOTIIAM &. S 0 N, Drup;giets, Agent1 tor Bgwmanvllle. ~. Murdoeh Bros' are11elling is wonderful. Directions added from which we take the tried it are delighted with its flavor. Tho annual meeting St. Paul's Pr··sbyterian ChurcI1, B owo,anv i11e, was I1011 c on Thursday evening, .Jan. 21st., the P.istor, Re'" R. D. Fraser, M.A. presiding. After devotional exercises, Mr. M . A. J1u11e~ was chosen Secretary, f I S · d b The report o t 1e ess1on was r ea Y the Moderator, Rev. l't. D. Fraser, from which the following extracts are taken: " 'l'he vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. James Little, M. A., which took eff.ict after the fomth Sabbat h of Novem ber, 1884, was fill e<'i on the 18th of August last, by the induction of R ev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., of Cl"ude and May lfold, in the Presbytery of Toionto, Itev. A. A. Drumm:md, of N ewca.. tle, having servf!d accelJtably as Moderator of Se~sion in ihe inter val." of their Holiday Goods, MURDOCH BROS a:ni· selling china, china ware, fanily cups, saucers; erockery, table and hanging lamps, and other fancy COUCH,JOHNSTONsCRYDERMAN will, for the NEXT SIX WEEKS, sell --A.T-- goods at unprecidentedly low prices. Dcn't fail to oall'. :a.nd I get a bargain. 1 li·*'l!l-l!llllllBll!llill!!lllal!!-i::i: m!Bl!_ _ _ _ _ll!RRIM· GREATLY REDUCED PRICES . GUIDE' '1'0 SHOPPERS. AND,. TO MAKE'· A CLE·A RANCE. ,. NEW TABLET u s:.:offS, $2.75. A lot of Dress Goods will bH sold. at, and under cost~ ----o ---- Note Papers Envelopes Remember· tf.rese) are New Goods, and1 ,, · · !will be SOld a!·S· adv· e r4"1.Sed ·· · II) · · COUCH~ JOH:MSTON & CRYDERMAN, 0he Door West of'Post Office. · GREAT RUSH! .J. !<LJJ.J; · ~ h ·a s ma-d month - so .iar· . e I·t }necessary for me to REPLENISH; MY STOCK,, and I shall visit the W:fulolesa;le H . o '. uses·· T oront 0 t h · s we e·k 1J0 sort um .1 :ti!" Wl·th tho... VSrw." .,· J:.' · : · ' · · · · '11.J· The usual ,,.u.sh of" c · usto ',t?'"V" ,' : 'e rs· . th1· S "· AND· MOST L ATEST · :. FASHIOa.ABL£ . ~ IWft LINES O F - a a· .. I Wedding PreseDJts a speciaJty.. MAYNARD THf JEWElt.ER. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEl\IENT . M. C--oo-k·_er_y_B_o_ o_ k_ "·~F~«.,.. l r:"'"·s_a_l_ e "'~:"'J) .·,. -B~ o :w-n-: "'" rn~n-=v-=i.,..ll~ e w Es T EN D HQU s E ' 111 Having completed the Fall and Winter purchases, nl§. - and feeling certain that they were bought at the ·lowest possible figure, I would respectfully ask you to call and examine the stock and see for yourselves whether the prices suit you or not. I rather think they will. \VOOLGOODS You will find the stock of Knitted Wool Shawls, Hoods, Bootees, Quffs, Infantees, Jerseys, Children's Wool Suits, &c., &c., is well assorted; also very cheap and good value. Absolutely Pure. BLANKETS and TIEDOVVNS, I DRESS GOODS! Dr. DORENWEND'S z Pi rh .. .. The stock of Dress Goods i3 large and varied and marked very low. ; GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHS AND TW"EEDS, :o MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, 3: A full and well assorted stock. It will pay yol! 0.. 1 c GROCERIES! - Just arrived per Sch'r "Jamieson," ftRy bl?a. best JOHN McMURTRY, to call and inspect. Suits got up on the shortest notice and best style. American Coal Oil. - Special inducemG:..Xt's to parties buying in barrel lots. Also a lot of Royal Wringers just received. Everything in the Grocer~ Line fresh and cheap as the cheapest. , West End House.

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