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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER AN:NVX. N EW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AN» COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERW.!.RDS. M.A. J AMES, EDITOR AND VOLUME P ROPRIETOB, 394. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. T YRONE. ( ORONO. XXXII. · K IRBY. N UMBER 7. One of the m ost enjoyable ev~nts that T he Q uar t erly B oard ot the N ewcastle Rirby, F eb. 8, t h e scholar~ of t h? pubhas occurred 111 ~he l'res byter1an con · and Orono circu it, h ave given the R ev.R. l~c sch ool of _thts pl ace opened their fi rst SOLINA . grega.t10n of Enmsk1llen, t ook p lace 0 11 w II · · ·t t . t t k literary meetw g for t h e 11eason this after· Miss Eliza Clark is visiting fri snd s at 'T h . . a cer a unammous m v1 < L wn o a e I Aft tl . f ffi Fenel on Falls. ursday even mg, t h o 4th rnst. , at t he charge of the circuit n ext conference . n oon. er · l e appomtment o o : cer s, residence of Mr. W, Henry . 'l'he pas.tor year, as Sui)er intenden t . . t he progra_mme W · " Of?en ed by a ptece of Miss L illie Pascoe, of Enfield, is visit· Rev. Mr. McLar..n has been h oldm" . . . . voral m usw by t he g irls. T h en came a ing friends in this n eigh bo1·h ood. cottage pray er meetin gs thruughout th~ We would like :1ust h ere to hmt to our rec; ii ation by J oh u Clemence. A debate Mrs. McGibbons of t his place is set·· congr egation, an d appuin ted one to b\l temperan ce w~rkors,_ tli11;t the tii:rie when on t ho hors e und cow. Resolved tha t the 8 ~lOt far horse is of m ore ben efit t o man than the iously ill with rhe umatick fe ver . held nt Mr. H enry's .:in said evening. t~e Scott Act 18· commg m force 1 M r . Sam '!, Shortridge is laid up with Although the weather was extr emely cold dis~imt. Forn~mg an electoral mu on , or cow. Fredr ic P o w'ilr s and Edward Scot t a goodly n umber gath ered and t h e prayer ~otrn_g for candidate~ who 1 .lll<l<lle unde~· spoke in favor of the cow, and William a sor e han d. May h e soon r ecover. meeting was conducted a& usual, atttir its wmg means b.it littl e wit hout pract 1- Clemen ce and Frederic Brimmacom be, C+-t Mr. J·ames V ice h as moved into the which Mr. J ohn McLaug hlin, Jr., rose cal work. Clar ke h as some staunch men wh o had t he affirmat ive side, BP'·ke in .h ouse formerly occupied by W. A. T om. and intimate d that anothtir mee ting was w~10 call a spa~e a s pa do and som e t oo n:ho favour of t he h 11 r~e . 'l'he h orse was the 0 The S. of T . Division paid M aple to be held and the pastor was appointed wish t o run wi th t h e ~rnre and h unt w it h lib em ly su pp or ted , an d br uugh t t he m a· · Grove Division a visit on Mo n day even· to take t he ch air. After a few remar ks, th e hound~ . M oney Is n eeded and m ust jor ty of th e votes wh en t.]10 ti me for ~ ing last. t he ch..irm an called on Mr, 'l'. Scott for be had to msur e t he successfu! enforce- decision came. A dialogue by John 0 ~ Mr. Alber t Short of Mariposa has been a speech, wh o in his usual jovial s tyfo ex· rne nt of th~ act .. If we are gom.~ to be Clemence a nd We<>ley Oamsell, subject ·r-1 0 vigiting in this place , t h e gueiit of Mr. W. plained to the meet ing, t uat Mis~ Mary bo!co ttfid mto. mlence by_blust enng bull- "the c~t ." R ead in g by J ,,lm Cle men ce ; ~ Ma st er P ascoe . H enry, orgauist of the church, h a ving doze rs wh o cl au:~i the act 16 of n o val ue, l et remtah ou by Ada Clem eu ce. M r. R. M . Kirk patric has h ad a fin e resigned, t he congregation h ad taken us own up, b ut if n nt,let us b uckl e on ihe M cDowell, Ch airman , Wesley Camsell, ~ sign erected, which shows grea t praise for this oppor t u nity to present h er wit h t his armor and prepare fur _ t h e_ b attle. When Sec. ~ the painter Mr. Alber t S tott . sum of mouey, (ha ndi og her $ 16.50), as a JS the Townslnp orgamz~tl·lll to meet . Mr. Mc Dowell is ra1)idly coming into 0 Solina must be a very n oted pl ace. ' Ve sma~l token of their ap p rec1;1.tio1l uf he r \-Ve h_ope ever yhody w 11l remem~er the favor as a vocalist. H e will s ing at t h e ~ k' S h services. Mr. S. J . H enry on beh alf of euter tarnmen t to he given by t h e Sons of concert in 0 1·0 110 this (Fridny) n ight, and . . no t Jee m 1ast wee s un, t at t 1 i e pop e h is sister, who waa completely taken b y 'f emperanc_ e_ to_ -nio " l1t . N obody will deny N 0 was at a fashionable gath ering in t nis ti t ti D b f at ewton ville on ' Vednesday next . surpri se, made a suitable r eply t h an ki ug ia _ 1e 1v1s1on 1 ias. een a po.IVer _ or M D .01 B . 11 vi age. the d onors for their kindness. 'f heo good lll the comm um cy, ever smce i ts aster 1 cey rown h ad the misfor00 H "T K " 11 ·1 1 I E & ! t bl" d · d tune to fall off t h e fen ce on Friday last M r. J · ..., · 1ve w1 s oon 1a ve a n ac. e fo llowed appr opria te speeches by R ev. es a is1 unen t , an rn or er t hat it may ~ TT h er m · ev er y I1ouse m · t h is . Mr. McLnren and others after which continue t o exer t a similar i nflu ence in 1:md dislocat e his a rm. Jfo is now im· ....-4 Steam \.. as CD vicinity, if h o continues to r eceive orders tho ladies r epaired t o the 'dining ro om futur e , t.um out and h elp it. proving . ·r-1 for them at t he rate h e has since adver· whe re_ from well fille d baskets, t he arriva l Miss McGarry "th e Queen of E locuA lit tle son of Mr . Geo. B a rris very ill CD 0 tised in t he STA'.rESMAN. .All are delight- of winch had astonis hed t he ladies of t h e tionist s" h as b een engaged by t he , V. C . wit h inflammation of t h e l ungs. 4111111 ed with th is lab or -s ,1vi n g inven tion t hat hous.i, th"'y 60011 s pread a b ouuteous T. U . to 0 cri ve one of h er in berestinrr a n d :M .iss Martha Thornton has returned CD ~ d oes its wnrk so thoroughly, a nd one en· repast which all enjoyed. profitable ent er tai n ments in th e Meth o- after spending a few weeks at Orillia and CJ 0 thusiaEitic lady ea id sh e would do without Dr. a nd M rs. Cook, an d Miss Stock, . dist church on Friday even ing, F ebrna.ry oLh et· places out n or t h . 4-) tins year to get an Ca8l e t on , Im ve b oen t I1 Mr. H . L . P owers 1 1as bee11 very s1"cl'c a new Steam spr ing bonnet Eagle Waeher. e g uests o f M r. a u d · 1 l()tl 1, 1886 . 00 . d . d ~ . 0 , St0ck for a few day s. Th e M ethodists . h eld t h eir quar terly durin.~ t he past week. H e is n ow con · f _ ~ F 0 7 tiit e l p nr polse foth mt ro ucrn~ t atn l( . Oue of 1'y r u11e's fair d11ugh ters, Miss m eeting 0 11 Sunday last. Each ;md all __::a lescent. 00 8h owmfg i edpeo 15 comm um ky tp l eto . L a ura .Bell, 1 ~avtJs t his week for Ac.ton the circuit appoin t men ts were well repre- - -..·· -- - · CD 1 1 1 0 K~e~ t go~ s "Ila is g enera Y f O t. ' sen ted. Mr. Addison preach ed in the ENFIE LD. C) ~ 01 0 · H~;f-~~i~~ sa.l~v: c~~~i~dnac;. ~3st~ Fe -:Reeve H ancock has been ill for some evening. T he hun t clu b has been on t pretty CD 0 11 0 First week he will offer t h e balance of h 5 time, b ut we ar il pleased to say, is n ew R evival rn eetiugs are being h eld nigh t - regular lately , but has not been ver y CD tweeds at h alf pr ice for cash. Any pc - reco~ring his wanted vigor . ly in the Christ ian church . '\Ve h ope to s uccessfu l. C) 'I'he n on -appear ance of our sch ool see a spirit of union exhibi ted by th e Mrs . J ohn Fletch e r and M iss Annie son r equi ring any thing in t he t w e~d Ji u H ogar t h , h ave been visiti ng at Mr. Rieb. will fin d i t t o th ei r advant ~ ge to soo th ese repvr t is d ue to the s ma ll attendan ce m embe rs of oth er con gregations . "'C 1 goods. 11eme mber th ese prices will only t h rough vaccination . '1 h 1 a month will Our citizens are l aying in a supply of ice Pascoe's. ·r-1 continue for on e week. show a mu ch larger ave rage. for s ummer use. T he sic · k are sl owly improving . ~ There has b een a great many evening 'l'he n ew cadot of tbc S. A. is a universThe Oron o Public Sch ool Literary SoThe ex ecutur s of the la·e G eorge M:c-+-> ~ 00 parties ar ound here of l ate. Jac K. al favori te, an d from appearances inuch ciety, held the r egular meet ing in the C'u llough inten d b uilding a bun 0 11 the CD good may y et be done in Tyrone. sch ool building, on F riday a fternoon last. fa rm occupied by Mr. R ich ar d WinnaPositively, we are to have. a parson age About on e h undred an d fifty asse mbled in cott . bO HA MPTON. ~ withou t d el ay . T wo or t h rne eirnrg ettC the first d ivision, when t h e followiu g 'I'Ii e H ampton co rrespondent said a fe w · c'\S oilici1ils succeeded i11 d uin!! wh at 80 much pr ogramme was ren d ore d , re flechng gr ea t [l·h e sick are progr essing favo rably . ~ d1 't 11 t k . · t weeks ago, t hat the H1~mpt.011 yom1g m en on a .a mg par : d id . not p;tt.ronize home iud us L r y in rc!lard T he Me th odist choir n eeds a revi val , time has been .,spent over uselessly. 'f h e er e CD buildi og co mmntee are to have a meet- Song-Bringing in the Sheaves. by the School. ., Recitation Job 11 l\'fo111 ent to t he youug ladies. S0me of the young on.Jy cn e fo male singer S unday nigh t . ioir ou 1 V.l<mday n e11.t. · ·· · · ·· · ·· · · · ·· ·· · · · · · · · · ~ }{ecitation . .... .......... ... . . . ... :.VIable Andrus. gentlemen from t,hnt p lace were hack here Sev<'lrnl from here at ten ded th e quai·ter U.ev. R T . Bart lett is to d elivei· his SongThe Uobbler. ·· ·· Sparrow, · ···· · .. .J,iz"ie Broad. Inst Slln da,y, ,1.y 1 1artic,1!ar ~ ly rnoeting serv i ces at Enniskillen and <D Recitation·'l'he Boy ·· and . aud seemed t o p· Nellie nutherford. at tention tu the yo u ng ladies, b ut one of pr1 p11lar lu~ tllre, " H,our1d t h 1;1 World ," a nd ' · n , Snn day. txh ib1t an immen se nu!llb er o r views of Reading-Six Little lVl aidcna ...Lena Momen t. them 1· as t he subJ ·ect of a very ball case H Songl:l weet bye and bye .... .. .li'ir s t Division. · l JYir . an d M rs. M icheal Cr yderman we re .. d p l aces 111 t ie Sons' note all, Tyrone, Dialogue-Resolution ... .. . (2nd Divislou) Girls. of " D id yn q ever get lef t", 1ting their daughter, Mr s. And erson, ou Wedne&day Ftib. 14 th , Admissiun 15 R ea.ding- 'Nhat the Old Man does is always There wn.s 110 preachin!! in the church ' at J anetvill d this week. cunts. No one should ruias t his mre Song-Wh R i gh t , Watson. ~ ere is myBoy to Night Robt. .. 2odDiv1 sion. bet e l ,1 ~r 8 unday aft er noon, owing t o t h e 'tuff Ca p. JI.fan ton has h ad experts ex - inte lluctual treat. EGOMET. Ueading- 1'he Boy who would not go to bed, Qu .·r ter iy meeting a t Zion a nd E n niskilaminin g t he ol d Methodist church with l>avy, l b I . Lena. Il.ecitatlon-The traveller in .A.frlca, "" , n t t. here W<ls a argo congregat10n t he .i utentiou of moving the same. Al bert Denson. in t he ev~ uic1g. CART W RIGHT. R ecitation- 'l'he.A.shes upon the Heiirth. . Our young men ar e attendi ng to home Kellie P ollarGl. · M r . Solo ron Jeffry, teacher m t h e du ties bet ter : Olle of them takes to himR evival serv ices are still b eing con tin u· Sonic-The Sailor's Grave .·.. .. . .. LlzzloWatson. K insale P n blic School, spent fa9t Saturself a wife t his w eek. May prosperity ed in t he Met hodist church . Joseph Dialogue-Seeking a Teacher for Linda, day and S unday around these imrts . Sophia Brown. ancl h appiness atrf'nd their p ath . Oliver, of H ampton, is k indly assisting Reading-Grnntlpa.'s Soliloquy .. .... .. C. Awdo. T he Entiekl Praying- Ba:id i ntend cont h e H ev. W. E . Wash ington in the work . An Orange Socia l will be h eld u nder ltecitation- Too Hot, .. ... ... ... Ilowadd Knott. d t' · t .,. t S d HeadingMinnics Tro ubles .. .. .. . Minnie'l'rull. uc mg s0rv1ces u. .u1on nex , u n ay , wher e are you r No.14 cowhi des Trustees the auspices of the .Band of Hope in drn more Ri ver to Cross, ... 1st Division. oveid n g, consequently t here will be n o Song-One Town H al l, H am pt0n, on Tuesday Feh to k eep or der at thtJ door 1 Heading- Walters Cat..... ... . .. Welland Beor. meeti'ng Ji er·e S1ocu~r · · "· 16t h, when a good prog ram me of vocal Th e sale of W. A . Htll's stock to J. Hecittttion-Only a Baby, . .. .. . Alma Tamblyn. Two and One, ... ... l\'laryWaddell. and i n strumen tal music, r eadings, recita- H udgson is null and void, on account a f J:tecitationDialogue- Choice of'l'rarle .. 11 boys31·dDh·ision, GO UH.TICE. tions, et c., will be presented. After the Mr. J am es F luk e, own er of th e stor e, an d Song- Spani·h Cava.lie1 ·s, ... ..... .. l st Divi~ion. Recitation- Little Bessie .. .. .. Lottie Lockhar t. li tera ry program is completed Oranges Mr. Hudgson not coming to t er ms. Misses M ary an d An nie Whitlo~k, are Dialogue- J ack's Nap, .. ....... ... 2nd Division. will be di spensed to all presen t. Admis· Song- The Drown 'l'hr.nah .... .. ... ard Division. visiting i n Bowmanville. Anoth er of our citizens h as sold o ntHecitation-'l'he LittleBoy's Plea.. C. 1'amblyn. sio n 1 5c, children l Oc. Door s open at 7- secret~ Th e Salvat ion A r my is goi ng to attack Heading- Great and Small ... ... ,.J,izzie Broad. 30, t o b egin at 8. Corne on e an d all and John Yea! h as p urchased 125 acr es of Dla.logne-1 Wish, . ... .. .. ... . .... .. 1st Division , Courtice shor tly. en joy a good time. 'l'h " following viAitors were presen t:-Messrs land from J ames M cCray along side of J as.G. T1~mb lyu, Wm. Morrison, D· 1\foColl ugh. Mapl e Grove Di vision visi ted M t . S LOw Bo " h is farm, for t h e sum of $2.500. \ V , l\f. 'l'rull, W . McPhcrosn, and Mrs. Davy, Canwell Division on Frir l ay night last . Mrs, l!'. A. wde, 111r8. Shoults. Mrs. J. llrown, .ReJJurts are t hat an oil s prin g exis ts on Mrs. Millson, Mra. Allm. Mrs. Henry. Mrs. 'rh e two Divisions combi a od fo rces and S AXONY. t he farm of 'William Croyzier, l ot 1, c on. Darch, and Misses, M. Cowan, A. Moulton, N, pr esent ed a good pr og1·am. R eadm gs were gi ven by M . Mu nday, S . S uowden, M r . Sydney Trevail threshe d 12 acr es 4, Car twr igh t. Will n ot vouch for cor- Ne wsom, L. E.Ileer , E . Rowe. L, Batten. Jennie Newsom, Albert Staples, of r ed dover for Mr. J as . Perkins, which rectness. ' Presidon t, Secretary. .J. H. Allin, J . It un dl e, R . Sno"Nd en an d G. Allin, R ecitations by E . H all, A. after b eing cleaned , amounted to over 75 Miss Maggie P ower is visiting frien ds itrick Coie, H . Sal ter and T. H . K i:rkp < b ush els, an d 5 acres for M r. E li Osborne, in P ickering. L ESKARD. who was i n his merri est mood and b r ought which clean ed up over 34 bush els. N ot When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, Miss Annie T ay lor is h ome from her down the h ouse. Speeches by J. Stevens, much seed left in the str a w there, I per · visit to D akota. 'fhere was n o service h eld in the church R . Conrtice a nd W. Conrtice . D ialogue su m e. Will H ughes is visitil'lg h is Cart wright on Sunday m0rning, on accou n t of t h e ' 'Deaf as a P ost " by M is~ A. Cole imd Mr. Joh n G ibson d elivered at Bowman· frien ds. q uart erly meeti ng i n Orono. the M isses Ball. Music was cont ri buted ville stati on, a hog p urchase d by M r, S. T h e public school Inspector, Mr . Tilley , by Misses F arron, O ke an d B alson. W h ere is our B urk eton gr ain b uyer ? H all, for M ontreal, wh ich turned the A social at M r . David M iline's on p aid h is officia l visit t o the school l as t Try it once, you will use no other. scales at 675 lbs. F riday of t his week, a cordial invitation F riday. MA PLE GR OVR. J U cC OLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto. M rs. J oh n Pickle has r e tu rned h ome is extend ed t o all. Mr. M. Daviscn star ted fo r Dakota, from a long visit to h er sister at Owen Mrs. Hallett , of Rochest er, is visiting One of the b est literary entertainments wh ar e he h as a lready t aken u p l a nd, last Sound, whom she repor ts q uite ill. ever h el d i n Williamsburg will b e gi ven week, accom pan ied by h is sister, who is h er Fist er, Mrs. C. Rundle. r. D ean Pickle, wh o h ar, been laying on Friday the 19th, u nder the ausp ices of to p erfor m t h ose du ties which are inO n account of Rev. J . Whitk,ck h aving N. D . D o w n's Vegetable B a l sam ic E lixir is a p osi tive cur e offMfrom work for some time to i mprove Cart wright B rass l3and. T he progr a m separ able from a good home. W e wish t o attend a funeral on Sabbath afternoon , for CouS?hs, Cold s, Crou p, Wh oopin g-Cou gh, Catarr~, Iloarsene~s, I n fluen za, his h ealt h , h as reL urned from a v.isit to will couoist of a lecture from J ames t hem every success ; but why did h e n ot Mr. Len t, of Courtice, occupied t he S pitting Blood Bronch itis Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleun ey , and all d iseases of the Pickering, looking rob1J st and h ealt hy. Hughes, E sq. , of 'foron to, P u blic School take some ot h er p erson 's sister? pulpit . T hroat, Chest ~nd Lungs. ' As an E xpect oran t it h as no equal, Cons u mption h as Miss M . McGowan h as been on a long Inspector, ent itled " Sch ool R oom H u The "ligh t fantastic " was t ripped h ere been cured times wit hout n u mber b y its timely u se. It h eals the ulcerated surfaces, About thir ty m embers of Solin a Dimor "; also t h e g reat elocut ion est Mr .Jno. :igam last week. When is t he next? and cures wh en a ll other r e medies fail. F ifty -six y ears of oonst ant use has pr oven visit to friends and relatives in Whitby. vision, S. of 'l'., paiJ onr Division a visit Miss Mary L. Worden, d aughte r of Jnr. Hughes, on e of the h eroes of Batoch e , Who is going t o Orono t o·nigh t t o see on Monday night last. After t he u sual lta virtues. E very family should keep it in the house. Soid ever_ywh~rc. John Worden, has be.en very ill wit h brain will give choice recita,tion s. Andy Hinds- " The Last Loaf" play ed? H enry , Johnston & L ord, P roprietors, B urling t on , Vt. ch it-chat was gon e t hrough with, t he fever, bu t sh e is bet ter now. man, the gr eat scotch vocalist, will r.lso We fear t h e Oron o Divisi on is not goin.~ me mbers were called to or d ~r an d Mr. T. A young man of this r1eigh b orhoocl h as be presen t, a.lso tne jolly four, and other to realize even t he small recompens e they Baker, W. P . of Solina D ivision, was D 1·, Den 1·y B axt e 1 ·'s 1'I and ra l~e B~tters a re a _sure cure f~r The Committee i.~ spa rin g desired in return for their visi t, viz : the appointed clminnau. A lengthy a nd Costiven ess, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeot 10n, Diseases <?f the K1d~eys, Tor pid b een get ting new stoves an d a lot of ne w local talent . L iver Rhe umatism Dizzine~s, Sick H eadache . L osa of Appetite, Jaun dice, Apople- furniture in his house. G uess, what's g&· no pains to mak o i t a success. Ad mia- pleasure of seeing Leskard Division on ce interesting p rogram was rendered by sion, adults 25c., childr en l Oc., d oor s mor e r e-organized. This is n ot as i t Solina Division , after which coffee and J IMillY. x y P~lpitations, E ruptions and Skin Diseases. K e ep the Sto~ach, B owels, an d ing t o h appe n. sh ould be; for there are members en ough cairn was ser ved. ·r he compa ny d ispersed op en at 7 o'clock. Di~estive Organs all in work~ng erder, a nd .perfect he~lth will b e the r esult. ia g<?od standmg to h old m eetings regu- at au ear ly h our feeling well p leased with La.dies and others subject to Sick H eadache will find relief and permanent cure by BRA DLEY'S SCHOOL IIOUBE. S KIP. L A KE SHOBE CLARKE. larly, ~ere t h ey only t horoughly impr~ss- the n ig ht's pr ooeedini;(s. the us1:1 of these Bitter s. :Being t onic and mildly purgal.ive they purify the ~lood. 0 . -· - - -. ed wit h t he true sens e of t h e p os1t1on The followmg names ob tained the For sale by all d ea.ler s in m e dicine. H enry, Johnston & Lord, P roprietors, So_mc of our farm ers are busily engaged iut o which we are just dra win". w~ ENN ISKILLBN. high est 11umber of mar k s during the Burlington, Vt. : fr?rn ~ort Hop~, prepar- h ope t h ey will make an effor t a~d h ave mon t h of January. Na mes in order of ~iaulmg lu mbe1 The Quarte1; .ly mee ting an d sacramental the Di vision r e-or!!anized t o meet at least merit. 4th class, - A.lber t M oore, Min a 111!( for barn bm ldm g m t h e sprmg. Henry, J oh n ston & L ord, P r opriet ors of service was well at tended in the MethoMr. _ J as. P olen ha~ had a _ bee h auli!1g for tnight ly. Groat, M aggie Or miston, Frank Moore. A..rnica a nd Oil L i n inten t for M an a n d Beast. T h e b es t externa l dist church h er e , last Sabb ath morning. It migh t be supposed that th e K ir by The serYice was a very profit able one to remedy for Rheumatism, N euralgia , S prains , B ruises, B urns an d Scalds , Sciat ica, 3r d class,- Geo. Millson,L ewis Yan Nest, stouo for th e fou nclat10n of his new barn. _Mrs. S_ oper , one of tl~e J:ake Shore correspondent has n ot had the p rivilege all who h ad th e priviledge of a t ten ding. Backache, Frost ed Feet, and all oth er p ains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, a?d Ada Har dy, E dgar Itoss. 3rd jr., - C. . of travtillin g a great d eal ; and t hat h e is effectual R emedy for Galla, S trains, Scratches, Sores , &c., on Horses. On e tnal J effery, L ottie VanNest, M ina Heatlie, p10neers, tll very poorly tlu s wmt ~r. In addition t o t h eir eldest son,Mr. and ~Ir . Col aone, ~r ., h as b een m tlus not very thor ough ly a.ccq u'l.inted wit h t h e will prove lts merits. Its eftects are in m os t cases in stantaneous. Eve ry b ott le Lida Farrell. 2nd class, - Norman Heat. Mrs. Th omas Ormiston liave suffered lie, Rober t V anN est,N orman Ross, Chas. neighborh ood tryrng to b uy stock for the geography of Clarke. B etter con s ult wa rranted t o give satisfaction. P rices 25 cen t s and 50 cen ts p er b ottle . Sold an other bereavemen t , in th e loss of t heir Bryant . !Rt sr.- F r ed J effrey, E dn a h ome market. yo ur At las or enquire privat ely of everywh ere . Ross, E d die Millson , Jno. Groat · 1st M rs. W. M. Shaw, and son, of Pon ty- frien d . J·EoK. a infant dani:i;h ter, a ged t en months, by diph theria. This family h ave been terribly afj r.,- Andrew Var.Nest, M ark Souch, A . °l'Ool, are v isiting at t he Soper farm. flicted , all of their children,nin e in numThe good p eople of N ewtonville, seem .Bennet . J. C. Groat, Teacher. Send 10 ccuts postage, and ber , have b een dangerously ill for tunately l'JEW H A VEN. to be quite concerned , in r eforence to we will mail you free a all t h e oth ers ar e n ow con valescen t. Great t h e frequ ent visi t, of a certain youn g man royal, valuable, sample box Miss N 1 m cy YauCa.mp h as been to sy mpat hy is fel t for the entire family. of goods that will put yon S cott's Emulsion of Pure wit h a red cutter, t o t h e Lake Shor e. Toronto, t o consult an eye doctor. in the way of making more money at once, Be careful y oung man or the m usic (;otl L h'cr Oil, wUh B y 11t1phosphlt.cs than anythings else in .America . Both sexes of Couch, J ohnston & Cry derman are n ow Mrs . Wit h er idge, Sr., ia q uite ill. all ages can live at home and work in spare t each er s will be get t ing scarce. DARLO, time, or all times. Capital not required, We I s Espeaiall11 Usefid Jui· Ghildl'en's diseases. O ur l ate t eacher, Mr. J . H . Allin, was sh owing a l ovely assortment of black and will start you; Immense pay sure for those coloured S urah Silks. N o l ady sho:ald who start at once. S'J.'INSO N & Co., P ortland, as it acts both as food and m ed icine. It Wonderful is the effect of West' s in the n eigh b orhood on Saturd ay last . buy a silk dress before seeing their n ew Maine. One of o ur r esidents who t raded h orses not only gives flesh and str ength by vir· W orld'el Wonder or F amily Liniment. :m<i elegant go'ods . t ue of its own nut rit ious pr operties, b u t One b ottle will effect more cures t han a shor t time ago, foun d his new h orse Those ch eap dress goods a re going off D " EllT JSIEHS : send !or our Select List of crea tes an a ppetite for food and builds up four times the number of any other lini- replaced by t he old one, 011 going to the Local News papers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., t l:Je wasted body. r apidly at Couch,Johnaton &Cryder man's, WINKLE, st able the n ext morning. men t. 25 and 50c. All druggists. ·t 10 ::>pruce St., N. Y, McCLUNGS, · C'.> Opposite O ntario Bank, Bowman v ille. ·· ti) ~ c 0 ~ s~ °" a3 tll <:::) ·~ .... ~ ~ 0 CJ f 0 r:£l t-1 ~ ..= = = ·= > ~ C'.> 00 a3 Pi C'.> ~ ~ rn ..0 0 ,.Cl ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn t'J 0 (;:) ~ o~ ~ ...= ·..= "' a z :> ..J I ·e = <:) z ~ ~ -- '-1..J - 0 u: ~ 'S-DNfirroow MACHINE OIL. FARMERS, THRESHERS! U se M cColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated ~in t ~r TH E La:rd ine BEST IN THE WORL D . ' ' SU N LIGHT" Coal Oil. ! BAKINC POW DER ~ DUNN'S ~ FT AC TH ECOOK'S BEST FRIEND A

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