~~~~~Wl!lm'·'""'~ '"'"'"""""'"""'"""~""""'"""""""~·""'..,.,..,.,~,.~---~·. · . , ._,,, .,..,.,,,~.,,,,,..,..,,_0_,,,.......~_...-..._..._,_,,...._,.."""·---·--1.'llOrt1~~~~~B~M~W~am~www~~~~=~~~·~~-~~·!=~..,~11~~m~r111~JW~~.......m~~~~~~~·~w~~~~w;w!!111~~-!'!W~"'~~·!!~~~-~--~ ·1~n~a~~!!!!!!!!'!A! THE LIME·KILN CLUB. A GHASTLY 'IABLE. weight, In proportion to the ~mount . f Pianos Tuned and ltepa.it'ed.; ' grain 6Xpended· upon it. From this the " : The Host Remarkable l'leee d F11r:nlture in porta. n ce ie seen of making every young 11 .1ARTIES WISHING '.J:HErnPIANOS During the p~st week a.' distiogufoh6d del· IS PUBLISHED the World-f'..cmaposed of .retdlled Farm ~rs' Olubs for the Young. m11l grow trom tho utar ~, andmoot e11peofo,llV Tuned or repaired can he.Te thorn attended egation from Marietta, 0 , consisting of the lluwan ll.,arts, Intestines 'EVERT FRIDAY MORNING, Too much cannot be said or done to aid or Is tl:!ia warning needed In the managem" t 0 by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Ron. Coley Strawder, Hon. Cnsh H ender· and Eyes. Co's OirirrcE, l3owma.nville. A tlrst-clas man son and Dae.con Fletcher, have been visiting -BYmcour...ge farmers' clubs. They should be a of the pigs in winter time,-Stockman, 'I.OW l:>eing In their mplo :. Prob.i.bly the most horrible and g})astlj ( eunion of farmers and their families; a r.he Lime-Kiln Club, The object was to ee· ! r ee, social comparison of snccesses and ta.ii· cure "pointers" for t he benefit of the color· piece of fumitura ever conceived, will be BACKWOODS D:EP.RA AT THE OFEIOE 1res, from which new hints m:ly be ga.ined, ad society, in Marietta, known as " The s!Jown at the exhibition of the Fcank lln In . .tom.eenlock,lUngSt.,BowmanvUie,Ont n occasion from which every man ma.y re, . Solemn Ba.nd of Gideon." The delege.tion ·titute, this year. 'l'he table is now in t he mo1·11Uty tn the J,umbutag ;urn with the feeling that he has improved Shocking Jm. Insure in t h e Confederation Life Asso· bad never tackled a to wn of over 4 .000 in· P·l11ozzo Pitti, Florence, Italy, and is the TER:tv.r:S: uamps of Mtclltcan. l ls minrl a.nd helped his neighbor. ciat ion. It is cheaper than the Canadian habitants before, and were ra.ther 'off c· Jlor' work cf Guiseppi Se.ge.ttl, who was several lj!t,50 perannum,or $1.00if patdln advan et Gov. R Dblnson says: " Tne secret of power years engaged in its construction. The maWhile equally beyond reach and control In Detroit. 'fhe Hon, Strawder, for inB ta.nce, imist ed terial was drawn from about e. hundred huPayment strictly in advance required from Iiea in combination 1combined sentiment that of the Influences of civilfza.tion, there b a. Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. or any pass a· sn1loor1bers outside of the county. Orders t ~ hall grow oat of the intelligence and culture strong contrast between the moral status of round your hat institution, as the follow· on walking in the middle cf the ron.d, a.ad man corpses, and the table consists of a. dlsnontinue the paper mul'<t be accompanied b) ) f such a union, cannot fall." the Otte.we. lumbering oo..npa and those of ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung in using Ii.rd and la.mp-black on his boots. circular t op r esting upon a pedestal with he amount due,or the paper will not be stopped Young farmers need the club and grangtt Michigan and Northern Wisconsin. Jn the has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and The Hon. Henderson Jost his w11.llet conta.in- four supports representing claws. The face e11bsoribers a re reaponeibleuntil!ullpayment is more tha.n do t heir fathers. 'l'alking in pub· latter facilities easy for the exercise of ~he last five y ears it only eost him $2.55 fog $10 while baying peanuteon the market, ef the table is a lJout thxee feet in dfameter made. (!o, In the farmers' club or grange, or in the the grossest i.mmora.lit y and a species of per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John aud had to raise his fa.re home by spouting and appears to be a fantastic but artistic R.t.Tt:S OF A.UVJ<)UTISING1 I~~~ 1 f armers' convention, la a very benefiolal work In niarhlo, though, in reality, it is Whole Column one year ...._. .. ...... $ 60 00;;; ~ ~ t raining. Young form~rs and young men; depravity appears to prevail which is wholly McClung insured at the same time for the his silVEr watch. Den.con Fletcher mailed composed of the hearts, livers, muscles and foreign to sha.nty life in t he lumbering same amount and it only coat him $1. 74 letters in fire alarm boxes, followed a brass " " Half year ...... ·. ..·. . 36 00 ,, 0 " " One quarter ......... 20 00 ~.., ~xpecting to become farmers, can do muoh regions of Onta.rio. An industricms Dd· per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he band a mile and a half in the mud, and was intestines of the human body. '.I'he weird Balt Column one year .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 36 00 - - 1n the way of gottin2 a good agricnltural troiter who has spent several winters ped· being a lit tle y o unger. foolish enough to mix up in a dog·fight and ore.ttsman who originated this singular piece " Hal! year.... .. . .. .. . . . 20 00 educat ion without going to the Agricultural dllng among the V:Jrlous camps of the Meno· We certify the above to be correct. Tholl, get knocked down hi' the man who owned of furniture bas been dead for mi>ny years '· " One quarter·- ..... .... 12 50 and his work was completed half a century Oollege, If they choose, yet the privileges miuee district in Northern Mlchlge.n, gives t;he second beat canine. Quarter ColutLn one yee.r ........... 20 00 0f the college and witnessing the e:x.perlments the News of tha.t city a faithful report of the McClung, John McClung. The delega.tes went a.way happy, however, ago, the last corner of the table committing " " Ra.Uyear .. .. ..... .. 12 506 ·· One quarter .. ...... 8 OOare far better than the home fa.rm. Farma uta.te of aJI...irs in that section. "Last Win· THOS. BING HAM, Agent. and chock full of Information for the benefit Huicide over it before it was oecured for the are schools-they a.re next to the college. Bb: lineg andnnder, first insertion .. iO 50 tGr" he save : " There were about 6,000 - - - -- - - of their band. They were gra.nted a eharter P~l:· zzo Pitti. Eaoh subsequent insertion ...... 0 25 ... The present tenden cy is in the direction of men distributed through this section getting Sage.tti spent several years in perfecting to wor k t<> the thirty second degree, a.nd rrom six to ten lines, first insertior., 0 75 ·f dta.rt out with sbrty-aeven membera, every e. system of petrifaction and euoceeded in Each subsequent insertion...... 0 ~ - 1 0 armers' clubs, or gatherings, institutes, ont the loge for the ma.uy compo.:!.>ies which granges, etc. At first we had only one or carry on winter opera.tioue thera. They are one of whom has a bald spot on top of his di~covering a process whereby the natural over ten lines, first insertion,perline 0 more in each county, and these societies are of every :natlone.lity a.nd of all ages from Ea.ch subaequentinsertion, " 0 03 head and knows the difference between a animal reaction In a corpse after death yearly multiplying, To complete the system young fellows of 18 to old men of 50. In the could be changed to mineral reaction by spring-chicken a.nd a motherly hen, The number or lines to be reckoned by HAS REMOV.JjjD RER he spe.oe occupied,,meaeured by a. scale of we want the email societies formed in all fall they go into the woods with 111 spree and first securing immunity from dec11oy by an TOO HIGH, olld NOnlla.rell. the to wns, and the whole united into one in the spring they come out with a spree, emba.lmfog proc~ss, and afttirw111rde immersThe Secretary a.nnounced a communicagrand and co-operative system of popular which they keep up until the winter's e1:1rn ing the body in a bath where it absorbed tion from Prof, Artichoke Johnson, of PeDU. TAMBLYN, agricaltural ed ucation, nuder the anaplces Inge are gone." sillcl partlcltis, For the pnrpoae of a practikin, Ill., expreBBing his willingness to apHYSICIAN, SURGEON and A.CO<?UCIIEUR and patronage of the jlflvernment. cal Illustration of the method and it& reuulta to buildings formerly occupied by A SHANTY DANCE HOUSE. Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanv1llo. 7 pear before ?;he club and deliver hiu celebra- he set about mRking the table. The corpses The fa Tmers, eepecfally the young farmers, " I shall never forg~£ a. night I spent in CODD & CO., ted leoture on " The Gradual Decay of the I trust, will consider this question. Row a camp about IO miles from Crystal F a.lid, necessary for the purpose WEre obtained nr. A.. BEl'.l'll. Umbrella." His t et·ms would be $50 ca.ah from one of t he hospitals. The intestines f'1 RA.DUA.TE OF THE TORONTO UNlVER ~ratifying would it be to know that four or There were about 200 men qus.rtered there. down, with a written guar~ntee that he fi were used in the construction of the omaU SITY, Physician, Surgeon. &c. O!fice King ve hundred of these clubs existed, scattered It was a bitter cold night in J ~nuary, and should have a feather bed to sleep on, alJ over this Commonwealth, mental pedestal, and, having been pressed troot, MOitRIS' BLOCK, Bowma.nville. after supper some of the boys being off for "While I myself have had no lee~ dan a I t was my fortune, whether good or bad, a dance, t hey so.id, and a~ t he shanty pro· Into shape, were petrified. The els.we of dozen umbrellas gradually decay on me," the table were formed frem the hearts, J. w. lllcLaugJalln, 111. R., t o commence farming when prices of pro· mised little except to tumble into a bunk ~aid the president, " I doan regard de sub- livers ::it d J ungs, w'l>.ich still rote.In the apICENTIATE OF 'l'HE HOYAL COLLEGE d uce were very low. Butter 15 cenl;s per and battle wit. a vermin, I weut with the She has now in s tock every thing j eck as one of deep public interest. De of Phyeioianr; and member of the RoyaI pound, potatoes at one ehllllui.: per bushel, pearance of Iive £.e~h. The leaf of the ta.hie root. After a. run of abciut 20 minutes we College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, deckretuy will reply to de effeck dat de we.a composed of the larger muscles of the e gge 12 cent~ per dozen, pork 5 centg, beef 4 Olfir.e: MORRIS' BLOCK King-et.,Bowmanca.me in eight of a. small clea.ring, In t he usually found in a well equipped price am too high too shed rain." enta, etc, But, with ii,ll these seeming di11· c artisdcillly e.rrangtd together to form body ville. centre stood a rudely constr ucted shanty, PETITIONS, couragements and obstacles, I liked farm- tightly enclosnd by a h!gb board fenca. One the desil'.'ed effect. The table was intended HARNESS SHOP. DR. J. (), JlllT(JUELf,, ing and firmly believed then, as now, that The following petitions were present ed : to ba highly ornamental, and though nothEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS if intelligently oondncted, it will bring the of the men pulled a at rlng. Soon after the From twenty.four colored clt!zem1 of At- ing we.s to be need in the construct ion but ga.te was opened by a. big, vlaalnous loo king and Sur~eona, Ontario, Coroner, etc. . average man. as m11,ny good things in this fellow and the men followed each other lante., asking t he U nited States(Gov<r.nment parts of tho human body, the mind that lirot 74.. Office and ltesidence, lUnniakillen. world, that are worth striving for, as will through t he narrow yard and into t hti MRS. HUMPHREY for better protection against traveling doc· conceived it was not at a loss to find means any other oceupa.tion. tol'.'s who claim to be able to cni·e a corn of of ornameuta.tion. A hundred pa.Ira of eyes shanty. The lower fl oor wa.s one large .John Keith Galbraltll, or more and as me.ny pairs of ears were If it be seriously urged t hat farmers can- room. At on& end was a pfatfrom railed five years' growth inside of t hree days. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY not afford the time for mutna.l improvement, From, thirty-five white oitizens of Rich- petrified and artistically a.rranged around off, where an old f dllow ru.eped a wh en~y PUBLIC, &c. Otll.ce-:Bounsall's Bloc,k GREAT I answer, t hey cannot affnrd, at the present fidd le while half-a.-dozan girls danced with mond. praying the Lime-Kiln Club to use the edges. The effect was the most hlocdKing Street, Bowman ville. Monev to lend, day, not to do it.-Daniet Dwight, -TO'l'HEit.li influence with the preoent Congrese to onrdling that could be imagined. The protheir partners, A rough bar was at the D . JUJJtKE SIMl'SON, prevent colored people from going to the cess 11ucceeded in preserving the eyeballs lo other end where the old woman of the house ll:) ARRIS'fEU., SOLICl'l'OR, &o., MOPRIS Snndry Sn!!;!!:estions. post-()flice mere than twelve times in twenty their natural state, so t hat after polishing served out whlelry and cig11.rs of the vilest .[')BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman they retained theft color and geneul antefour hours. Mr. L. P. Smith, a pack.er of forty ye!lra' kind. Thia woman looked well worn out Yllle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. From eighteen colored residents of Toron- mortom appeariAnce with an intensified brilexperience ea.ya: " The quantity of grs.in for 40, but I afterwards learned ehe wae Private lllanevs loaned at the lowest rates, t hat will make a pound of beef will make to, asking the hifluence ef the club to bring 1.lance, '.l..'h ls completed the task of the ee.vonly 26. The fiddler ceased his scraping about a closer relationship between the ant. H e was proud ef the r esult of hia lamore thr.n a pound of pork, and a pound of tbe dancers made a. rnsh for the ba.r. a.nd still continues for those RO:GEltT A.JUtJOUit, black racee in the two countrlee, Aa me.t- bors. The teet of his procesn of petrlfia.cpork is genere.Ily worth more t han a pound All dre.nk whisky and afterwards EGIS'l'RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER of beef. A Berkshire hog Is at his best ere ters :now stand a Ca.n11.dian colored m an tlon was eminently Euocessful. He com· Super Diagonal Overcoats .... $8.00 THE WOMEN SMOKED AND DRANK or Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor never enters t he U .nited Stat.is without put· municated his method to the medfoal world, c;y &t Law and Solicitor In Chancery.Mone y he Is twelve months old, while a bullock with the men as often a.s the treat3 wont oaned on Real Estate. Otlloe on King street will require three, if not four years. If time round. I obaerved soon that the cttstom Worsted Pants. . . . · · . . · · · · · 3.00 ting his money in his boot and feeling a out naturally It never bees.me generally adopted, though it was well understood by and Interest on money go for anything then Bowmanville. 50 chill go up and down his back, was that after each dance the men had to Mantle Cloths, per yard.. . · · · i t la in favor of the hog." ' From 108 leading colored citizens of New surgeons and physicians. 21. ·r. pnIJ,J,IPS trea.t his pe.rtner. The woodsmen from A CURIOUS STORY, A cut or a sore on a cow e teat is always other camps contlnueil to drop In for sever - All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 Orleans, pmying the club to instruct Co.aICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County There is acurious atory a.ttached to this rediffionlt to heal, on account of its being con- s.! hours and the drinking and dancing went Dress Gopds in all the newest grees to make it a gallows offense for any me.rkable piece of furniture, Before it was of Durhom, Sales promptly attended. white man to "dose " a wa.termefon with stantly kept irritat ed by the milking pro- on. At ore time I countEd 35 big, brawny, Address-Hampton P.O. 59, depoelted in the Pa.le.zzo Pitti it was in posintent to lessen the colored popul&tion. shades from 10 cents. cess. Care should be taken to soften the The above petitsona were referred to the seesicn of a Florentine gen tlemannamed Gla· ORN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer scab before commencing to mllk. This will red shirted fellows in the room, .all taking Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life prevent the sore from cracking open more, turns in the dance. proper committee, with power to rend for como Riccaboccll., It was the central piece "Of the six girls in the place only one , naurance, Notes and Acoounts Collected persons and papers and expend the sum of of furniture in his drawing-room and he deMoney to Lend on reasonable terms. A<!dresa and if it is slightly oiled after milk ing it will had any of the marks of youth left in her twenty-five cents for stationery and post~ge. lighted to exhibit It to hfo friends, at first generally heal very soon. There should be face. I singled her cut and asked how long . Cartwright, Ont. ~72 speaking of ~t only as a. grotesque piece of IS BOOMING, a little tnrpentine mixed with the ol.l in the she had lived in the wooda. I n a. careless FROWNED DOWN. handicraft, the work of a mad sculpt or, and G OOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO fly sea.son. way she r elated thu.t she had followed her every man who buys his Licenee from Pickles Sm\th offered a resolution t o t he aubsequently, turning down the lights to Tho pe"opl e k now that if they There is much waste in throwing corn on lover from Ca.nad11. only a fe w months previ· :JENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. effect that e. commit·tse be appointed t o in· l\dd effect to the recite.I of its rea.l history. t he ground to be fed to fattening hogs. They oue. That is how most of the girls got -want a vestigate and pronounce on the skull of De- One Christmas he had several guests from a will not eat all if fattening, a~ where a hog there, she said. He h a.d brought her out to W. W . DIVKEY, mosthenes, now h ·~ogmg on a nail in tho distance. Eli\rlV in the evening they sat has all he can eat he Is rather dainty, and the place and then had gone away to a.nother HET .ERINARY SURGEON, graduate of the museum aud labelled : "After Uaing." down a.round the ~h11stly table and began a V Ontario Veterinary College. Office and objects to taking his feed with any surplus- camp, and she was lt:ft behind because ub.e He hll.d heard serious dottbts expressed as to game of eciorte. Play was h eavy and it had age of dirt. In very cold weather hogs or could n ot pay her debt to the la.ndlildy. lesidence, NEW 'l'ONVILLE, Ont. whether the akull we.a genuine, or one made continued for several hours. The wax tapers s uit of clothes the y m ust call Will visit Or ono every ·ruosday. Office hourS cattle fed ont-doore wlll retire to ahelter be- She had no nope of getting away before the to order in New Y oek and would like the cast a dim light over the scene and · ca.used rom 12 a. m. to 4 p. m., at Coulter's Hotel. fore eating all they would if fed under other place broke np in the spring. Even if she the eyea of stone which ce.ught its rays to upon IVES. fact settled. Special attention paid to Surgery, 32-ly* conditions, could get u.way she would not know where " Brudder Smith, sot right down?" ex- assume a ghastly glitter. Rlcca.bocca w11s If pork has ever soured or &polled in a to go or what to do ; beeides, tho old woman l\/i' ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber claimed the President as he brought his a heavy loser, He was notioed to be very .J..1'..l. receives money on deposit for the9ntari0 barrel it is not safe to use it for pork again, would keep all her clothes. Ths.t 's wha.t - -~,--.___ · gavel tlown with a. bu.ng. "When we label pale, often shuddered and repeatedly wiped - _. Loa.n and Savings Company, and pays mtet·es t no matter how thoroughly it may have been the high fence and t he meu on watch were _ a_~d hang up a skull in dis museu m we h ev his brow, on which t he cold sweat was plainat the rate of 1 and 5 per oont. No not1oe of cleansed, Tho cost of a new barrel warranted there for. I soon found that the gone too fur to back water. Dat am not ly visible, He gave less attention to the withdraw11.l required. Also loans money on WOME::< WERE IN A LIVlNG HELL, only supposed to bo de skull of u~mosthenes cards t han any of the ol;hers, and frequently mortgages at lowest rates. No commisslon to preserve t he pork la much lEss than the charged. , V , F. ALLEN, l:lowmanvllle. 8-ly. value of meat which it will held. It ls t rue from which their chances of esca.ping were but it am 'apected da.t ebery Individual turned his gaze upon two of the eyes.at the the fault mn.y not originally be In the barrel, poor indeed. The girl told me that the old member of dis club am ready to take cffhis edge of the table opposite him. At la.et he r ose and paced the room excitso D o! Genuen1en orFasJR bat rnt.her in modee of management, but, woman me.naged to keep them constantly in coat to support de sappi>aishun ! When ha.vlng once-spoiled a lot of pork, the barrel debt to her. She charged them for their ie11, 111.ot so Kast. you ate.rt out to make a. mueenm de first edly. But the ornamentation of the ta.hie ESTABLISHED IN 184'7. had better thereafter be left to other uses. boa.rd, rent for the b&wdy short dresses in great step .a.m nebber to doubt your own seomod to fascinate him, and he kept hie looks fix:ed on it. At la0t he sat dcwn, and, Many persons are prevented from using which they danced, took a percentage of HIt has no shareholders to pa.y dividends to. labels." a ve written these few lines despite t he advice of hie friends, who could And all I have to say_ petrol eum on wood work, and es pecially on their ee.rnlngs, and if anything was left over REINSTATED, Managed by and solely in the interests ot not underatand what was the matter, insist.£lb.at you ce.n find me still at home , the roofs of hnuses, by tho fear that ff; will t ha.t she would charge up fictitious bar bills the Polio h olders. The ca.so of Whalebone Howker was then ed on resuming ple.y. Still his eyes were Jam not gone a way. make the wood more iufla.mma.hle. This Is against them. The victim once caught, Y Soe.llmykindold triendsmay oomo, called np by Sir. baac Wolpolij, Several fixed on the ghastly rim of the table. He not the caae, The oil enters the pores and away from all civ!lization a.nd law, is hope· Its Bates a1·e Low. And all they oung ones, too, weeks slnco Brot.her Howker eigned a paper bet hh money recklessly and played his so fills them that the wood Is hP.rder and lessly in the toils from whioh ahe cannot And get their garments niooly mo.de In fashions that are new ; Iese likely to ignite t han before. Coal oil escape until she he.s lai d all her youth and l'ollciesnon forfeltable nntl uneo1ulltJonal. recommend~ng a certa.in brand of stove- cards as carelessly. blaoking, and sold the maker the right t e "Change your sea.t: that one Is unlucky," Vhere oldandyoung,de.artrlends,may meet or crude petroleum, with something to give vigor on the albr of senoull-Iity, Many of ()ash Bonus Paid every three years, use his pict.ure on the package. This la in said one of the guesta. A welcome vi:Aetinir. bv R. PEA.TE it body, makes.a cheap paint fer all wooden the girls do not last more than one winter, violation of by law N o. 17, and Howker wn "No, I cannot," w11s the reply, in a. pl11iin· Implements, and to ooa.t over the ironwork ao ha.rd h their us&ge. Girls who go there Joint Life Policies. suspendod for six months and fined 8600. tlve tone. of plows and cultivators to prevent them In the fall fresh and in the bloom of youth Sir Isaac desired to appeol in his behalf. The guest covered the horrible eyes on from rusting in the winter. are turned out old hags in the spring. There Though ·a double rish but one premium ls pa.id The suspended brother lived next door to t he table with h is arms, but Rlcoabocca tor two people. .Amount of polioy drawn is nothing left for them but to die. Those him, and the way he took on o' nights kept pleaded for him te uncover them, and began on fl.rat death. who survive arc not acceptable anywhere The Potato Bot. his neighbors awake. He had loat flesh a.t ~alking excitedly, except in the lumbering shanty, and then the rate of a pound a. da.y, and his family There has been very widespread complaint ··I have not yet told rou the truth about one year's service h as detracted so much Special Inducements to Total Abstainer,. were gree.tly concerned for hie health. The this tabl~, " he said. "Perhaps you will of the pot11.to rot this fall. Io some fields from their charms that they are pushed to fine hung over him like a ten-ton grind· not believe me. Those pa.rte of the human there has not b een half a crop, and as a rule the wall by stone, and his susp5nsion seemed more than body which you see and fancy to be the fan· the general yield has been far below the A.SSETS OVER $ 5,000,000.l THE LATER AND FRESHER VICTIMS, taetic work of a soulptor 11.r e not na.tural a.vere.go. Why 011>nnot these serious losses 1Nvo1t1E omn $ 1,000.000 he cnuld bear. "Whar am Brudder Hawker j!st now?" stone. This claw is not of marble. It Is be averted by proper precaution? We be- I have been a.round the woods enough to WITH T EETH. Wl'l'HOUT TEETH 8100,000.00 deposited with theCana.diauGovern asked t he P reuident. the heart of a woman turned to 11tone. Those lieve t hey can be in very many, if not in all know that there are fully one thouse.nd of "In de e.unty·room, sah." eyes are not of glass. These are vitrified eyes these dance houses in M ichigan and In men t for benefit o! Canadian policy holders. Instances, "You kin bring him in." of men. To-night, sitting here, thoae two At least one ca.use of decay in the tuber N orthern Wisconsin in which there yearly l'IU.VTIUA.I. PEN'l'IST, Brother Howker wa.s brought in. Ha ha.d 1 than seven thousand women worn eyes became briliant wth the light of life ls fungous growths upon the vines, which not les. INVESTED IN ()A.NADA, $GOo,ooo.oo. t ightened his belt to t he laot notoh, so as to a.ml fixed their ga.ze on me. They bur!J!. ·d later 6preads down the vine and t o the tu- out, and most of them start their mad ca.· ?VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. llliltrousOxldcGusAdnlhltsicred for Pninles ber. This fungous growth is in turn caused reers under prot eal·, The men who supply HEAD OFFICE IN CaNADa:- MONTREAL appear ferufully emac!a.ted) o.·n d walked Into my inmost'belng, but I was so fascinated with a etep which Eeemed to prove that that I could not look away. Their uncanny by dampness, wo.rm, wet weather being the girls are;the favored ones, and are all Operations. For particulars refer to this vain world had n o further charms for glitter seems to r ea.ch my very soul, They free to them. espeofo.lly conducive to it . OFFl()E ltl()ULUNG'S Rl.OCK. him. He also managed to get oft three or " The lumber companies are ende!l.voring Now, how ma.y we avert the danger here· will affect me through eternit y, I ::cannot four groans which seemed to come from stand it. They will drlvo me mad." after? First plant no tubers that liave been t o abate the horrible practice by refosing GENERAL AGEN· T , down among the shoe-pegs. subjact to this potat o disease. Second, do to accept order:i from the men for their pay. He seized an old dagger from where it POR'I' HOPE, "Brudder Hawker," said the President, bung on the wali, Before any of his guests not plant on low, wet ground. No serious This cute off the supply of ca.eh, and in a few "friends have interceded in your behalf, an' 8easons the ·dance houses of , the lumresults might follow in n dry season ; but could interfere to prevent his design .he Or to agents throughout the county. 48-6se. I hev decided to remit your fine and rein- plunged it in his breast a.nd fell dying in the look out fur a. wet one. Third, if you dis· bering camps will probably become only a state you as an actl.ve. member cf dis club. arms of his friends. cover this rusty-looking fungous growth on tradl~on," Doan let dis solemn wan1i.n' go unheeded. your pots.to vines, dig the tubers at once, "I escape them at last," were :his last From dis time out I want to see you a chang words, The blood welling up in his throa.t even if they are not half grown. Half a crop Adapted to the Listener. ed ma.n. You kin now take your accustomed ohoked further utterance, and he lay dead is better the.n none at 1111. They are certain lt ls aomettmes necessary to tranelate seat b ehind de stove, an' I'd advise you te beside the table. to deoay if l d t until the fungus attacks plain language into the terms most famllla.r Pumps Chea per and Better let dat belt out a.bout two inches afore it His heirs were only too glad to accept the them. cuts you in t1Vo," When dug, pototoes shmtld be put in a to one's hearer, T he story ls an old one of llbe1 ·al offer of t he governers of the palace than ever, HARN DE N, L. D.S . ~ cool place, and a dry one, if they have been the clever lawyer who, for the benefit of a for a. relic which would ha.ve ever been 1 NO'.r.ANY, Graduate ofthe Royal College or Dental exposed to the fungus. Filormere who !. , ave se.ilor among the jury, at once turned his gh1utly reminder of the manner of their fu. Surgeons, Ontario. W aydown Bebee, the elected poet of the heritance. tried this method report satisfactory resu~ta. description of a colllson betweentwovehicles The Subsc1·iber having built a. large nel! club, arose to a.sk if it was t he intention of OFFICE OVER DICK::!ON'S STORE, Pump Factory in Orono, le prepared It la too lat, now to act on this eugglietion, into nautlce.l language. 'Ihe juror w1111 con· ·l the club to offer any wiF.ter prizes fer p~em1 but eave it in your farmer scrap book (you vlnced, and the case won. An exchange to furnishi l0LD FILLING A SPECIALTY A Warm Pillow. written by colored people, no doubt have one) for another year. Your gives the following: 8$ '.: a te<Work executed in the latest and mo motto will then be : W a.tch for ~the yellow "I doan fink it ar'," replied the P resident. An Irish witness was one day undergoing DES~RIPJIQl~ A lady in a country town left her ohild in '· improved style or the Dental Art. exa.mination In court, regarding s ome per'l ll ~ "Do fack aw, poetry he.a become so common her buggy while she stepped into a house on tints on t he potato vines. RETH EXTRACTED Wl'fHOUT P .A.IN aonal Injuries sustained by him. "And were With or without Porcelain Oylinder, ol an' cheap nowadays da.t we kin git a.U we business. When she ca.me out, horse, buggy want fur de a.skin'. L'ls' Bummer, when we you stunned when you were knocked down?" the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without lnjury Pigs in Winter. the Best Material, on the shortest notiot offered $5 fur d e best poem on de watermel- and child were nowhere to be found, no to the patient. a.eked a. lawyer. trace was discovered all through a bitterly Many farmers have either killed or sold and at the !owest prices. yon, mo' dan thirty puseons spent $100 of cold night . Next morning It was discover· "Was I what, yer Honor?" P arttonle.r attention, paid to the regulation o f their heavy hogs by this time, and their deir valuable time in competin' fur de prize. "Stunned." ed t hat the horse had wa.ndered into the CRILJ),REN'b 'l'EETH, pla.oe is now oupplied by younger members "Sure, en' I don't know what ye mane, Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplie~. Inoouraigln' poetry am incoura.igin' laziness. woods, 1md, becoming tired, had lain down. _..ALL WORK WARRANT.ED . .._ of t he por ker family. It Is i inport&ot th·;i.t yer H onor." Samuel Shin will now sound de triangle to The child, a bright little glrl, was found by theue pigs be cared for during the cold bring dis meetin' to a stop, an' befo' locking "Were you rendered in$en&ible f' boys, unugly sleeping against the weather in such a way tha.t they will not WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. de alley doah he wlll see de.t de b'ar-traps aome "An' what la inains!ble ?" brea.st of the horse, with its head lying on suffer from the severity of the cold, nor be am properly sot to embrace any vile pueson one of the a.nlmala forelegs. The little one The lawyn was shrugging ·his shoulders stunted in growth for the want of proper who may seen: to enter de hall by dat route." had evidently become oold, and, when the despair at the stupidity of the witness, nouriahment, The little pigs shou.ld always in OF CANADA. when a juryman rose, and asked to be alhorae la.y down, went to mll.ke it get up, hs.ve a. good warm pince to sleep, and plenty lowed t o Interrogate him. REST, $220,000 CAPITAL, $1,000,000. when, the boys think, the saga.cions anWia.I of good feed, so that they will grow rapidly A smart boyJust after a whipping. "Did they kill ye, now, P .ot ?" managed to place it with Its head on its TO GIVE SATISFACTION. T his B ank ts · prepared to do Legiti - from the stit.rt , unt il ready for market. Pork "Sure, an' they did intoirely, yer Honor," ___ John L . Sallivan is getting conceited be· a.rm, so to speak, to keGp it from freezing to is low now, and It must be made cheap, and promptly r eturned Pat, ma.te Banking in a.11 i t s branches. clluse he read somewhere t hat Hamlet said : death. The mother wae overjoyed to reto do thia it wlll not do to lst there be a Farmers not es discounted ; Deposit e Orders.by Mail promptly attended to. "Ther'!'s a special providence in the fall of cover her child a.nd will keep the ~ir.hful st andstill in growth. At no time does It pay r eceived and Interest paid on amounts o f to feed out grain, unless there ls a. sufficient With what an air of ca.Im superiority a horse as long as she lives, · a spa.rrer." $ 5 upwards in S avings Bank D epartmen t. amount of g··owth made to pay for it, and hen will gobble 11 worm ,,a fter the rooster DOORS, SASH, B LINDS, PIOKETS, Thirty students xrom t he arsenal of FooStudtnt- " I have been thinking upon Choo, China., are shortly expected in F rance. this can not he realized with an animal at a has scratched is up. Ther e are lots of heno DRAFTS MOUJ~DINGS, &c., kept on h a nd. They will ba divided u.mong various Gov- t ho subject ~of the alarming prevalence of standstill, All feed t o an animal which does in the world. Issued and Collectiona made in Europe, not grow in proportion, is lost, and in t hen!l ernment soh()ols with the oDject of acquir- divorcee, and I almost believe I have dis· " H owling monkeys" from Guiana. are U nited States and Canada. · (delightedly) ing and bringing back to the Celestfal cover ed the cause," Prefesao1 hard times farme1·s cannot afford to wa.ete being sold l:n the Paris markets for food. Kingdom as much western knowledge as -"Yes, yeE ; what is it?" Studeut-"Marany grain whatever, but to vield a profit it They are s!\id to have a flavor between hare W.J. JONES, 1 their heads can hold, riage !" 27 A:gent. mu11t.be ~een that each animal gives incre11sed and pheas ant. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M, A.JAMES, THE FARM =. P vr· ry. · Cheap Life Insurance. ' a.re = 101_ MRs. HUMPHREY HARNESS SHOP P first Door fast of RuebottomHouse, L M Call at the new premises. B THE RusH I Eclipso House R . L J . OUR ORDERED CLOTHING A FIRST-CLASS OUT W H · I VE S BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., DENTISTRY J.M. BR IMA COMBE ' E.L.LIVINGSTONE, Orono Pump Factory. c. ....... - PUMPS OF EVEDY STANDARD BANK ALL WORK GUARANTEED . . I R. FERG 'USON.