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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1886, p. 4

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P. TREBILCOCK. --o-ii (tubes o:f goofl U 1 riti11g· PR}let·, "ii<'. 3 'Packages o:C good E1nclo1·e~ Col' !!'1'c. --0SPECIALTIES: in the House and goes to his constituents for a re-election. Every member of the Cabinet must be a Privy Councillor. and if he has not pre\'iously been one, is so created when he enters the Cabinet. "Right Honorable." The English law does not recognise any such body :is the Cabinet, or any such ofticial as Prime Minister. Both the collective power Of ihe Uabinet and the dignity 9f first ministu have grown up gradually, and have taken their places in the British political system without the appliance of any statute. The new parliamentary buildings a· Toronto will be commenced in the sprit · and prosecuted to completion wilhou·· interrupting-. -~~~~~~-- St. Paul's Sabbath School Entertainment. On Friday evening last a large number f the parents and friends of the children 1 f St Paul's Sabbath School a scrnbled in the School room. Dr. McLaughlin, the Superint endent oilicifLted as Chair an. Aftor Rev. lt. D. Fraser had e1waged in prayer, the following program was pi'lls.e.uted : Opening Address .... .... ,Master 1Vl. Galbriiith. Chorus ..... ......... .. Sabbat.h School Children. Opening Hecitation-Mr. M. A . .lames, as , lla McDougall, Annie Emelt.llelen Beith. JJ Jennie lftn8.er, :Ethel J oness, Ressie :Adair, Edna J<' icld iug i.nd 'l'onn llfolJougall. re· presenting the rn rnont.hs. ltecitalion-·"l'he Young Orphan" Master John McC!ellnn. Song .... ........ ........ ... .... Miss Edith A llin. Piano Solo .... .......... .. .......... ,Miss Quick. Rrading- .. Where do Yon Uve" :'.!aslcr John Dingman, Hecltattan-"HaflPY Little Girls" · Misses Zellll Brirnac·Hnbe and N . \Ynlkcr. Snng-"Two Little Hands'" : . .. .... 12 llttle Girls. Hecir.ation- "Lazy and 811sy;' Mastera Fred. Kydd. Nvrinar. :\1cf,a111<hli n.Neil Hen wick, Ogle Adair, Charles Keith, J esse James, Arthur McDnu1mll. O~car J,al:lelle, .John 1:".;!lowlees aPd Fra.nk Kydd. Duett- !nstrurnentat, Misseo Armour a.nd McLauglllin. Song ...................... Sabbath Lchool Choi!', Monument of Truth erecled by Mr. Fairbairn, Masters Willie Cttt..n, Willie Weir, 'l'om. 1"airbairn· .Arthul' McMurtry and Misses Carrie Allin, Winnie Beith, Winnie .field· mg. .Annie Fraser. Lawtt Keitll. Eliza. Yellowlees, Lizzio Dempster, and Lily Smelt. Dialogue-" \Vho 11re the Saints," Misses Mary Allen, Marion l'ilc Lti.ughlin and .DaiRy V.' allbridgc. Song .. ...................... Arthur McJ,'1ughlin. Ueading- '"l'hc Little l'ii~rirn," .. Missl<Jtlie 'l'od. Song........ .......... - . .. Sabbi·th School Choir. Chorus ... ..... .... .... Sabbath School Child nm, Valedietorv ........... . Mi·s l,i,;iie De1uoster. At the conclusion of the programme handsome cards with scripture texts, oranges, candie~,&c ., were distributed to the children. '.I'li.1se had been kindly provided by the teachers and other generou~ friends, free of expense tu the school. Young and o1d went aw;iy thoroughly deli)!hted with t he evening's entertainment. Thanks having been given to Mr. Ruse for the free use o f the !Jiano, tLnd to the Committee of 11,rrangeme nts for the great p:iins tn.kon, especially in the training of t.hc childr en for their several parts. A N EW TREATMENT }'O lt CATA!UUl CATARRHAL ~NU HAY-FEVER- Perhaps the most extmorainary success that has been achieved in modern medicine, h~s been uttained by the Dixon treatme n t fo r the abo\·e diseases Out of 2,000 pati<> nta treated during the past six mouths,ful)y ninPty per cent have been cured . This is uone t he le~s s ·artling when it iR remembered, that not live per cent of patients presenting t heru3elves to the reg ul·r practitioner are beneiitea , while the patent medicin es and o ther ··dvertised cures never record a cure a·. all. Startir:ig with the claim now geuerally believed-by the moat scientitic men t hat t!Je disease is dt1e to the pr esence of living parasites in the tissue, . Mr. Dixon atooce adopted his curn to their extermi.1ationthis accomplished, the disease is prac· tically Cllred, and the perman:mcy is unquestioned, as c nre~ effected by him five years ago are cures stil 1. No one else has ever attempted to cure these diseasek in this manner, and no ot her treatment has ever cured the m . T he applic·tion of the remedy is simple, and cannot be clone at home, and the present seuon of .the year is the m ost favorable for a speedy and perrnenant cure, the majority uf cases being cured at one treat.merit. Suffere11 should correspond with Messrs. A . H. DICKSON & SON, 305 King Street West, '. roronto, Canada, and enclase stamp for their tre11tiao on Catarrh. ··}i'a.ther 1J'i1ne." and Misse"' f4Jttie J'n.rnea, Maggie Mose· Hopl1y James. Mlll'Y Weir, An independent line of railroad, to b·; called the North West Central Bailway, is to be built between Brandon and Battleford. The Dominion Parliament meets on 'fhursday, 25th F eb. We are sacrificing our Wool Goods to make room for spring purcliases. Mrs. Ives. 1st Lady.-" Have you called at the West End Bouse, lately ?" 2nd Lady."N o, I used to d eal th.ere altogether, bnt have got out of t h e way of it the last few years." 1st Ladg. - " Well, I believe I ?an do better there than auy other place m town, and Jllst now it i~ astonishin!! how cheap they are selling goods. " '!2nd Lady. - " I am going to start for t he West End House,right away and see for myself. " -~~~~~~~ ~- Rev.~. R oberts will preach in Queea-at, Methodist church on Sabbath next in the irnorning on "an astoa ishing eve~t and ~~hiit p1 :o<luced it, " ~nd in the evening on "' a. sublime act of faith and manifestation of mercy". Revival services at t he close. lf y ou want a first class n ew suit and a watch in good order for no thin~, leave your order a t the Star House. S ee advt_ !".e will 5end t he Daily Globe (evening ed1twn) free to any address in Canada. FARMERS, before giYing your four mon th s for $1.00. ~ orders for BINDER 'fwINE, call Winter goods clearing out at and be· at R. S. MANNING'S Hardware~ low cost au<l a bonus given in. See Star Store :u1d get prices . ' H ouse advt . \.... ~~==========~ My 200 rage Scribbling Book, 5c. BrnDELt 'rwINE. - li'armcrs, before] The publishers of General Grant's book giving you r orders for B iuder Twine, My Exercise Books at 5c. and lOc. have. presented Mrs. Grant with $250,000, [ call at R . S . Manning's Hardwi1 re Store, Bowmanville, and get prices. My one dozen good Lead Pencils her share of the proceeds from its sale, for 10 cents. Schclars' Companions for 5 cents. BOWMANVILLE BOARD OF EDUCATION. ----o---Annual S tatement of R eceipts and Expenditure for the year ending 31st December, 1885. OUR PAID-UP LIST. --o--PICTURES FRAMED AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. Spring stock of - --o -RECEIPTS. Balance on hand 1st January, 1885 ...... $ 466 43 Government and CountyGrants to High School .. .. . . . .. .. · . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 1S13 61 Public School Grant . . .. ... .. ... . ...... .. 493 00 rtebate from County Council for Inspector's Salary. . . .. ... ... ... .... .. . . 100 00 F.ntrance Examination l<'.ics. . .. . .. . .. .. lG 00 Local Assessment for 1885 ....... .... . . .. 6582 00 JJ;.XP~KDITURE. ROOM PAPER A RRIVING. BowMAJSVILLE, FRIDAY, FEB. 12. CABINET AND MINISTRY . Just now when the eyes of all countries are turned to1rnrds England's Premier and his new Cabinet, it may interest many readers of the STATE8J\L\.N to h ear an explanation of the two terms that head this article and of their application. The governing executive body of Great Britain is spoken of sometimes as the "Cabinet," and sometimes as the "Ministry." The two terms are thus used indifferently in the papers and books, as if they meant the same thing; aml in one st:<nse they <lo mean the same thing; that is each is used to describe the body to which is committed the executive affairs of the Kingdom. The word "Go1'ernrneut" is aleo often used to describe the rnmc b ody. We hear t he "Gladstone Government" the "Salisbury Government"" used with this meaning. But iu their composition the Cabinet is one body and the l\t:inistry is another. Every member of the Cabinet is a minister, but every minister is not a Cabinet Officer. The Cabinet is what may be t ermed a select committee of the Ministry. It is an inner circle, the chosen spirits of the Ministry. The Ministry consists of all the heads of the executive departments of the Kingdom. 'L'he members of the Cabinet are the h eads of the most important of these departments; and they also compose, which the the ministers not in the Cabinet do not, the stllcct and secret advisers of tho Crown on matters of national policy. Mr. Glads tone in one of his essays speaks of eve1·y member of the Cabinet as exercising three public functions. First, he is the head of a d epartment of State ; secondly, he is always a member of one of the Houses of Parliament, and so.acts in a legislative capacity ; and, thirdly, he is a confidential adviser of the Crown. It is in the last capacity that he differs from a minister not in the Cabinet. There are eertain great departments of State, the chiefs of which always occupy seats in the inner circle of the Cabinet. T hese are: the ])'irst Lord of the Treasury, who almost always also pres ides over the Cabinet as Prime Minister, as Mr. Gladst one now does; the l<'ive S ecretaries of State, represented by the following members : Mr.· II. C E. Childer, Home Secretary ; E eal Roseberry, Secretary of Foreign Affairs ; Earl Grenville, Secretary for the Colonies; Earl Kimberly, Secretary for India ; and Mr. H . Campbell- Bannerman, Secretary for War; the Chancellor of the Exchequer , now Sir \Villiam V ernon Harcourt ; the Lord High Chancellor, now Sil- Farcer Herschell ; the First J_,ord of the Admirality, n ow the Marquis of Ripon ; the Lord Presiden t of the Council, n ow E arl Spencer ; and the Lord P ri vy Seal. '.l'her e are other departments Lhe heads of which s~motimcs are and sometimes are not in the Cabinet, though t hq are pa1·t of the Ministry. These are the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the PostmasterGeneral, t he Chancellor of t he Duchy of the Chief Secretary forIreland, the .Lancaster, President of the Board of Trade, the Presi<lellb of theLocal Government Board, and the Vice-President of the Council. Finally, there are offices held by ministers who are never members of the Cabinet; for instance, the Junior L ords of the Treasury and Admiralty, th e AttorneyGeneral and Solicit0r-Ge neral for England and Ireland . The Ministry, as such, never meets in a body ; the Cabinet, on the other· hand, holds frequent meetings, according to the grnvity of public :i.ffairs ; always confers in secret; and has no record k ept of it.s proceedings. Often i ts decisions a re kept secret from the rest of the ministers. No law compels a. Cabinet minister t o be a peer or 11 member of the House of Commons ; but custom has made this an invariable rule: When a member of the House of Commons is called to the Cabinet he resigns his aeat Below we give the name~ of our subscribers who have alr eady paid their subsc1·iption to t he STATRSMAN for 1.886. 'l'he lis t is small compared with our whole list of about 2,000 subscribers, but we hope the rema;ning ones will pay-up as soon as possible. A,bout the 5th of March we shall publiAh a supplementa1·y list, including a ny nam es that may be umitted in this list an:l the names of all persons who pay in their subscription in the meantime. As we shall maim a thorough r evision of our mailing lists during this month, we particularly requ est all persons r equiriug any change made in their address on the 8TATE8il1AN, to n otify us at once so that we may got it correct before printing our lists for the year. We wish it distinctly understood by our subscribcrn, that we do not reMgnize any persons as our agent~ bnt the newsdealers in Bowman ville and Newcastle, and Mr. Thos. Werry, Cartwright, an d we shall not be resp1nsible for money paid t<'. nor allow any commissions on subscriptions collected by other agents. We do not ask postmasters ncrany one else to accept subscrip t.ions for the STATESMAN. We send addressed envelopes and blank for remittance to every s ubscriber ou our books, and we expect them to enclose their dollar and mail the lct.ter themsslves. We have been compelled to cancel all agencies, other tl111n those mentioned, for two reasons: ·First; we cannot afford to publish th e STA'.l'ES111AN at leas than $1.00 a year, th erefor e we cannot allow commission to agents, and we do not want 1.hem to work for us for noth ing; Secondly, we have lost a grea~. many dollars thro u~h irresponsible age nts. Several persons in the vimnity of Solina have paid money t o persons who represented themselves as our a~ents, but the money has never been forwarded to u~ 1rnd th" y are in arrears on our books. The ST,\TESMAN has many warm friends amrinl.( postmasters, but as we aaid bofore, we cannot affvrd to allow the m any commission ancl we clo not want them to work for nothing, s .> we hope they will not take offeuse at our position. Any subscriber, having paid his or her snbscription to the S· rA'.l'ESMAN for 1886, who does not find their name in the following list. will plel).se notify us at once by post card, mentioning when and to whom tho money was paid. · Hereafter our lowest terms for one old and one new sn bscriber will be $1. 75 . We positively will not accep t less t har1 $1.00 from anyone for a r euewal subscription to the STA'l'ES»IA N. Jno Smith Mrs McGibbon S Hogarth D A ltev A M> LCLaren Chas Stewat·t Alfred Hogarth A Davia Geo Steveas Jos Armour Geo Herrington Jn~ McLea.n .T . W Macdonald 'W m Htrutt WC.A.lhn 'V Davidson Rd Hodge Jas McCullough H Short Mrs G l)ntray Sam 'l Allin Jno Hodgson \ Vm Davis (C1arke) Wm Short Charles .Axford S V Hoar \V HDavey CW Smith Il. BAndrew W l'J:enry N Staph Dobson Geo .Allin Mrs A Stevens Jas Hodgson Uich A.sMon Wm Deacon J<' Nichol" Itich ':lleman W If Hick· Joseph Ne il Jao Stewa.n ltoht Arnot Mrs C Drew Albert Hilli3 Alva Norton WHA.llin Jabez Drew Chas Roucl1 A.E Henry S J·Drew Miss K H Sq1 u i1· Albert Arnott Robt Nidrlery J11s HerringC II Norris Harry Saltor Wm Allin W Davidson !·'A Raddy ·J K Allin Jno Nowcon1bo Saro'! Shortridge Robt Dobson. Thoe Harris DrPN Davey Jas Sproltle Rcnj A·hton .Tames Hu nter 0 Miss Sn°ie Devitt Horatio Hill Levi Skinner Henrv Adams .Alex Staples Gilbert Anderson Geo Dobson E ll Osborde Thos Hooper E<l Annis Mrs.A. Davis Mrs 1: Osborne Jv.a Stori" ,Joseph Hee.rd Henry Argue .Tais Souch Chas DancasLer Henry Hawkin WT Oke David Davis Geo Awde 'l'hos Scott WH Oke HD Hoar Geo Arm strong .Tno Squair M A Mrs AH Deike Jas Osborne .r S»m·1 Daniels Frank Scott John Arnot R G Ove rland "L' H timlt.h W W Dickey 'l' T Jardine R KOrr Je·se Arnot Lev i Arnot DD.niel Dyer \ Vm Jewell John Somers RevJ H Oke Thos Alintan WmOk:e John Davey 'l'h"" John 'r .Tos Darb}' lsaa.c Jewell Jno Oke Geo Dobson, sen Ssrn'l .lell.'ery T G Ormiston .T ·rreemer Mrs S Dunn .John Jewell \V Onniston, jr D Ts roman, JP S G Brown E Lewis Jollow U ch Osborne John 'l'oma Ja· Brown · ' Thos Jewell L 1'bomuson p Geo Bingham 'V H Far! 'fh.,s Jackoon Mrs H 'L'oma John Rlford Wm .Jennings John Best .T W Procto1· A Tamblyn MS Bowman Sam'l 1'~verson Geo W Jamison G Prout Wm 'l 'horne Thos Baker Cornelius Elford Gilbert Jardine Jacob Pollard .Jesse Trull G H Jardine John Brown Henry F~lliott Geo Pearson Mrs w 'l'rimble 'l'ho~ Elliott Mrs .J. V'i Jacob3 Jas Perkins Ilich Barrett John 'l'apo ltobt J Evans R 'W Joy Wm Brent Geo Pearce .Job Thompson NE Bmgham James M Emerson w H Jennings L Pen found Silas 'l'homns W Brunt Geo Earl 'J.' H Johns Marshall Porter Geo W Tyler John Elford \Vm James Hobc Byers WE Pollard Woo 'l'oms .Tames Berry Mrs 'l' Elford w Joll Daniel Pollard Mias I'freavelle John Boudy 'l'hos Ellison Lewis Johns J L Parsons R H 'l'urne1· John .J oil Hoa E Blake M P Robt Evenon John Pinch D Truscott \Vm .Tacks J E Brown MD W Erlllf'l"ton TV/ Power F 'l'ulling, jr 'I. ' S Brant EA Earl John Johns Mrs Puly Miss Thomas W C Blackburn Thos Power Philip 1'yler F K Herbert Best w E Tilley S R Parsons II c Brown JasFerris John K)'dd s Thompson J l'ickard 111 i,;ho.ol Breen H S Fur~ier J no Keach1e Mrs F Talling 'l'bos Porter W H Broart Joslma Ferguson '!'hos Knight Mr~ H. 'l'illey .las Phillps Jno Bcocock John Foster Thos Keachie Na.than!el Porter Mp Tailing CR Kent .las Beith Ze bin» Frazer Joun Pipe Mrs w 'l'amblyn John Frank U Kat"rson Rich l:lniley Mias A Thomas Mrs F Pearson David J<'isher 'J'hos Kent Henry Bunner ltev .T WPattcrson Aaron 'l'hompson 'J'hos Burden Wm J<'oley D Kei th J L Power Jno 'l'rindle Geo Kerslake Miss Brlm1tcombe Walter lfoley .Tno Perryman 'l'hos Tremeer Mi~s .Bates Jno Flemming RM Kirkpatric 'l'hos Perryman, j r Robt ·r11ylor F BleaJ:ley Diggoryll'itze James Kolly Jonathan Pickard Cameron 'l'.-ull \ \! Brock Mrs 1'hos Frayne '.l'hos Kirkpatric Mary E Power Wm Tardiff Jno Frayne Mrs Bellwood >V H Pearce Thos 'l'lwrne Sam'l Biugham Mrs Jno Foley L Duncan l'aylor And. Palla.rd W U Barnhart 'J'hoa Fowk CW Lent Jno Parker Wm 'frcwin Ma.rwood Ba.rrett Ml·s M French J,oula J,yle ]]~ ~:~~~ C J 'f homton .Tno Lawrie Mrs Arch Bailey James F erris Hobt Ludlow Mrs J W Bonar Jno FerriR S Pollard V .J P .Belfry R J Ferguson J>aniel Lee Mrs S Pollard WVanCamp Sam'! Brooks Alex M Fowler G JI Lott JVcal R Wm Frayne Rich Lawson Benj Brittain 'l'hos Vancamp Rev WC Lent 1'hos Bridgman U Folt.cr MRobbins C LVanCamp " ' Fo·tcr Wm Lane Mrs C Runc lle 8arn'I Barrett Geo Vancamp J H Brent Wm lfnrsey W H J,angmaid Jas Rikcnrd AHred Vancamp A F an80n Robt J,ane J ]'Brooks J HReid Henry VanCamp .r N Fllirbalrn Geo J.ang<lon Hear;i; Banlett .Jno ltuddoclt JC Virtue Sam l:j .Bragg llobt fielding M W Lent W 'l' Hawlison J W Virtue '!'hos Bragg James Lobb E l!.iches Jno VanKest A A Bowerman G J E Linton CW ltumsy J VanNest,jr W Brown W Gorill D Lick Mrs M Richards MrsJ Vinson JS Lick John Barton J J Gibson If Rundle lrwin J, Brown Miss A. Griffin Wm Lott MrsARee(l w Wm Beer R B Goodman J, G Lauder J as Hichards 'L ' Ward F Brimacombe N M Ga."'e w L Law Hev RB Rowe John Wight U.d Bowen Alfred l Griffin Geo Lane G C ltobbius Wm Wight David Bell .T W Gifford Jno Lander J;',.anlt R11sa H.d Barrett 'l'hos Gib3on Wm Landsr Jas Rundle lsen) W II Williams EC Beman Wm Gilbert 'l' C Lanp;maid M U Williams Albert llundfo Da1·id Galbraith Geo Le!l.sk JR Reid J H Bell wood Rev R Walker W Byron Jacob Gand \VJ Langmaid Mrs W Williams Sarn·J Hobbins .'vlrs S Woods Henry Rogers Mnra ~al:li·krowwen Mrs Jt G<1.tb··alth Ont Legislature J 0 n 11 :M. C Galbraith Levi lt:J.ttoire Il Witheridge D A G11l brnith M Prof G M Bice WL \Verry Jno S Hundle U J Bellwced Mrs C Gardiner J B Martyn Jno Rundle WWilliams Mrs J) Galbraith Wm Mutch Alex ltiggs Bev .J c Wilson Jno Rincll Geo Wilson John Gaud J ames Milin c M11rk Munday John Jc Gray MC ltose Mrs M White U MCo.wker .Tno Ren wick 'l'hos Weldon Mrs Moorcrart Chas Glttspe!L Chas Cox Nead. Goodman Rich Mallory vV W Rolph Wm Wadge M II Cole A J Ueynolds ,l C White Isaac Metcalf 'l'hos Goggin Mrs M. A. Cann Geo W Gilbank A Mnnn H.ich Il.uddock .Tno Williams 'J'l.los C1ago 'l'hos llttiuey W Willard ltobt Gil bank Mrs J Munson Mrs N Cameron Arch Galbraith Henry Minns Sa.m'J Reynolds Geo Walkey W Coldwell Jno Uilbank Mt·s W Mills Mrs JC Itowe Mrs Jas Walker Joseph Cole Jno ltundle Uobt Wright Mrs Glover Geo Maynard Wm Col will Robt Gibson 'l'hos Manning Milton Welch s RH Collacott Geo Gilbert J 1'.lo Mutch Mrs MD Welch W E Ul'onkhite Geo Gray i'tMarl'ison G Stevens Colin Wa.lls W Ora.go Jno Stewart H. B Watson 'l'bos Goodman Freel Maas Jno Courtioe R J Shaw Brian Greeawood It Fre d Moore Mrs ti Whitmore It Callacott J C Gr0>1t Stephen C Moore 'l'hos Smale Wm Wattn W RR Cawker ]'rank Groat Jas Mt~rti.a 'l' H Spry MreE Worden W Clemence U. Greenaway JG l.VIilbgan Sam'! Snowden 'feasdel Whitfield LM Courtice 'l'hos Werry H .Jonathan G Mooro Hi.ch Souch,sen James Conrtice 'l.'A \Vright Mrs J l\forcomb :IJ:noch Stevena Geo Clarke Wm Mutton, jr S W ::>anders George Henrv .JnoWri>:ht Edward Cole Lewis Hambly David Malcohm J W Spa.rling c :ms Williams H. II Ca.mp bell l!:d Haggith Thos Motratt 'l' Spotswood Geo Wilkinson M Cryderman 'l'hoa Haycraft And. Montgomery Jas Smith Jno Wlnnacott John Cowling II of Cou11nonB w 1, Mason Jas H otutt Sam'! Ward 'l' J Clarke J D Hogarth .las Mountjoy W Scott Jno Wilcock John Coram U Haggith c c l\forrill Adam 8tevens ·'.L'hos W ilcock Wm Cooper Isaac 1:1 obbs Mn B Mitchell l:l H Short Jas Wri~ht John Cooper James H1mry ]) Montgomery Miss ME Stuart Mrs '1' \Vard Jas Colwill Cryus Hogarth Eber Millson John Scott Miss M Wa.tson W Chapple '!'he Senate Geo H H11garth Jas Moore Wm Werrv Robt Col ville J as Stollery .John Hcskin .Tno Mitchell J H Werry I Cobbledick Jas Mooney Jos Stollery Albert Hanna Jas Walters E Cawker 1\J!'C w tiandercock Peter \Verry E Hastings (July) Robt Courtlce Chas Hooper m. S J Somera Jas Woodley MrsJ Clarke W G Haycraft Miss McPherson J no Stirling Hobt Wickett J RCole AB McLeod 'J~hos Short Jos HawKey '1.'hosW Ward WR Cole Jno Hodge .T McLaughlin(ang) Wm Some~.s Ueo Witherldga .A. E Clemens Jno He.rrls A MoFeeterR Wm Sweet S J Witheridge Paul Curtis Enoch Holmes Neil McDonald Miss 111 Stalker Chas Welch J Mnes Curtis Ezra Hall Wm McClellan Joseph Shaw BWerry J no Colwill Jas Heal M McTavlsh Geo Stinson JnoWiuter E Cobbledick. It Hill Mrs M McBride R R Sylvester J A Caatha.m y 0 J Hughson Jno .McGill Jno Smith jr Jno Crawford RabtHicks Nell McPherson Sandford Swain N SYoung Jos Clemens Jas Hallett, jr ·r H McLaughlin J 0 Shg1·t 'rhos Colwell Jno Hall W J McJ:lride J no Samella z Edward Cann Jno Holliday Sam McClung Jas Scot& Joseph Couch D Hogarth Chas McDonald Mrs M J Sontt Joseph Zavill High School Salaries ..... ....... .. ..... . $3200 ()() Public School Salaries.. . ........ ..... . .. 381 3 5.l J o.nitors Sularies..... .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 350 00 Sec.-Treas. Sala.ries .. ...... .... .· .. .. .. . . 100 00 Interest Account... .. .. .. . · . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 127 ~5 Examinations .. ...... ,..... ...... ...... .. 29 20 W'ood;Coal ·and Lumber Account. ... .. 373 07 ConL iogent Account..... ... .. .. . . . ..... . 102 55 Printing Account .. . .... .. ...... ........ t5 75 Sundrie3 .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 163 50 Labor and Work Account. . .. .. . ... ... .. !l8 57 Ba.lance on hand 31st December, I 8Sii... 1097 lll $9500 91 $9500 9! ----o---We hereby certify that we have examin ed the accounts and vouch ers of the ?'reasurer of the Board of Education, and have pleasm·e m stat ing, we fi nd the same m every r espect correct and in good order. The balance in hands of the Treasurer is $1.097. 31. '.l'. H . VANN, } A CHAS. KEITH, UDITORS. Bowmanville, 25th J'anuary 178G. WEST 'ND HOUSE. SPECIAL BlBGAIIS this month, to clear. WEST END HOUSE. TO CLEAR 0 UT the balance of their Holiday Goods, MURDOCH BROS are selling china, china w are, fancy cups, sau cers, erockery, table and hanging lamps, and other fancy goods at unprecidentedly low prices. Don't fail to call and THE JEWELLER Has received a lot of New Goods of latest designs. A Splendid assortment of GOLD and SILVER ·y get a bargain. Tait & Morrison are selling toys and fancy goods at greatly reduced prices. FARMERS, before giving yonr) orders for BINDER TWlNE, call ( at R . S. Manning 's Hardware Store, Bowm.anville, and get prices. Open~d out th is week at Couch, Johnston & Crydcrman's a lot of beautiful coloured Surah Silks in the most fashion able shades. These goods make an elegant ancl dum hle dre~s a nd they are the correct thing for e1 ·ening wear and wedding dresses. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Wedding Presents a specialty. COUCH,JOHNSTON1CRVDERMAN will, for the NEXT SIX WEEKS, sell l --AT-- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES -4K1ftG POWDER Absol:utely Pure. This powder never varies. .A. marvel o( purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mme economical than the ordlna.ry Kinds, and can· not be sold in competition with the multitude of low teat, Mhart weight, alum or phosphate powders; Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N, Y. AND, TO MAKE A CLEARANCE, A lot of Dress Goods will be sold at and under cost. Remember, these are New Goods and will be sold as advertised. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West of Post Office.

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