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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1886, p. 5

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POULTRY EXHIBITION. f Carriers-lat, J . 0. L .'1Belle; 2nd, Outl\liss Whinton, of Perth, is visiting Sunday next is Valentine's Day. ram & F let cher. Dout forget the Musical treat in the friends in town. Jacobins -lst, J. 0. La Belle ; 2nd, Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham is visiting 'l'he Poultry Associati::m of this town Town Hall, Feb 15th. Out ram & Fletcher. frieuds in Wingham. closed their annu~l ~~hibidor1 on Fri~ay Miss Perkins, of Oshawa, is visiting Barbs-1st an d 2nd, J . 0. LaBelle. lllessrs. i /y111an Sons & Co. her N o:nm: TO W Afrn-EARNEH.H.-See ad- ~Tan. 5th, the exlub1t10~ be mg a . gratif~friend Miss M . Sinclair. 'frumpeters-1st S. & P. Jackman ; vertisement under this head. mg sncceas, both fi~arici:tlly .a~d 111 quahTake this opportunity of announcin~ that The exprflssage on oystElrs from ToronM" E · H . . T . . . t y and number of hmls exh1b1ted. The 2nd, Outr11.m & F le tcher . to has been reduced 33~- per cent. they ari; prepared to supply their · 1 ~8 ' the. oar is m oronto visitmg extreme coldness of the ~eather doubtMagpies-1st, .J. 0. L aB ell9 ; 2ncl, II. less kept at home many birds that would A. J ones. The 'I'own Council will meet in the l1e1 s1St er, Mts. H . Goodman. S wnllows-llst, J. O. L a.Delle. 'l'here was a big attendance at all the otherwise have been shown but there Council Chamber this (Fl'iday)evening. Owls-1st, S. & P . J ackman· 2nd H. meetings in the barracks on Sunday. were enou·1h to well fill the hall and <Yive 'iVe were favored with a call last week -OF' ' :For the finest embroideries at the the society some trouble in finding coop A. Jones. from Mr. John Stirling, of Bensfort PubWill, to make room for l:lpring Iu1ports.tions. 'I.'umblers-1st and 2nd, Outram & lowest figmes please call on Mrs. Ives. room for all that came. 'l'he birds were offer fot· the next 60 DAYS, t b.e whole of lic School. F letcher. Mr. and Mrs. F . Powell, of Whitby, gen_erally of very high class quality, es~his j ll lll lt HH:Je st ock ofNew embroideries, new dress goods, SPECIALS. pec1 ally th e game vanety. Thera were a new tweeds, excellent value, just received spcnt Sunday a t Mr. Thos. l\foClung's. in lots to suit purchasers. Ab t·f 1 t k f fi 111 · l number of splendid breeding pens of sevat the Star House. Best c ollections of P igeons-J. 0. La- Boots and Shoes, eau 1 n s oc 0 ne yarn a Ull( s eral varities shown. Mr. J. Y. Bicknell, These Leads . are unsurpassed for Mr. Joseph Cole, of Alnwick, has been a~dtcolors, a t the S t ar H ouse. See new of Buffalo,judged ~he birds and perfor med Belle. Slit·tlers, Rnbbe1·s, Breedin r1 Pen White L eghorns-H. on a visit to his many friends in Darling- a Rv · E I' I this du ty to t he ent ire satisfactioa of all Drown. 'rrn n li"s, 1i':a.I irooe§, &c., PURITY, COVERING PROPERTmS ton. He is looking well. "' cv , ··oberts preached in t rn new · M~thodist Church, at Port Perry, last concerned. H e explained as h e went on Breeding P en Golden l'olands-J .ArchAND GENERAL EXCELLENCE . We &re indebted to the C:obourg W orld S 1 b th ' ATwhere the b irds \\'ere cu t or d isqualified, so for the report of Counties Council in this aJ a · that each breeder conld see for himsolf ibald. Breeding Pen H oudans-lst, H obbs & SEE THAT TEE TRADE MAH.K Go and hear t he 1 .hand Selection. Il what. was wrong and wh.ere his birds hck and last issue of S'.l'ATEs~rAK. Oke ; 2nd, J . H . Pierce. CHEAP Woon, - McClellan & Co. are Trovatore, by the D. 0. & Co . Band, ed the neces8 ary po mt ~. 'r lrn principal Breeding Pen lllack-R ed Game- -1st An d JS preJlared to execute all exhibitors in Games, Brr.hmas and Lani( selling good green h ard woocl in quanti- Feb. 15th. an d 2nd, 'l'rimble & Hall. Mr. D. ·w eir lrns sold shans were Trirnble a.nil Hall, of Napanee, ties .,f Four Cords and upwards at only Jas. Oneil, of 0 dhawa, R G. Martin, of $4.25 per cord, delivered to any part of Clrnrch-st. to Mr. W. TA!'t"s PHOTOS-Messrs Tait & Morrison, Darlington. Marysville, and J. J_ Jaffray a nd T. H. Bo,vnru.nvill .., Ont.-Dear Sirs :-A proor of the the town. on the shortest uolioe. E vening G lobe sent t o any address g Smelt, of l:!owmanville, who also showecl negative taken by you was dul y received. Mr. James Perkins, lfase Line, Darf have to thank YOU for your k inrlnASs. 'l'he some very fine Wy11.ndot tes, White L eg- calnnet is certainl y one ot tlic best., ir not the lington, sold to W. Quick & Co., oue 25cts per month. Lea.ve your orders horns and fancy Bantams. In Brown bPst. I have e ve r had take n. I would like you load of reel clover, the prod uct of 12 Kenner & Co's V a,riety Hall. to quote me yourpricfl for a rlozen. A nu o1ber acres, for $47!J.25, and had about $50 Mr. T. 'r . Jardine, of ·ryrone, delivered and White Legh orns, Black S p mish and of people to whom I have shown It say it is as neatly and promptly a ttended to : having non~ worth left for seed. ....__ a load of green hard wood in town, on Black Ham~ur~s, 'r . Riel} of \Vhi tby, fi ne work as any t hey ever saw done in Toronto but flrst-elass workmen employed. Let me hear from you, and in quoting pl'ice IS ON EACH l'ACKAGE. Dr. McL<1ughlin, M. P. P., for WeS'li~ 'Vedneslhly wh ich weiohed G tons and Mortonof t.ewcastle, A. F. Ba.nks of please it as fine as you can >1S I may take 12iFSATISF'ACTION GU AitASTE ED.~ ' " T.oronto, and Bro wn Bros., of Bowru> 1n- se veralquot.A Durham, is honored with a position ou 10 lbs. po:rnn, req uests cont i n u tll ly coini nc.. i n In Painting use M M A J p t P · ·d t~ ville, came to the front. Greenaway, o f ror that sor t of t bing. Yours truly. Eo~ror-; n three Standing Committees of the Ontario J · ~· i. · · · a~es, as . resr en · Oedrrdale, showet1 some tine Wyandotter,. E. SUE!'PACW, 'foronta, Nov. 2uth, 1885. 53·tr D. D A.-V IS, Legislature-Printing, Public Accounts,i' \Vellmgton Lodge,1s at tendm'? the annual { ld & W · ht f B ·1· d n ---Bxpress Ofllce Bt1ilcling·. · ftl G dL d fth S f ye ng , o owm11nv1 1e, ar1 "· and R'tilway. / sesswn o 10 ran o ge o e ons o G . M ar t· 1 d'd f:"l th R ock s. O vercoats our own make for sale at T . Bowman ville, J."eb. 1. 1886. E 1 l t G It tl · c k m, sume sp en 1 . ym o 118 'frrn LOCAL l\LrnKET.-Five and te~e"ht ng anc, a a wee · In Hamburgs of all varities, H. A.J0n<>s, Geo.Mason's Star H ouse. made only frnm carefully cleaned seed - - - - - - - ---··· - .. pieces, nominal; quarters, brisk~ five, "He ,vho is false to present d nty," says of Worcester, ]',fas., J. W. D utton, of and absolutely free from adulteration. ten and · twenty dollar bills in great d e- Henry Ward Beech er, "breaks a thread Bo;vmauville and T . McGratten of UxBIRTHS. mand but migh ty hard to get, while in the loom, 'lod will Jind the flaw when bridge, got the lion'$ shitre uf th~ priz es. . HtLLIER-At Dean's Mill, Cartwright. ou the The_, :§,_est is the Cheapest. hundred-dollar·.W1lliams are n ever seer!. FmsT. -30 acres of lot. 8 in t hA lst concession he nrny have forgotten its canse. In Silver, Golden a nd White Cre ~t eq ~th i nstant, the wife o f Mr. 'l'hos. Hfllzer , of a or Darlington. lying im111edlately south of the STOTT & JU RY, AGENTS. Some people haye a lot ot gall. L;ist Before giving orders for DINDERX Black Polands, J. M. Rern, R. G. M ar· cemetmy. week two subscribers sent us a postal card TWINE, farmers will find it to their tin, J. Archihald and B.. S incl air, had S1tcONI>.- 'rhe Sout.h HO acres of lot lG in th e· thi rd concessio n of Oa.r hnp;t.on. itnd the :-;'orth to "stop my paper." After receiving six advantage to call at R. S . MANNI:lrn's X some extra fine specimens. In Cochins, 36 ncrea of the South 8.1 acres of lot 15 in the copies since their subscription ex pired, H:u·clware Store and get prices. 'I:. T. Coleman carne out ahead as usual, · same concession they might have sent stamps to pay for Mrs. Corimbs, wife of Commissioner but Mr. Hart', of the Whit by ~ollege~ got 'l'nrno.-T he So ut.h 100 acres of lot 25 m the. them . thfr<I conceesion or Darlington, an d the Northzes on his Buffs . In Coombs, of the Sal vtttion A r my, is prr·~- some .well deser vedyr1 erly 60 acres of the east half of lot 25 ia the Henry's window is one of the principal trated at 'I.'or onto, from overwork. She Dorkmg3 of all varrnes, J . 0. , Labelle san1e concession . & att.ractions on King street. 'l'he elegant has labored in the army for eight years. and J. Murdoch , of Bowm'lnvtlk, h ad Positively a.nd permanently cured by using All the above will be sold in parcAls to suit specimens of all sizes,shapes and styles of tlungs all there own way, as t h H tr stock · purchasers. 'l'i me fo r payinen t and ter n1s will \Ve congl'at.nhte Mr..Tamas Deyman, was h~rd to beat . Ahlrewe, of K ingstou, Are prepared t o p ay the h ighest prices bo made very co.a} to si;tial'ttctory buyers. For photographs are not excelled in the largest pMticulars apply t<i Big 20, on his success in secmin~ the made a fine display of Games and fancy D, B U H KE SIMPSON1 On Abottle effects a cure ; it is taken internally cities, and there always seems to be agency for the two best Sewing Mach;nes B;int ams. ln L>ingsh;ws, H.ev. Mr. for all kinds of G rain d el ivered at t he 41-tf, and in small doses, anu only once during 2! something new. Ven<1or's Solicitor in the market-New Williams and New Middleton, of Oslrawa,Trimble and. Hall, hours. Read the following testimonial, it is We have long contended that B owmanWharf o r their Store H ouse in town. one taken from a groat many others that we R.G. Martin,and Kydd & Wright showed ville is one of the most highly moral Raymond. ·have: Two sleigh loads of the students from well. The Pi~eon cla·s was ivell repreMr. William Putman, Bayham P. 0 .. writes towns in Canada, and in the face of this a under date Feb. 19th, 1885 : JonN PERCY, S J!!N .. 1Jeg;, to ret u rn his sincertl large number of our exchanges are pub- Oshawa College passed through town on se uted,J. 0. Labelle,Otram and Fletcher, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. · g some GEN1'LEMEN,- For many dreary yiears my lishing an it<Jm to the effect tlrn,t we have ·ruesday. 'rhey having t.hanks to hi s numerous customers and rriends ~ taken advantage ~ J. Fogg n,n d H . A . J ones, s h owm wife hiis been suffering greatly witl1 Infla.mafor the very Ii heral pat ronitge extended to him of the splendid sleighing Mld come this very tine specimens iu the different ()orrcctc·l by John Lyle, every Th1u·s<lay. Will Chief i n Bowman ville (or over 30 yeu.rs. and with a tory 1U1eum·tism. Of late lite has been almost a "gambling clnb room." far for a drive. classes. steadily increastng bnsineso and ac h ·unoingunbearable. I have expended overfivelni;n!1red Coleman t ell us if such is the case ? The individual who expects t o "snrn,sh" ($500.00) In doctot·s' fees and patent me.dtcmes, :FLOUR, t')o 100 tbs. ·.. . ..·· $ 2 10 to $2 50 years, he has taken into pi>rtnersbip his son. PRIZE LIS'l'. John Percy, .Jr., whose reputation, both ProMr. W. H. Pellow, of Liverpool, Eng., :1. newspaper by stopping his copy of it, ·in trying to elfect a cure, She was g1_ven up vVHE..\.'r, Fall, <tt bush . .· ·· 0 75 " 0 80 vincial and Local. is such a s to need no comas incurable. Last ran. a gentlemen seemg the L ight Br,\hma Fowh - 1st, Trimble & condition my wife was in, advised me to try has been appointed by the Canadi:1.u should bear in mind, that nine t imes out " Spring, " 0 75 " 0 80 mflnt. T he firm wil l h~:·ea.rcer b3 known as your " Wright's Rheumatic Remedy." I pro- Government, the exhibitors' commercial of ten, a better num com es alon g that d:ty H all, Napanee; 2'ld,Jas. O'N eil, Osh:1wa. B ARLEY, 'IP' bush . ..... , ·· 0 55 u 0 70 J OHN PE RCY & So,;-, cured a bottle,butlh&.d little faith in its curative representative at the forthcoming Indian and takes his place b efore ~undown . C:hiclrn -1st, Trimble & H all ; 2nd-, T. RYE, Ii .. .. . . . .·· 0 53 " 0 55 .:powers. 'l'he result or a few doses was really and Colonial Exhibition. Mr. Pellow is In connection wir.h the ah ove, John Percy &: My wire b<olcame a d1!feren t wonderfnl. 0A'J'S, II ·· ·· , , . , , Q 23 I< 0 33 Son would inform the pn hlic generally that Why will you snffer wit h :1 bad colcl T. C ol e m~n, Bowmanville. .woman, nnd to-day she is as well as she ever an old Canadian and !ms had a long aud Brahma Fowls-1st, 'I' . T .·. ColeD ar k t hey i ntentl c a.rrying on at t h e ea.me st:tt.nd. PEAS, Black eye, ~bush ... 0 80 11 0 38 lUgh S_ y rup was. I cannot praise yonr \1\1". R. R. too hil;(h]l·. successful commercictl connection w1th the wh en a few doses of Wes t's CL Sill'crt\treet. BowrnuO:vllle. a flrot class Horse 1 trust that all tt." sufferers throughout t.he will cure vou. Invaluable for all throat m an . Chicks- 1st, T. T. Coleman; 2nd, 11 Small, 11 0 55 " 0 60 Shoeing and General Blacksmit hing Business, iwmanvi ll e. land will soon hear the glad tidings that there Dominion. 11 Blue, O 5fl 1 1 O 65 where thHy hope by strict a tteo tiou to the and lung troubles. Consumptives try it,. J effe ry & Smelt, B 1 ·is a balm for thAlr dre11.ry pains, and only at Some old bachelor, perha ps, may·doubt Buff Coch n Fowls1st, 'r.T.Colemam. public. to maintaiu a nd increase wants or B UTTER, best table, 1fi' tb. . . 0 15 11 O lG their repnthe the small cost of 76 cents. ta.tion. A.a one of t he firm int<.mds that a lady in the vicinity of Solina (see Small.size ?5c , large bottles $1. 00. All Chicks-1st., F. C. Hare, Whit by. LAUD, '!fr' tb . . . ..· : . . · . .. · 0 10 I I 0 13 devotinK his whole enen;ies and time to Horse druggists. ·1 "Local News Letters") is willing to do Pa1 rtridge Cochin Fowls- 1st, R. G . EGGS, 'IP" doz ............. O 18 1 hoeing, those having d r iving. t ro tting-, hnne. rn S .Ask yonr dealer for Wright's Rhe\lmatic Mr. T. C ..Jewell, Pt1st Select Counci interfering and Uly<lfl5dalc horses rcqulring r . T. Coleman. POTATOES, ir bush . . . . . . · · 0 35 111 O nemcdv, don't tflke anything else, thA price is without a new spring bonnet to get an lor, is representing Excelsior Conncil No. M :w t yn, 1Vfarysv11le ; 2nd, · O 40 extra ca.re and skill, will rio well to giwl us a only 75c. H.emem ber we de not ask yo\l to buy Eagle Steam Washer; but any man who Chicl;ll'- 1st and 2nd, '!'. '1'. Coleman. Dirnssim H oos 'IP" 100 .... , 4 50 1 1 5 00 trhd, Reopect.fully yours, ·from 5 up to one dozen bottles to effect a cure, has purchased one for h is wife ordaughter 48, Bowmanville, at the annu"I sessio11 Any other variety Cochins-1st, J ohn ,TOH N PILllC'l & S ON. one bottle has in almost every Instance elfected H u .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . fl 00 11 10 00 Ilowmanville, J an. l,'lSSu. :ltf a cure. Ask for testirnonials. If your drugvist will not be surprised at the sacrifice made of the Grand Council at Guelph this week ' Jone ~, B11wmanville. ,ha,s not it in stock yet, send di reot to by the lady. Mr..J. N. Kivel!, Bowman- Mr. Tims.·Tewell is also on a business visLaugshans - 1st, E. L. Mid'dlcton, ville, is the ge1teral agent for the Eagle it to that city. Oshawa. New '.2louertisemcntg. Messrs. STOTT & JURY, Steam Washer in this county. Don't buy flimsy Yankee Sewing '11 aBlack Ja.v:i Fowls-1st and 2nd, Hobbs · -.stern Wholesale Agenta, Ci1icks - 1st , v~ E ·R ~v V v·,~ N T ~-;A ~ N;" rE~ D ~~_:.~"" As an instance of the liberality of n ews- chines, when you can buy better machines & Oke, H.owmanville . BOWMAN VILLE· 4 The New Hobbs & 0 Ke. One fo r " · paper men compared with some of their of Canadian manufacture . t ·1 G' D k. I~ aii d general housework. Apply to MHS. I:'. subscribers, Bro. Ackerman of the Picker- "Williams and New Raymond are both Si ver rey or rng ow 1s-1 s MUltDCCH. utr. ing News ofters 50c for a single copy of Canadian make. .fames Dey man, Agent, 2nd, J. Murdoch, Bowman ville. Chicks- 1 -~b.~ Jtat.c~tuan. his paper of July 3rd 1885. This indic- Big 20, B owman ville. 1st, J. 0. LaBel le . " H OUSE TO LET.-Good 7 roomed .,.. '- .... . , , ..._ - , -._..-..__-.. Colored D orkings-lst and 2nd, J. 0. btick house. P osso>sion ~'ebntnty b t . :ttes the worth of hiM paper iu his own The "Tongue Guard" is a new club LaBelle. 1886. Apply to L. CORNISH, Jeweller, Ilowestimation. No donbt many of his sub- formed by lac l ies who pledge t hemselves BowMANVILLE, Fnrn.lY, FEB. 12. rnanv11le. 3If White Dorkings-lst and 2nd, J. 0. scribers lrnve derived more than 50 cents to pay a p enny into the t reasury every P1·cse1·vc \'. onl" Sigllt. worth frnm a single issue of the New.>, time they say a word ag1~inst ;mother per- LaBelle. AMB ASTR AY-CJame in tJ t he premises. l ot 3, Con. 7. Oarlingt.on, one Use F _ LA7.ARUS' (late or the fi l'rn ofLazar-Plymouth Rock Fowls-1st, Kydd & yet when renewal time came rouud t hey son. lts membership is n ot large-very L am b. 'r b..e owne r is req uested to prove pro- ns & Morris.) Renowned Spectacles and J~ ye Wright, Bowman ville; 2nd, R G. Martin. }>erty, w edr year's numbers for that amount. few can stand the expense. pay cxpences 1<nd take it awaJ, Ar,o;x GlasHe·, The y are the b~st in the world. ~'hey Bonus S:1.le for February. ::'ll'Al'LF~s, Tyrone, P. O. 6· 3w ' never tirn the eye, tw<l )"'"" wauy years withNEw IlAUNESS Fnrn. -We are pleased A large number of country people came Ohicks·-1st and 2 nd, Kydd & Wright. out change. For sale t>y Kenner & Co. Bow· 'House new advt. Wyandottes - lst and 2nd, Jeffery & to introduce to our readers this week a in t o hear the Ball Fmuily sing on Sm1manvillfl. 6-~f. AN 'l'ED-LADIES to work for ns Miss Snow, of Wnitby, and n ew business firm, viz., Messrs. Hum. day evening. They only heard two mel- Smelt. at their own homes. $7 to $10 per week Blaek Spanieh-1st, A. F. Banks, Torison are visiting at ]\fr. Couch's. can be quiet.Iy made. No photo. painting; no phrey & Mayer. Mr. W. Humphrey otl ies from tile strangers, but were fav:)l'can v11.Rsmg. For fnll panicuhtrs. pleasfl 1irl· Don't fail to hear Lhat awful littles · ub and Mr. M. Mayc;r, Jr., have formed a cd with some choice singing by the choir ronto; ~nd, T . E . Higginbotham. rl res~.n.t oace. Crescent Art Co., Boston,Mass., White Leghorns1st and 2nd, T .Rice, Box 0170. by :Mr. R. Fax, in the Town Hall ' ~b. partnership and bouirht out t he balance and an excellent sermon from Pastor Mc\Vhitby. of Mrs. Humphrey's stock of harness, ect. Intyre. 15th. Brown Leghorns-1st, T. Rice; 2nd, TALLIO N FOR SAL[<}. - A Y onng M rs. Rossie, who has been. employed 'fhe special services at the Church-st. and will continue the business in the old TUE Draugh t Stallion,3 years o ld.16 hands hign, st.and, one cloor east of the Huebottom as milliner with t he firm of Pierce & Co. R. G. Martin. color brown; good hone, m u s cle nn c l act ion : J'lieth. church are still continued with i Black-Red Game F owls le t, Trimbl e heavy 1uane a nd tail; sired by "British Lion: · ouse. Both are very industrious young for the past year and a half, lias ticceptecl creasing interest. a hea.vy boned mare sired by "England's m n, aud excellent workmen and are a similar p osition with McColl & L ee, & Hall ; 2nd, R. G. Martin. Chicks- dam Glory." For fu r ther particulnrs apply to W. Lindsay proposes tu pay its firemen- sure to receive a fair share of patron- Oshawa. During her residence here she lst, 'l'rimble & HElll, 2nd, Jas. O'Neil. M. L EN'r , Newcastle. 6·5w* the captain and engineer $50 each, and age. They are very busy now getting hat> won rnauy wann friends and her Duckwing Gamc-Jst , K ydd & Wright. .each of the members $30 a year. Py!e Game-1st, S. Gordon, B ow man· AH.M :U'OR SALE.-113 acres, L ot U, new stock ready. They will always be departure will be regretted. Con., 2, Darlington, within U m iles of i ville. Chicks- J . Fogg, B .nvmanville. We have lately received several com- most attentive to the wants of the public centre 'l'he annual report of the Sal vationA.rmy or town of ·Bo wmanville. (}ood Brick Brown-Red Game-1st, Jas. O'Neil. munications for publication unaccompan- and they are determined that their work of Cam1dl\ for last year, shows that the Dwelling ana commodious out buildings, good J Are noio prepared to quote price,, of Golden Spangled Ifamburge-lst, J. W. orchard,·well watered. Soll first class. One ot · BlNJJER TWINE for tlte acason of ISS&. ied by the address of the writers. shall recommend them. We wish the organizil.tion is at work in 151 cities, the best farm s in Dllrham, Co. Terms reason · in Iota of 10 tona and upwards. Dutton, B owmanv1lle. Mr. \Y. Windatt arrived home on Sat· boys great success, able. A.pply to Rorn·. Fmr.1>1 NG, Bowman ville, towns,and villages t hroughout the counilddreu. Stlvet· Spa.ogled Hamburg F owls-2nd, P. 0. 2-tr. 50 ll ' BONT STREE'l'_. J<A.ST,. .urday night from Moosejaw, where he try. '.!:h e number of officers in 1885 was J . J. Sinclair. C:hicks-1s t and 2ad, lt. TORONTO. has been living for the past four years. 418. Number of corps 148, and outposts U-LL FOR SALE. Thorough-bred~ G. Martin. 47. 'fhe attendance in '85 numbered Short Horn Bull, 2 years old. "lh rlington Our Courtice bundle went by miscako Golden Pencilled Hamburg Fowls-1st We are prepared to er o," sire" V ictor" by l\{r. Dryden's ramous 2G!J,0f)0 being an increase of 72,612 over and 2nd, J . W. Dutton. C:hicks-lst,E. H to Cartwright :ffriday, This explains "Baron Surmise " (imported), No. 1. B.A..H. B. 1884. ·why they were n ot recei1,ed by the subH e is a well built arid very promising animal; Haggith, B owmanville ; 2nd, A.J.Grifiin, beautiful buy any quantity of Red color, Come ancl see him at Rose· A Port HOJpe paper, in describing it scribers. Leskad. land vale 8tock Far m, \'V. W1rnRY, propri<>tor. "'l'he bride wedding, recently, s11id, Solina P.O. 5. There is something very attractive aSilvflr P encilled Hamburg F owls-1st, and Alsike Clover Seed. w::tlked proudly up the aislci of the church ·r. McGrattan, Uxbridge. Chicks- 1st, bout colored persons for our citizens, on the arm of h er father." 'Veil, well. H. A. J ones, Worcester, :Massach usetts ; L ADIES ! LADIE::-:i ! !-Dressmakers judging from the large crowds that flock Parties having any to and others embrace the one opportunity You don' t say so1 \ Valked on the arm of to chureh and hall to see them . '.r. McGrattan. and lMrn to be a firat·clotss cutters of ladie" her father. :Ko doubt she was a fascinat- llnd, B lacli Ham burg Fowls-T Rice and S. and childreus gtLrments by Pro f. Moodvs New dispose of, kindly call Five Hundred H.eward for a combined ingbride, butsh e certainly showed a lack of Tailor System or Dress au<I Mautte Cut:tiog by & P Jacl'rinan, equal. Chicks-1st, 'l' . Sq11ar<i seeder that can be changed from BroadMeasurement. and thereby stLve Urne cult ure by exhibiting h er acrobatic accom- Rico; 2nd, C. H. l!'ranklin, B owman ville. and money. No moro paper or patterns, but on us before selling. cast to Drill and vice versa as easily as the plishments in the church , · Houdan Fowls1st Wm. H all B o wdra ft direct on your materl_ al. Perfoct fit Wisner one on exhibition by F. H. Mason, . . ' O C '. guaranteed. Our dtily a uthorised and compe- j On Monday evenin~, as was announced, man ville; 2nd, Hobbs & ke. lucks1 .en t Agent Miss Muir, oC Toronto. will teach . .agent. WM. QUICK & Co. t he Ball Family, consist ing of Mr. and 1st J. H . Pierce, P owmanville ; '.lnd, , the ladies of J:lowma.nvilte and surronnaing ' Cobourg !ms three a~sessors-one for ' H ll connr.ry thoroughly for a nominu.l sum. for t.he I Mrs. Ball, lit tle Minnie, M aster Riclard, Wm . a · next few weeks at Mr. Allin'«, cast or McClungs each ward, and the three are to meet at Mr. " H enry and Miss Ball, Miss Gillum W. C. B. PoJ9,nd F owls-1st, J , M. Foundry, Bowmunville. Call and see or send certain periods to revise their work to·1st J . JYI. H ern ; 2nd, for circulars az:d be convi nced. w .e have gether. Each asse~sor receives $50 for THE NEW Hrnn ARM DAVIS.-Owing and Mr. Street, gave one of their popular H ern. . Chicks. ' much pleasure tn refermg ym1 to Miss Mc.his services. , to pressure of business last week we only concerts in the Church -st. Meth . Church, J. J. Smc·a1r. Cul!ough the well known Dressmaker of Bow- : POSITIVELY CU RES : gave a brief notice of t,he merits of this and by special req uest,one also on Tuesday Golden Poland fowls-1st and 2nd, J , manville, who is now cutting successfully with A beautiful male pheasant, owned .by remarkable Sewing Machine, which drew evening. On both occ:tsions t h e church M. Hern. ~hicks-1st, J.M. B ern,2nd, ';;; c~~~d.d!e~~s:~f,;_ o~t~~i~~rD~~f~aft~g'j~,:. \~~ 1 Joseph Jeffery, .and valued at $40, died forth so many expression of wonder and was crowded, and a rich m usical treat R. G. l\'lartrn. at once, P t1pila can be t1wgbt; ar, their owu s.hortly after bemg: ta_ k en to the P?ultry praise from the crowds of admirers who enjoyed by all present. Each evening's Silver Poland fowls-1st R. G. Martin, rt,orne'!· J . & A, CARTE R. Toronto. Sole Show, last week. 1t IS suppo~ed it was saw it at work two days fast week, under programme was so admir!ibly rendered 2nd, J. H . Hern. Chicks-1st, J . M. l r~~1~etorsa~~ ~1~~d office fo1 · Canada. frightened to death by the noise of the the management of JYir. J. Fairbairn that it is difficult to nrnJ;:e any distinction. ilern, 2nd, R. G. Martin. PROI' , w. wnLSON, ·other fowls. Scott, of Toronto. We learn that 'L'he solo, "My F irst Music Lesson " -by Any other variety not mentioned in ,.rEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND The Army meeting on Sunday oven- the Toronto agent for this machine has little Mlnnie lhll, and the A B C duet- Prize List- 1st, C. · rod, 2nd, A. Noden. SINGING. Terms : Forbeginners $6; for 1 t J advanced pupils, $10 foi· q 11 ar~er of twelve ing was frequeutly interrupted by the a standiug offer of $100 and a Davis by Mt·. and Mrs. Ball, brought forth Bl ack - R e d G ame B an t am f ow 1 s- s ' · lesson~. ftesidence at Mr. UtCHAnD lPIELn ·s, ·: miserable behaviour of some boys present. ;\[achine, to be given to an operator on any hearty :tpplause, while the d eep bass tones S. Oidrieve, Kingston, 2nd, W. R . Piggot. Centre Street, Bowme.nville. 51-tr. Tt is a great pity these continual offenders other machine if at a co11test they can of Mr. S t reet in ":My Brethren Don't Chicks- ht J . ::;, Oldrieve, 2nd, S. an d are no' ~'ronght before the magistrate and duplicate the work done on the Davis, Grow Weary," "Sleep on Isreal" and P. Jackman. heavil~ ied. They certainly deserve i t. doing it as ~aailyand as well. We also learn " 'l'he Gre::i.t Camp :rt1:eeting," and "Jonny Any o ther variety Game Bantaru fowls UNDER THE LAST ASSESS'.rhe cw Willimns and New Raymond that the agent for this town, Mr. R. B. Smoker " by the Ball Family ca.used -1st, II. Deyman. Chicks--lst, J .Rice, , A few :Boxes will cure any ca·e of ;r>ya.. MEN1~ A CT and Act amending the same 'Sewing Machines, are the most simple in Thornton of Orono, has already made great merriment. O ther pieces were jr., 2nd H. A. J ones. all persons wishing to be placed on the Assess- pepsia, simply by taking one l'ill evny .construction, lightest running, and will several sales to prominent parties in town. equally well render ed and received reSebright Banta m-1 st, Jno. Rice, 2nd, ment Roll as we.ge-0arnera must first fyle an night on retiring. They do not loae t:hei: affir mation with t be .Assessor. lllanks for that effect likll other :Pills. do a larger range of work than any other Our advice is "be sure and see the Davis peated encores. Little Minnie deserves Jeffery & Smelt. purpose can be bad of the nndersignp,d, mad}ine in the market. It don't need an at work before you buy any other." One special mention, she is a bright at tractive Any other variety Bantam fo wls-1st, s. BURDEN, Assessor. Bowmanville, J annary 11, 1886, 8· eJ~ · to run them, but a child can run will be kept on: exhibition at Mr. Davis' little girl and gave unh-ersal satisfaction. H. A. Jones ; 2nd, J. S. Oldrieve. Chicks Altogether the Ball Family are a very - -1st, J. H. Pierce ; 2nd, J. S. Oldrieve. 1~11r Jas. Deyman, Agent, Big 20. Shoe Store. 25 Cents per Box. Five B oxes for $1.0lr. F'ARM FOR SALE. Rouen D 11cke-1st and 2nd, T. T.ColeMessrs. Shaw & '.tgle ha,,e givP.n a conThose among us who are suffering with interesting troup, and those who failed to iHIAT Y P I LLS I N A SOX · The man. .tract to Mr. R. Wort h, builder to, erect Bronchitis, or weakne::is of tlu:oa.t 'Jr lungs hear them missed a rar e treat. ~ ACH.ES, being south par t of lot Pekin Dueks-,lst and 2nd, Jno.Jones. ·a large warehouse for the purpose of ex- should not delay, but take RomNSON's entertainments were good and a success t-:> 15, con. 3, Clar ke, situated 5 miles SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Aylesbury Ducks-1st ancl 2nd, '.l'. '.I'. from Newcastle, to which is a. good road · 100 hibitilw their various agricultural imple- PrrosPHORIZ:ED EMUT,bION regularly, ac· financially, the proceeds amounting to a_cres in good state of cul~iva.tion; the balance ~ Coleman. ments P ..:A s this new firri1 buy direct from cording to the advise of their Physician, $126.50. timber and pasture land. On the premises are Phesants-1st and 2nd, J effery&Smelt. two frame dwellings, two barn~ . with horse ·ohe m· ,1facturera for cash, and are sub- or the directions on the bottle. Always Any of the Toronto, London or Mouand cattle stables 11.t. eacb, an<l driving nou~e Fantail Pigaons, blue or black-1st, .T. ject to no ring rules or cut-throat games, ask for RoBINSON's PnosrnoRIZED EM UL- treal papers clubbed with the STATESMAN two orchards; two welts: a creek runs across .the farmers will find it to their interest to sION, and be sure you get it. at very ,low rates. Don't throw away Fogg ; 2nd, J . M. Hero. t he lot. W ill be sold cheap. Uoe third of l<'antails, red or white-1st and 2nd, J . purchase maney down; for balance time will patronize them. Massey's implements Murdoch Bres', are 11elling Table and money on local papers of no v11lue but PROPRIETORS, be given to suit purohnsor. For further parand .Coulter & Scott's Champion Drill and Hanging Lamps, much lower than usual. call at the S rA1'ESMAN office for lowest 0 . LaBelle. ticulars apply to W. llf. LENT, Newca.etle, Ont . .Pouters-1st and 2nd, .J. 0 , LaBelle . rates. 6· 5w* .other goods a specialty. They have a great assoitment too, PURE WHITE LEAD. GREAT 6 0 DAYS' I CLEA~i( SALE ! WP.LL KNOWN BRANDS -White Lead, c- ~ ~ D. DAVIS Great ly Reduced Prices. ORDERED WORK REPAIRING I Lyman's Linseed Oil, ... ··-~- Valuable Farms for Sa le. HEAL THYSELF. RHEUMATISM X X I RAIN Jno. McMurtry Co. ' WRICHT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY. Business Change. I 8 'muuliau ,...__, , ~,.-....r..._,-...__..._........,_.-.._ -._ ,.._,~. '~--"' ~ - Local and Otherwise. L W S BINDER TWIN· E F Dartmouth Ropework Company., Halifax, Nova Scotia, B WORLD'S BEST! WEST'S -LIVER DYSPEPSIA? PILLS SICK HEADACHE LIVER COMPLAINT. INDIGESTION. U 13 John C. vVest & Co~ TORONTO .. ---- -

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