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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1886, p. 4

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A public ~etin1.: of the ratej)'.!IJers of Mrs. Elizabeth K elley died ~t ~·he re~ l While the people of this Dominion are Jiace on Tuesday evimin.~, d ence of h er srrn, Chas. E. Ke];ey, in the town took p· free from wars and the dan2ers of great Marengo, " 'ednesday morning, Novelll- Ji'eb. lGth to couaider !he pr0posal ~~ore wars, and even from very gr ave c ·nst it u- ber 11t h, after a painful and d1strcssi11 t~ the Counci l for eertain alterations and .;; Quire!!! oC g«·otl tional guestions impcrtilling our peace illness of many months from drop::iica.l improvements in t:hie'1'01m Hall Buildi1:1-?. The Mayor aftl'l" sbting the < o bject ~f . Two of l\'.lrs. Kelley's chil· U 'rit i111g· IP'a1Je1·, 2:ic. and prosperity,severa!Europrnn counlries affections t h <- meMi11g callfd '11'P011 l\ir. Kydd, tbe dren, Chas. E. and Miss Adeline, resido are full of tron bias, present and prosr>ectin ~Marengo . n. son, Thomas, who visited chaianan of the Public Property Com·, ive. We have nothing in our politics her last summer, resides in Colorado. mittee, to state t o th e meeting the pro-3 Paclrng·es o:f ~·ood po~ed changes and tile estiinattd cost , more serious to thiuk of and discuss than "Mother" Kelley, as she was familiar I y Envelo1·e~ for 2t"ic. tariff questions, the franchiso, the Riel known, was a n oble Christian woman, ex- after VI hi ch 8ever·l other· m<~m bers of t.he ii ·nnc!l and others addremed t he rneetiug --o-affair, and rnme minor matterP, while the emplifying in h er daily life the profession C< when it was u~ of her faith. In her illness she waR enEuropean nations, on the other hand, are Moved of Mr. Climte, seconded by Mr. a bled to endure suffering wi ~ho ut a l3ouusall that this m<etfog 1icreby ex- · in continual dread of great ca.Jamili ea. murmur of complaint, calmly trusting all The English have on their hands the h er inter~ sts in the lrnnds of hor sympa- pre·ses app roval of the propooed ch>1.n~es My 200 page Scribbling Book, 5c. :md improvements in the Tow11 Ball d ifficult and harassing problem of how to thizing Saviour and Redeemer. She w··S Buildings as contemplated b v t he Pnhlic My Exercise Boob at 5c. and lOc. deal with Ireland. '£he att.itndc of Ire· a m ember of the M. E. Church for a good Property Uommittee of the Town Council, many yen.rs, and alwi1ys when her health My one dozen good Lead Pencils land is such, indeed, as to cause deep and permitted was found in her 11ccustom1e<l and would rec1uest that th e cfo,rnges and widespread alarm among Victoria's s11b· place; and on all suitable occasions gave i·epairs he prod need at as reasunablc an for 10 cents. outlay as possible. jects. It is almost tho sole topic of con - a clear and explicit religious experience. Moved in a meJ1dm1rnt. by Mr.. B11ckler, Schdars' Companions for 5 cents. troversy in England. It seems ns if th e She had many friends, because she was :1 seconded by Mr. W m . McU1ung,. '.lJ!i·a t t he friend to all. Many will miss h er wise q uestil,n of repairing t he '.l.'o-vn Hall be alternative lay b etween grant in~ lrefand c0unsel s, encoura ging words and kindly a government to itself, practicaUv s ever- ministrations in t imes of need. But she laid over until ~pring, su as the fu.~nda and roof be ful.ly examined and FRAMED ing its union with Gre:it · Britain, a ud has finished her earthly work, and will be rtion ep()rt on, befo:l"d any great expens(!)> f1cprovoking grave disorders, p erhaps th e wa.iting on the sunny shorn t o welcow.e Cl'll es for the s·atne. AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. i'£ he amend111wnt was heat andl vn h orrors of civil war. 'l.'he present si·saion the loved ones Jwu1e. - ll-1arengo Bepiiul· Spring stock of can. motion, carried: by a large majority .. of Parliament will be full of exciting Mrs. Kelley came to Orono about fifty scen11s and momentous acts, having refer- years ago and was well known in th:tt ence to Ireland. We will send 1Jb\e- Dai ly Globe (evenitl-g village. It, is now about twenty years, ARRIVING. It is widdly believed in Ent'ope that a since slrn left, but there are still ol<l edition) free to an1y addr ess in Canadl:b '1!..00. FANCY LINEN WINDOW SHADES war is likely t o take place witliin a short friends who will reme11J ber her and be four months f.,r $· glad to heitr tlrnt though departed this lf you want a Jk!N! class n ew snit andlat. IN THE NEWEST DESIGN~. period between Russia and An~tri~ The life, she has gone to 11 bette·r. - ED. watch in good onfoz for 11othin!.(, lelll . 11'8: hand which is said to restrain these two your order at the S'tirur H ouse. See advtt. ~\ : \. 1 SONS OF ENGLAND. powers at present is that of the Emperor . 'fhe li'ebrnary n n co her of The Phrene.·· ! · ' 1 William of Germany; and he is in his !o(!ic~l J ourna.l an.d i 8cie':1ce of :ttealttJ1. \ . I r ; t\ ·( There wu a large attend'a nee of rep- con tarns a wry rnte7el!tmg article oni 1 \ I .\ r · , eighty-ninth y rnr. Should he p (}eiJ a ~~ ~ BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, FEB. HJ. way, it is maintained that a Ru sso-Aus- resentatives at t he Grand JJodge Ht Galt ",\1edical Mto~innil.r:1)!!", live portraits J _ _ _ last week . 'I'he r.·p<H'ts pr°"ented hy the , art> given with Pbenol< ·wcal deline:i.tions, j trian war would be extremely probable. executive officers show tho ~rcl'er to have : f,·llowed by brief sketohes of the life and I The two States of Bulgaria a.nd Servh1, marl e rapid p:rogresg the past ye:w,. no lesS' ' 1vork of e~ch. The s:Jl.'ecti m has been · i Th£se Millions in England. which were lately at war, are resting than 855 new members havin!! b een ad- i rnadd from the ropresen.;n tive men of Jive ·· 1 The present mern·bei·o hip fa : difform1t bmnche" of thw Christi;m church. \ We h·"'e heiird of late of great wealth under an armistice which will cxteud t ©> mitted. lying io Er,glond f , r the heirs of some the first of March. But th eir cvnflict 3,050. '!.'here }iave been 18 de:liths i" 1!8~, . ]lf the Jc1nrnal keeps up·'Jo the mark of ! and $821 have been paid in funeral' be1~e- : tbid n~11nber it will dou.ooless r~'l.li~·; ~hat , ~ [H wealthy dukes or lord~ or somebody who seems to be only suspended- not; ended .. ~ fi ts. About $:">.000 hoLVA b een· pa·id h1· I '"to h1m who ha th sha~Jt li>e given in a I died two or three hundred years ago in Each country maintains its army on a surgeons' fees. T he awo11nt nf cash in· ; Jai·ge incre::mi of sub ; cri~"ers. Pric~ 20c. , that cou!ltry, but we have never heard of war tooting, and watches the nth er am·oss \'ested by the Snci.it Y is $20, 60!2: 75; Ml ; ©I:' $2 a year and a prem iu Ill head to each 1 . J0a . IousIy. B ot h of t liem act I !increase of $5,f.>4!8 73 d uring the year. 'l new ninbscd her. Add<Je:s<, FuwLJ<:lt & any pers·H· r tJalizing in these gr eat rum- tie I f rontier The tot.al amount receive d fr om·a11 ROtH·ces . WBLU!> Co , Publishers, ~3 Bro!ldway, ors. as if t hey expected to fight agi!.in. l wa.s $ 18,743 50 iit 1885, of whiel:i· $7', 0681 N y Within a tew I\ eeks past tho finishing Meanwhile t h e Greeks, who are very 'iro was paid out iin sick and fom.era l ex · ; ···-··- - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · blow, it is to be hoped, has been given to hostile to the union bet ween B11igaria pe nses, leaving a..ne t. increase of $11,6¥:tc i TO CLEAR 0 UT;.' ilhe balance a swindling scheme by cflrtain pei·sons to and Roumelia, have a lready raised an ~. 1 :! The election of oflicers for the enRuing 1, eY.tort money out of credulous people, for army of over one h1rndred thousand men; ye'a r r esulted a 8' fullows : _ 'ii ;(J)f. illJieir Ho lid a;ry:- Goods, tl1e alleged object of prosecutin~ a claim and so fie rce is the war ~pirit, t hat 11 J h ij Most Worthy @;iitnt P~sid~~!o;. o n !i .MUBDOCH BROS' &l"e selling to an immense eRtate in England, which promin~t Greek statesman has been CH·yton, of Acorn, o ge, ami ton, , estate does not in reality exist.. The thrown into prison for. opposing the cry R ight Worthy ©rand Vice-P.resiclen t, I! ' ehiDiai,. china ware, :~cy cups, scheme was similar in most respects to for war. Thos R. Sk i}!pc1 0,. of Middl.;se1'. 11:.id~e, ; '.san.icis:tl'S, erockery, table and many others that hat·e preceded it, Something similar is taking . place in Torn-nto . : C...,rand Secretn.i:y., .Jvhn W. Ca.rt'1r ;-. 52: ·\ ihangj.imig lamps, a nd. ~:J:t11.er fancy though it was a more b11refaced fraud than the wurlike Ji tile mountain principality of Montenegro. It seems as if the spring T erauby-st.' Toronto, re-elected... ) n10st of these latter have been. 'u'" d ·r r easul.l0l) BenJamm · · ... Hitl ch · 1.g oom a.t unprecideim..iti.OOly low ·l'!lllll The usual story is that the possessor of may witness a general outbreak in southcliJfli,. Toronto, re-elected. a gr eat sstate died, at such a time, leaving eastern Europe; and this would revive inrtc~. Don't fail ~, call and E tstrict D eputy Grand Lodge Offlli: ~ r·· no direct heirs, and that the pr.)per~y of the danger, always present when there is for S{)wth Africa, A\ JI,{, Speuce,. Uiten· . ~ . ,;gat:.w.~ga1n. right belongs to the descendants of anoth- trouble in that region of the grea ter Eu. huge. er branch of the family, the head of which ropean powers being involved alsl) in fili;ht Worthy Grand Cha.plain, R~v .E . . \V...Sibbald, R. D .,.. 8 elluville, re -11locted. · The ·'D6scent of Man', by <D'ba:rles Daremigrnted to America in such a year. All the struggle. H.urnia and Austria are both m akin g Right W orth y IDeputy Grand Ohap- · ;w!ni oom1)lleted in fout pa:.:l>i&Gf illi.eHum· that is necessary is to get a decree of the _ rd, Ottaw_ a , . and ' . boldt llibrn:ry of Scieuce, J i ]l]·1 2JJBRALl\ Chancery Court of England establishing large military preparations, a n d are h e- lain' · Rev·. H enry ~O!lf\ '.,,,( "" Rev<..E£iward l{.ubens, B,,wmanvit.lle.. ·Pablls-her, 3'..l3 Pearl St.. Irew YDPk, No. this right, and then to prove descent from sides busily intrignin.,o in tht> Servian, I ~,.,. f th 3,mum = b oJd t L l"u d oubl e The· Editor of the STA'r.ESMAN "1¥1S- the 1 1 ..,0 v >"..111'Y ~ai the person whose heirs Ehould receive the Bulgarian and Greek courts. 'l'hey are represe»tative fro::m Wel lin~ton Lodge,. inumbei·,c , pt ice 30 cents)_ oom,.p letes this property. rivals for the control of the lJa1.ube, Bowm:mVli.lle, and he is delil.!htct~ · with!· _'.l.~rea~;'.'!'°l'lli~ T he price ot.~hc "_Decent,?~ In the recent case, the swindlers declar· and perhaps also for that of th e Turkish hisd1ist visit to Ge.lit . He calls 1t the :;Man · m this excellent edll uion is- e nly 16 Manchooter of Can11,cfo. It contaitns near- j,oouts'. a;id t~us th~a mos:>s celie>!l>'l'at?d 'lf ed that the Chancery Court had already peninsula. ly 51), manufactoric ·s, large and small. :iD~r~U1t.:J<WJntmgs ts brou~h1 ,. wna.li>'n dged, made the decree necessary to authorize Neither France or Spain can be said to Popu<Lahoniabont ~000. Mr. w. J .i Mc· J·;'l'ith in the ireach of all cheses ~~ readers. 1 the distribution, and t h at Parliament in be in a very settled or secura condition. Murt.ry, forll!-erly with _Messrs, The c.. . A N·~\V TREATMENT . J<lOlli ©'A"l'AJIBR 'i'.i: 1 .. August lal!t passed an net d i recting the dis- In France, the Republicam1 are divided, Edsalb, .of· this to Win, is m the l:.ar~·wai·.e .'-0l'l'~It-nHfull. AND H11.Y-f i·\IH<:. -l'erhapa .c trlbution to be made. On the strengt.h of and the Monarchists of va. r ious shades are bus,·n<>ss>tnere andi;,aii>pears to be clomg a 1 :J:he most extraorciinary :tucoes:I' that. has lbeen nciiiewed in mode='~· medil!line, h:.s ···these repi·ese11tations, many people have narrowly watchinf:' for any chancbl to dis- goed business. The.re are two o~ the best h ote1s ,to ·be · !been attr.i:irnd by the Di~cm t.reH.tment for ·. no doubt contrfouted money to establish credit, and if pose:ible overturn, the Re- found i1t1.(fa.nada, ~ide of the -i:itws.-.- :jthe ·ab<11v.e disea~es Out oi12,(00)0· paf!ients · their claim to a part of the eupp: sAtl es- public. There aire also ext e:r1.al d:m!l'ers '"flJe, I oow.riat" m100 "The Quee!il3~!. 'f he iit teatecl d·1~ring the pi>st ·si:.i m©oths,ful. :tate, which was said to be worth an im- for France. fm· 11-,he miight el'ISi ly be in- · linJDerialj.foept by Mr A. T . Ccller1 we. · ·lly. nin.,·b!i' ]>;er cent h ave oti.en· cured. This .iffieuse sum,- more tha.n a hundred mil- valved in~ war which should take place can recommend: t: · any ~f .our ~el'Alers w~O-· 'Jis none the less star~lir.:14 when it is re0 ·. ,, B · 1 F .1 !'l1ay' have occasH>rbtO v1s1t Gal1l:1 . It. 1 .s ,n;iembere~, th_at not ti ve·.·p& r t'::>'llllt; off pa~.Jio:n dollal's. over the Eastern qu~&h©n . u ra lee ~he ra~)S\t comfi.i rlltible and h ome-hk£,, l_t1ents-r:iresentmg themsel-Vles· ·t ill· the· reguThe story was a falsehood from beginn- is at least fortunat~ in having re-elected public· house thaur.we ever stayed at in. jh lr ·pr:.,r.tiidoner are benebted, while the [)atent mediicines an<!. Dl:he11· ad vertised ing to end. Thero was no such estate. a wise and moderat e President for the 1@ntario. ~ lcures.... n ever record a cr~ a<. ailt StartNo d t:crtie vf the Chancery Court was e ver long term of° seven years. OYAL0 TEMPLARS. ling_ withoth:e claim now gene;.·alf!y believ R made recognizing the claim of the family Spain is ru1ed by a. :regent, i n t he per· ~d by tne: most scient~·lic li'.OO!il that the mentioned to any estate whatever. The son of an Austrian princ6l'Ss, the widow of ,.. f · llhe Gran il ' ld iseaJe ie.<lne to the :lJ'OOS-On~e of living . 1 1 act of Parliament appealed to concerned the late Kin" Alfonso. '.li'he l!'ege11t seems 'l.·· e _ anfntia ,R~~el !rug polar~ of Ter·~ ' :para.sites .i n t he tissue. Mr. Dixon at once ~ . Connci1 o t 1 \0 :'l.u:Ya .. m ~" A' _,, .., _ _,, .._ . th .. - t" l!r.6 n lm1·~J!i:t1iruw1.a ionan entirely different matter, gave no to be a prudent and in tf:lnigent woman, , 1 1. st we" k i~..the city of i""'-?P"IOU' n MI ~uni to . B h . p era.nce,.was . . 1 th1s a:ic0mphsheo, tln- <l1sease is prac· · · b . riahts to any one who now li1·es 01· ever and has some able adv1sen. · a 1large 't 1ca.wy. · " cund , and th e: pe11oo::mancy ls · n n. . . ut t e , G uel ph ·· - ·attlrendance emgpreser · b ·~t,, : li;ed in America, and dealt with a sum proud Spanish bloo(\ ~:;, impatient of a. and a IM-ge amoun~ of bus,iness ei.mg ·questioneal as cnre~ e~at<.Ad by him five <i1>cted· Ex.o el810r - :ye ' llI'IJ·ag.o are ' cures shll . .. No, one eIse liae . . sown t h. ridiculously small in comparison with the foreign ruler · the kingdom is 10k -. t ran · ted bCounc9i,' M , 'rBowm:unC T "· . ·. . ' . . v ille \WIS< replYJr!tlla Y I Z ' · ' Ot.W· · . . d t · ...-. a· ' , ~ ·ev·~Jll· a· t&emJ>te o cu-e vueae iseaseb m . /:> vast millions supp)~ed to belong to the with stormy and rival amb1i10ns; ther~ 1 ' '11" f 0 110 \Vlia::.« aro the 6 · t f th thorncr I. ~ie "' .th:111-mainner, and no o ther treatment has One, l!loor· West of Pos . . .Jffice. mythical estate. are at, least thre: aspira.n 9 or e '> GltAN-D· OF!lU CEUS FOlt J:886 :'e,·iJr aur<)d them . '.fhG · applic~tion of the .- - - -.......,..,...._ _,_ ____ __ _ _-----------------~-~ Moreover, a.11 such attempts, without and the Republicans hope,sooner or later, , Grnvd Councillor, J. H. Fhgg, .M:itc!roU; : remedy is 11:imple, a.nd~ cannot b e d one at i exception, are of the same character. to get control of the State. Gmnd1 V.ice G!lnancillor! J..~-.. . 0 . S toole, ~ome,. and the prese~tt season of the yea.r j Thu:i there is scarcely a European . Gt?ielph; Grand Chaplam, R ev. J, H, 1s l!he· rooS't favor,1bla l'or f\ spcfldy a nd [ 1 There is no large amount oi moue y un100.0J~,~bs~'.1:g~;;t :rn!h~Da;.~!j1,0g1~ . h. 1 h t . t roubles a.nd i Simpson . Me rlliittou; Grirnd Secret ary, . p:!lrro@:lt>nt cure , t h..,, majority of cases b eC01'1.lfl.1'lE RJIC AL .l\J[) '!l'Ellt'.l'J!SJIU~, claimed in the Bank of Engla.nd,no singl e n ation w 1c 1 a~ n o sertolll! · R 3 v. w:.'w ..&cha11an, H~miltoti; Gl'a1Jd. m g cu.·ed at one ·J1?1h trne,,t. Snft'~rer8' ; W1w1rn~DAY : MAY' 5th, next. 'J hts is the sum reaching six: thousand dollars. T here dangers before it; n or can any one pre-- Treasure"l;. Jeiremiah Cor:'.'lell. Lynden.; . ooon1d r orrespond. wit.h M118srs. A. H. j 23d Annual award o f P1·ewituus. Send for l~&ticulars. are no estates in England 1J.waiting claim- diet at what time, or to wl1at exten\. a (~and Herald, W. Ro3B-, Port Por:1:y.; :~;i:CK:SON & SOM, 305 Kin g Stree·b: . Tlli!· DE· 1·1wrr CoM MER CIAL AE>7"E!iTisrm has held it s place in the front rank of ants. The whole value of all the prop- great war may break out, or revolt rear (lkand D~y. liJ((ll.·~ld, Jno. r.ilebdon, High· West, T vrouto, Canada, and encl@~e j family papers foi· n.lmost "' q uarter of a gate; . G randi Gnar<l, T~os. McUTunny, 3tn.m pf.or their treni!ltstJ on Catarrh. , c entury. It contains u.11 t h e iu1portaut erty in disputed ownership b efora t h e . h d its ea · 'llhornbmiy ; <Gr.i.nd Sentmel,G er> . -Vangh· I tU f~ JJB>1,·s, and b as depar tml'ntn for t he-Young 1 ~1 I' ~$ , · l!<Jllrnaud Ladies ; c:ardnl ·ys · l~·cted LitCourt of Chancery is less than fiv e milan· St. Th<Hn:itS; G rand 'lJrustMs, James 1 ~ , l'.:l"ary m atter, and Poetry , ·Hi Agrin1lt urnl ' lion dollars, and this gro&s sum b elon gs ~ ._ t.. . depart1 nent, a.nd reiiable .Ma.rket Heports. :F R ANK LER LlE'S PoruLAR l'rlo1~:rnLY' H~gh~s, ·.romnto; Rev . A . M. Il'hillips, ·~,~j Sul..t,.crlpHo~ P rlce $ 1.5 0 per Woar. CCOD ACIE:Nl'fS .'\Alft.f~ TED for M arch comes with its usual var.iety of l Galt; J·. G. Y. l:h1rkholde~r,Guelpb:;: <1l:rand to hundreds of estatds . r·~ t i . l\.H P..~li t:5 of United Stntes a n d Cn.na.dPi., to w bo1n a. good <:··m rn1ss1nn IS pu1d. ;'~t>. :--,, c-- ,) \:t!"'S))ecia l oftt·r t i > 9.J!ents of $ '10, in lJre111iun1s for the ten larg-e:-st 1ists of :;ubi::cri p It is so easy to excite the cupidity of readable 11 nd valnable artic!~s, att ractiv e , Medieali E ;u.miner, E. W . . McGrnre, J.\'l.. 'I stories, and well-ex ecuted illustl'at,1ons. Ilh,. ({j.11e lph. Rcpr<J~elttta t1ves to. ' 1 . .~". t~t i.~ sc.ut us. Send fvl" a. free sample paper nnU P/OS1?.!?Ct11s~1H1 tPrms t o r..g~11ts nc tdress men and women, tha t one need not won:· ; .e' . WM. H. BURK, Publisher, Detroit, .Mich. Is the P anama Canal a foilur" ? . many IM..·MINJOR oR.1.rrn cou NClia·. der very much that when t h ey am told aak:. Th1:1 questio~ i~, answerecl> by M.~. E. "\~.. McGuire, M. D., A. C. S teele, J. of vast estates t o b e divided, they can be Arthur V. ~b)>ott m _ Prog1 ·ese. at .Pana- EL~ Ji1lao ltev. J. :9. Simpson, C. Y. r eadily persuaded tocontribute t en, fifteen, ma." . Chmt1a11 R eid , . the wel~-knomi. EmG>llJ!~li. D., w. B,,.,.1 ~, R e v. A. M . l'h~l eii ~: r Ri T E. D. L el'-·is ltev. JI. R. G\\Ll· or twenty dollars to a fund for establish - novelrnt of North Carol~mi. CODtnbnt _ story called " The Pnce of: !I' Krns.. ~~a,. ll · ' ing a claim that may yield a thousand P hilip Bourke Marston, the B lmd Poet, cy.. B L F Kno'tv 1'e! Know Ye AU! Men, women and childreu- that the great staff of editors, who, times as much as the lit~le sum asked of sends "Captain Bromley's lif<1 Ronrnw e.," Alte:rn:i.tes- RW .ev, l'.kW. :;r~· H b e:iuheaded by Dr. George'l'hurber, have kept all the A m e1·.-Can Ao1·fcnlturalist s nt the l"rontfor 11 er , . o n and Mrs Sarah K. Bolton tells 111> t>fi· s.on, lhymond e on, twent.y·fiveyears, a.re now "C·enfor<ic'1 by Chester P. Dewey and Seth Green, the Fish Cultur· tliem. " Marst~n and his Hume." Poet lluth- Rel\-. W. Kettlew el~, -Ell1ott,. J . G. Y. st. We purpose to add to the hundreds of thousands of homes, in which the Bnt it is in every case money absolu te- ven carries us back to t he day& oli the :B.urkholder, Jeremiah Cornell, F. Buchly thrown away, given outright to swin- Chevalier Bayard, '· san.s p eur ei sans anan. I dlera who h ave invented the story, even reproche." "St Valentine's Prillo,ner~"" FARMERS, be.for e giving your is read, and revered from the Atlantic to the Pacific as '. an old time friend and connselor. We to the existence of the estate. Yet not is a r easonable story by Frances 13. Currie. \... ~ orders for B l.NDEIL TWINE, call re accordmgly enlarging the only will this threadbare trick for obtain - Mrs. Emily Pierce tells of the " Streets H EARTH, HOIJSEHOLU, AND .JU1'ENILE DEl'AllTMENTS. of Mex.ico," and M. F. Yallett,e of "Old- at R. S. MANNIN~' s Hardware ---......... ing money under false pretence be r epeat- time Punishment and Orde!l.lR." The and adding other features, so that it is to be, from this time onwanl. essentially a llome Per· Stor e and get prrnes. ' lo<lleal, as well as being devoted to Agriculture and Horticulture, Every p1>rson who tmm.e· ed many times, gathering in on each oc- well-known naturalist, C. F. Holder, in tUntcly sends us $1.oU. the s1tbserl1>tlon 1>rlce, and J G ecnts tor posting book, ma.king $ 1.&& ha all, will receive the A.UEltlUAN AGRIUULTUIUi!T Cur 1886, nnd the A.UEKIUAN .U.illl· casion its harvest of credulous victims, his "Wooing of the Birds," describes l\ncl Winter goods clearing ont at and be· UIJLTUJUST J ,A \ V IWOK, j ust pnblished,-a. Compendium or eYery day Law for Farruer 9, but it is to be feared that some will p re- illustrates some of the strange perform· low cost and a bonus given in. See Sta.r Mechanics, Busin~ss men, Manufa.cturers, etc,. enabling every one to be his own la·~ -'Olr . It is ancl)!l of the feath ered qallants wh, 11 they a large volun·, weighing one pound and a half, and elegantly bound in Cloth anci ,·,Id, '.l'he sist even now i n believing that there is seek brides in the Spring·timfl. Alto- House advt, .American A gr icultm·ist something in the scheme which has just gethcdt is a most enjoyable number. 'l'A!T's PHOTOS- Messrs Tait & Morrison, Bowmanville, Ont.- Dear Sirs :- A proof of the been so fully exposed. nega.tive taken by you was duly received. have to thank yon for your kindness. 'l'he 'fhey can only be warned. If they t-0 yield bigger returns by increasing its great army ot. readers. We distributed f.0,000 Pres· Th e F ebruary number of Brainard's I cabinet is certainly one or the best. if not the ents to those who aided in the work last year. and we are planning to give 100, 000 &·resents continue t o ch eris hopes of a slice of the Musical World is out, sparkling withIJew beet J have ever had. taken. I would like you to workers this year. Send tor confidenta.l 'l'erms for workers, when you forward your subto quote me your price for a dozen. A number Thie powder never varies. A marvel ol scription. Subscription price, 1.60 a year ; single numbers, 15 cents. great estate which does not exist, and to and excellent music, choice reading mat- or people to whom I havo shown it say it is as purity, l!!enil 5 cent~ for nrnlllng yo u .. grnnd 1lo1tble number or I.lie A.merlcnn A.g rJc11U11rl strength and wholesomeness. Mnre ter illustrations, etc, The World is with- fine work as any they ever saw done in Toronto contribute money to obtain their 'rights', out d oubt, the leading musical j ournal, Let me hear from you, and in quoting price cconoroicii.I tha.n the ordin"ry Jd ndB , and can- just 1u11,0 .nnd snmple pages nUh t nble 1u11l contents of' J,aw Boolc. not be sold in competitim1 wltl1 the multitude they will ultimately b e poorer by exactly and the subr.cription p rice is within the please quote it as fine as you can u.s I may take of low tea~ short weight, alum or phosphate (JA.NVA.SERS WANTED EVERYWHERE. severe.I pozen, requests continually coming In ::sold onl_f in oa<ie. ROYAL BAKAtldresM PUBLISHERS AHEBICA.N A.GIUCULTIJRIST, 7111 Broll<lwny, N, lt', the number of dollars t h ey invest in thie reach of all. Address S. B.RAINAim's for that sort of thing. Yours truly. EDMOND powders.: ING POWDER CO,, lOG W all St., N, Y· ...:,;;j DAVID 1V· .JUDD, Pres't, SA.X'J. BllBNIU..U, Sec'y. E. SREI'PARD, ·rorunto, Nov, 26th, 1885, 53·tf SoNs , Publishers, Clevel and, O. "estate in England". P. · 1REBI LCOCK. --o-- Troublous Europe. Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley · MEETING OF RATEP.~YERS. WEST END HOUSE. SPECIALTIES: Black Cashmere, 8 ·I ·pi1c1a Bargains~ 1st March. Largest stock of these goods in town to c·h.oose'. from. V --o-- PICTURES ROOM PAPER 11rj y > WEST END HOUSE. THE JEWELLER · d as Eece1·we a Iot of New Goods of~ latest)designs. A Splendid assorlment of' GOLD and SILVER 1 WATIHES:i ANo JE. WELRY. ~Vedtling Presents a specialty. COUC H,1 JOHNSTON ' Cl!YDERNIAN will, fo:r the NEXT SIX WEEKS, seH GREAnY RE. DUCED PRIC: ES AND; TO MAK E A CLEl;ARANCE, A lot· of Dress Goods will be sold at and under cost. ----o---- Remember, these are New Goods) and will be sold as advertised.. COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDER MAN,.r_ l 0 0 0 c OLD 1842. A PROCLAMATION. 1886. AMltltCAN ACltCUl.TUltST .. ... ... ~ Absolutely Pure. WANTS TllE EARTll

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