YOUNG FOLKS. Fit IDAY, APRTL 9, 1885. ADVISE TO l\'l.OTHERS.- Are you 1lis.t urbed at night and broken of Y:our r~st ny a sfok child suffering and c rymg with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If 50 ~end at o nce an.d get a bottle of "Mrs. Wmslow's Sooth ing Syrup." For children . teeth~ng, its v alue is incalculable. It will relieve ·the poor li ttle sufferer immedia.tely. _ Depend upon it, .mothers ; there is no roistake about it. It cures Dyecntery a nd Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and B owels cures Wind Colic, softens the G ums, 'reduces Inflammation, and gives t o::ie and energy ·to the whole sydtem. " Mr9. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for children tetith ing is pleasant to the taste a nd is the prescription of one of t.h e oldest and best female physicians and nllrses in t he United States, and is for s a.le ~y all d ruggis ts t hrough the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Be suro a.nd ask for « 1\:1RS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING S YRUP." a nd take no other kind, -~~~-~~-~- GEMS OF THOUGHT. TH!:J HOUSEHOLD. Newly improved Verses I& Motto all Chromo Uards, with name and a water pen for lOo. 5 packs. 5 p cn a, for. 50c. Agen t.s sample vacJ<. Ol~tJlt, and illus· t rated catalogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp .A.. W.;KINNEY, Yarmo~th, .and this sll.p. N. -0 5 s. 9·601 · STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. «JA.P I Til, $1,0oo,ooo. R E ST, $220,000 T h ie B ank ls-;r; pared to do Leg itimate Banking in all ~ts branches. · Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on amounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank D e partment, DRAFTS I ssued and Collections made in Europe U n it ed States and Canad a, W.J. JONES, Agent. £~Wi AIDen &Bro. FM cost of advert ising in a n y p ape r or list of l)Dpers p u blished in t!:lo U ni ~{)~l ·S tates or Canad a., se11d t o tlm A n VE1UI8· ING AGENCY of E l) WIN .A LDJ!:N & BRO. , ***Our "News paper Co_mhin a~ion s," .a.hook o! es _of adv?rtis1n.!l'z f uL 150 p:1g-es, conl<uni n.!{ pnc_ ·an strnctio ns, etc., sent on rccC!P~ of ioc. 0 111 A1~1: N cwspa.pcr CatalOf~nc" conbu nrng name~ o f ev e i y ncws p;qx.:r publis he d i n the U . S . a_nd C a nada, Cinci1J1nati,h 1New YQrk, C or. 5/.h &; Vi·1ie /:ita ., 'f 140 N a88a1" ,St,.cet. x~ve"rt1s1·n·g ·~Age,ncy:· £TOCK TAKING - AT THE- ECiipso Houso FOR THE NEXT MONTH Goods will be sacrificed t o make room. for a change in t he business, so all who want B argains in DRY GOODS, CLOTHIN G, FURNISHINGS, and FUR GOODS, will please call at t he ECLIPSE [HOUSE. w. H. IVES. WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S ~LIVER · ~: - PILLS POSITIVELY CL"RES ; - DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, IND)GESTION. A f ew :Boxes will cure a n y case of Dya· p opsia, s imp l y by t a king On o F ill every night o n r etirin g . They d o not loee their e1fect like other :l'ills. C ents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. 00. TH I RTY PILL$ I N A SOX. SQLD B Y A L L DRUGGISTS. · es· t & C0._ . J l}fl C··W A V PROPRIETORS, T O R ONTO. Wha.t man Is deficient in sense he usually Practical Recipes. Jumbo Marching Ae;ain makea up in mulishn.e£s. SA USAUES -If fried, It must be long and The little folks may be gll\d to learn In non la marriage endR all. T he truth is gently, but they are much better if baked something ii.bout the great elephant , You precisely the reverse ; it begins all. all remember the story of bis being b '.ought Nature le frank and will allow no ma.n to In the oven with a llttla water. This steams from the zoological garden !n London to the &buae himself without giving hirn a hint of and thoroughly cookHthe m ; 't hey should be baked until nicely browned and they will United Sta.tee, a.nd that he w&s killed last it, not be as dry as when fried. Serve with September by the a.t Si. Thomas,. Ont. We never do ourselves n muoh good as potatoon, older apple sauce, plain stewed Well, J 11mbo bas been reconstructed, made over, built up, stuffed, eat on hie feat a.nd when we are, a.t le;;~t, trying to do ·good to apples without sugar OJ' eour pickl11s. looks almost a1 good 1u new. In fact others, CooKIES -One onp of powdered sugar. Remember this : However ama.ll you con· ·one half cup of butter, one egg, one half cup two J'lmbes been made out of one. The akin and the skeleton were sent to aider: your p ossessions there is eome one who of sour milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda Rochester to Professor Ward, the n11ituralist, envies you them. sifted three times through two cups of fl Jnr ; who bas been four montho in i;:etting the 8 elf-denlal a.nd thought for the happiness one half of a small nutmeg and a. handful of restored J nmbD, a.nd the skeleton Jumbo of o& hers are amoog the seeds from which ralsina. R ub th' butter and &Uj.'l\r to a ready to trail and move, Now this work shall sprlng never· fading fbwers. cream, then add the egg, milk and spice and has been done so well, that you would T here is no luck, but there is such a thing the flour, Roll t hin, out into rDund almost think him His skin weighed a.s ha.rd work and knowing how to make it cakes and In a quick oven, preeelog fifteen hundred pounds. When Jumbo answer for what others cilll .1' luck, " one niein Into the centre of each oooky. weighed seven tons and stuffed he weighs R:ill P UDDING -R11b a piece of butter the Like a dream Is the life of ma.n ; like swift three tons, · alzs of a.n egg Into one quart of fl.our in The skeleton will be to m11iny the more ship.a, seen for a moment on the horizJn't which ha.a been sift ed two tea.spoonfuls of lntereating of the two J ambos. The akin edge and t hen aa.iling we know not whither. cream-tartar and one tea.spoonful of H oda, In expenses I would be neither pinching was badly demollahed by the freight t rain Mix with sufficient sweet milk to make a that killed J umbo, yet the restor~~lon has nor p rodigal; yet, if my a.Ho w it not, dough that o~n b o t·olled out. After rolling been so perfectly done that a crltlct>l ex11>m- rather tho11ght too &paring than a. little it out Into a. sheet, spread with any kind of ica.tio11 hao to be to discover any in- profuse. fruit, fresh canned e;r preserved a.nd t hen dlca.tions of the E 1Tery bcna of The whole European and American world roll up, belng careful to fold the end:e so the huge ha.a been ca :efnlly fast- ls undoubtedly advancing t !I a broader and t hoi.t t n.e fruit will not run out, Steam one ened in ite .:proper place and they are a.11 more philosophical conception of the true hour and eat with a E auoe, firmly secured rea.dy for traveling. meaning of religion, SoFT MuFn.tls -One qua.rt of m ilk, three Professnr ard In a. letter to Mr. B:i.mnm It is better that joy should be spread over · says: " Every bone in lts co!loasal frame- the wilole of the day than that it should be eggs, one teaspoonful of ea.It, a piece of but· work has not only been to :keep Its oonosntra.ted into ecetades, full ot danger ter the size of an egg, four tablespoonfuls of yeast , and silted flour to maks a. stiff b11otter. proper place In the anatamy but the whole and followed by reaction. W 11orm the 'llilk and butte/ together, and hag been m so strong that I think it will More gentleness, more sympat hy, more add the ea.It ; beat the egga very light and bear the quite unusual strain to which It will be subjected in traveling, lt has ape· coneideration, more k uowledge of character, stir them into the milk a.nd butter; t hen cial mechiwical adjustments for rniaing more rea.l r espect for one another, are need- stir In the yeast and last the flour. Cover the m ixture and set it t o rise for three f life, and lo wering, a.pplyin~ and ,taking off Its ed in all the relations G hours or untll llgh.t In a warm pboe. Bake legs eta. Thi.a is, I believe, t he only A good conscience ls an excellent thing, mounted skeleton of an adult African ele· and so too le a wln·ome manner. lt should In muffin rings ot heated gem lrona until a ph!!,nt in t his country. lb is an inte1esting be car efully cultivated. When frankneaa light brown. M1y be mixed at nlf(ht and and a satisfact ory ooincldenoe tha.t it ls ai becomes rudeness, it ahould be prvp erly used for breakfast, POCKETBOOK ROLLS.- Take at noon one the same t ime the largest skeletan of a che ~ked, pint of morning's milk, a. ploce of butter modern terrestrial ma.mmal in the world." No matter how low down m a.n may get ha.If 111e large ae an egg, one t ...blespoonful of Then an elephao:it wa.e bum up of aolld wood d J 11mbo'e exact form and size. 0 1er there is not more t han one in every 100 of sugar and a little ea.It ; boll all together and them bnt wlll prove true to a omall t r ust if wheri cool add one-half cup of yeast (or onethis was put his skin and this was nailed and screwed into place over the entiro sur- his prid e be strengt hened by y our eeeming half of a yeast diBSolved . in on11·half cup of water) and two q uarts offbur; knead f:J.oe a.nd along the 6eams, There were sev - fai th In him. onty-four thousand, four hundred and eighty· ~heh of the world is prej11dioed ! as you would bread and set in a warm place nails used in the work. These nails W Hil fact s, hec11ouse facts st ick: t o the text and t o rise. It will be light by six o'clock In p11ortly driven before t he skin thoroughly don't go ont of the way to concoct a palata- t he evening; I hen knead it again. .At nine : u little dried, and when it had ahrnnk all it would ble m~dinm for the world'a own g~nteel t aste o'clock knead it down again, using 1 !bur as possible, In the morning roll out and wise op:niona, they were driven out of sight. '.l'o look at him you would think he was Ther e ls nothing makes a man suspect without kneading about half an inch thick:, without a bone, a.nd that his "department much, more than to know little ; . and, out out, spread very thin with butter, fold of the interior" was all wood, iron, clay therefore, men should remedy suspicion by over, p11t in a buttered p11.n and d t er letting and hair, I asked a gentlem1m who was procuring t o know more, and not to keep them rlae a few minutes bake, looking a.t him : "How many little boys their suspicions in 11mtt!ler. could play horse inside of him it the space Household Hints. Simply believing the truths of religion was clear,". and he said at onoe, "why from doesn't mp.kc y ou religious ; you may a.ppre A delica.tely m1'de ea.lad ls hardly out of a dozan to fift een !" oiate right and yet not '. do right; weeplag pll,ca anywhere, It ma.y be 11erved with Just think of it, one of his toe nai111 Is over ma.rtyra is not a.e hercio as having had r oa., ts ol every description, If we except nearly six lnohes from one side to the other your amp suffered a.t the stake. game, and le even acoeptabla with bolled or or as long as an or dinary lea.d pencil. fried fish. of hie t eeth was about the same length. One breach of faith will always be rememP &per b ags in which many articles are Then think too how much .candy such an b er ed, no matter how loyal your subseq uent sent from the gfooery stores should be eaved elephant could eat I life m11oy be, People may Imagine that they for use when blacking a stove, You can The glas1 for his eyes was colored eepe· trust yon, :yet all the time they have an eye slip the hir.nd into one of these and handle clally for the purpose. His bones are faet· to the former break, the brush just as well and the hand will not ened together with brass !Jolts, Silver· It doea not disgrace a gentleman to be- be soiled at all, and when through with headed screws fasten his great t oea to the come a.n errand b oy or a day l aborer, but it them t hey ca.n be d ropped into the stove, b11ose on which he stands, disgraces him much to become a knave or a being much pre!era.ble to the cloth ba.g er Jumbo was born in Central Afrloa in thief, and knavery is not the Iese knavery mitten, which requires frequent washing. 1861 and wa.s only twenty.four years o~d because It Involves large intereats, nor theh The tiny red ants which are such a nul· when he was killed. the less theft beca.uae It la countena.nced by sanoe In many pa.ntries may be driven A special oa.r for him has been built In usage, a.way If kerosene is freely used, '.!.' hose who Phlla.delphla, He l eaves Rochester this Holen Jackson never wrote truer words have been troubled by them know that they week a.nd goes to Brid geport, Connect lout, always come In lines, coming through some for Barnum, who will proba.bly more th11on these, which were penned a.bou \ one crevice in the wall or fbor, following money out of him dead t han alive, He yea.r ago : " It le a. piteous thing to see one after the other in regular order will be placed on a wagon twenty-five feet hew, In this life, the gentler and ilner or- until they r eaoh t he shelf above. If long and nine feet ·wide, that weighs 6,500 ganized n11oture is al-;vaya the ene to suffer kerosene i~ tul'nei the entire length of t hh pounds, especially constructed for him and most, and come off va.nquished in oollislona, line also 011 the place where t hey come in, containing machinery by whloh the be;l may and the coarse-grained, brut a.l one to the floor, etc. , t hey will soon depart . You .be raised or lower ed . On this he will b e triumph." may need to repea.t this a. few times, but It drawn on a. car fifty feet in length and soarThe bad men in soclety ar e alw~ys r eady Is i\n easy and effectual met hod of getting ranged that the bottom Is wit hin six inches for rebelllon. The bad element ill p olitics rid of them, Laavo the door and window2 of the r oad-bed In order to allow ita pre· ls always t reaeona.bfo in its nature. When open awhile and t he scent of k erosene will cions load t o upright and still pass treason raises lta bloody ha.nd, every good soon be gone. under railroad bridges and through r ailroad man and t rno is in honor bound to enlist Tne proper way to beef tea. for a tunnels. for the war In defenae cf virtue, integl'ity sick pe1son ls to cut a gaod, t ender ; j 11icy T.hla week J umbo had a recep tion, and allegiance to the best int erests of man· steak in small bits, broil slightly on a hot Rapr11sentatlves of Mr. B.i.rnum and odir.ou kind, griddle, and squeeze the juice by t he use of trom New Y ork and several other Only he who puts on t he garm ent of "' lemon Equetzirln a. cup previously heated; cit:ys < to lock at these t wo J11mbos humility finds bow worthily It clot hes hi& a5ason wit;l1 a pinch. of ~L\l t a.nd peppor, and bsfore he stii.rts out on his trip. Ptof. life. Only h e who ded ior.tes himself t o the .ldmlnister at once in t easpoon doeoe, Thia Ward prepared oa1ds upon which ws.s pie spir itual ser vice of his brethren, elmply be- is the pure blood of the beef, and without tured a tombstone bearing e.n inorlptioo cause hie Master t ells him t hey are worthy doubt is both food and strengt h for the to the memory of the deceased elephant . of it, comes to kn ow how rich those ne.tures pat ient. It should al ways be 2queezed into H e made an address t >these r epresentat ives of hie brethren ar e, how richly t hey are a. coffee or tea cup or previously hea.ted, a.A, aud told t hem of the work ll.nd Hs dlffi- worth the total giving of himself t o them. it ia allowed t o cool and then is heated, It oultiea and preee1:1tod each visit or with a becomes curdled a.nd is unfit for use. I n No man ca.n afford t o let go of any lofla. souvenir coneieting of a piece of J umbo's enoe which help~ t u save him from vulgar this way, preperly seaso ned to suit the t m k , suitably inscribed. patient 's taste, it is very palatable a.nd rare· A great many little ch ildr en in Rochester and commonplace views of lite ; from fo..l se ly ever nauseat es, H aving h ad a. gr eat d eo.l types of excellence ; from the paltry compehave been to eee t ile _two elephants made tition which strives above a.11 things after of experience in nlok, I have found more out of one, m;i,t erial ~u ccess ; from t he deifh:at ion of good results follow from t he use of beef blood current popu h r opinion ; and t he desire t o so prepared t han by t he use of all t h e beef Ruby-Headed Humming Birds. s wim with the str eam, and spread t he sails teaa over made. See what dear little bir ds we have here. t o the p a.ssing breeze. A Hopeful :t:lectrica.l Invention. They are so iiny and so beautiful. '.Ebe That m a.n has learned a greii.t lesson who It ID a r emark able fact that while almost plumaee of these small creatures Is won· hM learned .to a.ooept himself ali he ls given del'ful; so great a cont rast in color fo seen to h imself. W e may build a. thousand airy every month new uses are discovered for upon t hem, Their little heads and nape of castles as t o wha.t we would do if we bad electricit y, yet , as a matter of fact , for their necks is of the brightest ruby color, the genius of a Milton or of a Newton ; but sixt y years t here has been ne new mean! In· while the chin, throat and chest are yellow. nothing will over come of such a.lry ca.etle· vented to pr oduce t he electr ical current it· The t ill reddieh , with a. . black tip, and building. The l'eal qneation that should self. W e ha.vo te depend upon t he zinc the under pa.rt of the body is a d ark olive interest ns is, What work can we best do, plate immersed In a bath of acid ohemioals, brown. Poor little be&utlful birds, their without the genius of Milton or Newton , buli or on fr!Qtion for which a. steam·engine must beauty is the ca.use of their death too often, with onreelvea as we, vVhen we answer be uaed, B11t t he destruction of t he zinc in for t heir pretty little bodies are very fre. that question, we stand at the threahh& ld of t he one oaee, and the use of t he 11t eam In the qurntly t o be seen in c1>ses of st uffed bir ds. the door that leads t o the highest success of other, involves a waste of power which In all, save a few particulars, makes electricity These birds are found In Sout h America which we are capable, too costly to use eit her as an Illuminant and the "VYest Indiaa. or a mot i ve power. An ele.itrica.1 light is Do you see the funny neat t he little birds very powerful, but i;(l\8 or oil is very much make for t hemselves? It ia very beautliul Oapturin~ a Bear. cbe11op r . A. train of wag run by electas well as cur ionn ; it la pointed at the bot0 ie day lat ely a M11nn9rs S ubt on. bea.rricity t hirty ye11rs ago, and coat four t imes tom; mo~t delicately w oven with all sorts of file t hreads like spider 's web, and it i3 hunter, went ou~ In p11r sult of hie sp ort. ae much as steam, B11t now comes t o the He oa.rne upon a. track: near Nut t3r's eome front H enry B. Ford, wha claims t o have fastened t o some loug drooping leaf in a most ingenious manntir. F rom its ·poblt ion dlst :mce to tile south of York Mille, follow- tlfooovored the secret of t he cheap producing which for abD ut one mile a. bear was tion of electr icity. If he hag succeeded, It t he nest is safe from many of t he d&nger11 which are apt to assail little birds when discovered In hl9 fair. 'lhe only weapon will m 11.k e the greateit revolution kno wn to the man was provi ded with was his axe the hist~ry of industry. T hia new process b111lding. The little hen -bird is not no pretty as her wi th which he struck br uin a blow. The cUecards the steam-engine, zinc, and the beast got mad at this and showed fight. acids, and re'ies upon carbon In It s cheapest mat e ; her ooloziog is not nearl1 so decided, as she has scarcely any ruby shades ab.:int T he hunter thinking discretion the better and moat accessible forms. Mr. Ford olaims valor retr ea ted a.a fast aa possible, pa.rt of that with distiller y slops, the debris of a. gas the bead, or y ellow on h er throat. ' I am eu re you must wish. th~t we h&d The bear soon overr eached him, however, house, the muck from a swamp, he can pw · and got his pa w on the snowshoes, There d uce ian electric current sufficlm~ ly p ower some of these dear little birds in America. T hay would look lik e lovely butterflies fly - was a fl ounder in the snow and a fight at ful to r epla.ce steam an d produce light. close quarters. After a while enr hero got Common salt or ocean water is all h e needs ing about, only much n icer, beoans·e t hey are dear little sensible birds t hat might get on hie feet a.gain a!ld made for a. t ree, wit h t he carbonized materials, t o induce t he whioh he managed t o climb, not much the onrrent . If his Invention ls what he claims tame and ee.t out cf our h~nds. But humming-birds could never live in our country, worse for the encounter. '.l.'he bear, h :w- for it, a st esmshlp can go to sea wi th some ever, had got bo.dly hurt ; yet, not conwaste carbon, one·tenth t he volume of t he Thev require a hot climate, such a.a t hey t.ant with tearing t he man, d forts t o eoa.l which Is now lnd.!spenaable, and a mo· have in t he West Indies, get up, t oo, but found himself tbo wea.k for t ive can be doveloped which will oost but a. t he operation, He solaced himself for If d lence is golden, w hat a valulbla mis- about half an hour by a·o ting t he part of a trifle, and yet will be powerful enough to propel the heaviest and largest steamers for tune lockj~w must be, belligerent, then started t o go away. The from continent t o continent, If there la Th e Salvat ion A rmy made a descent an ms.n came down and followed ; there w e.a anything in this invention, Its possibilities the boulcva.rd lat ely from their headquar- another encounter at close quarters, w hen, are simply Incalculable, ters in L'l. V lllett e and occupied t ile Sa.lle w ith a well directed blow of the axe, the ~~--- ·~ ·~ · --~~~ des Conferences. Miss Booth's French was bea.r was stretched out t o be numbered An old man who was discharged from t he glib enough, b at her numerous sltpa pro- with t he slain. The was found to regular a.rmy a few weeks a.go, after having voked mnoh hilii.dty, She was, h owl'ver, weigh 315 lbs., oold next day for $20 and been in t he service twenty years, has since much applauded when ehe denounced war has since been shipped to Bonton, been married. His ar my experience marl e as " the most gigantic mookery of our clvi lit Impossible for him t o lead a quiet life. !z11otion" "The pl11.!nt!ff says, ' recited the Judge, That's why he miuried, .At a. recent execution in Mississippi t he " t hat you often deserted h er ; that you A $1,000 hearse just procured by a condemned, who had formerly been a anbjeotod h er to ohameful t reat ment ; that nndert a.ker, la described as a gorgeous mem·b er of a color od brass band, desired even you oft en struck her brutally ; yeu, its p:dnclpal feature being 11 a. speakmusic at his hanging. The sheriff, a. k ind- call yourself a man, and st rike a woman of ing t ube leading from t he driver's sea.t t o ly-hea.rted man, oonsented, and just as t he 25." The wife, who is in t he 00nrt-roam t'te interior." Nothing more Ingenious a.nd drop was touched a.nd the victim dangled weeping, with her bee In her han ds, ra.ieeo convenient cculd be conceived. When a in t he air, t ho darkey band st ruck up it suddenly at thill juncture and excla.lms : corpse wishes t o halt a. prooeselon lt oan do "S wing low, sweet chariot, I'm going " I beg :your pardon, Monsieur le Presi- so withou t unduly alarming t he r ema.inder home," dent; only 24 :years. - [French Pa.per , of the cor tege. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. STAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. B.a nk. A complete stock always on hand. We hav e all the best grades of ~Q)~Lgs; AOO~ ~~QJNim ~LQT&~ that is manufactured. stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and F ine Salt, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experience in t he Meat Department enables u s t o supply a quality unequalled. . The Grocery D~partment, under the super vision of Mr. J ohn Allin, is of the very best quality. No t rash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods deliver ed t o all part s of the t own on sh ort notice. A call solicited. W.e have in "V Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Beet, Pork and alJ l"arn1 Produce. J: HIGGINBOTHAM & SOii, Chemists and Druggists, KEEP A FULL S TOCK OF C. M. CAWKER, JOHN .ALLIN. F U R E DRUGSand all the Patent Medicines advertised. A L SO SE L E C T S TOCK O F Hair .Brushes and Combs, Perfum~ry and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &c"" A.GENTS FOR THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE AND· CATTLE FOODc Pure Ground Oil Cake. PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS· Filled with absolute purity and correctness. Bu CK'S CELEBRATED STOVES The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES,. RADIANT HOMESingle and Double Heatert ---AND- - - F ..A.RLOR COOK, all fitted wit h t h e Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I They stand without a rival. F or sale by . -·- S. S. FURNACES, a specialty. Pia.nos Tuned and ltepaired. WISHING PIANOS PbyARTIES Tuned or repaired can haTe t horn a t tended leaving word at THEIR 0 EDSALL~ CHEAT 6 0 DAYS' t he D OMlNION ORGAN Co's OirFlCE , Bowma11vllle, A 1'1rst-olas man 'low being in t heir molo ! . CLEARING~ SALE~! D. DAVIS Will, to room 'for !:lvring Importa.tions. offer for the next 60 DAYS, the whole of - his immense stock or- -··II- ti lt Boots and Shoes, Sli1>1>ers, Rubbe1·s, T1·unlls, Valises, & c~ , AT- Greatly Reduced Prices. And Is prepared to execute all .... ........... ORDERED WORK on the shortest notioe. R EPAIRIN G neatly and promptly attended to ; having none. but 1'1rst-olass workmen employed. 'fHIS OUT and return to us w ith nt"S.A.TI SF.A.CTION GU .A.RANTEED .~ stamps, an d you'll get by return mail a Colden Box of D. DA. VI Goods that will brln~ :rou in more money in one month than nnything elso in Express Office Building, America. Either sex make money f11st, CITY Bowmanvill~, Feb. 1, 1886, ~ NOVELTY CO., Yar mouth, N, S. · CUT lOc. or 4 3c. s,