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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1886, p. 1

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, TERMS :-$1.90 PE11. A.Ni.'VM. OUR TOWN A.ND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. M. A. JAMES, VOLUME EDITOR AND PROPRIJ:TOl!, NEW SERIES, NUMBER 403. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL IG, 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. SOL.INA. Mr. W. VanNest's wood b ee on Thursday of last WP.ek was a decided success; there was a goodly number prenent aud a farge amount . of wood was cut. 'l'he evening was well spent in music, recita· tions aud singing. The singing by Mr. Alberh Stott wa· highlv appreciated, as also Miss VanNesta. The viulin music by Messrs. Van.Nest and Wilbur and the recitations by Masers. Montgomery and. Pascoe made the evenings entertainment pass off very pleasant .y. Tj10 Eldad Sabbath School intend ha ving an Anniversary th e last 8unday in May. Mr. B. Lammiman, of t his place has recently pa~ secl his examination at Trinity College Toronto. T h e officers of Solina Divi3ion for the follo wing term are as follows:- W P-Bro. S. S hortridge, W A- S is. E. Allin, RS-Bro. E. G. Pascoe, A R S-Si~. B. 801 iarth, 'l're~s--Brn. A. J. Heynolcls, Chap- Bro. C. R eynolds, C.on-Bro. ll. Pascoe, A Con- Sia. J. p11scoe, I Ser·t- Sis. A. Pascoe, 0 Sent- Bro. J. H.~v n olds, PW P - Brv. '1'. B1 1ker, There was also a w11od bee a Mr. S. J. Wil liam's on W.. cln»sday of last week. Solin a School has a Literary 811ci ty. .A fi1st ·rat.e programme was rendered on Frida.y afternoon last; the names are with· held as it is quite likely there is not room in your paper for t.hem. Gable 1s now the favori te game in the village. . JACK. We ought to ho t hankful to N a.ture for having made those things which are necessary e·BY to be di~coverecl, while other tl1i 11gs, which are difficult to be known are not necessary. Many things which were utterly unknown and consequently unnecess. ry to a more primitive ago,hnve now become ahsnlutely ne~saities t o the r efin.,ment and civ1lizar.1 on of tho nin.,teenth cent ury, such a one is a fi1··t class Q . nnal Store which can be seon iu all its branches, at the head quarters, Solit·a for cheap goods. Ki1 ·kpatrick is bom1d to keep ttll the reqn iremonta of a first cl.as General Store. N e 1v goocls of all kinds arriving constantly to fill up the v1tc1u1cies. Garden and F ield seeds of all . descriptions on hand. -fn-ithe-Boot-and-Shoer: l:irre-I- h,.."'1--a.iin<> XXXII. NUMBER 16. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowma nvl McCLUNGS,'} }e. TAIT & MORRISON'S CATALOGUE. assortme-~-;-J ~ our large stock of CARRIAGES We have a -fine orj Cloth Window Shades, ROLLERS, 1' for the Babies. Dolls and Carriages, Cornice Poles, Wheelbarrows and Wagons S bade Pulls, &c., &c. Scrap A.lb1uns. T'r ansfer Pict~r.res, Sctt·aps, Bfrthday Cards, for Girls and Boys. O ol<l an<l Sil uer Perfm ·ated Board mulPapm·. 1 z 0 - Walking Canes for gentlem~u; J Uecrfrom the tiny Locket sch:nnn anti 01·i:u· Picture µp to Pipes. Also PHOTOS ENLARGED LIFE SIZE! Our Store is Head Quarters for And w e do it all ourselves in our Studio. W e c111-ry a fine lot of -NEVl- - We can supply you with any musical instrument known. We invite the li1dies to inspect 0111" ~inij~~J "~~t~ WALL PAPERS in Beautiful Patterns Toilet Articles for Eadies and Gen- and Hand Satchels, PURSES, Carel Cases, tlemen. · Low in Price - - A'I>- J ewellry ~ Fancy OOODS. TAIT & MORRISON'S T..A..IT : BOWMANVILLE. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps before purcha8iug. We h a.ve 1 fino line of Is noted for taking excellent PHOTOS of We are a;;e111fs fo1· the Babies. SPECTACLES, :tlso a fi ne stock of ·we do not r equire bright clays for our work, ns we use the instantaneous process altogether. all Ncwspa1>e1·s and P't"rio·licals. £':111 Colla r, Cuff' and S ld /rt Studs. supply any 1·eadinr;· n1atfe1·. CI -IE AP. 1 SCARF PINS, Photo A:lbums - PHOTOS always in stock; also a good assortment of CHROMOS -FOR- -VVISNER SEEDER EXCELS ALL OTHERS. stock of spring good!t at pricea much lower then heretofore. When wantiug anything don't forget Solina S tore where you can get goods ;uat as cheap as in town, and get as much for your produce, if. not more. BA YDUI!;. · 1 - -- Beau tifully Colored by our assistant artist, HOME DECORATION ! VVe can supply or mako up any Frame you wish on short notic.e. II -HYMN BIBLES, BOOKS HYMNALS. MISS C. S HAW . Bring in your Photos for Coloring. ~ROH PRA~E~N:;D Mouldings on Hand. d MAN~ER OF CHANGING HOES. POINTS OF EXCELLENCE: (1) Tubular Iron Frame which gives greater strength than is possible with any other shape of ircn or steel of ihe same weight. (2) Iron Index Grass Seed Sower does not break grass seed. (3) Steel Ax le, (4) Steel Draw Bars and Malleable Connections. (5) Tubular Iron Rollers instead of wood, as used on all others. (6) The best Force Feed in existence. (l) Can change to sow gras~ seed in front or behind, or throw Grass Seed Sower out of gear instantly. (8) Can throw feet zig-zag from behind Drill. Took first prize at all the fall fairs. Call and see it. F. H. MASON, Agent, KEEPING to tho FRONT I IVl:AYER I s showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff HATS, lilso Fine English, Canadian & American Fur and Wool Hat s. ... ivranilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices. New and s tylislt lines oJ· Gent 's Furnishings. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. 1 ~Highest prices paid for Haw Furs. 16. On the 7th im:t., Mr. Henry Samells, of Cres11rea, was married t o Mias Amanda M11untjoy, daughter of Mr. Thos. :Mountjoy of tins eectwn. The present~ to the bride were useful, numerous and valua· ble aa will be see by the following list: T.he Groom, beautiful 1<old locket and .NEWGA8T.£E ST.ABKVlLJ E HAMPTON. cham ; Mr .and Mrs. '!'.Mountjoy (bride's · , . . '. ' · parents) $25 cas h : Mr. and Mr8 · John . Report of school in S . S. N o. 9, Cla.rke, _On Friday ev& nmg 2nd m st. , a n en ter . Mr. and Mrs. Th..s. Clark, of Cobourg S11mells, (groom's parents), $20 in cas9;· for March.--:-Sen. 4th- M_ attie Oolvillc, tam~1ent was h eld in co_nMcti ,.n wi1 h th e J ca.me here on t he 2Dth ult., to visit their Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountjoy, silver su~ar Mary _Rem~ick, Kate Oolville: Jun, 4 th Pubhc School here. M18s Braden, teach- frien ds and spe nd a few days at t h eir old botrl ; Mr. John jl' and William Samella - J uba Dickson, Mary Wilson, Alice er. The house was comfortablv ti lled by home. Mrs. Olark was some what indisbeautiful clock; Mr. S . M ountjoy far"~ Hamm. Sen. 3rd Vesta Samia, Ettie 8 P· m ,when Mr. David Walsh arose and vosed for a few days, bnt is convalescent. oil paiuting framed; Misses Lou i~· , a~d Col ville, Ernest Gibson. Jun. 3rd- Jno. said in a ~ sence of trustees he w.. uJd Mr. Clark very exceptably occ11pied the Emma Sarnells, large family bible; Mr. Hazard, Albert Bowen , Milton Pollard move that a trustee's son, Mr. Andre] pulpit in the Me ·hodist church on t he C. Mountjoy, silver butter lmife · M·as and Mercy Barrett (equal). 2nd ClassSharpe, take the chair. This received m rnmg of the 4th inst. Annie Mountjoy, pair cryati\lf 'pickle Charlie Chapple, Ethel Wilson, Maud hearty apolause .a!1d th~ said ~entlema.n Mr. James Stnlla1·y. of Maplo Grove, dishes; Master Joe Mountjoy,j crystal Barrett. lat Classes-'-Alice Buckley, accepted tho pcs 1t 1on.wh1ch he fill"d ably. has rented Mr. A. Trenoutil'a handsome butter dish; Miss Edith Mountjoy and Louis Buckley. M urray Barrett . For '.1-'ha program~e cona1Ste~ . of B tlllgs, read- residen ce and moved into onr village. Miss Rosa McLaughlin, ~ d 11 z lgoblets; good condu~t-Mattie Colville, Julia. m gs, rec1ta~ions a~d dialog,~es by t~~ One more agent ad ded to the list . If Mr. l\nd Mrs. R. Siemon, jr., walnut Dickson, Ett10 Buckley, May Barre1t and children. Fwo _ ch~,log.ues-- .Barney m 'th!lre is another village in Ontario that bracket and table co ver ; Mr. an · Mrs. Maud Barrott. Th ~ following were pres- search of aS n~ation , ~Z Andrew, St~u~~ cau "trot ou t" more agents than Hampton Wes Mountjoy, crystl\l water pitchJI: and ent every day in th e mon th :- Mary and OscarOonhn,and IheH~ppyFam1ly (all good reliable church going men) we pair of large vases; Mr. R. S. MoLab h - Renwick, Julia. Dickson, Willie Renwwk, by Miss Alice Stark and l:tichard Hall- we would like to hear from it lin, crystal cake basket. Mr. and Mrs. Jame,. D ickson, Albert Bowen, Jl)hu owell and, their children, wero particulM " C0 1 t h d. M J C 11 tt ( I d t f h ) azar-0 Average tt nd 33 K R arly a.musing. Also n. r eading eidiled iss eman, eac c ,r , an · r. ames o aco unc e an aun o t o groo m · a e a.nee · · · "Aunt Jemima's Courtship" by Mis~ J . j Cryderm~n were son;io what startl~d on $~cash; Miss Em.ma Mountjoy, oae doz Q ~IR, Teacher. . the ev nm" of Ap I 1 9 t b silver. spoons; Miss Hannah , MountJ'oy, / On Thursd .ay mght la.st a couple of Al.1 ison, and a recit a tion "The M id orn · . e .. ~ . ri Y aeemg a f, _ b l h E I l Belle" by Miss Addie Hallowell wor e bright light ~n the school h ouse at 9:30 beaut1fnll_amp; ;\Ir. and Mrs. J'. F'leming, tramps ro rn lnt~t e . ng is iChurcli,~i~re, goud. l\11sa Stark kindly furni~hod ex- p.m., so~ethrng unusual. It proved . to B?wmanv1lle, one doz lmeu table n ...pkins, a.nd passed the _night m the sacred Ad1tice, cellent vocal and instrti·nenta l music. be a. pair of resident pedagogues with frmged; Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewin, ft partook of their lunch and nude th~ mlanterns a wood b tcher k t cash; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broad wh' te selvesgenerallyathome. Theuextmorning, The programme was ended by all singing ' u oep'.ng se!l ry. . Th_ e recent debate on t~e c~dar qu~stcoverlet; Miss l\1aggie McLaren, ~ryatal the silver communion cups were mi~sing. "God Save the Queen" tea set; Miss L . Coram, color<Jd crystal Some of the trackmen a.t the station School report for the month of Mar ch: ion d id n~t lea.ve a v~ry lastmg impr~ssio.n 00 plate and pitcher; Mias T. Broad, fa cy noticed th e cups sticking out of their pock- 4t h Class - Alice Stark, M. A. H"nry, t~e m mds. of residents; every tlun~ is tidy; Mr. John and Miss Jennie Brima- ets, _11.nd took possessio n of t.hem, but Richard Hallowell. 3rd Jnn - Oscar runnmg _agam at normal speed, no signs T· of a. "stnke." com be, large preserve disl1; Mr. A. Soper foolishly let the burglars go. They went Conhu, Howard Glover, Ada. S h .-w 2nd M B T Ph'll" h t · ·1; and Miss Eva. Brown, colored tease~· east. They were afterwards arrested at Class- Myrt.ieRuthorford,Rosi ua M errill, f . \/Pj aJ\lonoPh?rVIB~ 1 11 Mr. W. ·nd Miss E. Ax worthy. large Port Hope and locked up. Jame' Stark. PartSecond- M<ria Lack- ~ ~~- s ~n T ew t ore. rs. Pil .l8 butter dish; :Miss L. Broad, fancy bracket; inby, Isaac R1nl10rford, Charlie Bird. visi m g m oron Mr. and Mrs . J. Siemon, ot'ystal fruit OSHAWA. PartFirst-Stanley Glover, Lizzio 8.em·y, Mr. ~ - Trenonth IS very busy at presOsha.wa has a hunt club. .Adna Merrill. The following pnpjld were ent wlntew>1shmg · . _ dish ; Miss R. Brown, crystal wa te r pitch· er; Mr. S. Siemon, crystal bread plate;. $ will be raised by t t· h present every day of the montlt - Allie Mr. R. Clark is tnrn,m~ o.u t.lumber m 800 7 ~r, and . M rs. W: Stacey, crys~al celery this year for school purposes axa ion ere S tark,Richard Hallowell, H oward Glover , \ gog.d ~tyle at the old t>mith Mill. chsh ; Miss Addie Broad, pmr cheese · James Stark, John Henry, M . Chesny. \ fMr. Chas. Ruse has gone to Bax ter plates; Mr. and Mrs. T. Siemon, pair A number '?f n ew buildings will be Miss E. ll:iu.DES, Teacher. 1 Jnivcrs ity to complete l1is musical edutowels; Mrs. Parks pair of V<\ses. erected h ere this season. ation. Svccess, Cha.rie. Mr. John McLaughlin, Jr., was taken .Mrs. E . B. Willcox and daughter have LA KE VIEW-GABTWRIOTI"l'. A good t ime is expected at the enterThe following is t,h e standing of pu pils tainment h ere on Good Friday. very "ick last week but is able to be gone to Oakland, California. around a:;{ain. Mr. Thos. Scott, of F oley, has sold his of Cedar Dale School N o. !) Uartwright, S LO W BoY . l\'i:r. Duncan . l\icNeil sold his tarm farm, comprising 28 acres, to Mr. J oho for the m onth of March based IJll ro~ular · ~-KlllBY. containing 50 acres to his brother Archie Mountjoy, of Enfield. The price paid attendance, good conduct and m;;.rka ob'!.'he news of th e untimely end of Mr. for $75 pn acre. Wad $7,500. tained on written examinations h .ild dnr· W. Giibank, jr., who for many years Mr. Robt. Brady h as eold his fa.rm to Rev. Mr. Booker, late of M01mt Forest, iug the month: lived in the r~ ar of tha Township is reMrs. Morton, of Manvers. is now the aettlecl pastor o[ the Baptist F ourth Claas- Minnie McNeil 2'18, church heroWilliam Mille 239, Willie Mo"re 177, ceived with much regret. It appears Joseph Veal 111, Bertie Devitt H . Third that death was caused by 11 tree falling W oocl bees are all the go now t here Three of Oshawa's young men died last Class, s en- Maggie Mahatfv 161, Emma upon him. were about thirty a t M.r. Jas. M~Neil's week.rhe parties appointed to solicit subon Thursday afternoon last. IE. Munro, of inflamma- McNeil 157, Edwin Veale 121, W tJsley . f William h b t ion o t e owes, 28; Norman Mc- Mills 99, Lizzio Williams 74 . Third scriptions for the enforcement of the Mr. J as. Dell 11.nd family left for L enn, of congestionaged of the lungs, aged 25; Fenel.:m Falla last F1·id.ay. and William E . Bongard of concresti Class, junr-Florencil I'eel 175, Henry Scott Act have been on their r ounds -Of ' 0 on Mills 103, Essy Ney 82, Thos. Richardson duty. They speak well of the liberality Mr. Samuel Soper bought his house of the lungs aged 32 yea,·~. ' .. , Iii , j 62, Johnme Sloan 47. Second Cl 11ss, of our friends out here. and lot and has toc;ik the h ouso down and , " · . sonr- Percy McNeil 202, Edgar Peel 179, Mr. John Kivel!, jr., is ill of inflamintends making a drivill g shed of it on Mu!doch Bros' are sellmg Table and Sammy Mahaffy 157. Second Olaes, junr mation. Bis physician pronounces hira his farm. 1 Hangmg Lamps. much lower than usual. - Walter Veale 149, Ethel Thom11son in a very dangerous condition. Mr. Mr . Goodman, of Columbus, was in- They have a great assortment too. 1144, L ena Thompson 130, Edmund Willi· B. Gr eenwood is a lso repor ted sick. specting his property here last week. Murdoch Br~s., the seedsmon, are al· ams 114, Sarah Williama 103, Edmund O cCA.%..1. . Mr. Thoe. .i\shton's son who got his leg ready doing an immense business in field McCrae 101. First Class- Liz!\ Sloan broken some hme ago is improvtng nicely and garden seeds. They lu~ve a very l 171, Wesley Campbell li.'>9, Willie Ney Mrs. Keya is selling Berlin Woofa al; under the care of Dr. Mitchell. large stock. 84. HAITIE E. GrnBs, Teach er. 15c an ounce. READ CAREFULLY A:ND REMEMBER THE CONTENTS. --y=G--. . ___ _ __ - - -------·---· _ I I d .· N °· .

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