THE FARM. Malpe Suvar Matters. FRIDAY, APRTL IG, 1885. ·John C. West &Co. T O E O N T O- . A good many are thinking that possibly eke 1·un of 8ap I~ net so much a.n upward fl ow Rs w.s supposed. Some now liken it AnYISE TO MOTI1iERS.- Are you 1lis- t o a pree&tara of Eap from all sides, there to tnrbed at night and broken of your r est be a rerorvoir of s&p, so to spea.k, in the by a sick child suffering and crying with woorl ; a nd when we aever t he p 9res of pain of Cuttinj{ Tooth 1 If rn send at the wood, the pressure from c.11 sidOll o uco and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's ca.uaeBt he run. If thfa be so, then a very . Soothing Syrup. " F or children t eething, sma.ll hofo, a.nd po~elbly a very ~hallow one, its value ia incalculable. It will r elieve la beet, When I wa.s a boy a three·quarter bit the poor li ttle sufferer immediately. De- was D11ed for tapping trees, the hole made JUMBO AND HIS SKELETON. p end upon it, mothers ; there is no deep, o.nd aeon a s econd hole bored close mistake about it. It cures Dysentery by. Now we nre down to t hree elgllth He Du.11 Been StnJTed and 'lVlll .Jolm. th e (,1.1."· and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and inch bits and inch deep holes, and no cn8 Ag:lin. Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the aecond spout, and we seem to be g etting · W ha~ Jumbo trie,d to knock 0·1t a. freight Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tha amount of eyrup and sngar. to~e and energy to the whole sy~tem. That the qua.Ii~ ls better is undlsput· d · looomotive at St. '.Ihornae, Ont., last S c.p " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for bnt at ~e ti me we are u 3ing bette; tember, he not only made a failu~e of It, children teething is l?leas~nt to th() taste and costlior utensils, nnd far Iese wocd to I but got so J?a.dly mangled t ha.t he died t hree dl& color sap e.nd syrup, r;ilnutes later. If this had happeued in a n d is the prescription of one of the oldl?rcquent coueotrnn of sap and rapid Englan d, the chances are th~t Jumb o would est and best female physicians and nurses t.oi !ng are the first requisit~s o/ success in have been buried, the Pm1ce of W alell in t he Uni ted States, and is for siile by mi.pie sng\ring, S"P q lllok!y beglna to lo~e woi_:ild have worn crape ou his arm for a all druggists through the world. Price quality if not boiled at once and it ehould w:hils and a. ton tombstone would have held 2 5 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for be the aim of the maker to large boll- him down. .But Phlnea.s Taylor B11.rnum "Mns . W1NsLow's SooTHING SYRUP. " ing cs.p&city, so there shall be n o large aa· kneiy tha.t tl~' American people would never cumulations of sap on h and. A few ~orgive him 1f h e let Jumbo slip out ofelght and take no other kind, invested in an extra plln for t he lU th~t way. Ile wrote to Professor H enry Newly improved Verses'&. :Mot to all i;1,r oh, eo that the sap may be sooner bolled, A. Ward of Roahester and asked him if h1l Chroma ()arda, with name and a water and lass necessity exls~ for nlgb.t bolling would set the big elephant up In su~h shape pen for IOc . 5 p acks, 5 pena. for 50c . would be judiciously expended, ~hat everybody who h&d eyer "e"nbim bos111Agents sample pack, outfit, and illus· It Iookll as though with metal utensils mg things in a circ!ls procession would know trate<l catalogue of Novelties. for a 3c. st amp A. W.lKINNEY, Yarmouth, 1.1nd evaporator~, with continuous fl.ow, him at once, So smce October P rofosand this slip. N . S. 9·6m some m11kers had plascd the limit of actual aor We.rd a.nd four d h!s men hava been e.t perfection and were saerificing color and work on the reproduction, His now finflavor both. Water-white syrup will not lahed, . sell without a suspicion the.t it b as been A hwny haired poet named Todl7 Hamil· "stuffed" with white sugar a.a our makEJre ton galded slx young Ne w York citlz9ns to found oat last reason. A beautiful amber R :icheater to see_ the elephant, T\l.ey drove OF CANADA. w ard's big REST, $220,000 tint !s wanted, and It should be t he m&kers' thl'ough blizzuc.a to Ptofessor · CA.PITA.I., f!II, 000,0011. aim to k eep as close aa possible to natural mu_ senm on t op of a. high hill to take a look This Bank ls prepared to do Legit!· tin~s imd flavors, and not attempt improve- at it. Professor Ward met the elephant ments upon N 11ture aud her gifte. hunters ha.If. way and led them toward a big ·wio·a Banking in all its branches. a.rmers nutes discounted ; Deposits ;i'ho pl"'n of canning syriip io alwaye up yellow bulldmg that looked like a le>comot!ve received and Interest paid on amounts of for discussion, and both hot and cold plans round house. He threw open a wide door, advocated, Hit were not ·for a slight and standing l'n v. thick oaken _, and 85 upwards in Savings Bank Department. are deposit in the cans I should fHor canning filling np half the b onee, with a J ov1;,1ol smile hot at the eva.porator. I never 5 aw syrup wreathlug his tremendous trunk iato a gl· DRA.F'l'S Issued and Collection s made in Europe that had become oold and was then r.e· gant!c hook, t here w&s Jumbo aa natural hes.tad but had loB t a per cent. of ita fine loek1ng aa could be, United States and Canada. fl~vor and had hs color darkened, F gr When the Cmadfan looomotivo got W. J. JONES, home use, when a little silioa sa.nd in the through having fun with Jumbo, he wa.s Agent. bottom of tha can is not to bring the charge not maeh more tha.n a heap of poker chips of "sa.nding," there la no other way so and oold meat. There wer.. 1,538 pounds of nice, The syrup cm be thoroughly strain· elephant hide around the wreak, and it was ed through double thickneeeeR of fl.mnel, with this that the ProfeBSor set a.bout build· a.nd will be strlotly pnr e. If cans aro iug up a. new Jumbo. After the skin had filled absolutely full, cold.filled will keep baen thoroughly tanned by two month's all right espeoially if the temperature be soaking in arsenic a.nd corrosive sublimate of lime, it waa ready for a mounting, umform at about 45 ° , F or cost of a dve rt is ing- in un y p aper or The wholaale adulteration practised by When the hide 11.rrlved at Rochester Prof, lis t of pnpcrs pu l>l i~ hcc.l i11 the Uni te(\ States or Cu n ·Hb, ~e n d t o tl w A I>V l~ RT1S city dealers, using a good deal of glu· Ward began to make a mod.,l to mount it On a foundation ot nine-Inch oak ING ,\(; J!:N CY of E D WIX A L JJE N & BRO. , oose syrup with a n ry little fine m&.ple on, syrup as a fl~vor, ahonld be circumv ented beams he planted eight otandards of twelu aome way, for It weakens the market to lnoh wrought Iron, Two of these wero to the farmers' disadvantage, If makers form the core of ea.oh leg, whloh Wll3 then ·'f:*·' *Our '" N ew~pa,1ir~ 1· Co.m h i 11~! on s, ' ' .n .hoo k <"!'~ would deal as much as poeeible with con- built out with wood. ~so pa g~s, cu11 Lauu n,e," pn~<..:~; .of n_ c 1.'Vcrt l s in g , f u, 1n s tru ct10n s 7 e tc . · se n t o n n~ce 1 p t of t or . O ur H Am. 6umers, and a.a nea.rly as they can with With the of a \ifo photograph and N Cw s;1a pcr C ~ll rt.lo_g·ut.:". .;;.o ntaln i11 g-. n a m e s o f c: very oommisalou houeea who will not deal in an elaborate sea.le of mee.surement, n c w s p< Lpcr puhh s1wd 1:1 th e U . S. a nd Canada, ~l.: Ut O il rcccii;t or pd cc , ~ I . 30. £ st.mates free. adulterated goods, a great · gain "would be long before J 11mbo"s death, the builder Wll8, for this would tend to restore con- able faithfully to reprodnoe J umbo's giant fidence in t he pllrlty of the syrup and form In wood. Thia frame he hammered bring more atalsfactory prices, and chiseled and planed until it looked like an elephant wlth his coat off on a. hot day. Then began the task of le.ying on the skin. Manal,tement of Youn~ Lambs. E ve11y wrinkle wa.s replaced exactly ae it The sooner the young lambs are docked, used to b" when Jumbo wore It, and all and the ma.lea are emaaoulated, the easier the cruel rents made by the locomotive were the eperatlona may be p erformed, We 110 carefully mended that his own mother have been in the habit of going through. the couldn't have found them, It took 74.480 flock once a week with a pair of 11harp Swedish iron nalla to fasten it all en, and - AT THEsheep shOAra, and clipping the tails and it now fit11 him b~tter than It ever did be· 011.stratini by one single clip, The lamb is fore. The way in which Jnmbo'a mild brown held under the left ar m, and the akin of the t 1:1oil is ellpped up toward the root with the eyes are imitated In glass would delight a fingem of this hand ; the tall la then cllpped poet's hes.rt and him tune up his lyre off with the sheers. A pinch of powdered for all it was worth, C. A. Akeley and W. blu,·etone (sulph11te of ooppar), b pnt on J, Critohldy, two young men who knew all the wound, and the wool lo dr11wn down a.bout building elE>phants, gave P10fe111or &nd matted together with the little blood Ward lots of valuable help. Ao iii etan1s on its platform the new ele· which escape·. N othlng more la required, F OR THE NEXT MONTH and the wound heals quickly, the lamb phant-welghirever -6.000--pounda -s.nd has . , . evincing no lndioations of suffering. It la eolld a11 a rook. It la so lraced tbs. t all the Goods will be sacrificed to make h<lat to out the tall about two lnohea from travel and knocking around In the world ch · h b · the root, llO as to sufficient of It to cannot damage it, During circus houn room .ior a C ange int e ns1ness, Injury if the stump does not hes.I Jumbo redivivu8 will be saddled and chil· so all who want ·favorably, and the joint next to the out dren will ride a.round the ring on his sleugh1 off: tbla, however, rarely happeDB like they ulfed to when he wu alive, Be· If tP,e ehes.n are cleu, and at the aamll tween the performances he will ride from town to town In a specially 001111trnoted oar. time sharp, He la the biggest j ob a taxidermlet ever wcrkodon, Live Stook in April. DRY GOODS, The ch&lk white skeleton of Jumbo atood Bathe the horaes, shoulders with cold a few feet awa.y. T he mounting of It waa CLOTHING, wa.ter or brine as quick a.a the collara oome the biggest problem In artloufatlon that off, before the sweat bagins to dry, and rub Profeseor Ward ever tackled. E very bone FURNISHINGS, off the oollars and saddle pieces with a in Its colossal framework bu not only been moist cloth. This will prevent sore should· ma.d11 to keep ita prop~r pl&ce, but,the whole and FUR GOODS, era. All cbangea of fend ehould he "radu· Is so 1trong the.t it will be able to but in proportion to the work. Heavily bear all the knocking about and rough hand· will please call at the ECLIPSE 11.l, taxed muscles make demands on the ling, by hnd and sea., that falls to the lot stomach ; hence, increase the f6ed after of a skeleton in the oircua bueiness. Pro· FHOUSE. work begins- never in antloipa.tlon, A fessor W&rd is authority for the statement hor2e fod up before he is called to work !. eta that it ie the only mounted skeleton of an soft and fat. Be careful to protect horses adult African elephant in this country, and from drafts when wum ; rub down, bh.n· at the same time the la.r11est skeleton, of a ket, or let them stand in close stablee. modern terrestrial mammal In the world, Cows at calving Deed little care, the lees S tuffed J ambo and Jumbo's ekeleton &rA t he better if In a loose box or tho open the moat gigantic specimens of the n atural· field. " F1111&ing " over them Is a.lwa.ys pro- let's ar t that the American public bas ever veoatlv& of lnj111y. Give no grain, bat a had a chanoo to gaze on. looaening diet of bran and roots fer some ,._, days, and gradual: y Increase feed as feverish symptoms away. Keep calves growA Dog Story. ing thriftily: ; skim-milk with a little linseed A lad was crossing the fields in the mea.l sca.lded and added to It a.s a substitute country, some dlsta.noe from any dwelling, far cr eam, is just as good for them as whole when he w1u pursued by a large and fierce milk fed from the pall. SJeep must be do~ belonging to the gentleman whose land kept In dry :yards or there will he danger he was cro> sing, The lad was alarmed to iheir feet. E wee with lambs should have and ran for his life, He struck Into a grain dally, at l eaat unUJ they come to picc a of woods and the deg g ·~ined on him, p1111tura. Swine.- Thoae who buy young when he koked around to see how n ear the pigs for eedln1e should buy none but half creature was, and, tumbling over a stone, bloodn by the Berkshire, Yorks hire, Polllnd ho pitched over a. preolpioe and broke bla or other pure stre. They grow faater and leg. U nable to move, and at the mercy fatten with l ees . feed. P oultry, - R eduoo of= the beast, the p oor fellow 1111.w the dog the steck of fewls as & oon a.a thl11 yea.r's coming do wn up(m him, and expected to be - ; P OSIT IVELY CURES :hatch le well provided for, but bold on to ·efzed and torn, when, to his surprise, the old turk eys and old geese, they get need to dog o' near, and, p erceiving the boy the wa.ys of the form and are worth much was hurt, instantly wheeled about and more as breeders than young oneJ, Ducks went for t hat which he could not ran· also are good till three old, A t ur- der himeelf, There waa no one within key la in her prime at five, and a goose at reach of the child's voice, and he muat twenty, have perished ther e or have dr agged his broken limb along and de~troved :1t, 10 as to render amp i tatlon neoeHary, if the doj! Buried in a. Stone Jar. had no\ brought help, T he d.ig went d ] N ea.r B111·keeville, Ky., on the Cumb 9l- t o the nearest house aud barked for help. l11ond R,iver, a mo.n named R a.ven wa.q one No~ receiving the atteDtlon, he miode anday fishing oft the he.nk, Thia was in 1866, other visit of sympathy to the boy, and or a J ear la.ter. The bs.nk was of clay, then to the house, ther e making such de· A few Boxes will cure any easo of Dys· six or eigh t feet 111bove t he water, and monstratlons · of anxiety that the family pepsia, simp ly b y taking cno 2'111 every Ra.ven sa.t with his legs hanging over. followed him to the place wh er e the child night on r etirin g . T h ey do not lose their He had b een sit ting there for an hour, lay, swinging his heels a.galnst t he pank , when e.trect like other :E'illa. h is boot struck something whlcli gave out a. A Oareless Cook. curious eound, and he instinctively looked Cu<">t omu (t o r e&ta.llrant proprietor) - ! down. Between hia feet Ile saw a stone 2_5 C ents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. j a.r, or at li:iast a portion of one, protruding find this piece of t hee string in my soup, T H I RTY P I L L S: IN A aox. l re>m t he bank. I t was at least four f eet sic. Proprfot or - Sh(.le st ring, q(r ? (l'o wai· belo w the surfaca, and he had oonsiderlilble t roubl e t o unel.\r th it. When he had done ter ) - Here, you, get tnla gentleman another S QLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. so , howevM, an d r emoved the wooden pl at e of soup and tell the cook to strain it, cover fast ened ovu t he mout h, he found ('r o cus~omer, apologetically)- T he ocok the content s t o consist of a goid Wl.\tcb, ha.e strict orders to st rain the soup, sir, bet hree or four gold rlnge, elx silver tea- fore serving, but sometimes she for g its, and spoons, $300 in Kentucky S ~ate bank bills, there is always diesit lsfaotion, $50 in gold, $20 In silver half llollarn, and ._. PROPRIETORS, a bout a q uart of dimes and five-cent pieces. The diffa1·ence b at ween t he modern pugiAlthough the j ar was tightly corked, . t he list and organized labor is ~hat when the dampness had got In and mlld ew~d t he h tter etrlkee it hits somet hing, bank notes until they fell to pleoea in hie h11nds, H~d thsy been all right, however, they would have been of no Intrinsic value, as a.ll the State bank clrculo.tfon ha.d given pfaca to greenbacks. Speo11lation as to who planted the jar brought no clue to the owner further than thi.t it could been no resident of the country. It had proba bly been in the ground many years, for the river had been eating away at the b&nk with ea.oh freshet, and finally br ought e. portion of the j11.r to light. It must have been buried six or eight feet from the bank e.t first. .W on en as Beasts of Burden in Sweden St ock holm, Sweden, the debasement ......... ·- 50 ~~- -~~~~--~~~~ STANDARD BANK I ~0:: iete than in ruiy city of northern Eur~ .e, Sbe hem pract!oa.lly tupplants tho .>e!4sts of burden, And the ~Hiter IB not :i.ltogether nnfa.mi!lar with woman'& wor b in Europe. I have seen her at the pit"s mouth, at the forge, and barefooted In tile lirlokys.rde of '":M:erry R agland," and tillb>P. blast furnace~ or tending coke ovens in ·· Runny France." I eadly wat,hed her bearing the hoat and bllrdens of the day in the fields of "Fa.therla.nd,11 lllld in Austro-Hunga.ry doing the wor k of man and beast, on the t1iorm and In the mine. I have 3!1En the women emerge from the ocs.1-plts of Belgium, where little E,ir'.s snd young women grn.d uate underground a.a hewers of coll>! Mld drawers of carts ; fer It is no uncommon thing in E nope to hitch women a.nd dogs together, tha.t mauufaoturing m"y be d one cheaply, I have 3een women, aged, bent, and sunburned, with ropea over their &boulders, tolling on the b & 1nks of oa.nals ~.nd dikes in pioturer que Holl~nd. Hiving witnetsed all t his, I was yet surprfoed to find in a clty so beautiful, and seemfogly so rich aud proepuous as Steck· holm, woman still more deb11ned. In Stock· holm women is almost exclusive employed as hod·C!l.rtier and bricklayer's asols tant. She t arriea briok, mixes mortar, e.nd, 1n·short, does all t he heavy work about the building. At the dinner honr you see groupe of women sritting on piles of wood and atone eatmg their frugal meal, The entire dairy business of the cl~y Is in their huds, and here they take the places of hors011 and doga, curying on their should· ers the 'heavy cana of milk from door to door. W hile woman thuo slaves in Stock holm, man para.des. You will eee hlm In a 11ort of uniform in the market place, loung· in all day " for hire," to rnn errands or to do light porter11ge. ·whenever &ny light work that pays fairly well le to be done, there is the man, On dress parade y ou see him as a soldier, swaggering ahou~ beer-gardens, loafing In the, or fishing on the outskirts or the town. It is a pity that soma of the showy soldiers ot these little Eurpoee.n powers 01:mld not be converted into expert bed-carriers or skilful mortar·mlxen, instead of weighing · women down under the yoke of double burdens, f A .. man is perhaps more thorough and ~ Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants .. STAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A complete stock always on We have all the best grades of hand~ ~Q~L~B; AN!~ ~~Q>llfl@ ]i1J~QlQIJt that is manufactured. We h~ve in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shor ts, Oats and Chickei{ Feed, ~roc~ery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, SausaO'es and Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experienc~ in the Meat Department enables us t o supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery Depart~ent, under the supervision of Mr. J ohn Allin, is of th~ very best quahty. ~ o t~ash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only m the best goods, which w~ll be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your pat ronage will be t hankfully re ceived. Goods delivered to al] parts of the town on short notice. A call solicited. Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Bides, Tailo'1" , BeeJ, Pork and alJ F .a i·m P1·oduce. C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON,. Chemists and Druggists, KEE P A F ULL STOCK OF FURE DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. . AL S O SELECT STOCK O F [~win Alaen&B ro. Spring House Cleanine;. ~~~,fl n,~ ~~l ~~1r~1.~J!1.! ~t~!S? Mvertisin gAgenc~. ~TOCK ---TAKING Eclipso Houso Bargains Ill I W. H. IVES. WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S - ... -LIVER - PILLS DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. No matter how regularly the routine of d11ily work baa gone on during the winter months, the opening spring revee.le to the ambitious housewife the s.bsolutenece!Blty of :m't be too eager a thorough overhauling. D, about it, sisters, unless you exceptional· ly strong. A clean house, however aa.tlefaotory of itself, will he dearly purchased at AGENT~ FOR the expense of health, Let some stronga.rmed humble worker lend a hand in the "rough of it," if the services of a domestl· o~ted B ridget are not ttovu.ilable. Bagln in good season, undertaking one er two room' only at a time, inete&d of having the whole house in confusion at once, The cellar is a good place in whioh to begin hostilities, The a.ah -bin should be emptied, the furnaoe and every bit of ueele811 rubbish disposed of. A fa.lthful sea.rob for overlooked and decaying vege· t~bles ls necessary, for they are a prolific cause of disea.9e, If needful the air of the cellar may be purified and pare.sit!cal growth Filled with absolute purity and correctness. deetoyed by burning brimstone In an old pan, closing doors &nd windows meanwhile " · ========================== ===== = for a few honra, After the floor be.s been sprinkled and awept a coating of wbltewath should be applied to the walh a.nd wood· work, Add to the wa.ah coppel'lloll, which ls a cheap article, In the proportion of six or eight ponnds to half a bushel of quicklime, Tnis has fine ole:malng and disinfecting pro· pertle11, e.nd Is a aoverelgu prophyla.otlc against the raveg ~s of rate and mioe, Once a year i ( none too often for this to be done. The drain of the kitchen elnk muat never be neglected. Dlasolve a fnr oenta' worth of coppers.a In a pa.ilful of hot water, and pour a little of this liquid Into the drain· pipe da.ily, anti it will be freed from its noxlone odor1, The grease from dish-water of. ten clogs the pips. Ammonia, used in1tead of soap for dlsh-ws.ahlng, would soon clear away the obstruction, as It works ohemi· 011olly upon grease and " ldlla" it. A soln· tion of lye would have the same effect, On examining the aocnmulatlons of super. fl.nous furniture or cast oft cletblng in the attlo, sort out, with a free hand, what may he spared for the greater need of others, ---AND--W inter clothing muat be for before the in&idlous moth-inlller olalmn it for lh home, and hatches these destructive little worms tha.t live but to destroy, Hang the garments on the line out doers, and beat them well with a whisk, then envelop them in brown paper and mark the name of garment and its owner with Ink on each· age. Carpets infeated by buffalo bu~ should be with a damp cloth and hot fl.;t-lron, which. · will kill the eggs, and the adult mteoreant that shows himself will, no do11bt, meet the fate he de. servos on the opot. The steaming operation should be repeated :frequently. Bedateada washed oooulonally with kerosene will never be troubled with vermin, Da.l1J1atian powder sprinkled in the way of ante when · · ~ .their v11ttH begin wm cause them to diaa.p· pear. Powd~red borax a.ho is said to be good. When a room is to have new paper, the old ought to be removed first, A boiler of Pianos Toned and Repaired. hot water set in the room, and the doora closed for a will, will cause the paper to ARTIES WISHIN G TREIRPIANOS loosen so tha.t lt may be taken of without ·runed or r epaired canha~e thorn at tended difficulty, The wood-work may then be 0 by leaving wor d .a.t t he D OM IN ION O RGAN. cleaned while the dirt la softened by Oo's 0ll'11ICE, Bowmanville. A flrst-clas man the steam. W e11ok lye la Invaluable for 1ow belna in their mplo .'. cleaning painted woodwork, &nd 11alera.tu1. water is goJd, bu t both muet he thoroughly rinsed off before the fina.I wiping. Whiting Dr finely pewdered qu11ortz ts aerviceable for tb.e m ost soiled S[ or.a, A mmonia., used In the proportion of a tablespoonful (or less if Will, to make r oom for 8pring I mportat ions, very strong) to a q aart of hot wa.t~r, ls au offer for the next 60 DAYS, the whole of excellent cleanser, Afterward U!e it atlll - his immense stock ormore diluted fo1 the paints, Hair Brushes and Combs, Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &er- THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE~AND CATTLE FOOD. Pure Ground Oil Cake. PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS . Bu cK'S CELEBRATED STOVES The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIANT HOME- Single and Double Heater, all fitted with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I They stand without a rival. For sale by S S EDSA. LL CHEAT 6 0 DAYS' FURNACES, a speci'alty. P CLEARING SiLf !· D. DAVIS Bound to Preserve His Health. Bark eeper- What's yours ? Cautious Cnstcmer- 1 was thinkin g of taking a of ice water, but I r ea.d tho other ds.v that nea.rly all t h is neaoon 'a orop of ice h& d worms In It. B11orkeeper (stlfily)- lI11.ven 't heard th& t, sir. Cust om sr - I'ts a foct, I a.~~ure you, I'll t ake a gla.~s of ice wa ~er if you 'll put in something poisonous to k ill t he worms·. Bi.\rkeeper- What eha.11 I put in? . Customer (1>ftcr reflectlon ) - Whi~ky wm do, Boots and Shoes, Slippe1·s, Bubbe1·s, T1·unl{s, Valises, &c., AT- Greatly Reduced Prices. And Is pr epared to execute all - ... .. " All men equal before t he fo.w," Yes, before t he lllw, but afterit gets h ol d of neatly and promptly attended to; h aving none them then it 's d ifferent , but firs t-class workmen employed. :M:r. Erastus Wiman has entend th e lee· ' f HIS OU'l' a nd r et urn to us with .t1irS.A.TISFACTION GU ARANTEED."""' t ure field a.nd bas heen entert ainin g bis fol. lOc. or 1 3c. stamps, and you'll get """" low-citizens on Staten Island with a disby return mail a Golden Box of D "ll1o l r I S, Goods that will bring you in more · .fUJ A. course on "R~pld '.I~ransit on St at en Island in one month than anything else in E Offi B "Id" and its Effact in N ew ·x or k on Suburban money x pr el!S ca u1 mg. America. Eit her sex make money fa1t, CI'rY D evelopment and Harbor Ealar gement ," l'IOVELTY CO., Yarmouth.· N. s, .,, Buwm11,nville, Feb. I 1886, .. -·- - ORDERED WORK on the shor test notioe. REPAIRING. CUT