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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1886, p. 4

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P. TR EBILC 0CK Full Stock WALL PAPER --o-- e~ C~~IAGES arrived. P. TREBILCOCK. OOING!EAST. \of a youth's belonging to this SClCiety, or one similar t o it, i s in itself evidence that · \he is providently inclinea ; and if the misfortune of accident or sicknees should --o-happen it would aid him . Every youth sh ould endea.vor to onter into t h s or a eimilar Society, and le ·rn from 11ct11al e'{perience how to prevent want if any accident should h appen in future life, iis -OFit has been frequently shown that those who are rich in youth way be reduced to poverty and want in old age. Who, then, is so ex:ttlted in rauk, whether by birth or merit, might not be proud of proYiding - Oli'for this emergency, and becomiug a [member of .the Juvenile Forester:~ · Court. Pride of Durha01 h olds its mee·.· in<rs on the first Monday night of each m~nth fromlmlf.past seven to nine o'clock, in the ForestHs' New Hall, over Jolin McMurtry's st ore. The business i· C()D· ducted by a committee of twelve m e mber~ of Court Pride ot Ontario, the older society. The p resen t oflicer; are ; J. 0 . La B"ll", President; Geo. E. M <1y nard, Vrne-Presidm1t; Thos. H . 8 1ry, Treasnrer; and E 13. Will iams, Secret.ary. Theae members or any member of either Court will tako ple as ure in giving any infor11Ht· tion respcctiug the society ty those desiring it The charges for ad mission are as follows: Hoye who are 7 and under 10 just years of age 50 cents; 10 and under 13 --o-years, 75 cents; 13 and under 15 years, $1 00; HJ and nnder 17 y ear~, 1..50. '.l'he monthly contributions run from 20 to 30 cents uccording to age. The sil'k allowauces rnng;c from $1.00 to $2.00 per week; and the fu neral benelits from $l5 to $25 in c~se .,f the death of a memher. P1irc·nts CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. need have no hesitancy in allowing their sons to nnite with this Societ.y M s trict supervi,1on will be kept over r.ho m nmbBUilKE'l'ON S'l'A'l'ION ers when in att~ ndance at their m eetings. I New Patterns Dr. l\fcEachren and S. Cotten will be at the promp tly on the MESSRS. Su Aw & ToLE, - i d day and hour stated t n buy ff.,avyDraught "' bought a Toronto Ligh~ Binder' ~n and Good General Purpose Fillies, rising after running it for two harvests 1 ttmg for myself and neighbors, over 200 s cr.1111 , 2 and 3 years old, for a large ranch in uot costing me 10 cents for repairs. bet_ng the West: SuuRD,\Y, April 17.-0shawa, Central able to handlA it with tivo horso· with ease, I consider it the champion Bi11rler <?f Hotel, !) t o 12 o'clock : Bowman ville, llue· the D ominion. My neighbor M r. Neil bottom's, 1 to 5 p. m. Osborne, had i~ field Im co11ld not ti andle Tell your friends and neighb~rs. Bring with the .Cnatbm Binder, they could not col ts promptly on time. go throu~h wi thout choking and l ~ent In with the Light Toronto, wentsi~ tunes ai.,rnnd the field without leuving my seat., not onlv cnttinrr and bmdin" it but t,11rned out aud cut the stubble the Cli1·tham had pMsed over elevated and bouud the rnrne. Mr. o~b~ru .. hnd the little 11rantford and the Du nda~ for several days cutting for him, but gave his or d.;r for the Li~ht Toron to. , V. H. Osnmurn;. . . "J n. of t h e D omm1 Champ1on ·11-M h 2~ 1 _SSG .. B01vmanvi e, arc ot i. -:·ia.ving 200 FILLIES WANTED. folh~wing pla~es 00 · -FOR- 0 0 Wall Pap~r ~ H ~ and BORDERS, Children's Carriages, Express Wagons & Carts, Q) PICTURE FRAMES, Mirrors, RAW SUGARS. Porto Rico and Demerara Sugars -A~- No trouble to show goods. WM. QUICK & CO'S. ~1M1Dllll4Mlfli!l!l!llWmwm·w~s1111111mlll!mmlllll'lmmm11111ml!a!I"._ PRICES VERY LOVV Express ...... 11.33 am Mixed . ..... .. 8.36 am TMa powder never varies. A marvel o!J' Mixed .. ...... 7.~2 pm Express ... ... 12.61 pm SCHOOL BOARD. irnrlty, strength and wholesomeness. l\fore Express . . . . . . 7.42 p m economical thu.n the ordimiry Kind-, and cannot be Mld in compe tition with the nmltltnde Tickets and further information may be h ad Regular meeting April 9th, Mr. R. ---o l1"--or low test., short weight, ll.lum or pho&pha.t.o·· from R. B. ANI'lRF:W, Big 20. Hailroa<l, and vVinr:lntt, cha.irman, presid111g. Present powdP=. Hole ! onlv in C·tn·. ROY AL El'AK~ Steamboat Ticket .Agent, Bowman ville. INQ P OWDl!;n co·· 100 w ...n St., N. Y . Me·srs. Bleakley, ·rod, H »rdey, Cnbitt, Lyl<', Brimacombe, Fogg, Couch, Brodie and Burden. l\~inutes of last me~tin.g w,ere read aud conhrmed. The Pnnc1pu:l s report of BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, APR.CL 16. attencla11ce, etc., was presenied, receivc,d and tiled. YETliJR.lNARY SURGEON, The Finance C11mmittee r~'Om mended I l{ H:we just opened out a full range of payment ,,f the fo llowin~ acco'.Jnts; Wo1.1k,. : · ', . CASH SALE vs CREDIT. 1 McUlell1rn & Co., coal, *'.1 \8; John G __, 0 · Weeks, W<>rk s. W. scho ..J, $1 ,25 ·, Gal a C'~llars' Cntl's, n ew styL~ll' i 11 Cel- Honorary )lr-uate ()~ ntar10 '.'"eterrua;ry We would like to &ee fwery 1 ::.:erchant C o II ege, · · lll:A! 75 M ·· J Juloi'il' a nd· l.One-n, at 'l'. Geo: .,.,,. -1>.iason ·s ·.~·1111 a tt P.11 d t " a II d tseases· B ; a., a.mes, t' · l i n the country selling ~trictly for cash. · rua . · prinnog, w·.., 0 f i· ((I MPORTED Dl'REC'r). It is the i:.nlimited credit system that is d:i., $8 ; S . E. Andrew, s ·at1 on31·y. $2(), · Star liI'Ouso: c.omes t0' auuna s. These gooch are undoubtedly the best value ever running h alf of thejmerchante whose fail· 20 ; McDougall & Met calf, co"I,. $24,00 ; Jum to hand ~t Mayer's, nel'I" Spring 1 & , urea appear in the commercial papers of McCl etlan & Co., woorl, $1, 75 ; E . Byers, Hats and· Gen~'s fu rnishings. & ll and shown in town. We bavfJ also in stock a full '! the day. There is 8ca.rcely an instance wo ·d, $72 .25 ; L. (>Jeo. Quick~ stuve, see the-uew styl011. A s .:JrE c J AL TY. assortment of the best nn<l most reliable make of where a man who asks fo r credit can not $22,15; R. Worth, carpentry, "22, 55 i Evea ing:G lolre- sent to any ad dh:?:is for manage to pay cash if he is c.impelled to. do ' $5,05. Total, $2:§ii».85. 25cts p~I.' monthi.. ~ave your orders at Car.1\1 and O rclorn- by mail or telegr~li · It may seem hard e.t first, but we must Mo~ ed by Mr. Homey, second;~ by Kenner·&·Go's· Vwn ety Hall. will receive prompt at tent ion. l come to it. The storelrnepH who refusea Col. Cubitt . th at the Sec:retary is l\Jernl>y All w >l'll ·tweecl!t worth 75c for Gll~ per CHAlt·C:ES' Mo~tmATE. I ~redi't, may lose a few d ollars by :rn ·n· instructed to giva notice throug:l~ the d ,.,,... l u h $Z GO f · ~ 1 Crapes not made for show m@Tely, but which we "· 1 11 b yar . .u.tamt e c10Un1wort . e r ~1 . OFJ?ICE HO>U"R&., 3 TO 10 A. M"' dignant customer, but it "i'l he amply ··cal papers that a aCC1') unts owing y 75 at T. 3-001.M'af!0ni'"it S tar House. can confident1311 recommend_to give R?kisfaction t o the wearer. llMlrst·clo.as stock-or J.\..%<liciues always repaid to him in s11.ving from cr edit give n the Board of Education· of this T own 1 rn ·hanuto d ead beat~ . The loss of bad accou uts must be placed in the har.ds of ttie 8-eeTeA well as11orted OO(?ek of the ch<'liicest N. :B.- Will v".iiit1 Wibliiamsbnrg eveirp C:ouch7 Johnston & ( ;1·yde1·man, does not always spring from the dead t ary, du·y cci·titied by t.he chairmau of family groeeries-and·])l'!'O\' isions, fresban d 16-ly beat class. A man may run a bill with the committee having charge of nhe cured m e:ntl!,-.aJ.wny;;i ©Ill hand at L yie's. Sa.tur.iMy of oach week. One Door Wed of Post Office, BoWMANVILLR. you, who has for years b ~t'U considered <le1 ):trtm- nt in which thO" indebted:.ruea.s If you uaut to see t11e .finest China ::ilall the best pay in town. Before your ac- was cnutracted, not later th:i:n Wedoenday east of Toronto, ca!!' at Murdoch B~'l)tJ'. count falls due, he has received 80 me u n · before each regular monthly meetin~ltnof Since it Wi:Ai·opened :iiundreds have visited fortunate business lose, and ia um b!e to the BuuJ · Carried. it. pay your b ill. What can you du? He Bua.rd adjourned. Don t b uy. cMna,. C"3<ike:ry or glassw!Jro BUS::I'i . BUILD!N'"G1J11ever intended to b "at you. If yon had . -.·..-... ..-..- - - - - - till you see Mlud<behd~11os' new stock. I t )lllade a positive rule not to give c· ed i t to A Good Life Insurauce Co. be11ts anyt hing· ul"er ~own in Bowmr.111;11.nyboily, he would h ave been just as ville. Trut.\!,. willing t? pily Msh when h e received ~he The l\1utuaJ Relief Society .,f Rochen{Jl'lf FAR.MERs,.--McClelfur~· & Co. have nrnv friel1de,who in ten d to · b u~· a. ntJw open or ,goods. rhe merchan ts . of. Bowm~nville Y., whicll has a good menabership illlll on hand a b1:ge qpantity of :t"!alt ind ha.ve hatl many experiences smnlar tu Bowman ville-, has paid in d'!lath claimllo Plaster and fioptsalo in UJjtJJl\ntities to si;,jj; coverd buggy, phaeton 0~· other veh ide I t~1s. If a man owes you money a~d from l879 to March 1st, 188Hi..seven lllm.·· purch asers will be ·most liberally dea1t wir. li and will ~ will n.ot or ev.en cannot. p ay yon! there i s dred and ninety·seven thousand dollai~ Call at Mi11rris~ (fa,r:tiliige Works before find it ~o be to their.rr ad'll~rntage to caill _ a. feeling of d1st~ust which rou will a lways 'f1]~S ::iticioty lias n ow over efoven thou3'-· onl <oring andl e'l:arnin@· uhe m aterial and 1ha~e t owards ~1111. In this cash system and members, insured under thirteeTll stock he is miing in· ltt~s carriages :m4 very stt<>n at MorrieV ©i,u11age W orlr.s,., \ :as lD all "th er important moves.' it must thousand, th~ hundred and ninety certiili- , wagons this :;ea.son:. A 00.NSIGNMENT OF 15· 1 w be h.a udled b y a concerted action of all cates, aggregating twenty-nin~: millionff, A fine asoortment a f Mourning anl Bowmt;ovil le. 1et11·l 0 !l ' l"'r~. four hundred and seventy thousand doll- Mantle Goocl:ti. dress, gooos, silks, laces;· Jars ll fo1ce. etc. Very dfoiee g!>@dl!. See them :i-.t The Mutual Relief S ociety has rnoJJ\l' T. Geo. ~:I ~som>~-s, Star 'l!ll@,use. JUVENILE FORESTERS. than doubled its assets in the last ycr..r A skilled blaieksmitlt. From Toront o ]s. The n ew By-L:i.ws of Court Pride o f and its Rese1·ve Fund is increa:oir1g ove11· :?<· in charge of tht. 1::11ack~imthing departmol1lt ONE CA R of Morris' Cwriig\l We~ks. All kin1 a, Durharu .No. 15, Juvemle .Ancient Order thollsa.ud dollars everv mouth. 'fhe 1 .w eragc mortm~ry cost-all ages (].S of repairing Jlfil.'l.tly.,. f:lll©>rnptly and wt<U of Fore·tero' Friendly Society, Bowmanto 54) included- ha,s been only-$8.25.pGr done. In tl:\.re T ownshiP.>Of Darlingtor.3.}, ville , '""" jm t been print ed_ at "the annum for each $1,000 of in s ·1ra.ue.e . STATESMAN J ob Rooms and circllla~cd Each ember is assessed accordli.n~ to age Murdoch Bvrni; have sold mor e china, in: the Coun~ Durham. 111 among th>< mH mbers. and the you" ger mcmher pays only. <Hi:Je crockery aod g.hi!!sVJ;ti.re since th0y speciall~r selected! Cot· seed. 'fhe motto o t the Aneient Order of half a. much as the older mc<mbe-r.. . opened their li.e.ndsome-<Jhina Rall three nio nths · ago thun.for·a.&· Y similar p.iri>(1l Forest o· s 1s U uity, B,mevolenee and Every. member can comf<1rl7 hinuKVlf in their history" befuF&. Concor,l, which motto for. numberless the fact that the cost in the·M!u.t=l r easons rn undol!.btedlv the best that could with n,el1ef Society for the vast amount of in.l:'artirn req11irin~ Mourning Good 3 · have been ch1Js"n for a s!)ciety which sur11.nce afforded by it from Sepbemiber, should read Clrnch, J&l1mstons & Cryder. a imed to i uc,.· ·ase th e knowledge of its 187(), to March 1st, 1886, if oomJ?~Wed man's new a!illvertisemiint i n thts i.ss1~e. memb ·rs b y brmgin(.; them together for wi·h the cost for t h e same amount of P·l'O- They have }lilat recei\lied a fine stock of· in tlhe Town ~ff BowmanviBiS\ _, C1tshmeres, C:rar)e Clofo~, Crapes, etc;, friendlymt.irc·:1irs0 and diac~ssion,to h elp 1ille rates, "'tows a li e oId t er:t.in. 1 1 under t · E N b ht l by virtm1 or Power ofSi1le con alnlng a cc;rta.!n 1 one anoth er 111 t11n0 of sickness and posiri ve saving to its m ember· of! tw.o mil- direct from 0 ·wa1·1·ainted t1·ue 1:8' theh· names. -tig1a.nul e er va 116 ' Mortg;:oge which will 1:19 produced a.t 1be Salo distress a nd to promote brotherly love lions four hundred and four· uh0·l!lS2111d, anywhere. ' the fo llowing Property: ' among ~he members of the Order. Under · l' l d l Oll m:s·. M. A · Are v_ OL\ lonsinrr vo11r hair? Are " Oil Uhder Mortga~e frc-m. JOUN .Toms B:IOWN, 01M?·@.JtoCERY DEI'AE:'J1\1ENT is fully: s.t0eked with first-claoo goo"'~' and innc re an d 8even t Y < ~ "' . J " 0 the Nerth East Quartttr of Lot No.+, in 1.he S~h this motto the A " cient Order of Fore3ters SIX J A.i\lJ;S,Secretary of Local Boa:udi. gettinc ba vJlr I s your hair turmng grey·' Concession of tbe 'l'l!l WNShio of Du.rlin~ton In will be sold as chea. ]lo as the chl:'apest. hlls worlleo fr,. m time imemorial, and Are you troubled wi.t.n D andruff/ 'I".n·en. tho County of Dnr11.,.JC·, containing 5iJ) acres is still v;r,,rkinei wi' h diligern:e and suceess dont be in despair, go and buy a bottle ofmow· or less. CARTWRIGHT OOUJMCIL. ·i wend's G erman Hair Ma0 o~,··, i t ·on Tho-following inn::ve-veme.nts are said to be OSJr· WINES and SPIRITS must be cleaned out tih:is month. which is sui·pri,1i ·g I:'.> the un initiated. Dr. Dore · tbe premises. 'lihe entlre ot the land are As a y o1l'1 g obPOt to this. great and Town Hall, Cartwright, April ;;, 1886. will stop tl:.e- h air from falling out; wher.e clea1-,.ttncl thero is cre6'tod thereon, a Frame ere is th'tl slightest chance of roote-lllft Dwelling House and :Frame Barn. t h glorious Society. this J 11 venile B r a.nch nouucil met pursL1ant to amjionrnment. prnduce a tfaick h ead of h11.ir, and 'JJJR,RMS-l<' ifteen PG·r cent of pureh!l.&e money "PridR o f Durba·H, " N". 15,of theAnc1ent Members all present. The mi-nnt.ee of last it ... to l;;e paid down en the day of sale. For meeting wero read aud confirmed. .Mr. Mc· Order of Foreste~s, w '"formed on the 21st cl K ee brought in and carried thro.112g)1 a fly.law wher<> the scalp is. full of D,i n drutl 1>1ill balaJ>ce. terms willJbemade known a:..the ~ale. For furthell'"(i>al'ticulars apply to day of Dec., A. D. 1885, with the gran to app()int PathmastArs, Fenoe viewors and c11re it at once. F or sn.le at all pririsipi.l obJ ' ect of prepari " g thtl yo.ung_ .for .the Pound keepers for 1SS6. Georgi; Hardel) came Drug~ sta.. J . Higginboiham & Son.,.· ,JONES B !WS. & MACKENZIE, · before the Council asl<lng for the opcniog or · 41- tf Soticil.ol's, Nos. $and 6 Cantld1.1 E"ermanent great battld of 1ifo, au d rnsti 11 mg lll·O the rn«d between L".lt No. G an<il 7 in the 1st .Agents for l%wmanville. ,. I ' " "' ·' ·'· Pt~!ll:E LITERA '"URE!.t'-The Adldings. 'l 'm·onto Street Toronto. or to them in asm:dl d !'!!· ee, the works above . Con o" motion Mesars. lJeY>tt, McKee 11:nd P "I'E. u ' ..,...,A '"'" THOMAS BING\!f!A.M, E;:,Q, Bow'.lla.nville. t' i o the following manner, 'i l!'ullis wero appoiul;ed n comrn:ltt~e to exar;nme · oned 15·2 w - -AT THE- men 1 ' fthe sarn road a.nd to report tG tb1s Oounc1l at Li· Quor Tea Co, is the lar~est an d. best '.l'.il'onto, 1st April l8i6. 1Jamely, by r as1 ng fu ··IS by entrance . ees, its n"xt mcetmg ns t.o 1ho aJvisability of open· Packet 'Fea Co, in the v.orld. A hand- : -···- - · - - ------- ----· · · subscription~ of 11oel.ll bers,hnes,donat10ns, ing the same and of.the pro~ble costs thereof. of · · j · tol · supply aod w hcther there 1e any dispute about the some w 1ume given away with every 3His : 8nd rnter11"t " ll ' " v· 8 e· capt ~ ' · 1 tr 110 line of said road. Willialll A. Crawford of th is.eelebrated tea . It is not Dl!leessary '. G d" · : iuo the member~ fr.,m these funds when p1-eseoted a petition signed by '1Villiam Martin to puwhase the three po unds at on~ time; , · '.'kneilS ehnuld befall t,hem with medietil and John ] 'orcler praying t~e Council to lease a vo11ch·e r is given away with every half . __ , SIC · . . d -d· 0 to thfl said Crawford a portion of the unueed attendance Mld ~1e.cll·~trHl , an provl rn~ road in front of the 8th between Lot No.12 and pound. By drinking the~i.9um.rTelll'il,dl '..TAKE NO 'f ICE that immediately sums of mnnoy in oder to supi;>ly the lil ror· t'be purpose of u "!>u,ildiug lot..Laid oYer consumer l;Jecomes a partic1pa..to11 Ln the upon the expiration of t.w®"nty days after · o ' h. r ick room to dBfray for tbe purpose of obtamrng otb.er . s1gnatureB. necedsanes ' 1 '. ' Wm. Noble presented a per.ition signed lJ} ?· 1 ad vllintages which this company possesseli> th1> first plllblicati,o,n of t his notice, .A nnJie the ex penses of buna. of dec<'laaedmembers, ratepayers praying for indigent aid t o the said ove:r· all co mnet.itors for he gets. a better Humphrey, M t he I own o~ Eown,ianv1Il e. m <' . ' the County of Durham, w1dow, will apply to and when t he t tLub s bo11ld come, to have Nnble. On motion th~ petition ~8:S laid over te~ at a l ower pnce than can be procured His Honor tli.e Judge of the Su.rro~ate Cou..-t or the memb., rs admi rt...i into a Court of the ;~;;{~~f~~~~c~~:~~ail~~ry !u~e~~t~th;:~~~;: elsewhere a.nd h e ~hares itl the ioestim· the Uuited Counties of Northumberland 11ntl '-I b 'ti f · · t .· Dnrhiim to be appointed G,oardian of Annie Ancient Order of I1'0 1·es ~ets. ing for indigent aid to J·imes .A.nnis. Moved a gigantic en erpnse. Hamphrey, Thomas Humphre~. Charles Hum· th by Mr. Sp·n ks, secoucled by Mr. McK.ee. t l1at a,,. e ene ta o rly and get tho benefi t of our un- phrey. Frederick Humphrey, Catherine Hum· What cou ld be Ill· ore necessary t o e J o.mes Anu is receive as indigent 1ud $3.00, Came e;> L EVI MoltJUS .Actent ph;ey, and Ethel Hum1>hrey, the l nfant education of a you·h t hhll ·bv teaching Carried. Moved by Mr. Spin:.s, seconded by broken sto"k ' · ' "' f ' children or Thomas Georg& Humphrey, late of · h b l' · kl · " he is Mr. McKee that Robert Wilson and Mrs. Boumall,a Block. 11-t the said 'l'own of Bowmrmville, sadcUer, de. him t at Y a smi1 ' wee. Y sa~l~l,., LDllKilead ho allowed as indigent aid the sum ceased. nol; ooly able to r>upply ln s med1cme, and of $1.00 each and Robert Martin, WIT!· Spence Bowmnnville, 13th April. 1886. the a.t~ndatJce of , mud ica.l m1m when he and ltobt. Edgerton $3.00 each, c~r'.1ed. 'l'he it. 1wssELL r,osco~rnE. <JO NSlJMl"l'ION" CllRED.-3.n 010. physician. ·. h Reeve opened the teudere tor Municival prmt· . . . Solicitor for Applicant. 153w. should h »ppe n to fa [ , ll: k, no matter ow ing, four tenders being presented. Moved by ret;red rrom practice, having had placed in his often that might : cCU l , but also help Mr Spinks, secon'!-ed by Mr. _Devitt that the hands by an East India missionary the formula · ow t ag 11 whc!.! such casualties tender of ~V. R Cl1m1e, proprietor of the S11:n of a simple -.egetable remedy for the speedy 1 o th ere o f h 19 Bowmanv!lle be accepted, bemg the lowest . and permanent cure ofUonsumption,Bronchitis, should b efe.11 1 bem. tender, carrl~d. On motlou the Reeve signed Catarrh, Asthma and all throat a11d Lung A.f· > kt0 0 b· · · tile orders on the Treasnrer o.s follows : ·ro James rections, also a positive and radical curo. tor E very p11.ren ~ Bh onlu ~('e · am . 1 Anii'is, \V. Spence, Ht>ht. Martin ancl Hobert Nervous Debility a.11d all nervous Cornplamts, 'l'he Store. Dwellin>C, Stable nnd Driving: privilege uf 1-1nte1'tn\( h is >< ~n mto ~ society Edgerton_!mljgcp.ts,$3.00 each; Mrs. ~"'!gbead art.er having tested its wonderful ow·ative .'ll these oaJ· ~c ts as 1ll !nture life these anrt lLW1lson. md!gents, $!.OOcach lod'r· powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his houseancl about three-fourths of an a.ere ot !And Wl " ' l :::ihortr1dge, Hhovellmg son~ on gravel roa , ..,2. duty to ma ke it known to Me suffering fellows, situated in the village or Tyrone. 11.nd known things wiJl dou btl>l·S 1i1c necassa:ry, ~m oo; Tow. Crawford,sb.ovelling sh~w on gravel Actuated by this rootivo and a desire to relieve as Jmliott'a St"re, is offered. for St'le. All in when is \.h ere a better time for lcarmng ro&d. 75crs; 'fo ·w. Hunter, shovelhng snow.on human sufl.'erini;!, I will send tree of charge, to good order. For terms and conditions or sale, . h · P f ·f t then Div. No. 9, $6.50; ·ro. Robt, Mckee, reparmg all who desire it, this recipe, in German,French, apply to JAMES DINGHA.M, Ins. Agent. ~A these t h mgs t au m you.n · ?r 1 no . two scrapers, :j;S.05; 'l'o \Vm. Strong, work on or English, with full directions !or preptrl,ng Tyrone, or to SAMPSON, Kll:NN.EUY &. CO., 13-tf learnt t.he a-00 m ay grow old without havmg Manvc1 '8 Boundary line $1.25; To W · .n. Oli- and using. Sent by mall by adll.ressmg with H Scott St., Toronto. · ~ time3 and the mie, p~intir:g acoountl $22.50; On mo11on tl)-e stamp, no.mini;: this paper, W. A. NOYES 149 a oe n.t· sav<ld for troub\01n {5 · · ' ld b Council adJourned t1 l tb.e first Monday in Power'.9 BlockRochesler N. Y. To introduce only succor h e e<mld ootam woo e May next at 1 o'clock p. ro., 'YM. LucAs, them we wlll _ f.rom the cold charuy of L h e w,orld. Such Township Clerk. Young man you will miss it if hl.l!.l. buy Gn·E A.'~AY l,000 Self-OperatingWail\· in g Machmes. If you want one send us . ' . are the obje,~tR of 1hi.;, Society, .and the benefits r estihing from them are mcalclllCall at Tait & Morrison's to see Mrs. your Sprmg Hat befote seemg t e new , your name, P.O. and e~presa office at ~~'°' styles at Mayer's. i 'l'tie. Nntlonnl co ·· u Dey St., N. Y. ab le; as tho world sees that the mere fact Clarke's Cookery Book. I GOING WES1'. Ladies ,you can buy .Bf:'rlin Wool s at Mrs. Keyes' for 15c an ounce. One Case Ni'1w and Nobby Ties just received at T . Geo. Mas0l1'11 Star Hollse. New mualiu embroider ies this week, splendid va lue, at the Wci~ t End H(')>USe. We are sacrificing our Wool Good!!I to ; make room for spring pc~IJ.'ehases. M:rs. Ives. Two Uases English Hats, $tiff and Sor1, j ullt opened out at Geo · . Mason's St:;:!.' 'H onse. !l}ct ycmr buggyp·tinted i 3vt.1ie No. I pa.in.ter, H Stotr, at l\'lor.riJSI Carriage POWDER Absolutely Pure. - -- 1 .....p.................................R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~~ .~ .. ~{ L ····- . GRE.AT SE:O-vT ·r. F. A. JONES, E N N} S I L LE N Operations Dentisby. MOURNING GOODS!. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN aoo Crape Black Cashmeres, BLACK CRAPE? Blm BUS I IKSS BO 0M .- ··+-1-----------'~ I I tN. '.SPECIAL TO FARMERSL J u S T ..ARRIV-ED A~CTION '· ; YAlUA ~Lt fAM PROPtRlW '. SALE !M anitoba Old Fife "Wheat, Manitoba White Russian Wheat, OF :A merican Y ellovv Corn RUEBOTTQM HOUSE;. SEEDS m JOHN LYLE. SPRING OPENINGS I Notice Application foll" I L etters of uar 11.ansh1p. : w E ST END HOUSE. I NEW DRESS GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. All the NEWEST SHADES and a very large assortment to choose from. The New Trimming Braids to match all the latest shades. PROPERTY FOR SALE linings and Sewings to match. IN TYRONE. fine lot of NEW TWEEDS. Suits gotten up very cheap and well. Guarantee goods, fits and good workmanship. A BIG OFFER JOHN McMURTRY.

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