FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1886. CATARRH. CATARRII.- .A. new treatment has been di~ covered whereby a J)errmment cure of this lilitberto incurable disease. is a.b_solutely affect· ed in from one to three app!lcat1ona, no matt~r whether standing one year or forty years. ThIB remedy is only applied c;.nce m. twelve da.:ys, ia.nd does not interfere with bus.mesa. Descnp· tive J)amplilct sent free on receipt of stamp by A.H. Dixon &; Son, 305 King street, West, 'Toronto, Can~~AT IB CA'l'AHRH1 'Catarrh is a.dangerous dis<>as~ which 1tho.usa.nds·are consciously or uncons'?iou slysuffermg from' It is o. muco·purulent dis~har~e c.aused by the presence of a vegetable parasite 1 . n the lining membrane of the nose.. '!'ho p1·ed1spo8· ing causes-are a morbid state of the blood, the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of SYJ.:hilis, mercury, toxomce, f~·om the retention of the effete matter of the skm, ~uppressed perspiration a badly ventilated sleepmit. apar.t· '.m en ts and the germination of othe~ J)Oisona m < the blood. Irritated by these, the limng mem· lbrane of the nose is over r eady tor the recept ion of the parasite. which rapidly spreads, up the nostrils and down the rauces, or 'bac~ of the throat, causin!;. ulcerat10.u of the tliro~t, up ·the eustact1ian tubes, causing: dea.~n ess. bu._._ rowing in the vocal cords, ca.uswg' oarseness, ·~1snr ing the proper structur e of the b: onohial tube~ ending in pulmonary consumpt1011 aud ·de:M';!1.iy Ingenious speiftce for for t_h~ cure of 'l!latarrh have been mvented, but w1_thout su~ oeess, until a. physician of long s_tan~m~ rld 1scf~ · erecl the exact nature of th d1sea,e ,m e only ~ppliance which will permanently the para.Site no matter how ap;grava e 10 SuJierers should send · stamp at once ;for descriptive pa.mphlet on. c11.tar~, Sto ti~ " b usiness manae;ers, .A., H, Dixon on, ;King atroct west, 'l'oronto, Canad·. ,·What t he Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., a Clerav· · of the London Confet·eneeof t~w lrfetho· ·dist Chu.·ch of Canada, lias to say in r eoa;:d '{ro A.H. D·i xon&: Son's New T?·eatment ,or ioJtifY · Oakl11.ns, Ont., Canada., March 17, 1883 . h d DEAR SIRS -Yours-0f the 13th mst. to an · It seemed a.llnost too good to be true t~at I a'¥ ·cured of Catarrh. but I know tna.t am. 'have had no return of the, and never ' 1elt better in my life. I .have tried so many · ~hings for Catarrh, su±fored so much. and tor · ,· 60 many, that it is hard to realize that ·1amrea.lly better. d . 't I consider that mine was a v01:Y ba .case, l ··was aggravated and chronic, 'lllvclvmg ~he ··t hroat as well , as. the nasal pas~ages. and I thought it would require tho three .tieatment~ but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and I am thankful that I was ever induced to sen lie ~~~· at liberty to uso this letter stating that I have been cured a.t two treatments. and I shall gladly recommend your romedy'to some (!If my friends who ara sufferers. Yours with many Lhanks. ' ftEV. E, B. STEVENSON. ~nd hundreds of others MesS'l"S. A.H. JJix on & Son: . Oata1'1'h, ARD OF THANKS.-To the ~~na: er of the Fire Insurance .A.esocio.t1on · ·srn hereby return thanks for the prompt payment (by your ai<ent, Mr. Tbos. Bingham, ilor my Joas by fire, caused by a spark fr?m a steam thresher havmg got payment foI con· tents at marlrnt' price; no i! or ~ payment like I see on the Dominion Grange Polley to tenants. ¥ours grate!ully. 'ftt:os. liARI\lS, 38 Tyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. Cf payment (by your 11gent, Mr. rhos. Bmgham) tor my loss by fire, caused . by a spark from ,. uteam thresher,having i·ece1 ved the full amount Cl)f my insurance IN GOLD on tho oocas1ou of my golden wedding. Yours tbankfully, THOMAS JARDINE. ARD OF THANKS.- To the Manager of Fire Insurance Association: C SIR, I hereby return thanks for the. prompt ~e 'fyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 Caledonian Mills. !iB'ormerly Known as the" Soper Mills. 'I TTIBIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· .L UGHLY renovated and put inorder,under rar own speoial supervision, tor the purpose of dsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and :fol Jarley and we are now prepared to rece1ve li>ll'ders fi·om all our old custom~rs and other~ lie~ work, and we gurantee to ~1ve tJ;iem ~ho tntrust us with the same en~1re satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken m exchange !01 F'lour Oo.t Meal, &:c. H. & J , TOWNS, Bow IJl!Bnville 227 · THE ONTARIO BANK '()ontlnues to do a Gen oral Banking Business eBo wmanvilfo Branch. DE .POSITS Recalved in Savings Bank Depar1.menta nd call ond interest allowed at current rates. N. motice of withdrawal necessary. .A.11 deposltP payable on demand, EXCHt\.NGE Bough tan d sold and Drafts issued upon Europe United States and Canada., also Gold,Silvor an<l United Sta~es Greenbacks bought and sold, l C:OLL EC'J.'IONS lt'romptly made a.t current rates upo n o.11 part ·of Great Brittain, the United States and Do 'tuinion or Canada. Teleg·rapb T ran srers ·Made tor la.rge or small sums on all. parts ol ·canada. Tbis is especially advantageous to !ilersona living in Mamtoba or the North·west l~ it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For further particulars call a t the Bank!n~ House. GEO. McGILL, ·'!'.BRODIE, Manage' .A.coountant. ·V ~LOOK OUT FOR-~ BARGAINSl IN MILLINERY.. --o-IFor the NEXT 30 DA.l's I will sell for LESS 'll.'"i'IAN OOST tho remainder of JUY stock of St,rlish and wost Durable Millinery ,] )BESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, , &c., with a vel'y heavy stock o~ Feqthers & Flo-wers. --o--'. Thanking my customers for · favors, I ll'espec1.fully solicit all to call and inspect my iJlresent stock, which I am aure will give the >!ltmost s.atisfaction. Mrs. DONNEL LY. MHSS McTAVISH ot Hae received her new stock GOODS., .and invites the Ladies of Bow'manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BO NNETS· , HATS and assortment ot TRIMMING.S STORE 1-Second Door 'tVest or Williams au:teller s ta u - · · A C.rnn.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, " Faith, no ; for I'd found even Egypt nervous weakness, early deca.~ loss of a deal too hot for my tastes. But whin I manhood, &c., I will send a.recipe that OtO got out into t he town I might aisily will cu re yon FltEE OF CHARGJ<;, This p 0 I ~ fancied myself In purgatory, and what wid g reat remedy was discovered by a missionde fl.a.mes an ' the blolld e.n· the screeching ary in South America. Send a self. 1 u U I an' throat catting, fa.Ith, Donnybrook fair addressed envelope to the Jl.Ev. JosEPH would have been a Qiu.kera' meeting to it. T. INMAN, Station D, N ew York Oity. 4!' 13r ti\e Autllor o/ "NINA, THB NIB.ILIST," "THB RED SPO!l'," 11 T:s· RUBl!IA.N SPY,' [got out ol the w:i.y Into what loolred like an empty house, for I was never the ohap E !ro,, E!ra, to thrast myself into compaDy where 1 · · himself adroitly and the n ext Instant the wasn't appreciated at me proper ve.Iue; but OB APTER LI . THE WAR MINISTER RETURNS SOONER !rHAN _ point of his swcrd was at the dragoon's h"'rdl y hlld I lain myself down on a aophy ._ I n sure in the Confederation Life Aeso · RE'S WANmED, throa.t, who, folding his arms on his breast, when:m Egyptian rushed into the room with ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian Don.,!ly, notwithstanding the aw·a lted death undinohlng!y. In five minutes ol my laying myself down, DEATH DEALING ARTILLERY. Mutual Aid, A. 0. U . W. or any pase amota.morphosle In hie outward appea.ranoe, H ia unda.unted demeanor! it was t hat sa.v. llnd, luckily, befor e I'd time to fall asleep, round your hat i nstitution, as the followrcoognlzed his man as well as voice In the ed him, for the mu1derous look that had a.nd who, seeing me al one In me glory, A. Sketch ot t he Royal Gu n Factories at ing examples will prove: Thos. McClung t winkling of)m'.eye~ and exclaimed j oyously : come ihto t_he war minister's eyes died out thoagbt, I suppose, that he'd send me to Woolwich. " .W hat .I PatM(\naghs.n alive and kloklng? of them again and he sheathed his sword glory wld a few inches ov col d steel In me bas been insur ed since 1872 for$2,000and The operations a.t historic \Voolwloh In the l ast five years it only cost him $2 .55 Y ou come a.a our guu.rdian angel, my boy," . with a clash, ea.yin~: brisket. I got up quloe i;:olltely to receive "By the piper that plt.yed before Moses, "No, I will not be tempted into ulaying a him, an' ae nie weapon waa all point an' no connection with the ma.nufaoture gf British per annum on each $ 1, 000 to insure. John I've brought ye the dnde t ha.t'll help t he brave man,· no ma.tter bow great the provo- edge, I clutched the blade, and at the end orduanae &re Titanic In their proportfon s. McClung insured at the same time for the blessed lot of us to get off se.fe," Oltlon." of a tuHSle got It a.way from him and then fn what is oalled the E \st Forge were cast a mount and it 't>nly cost him $1. 7! "Ptit, thh h filll! news," ej~cula.ted hia "You will wrong him far more by stealing runned it through him. I took 41s clothss tho monster guns to which have been given m11eter, "Open your bundle and spread out a.way from him his lawful wedded wife," said and left miM behind, an' whin I d p11t on tho n ~me of " Woolwich Infants." Down per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he your things. Tbeugb Nellie, I see, is al· Frank, his duels, I methoaght me of a little bottle the length ef this forgo are furnaces In which being a l ittle younger. We certify the above to be cor rect . Thoe. reu.dy dreeeed like a.n Egyptian lady. "l 11om not censolous ;if doing a.ny 2ucb which I'd lE>ft In ma wesket pocket, an' are heated ~!moat to a white he11.t the bars Pat still ca.rried over hie ldt arm auc:h dis· thing," retorted the war minister ind1 lllua.nt· which I'd appropriated for better or wor,e of the coils from which theac ~uns are built McClung, John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. up. At the mouth of the furn11co is a maguises as he thought would Euit the denizens ly. "Her pllrents declared unto me when I at the hotel wo pat-up at, " ef t he next dungeon, whioh be and the oa.p· took her to wifo tbllt sho was not 'ours, " If it \Vae whiekoy you wished It a <ihiue which, when the ba.r ls of t he proper "t!!Jn now qalckly entered. that. It was an idle ceremony that had been lare;er di;ae, I 'll bo sworn, J:'at." "emperature, eelzas it and winds lt reuud lt alao was deluged with the electric pitrformed between yo.n. They shou ld know, "It w11.s labelled Piaon, an' sure It Wll.l! t\nd roand in a glowing splra.1. There a~e light, which ws.s fl~ehed on the areenal al- and I ca.n hc.rdly believe tha.t they deliber· just the remains ov what t he landlord g·we ·e vera.l eteam-bammcra at work in t his forge , most continuously through the Dlght, since a.tely lied unto me, whilst, on the ot her ye to color yer honor 's face and hands va.rylng,from;3,000 to 6,000 peunds in weignt, it was knewn to be a signalling station, and ha.nd I know that the ceremony which unit· wit tt. I'd collared it agaln~t oventnalitiee ased for welding together abort bars ef iron the .British admiral desired to be as well ed us together wa>i a holy, a solemn and a through seeing it lying neglected on the to form one long bar for coiling. In the a.oqua.i.nted with Egyptian to.ctloa a.a the binding one acootdlng to my own cread, carpet in one corner whiu I in for me W eat F,)rge are two steam-hammers of im· Egyptians themselves. . Th!1s· in my opinion, I lawfully anrl rightly lady's tra.vellng box, !'ll be a.a good an mense power . The largest, a twelve-ton Mr, Trezan received Captain Donelly cl11.1m her as my own, and thus do I seize Egyptian M a.ny ov them now, I saya to hammer, is used for producing the large with considerable surpriFe, for Nellie had npon her and give her in charge ot my meself as I rubbed It in, an' I think yer forgings for the trunnion ho~. The force again and a.gain told .him and her mother people," honer will allow that I 've been a better of its heaviest blows le oompated at 400 tons, while it le under ench periect control that a. that be was dea.d, And as he concluded A.r abl Pasha once .Eg yptian tha.n most?" Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain 'l'reatment, His first question, however, was after more pounced u!lcn Nallie 1md this t ime ".But hew tlid you get ba'Jk to the blow can be struck by it which will crack a a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness, Convulsions. l!'its, Nervous, :Neuralgia, Head· :t. nut without wounding the kernel, nolther·hia wifa nor daughter, but as to how swung her round mt.o the arms of two of his arsenal, a.nd 80 impo!e · upon everybody ache, :Nervous Prostr'ltion,oaused by t b,.c use the bombardment waapregrasslng, nnd which followers, to whom h eald: there?" of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental THE FORTY TON HAMMER. eide wa.s getting the worst of It, "Take he~ out !l.Tld mount her on one of " Ooh bedad an ' that wM the easiest Dopression, Softening of the brain resulting- in "I can tell you b015t abeut that," said Pat, the swiftest yet gentleat -of our horses, and ma.tter ~f all. '1 uhammed d umb because le in a. shed close by o.nd was first used in insanity and leading to misery decay and death. Prema ture Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power M!l.y, 1874, on the ocoaaion of the villlt of unoeremoniou!ly. "It's all up wid the death to all who wculd rob me of her, ~or I kuew eo little of their Hugo, an' I played in either sex, Involuntary Losses .and Spermat· Egyptians·.:It'll be p~ce to-morrow, an' Hor· every mo.n hae a t·lght to defend hlo ewn. 1 the fool to get into their good grace5 They tho Cza.r of Ru~3ia. Its falling por tion, or orrhoea ca.used by over-exer tion of the Brain, rlble Pasha will eat humble pie, but, by this When Nellie had disr.;ppeared from view sioy here that the devil makes a. rogue but "hammer-hea.d, 11 weighs exactly forty tone, solf· abuse or over·indulgeitce. box conan' by that, there'll be some murdering of the war minister turned on her pareuta. God makes a fool · so they beat the' one and the "striking fall" !a fifteen feet, but tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six for :;>5.00, sent by mail prepaid on i·eceipt iy the iajac~lon of ~team into the cylinder boxes "You deserve ne co~alderatfon at my and pet and pamp~r the other." Europeans going on to-night," of price, "By the by, what are your plans for our hands, You ll>re calculating, mercenary and " They thought you were harmless as a a.'oove; it fo driven down with snob lmmenaeWe Guarantee Six Boxes ultimate escape, Pat ?" asked his master. hea.rtless. I cannot express my contempt dove, P&t, whilst in fact you were as art· ly. increased foroe, that the blow is equal "Why, yer honor, when we've once got for you both. If you wish to acoompa.ny ful an a fox, a.nd so t hey let you go a.bout to what it Wlluld be if t he hammer fell of '.ro cure any case. With each or der received The by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we out ov the hc:u~e, an' deaa.ved any sentrlea yon.r da.ughter:, for her sake )OU wel·. the place unwatched, getting all these itHelf from a bel~ht of eighty feet w ill send the purchaser our wri ttcn guarantee that may ba about the yards at tho bi;.~k. I come to do so. disguises a.nd so forth, thinking the while framework required to sustain aloft tnis to refund the money if the treatment does not know where to lay my hs.nd on a whopping "I wish to acc6ml!a.ny my child,~£ course," thJ.t you had no more object in assembltnj.! weight is formed of twe immense !rou piers, effect a cnre. Gua.rantees issued only by J::;o. Stott & Jury, Druggists, Bowmanville, which a.t about ten feet trom the ground big boat that'll hold the whole lot of 1w with oald Mr11. Trezii!r,_ m ;a toue and with a man· them than a plundering jackdaw." ease." ner which she Ill ..vam attempted t.o make "Your honor·a about right, which proves bend over so a.a to form an Imperfect a.roh, "Gentlemen," said .Frank Donelly, "if dignified. Her get up as a canva.ase was th11.t In Egypt as well a.a elsewhere It open In thv center for the ri~e and fall of you will cast in your lot with ua, 011 with against t'iat, a.nd, indeed,'s fierce fol- takes a wise man to play the fool. I only the hammer, and bearing the upper portion of those diagnlees that my man has brought lowers could not all of them restrain a grin. hope we II b e able to ote11.l a pair of horses the a.ppa.w.tus, The entire height ia forty· five feet; the basa covers an area of 120 feet yeu at once, You don't seem to have "I, too, wish to go with my wife a.nd before we've done." thought of wea.pona, Pat?" child, your excellency," said Mr. Trez!l.rr , " We'll al\y ·requisition ' for it has a, and the entire atructnre weighs 550 "Bedad, a.nd I'd enough to carry as it was. with no attempt at dignity even, that ar_ti· better sound, p,~t. Well, ~e go into the tons. It re.sis upon o. foundation of blocks If I'd have left eworda and phltols go falling ole, If ha still preserved any, having slip · a.rmory after all so that wo ca.n defend ou r· of iron weighing 650 tons, under which to a )> a.bout the pla.ce at every step I tnk a pretty ped down and hidden Itself away In his eelve5 if attack;tl and sell our Uves dea.r· depth of thirt y feet h concret;e a.nd timber. noise they'd have I know where we boots, ly, .But horses, fo r I have As nearly ae percussion can be represented can lay ot.r ha.ods on lot11 on 'em as soon a.a No sooner had he thus delivered himself nvom that I will follow my stolen bride by weight a blow from thill hammer counts ever we wemt 'em," ' tb?n the war mi~letor, without deigning throughout the length and breadth of Egypt for 1,000 tons. Soon Mr. Trezarr and the clergyman, to make him and bts wife l.\llY reply, shoat- before I will ca.lmly surrender her up to a THE MUSEUM OF THE ROYAL AI{TILLERY whoBe name, by the by, was Rallingetone, ed, a.ddreselng hie followers gener11.lly : Moslem like Ar11obl Paaha." I s at tho ea11t end of tho long front of the ar~ had Egyptia,nlzed themselves as muoh as, "Take them away and mount th"lm on "Bed11od, and as long as yer honor fol comidering their pallor, ft was possible to quiet horses, and whilst preventing any a.t· lows up the young lady, so long will I senal : ia supported by the subscriptions of )> tho e>fficers and, though ccc:u!onally assisted do. N ellie had brought her mother out of tempt,,at escape, Eee that they come to no follow up yer honor. Bat hadn't I bettu theft own cell Into the pa.saage, so that In harm. play dummy again, for here we in tho by the government, is a. prlva.te institution. It Includes a large collection ot guns and a.n other minute all the pa.rty were together Whereupon the banker and his wifo dis· public street ?" and looking towards Pat Monaghan as their appeared from vfow as s~ddenly as their "Yes, Pat; I think you had," answered arms of all sizes, dates and countries. There guardian an:gel. dir.ughfler ha.d done, lea.vmg only Fnnk his master, and they walked on In silence !s a.loo a most extensive and varied collection of stuffed birds and beasts, sent home Nellie hau found her missing veil, but as Donelly, Pat Monaghan a.nd the clergyman a while, lt was not a regular yashmaok It only con· to be disposed of. Not that there seemed to be much need by officers irom abroad, brouj{bt down by cea.led her exquialtely lllvely face In part, Arabi Pa.sha did not look a.a though bu for such a preoaut.ion slnoe the whole place · h Jr guns in aeveral parts of the world, and She had actually per~u11.ded her .mother to should take long abent thls iot, seemed to be ·deee:ted, save by a few sen\ home to be .ll.ept at thoir former qua.r- Is a powerful re'.lledy for thin hair, grey hair tere. There are skulls of the elephant, wal· and dandruff, where the roots of the hair is not "You are a men of peace," he s&ld to wandering dogs, don the oonvaEse uniform, by means of the rus a.nd mammoth, mummies, heathen godo, entit·ely destroyed it will produce a heavy oft reiterated a.BSura.nce that 11.11 the akirts cf the minieter, " so here fa a. safe conduct, N 0 sentrfoa were at the arsenal gates, " groupes of geo!ogioal specimena, models of thick growth of hair, it will likewise restore the grey and faded hair back to its former the bright blue, gcldbralded frock coat were with my seal and signature attached, whiah white flag waved from the summit of the F.addles, etc. ; In fact, objects of all kinda color, and whel'e dandruff' exists wi!l·l'omove 60 very long and alDo so ample a.a regarded will ena.ble you to go in peace whitherso· arsenal hotlSe, and gn looking down the it without fail. 'l'estimonials by the hundreds which likely to instruct or 1ntereet those matorial, it took away even the faintest SUB· ever you may feel Inclined, Have no fear, broa.d thoroughfare to the left the Ras-el- for ~'.tQ:¥~~,I{ the good resu!Ls of the "HA.IR whose benefit the muoeum waq instituod, picion of indelicacy. · for even the fierce Bedouinij1 who 011.nuo;; Tiu pa.lace was observed to be burning Manufactured only by A. DORENWEND, With her by no. means abundant b!\ck read,, know t~e sea.I well enough, and your fiercely, the fl.a.mes leaping out of every THE EAST LABORATORY solo owner for U. S. and Ca.;1ada, 103 and 105 ha.Ir puHhed up under her ta.rbeuch, Mru. ehowmg it will render you a.a safo in the window and even upwards t hrough gaps in Yonge St., 'l 'oronto, Canac la. Is teolated from tho rest of t he arsenal and Trezarr looked the fot, Indolent, pompoua streets of Alexandria, even a.t a time Uke the roof. For s>Lle by ull principal drug stores, Is closed t o visitors unless by special u.uther· J. HIGGI~B0'1'HAM & S 0 N, Druggists, self-conceited canvasae to tho very life, and the present, as though they were those of At this moment the sound of desu ltory ity. Here the small arm cartridges are 4. no sooner did her husband's gaz~ rest upon London. No thanks, sir, but go. TJ:ie way firing proved that the t own was not quite made; a.a·are the rockets, cannon cartridges .A.gents for 'Wmanville. her than, notwlthsta.ndiDg bis evident terror lies open a~d I have no time to li sten." empty, the evidence being confirmed by an and other articles, the manufacture of which and th<l extreme hazard of their eituu.tion, Mr. Rslhngatone did not rcq.nlre to be oncaeional piercing ahr!ek ; but Frank are da.ngerous. In theee portions of the arhis lips oxpauded for a m10ment iato a broa.d twloo bidden. He fixed the safe conduat Donelly guessed that the sounds were senal a fow men and hundre<ls of boys grin, while even the R.evero nd R~lllngston against his head covering In such a way cau~od by those huma.n vultures, who In employed, and ao perfect is the aystem upon uttered a.spasmodic "God'.blese my t oul !" that the curious seal of yellow wax should all countries gather on such occasions like whioh the work 11 oonduated that aocldents ESTABLISHED IN 1847. But fat turniDg sharply round, whitiner· be conspicuous even at a. distance, and he ravens to a , and who whlle engaged are llf very rare occurrence. Machinery ha9 ed, "Let every one pray for hlmttelf an' the drove a pin through both so that by no in r obbing t he wo1inded and t he dead kill baen devised by which risky operatiou are It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. Blessed Vargin for us all, for In that way possibility should It get lost. all who have strength enough left t o performed In a tube, throogh which the force Managed by and solely in the interests of God Almighty will hear us an' the Egyptians '.l'hen he sa.t hhrrnelf in motion ag faat a.a atrue:gle, &f an accldenta.l explosion is car ried aw11.y, the Policy holders, won't." a Rollingatone cauld do, and so dhappear· From such grim blrds of prey they had and otherpreca.utlone taken by which Having uttered this arljuratlon, Pat glid· ed ~n turn. litt le to fear, for a. dozen of thrn1 weuld the cha.noes of the lose of life thr ough a.eel· Its Rates al'e Lo"lv. ed or rat her ~huffied, on In front, those "Q3.p·ain Donelly," the wiu· minl1ter shrink away from t wo nmed men j 11st a.a ilont are rednced to the norrowest limits. whcm he was attempting to save following then, with a flrlm nmile, " we se. om dt>atined & p~ck of wolves scamper off at the mere H very body employed in these works change{ l'oUelcs non forfcltnble nntl uncondittonaI. as noiselessly as they could in his tra.aks,~a.n'.i to encounter eacb. otbcr at the mo· t lnop· roar of a lion; so the two Irishmen walked his olothes on entering oo as t o avoid the Cla sh Bonu s l"ald eve1·y three year s, so t hey q uitted t he m'oterl'aneans and portune moments, and perhaps I never ~elt on undaunted, gra.3plng in their ha.ndB the possibility of taking in any dangerous artireaohed the oQcupied rlloms of the house, so tempted to cut your throat as I do at loaded revolvers whloh ihey had approprl- cle, and they all :put on boots In which Joint ~ife Policies. tbough they a.ll heped that they would not the present one. If you were only arm· ated from the waT minister's private armory ther e are n o nailJ! but oopper ones. La.rge find them so on the \'resent oooasion, od-" after he ha.d taken hie depii.rtnre, s.a ft; now a:ippers in which per1onu entering the in· Though a double rish hut one premimn is paid B ut In the very first that they entered ·· That can now be ma.naged," excla.lmed app:iared, from t he city Itself. for two people, .A.mount of policy drawn closure on businesa encase their feet are also they behold Rahib and Khaasim, lying on our hero. .. Bid. one of your followers t o Dotting the vast plaoe in all directions provided, Within t he limits of the arsena.l on first death. thefioor a.s drunk as two fools, and snoring lend me a wee.pan and here on this epot, were bodies of murdered Europe1<ns, and is a 500 yard range for testing small ar ms Iµ t heir sleep like a couple of angry h<>gs. foot t" foot and blade to, we will de- on the pavement .outside the Ot toman Bink and ammunition, and outside 111 a longer "Here's the room wnere we'll find the oide who id the rightful buebanli of the they Jay in heaps a.nd In number to certa.ln· range for testing larger gans. The very Special Inducemen,fa to Total Abstainen. weapans,"~whlsi;ered Pa.t Monaghan, and he fair girl who la your prisoner." ly upwards of a hundred, 2ome with their large guns, however, are taken to Shoebury· 11olrea.dv had his grasp on the door handle "Alle.h has decided that t\lready, through throate out, others with their hea:le elashed ness, off the Nore, for testing, A.SSETS OVER $!;,000,000. 1 when a. confused hubbub, the shufiling of the aervlce2 of the Ulema, As for your entirely off, neatly a.ll with their limbs D'C01 '1E Ol'ER $1,!)Pll.000 · OTllER PLACES OF INTEREST many feet, the sound of &ngry and t>Xoited petition, It is the r<queat of a madman and go.shed or cleft In twain, and their trunks veloes, yells of " R&hlb I Khasaim !" and as such la refused, My life la still mv disfigured by many a hideous o.nd ven~eful either directly or Indirectly connected $100,000.00 deposited wlth theCanadiak°,.-tW6rn men t for benefit of Canadian policy holders. the opening and slamming of doors seemed country's and not my ewn, a.nd there are wound. Women as well as men had been with the atsenal, but the limits of this a.rt!· t9 take away his presence of mind In an in· other reasons as well," served thus, and even many little children, ole will permit only a passing refe~ence . to sta.nt, and then, before Ca.ptaiu Donelly " I cir.11 yon a brave and honorable ma.n, and Frank Doneliy's blood bolled within two of them. INl'ESTED IN CJANADA, $600,000.09, The Bur &eks for the ,Royal Horse p,nd could push to the front, Into the very a.par t· and I leok upon you aa In every way wort hy him a.a he beheld the cr uel alght, which, in ment walked the war minister, oloselv fol- of my steel. Ao for the safe cunduat, I truth, a.fleeted Pat almost as much llll his Foot Artillery are the best In the Klngdo..n HE.l.D OFFICE IN CANADA.:- MONTREAL lowed by at a score of evidently ha.If might as well expect you to supply me maeter. 11nd the principal front is ono of the finest For particulars refer to maddened Mohammedans, the majority of with a swift dromedary to pursue you on. But whilst regarding lt the l11otter beard bnlldings of the kind in EnglMld. In oonwhom grasped a. blood-reeking swgrd, I am well content to be left to my own re· a sound that at once attracted his attention. nection with the barre.eke ls a theati:e and E; L. LIVINGSTONE, whilst not a. faw held cocked pistols In their sources; a.nd I thank you for the life that "Arra.h, yer honor, it's In luck we are. a ha.ndsome church, while every~hlng possi · GENERAL .A.GENT, left handa. you have not taken, even t hough It lay &t There horses ca.Biog to us from lns!de b!o to devise for the 9omfor~ and pleasure PORT HOPE They bad '\rrived too q11lckly even for yonr feet." the corner of the garding on our right. oi both C"fliocrs and men Is provided, The Rsyal Mil!tary Aoa.demy wns orl· Or to agents throughout the count y, 48·6se. tho little ps.rcy of EuroJ.leans to eell their " Then we understand each other. They are surely picketed juut under those llves at a eatiefaotDry price. Adlet1 until we next meet, You have carob trees." glnally established In 1719, but was not Ns.ught rem~lned for them but tll be been liberated, I see, by a fool, but a fool "Come !!.long and we'll ,soon see, P ..t. fully orga~~izsd Ut!tll 1741, when George II., slaughtered like sheep, le una.ccounbble fer his own twtions, there- If they are there we'l! a.t once confiscate by royal warrante directed the founding of an academy " for lnetructiDg pnsons balongtore Allah forbud that I should punish them," CH.APTEB. LII. them. With traitors and unfaithful serThey rntared the ga.rden through the ing to the mllltar v part of the ordnance in Pumps Cheaper a n d Better l:NARMED YET MENA.CED BY A SCORE OF vants it fa very dlllerent, Dispa~oh me wrenched off Iron ga.te, and in a couple of the several branches of mathematfoa, fortl· than ever, SWORDPOI,NTS, those drunken dega who are wallowing under minutes had discovered n couple of shaggy, fica.tlons, etc., proper to qniJ1fy them for Slaoghtered like sheep they would have the table. 11 ·long-tailed horses and also a} tied to the ~ervlce of artillery and the dfi. )e of enbeen but for Arabi Pasha himself. The la~t words were addressed to his the trees, and all three ca.uying ac:ro~e gineers. Prince Arthur and the Prmce Im- . The Subscriber having built a la.rge nell Deaplte the disguhoe be recognized the followers Ill Arabic, and the next Instant their shoulders large sacks that were already perial of France were educated here. - - · ··Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared entire party with tne exception of l:'atMona- there wa11 the eimult~.neoaa report of a pair two·thlrda foll of plunder. ghan, a.nd ho oame to the very r11.tlonal oon· of pistols and the sleeping men's braina -to furnishThey out adrift the sacks sf spoll, read· Economy in Love. olusion that tho thoroughly wcll·diEgulsed were blown ont au they lay. · jueted tht> stirrup leather5, and mountlng, Irishman was one of hie own people whom De Guy- Fred, I saw you at the Aoa· The stern yet ju8t deed accomplished, rode out Into the open place or square, EVE~Y tho Ferlngheo by dint of threats had fright- the war minister gave the word to retire, meeting the rightful owne1s ' of the steeds demy with a. strange girl last night, Who With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of ened Into serving them, and he and his fierce followora lmmadlately before they had get a hundred yards on was it? Against the Earopeaus his knew no quitted the house, leaving the dragoon their way, Ponsonby-That was my mprlng and the Beat Material, on the shortest notice boands. captain and his foif;hful but disguised Instead of advancing and l&ylng claim to summer girl. I've aha.ken roy fall i;.nd and at the lowest prices. · 011<u.;ing his folio wel·s to recoil bv a. single u.ttendant apparently the only occupants the animals, however, they threw down winter lov-e. wave of his sword, the 01ily one tha.t seem· thereof, De Gay-I'm afrnid I den't fully envelope Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. · such loot. 118 they were carrying and run ed to be clear, brig)lt and nnsta.ined, he ada.way, 0<'ptain D onelly's brlgnt &ca.rlet your drift. dresned Mr, frezarr with: Ponaonby-?llothlng ea'!ler to axpla.ln. CHAPTER LUI. ca.valry cloak having apparently been the "So you are anxious to shake the dust of THROUGH BURNING ALEXANDRIA AND OUT AT cause of their alarm. My winter girl likes lcecream and hates WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. Egypt from your feet ? You are desirous t o Spurring after the three rascals, he grab- oysters, ?.nd my eummer gb 1 deapisee iceTHE ROSETTA GA.!l!E, desert what yeu think to he a tottering and bed hold of the one he :':rat caught up oream a.nd adores the biva.lves. By this lost cause for a prosperous and triumphant "Pat," said hia master, as the t wo pas~ with and demanded in peremptory tone11 plan I enough each year tll buy my one? Yon want to cheat me of the wife ed out ef the house, " -toll me, In a!! fow which way the army had gone. clllthes in Lunnon, whom only a few hours ago you were so words as possible, how you have managed "Ont through the Rosetta. gate and on TO GIVE SATISFACTION ea.gar that I should take for one? But it ls to impose upon tho Egyptiane so eftectnally towa.rds Dowar," wa.s the sullen Desirable Qaarters-Twenty·five cent a wife's duty to cling to a husbane. In a.d- as a otu11lly to into their confidence. answer, pieces. veraity as well as in prosperity, through It mlgl:it put me up to a. wrinkle two, "And the general and his staff? His Orders2by Mail promptly ·attended to. evil report as well as through. good report. you knew," Wha.t interjection la of the feminine genexcellency Ar11bi Pa.aha., I mean," continued Thus your shall cling unto me. " der 1 Alas I " Bedad, yer honor, and its little that Frank, He gnashed his teeth as ho concluded, I've get to tell, You knllW about where ye "Ha.s follewed the artillery t rain in the When the car drivers stl'lke, they do not DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, a.nd, striding forward, ~elzed Nellie by an left me, Well, the nagun didn't think 'I same direction," wa.a the response, brake anything. MOULDINGS, &c. ,kapt on hand. a.1·m ; but no sooner bad he done so than, wa.e worth looking up ; and for some r eason Oaptaln Donelly asked no further ques· A carpenter may have many virtues, still his ~ge and indlgnatien getting the better or other seEm2d half 'afraid to kill me, tions, but let the trembling wretch go, who of hla prudence, Frank Donelly emote him and so they turned me out of doors with immediately rushed after his companicns, he can't get along without vises. In t he· face with 1111 hie might, . S welled hoade are more than coronets more k icks than hill'pence and told me to go whilst Frank turned towa.rdu his faithful ' Arabi Paeha etaggered, but reco-rered to tho devil, " follower and obeerved : . and " guilt" ·edge stook than Norman gold, ECYPTIA N Ro lilAiai A N v ··-~E · Jthat "And what happened n.ext, fer IYI you did n ot take t heir advice ?" I see 1. A ry f L ,ove and . Wild Advanture, fonnded upon E'tartling ll ova.a- 'ons i'n tho "areer of Ara'h1 ' pasha· tl I "I have ne uoab l t he fel~ ow spoke t he truth, indeed, noGknowing who I ~ a.m, h e coald have no rea.son for deceiving me. At any r isk I must follow, Pat, for wher e· ever Arabi Pasha ie there will my wife be also. · D lstrueting her pa.r~nts, as he now evidently does, he will Ir.esp her under his own eye, of t hat be a.seured, 11 "W"'ll, yer honor, he'll be a rogue If he does, and he'll be a fool if he don't, So, IAS sur" as/::er ho aor follows yer wife leat aa surely 'll follow yer honor," · ('1'0 llE OONTINUED,) . .. .. Cheap Life Insurance. I HE ALTH IS W EALTH, Dr . DOR ENWEND'S :c .. .. - c 0... - . BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANC E CO., Orono Pump Factory. PUMPS OF DESCRIPTION ALL WORK GUARANTEED or R. FERGUSON.