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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1886, p. 3

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· iean learn the exact cost · oi:-ariy proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., pulse 150. He was removed from his bed The Mother's Work. to a. sofa. near a. front window. Every Elcctl'icity Cui Dou' n. Ihe fa.ct that It Is no trifling affair to man- draught ca.used convuldons, and every hour FRIDAY, APRTL 23 , 1885, 11.ge a house in never more fully rf;alized by the nervous eymp~oma were ag~ravated, the feminine head of the est&bllshment than One of the officers passed in front of the ADVISE TO MOTHER.S.- Are you ilis- when she ia unable from lllnese to follow the window and his shadow fell upon Neal. Stops all pains and aches, internal and exturbed at night and broken of your rest baa.ten path. The rest of the family a.bo sud- With a cry of ago.1Jy he stiuted from the tei-nal. '!'here is nothing hke it. It's all the talk, go where you will, by every one who has by a sick child suffering and crying with de,.Jy 1·ealize that she is the main spoko In sofa a.ud put hie hands over his cy011. tried it. "Go away, for heaven's sake ; go away, pa.in of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at the wheel. He bas t .. hunt up his gloves IT CURES once and f:!et a bottle o:E"Mrs. Winslow's and newspaper himself, and It misfortune You torture me," he crled. A DEVOTED WIFE, Soothing Syrup." For children teething, e.ppears in the shape of a lost button he beKidney and Spinal aftections, Lame Back, and His wife waa constl\ntl~ by hi11 side, all complaints of the Urinary Passages. Hlind its value is incalculable. It will relieve comes truly wretched. It is strnnge how utterly helpl<1se the married me.n In general · When rational the unfortunate man placed and Bleeding Piles, Salt Rheum, Scrofulous the poor little sufferer immediately. De- soon beoomee when he has no one to look his hands In thoee of his wife and sat in ·H- Sores, Sea.Id H ead , and all Cut.aneous AII'ec· pend upon it, mothers ; there is no after him, Indlvidually and collectively he enoe, H wall just after a fearful convulsive tlons, Neuralgia, Bleeding at tbe Lungs, InWhen buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, :tlammation:of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, mistake about it. It cures Dysentery haa a great leve for being waited upon, all stru11:gle that he turned to ht r and said : - Croup, Quincey, Swelled Neck, Colds and and Diarrhma, regnfa.tes the Stomach and the wa.y from having his boot11 blacked to " I won't suffer long, It will ·wen be Coughs, ltheumatism, Colic, Cholera Morbis, Dy sentry, Fever and .Ague, Sore Eyes, Catarrh, Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the being read or sm1g to sleep, over." HeadMhe, Pain in the Back, 8ide, Chest or Gums, reduces Inflammation, a.nd gives A la.Cly said to another one da.y In a flt of He saw the te&rs fill his wife's eyes, and any part of tb e systen; Ulcers, Old Sores and t o:::ie and energy to the whole sydtem. confidence, "Twioe a week for twenty years, ft troubled him. Again becoming dellri- Swellings. For Chilblains or Frosted Feet, used perseveringly, a cure is warranted. Try it once, you will use no other. " Mr'!. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for J ohn ha.a asked me whore he should find his ous, he cried :-" If I go, I want Ml.lry to Tumors, SLifI' Joints, Cuts, Burns, Bruises. children teething ia pleasant to the taste clean shirts, and all t hia time they have go with me. I 011.n't be sep:r.rated from Sprains, Chapped Hands. One half teaspoOpful lllctJO I"L BROS. & CO' Y, '.1'01·onto ! and is the prescription of one of the old- been In the same dr&wer of tha ea.me bureau, her." Another injection of morphine was w ill c ure a Sore Throat if tnkeu when it first and I have to tell him every time," she conmade, and he was calm for a few minute&. makes its appearance. ForFamaleObstructioHs est and bast female physicians and n urses After o. slight tremor ha.d passed ever him, caus&d by Colds and other orgonic derange· in the United States, and is for a!Lle by eluded dolefully. ments, it is unequalled, .Har companion burst into a hes.rty laugh. lte said in a low tone to hie wife:-" Mary, all druirgists throu~ h the world. Price "Why," said aha, "for over thirty years I wish you would leave me, when I am 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for James has asked m19 the self same queutlon a.bout to go lnte convulsions. I am afraid I WORMS in CHILDREN or ADULTS. "'Mns . WINsLow's SooTHING SYRUP." 1md I have always answer ed ce.lmly, 'left will injore you, D o go a.w::w." If you want a sure remedy ask for and take no other kind, hand side of tho drawer next to the top," Mre. Nee.I never flinched, Even tho poThen each congre.tulated herself t hat she llcemen a.nd the physicians recoiled from lUou·ris' Veg·etable Houey KING STREET EAST, B OWMANVILL E, ONTARIO. AI{,M FOR SALE,- 113 acres, Lot !:J, had not the only forgetful ma.n in existence llim at momenta, shuddering a.t the thought Worm Syt·up. Con., 2. Dadington, w ithin lt miles of to wait upG n, It genen.lly seems easier to of coming In contMt with the deadly virus centre of town of Bowman ville. Good Brick piok up after and we.it upon the memb~re which flaked from hie lips, while struggling Can be taken by the most delicate child, and We are now finishing 30 of th e best Ou.rriages and Buggies ever made Dwelling and commodious out buildings, good there is worms in the syst.ern guarant eed to in this est ablishment, wi~h bes t grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and best Steel Springs,. orche.rd,·well watered. Soil ftrst cfass. One ot of the fo.m!iy than to Insist on their doing In convulsion, but the brave woman never if the best farms in Durh :tm. Co. Terms r eascn- It for themselves, but with children tt Is cer- showed a sign of fe&r, e.nd her devotion remove them. P rice only 25c, By all dea lers, t rimmed wit h t he best s tock_ and well painted . W e are get tin g out able. Apply to Ro111·. FIELDING, Bowmanville, taln!y the wiser plan to m.ake them wait never faltered. P.O. ~-tr. upon themselves as much as possible, The At noon he experienced the moet violent they have stood the test without an equel. · MALL FARM FOR SALE.- -30 first essential utep ls to provide places for convulden, He suddenly sprang from his acres of land having thereon good frame things like hooks for clotheo, bureaus for bed, e.nd cr ied : - " There, there I 8ee Ever y Boar d warranted to be made of t h e b est Steel and well t empered. They a.re the best. house. barns, stables and other necessary out- undergarments, ha.ga for shoes and 11tookings, those dogs ! They must be drowned I Say, buildings. young orchard of 1 acres, well wat· shelves for books and a box for pla:ythlngs; Sebold, how many more did we get t o-d11>y ? MORRI~' SUGAR COATED DANDE- We are also getting ready a st ock of MOWERS, improved and second ered and fenceo, Situated just outside the LION LIVER PILLS. to none in the market. They will be r eady i n good season and warranted t o ·do good -cornoration ofBowruanville. ""ill be sold very then you ca.n well insist that things 6hall Look, look, at that big };}a.ck dog l Don't let hi:!'1 come near me. H e's mad, mad,. ch "ap for cash. Apply to M. .A.. J AMES, be kept in their right places, work. We are also mak ing a number of HAY TEDDE R S, which will also be ready STATESMAN Office, Bowman ville. 9-tf. If you have boys yon me.y be the means ma.d I never leave you costive after taking in good season. They h ave been tried by some of our best farmer s, to whom we, of training up a. John who will not have ~o Ag_a.in h e Eank ha.ck e~bausted, but all '!'hey them. r efer intending purchasei·a. W e a re a lso RICK HOU SE AND LOT FOR b~ told a hun:ired times a. yeu where his the tlme muttering a.bent Sebold, his assia · 'l'hey uo not gripe nor pain you in their action SALE IN BOWM.A.NVILLE.- A very clean linen la, provided he has an orderly tant e.t the dog p r u11d; and the dogs, big, comfor ta ble brick house, nearly new. containThe~\:~itl~~l;rd~a~l~~:~~ any calome l . ing 8 rooms. besides pantries. closets and sum- wife. There Is no danger but whe.t there little, bill.ck, and mad, seemed to be an or mercury, or a.ny poisonous minerals to m er kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft will be o. ca.ll for a.11 your strength if you do ever revolving kaleldosooplc vision. In which fois gained a good repu tation in t h is locality. injure your system. water : very good fruit garden of t acre. Situat· not keep continually on the jump for the three da.ye his f<:rm had grown attenuated. '£hey are t b.o best pills tor costiveness or Piles ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. that you can take. Plow P oint s of every descrip tion by the t on, and made from steel, wr ou ght iron, & c real or imaglna.ry wishes of all the rest of His face was _white as marble and hie eyes Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply 'L'hey clei>.nso t he stomach and Digestive We are also getting r eady a s tock of WA&ONS. Mill and Engi ne Work a specialty the family. As a rule, with few exoaptlons, wild and frlgntened. to Mc A . JAMES, S1·A'l'ESM<.1.N Office. 9·tf. Organs, and strengthen them. the life of e. mother is one oontinu&l giving USELESS BEMJIDIES, All of which will be sold on t h e most reasonable t erms. They are t he best !or Liver Complaint, OR SALE OR TO RENT.- The up of mind and stren&-th for others. The . At a quiuter to five D r. Bro.din made the 'l'hey create an appetite and give strength ti.nd vigor to the system. property owned by th· lo.to A.H. Gibbard, thin wom he.nd of an aged mother ls a sym· first bi3·ction of ourara, An ordln1 B OWMANV ILLE AGRICUL TURAL & CARRIAGE Co. uy 'l'hey can be taken in wet or dry weather within the village of 'l'yrone, about 3 acres of land; needle point syrini;ie was used, a.nd the in· out any inconvenience or hindrance from comfortable house, complete out-buildings! bol of self-sacrificing toil, Cash paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron . 14-3m ·. jeotlon was made in the · back of the neck, work. etabh, drlvinghouse and wood shed; good we! and cistern ; plenty of fruit, both large and oelow the be.ae of the brain. 'the patient They make you sleep well o.t night and feel "'= === ====9·. well in the morning. small. For terms apply to THOMAS BINGHAM, Everyday Cooking. did not Beem to be affected by it. A ve.por They regulate tho Bowels gently.and regular. Bowmanville, or GEO. E , GIBBARD, Whitby. !' lOtf A BEEF S HEART, - Make a pint bowl ef bath wa.s then arrr.nged, Lint we.a placed In 'l'ry them and you will never be without them dreaeing from bread crumbs, e. slice or two all the window era.eke and e.11 a.Ir passages EVE.RY of se.lt pork chopped fine, a.nd an egg, the closed. A kettle ef water was placed upon family should ha.ve them. 25 cent.a per box. or whole well seMoned with pepper e.nd a pinch a hot fire, and the steam which arose $oon 5 boxes for $1. by all medicine dealers.. filled the reom. At half-pe.at five the thcr· FIRST. - 30 acres of lot 8 in the let concession of sage. Onion is good to flavor a dressing mometer registered SO degrees. ' E. MORRIS, PROPRIETOR, or Darlington, lying immediately south or the with, but it le never safe to use enlone In The patient rested quietly for over an No. 89 Augusta A ve. , T or onto. cemetery. cooking, unless you know the pecullarltlee SECOND.- The South HO acr es of lot 16 in the of the tMies cf those who are to Ji&rte.ke of hour. Then he wa.s st!zed with 11o violent To introdu~e third concession of Darlington, and the North It. After thoroughly rnaldng and clea.nslng oonvulsion. He clutched the pillow upon t.hem we will 36 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in the Lhe heart, fill it with the dressing, and bind which his head reeted and uttered the GIVE A"\VA'l' l ,000 Self·OperatingWash· Are now showing large pnrchases of Spring Goods which we believe sa.me concession strange, croup lik e sounds peculiar to the ing Machines. If y0u want one send us THmD.- The South 100 acres of lot 25 m the round with a. narrow atrip of cloth ; then your name, P. 0. and express office a t once. will command your favorable con sideration. An inspection of the third concession of Darlington, ao d t he North· boll gently t hree hour a or until It is tender, disease, '.l'he muscles of hie neck became The .Nutlonal f!o., 2.1 Dey St., N . Y. same is respectfully looked for . . We will take great pleasuue in show~ er!y 60 acres of the east half of lot 25 in the and when nearly done e.Jlow the we.tar to rigid and the flesh beca.me hard, His body same concession. boll away to a. ~me.JI quantity. Take up the twitched oonvulslvety, and before be could -ing our goods.· be restrained he threw ·himself upon t he A ll the a bove will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. 'L'ime for payment and terms will heart and thicken the broth remaining, fleer e.nd drew himself up. Coo'loine we.a in · will. make 11o doh izravv. whloh be made very easy to satisfactory buyers, F o1 We have just received a nice range of Lace Cu i·t a in particulars apply to ·~ GINGER P UDDING.-One cop of butter, jeotec'I and he rested ea.sier, It was deemed va:R'y1ng· in pric e fJ.·0111 60c. to $ 6 a pair. D, BURKE tjIMPSON, measured lightly, two cupR of sugar, one advisable to let him rest on the floor, and Requiring t h eir Seeder Feet SH.A.RPENED 41-tt, Vendor's Solicitor cup qf milk , four cups of fl.our. one table- with his bead resting on a pillow propped or RE-STEELED can have their wants s up plied by spoonful of ginger, one t easpoonful of ealer- against an overturned chair he lay q uiet A. i·resh opening 01· Table Linens rrom 2ac. 1>er yd. up ; 11.tns, two teMpoonfuls of craam.ta.r ta.r, and under the soothing influence of the narcot· also Table .Na1>kins C1·om 7ac. to $2.aO per doz. four eggs. Bee.t the suge.r and b\ltter to a lo. DYING, cream, t hen stir m the eggs which have been Drs. O'Gorma.n and H erold ca.lied at Who k eep on hand at all times the steels well beaten, then tho milk o.nd le.st the We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, flour, in which the ea.leratus, cream-tartar Neu.l's house at 6 o'olock. They found him u11ed by t he manufac turers of Seed ers or and ginger have been t horoughly sifted. free from spa.ems, but the nervous twitoh- D rills and the same mould and applian ces, new shades, which are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; Bake 1ihree-quarters of an hour. After the lngs of his Umhscontinued . Dr. O'Gorman ther eby giving each foot exactly t h e same also figured goods at J. 2~ cents. These are rapid selling goods and fl.our is !'.dded be&t only a little, Serve with saw the.t the end we.a nea.r and the.t further shape. Satisfaction g uaranteed. Please will soon be cleaned out. injectiona of curara was ueless, 11o sauce, "Take me to my bed," gasped the m&n, bring alon g t his mon t h b efore .th e rush of P UDDING SAUCE.- One-half oup of butter, spring work. Our stock of E mbroideries is also v ery complet e and will be fonnd! one cup cf powdered eugar, the white of one The sufferer 's face and hands were livid. lOtf. J . PERCY & SON . t o be of interest. egg; one· half cup of cream, one teasp()onful The two stalwart policemen e.eslsted him to ol lemon or va.n!lla . Cream the butter, his feet, but he sank age.in to the floor. The sha.dow of death was upon him, and all In a.dd the sugar, then ·he white ot the egg, I3r.:nJ\TH'l!S th ere a m an \Vi th soul so dead the flavoring, and last the cream. Place the the room ae.w It, His wife's aged fe.ther and \ Vh o nc\·er t o h is w ift! ha th said,. · bowl over another of bot water 1 stir until mother stood by her side comforting her. · r I will a flower garden ni akc. The under sign ed having bought out As usual we are showing a large choice in Cloths-E nglish, Scotch Both for m y own and t h y dear sake, foamy, but be anre not to cook it until It The four men who took care of him seemed appe.lled at the eight. The dybig man'· two t h e GRIST M ILL of J . St aHer, E sq., and A nd sow with seeds t o come up quick, and Canadian- and furnish clothing to order by the be st tume yellow. \ Vh ich you , of cour se, will b uy of VtcJ< I" pu ~ everything in firai;-class ord er, is pre· tailors in t own . · BOILED CuST.!BD.- Two tablespoonfuls of sons recoiled as if 1n fear. lf such there be, I pray r epen t, "Oh, my- -," and Nes.J clutched at his pared t o do all kinda of Gr1stirg. I will corn starch, one quart of milk, two eggs, a .A.nd have a n order q uickly sent. tbroali, With a sob his wife sprang to his T h en s weet thy !"C:St , l 'm ~ure, will b e. little salt, four tableapoonfuls of sugar, and guarantee to make t he b est AltNECT.A. A nd thy dear wife will s mile u u thee, one teaspcionful of flavoring, Boll the milk, aide, 1md, puahing aside the offioers, rnp- F wu1 i that ia mad e in the count y , as the T h e G u i n n is a work of r 50 pages, Colored P lates, 1000 ported him in her arms, aud half carried, m ill has been titted up esp ecially for iJlustration s, wi th <lesi.:riptions of the b e:st F lowers a nd and e.dd the corn ete.rch dissolved in a little half dragged him to the bed, The men, V egetab les. p rices of Seeds and plants, and hmv t o grow milk, then add the eggs well bee.ten with handling t hat k ind of wheat . th em. I t tells you w lwt y o u w ::in t for the garden , and the sugar; let it boll up once, stir it and It e.nd brave men, too, involuntar ily r eooilcd, I have also p ut in a S..i.w MILL in conh ow to get it. i>:intt:<l in E ng"ii_ sh and G erman. Price The eufferer suddenly seemed paralyzed, only 10 cents> wh ich may be deducte d fro m fi rs t order.. Is done, Add the flavoring after It Is re- rond ao.nk ner veless )n his wife's e.rma, nection wit h t he above, an d a m pr epared moved from the fae. llUY ONLY VICK 'S SEEDS, AT HEADQUARTERS, " Oh, my God, those dogs I '.l.'ake them to take in any qu ant i ty of Saw L ogs. P AN CAKES.- Sift one teaspoonfal of J AMES VICK, SEEDSlUN, Rochest er, N.Y, I h ave lowered t he p rice of Ch opping cream-tartar rmd one-half teaspoonful of 11.we.y ! Oh, pity me and take them a'tv&y !" to su it the times. soda Into one pint of fLur, e. pinch of salt, he cried. Dr. O'Gorman ruid Mrs. Neal placed him A. S. TOOl"EY, one teaspoimful of cinnamon, and t wo ta.hie· spoonfuls of sugar. When r eady t o fry, 0 11 his bed, where he lay e.s if In a stupor, People's Mills, Hie bands were cold e.nd r igid, the blood' mix with n>Bw milk rather stiff. Have t he 51 Kingston Road. ahot eyes protruded from their & ockets, and ALL SIZES, kettle of lard boiling hot, and drop them ln h iB lower limbs were as ma.rble, Another shaped In balls about as lar ge a.s he.If of a. &mall egg. '.l'hey wlll roll over, and when injection of morphia. we.a given, and t he suf· br own are dono. Take out with a skimmer ferer seemed t o r est more ea.sy. Whc n t 1111\1' cnre I do n o t mean ma;·cl,.Y t o s top tliam for A THE LA ST SCENE, time and t bon have t hem return n.«n.T'it, I m ean a rn.dic& I and dra.' n In a. oola.nder, Serve hot, At twenty minutes of seven Neal r aised ~;r~.s~gKvZ:~S~ ifr~~~~~;e:t~~Tsi ~~~~~!;~!~~~ RAISED R oLLS,- '.l.'a.ke a pint bowl full of io cure Uie won t cu6'le. lJ6causc 0U1er s !la ve ranea Jf.I n() - ALSOlight bread dough ; heat a freeh egg and add himaelf up in bed and cried, " There I there I reason for n ot 11 ow recel vlng a cure. Send at once for a. t reatl.so And a Ftee Huttle o t m y tn falllbJe- rcmetly. Givo to It; knead It thoroughly- it will te.ke ten Do you seo that dog ?" Tllo terrible earnestness cf the word11, the minutes. Rell out e.n inch thiok, cut Into biscuits o.nd lay them upon a tin eheet l\nd look of terror on the faoe and t he qul.y erlng let rise In a warm pl&ce. Bake In a quick of the pointed he.nd, sent a. shudder t hrough the group a.round the bed. oven. and all lines of " T here in that corner," e.nd he pointed into the next room. "I must leave this bed. THE AGONY OP RABIES. It will kill me," he excla.imed In his frenzy. H is wife oa.aght him In her a.rms ae he waa Dreadful Sufterlngs :l':aded by a Terr:lble falling over the edge of the bed e.nd bore Death. him Into the next room, wher e he we.s laid George W. Neal, the keeper d -theNew- iu the ea.me position from which he ha.d ark dog pound, who was bitten by a Spits str uggled shortly before, His wife knelt dog, d u'ld In great agony the other evening beside him and looked Into his bloodshot at .nui home, The ph)'olcians declare po& - eyt~. . · itlvelv that he we.s a vfotim of hydropho" I am burning up !" h e exola.lmed, He bi&. \ gaeped for breath. Gr eat hev.de. of perspir Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. He had pa.seed a restless night, notwlth· ation st11od on his brow, Hfa feet and handa standing potent narcotics. A t; four o'clock wer e cold. :S"Y'At t en minutes to seven he grDaned, A en the d~y of his death , while his guardians, P olicemen Aslley, e.nd Ces~rove, were in an- strnnge gutteral sound oa.mefrom hie t hroat, other room he l6aped fr om bed delirious and Hie dts~orted features relaxed, His chest .~ Call examine.~ arming · himself wit h a poker, dashed up heii.ved, and with a. feeble groan the suffer · « I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, at tll.e lowest possible rates. atah·e to the r ooms of hle fath~r- ln-law,· er smk back int o the e.rms of his father·ln- Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. · Tohu P. Moore, · utt eling wild cries, T he Ia.w, dead. Hls wife, who had bor ne up First-class hearse on very moderate ter ms. Lffioers pursued h im, bravely through t ho terrible ordeal, ga.ve Shrouds and Coffins conar.antly on hand. Funeral cards supplied a t once. F urniture Shop & "Go back ! I 'll not ba t aken; go back !"' way at last. She waa led from the. room by Show H.ooms- Ilounav.ll'sN ew Block. he cried, wit h t he poker r als·d throl\tenlDg· her mother, and a sheet was thrown over 1 rHE ly, Mr. Moer e ce.lmed him. At that mo· the cor pse, T inwar e an d S tove E mporrnm, ment the opening of a door cs.used a draught N eal's death occurred just ~fty-eeven Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the BOWMANVILLE. H -t.f. of air to blow on him and· he was eeized houre after be w<>s seized with the first l?H'· wit h the t ame laryngeal convulsion~ which oxysm. The ti me el,.psin.g since the first L IVE R , STOJ.VIACJll, .KID~ EYS A.ND BOWEL~. were produced at the sight of water. He bite lnflfoted on N er.l is seventy days, He They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, a,nd was led to his own room e.nd quneted with was w&thin the llmJ.t cf the time allotted for V]:TERINARY SURGEON, are invaluable in all Complalnts Incident al to Females of all Ages. For a.n Inject ion of atropfa. thedernlopment of the disease, tb.e tlm~ TlIIRST NO T ~o IlE QUENOHED, . being from eight to ten weeks. The first Children and t he ,aged t h ey are priceless. Early In t ha mornrng Dra. Bradan a.nd 0 · aymptoma were developed in Nee.J's case in Gor man called. A1 aoon as the patient ea.w sixty-seven days, "'lthough the fin1t intlm11o- Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Lhem he exclaimed : tfon we.s two days earlier, The usun.l time College, will a t.t and t o all diseases Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old W omids, Soreill for the diaoase to become fata.l is from thtee " Don't send me away ; please don't," of domestic ani.nals. and Ulcers. It is fa.moue for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorder!! of the " Are you thirat y ?" ii.aked Dr, O'Gor- to eix days, e.nd !'lea.l's limit was, fr ... m r.he ,- Chest it h<~s no equal.man. first inti mation, six da:ys, a.nd from the first " Yee, very," was the reply. Dr, O'Gor· 11ymptoms, thrae da:ys. For So1·e T h roat s, B J:on ch itis, Cou ghs, ()olds, man cut an »pple into very small pleats and · -·- · A S P E CI AL TY. fed Nrnl witn it, Tnie was his first nour· Glii,ndular Swellings, and all Skin. Diseases it has no rival; andi[f'or The Digger Indians of the P acific slope lshment in three days. It was only a little, rejoiced In the great locu~t ewa1m11 of contracted and etiff joints it acts like a charm . for convulsions began e.nd atropla. was Calls and Orders b y mail or telegrap h aga.ln used, · Dr. Rradln tried to moisten 1875 as a dlspensation of the Gre:!.1l Splri1J, will recei ve pcompt a ttention. Manufactured only at THOl'.l[AS HOLLOWAY'S Est ablishment, tbe sufferer's lips with the uee of a sponge, and laid in 8' store of dried locust powder · CHARGES :MODER.ATE. while Neal's eyc3 were oloeed 110 that he eufllolenb to la:.ib them for.several years. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON J should not see the water. As soon as thE> Mr, Henry LB.bouchere, th.e Br!tlsh OFFICE HOURS, 8 T.O 10 A. J.\il. And are sold at ls. l~d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d.., lla. , 22s., and 33s. eqch Box or Pot, a11((J sponge ' tou ched hie lips he cried, "Oh, Democrat, fo in his 55th yea.r. He le allied A first-class stock of Medicines always may be had from all Medicin e Vendors t hroughout the World. on hand.. don't I ta.ke it away ! I can't stand It." to some of t he most a.rlatocratlc familiee of Ne.w s p aper Advertising Bureau, N. B.- Will visit William sburg ovcry Again the experiment was tried, but w!th England, Is rich, a.hie, witty, a. fine writer, W1'1uch asers should look at the J;abcl on the Pots ltntl Boxes, I f the r cblre1111 10 S pruce S t., N e w York. Saturday of each week. 16-ly h D 538, Oxford Street, London, they a r e !1purlo11s, S end. 10cts. t or;o 100-P a9e Prunphle t, t11e same xesu!t, e.nd all attempts at quenoh- a, bold thinker, nnd withal he ie tiincere, ~tlUtltliau· $taft.$Utlltt. THE .U. 'D"QUSEHQLD 1 · o'clock his temperature was 103~ and hie Ing his thirst were abMdoned. At nine WONDER OF WONDERS. FARMERS, THRESHERS ! Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. African Zulu Oil! ~inter Lardine MACHINE 01 L. THE BEST IN THE 'WORLD .. r;· &VNLJ:GHT" Coal Oil. THE· BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & ·CARRIAGE CO., F S OVER 2 0 YEARS BECAUSE 300 of our Celebrated Champion Plows I B AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER,. F "-"""'=============== =========.,,,,. 0 Valuable Farms for Sale. J: (. E A D Y ·· . ABIG OF FER JY-CASON EROS_ FARMER,S J. PERCY 3c SON, Public Notice. Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cents up .. , , COAL · COAL · MILK CANS, Dairy Pails, lv1ILK PANS TIN-W-...A.RE. No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give satisfaction. a nd Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of I CURE FITS l- Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. W'e intend to keep on hand ii[ii~~IT~~~~,~di~i~i~:~si'.~T~;~~1;~· an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner , Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALFo UND ERTAKI NC L EV 1 MORRIS. HEALT .H FOR L. GEO. QUICK, P .A . JONES, ENNISKI L LEN, PIL L S ADVERTISERS T HE OI N TMENT Operations & D ent istry .

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