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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1886, p. 4

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P. TREBILCOCK. --o--OF- GOOD FRIDAY. . Everybody who could make it Jonvenient ~pent this beautiful, wa.rm, dusty day in the country. Qnite a nu01bAr visited Lake Onlario, wlule others wander1·cl in the dire<>tion of the peaceful City of the Dead, The 1110nu· 0ny of the day was pleasanfy broken by 11. Ladies Aid Social m connection with the Church-et. Meth. Church. Jn the vestry was spread out a. feast, ample and t.em1;>ting enough to have satisfied the rnriest epicllrean, while the church itself with its flowflr-encircled plat.form presented a scene "fair as Eden's bowers" and one on 11lud1 the eye could gaza unwearied. AHer all had partaken of the delicious repaat and spent a short time in social conven.ation the meetmg was called to on.ler by Rev. C. E . McIntyre, who without pr~f·ce announced the opening selection, a piano solo by Miss Byrom, followed by a song by the Misses Morris, in sw eet childish accents. An ".Address to the Pews" bv Rev. W. H. Warriner needs no comment. Suffice it to say that those who failed to hear his. witty, instructive remarks missed a treat. Passing rapidly along we note a well.rendered oolo by Mre. McDowell, a reading by Miss Rai nes, in fine style, and a solo by Miss Bassett which was warmly encored, as was also an instrumental by MiHs Byrom. A solo by l\Ir. W.C. King, duet by ·Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and a few remarks by the chairman, brought to "' close this v3ry enjoyable evening's entertainir11.,nt, all j <>incd het1rtily in singing the Doxology after which the Benedict ion was pronounced by Rev. E. R·1bert s, and the audience dispersAd. $20 was r ealized as the result of the hibors of Mesdames C0uch, Sherin, 1'ole a r. d Ruddock in providiug for a much i arg~r number of peo 1.>h' . OUR OH.I EF AND ROWDYis· ' of this journal :Mn. EnirOR. - Can you inform . pEacefnl citizens 11 f onr tJwn what 1asf become of our Police? 'l'he a ctions 0 eome drunken ruffc1.us at the Station l! 'l d also on out Streets last Frirlay even· 11 i~ in broad da)·light was " disgrace to o".r town. W!iere is Mr. Brittain and lils police committee ? When will the ., aquest of the Council be complied wit!· Will the Chief m1 >\"e up t ,)wn or will I e 1lt n et 1 Mr. Brit · ain ha.s fou nd more f, 1 with our police r egu lations than any other man in tow1 1, bu t then he was not respu1 1sible and it is r:1sy to find fault. l " m informed Mr. Coleman wa ~ given 1lie Cliiefship with the un derstanding that Il e move up town. Fonr m onths have pt'Ssed, still n ot a move has he made. It se~m s lhe charws of t he Geese, Duc [1il, and Cabbage are too mnch for h im. 'l'l1e BA ntam cock and the big Turk~y gobb]dr have fl apped their wings over Mr. B rf l;tain and broken his back. Now Joseph, wade in. N ever say, "Not for Joe." GO '.)D O!WEI~. 0 It may not be known to many readers Full Stock New Patterns - 0 ] '- WALL PAPER - -o-- tlu~t we have in this t own an inst.it11tioll hearing the n&me of · "The BowmanviHe Elect ro . Pia.ti n·! Works" which g uarantees t o do plating in gold, silver or nickle so that old art icles are made to look quite a~ goocl or even better than new, and th e pro prietf)r Rgretis to plate hP,avier than the pl11.tin~ to he fouud on any ne w article. .All kinds of sih·erware, old watch cases ~old or sil ver, and indeed all kinds of t11.hl t:i wfl te are r epair.id, clea ned, and p(1 lished, Any of our r eaders ha vin!J' articles tha '. r eqn ire p'ating can rely on qet t ing a supelior j ob d one 11 t a r easo nabl e µrice, a11 d a ~ i n { le t rial will C OQvilice yrrn that this i s correct . The foreman is Mr. John Wrigl1t , late of Glasgow, sc.. tland, and t h e p ro 1H i ~to r is Mr. F. N . Ham . C all at R eid's Block and see s~mp l ed of the work they are turning out. -FOR- 0 0 · Wall Pap~r and BORDERS, Children's Carriages, Express Wagons & Carts, N .ew '.2lhUt:rttscmmt.s. (). N. Q) PICTURE FRAMES H aslLV~_PLATED~ru) nmrn. prep>lred to o n and e~ · CARRIAGES --o-- TOWN COUNCIL. EACHER OF MU::>W, is Tg iv·e lessons in i 1s a ftor Monday. Apply ~ Mirrors, No trouble to show goods. ' ga~ter at re3irtence King St., east, or 13ig 20, Bowman ville. l7·tf ~eVl"l' U.L brar·che~ just arrived. P. TREBILCOCK. BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, ArmL 30. A town cynic, not a lady you may be sure, finds fault with the news sent us by correspondents and also much that we publish RR local news. He thinks this must be tho "silly 11ge" in journalism, for every local paper has its sonial column, wherein is recorded the momentous affairs ef charmed circles, the days Miss Mary Fitznoodle spent with Miss Flora Mc· Flimsy, the length of the sleeve in Miss Bonton's dress, and the health of Miss Alice Paree's pug. The newsp:iper, which must necessarily be all things to all men, does this in response to a demand for it. These columns are read with avidity by large classes of p eople, tho wever absurd they may appear to others, and if judiciously managed may be madt>, like evrything in this life, to accomplish something good. So long as the demantl exists the journal conducted with euterprieo and spirit will continue to supply it, 'fhe change, if change be needed, or is e~er to come, must come from society itself. T.t.e spirit of unreason;bleness in which some of the labor societies approach the problems of tho hour is well exemplified in the boycott of Mrs. Gray, of New York City. The boycott was de dared to be bad on tw'lreasons, first, that Mrs Gray rofused to compel her employes to join t.he Baker's Union; seconQ., that she had refused to pay the fin.e ot 825 imposed upon her, by reason of her refusing to coerce her employee to join a society which they had no wish to join. Man· kind h1ts had some hard experiences in the ages that have gone, but never before has it beou subjected to such grinding aud utterly unreaaonablo despotism as would · be im l'osed by some of_these labor societies .f t hey were unchecked by public opiuioi. The Ministerial As3ociation. To the EdUor of the STATESMAN. DEAH Sm :- Will you kiudly give space in the columns of y our valuable paper t o the following- rewlu tion, expressive of the views of the W..,st Durham Ministerial Ass.,ciat.ion, after very e:i.rnest discussion of the Scott Act and our duty as a people in regard to it : " This Association, deeply impressed with the fearful result.\ nrism~ from the use of int.oxicat.ing liquors, and believing that so long a~ m en a1·.i permitted by license to freely ' '<md them, a il efforts to save tho young from becoming enslaved thereby, to rescue t.he drunkard. or st·y the prO{!r<'SS of the evil in our midst will be largely uufrllitful; h ails with pleasure and hope the nea.: approach of the day when the Scott Act shall co the in to force in thes1i United Couutics, and m <>st. earnestly npµeals to all classes of the c ommunity a~ law-abiding citizens to observe and obey the provision8 ot the Act, and also aid by all lawful means its fair and faithful euforcement. And we trust that those hotel k eepers who are desirous and determined to obey the · 1:~w will receive such hearty and considerate support as dhall prove· that suitable t~ouses of entertainment 1md accommodatioa_ can. be_ sustaiu"ed without the accompaniment of strong drink." On behalf of the Associlltion, E. Ro1HmTs. Pr~sidwt. W. H . WAimINER. Swretary. Whitby Presbytery and the Scott Act. At a l:irgely attended meeting of the Pre11bytery of Whitby held in Oshawa on 'l'uesday the 20th inst., the following resolution was unanimously and heartily carried:"'fhat in view ot the fact that the Canada Temperance Act is to c1 ·me into force throughout the bounds of the Presbytery on the 1st of M<i.y next, the Pre·bytery desires to express its approval of tli.e principle embodied in the Act, and its conviction that, if properly enforced, it will do much to lessen thP. evils arising from inte1nperance; and would acc··rdingly urge upon the members and adherents of its several congregations the pressing necessity of doing all in their power to secure the thorough enforcement of the Act. .And further the Presbytery recommend that the resolution be r ead from all its pulpits next Sabbath, and thereafte1· inserted in the local papers. ANTED.-A good girl for general A special meeting was held on Moml"Y house· work. Apply or addres·, M. night, called for the p urpose of parning We BUUK, Bowmanville. 17-tf. by-law introdLJced at the hist meet ing. '1'110 following communicacion waa read fwm ACRE F · r m to sell or to n ·nt. Apply tn 'VM. WIXDA "l'T, DarHng· the President of the Scot t Act Assooi,1ton, llow manville, P. 0 . t f. tion : (LETTER.) DWELLI NG TO LEl' .-By h t of BOWll!ANV!LLE, April 21st, 188(;. May, brick <l wet:in.i; on Beach Avenue. · · Th . rooms, hard and son water. eta blc and To lbs H7 or,· h ip, e M('yor, Bo11,,ncinvill<', garden, Apply to .r AS. CA.RSCAD T m N, li·l Srn,-The J<::"ecutive Committee or the Sc<l t.t Act Ass?ciation ot Bowm<in\·ille have.care(11I· BULL~ FOB. SALE.- 'fwo Durham ly a:i::nmrned the draft .BY·law for the hcena1ug Bulls rising two years tor sale by t he sulJo ,r hou~es of c!'l ertarnrncnt, now. before 1,l1e B criber. con.6, lot 8. 0 -tr lington. good pedii<· " eP.. Counc1!, and_ w1_ sh to direct. attcnt10n to some \V J ROY 'l'yrone p o 15-tf points m wh1ch 1t does not, m its present torin · · · __:_·_ _ _ _ _ __ _ see!n calcnlated t<? accomplish the purpuB e ·LVES 'VANTl?D -At · w· o R .~ ~ n. · which, In one view 1t should serve. 1. It was not the wish of the Association Ct>wker's 100 Good Ve ...1 Calves. from four that the small stores where frui t, oysterd, ice · weeks old upw1Hds, r<~tsed by their m?t.her, Iu·3w cream, etc., are served , should .he di"t.nrbed in 'V. H. R. C.. tlo wumnv1ilc. their present mode or cun~ u ct ing business. ·-·--·-·· --- ' . --- ··--· ...____ . s them by putting them STALLION FOR SALE.- A Y oung 'l'hc By·lo.w ao rlist urbH StaJlion, 7 years old. good stock gettor. in the same clt.tuse 11s Hotel~. If they are to 11tble te rm 3 fo r co.~h. or, rem!lin open. it can only be oy enlitrging th~ir \Vill sell on very reaso1 COCK. Cttr t· accommodations so as to be prepared to give credit on security. .J'oHN HEA 17·3w meals as the hotels do. It would also appear wright. P.O. · tbat even grocer· mi~bt be. prevented from - --- -·---- - - - - - selling fruit, etc., if eaten on the premioes.. SITU ATION WANTE D.-Hy a y oung 2. By clause 6 of the By.law these httle man as Groom and Gardner 10 veites ex· stores are requested to remt>in. oµen the W!'ole perlence. Best of refe rence c'i.n 'be fi1ruished. Be'l;'cn days ut the week, wluch we believe Strictly tempert1.te 11 ncl inoustriOU· and thorn·' neither tholle who keep them nor the people ughly unrleratands thP, c,1r"' or h.urses. Ap ply of t l1e town wish. 11t the ST.\'l'li:S~IA:s OJlbe. IS·3w 3. 'rhe By-law merely secures that houses shall be kept !)pen ror the servinK of food ; no TALLION FCHl. S 1 U,E.-Rising 3 gnarantee Is given t hat either beds or stable S years old, bet>11tiful bi!.y. g .>od size, pl,rnty accommodation shall be offered. The Associ· of fiat bone an<l h!tir, '1lire t.he celcbr<1.ted h~rde allon seeks that 11.ny hotel that might be ··Lord Lyons." imported by Mr. 'l'. W1lsou, licensed under the ily·law should be rcq uired Colum\Ju~. Dam a heavy bro1 vn !llal"e by to provide all the necosse.ries for m:<n and bea·t ··~tolland's Glory". 'ferms easy. J OHN YAN4. 'l'he By-Jaw giveR ta.cit nermisoi.011 ror the NR!il1', Srrn .. Holin>t.. 17-tf salo of clgul'B and temperance drinks in license\! ho11ses on Sund,.y; to which we wouhl STRAYED OR STOLEN.-On the strongly obiect. 17th March, a. young Hound, white and 5. In clause 3, taken with clauses 10, 1ho black. wit Ii blt1ck bead and ear· and white power of granting licendes is ent.ru-1.ed to the nose, black spot on rig.ht shoulder an d over Mayor on the re.port of the Inspector. 'l'he tail. Answers to name of ··:>,por1/' Any Association consider it deoirable , that th'e re· d · · h" t h" · ·1 1 be sponsiblity in such an important matter ohoultl person et11mrng im a ter t is notice ' w1 be more. wide[y distr!bllted. pm·ccutod ..ccording to law. W. J . IIAYCIHFT, Haydon. It).3w It is scarcely nacestiary to add th't.t th e oh· - - -- -- - - j ectlons above recited 11re not me L IA in a.ny A.RM FOR SALE.- Thllt well known rault finding spirit, ~,ur, with a desire to aid in and valuable brm thA " Weldon Home· securing such a Ry-1,.,w "s ~h>t.11 <lo fnll justice to present interest , arul secure ample accorn· StAad." being composed O( 200 aet·e!. 153 clea.red modation for the potilic, as well no facili tare 1 he balance in woods, the princ:ptJ.l p..rt ot the carrying out ol the l:lcott Act. \Ve cannot tho tirnber being- beech and ma.ole, A new i:i;1veour approval to the p9.ssa~e of t he Hy·IAW frttme house. with cellar full si :.:~. 2 barns ; in its present torm. and would not con~er.t to horse ttnd cow sta\lles, cow shed and root becon·idered in uny sense responsible fnr its house; 2 <rood wells or water, and ~mall orehard. The _ above farm ill well wnc~ and -wovking. under good cultivatioil:- 1t "1s- suit.e d for 2 We tr-11st that your council will be able to !'ar ms. having th" wood on both enll.s. 'l 'ho give such effect to ot1r vie ws. "" above (X· num btJr of the lot is 13 m thµ . i Lh concession of pressed, "'" to bring the By-law into harmony Darlington! 21' north or the ftourishing town of with them. I am, ~ir, Your obedient aervtJ.nt, Bow1r.anv1 le, Church and School close by. . ·n. D. F R .i.SEH, Apply to 'l'hamas Weldon. Senior, Proor!et.or, President, Scott Act Association, Bowmim· now in Du.rllngton, Ir by letter whe'l home, ville. ·' l.+ittlew ootl," P . 0. t-.. ll,-1;r not sold in 2 months It will be rentHevs. R. D. Fraser ar.d W. H Wared. T. W'.. Senr. riner addressed the Council on the s ame ll:ltf. question. Considerable discussion on the Bv·law followed, several members cooteadinl{ that it could uot be sati~factotily worked SOLID BRICK HOUSE, WITH in ita present sht1J.le. The by-I&w was Frame Kitchen, nine rooms, cell11.r, hard a.nd soft water. with an aore of land mostly in aft.,rwarde, by request of Mr. Porter, frnlt:-apples, peers, pluma, cherries, currants. 'vhu introduced it, wit hdrawn and the raspberries nnd strawberries. '!'he p roperty !R situated on 8cugog l:3treet, and wlll b6 sold Council adjourned. a.t a. very reasonable thrnre. Apply at the STATESMAN 0}' 1·' ICE. 17-lw W l 00 111 PRICES VERY LOVV --. C I GRE-8...T SEEO-W---O F- - - MOURNING GOODS! ----i-'t---- COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Have just op en ed out a full range of Crape Black Cashmeres, !(IMPORTED DIUECT). Thes.e good J are undoubtedly the best val ue ever shown in town. We have al8o in stock a full assortment of the best and most reliable make of BLACK CRAPE! Crapes n ot made for show merely, but which we can confident ly r ecommend t o give satisfaction t o the wearer. F Couch, Johnston & (J1·yde1·man, One D oor West of P ost Office, B OW MANVILLE. FOR SALE. A JU-ST ..A...RRI-VED: A CONSIGNMENT OF Manitoba Old Fife Wheat, Manitoba White Russian Wheat ONE CAR OF . Champion of the Dominion. ~~====~ 'l'J,., Port Hope Tima thinks Sir Chas. Tupper c .. uln easily defeat Hon. Edward Blak e in Durham were he to t h row up lus $ 16,000 nnrl pickings job and return to Camula.. Tory writers have thought before, a nd been proved by subsequent event;~ to be very much aatray in thefr calculatioas. In this case it is more than probable t!Hit our Port Hope namesake luw u v better foundation for its Statment regarding the Nova Scotia knight's intentions and pr ospects than it has for the allagations regarding the record of the member for West Durham.-Ham·,ltcm '1.'imes. 'l'he r esofo t ion passed by the Milton Town <Jouncil in favor of the sale of beer and ligh t wines being permitted in Scot t Ac~ counties has no significance a<1 denoting a change of public sentiment in that town or in Halton, as at the .l ast Scott. Act election in t hat county Milton gave a heavy m ,jority against the measure. Old habitue3 of the House of Commons who have heard Mr. Gladstone's speeches for thirty years are agreed in the opinion that his spo~ch in bringing in the Irish bill was one of the finest efforts of his life. His voice was clear as a bell, and his ges· ture aa exuberant and fuil of spirit as that of the y oungest member of the House. · Our e6teemcd friend Petei: Murray, pub· li~her o{ the Orillia. Times, acted a very nnfratenia.l, unjournalistic and merceoary p1:1.r:t when he sued the Globe for libel, aft.Jr the double and quito ample apology made by that journal for the purely aoci· dent&:t mistake that :i.pp<.'!ared in its columns. The death-dealing cylone has begun its forays again in the North-west. The first reported is iJ.J. Minnesota, where desolation followed in its track. Not the least of our. blessings is that we are out of the track of "the storm-wind, Earoclydon." Bowmanville, March 25th, 1886. MESSRS. SHAW & TOLE. - H~viug bought 11. Toronto Light Binder, and after running 1t for two harvests cutting The StoTe, Dwelling, Ste,ble il.nd Driving for myself and neighbors, over 200 1<cres, bouseand about t.11ree fourth8 of an acre of land uot costing me 10 cents for· repairs, bemg si tu 1·t~d in the village or Tyrone, and known 11s Elllott's St.()re. is offere1l for sale. All in able to handle it with two horses with good order. F'or term8 1 rnd conditions of sale, ease, I consider it the champion Binder of apply to JAMES BINGHAM, Ins. Agent, 'l'yrcne, or to SAMPSON, KENNEUY &; 00., lhe Dominion. My neighbor Mr. Neil 4..l Scott S1'. 'l'oront,o. 13-tf Osbol'lle, had a field he collld not handfo with the Chatham Binder, they could not ! go through without choking and I wen t in with the Light Toronto, went six times ARD OF THANKS.-To Messrs. around the field without le1.-ving my seat, Gault & Tattley, Montreal, Manal{ers of not only cutting and bmding it but tnrned the Hoyal Insu.rance Company of Enio:land:SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. out and cut the s tubble the C11atham Gentlemen. -I hereby return t hanks for the prompt payment by your agent, Mr. ,James The fnllow'ing subscriptions for 1886 ha.d pa.ssed over, elevated and bnund the Hingham, at, 'l'yrone, for my loss caused .b,v tire on the 25th or March last, having received eame. , Mr. Osborn .. had the little Branthave been paid, but not previously accash tor t he full amount or my claim a few knowledj!ed. '\Ve have lately sent enve- ford and the Dundas for several days diH'R alter the fire. I have much plestsnre in lopes a.ud blanks to several subscribers in cutting for him, but gave his order for recommending this Company. as a saf., one in which to insure. Yours. thankfully, arrears; if they will remit before Msty 1st the Light Toronto, M A'l'l'llF:W COLE. W. H. OsnoRNE. Tyrone, April 17Lh, 1886. 17-3w we will still accept one dollar; after that date the higher price will positively be P unE TEA! PuuE LITERATURE!!-The charged. Li-Quor Tea Co, is the largest and beet Thos Hardy Samuel Bond Rich Brown jr 'l'hos Bradley Packet T ea Co. in the ~ orld. A handHenry Elliott, sen nHOsborne some volnme given away with every 3lbs .las McCormick OeoH Buxton of this celebrated tea. It is not necessaty J W Ball Geo. R1ck11rd :M.rs A tlunt Abram Morris to purchase the three pounds at one time; "")iAKE N 0 TICE t hat immediately Wm Holland Geo 1<;merson _ upon the expiration of twen ty days after a voucher is given awl.Ly with every half Mrs 'l' C Bell Alex .McLaughlin th" tlrot publicat ion of this notice, Annie pound. By drinking theLi-Quor Teas, t.h Humphrey, \\'m Coleman Edwin Reynolds or the 'l'own of Bowman ville, in John Mo~orley Jumca Millar consumer becomes & participalor in the the County of Durham, widow. will apply to S Gilbert (i\iiD.den) Wm Carson t11e Judge ot tile 8urroge,te Court of His Honor advantages which th1a company possesses .Tumes .Jackson Wm Hurd the Uuited Counties of Northumberland end Henry Gay F' M Christie over all compet itors, for he gets a better Durham to be appointed Chardian of Annie HP Courtwright John Witheridge tea. a t a lo1ver price t han can be procured Hnmphrey, 'l'hom as Humphrey, Charles Hum· Wm 'W ight .Jas Parr (reeve) phrey, Frederick Humphrey, Catherine Humelsewhere, and he shares in tha inestim· phrey, John Souch Dr FA Jones and Ethel Humphrey, the Infant Chas Huse Mrs J1io llrock able benefits of a git;?antic enterprise. children or 'fhonuts George Humphrey, late of Alex McLa.ughllnjr Harry Munson the said 'l'own of Bowmanville, saddler, deCame early and get t ho benefit of our unJohn Mutton D Brokenshire · ceased. Albert E Werry F' '1' Colemau broken sto<:k. · LEVI Mo1rnrn, Agent, Bowmanville, 13th A_P,ril, 1886, Chas Downing '!'hos Scott It. lWS8ELL L08COMBE. Boumall's .Block. 11-tf John Edwards Dr G H Carveth 16-3w. Sol!cltor for Applicant. Jno Mont1eulllery M D Jue MutratL ·-,Tohn Martin Solomon Fligg Ja1:aes Brown W F Yanstene William Walter valuable as ever, cont"inin~ the usual ' 1 _ __ Best in Europe.- Best in Oanada. collection of new music (which alone is worth more tlui.n the yearly subscription Twenty thousand Eggs wanted weekly. Herr Franz Fruhling, General Manager price), a number of common sanse edi& of the Musical Instrument Department torials, hints, rnusica!Jnewe, and, in fact, of J. Shoeder & Co., (one ef the largest everythiu~ that constitutes a first-clMs MARKET SQUARE, BOWMANVILLE, music houses in the world), Hamburg, musical j ournal. The music in this num· -.A~DGermany, in a letter to the Dominion ber is as follow11; "Little Love," by Giro Organ and Piano Co.. writes : " I am Pinsuti .; "May Margaret," by Theo. also happy and proud to say· that your Marzials ; "Swiss Song,"~ WHsou G. instruments are taking the lead over all Smitn ; "Royal Marionnette Polka," by Dut;chers, Ne"W"<~aist;le, other instruments of aimular construction L . Streabbog ; " Soldierd' March," by Will .pay Cash for Eggs, Cash for l<' ine New in power, clear and noble quality of tone, Gustav Lang. Subscription price $ 1.50 and are pronounced to be the best ever per yea.r, single copy 15 c~nts. S. Brain· Butter and F'armors' Lard: a.lso Cash ror Hide! Tallow, ai:c., at the abov0 places. introduced into this part uf Europe by ard's Sons, Publishers, Cleveland, 0. the people who have had the opportunity W. BRITT A.IN & Co., Mrs. Craik's story, "King Arthur,' 18-hv. of hearing and enmining them. I beMarket S~uare, Bowmanvllle. li11ve you will be convinced that what I which announces itself a.s "oot a love e:x:prcss is the verdict of ol.ll' musicians by story," continues tu be atrongly interest· B ULL FOR. SERVICE.-A Thoro· bred Durham Bull, riJting ~ years, with the order for 100 instrumeats which I in"' The second large instalment is in ' M H ' Th f II · ·, t registered pedigree, is kept for eervllJe on Lot have just dispatched to your comps1y." t ho e .ay . arper s. e o owmg par 1 c(.. Con. S, Darlington. Terw.11- $2, F. \V.AtLIN1 will conclude the non!. I Proprie\or. IHw· W. RusE, Manal(er, Local Agency. 0 PROPERTY FOR SALE IN TYRONE. . ' American Y ello-w- Corn specially selected Cor seed. Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden FIRE FIRE! ! C SEEDS! " 'arranted true to lheir names. will be sold as cheap as t he cheapest. · ._,..> Our GROCERY DEP.A.R'l'ME NT is fully stocked with first-class goods, and Our "\Vr~rns and SPIRITS must be cleaned out this month. 15·'.IW JOHN LYLE. Notice of Application for Letters of Guardianship. As usual our new stock of CANADIAN, ENGLISH, ~COTCH & AMERICAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS and ot her Suitings is the lar g e s t , mo st c omple t e and most MJ~~~AL m~;;~~ ~:a·~~ i~te!:tt:1~a~'; / 20-00-0 - E cc sI Co., Wm. Brittain fashionable to be found in West Durham -~~ - - - im=m _._,., Sl"'\.. ' Brittain Bros., We have the goods. To i~sp~ct is to ord~r.. Our styles command .a.d1mrat1on. · Ou.r origmahty is u1ex:haust1_ ble. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no b ounds. . ...~ .. -*"'ri~ht. O.ur I?ri~es are We Never G.et left. _.call at the centre oC Style, Beauty and CltcapneH. Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEPFERY,'.r: 1 tf Tbe Tailor.

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