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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1886, p. 5

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· PURE WHITE LEAD. l'flesSI·s. Lyuaan Sons & Co. ·r~ke this opportunity of announcin~ th at they ar11 prepared to supply their WELL KNOWN BRANDS -OF- "White Lead, in lots to suit purchasers. Th ese Lea<la are unsurpassed for P U RITY, CO VERING P ROPERTiES AND GENER AL E XCELLE NCE. SEE THAT THE TRADE MAltK ?-{) lo- .&,i- N74 Ii ~<t··· + IS ON EACJI P ACKAGE. In P aintin g u se Lyman's Linseed Oil, made only from carefully cleaned seed ' --\ii.nd absol utely free fro m adlll teration . Th e Best is the Cheapest. STOT T & JURY, AGENTS. P .\ T ItO N IZ E HOME INDUSTRY! - - -o--STOTT & JURY'S BAKING POWDER is the best in t h e market. ONLY 3 0c. LB. In nearly ev~ry paper published we see IJ.1u·ge, tl-.ming ad vertisemen.t· setting fort.h the virtues of the ditf,.rent Kakmg Powders m the market, e11.on praiaiog uo t.heir own and run· ning down ev~ry kind. vVc think our turn has -come now. nnd we ask tor a hearimi;. ·Durin g the past eh: years we have been ee!Hng a Baking Powder wh1 cb is absolutely pure. and which has been giving our customer~ the very · 'beRt salisfacLion, and we have now decided to· manufacture it on n. more extended scale, fo w a see no reason why CanadL·nq should pay: a l&rge duty on any preparation, when just s good an article in every respect is prepared in our own town. We offer to the public a pei fectly pure and reliable Baking Powd , .at SO cents a pound. which is second to none 1 the market, ,althou~h it is from 10 cente 10 2 eents a pound cheuper. 'l'he reason we can do t his is plain ; we manufacture our own Powder a nd have no commissions to pay travellers and agents. Our Powder is always fresh anti reliable a11<l we guarantee satisract.!on. When buying Baking Powder next time give ours a trial, nd we are sure you will never use any othe·· Jtind. STOTT & .JIJ R Y . Lantern found. Apply at this office. The Board of Trade are grappli ng with the early closing movement. Mr . S. Cotton shipped a car load of fi ne horses to M ontreal last l\fonday. F ull line of artists materials- t ubes, brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. E dsall 's. Bal'bcd, ribbon, plain and annealed wire a fu ll sttick at bed rnck prices at S. S. Edsall's, For H oiscry and Gioves in all the new makes and shades call at Cui1ch, Johnston :tnd Crydermsn's. Or der Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Pickets, etc., n.t Morris' Planing Fact ory, Liberty skeet, H. H. Osborne, leasee. John Cornstalk , well, if not favorably k nown in this t own , was before the Port Hope, P. M. last week for being " loaded." Ml'. Robert Collacott, near Bethesda, has a cow which gave birth to t wio calves last week, one of which is a r ed, and the other a clear white. B ro. L . S. Ackerman, of t he Pickering News, is president of a local cricket club. Editors make lucky hits sometimes and L. S. is one of the boys. The Star H ouse has j llst received repeat or ders of )nany desirable lines in Dreds Goods. 'fhey are showing a choice assortment a t r easonable prices. The medal s for the late M idland Battalion will arri ve shortly, those fm: A company will reach Belleville next week. It is proposed to present them publicly. The May number uf "Our JJittle Ones" is to hand. This juven ile monthly is the best of its clas1> for lilmall children. Russell Pub. Co., 36 Dromfield·st., Boston, Mass. 75 pieces ne w printd, in bbck, enamel, black and .white, navy~, greys and cream grounds, all latest pattern~ . Cid l early and get a good choice at the West End House. · IONS OF MoN'EY.- Reader if you MIL L want money on farm property at the lowest rate of i nterest, call at the STA'rESMAN office. You can get from $500 to $10, 000 for as Jong as you like. L aboring men should protect t heir families by insuring their lives for $ 2,000 in the Rochester Mntu:d H elief Society. The cost is only about a t hird of the Canada Life and similiir companies. M. A. James iigent. About eighty Oddfellows paraded for church service last S;tbbath at 'l' rinity church where Rev, W· H Warriner, B.D. preach ed an excellent sermoa from 1st Timothy 5:8. 'l'he choir s:mg some capital antb maL r. Lewis Lyle was thrown from a load of em pty barrels n ear the station on Monday and s ustained a fracture of a rib and a severe scalp wound. One of his horses was badly cut by kicking against .the fa). ling barrels. Passed t he Customs and opened out this eek at G<>uch, J ohnston & Cryderman's a ca e repeat of Black wool Lace Dress Goods. These are new and scarce goods aud the corr ect thing for either dr esses or over- slies for summer wear. :Mr. W . F. Van stone, carpenter, was thrown from a scaffold a.bout ten feet high t o the tlour in the Council chamber on Monday and sustained a compuond frac ture of the left collar bone and other injuries, but not of a serious !\Mure. the auspices of the W. C . . will be delivered in St. Paul's church to night, 30tli'inst., t·Y R ev. C.H. M ead, of New York, missionary among colored freednrnn in the South, who is an orat<:>r, mimic, capital story-teller and singer. H e has beeu delighting Toronto audiences. A<lmission, 15c ; Lady and gent 25c. Half-past seven. Honse cleaning and furnishing being now the order of the day, each house when renovated should be supplied with new fornit.ure. On'e uf the largest, most varied n.nd best stocks in the county, can b~ seen ' ·w are ·ooms, Kmg-st East, a L evi MorriM Parlor Furniture,Dinin gRoom Furniture, Bedroom and Kitch en 1" urniture,all of the best material and workmanship, in full stock. Repairing promptly and satisfactoraly attended to at mo<lerate prices. The popul11rity of the Eaglo Steam Washer,(J.N.Kivell,Bowmanville,agcnt,) is not waning but increasing day by day. Those who have bought one, sou nd its praises louder the more they use it. It has been on trial here now six months and the first complai nt has yet to be h eard .. It is positively th.:i best washing machine ever introduced into this country. Every household will be the happier for ha i ug one of these machines, and especiall so if there is one of the celebrated si1 iger ewing machines in the house as well, for which ,Mr. KiYell is also agent. The N cw Williams received highest hon.: ors in 1885 at the Great Cotton and Cent enni al Exposition at N e w Orleans, the great International Exhibition at Antwerp in B elgium, The Dominion and Provincial Exhibition at Loudon, Ont., the Midland Central Fait at K ingst·ill, Oat., t he Hastings County Exhibition at B elleville, Ont. The Eastern T ownships Central E xhibition at Sh erbrooke, P . ·Q., and several other places too numerous to mention. No other se wing machine can show such a record as this. They are the people's favorite whore ever they go . See it befor you buy. J ames Deyman, agent, Big 2 , Bowman ville. ST. JOHN'S CnuRcH.- ln hearty 11 c l j<>yous scrvices the Gr:i,ndest Festivnl f t he Christian year was celebr ated in S; . John's church on Easter Sllnday. t Matins and 11t Evensong, the .Rector, Hev. Dr. Macnab, delivered discourses on the thrilling subject of the r es 1 1rrection, and the excellent choir produced music of a h igh order. With choicest wb.ite Howers the Alter,(and recently e1·ected Font, were tastefully decorated. Holy Communion was celebll().ted, and a large number communicated. The congrega.tion was nume,rous and its offering unus ually liberal. Ea ter M onday Vestry meeting was l d in the school room in the evening ie· when the following appointments to oflke were mnde, the .Re1:tor presiding and Mr. John Wesley acting as secretary: W A1! · DF.Ns- Messrs. S. S. Edsall andJ. Wesley. SrnEsM EN- Dr. Hillier, M essrs. J. Adams, T . H. Spry, John M aynanl, Arthur S utton, W. Manning, Edwa.d P ethick and Principal W. W. Tamblin, M. A.. RE·PRESENTATI'l'.ES TO SYNoo- Messrs. W illiam Arm15trong, H. Hesk eth and R. VMue . l~ctur@. J.mder BoWMANVtLLE, F RIDA.Y, APRIL 30. Local a nd Otherwise. ·S uckers are very plentiful., Our new advertising last week amount·ed to $229.95. · Did you get caugh t in th e rain last Fri-day nignt, r eader 1 Persons having pasturage to let near town should advertise. T he Scott Act was passed in Portland, N. ll., but defeated in St. John . The Montreal floods were 31 inches 'higher t ho.n the ~reat flood of 18Gl. It is surpising what a very large number of huts Mayer has s Id this week. Just in at the West End H ouse 2000 yards of factory cotton, extra value and 'special prices. HorB emen will find a good selection of .cuts for stallion route hills at the STATESMAN ·office. Prices moderate. Durham County Teachers' Association will meet in Bowma.nville on 1!,riday and :Saturday May 2l s~ and 22nd, Mantle mat11rials, silks, satins, Ottoman ·c ords, Satin De Lyons, Merv's,&c., at i:easonable prices at the S tar House. Mr. F . Bleakley of thls t own and Mr. J. Renwick, Orono, are commissioners to .th:e General Assembly which meets at Hamilton in June. We are now showing the finest stock of new and fashionable Dress Goods to be found anywliere ou tside the cities- Couch, Johnston & (h:yderman. When Mr. Gladstone dies there .vill be a vacancy in which every one of the Liberal a.nd Tory leaders can rattle around without touching one another. ; R . H. Osborne has l eased Levi Morris' '.laning Mill on Liberty-st . and is prepared t o do planing, matching, moulding, etc. All orders promptly a ttended to. When you have to pay for a suit of clothes, you might as well have t hem made right. '.l.'o make sure of that leave your mea~ure at Oouch, Johnston & Crydeyilnan s. 'l'wo lines of m onkey dudes will exhibit themselves in front of the Queen-st. ch urch at the close of service each Sund ay evening during the season, health and weath er permitting. Cholera is to prevail along ~lie M editerranean again this summer, if it d oes nut extend ,to Northern Europe and across t1> this ' d'>il~nent. We should prepare for .s uch a caiamity by taktng all sanitary pre.cautions. Order your new bugglf at once at Morri ·' ·Carriage W orks where yo\l can get ;a .ch oice of McLaughlin's celebrated geti.r with latest improvements, the Timpkjn, Regina, B uffalo and othe.r makers, w'th MCilrris' Pa.tent 'l'op, if de.filed. ·n m llE<;TI( ; Fl.11S¥, pnl 1:1 h()llow clu\"k!I and' 1·r~rtun & RJl(lflU te. llid lcute wor.u u . Free mnn'M Worm l ' ewde r8 w ill q u ickly .and elle.cc'u ally remove tbe.m. Gold ring loi1t. lteward for r et urn to Clean up your grounds and outhouses . , JTATESMAN office. · Parasols all prices at the W est Hnd ( We iatend to send a copy of the SnrEH ouse. · Cl arke ne:xt wee k . "· i · T' k 'll . AN t o every f ar mer m a 1ss 1c 1 of Belleville, is visiting .M:iss Borlan d ' Mr. Thos. Weldo11, sen ., of Tern po, has Leave your.or ders for eavetrouqhing at lieen on a visit to friends in Darlington . L . Geo. Q uick's Mr . S ..Cbesterfield has made his cottage Th ere were not many drunks in town l.iok very attractive by a fresh coat of l'ain t . on Good Friday, Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed A fool who can conceal his folly is at ,, ire a fuil stock at bed rock prices at S. least a philosopher. Call at T ait & Morrison's t o see Mrs. : ;, Edaall's. Next week we shall notice some th ings Clarke's Cookery Book. The boys are deligh ted over th ose new 111 connection wiht the Fair which want .if space forbids in this issue. Spring hats at Mayer's. Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets, Curtain Are we to h avea celebration on the 24th Hcrims, Window Holland with dado. Sec of May. If not, why not? 1.hese goods at · r . Geo. Mason's Star Miss Stewart, King-st. East, is visiting House. friends in Western Ontario . Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Burk, of San Duy 3 lbs. of Li· Qllor Tea at Levi MorFrancisco, California, are visiting at Mr. ris' and get a $1.00 book free. R . H . 'l'urner's, Mrs. Burk's brother. P arties want ing to loan money should 'l'hey reached her e on 'Vednesday night. apply at the St11.·1·EsMAN office. Re' '· E. Roberts will preach in the It is human nature to commit sin first Queen-st. Church on Sabbath next in the and lear n its penalty afterw:Lrds. morning on " The Kingdom that cann'ot The Foresters of this town have decidecl be moved" in the evening on "The kind to hold a demonstration on July 1st. of service God re<]uires of tl1o·e who beF or the finest embroideries at t he long to his ki!tgdom ." All are welcome. lowest figures please call on Mrs. Ives. Don't fail to see t he grand turnout that Full lines of artists' materials- -tubes, will be here on Thursday :u1d Friday May brushes, pall ette~, etc ., at S. S. Edsall' s 6th and 7th, R. Parker & Co., the favorThe latest thing in scrims for Cllrtains, ite Dyers & Cleaners of '.l'orontu. We all at the West E nd Ho nse. Call and see it. want to have our fade<l ga~men ts ready fo r them and they will be returned beaut iSome matter intended for last issue fully tint.shed. 'f he ladies must not fail r eached us to late, hence ita non-appear- to see them now during house -clen.ning ance. time. Will be in Newcastle, Saturday Mrs S pear offers a good building lot for May 8th. sale. Apply to Miss Spear at the Post The Port H ope Guide says a very large Office. ' lOOpieces White Muslins, including all and happy part,y met at the residence of popular makes a!ld patterns, now showing Mr. B1·11ce Williamson, brotl:icr in-law of the bride, on the 15th inst., to witness at the Star House. ·he marriage of Mr. A. L, Sondall, of AlPassengers who miss the regular trains bany, N . Y. , to Miss Gertrude Super . will not in future be allowed tickets to Rev. Canon O' Meau performed t he cereri de on freight trains. moi1y . 'l'he groom was tcssisted by Mr . Some reading matter may seem a little H \Villiamson, and the bride by her sisstale- it has been "standing" somet ime tf.lr, Miss .Tessie Soper. The bridal preswaiting for room to appear. ents wei·e very fine, useful and costly. The n.verage housekeeper is j nst spoil- Mr. and Mrs. Sendall will reside in the ing for the time when shecan knock smith- city of Detroit. Mrs.S's many friends iu Bowman ville wish her mllch h appiness. ereens out of the dining room carpet. J. D. Strtckler , of t he Commercial Hotel, Markham, has skipped to the States. He forgot to settle c]n,ims against him. T his is the season that tern pts the small boy to play "hookey" from school, aud he doesn' t alw:Lys resist the temptation . T en cases of Embroiderie3, all widths. Laces in great var iety and fine values just Porto Rico and r eceived at T. Geo. Ma.sun's St1~r House. All our citizens share to a considerable Demerara Sugars extent the good r es ults from watering King-st., at least a t hird of the expense A Tshould be borne by t he corporation. The improvements Mr. W. H. Ives has been making to his property on .K.ing·st. are almost completed. The store with its han dsome plate glass front is quite an attraction. Do you want a new Spri ng hat in the Planting time is h ere and the wise mer- latest Atyle, young mau? If so drop into chant plantet h his advt. in the best local Ml\yer's, he has re-~eived his fir~t consign · paper. The STATESN AN is the favorite as meat, and they ate gJin ~ like hot cake s. will be seen by th e n ew spring announcements in this issue. WEST DURHAM FAIR. A convention of t he Ontario Creameries A~sociation will be held in the W alker ~he show of heavy h "rees at the Spring House, TotX>nto, May 5th and 6th . All Fair on Wad,,esda.y w .,a the best e.ver persons interested are requested to attend. se~ n h ere . The a.t ~ enda.nce was not larl,'.e. R ecluced railway fares. 'l'HE PRIZE LIST. There seems to be trouble in the T ern- IMPORTED H E AVY DRAUOHT--1 W. PutterC 1 · · S · t t II 0 son's Oliver Twist; 2 R . Keith's Peer or the o omzat1on ocie Y_ s 1 · n Hee.Im; 3 R Beith'· Prince u eorge. 1l~r11nce h ursd"y last two boards ,,f direct·, rs were CANA PIAN DRAUOHT.-1 w. P 1i.ttenon'e High· appointed. Nov the question is, land Chief; 2 C. t'ower':~ Young Chancellor; 3 which shall prevail1 Mr. H. O'Hara is a ,Job Greenwood's Gl~n1tfer. . member of one of the b oards. Judgc.- Henry ,Jeffery. Whitby. . . GENERAL PURI'OSE- 1 E zra. Hall's Mountain Do not forget that the secl)nd Friday Boy; 2 I·'. ttundle's. in May is Arbor da.y. Ask your trustees Ro.rnsrnR OR CoAorr.-1 w. Stepben·a Keen for the copy of School Architecture lately Rotbschilct: 2 Georl'.'e Bigham's Hoyal Prince· ' sent them by the Depar1.ment, and there 3 L. A . 'l'ole'd Prince Im perial, read the hints and suggestions for improv- J udge.-.James Pringle, Whitby. DURf! .\M Bur.Ls,2 YE ARS OLD- 1 and Sweep ing a nd beautifying your school gr ,mn d s St.. kee, ~. .Allin's tii r Arthur. We musta\!ain warnourreadersa1rainst DomIAM BuLi:., l YEAnOr,n-Levi Skinner . 2 lleo, ::!to11 t1onse's ll1gll Sherftr 7th. ' strangers who go around taking orders FAT HEn'ER-l James Hun ter. for goods of various kiw is. Deal with re- Judge- John Davidson, Ashburn. ... liable mer chants who will procure for you CLARKE FAIR. everything you can buy from travellers who are here to-day and a\vay to-morrow. The Cl11.rke Spring F 1 Lir on T 11esday The immense circulathn of t he STATESMAN in this district makes it a very valu- was a great success as a horse exhibition, able advertising medium. Merchants, far- but <he attendance was small. Followmers and others who advertise reco!!nize i llg is th e this fact, for besides our regular contracts PHIZ E LIST. prev.iouely rtt ning, our new advertising HEA,·Y DnAOG fIT.- 1 w. Pattilr· IMPORTED last week amounted t o $229.95. son's Oliver Twist: 2 Geo. 8lean's !Jay ::>tar. On Monday last Mr. Geo. H . Webster, CANADIAN DRAUOH'r.- 1 \ V . Patterson's book-keeper for Messrs. Cawker & Allin, Hii,i:hland Cluel'; 2 Job Grnenwood's Gleni1fer. GRNERAL PURPOSE.-1 John Pat terson's had th e misfortnue to step backwards into Donald Dinnie; 2 Ezra H11ll's MountainDoy. t he store cellar, the rlo~r having been CAnRIAO& HoRS&.- 1 .John {'atterson's rafaed without his observing it . '.l'he fall Chenean; 2 Alfred H ogarth's Strides way. of n early si.x: feet gave him a severe shakDunIIAM BULLS. AOED.- l Chas. Baker. ing and a few bruises~ otherwise he was DunrrAM Bur.Ls, UNDER 2 YEARS.- 1 R jr.. 2 James Hunter. · Brown, not inj ured. I SELL.ING OFF! T:S:E CORNER STORE, ORONO, 1 is now op en again and bound t o Lead Ill · Prices. - -A lot of. -- Ne-W G oods have just been added making an I MM E NSE STOCK of Dry Goods, Clothing , Hardware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes,&c., which must be sold off at Trerriendous Bargains I All w ho like Good Bargains come along with your Cash, Butter, Eggs, &c. RA·W SUGARS. CREDIT TILL NEXT FALL WILL B ECIV E N RESPO ~SIBLE PERSONS. NO TICE. All t h e book accounts a n d other claims of the ins olvant estate of C. G. Armstrong have been placed in my h ands for immediate collection. All indebted t o the estate in any way will please call at once. Orono, April 9, 1886. WM. QUICK & CO'S. W . W. TRULL. 16 I WE HAVE OPENED UP this week some special lines in LACES! Flouncings and Embroideries. V alenciennes Lace Flou ncing, Oriental Lace F louncing, Spanish Lace Flouncing, in Cream, White, Beige and Black. Allover and Trimming Laces to match. ----o-- -- The Editor desires to thank the breth - ltln rrln:te Notices. r.o cents; birth~ a a·l Lodge, A. 0 . U, W ·, for a deulbs. Z5 ceuts. complimentary ticket to their grand con- "'-===========:-,===='= cert last week, but I\. previous engagement BIRTHS. prevented our atte nilance. \Ve ere pleas- . rAMEs- Ne11.r Columbus on Good Friday, the ed to h ear t he entertainment was such a wife t>f Mr. John H . .Tames. or a daughter. splendid success. Bros. J, R. ~iiller r . '.l'nonN1'0N - In Orono on the 20t.h Inst., the . · , ' . wife of .Mr. U. B. '.l'hornton, of a daughter. G.M. \V., and H. ~ · Taylor, G. M. '\V. SUTTON-·l n Bowmaovllle. on the '21st. inst., wer e presen t and d elivered ex:cellent ad- the wife of.Mr. .Arthur .A. Sutton, ot a son. SHINOTO:-<- ln Cartwright on the 23rd dress s......l'h e vi siting brethren were en- 1 W A te rained at a supper after t he concert. inst, the w1fo or Hev. W. CJ. Washington, M. A., of a son. Messrs. Cawker & Allin have just put into their store one of Withrow & HilDIED. lock's Pat ent Arctic Cooling R ooms o.bo_ ut HUTC IIEso:-<- Suddenl:v at I..eyton Cottage, 8 by 10 feet and 12 ft. high . It has t wo Bowm11nville, on the 21st inst.,at the re1<ldence of her sister. Mrs. .J. Hibbert, Miss Victoria. compartments, a large one for meats and a Arab..lla. Hutcheson. youngest daughter of the smaller one with glass doors for butter.. late Mr. St. John H. Hutcheson, or Lynn, NorThey will have no trouble in k eeping tolk, England, a"ed 5.1 years. We MARRIED. meats fre11h and butter solid no w. 1mgges ~ that citizens with warm te mpers PAnR- Tow:-isEND .-On Thursdat April 15th step into·this refri~erator when th eir risi- by thl.l R.ev. J. D, Gayley. M.A., at ::it. George's ch11reh. '.l'oronto, Mr. Samuel Parr, Darlington, ilitifils get up. We guaran tee thnt it will and Miss Co.rrle Townsend. of Ne w York. c hem off on short notice. The St. iOmas Journal of the 19th inst BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. says: no less than t hree former pastors of St. 'l'homas church es, all of the m r emem· ~orneC.ed by J ohn Lyle, every Thnr·<l ay. bered with affection by t h e flocks they have left, preached yester day in the FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs. ·.. .. . . · $2 10 to $2 50 chur8hes they h ave left t o the care of WHEAT, Fall,~ bush . ·· .· 0 70 11 0 80 " Spring, u ··· · · 0 70 " 0 80 other hands. ln every instance large congregatiom greeted them, and their dis- BARJ,EY, ~bush. . .. .. · · · 0 55 11 0 70 II · ·· · · · · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 courses were eagerly and apprecia.tingly RYE, II . . · · · · . . · 0 35 II 0 40 listened to. Not for many Sundays have OATS, the churches of St. Thomas been so well- PEAJ3, B lackeye, ~bush . . . 0 80 11 0 88 11 Small, " 0 55 11 0 60 :filled as yesterday, the attraction of old 11 Blue, 0 55 11 0 65 friends in t he pulpits being aided in drawing throngs to the sacred edifices by the B UTTER, best t able, ~ lb. . . 0 1G 11 O 18 incentive of a perfect day aud beautiful. LJ.ltD, " lb .. .. ·., . · · · . . · Q 10 II 0 13 ln the Disciple church Rev. Mr. Shep· Eoos, ~doz . . . . . . . . . ... . 0 10 11 O 11 pard preached a forcible and ehquent PoTATOJ>:s, ~bush . .. ... . · 0 35 " O 40 sermon. The cli.urch was crowded, aud DRESSED Hoos~ 100 .. . . , 4 50 " 5 00 HAY ········· · · ·. . . · ··· . 9 00 II 10 00 hi11 "words wer.e eagerly li8tened to. en~ Cobourg I We are also showing a large range of Perrin & Frere's first choice KID GLOVES ! · Lawrence Ill Black only. · Josephine ID Black and Tan shades. Eugenie in Black and Tan shades. · Suede ID Black and Tan shades. Jvoune in White only. With Clasp or Buttons, from ~ to 6 Button lengths. PIERCE~ c 10.

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