~ RUIT JUICE. Hose, hose, hose, "\Vest Eud House. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a Ladies go to the West End House for Toronto Mower . St>e those bep.utiful Fancy Window Hosiery. ?i-lrs. R . H. Henry, in visiting frier"ls Shades at Tait.~ Mprrison'a. Lovely Braided Jerseys from 1.25 up at in Buffalo. Shaw & Tole's is t he place to get a McCouch, johnston & Crydocman's The Athletic Association will meet this Laughlin Buggy. PlHtE Buy 3 lbs. of L i-Q uor T ea at Levi MorFriday evening for geneml uusineas. and undiluted The champion base ball team of Canada ris' and get a $1.00 book free. full stren~th. are expected to play here early in July: Mrs. Mary E . Muir and Miss Annie Full lines of artists' materials-tubes, Muir, starts for England, on June 7th. brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall' s The boon in Dress Goods still cQntinues WHOLESOME Get your buggy painted by the No. 1 at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Purifies the blood, painter, H. Stott, at Morris' Carriage A good tweed or serge suit, any size, and aids digestion. Works. $5.00 at T. Geo. Mason's, Star House. John Ross, Whitby, cut and bounu 20 Full line of artists materials-tubes, acres in 10i hours with the Light Toronto brushes, pallettes, etc., a t S. S. Edsall's. Binder. ~ Just received this morning per express, REFRESHING Miss Allie Ferguson, of Newcastle, has Tones up the system. been visiting this week at Mr. W. W, B lack Spanish L <tce, all widths ap to 25 inches. Wost E nd H ouse. Tamblyn's. · L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for Collars and 'Cuffs, new styles iu Celmaking evetroughs that wont leak. It luloid and Linen, at T . Geo. Mason's FRUITY makes the length six feet long. and rich in fla.vor. Star House. The STATESMAN Office was favored with Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed wire a full stock at bed rock prices at S. a friendly call from Mr. W. R Climie, this week. S. Edsall's. COOLING Call on Jno. McMurtry at the West Business is l'Ushing at S!:iaw & Toles. Just the drink for End House for anything you r equire in Mr. Tole sold three L ight T or ontoBinders, "\Ve warm weather. Dry Goods or Groceries. one 'roronto Mower and Massey Rake '.l'hursday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. F . Powell, of Whitby Miss Annie Cubitt, of this town, was 'In ordOl'ing, specitiy DoM-rNI.cA, and don't were the guests of Mr. Thos. McChmg list ..·rl among the cabin passengers who on Sunday and Mondtiy last. be put oil' with any imitations. The anniversary servic~s of Providence sailed on the "Patisian" from Quebe.o yesBRFIN"ED EXPRESSLY FOR Methodist church are to be held on Sun- terday for Liverpool. day and Monday, June 20th and 21st. Messrs. Shaw & Tole offers to present Notwithstanding tlrn reuent advance in a binder to auyone who will firid a man 1\i.l"C> ~ T~ E .A.:C..., silks, yon ciin stili buy all colors and a11 in the county who has bought a Massey qualities at che old prices at Couch, John- Binder and will not recommend it. -F.Qr sale by STO'l'T & JURY. ston & Cryderman's. FARMERS,-1 1:1c0lellan & Co. have now A liberal uiscount to the trade. No Our Solina correspondent's letter loo k- on hand a large quantity of :iialt and char~o for cases. ed iLs though it had been tampered with Plaster and for sale in quantities to sui t ~ilk · when it came to hand this week. This is purchasers. not the first time, either. The Scott Ac~ is working amazingly. Persons 'vishing to borrow money on Our three town hotel keepers imd two farm socuri ry cau be accommodated wiih from Williamsburg have contributed $50 THE "BEST any amount on applicacion to the STATES- aml costs each on t he order of Geo. Haines MAN office, at lowest rates of interest. tf. Esq., P , lliL , for violations . The Methodists arounu Solina aro exThe follow ing were visitors in town pecting a great crowd at their anniversary during the week: Mr. a nd Mrs. B rimson, ~STAR HOUSE, tea on'.!lfondtiy next. A capital program Mr. R. Fairbairn, of T oronto, Mr. D. ~ EA.ST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK. is provided. 'fea at 4 o'clock. See Soli- McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beith, Whitby,Mr.F.Cubitt, Guelph and Mr. A. B ar·· · ·n. a news. · 1 'J'he West ]J;"d House is noted for having the largest, best, and cheapest canada Co. have assortment of Hosiery m town. L"d1e receil,ecl a silver medal diploma and a , · in the market is manufactured by you would do well to call n.nd exami1 bronze medal for their furniture exhibited for yourselves. at tll.e Antwerp International Exhibition ---o--The early closlnl!; movement comes in o last year. 'fhe furniture shown was taken --M.ANUFACTURER O F - force next 'l'uesday. \Ve do hope- oJ from their regular stock. Our Millinery Department (one citizens will render all the assistance posPR.ICE EAnLY Cr.osrNo.-The members of the sible in carrying it out. Gh-e the clerks Bowman ville Board of Trade on Monday ' a chance for fresh air. last decided tocloso their stores beginning of the most extemi.ve in the t own) KING STltEET, BOWMANVILL Haanow on hand o. number of Tehlcleo (and is ma.nufa.cturing a. grea.t many more) of the neWM· One of the pleasantest socials ever held .June 1st-on Saturdays and day proceedpattern a and best finish, which I am offering for sale P.t the lowest prices consistent in this tow11, was one in the school ruorn ing public lwlidays at 9 :30 p.m.-on factory is now replete with all tbe latest with due rega.rd to workmo,nship and qnality. The f~llowing is a list of ). m. and all other days at of St. Pa,ul's church on 'Vednesclay even- P ay days at S 1 the principal vehicles manufactured by me - Thie Powder ising, given by Mrs. R. D. Fraser, of t he 7 p. m . The public are requested to as- novelties for the summer trade. Double Cover~d Carnages ...... . ............................................. $160 Upward1. M1inse. Nearly all of the fan~ilies in t he sist in carrying out this arrangement. tf. I Th l . . f h t Single Phretons............................................................ ..... 100 11 congregation were represented. , Mr. Henry Birch, Kirby, bough t last e entire se ect1on lil o t e newes Open Buggy .............................................. ;...................... 70 11 An article by Auston Do boon, illustratweeklfrom Mr. Fred. Rundle,Darlington, · Top Buggy. ....................... ..... .... .. .......... ..... ........ .......... ..... 90 11 ·and equal in quality to any in the market Democrat Wagon.............................. .................... .............. 65 II and ae we have no travellers bills and ed by HenrySandham andAlfredDaw@on, a two year old Clydesdale entire colt, and most fashicnable description. will be the opening paper i n the June "Young Baron Lenox," a very promising Lumber \Vf\gons... . ..... .... .... .................................. ........... ··· 55 11 agente commissions to pay we can sell. the 'Powder one-third less than regular prices. Oent11r1/. It is enti1led " A Literary animal. He won 1st prize at West Dur- Our assortment of HAT s and Light W agon........................... ........... .... .. ......................... 40 11 Ra,mble, along the Th.< mes from Fulham ham Faih'r last Fall and 2nd this SprinHg, 11 E xpress Wagon..... .................................. ........................... 75 tu Chis wick " ; an·i th·' paper contains a S'l.'OTT & .JlJRY. when s own against aged horses. e BONNETS, which consi::;ts of the Skeleton ............. :.................... ... ................... . .. ................ 50 11 " 1imely" map of the Umversity course. P3:id a !foOOd round figure fo .h im. Vi'o Sulky.................................... .. ................ ....... .................. 40 11 1 1 um success. 'fJie British mails this summer will be w1s 1 n l most desirable stv les Poseeesing supertor.: tacilltiee tor manufacturing carriag!JB, I intend to sell very cheap tor 0 !.DI d;;-spatched two days earlier than on fo1·'rhe Earooean Band won 1st prize in l a t e~ t a C · J ' or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to gru11t.ly mcreaRe m;¥ nnmber of sales. Woulcl sell the wood parte only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. mer ' ummer seasons, c .. nsequently letters the band con:ipetition in Oshawa on Monfor Great Britain v-ia Quebec, must be Jas. Kerr won 2nu prize in 200 embraces tbe foLowing makes and l · } BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 28. mailed at Bowman ville before seven p. m. day. yard race;AlonzoDowns,2ndin:l mile . . . $ Q_ ei.lJC on Wednesday of each week· 'f he British raGe: Chas. W. Thompson, 1st in F at braids :-CMp, Loop, Tape, Twist, A, · .. · , · · · ; · · . . , A t the Shortest: Notice, Pamted and tmnmed if Desired . mail ·via New York will close at seven p.m. man's race; Geo Fogg, 1st in 100 ,Yds. proon Monday. ' fes~ional race ; Sam. B onathan, 1st in S. p d l S ·· P<>arJ M;l<>n SntiD ;\t the .Factory I also do Planing. Matching, Turning o.nil So.wing with Circle,Ba.nd or'Soll' 0 E 200 yds race · the D 0 Band also e a' W'SS1 ,,.,...,. J · ·' -""··I - ,. , 811.ws. and prepare all k.in.d s of lumber tor carp.enters nd. others ~or building purpoeee. The fourth and final free concert by the '. ' · ' [ Ornamental and Pla.m Pickets for fencra m every style reamred. made t,o order. · · f · Mr. M. P. Ta.Hing, of Toronto, was in won a tug·o -war prize. . Wizard Oil '.rroupe was given on the Mar'town this week. ket Square on Tuesday e vening, and was Rosary Beaded 'I'i·imming fo~ clrcsses at attended by humlreds of our citizens. The Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn. Forcu- 1 ·--T -1 ·· ·Couch Johnston & Cryderman s. music was exceptionally good. 'l'hey go between 'Iait & Morrison 8 exlubit of pine, Corclinette and Split Strnws. , Mra. F. D. Cherry, of Albany, N. Y., to Newcastle and Orono from here. Our large port raits and the Wizard Oil Co. · ~is visiting at Mrs. Cherry's, Church -st, readers in these pl"ces should not mis~ the public were delighted. concerts, Mr. andMrs.A. L. Vanstone, ofBrant- hearing them. Judging by their expressions when vto"'· ford, have been on a visit to relatives here. The Sylvester Light B inder is taking ing the life size Photos, especially those we il around here. It has the latest and Barbed, ribbon, phin and annealed fine cnes of Miss 'McCullough and l\IIiss wire a fuil stock at bed rock prices at S. best improvements of any machine in the Cubitt and others, 'l'l1e work certainly market to-day. The farmers when they is creditable to Harry. S. Edsall's. Messrs. Geo. Rice and If, H. Haddy, see ir are enticed at 011ce to buy on acThe last aew venture .in illustrated -Of Toronto, apent Monday with friends in count of its handiness and lightness of joumalism is The Mirror, an eight page draught. Mr. J. D. Armstrong sold three town. binders last Tuesday. It is nice to be paper published in Toronto, whose aim is TRE s·.rroA.MEH Miss Caro McDowell,of Whitby Ladies ab?e to crow over other machines, but the "to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to naNORSE~:f.A.N College, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E. Sylvester aQ"ents do not carry bogus or- ture," in a.ccordauce with H a mlet's Ml vice (G, t;JtA 1'H'tntD; Master.} Higginbotham. dera to entice the farmers to buy; they to the players. "\Ve do not profess to ILL MAKE 'EIER REGULAR lOOpieces White Muslins, including all do it in a straightforwiird manner which know h ow such a publication, issued at (i 'J'llIPS on this route, le1tvrng Cobonrg cents pet· copy or $2.00 annuo.l subscrippopula.r makes and patterns, now showing nobody can deny. 1w. every morn~ng at 7:30. and Port Hooe at 9 tion, can be produced with such a degree o'cloclc, on arrival or Grand 'l'runlt Hail way at the Star House. The popularity of the Eagle Steam of excellence and yet be found rerirnner- Trains from 1he east and west, connecting at Order Doors, So.shes, Blinds, Picketg, \Vasher,(J .N.Kivell, Bowmanville, agent,) ative. t.rochester with the New York Centml, North· I Hrn Central, an<l El"ie RailwayR, and the Lake l etc., ;tt.j \ 'lorris' Planing Factory, Liberty is not wan ing but increasing day by day. entario Division or the Rome. Watertown ancl < street, R, H. 08born~, leasee. 'fhose who h ave bought one, sound its Ogdensburg Railway for all points ea~t, west J praises louder the more they use it. J t ltlm·rtnge Notice~. l>O ccnf.s; births and and sou th. ,. Mrs. Capt. Mutton is leading the meet2 RETURNING-Will leave Ch<trlotte (port of ="= ' t= lh == s=,==r.= c=c··=·=t·==·====== = ·ings at the barracks this week. Capt. has l)een on trial here now six months aml = ct Rochester} daily at 9 o'clock, p .m ., except . Mills is expected to arrive to-morrow ,Sat- th~ firdt .c?.mplaint has yet t? be hea:rd. ,.,,..BIRTHS. Saturd·ay when she will leave a t il p. m., for I' · . 1t is positively th·.~ best washmg mach1n N 't E fl Id t i t t 'IUrday. ' d d · l· E IDDERY-,. n e on . ie 18t 11 ms .., he Port Ilope direct. ve wife or Ml'. Johnston Niddcry, of a daughter. Dealers in stock will fin:l this the cheapest A lady says those Fancy Window Shades ever mtro nee mto t us country. nismN- At New Park, l\lfanvers, on the anll most expeditious route to 03 wego. Boston, at Tait & Morrison's are the best for the household will be the happier for ha vin,. · l Albany, New York, etc. 1money she ever · Saw. They ai'e beauties. one of these machines, and especially so 21st inst·, the wife ot "\ir. Thos. Brisbin, of a lfor further information apply to ]{ll]NNEit I ltlany hnitate It but None if there is one of the celebrated singer sew- da~htex':'I & CO·, Bowmanville, or G. CRAWFORD, ' The penalties for infractions of the ing machines in the h ouse as well, f P ' the ~ft,Bci'rRifr;_-1,X1g~1j1J~'fJl}h~~.~~:l!~1~t~~~ Port ilope, or C. F, GILDEft:3 LJ!JJ!]V.J<}, King· T his is without doubt the most elegant, most durable, and best :Scott Act. are-1st offence, $50; 2nd $100, which Mr. Kfrell is also agent ston. 21-tf Family Sewing Ma.::hine in t he market. :3rd and sll.bsequent t imes, not less than \Ve lrnve received the June number MARRIED. two months in jail. I t d oes b_ett~r work. It does finer and better sewing. I t is easier to the New Y ork Fashion Bazar an d as usual INGRAM- WrLcox-On Thursday. May 13th. Couch Johnston & Cryderman have find it full of interesting matter. 'rhis is at the rosidonoo of the b1·ide's father. by the run and superior in every r espect to a ll other machines. Rev. W. II. .Anderson, Mr. Nicholas lngram,ot :sold n.n immense qua-ntity of carpets dur- just the book for those wishing to procure J3o~n.yille, · I ts atcachments and Shuttle are of the N ewest desicru and a child can to Emily, dttughter of. Mr. John 0 .ing the last few we0ks, but they are still a reliable fashion journal and at the same ~CJA·tt AT· 11cox: of'Lindsay. almost place them in position. ' showing a large assortment of carpets of time choice reading. Each number conTt:rcKmt-SooTT-lnBclleYillo,onWedncsday, E very lady ~hould give the " Domestic" a trial before buying inferior all kinds. tains hes ides numerous plates and full . ,. .May 1Ut1,at th.e residence of the bride's father, soft made machines. College Hlll, Dr. M. M. Tuclcer, of Orono, to RruHARD M. JvIINSTOY, au~hor of "The scription of latest New York fashion , a .Mijli Minnie Scott, of tlelleville. Machines may be seen at Mr. Kenner's Variety H all, Bowmanville, Dukesborough Talos," will have a. cha.rac- ladies fancy work department, fashion a ,ANNrno-I:Ionns-.A.t the Metcalfe Street and at Hampton. teristic story in the .Tuni:l Centtiry,entitled household notes and several serial stories 1\1ethod1st church, Oshawa on 'l'lrnrsday 2!l>th porrnlar. authors. A new· mug, ii;ist.. E·q., by the Jiey. Newt!Jn ~i1ll, WllliarlnsaMbealnl~ T he undersir,ne? have th-:! exclusive r ight of sale in the \Vest Riding ·' 'fhe Hotel Experience of Mr. Pink by the most . , of lt.ast Wh1tbl , to l\liss ~ - -Ai°"'D SEE·- of DL1rham, and Whitby and Manvers. Agents wanted-apply to Fluk"r," accompanied by three of Frost's story "Dons' Secret" is now commenced Ho4.Gr,Oohawa. ·humorous illustrations. in this number. Price 25 cents a number / . --H. ELLIOTT, J r. DIED. '. . d'· Order your new buggy at once at Morris' or $3.00 per year in advance. Addres r Hampton, March 26, r 886. W . BATTEN. Geo. Munroe, box3751, New York. RosKrN-ln Darlington, on the 23rd inst.,. -Oarriage Works where you can get a -.AND-' - · r3-3m. Messrs. l\IIorg:m & Gould complain bi Jane Mullis Hoskin. a11ted 60 years, . . ·choice of. McLaughlin's celebrated gear ·k · d . · . AlRWEATHER-In Oshawa, on the 24th mst., with latest improvements, the Timpkin, terJy of a·mean tnc practise on them by' Annie l?,.irweatber relict or the late David,' B 1 ·I B ULLS FOR s.·LE-~--T ·w·-0 ·-··· -D · urh."· l,,--J, ....-.er , ' ,., _ ..... Regina, Buffalo and other makers, with a former living near tllistownfrom whom Fairweather, Esq.,' of Bowmanville, aged 85 Mr. Cotton had bought four cattlo for years. Bulls rising two years for sale by the sul>Morris' Patent 'l'op, if desirod. them, TheycJaim tlrnt the cattle had~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -· -rN".scrlber con;6,,I\ot 8,Darlington,goodpedigree. " '. < · W. J . .. HOY, yrone P. O. 15-tf" The Soos of Erlgland turned out in MARKETS .' . . large .numbers to nttend divine seivice in been stuffed with feed before being wei~hthe Qt'teen-st. church last Sunday morn· ing. Rev. Bro. E. Roberts, Deputy 1 Grand Chaplain, prea.ohed an excellent Mowers, ' cl s f d I l 25 lb FLOUR, ~ 1 ...-. .. . . . Plo.-r'B', etc. lamb·. Any person g1vmg mformatiou of theil:' l:!ermon frvm th6-woo-cls: "Bear ye one an· Mary s an trat or on "if ost · s. \VHE..~:.r, Fall,'° bush., ... 0 70 11 0 75· EVER SRbWN· IN OR0NO. vv recovery will bo rewarded, ROBT.MARTYN· othcr'.s burd!ens." 'f>he excellent choir of 'fhe name of the farmer has been given ·, 11 Spring, " O 70 11 O 75· Hampton, 22-tf 0 the church rendered very choice anthems. us, butwe withhoklit for the sake of hia BA"IEY ' "' br-" 0 55 11 0 70. R·E:Mi'.:MSlllt ·Tl!'E' S :rAND: .A liberal collection Wllili taken. ,.., , 'v U>. 1 1.. ..... ·· ·. O ' w . . . i · "h d f J friends. We c.mnot think that many of R 11 O 53 11 O 55, n · EuNESDA Y t ie vt a.y o UNE, YE, ··· · ·· · ·· · · ,s B t(){)K, 1886, 'rHE BoWMANVILLE A«mlCu'LTURAL 11 . . · · · . . · · o 35 11 o 37 LA'l'E M1ss ·R'll.l'Bl1RN"s, Mrnr,ER Ladie&,in Tait & Mormon's store you our fo,rmera would be g uilty of such mean- 0.ATS, PEAS, Blackeye, 'II" bush .. · 0 80 II 0 88 . , & CAJ:t'Rt.lGE' 9011fPANY, (limited)· will ~ell ~a:n see the prettiest, chllapest and best ue.ss. .Fancy Window Slutdea ·ever introduced JACK F1wsr CoNQll'EJt11:0. -Although " Small, " O 55 II ·o 60 Building. Sale. by public auction a.large stock of Buggies, -here, their cbeepneas iJl most re~arkable. during t.he cold sea.son "J&ck Frost" gets 11 Blue, 0 55 11 0 65 Mowers, H11oy Teddcrs and Plows,. .all '.l'he Store, Dwelling, Stable and Drivin Gall and see them. Rollers,dori1ice poles in .b iswork lively, yet Hacryard'sYoll@w B ur.rim, besttable,~fu. · . 012" 01-i SOME f· h 6 t · i · bl d l " "bl ma.de from the best stock. lntend mg houseandaboutthree-fourtheotanaoreoftan.~ " '"" 0 10 0 13 t mo~ va ua. 8 ~n e igl 6 purchasers should c"ll and' inspect stock situ~te_d in the village or 1'yrone, a nd known fixings for drawing, .~to., in stock. Oil beats h~m every time, curing chil- LAltD, ~ w , ····· · · · · · · · · " ' ·' · m the 'l'own of Dowmanv-1110. .L'ertne eaey. ' b f ·da. 0 £ 88IE! , , · o.s Elhott's Store Is offered for sale .AH i1 l. Y l Ierml'f"-4 mo·n . ths. goollorder. F .ortel'msand conditions' o'f sate. THE HECTIC i"LU8ll, pale hollow eltet'kl blaine, frost bites, and all their painful ~GG.S, W' doz ... .. ..·. . ·.· 0 10 " 0 Lil ]'or particulars and pJ.&ns. &PP!Yttthe oftloo or l ti ore a"'ect·. It ·lso C"res crou · p, 1or· thro·t, OTATOES ""'bush · 0 "'5 " ·0 40 . · 1:· R\J'SBf.:LL OBCOMBE.. . Tn.E B OW MANVILLE! AO'RlCULTUR.UJ AND a,PPIY to JAMES BINGHAM. Ins . .Agento, .anll 1·recarlon!i llPJ"L-1.lic, lndl'L-ate worm~. .,11 1 ~ v ········ " . O"·' McClungs Bm1dinga, Bowma.nv1lle. C .·,u· . C (L" . d 'l yrone. or to SAMPSON. KENNEDY.& C O.· Fre<!i'lum'· lVUl.'na ~w<1e1·" w.Ul qnlcld.y rheumatisw,andruostpa.infulatfectionm.t HAY..··...······..·... . 9 00 ,, 10 ' "I M1tl'·lOth:1l8g6'.' 2Uw ARR.IA.GE nORKS O. · 1m1te ). HScottSt., 'l'oronto. 1'Hl'. .nml.eReetnall.r rc1111.ii'f.e Uiem. .J DOMINICA f THE .A,._ ~, HOUSE BUSINESS STILL INCREASING Our sales for last month were larger than for any previous April, thereby showing that our goods and priees and mode of conducting business are becoming better known, and consequently more. , largely patronized, DON'T BE DECEIVED. Lyman Sons & Co., LADIES I Baking Powder STOTT & JURY. Anyone can advertise 'the largest stock in town,' but are to-day showing the largest stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, &c., in Bowmanville. Anyone can advertise 'the best fitting suits,' but we alone are constantly t urning them out. Anyone can advertise '\iVe do the Dress Goods tradet' but we alone sold 40 and wool dresses in one day recently .. I"'\1\1 e invite a careful inspection of our stock by intending purchasers. T. GEO. MASON. beTh~o-~~;!: Furnit~1re MILLINERY H4.INES' CARRIAGE "WQRKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., Only 30 cts. a pound. ·w ARRANTED PURE ! I All K lil · d f y . . · . d ·J eS R ,epa1re Local and Otherwise. I ex~l:~~r~~;.:~\~~ f~~v~~r~e~e~;:.~:!, -h·eS -t--ar.--t·. ··h - a.t ~ ·ea· -d - · s·- ·t~h ·---em ·---A ·-·--11 Robertson & Bond Daily Line to Rochester. ~1 W I DOMESTIC SEWING MAGHNE. I Equal It. L .ADIES, 'The L ..argeSt d,t OCk' Grea · ·t · est· v1 a· r.1"e"u ,' AUCTION SALE I I HayTedd··:. - a:-=- ~~1.l'.?~~~~1i.?£:~E~;5i:fuk~: ..~::::~~:. ";;::::~~. M Illl N ERV'o:Bnggies, Lots.for ° ~~~~f~{!~j;~~~~~~i~a IN TYRONE. PROPER ' TY FOR SALE I Q " " ,.. · ' --~