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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1886, p. 6

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ADVISE 70 MoTHERS.-Are you tlisA CARD.-To all who a.re suffering from turbec~ ~t night and broken of your rest the errors and indiscretions of youth, by a sick child suffering and crying with nervous weakness, early decay , loss of IS PUBLISHED Domestic Animals. pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at manhood, '\:e,. , I will send a recipe th~t EYERY FRIDAT MORNING, will cure you FREE OF CHARGJ!;. Tlue Our relations to domestic animals a1·11 so once ond get a bottle of "Mra. ·Winslow's -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a mission· ln~imate and consequenth.l that auy abase Soothing Syrup." For children teething, ary in South America. Send a self· ef them is Injury and injustice to ourselves. its value is inca1culable. It will relieve AT THE OFEIOE addressed envelope t o the REV. JosEPB Health la their nature.I oondltlon a.e well a.a the poor little sufferer immediately. De<!r.e1&0.lllceBlock,IUngSt.,Bowmanvllle,Ont T. INMAN. Station D . N ew York Cit'I}. 46y oµrs ; left to their Instincts. undlsturbed by pend upon it, m oth ers ; there is no u11, they generally mainhln It. Da1tructive mistake about. it. It cures Dysentery ma.la.diee among domestic anlmala are plain· a.nd Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and 'r E R 'JY.I: S : 1 ly ca.used by our groH mlama.na.gernent. ;S1.11e1 perannum,or$1.001fpa1d1:a_ a dvancie Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Sheep ahorn and turned out to lie on fio~ty Pa1Jnent strictly In a.dva.nco required from Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives Insure in the Confederation Life Alil8o· ground or shiver in cold rains J horses drlv· ·l!Ubsortbersoutside of the county. Ord~rs to !ldiaoontinue the paper m u11 t be accompanied b;v cia.tion. It is cheaper than the Canadian en and left In chilly currents; cattle over· tone and energy to the whole syt1tem. Take5. great pleasure in notifying his customers and others fed and underfed, oompelled to breathe bad " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for he amount due,orthepa.per willnui bes topped. '.lllbeoribers are rosponsi bleun tilfullpayment is Mutua.l Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pa.as a- air a.nd lie In their own filth; oonstlpa.ted by children tetithing is pleasant to th e taste that his stock of Boots and Shoes is now very complete in round your hat institution, a.s the follow. made. ii:etting nothing but dry food, then weaken and is the prescription of one of the olding examples will prove : Thoe. MoClung ed a.n<i depleted by ge~tlng nothing but the est and best female physicians and nurses every line-Men's, ~oys', Women's and Childreu's. BA.TES ~JI' A.DTERTISINGt ii;~~ has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and greenest of food : these misdemeanor· a.nd in the United States, and is for sale by WholeColumnoneyea.r ............. $60 oo ~~~ ·· " Haltyea.r ........ .... 36 00' ~"' ihe last five years it only cost him $2.55 many m0re like them deprive our domestio 0 u One quarter ··.····· . 20 00 p:?~ per annum on each $1,000 to ineure. John animals of ha.If their power to serve us. all druggists through the world. Price As I buy for cash, at close prices, I am prepared to offer you " B alfColumn one year ............... 36 00 - - McOlung insured at the ea.me time for tte Milk and meat should oome from perfectly 25 cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for --goods a t " Half year .............. 20 00 " Mns. WINSLow's Soo:rnING SYRUP." ,· " One quarter_ .. ··....· 12 50 ea.me amount a.nd it only coet him $1. 74 hen.lthy animals ; intelligent butchers know and take no other kind, .Quarter Colui:r..n one yes.r ........... 20 00 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he very well there a.re other sources of aupply. 1 " " HaUyear., ..... ,. ·. 12 50 · FIGURES~ Hogs were made omniverous, not granlver· ·· One quarter...... · · 8 00 5 being a little younger. 0111 ; fad exclusively on corn they are unfit We certify th. e above to be correct. Thoe. Jlb:llnee a.ndunder, ftrst Insertion- $0 50 for food, Whether Moses was whimsical or Ea.oh subsequent insertion...... 0 26 MoClung, John McClung. ' --A very large stock of-not, those lumps of organized adipose that lrromsixtoten llnes,:ll:rstineertion, 0 75 ·THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. g runted and breathed bad air about as long VETERINARY SURGEON. Ee.oh subsequent insertion...... 0 35 =-10 OTer tenlines,fl.rstinsertion,perline 0 10 _ · a.a their alngglsP, ciroula.tlon and weakened Ea.oh subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ vital forces would have let them, even lf The number of lines to be reckoned by · the butchers hadn't interfered, should be re· he space ocoupied,.mea.sured by a see.le ot just arrived and:willt be sold lower than heretofore. jeo~.ed by C hristians a.a well as by J ewe, · Olid Nonpareil. We hear of hog cholera-that outrage on nature, exclusive corn diet, occa.slons or ag· Or<lered wo1·k and R~pairing receive prompt attention DR. J. (), M.JT()JIELL. gra.vates It. Filthy wa.ter, ma.de worse by EMBJtR OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.A.NS their own filth, full of bacteria tmd mala.rl11ol Your custom respectCully solicited, and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. poisons that come from vegetable e.nd o.ni· 01Hoe and Residence, Enniskillen. 1'l. ma.I decay, la a.11 the drink which same hoiia DB. TAMBLYN, get a.t tbe 1eason of the year when their Bowmanville, April 21, 1886, thirst is greatest, Every organ of the body, HYSICIAN, SURGEON and .A.ccOUOHll:UR. Office:-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bra.in 'l're.atment, every vital force strhe~ and struggles to re· a guaranteed specific for Hysterln; D1l'.zlness, slst the polaon-aometimea with partial auoConvuls!ons. Fits. Nervous, :Neuralgia, Head· d · D. BlfJlKE Slllll'SON, ache, :Nervous Prostr'l.tion, 0 aused by the use oeH, but often the unequal etrugg1 e en s ID ARlUSTEll. SOLICITOR, &o., MOPRIs or alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness. Mental t; ie death of whole herds of awine. Cattle n BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowma DeprE!ssion, Soft~ning of .the brain resultin~ in plaguea, like hog obolora., always follow a.fter ,yflle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. lnaamty and leadmg to 1msery decay and death and never go before loose methods When Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Premature Old Age, Barrenness.Loss of Power · . · Private Jlen.ev11 loa.ned at the lowest rates, in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperme.t- oattle that existed for months on tl;ie border Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. by over-exertion of the Brain, line of life and des.th-now burled In snow; orrhoea caused .John llelth Galbraith., ee~f·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con- now drifting before the bl!zza.rd ·now atlf· WOffico 11nd Residence, Newtonville, Ont. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARy ta.ms month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six . · 1 '11 df PUBLIC &c. Ofllce- Bounea.ll's Bloc,k boxesone for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt fened with frost; now terr1b ~co apee or Will visit Orono every Tuesday and Saturday King Street', Bowma.nvillo. Money to lend, of price. · want of food ; now feveri1h with thil'llt that Office hours from 10 a.. m., to 4 p. m., at Ce.lie by Telegraph. receive We Guarantee Six Boxes oaunot be quenohed-end their troubled ex- Coulters' Hotel. :immediate attention, ROBERT A.JUIOIJB, 1.etenoe with "pleuro-pneumonla," er any CHARGES MODERATE. Has the finest assortment of Silver EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER To cure e.ny case. With each order received affection of lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we of Marriage Licensee, Barrister and A.ttor· by nerves, mu1clea, akin or bones, nobody will will send the purchaser our written guarantee ~-Plated Ware in town-all new y ·e r at Law and Sollcltori· Chancery.Mone to refund tba money if the treatment does not be surprised at It, who has common aense and neat patterns; also a 'Daned on Real Esta.to. Office on King &tree t, effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNO. and ventures to nee It. :Bowmanville. Stott st Jury, Druggists.Bowmanvllle. full line in The olvlllzed world aheuld enter lndWhen I say cure 1 do n ot mel\n mc;cly to stop them for a time and then hnve them r eturn again. T mean a rndl c"'l nant protest a.ga.lnet the abuse of dumb euro. J bavo mnde the dl&eMe ofJ'ITS, EPH..EPSY or F.ALL: L ICENSED the county brutes. The law should punish tra.nagre·· lKG S lCKNm3Sa. Hf6--lo n i; sluily . I warrant m y r om c d-¥ cure the worst caaee. Be cn.ueo other· hRvo fo.llod Is n<» · ot Durhom, Se.lee promptl;v attended, 1ors mnoh oftener than It doea. The absurd· rt o c:uwn for not now rcoc \vlng a oure, Send o.t onco for a Addrese-Hamvton P.O. 591 treatl so nn<l o Free lloUl& o f my infalltb lt>o rem e dy. Oh'C> .. lty Is reached when people conat111t to be Express and roatOtnce. lt c oRta you n o tltlnJ;" for a trial. taxed to "11ta.mp out" what onreleesness and and I will cu.re you. .Addre Aa DR. 11. G. BOOT, , ORN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer, cupidity brought In 1 the height of audacity e Ve.lusi.tor and .Arbitrator, Fire and Lit All kind s of rnsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. le reached when the mieohlsf·me.kers pro· Mone:r to Lend on reasonable terms, .Andress )> pose auch a. ta.x. Every farm needs oatnle ; Jewelle1·y, 472 t::a.rtwrigh1;, Ont. the cattle business should be distributed, _ ..,... the big herds broken up, civilized treatment Spectacles, GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED T 0 ""6 a.dopted, a.nd there will be little stamping every man who buys his License from Eye Glasses, &c. out to d6, If a.ny stamping must be done, DNRY SYLVES1'ER.Enniekillen. ALL SIZES0 let tho town offiola.ls Inveetigate and see who , A full and complete line of ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber ;:::.. cree.ted the necessity J send the bill to him. receives money on deposit !or theOnte.ri0 L11orge holdings of land, great herda of ca.t· Loan and Savings Company, and pays intern et )> ble, managed loosely a.a they alw11.ya a.re and at the rate of ' and 5 per cent. No notice o f " will be, are contrary to "public policy ;" It withdraw!\! required. .Also loans money on M.I is crlmina.l in us to encourage suoh things mortgages at lowest rates. No comrnission oha.rged. W. F · .ALLEN, Bowmanville. 8-ly. -ALSOby relieving the offending party fr11m a.nv We have put a new LATHE in our dlaabllltles they have created. Let us make sin odious and unprofitable. 80 Do? Gentlemen ot"Fash · work shop, which enables u s to do ion, not iJO Cast. all kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction . How to Manage Boll Butter. WCall and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town. Is a powerful re'lledy for thin hair, grey hair ave written these tewllnee and all lines of A Western dairyman sends eut to hie and dandruff, where the roots of the hair is not And all I have to say_ entirely dest.royed it will produce a heavy ouetomers the following dlrectione for ha.nd:l'hat you can ftnd me euuat home, thick growth of hair, it will lilrnwise restore lln g roll butter : Jam not gone away. TI~-VVthe grey and faded hair back to its former Boallmykindoldtrlendemay come, " One a1mee why roll butter I· ~o low color, and where dandruff exists will remove ..l.nd all theyoungones, too, 1t·witbout fail. Testimonials by the hundreds now, a.a well as In the pa.st few yea.re, la 6,ad get their garments nicely made confirming the good results of the " HAIR beoau~e of Its poor keeping qualities. a.nd .ltl fashions that are new ; MAGIO." ~re old a.nd young, dearfrlende may ·meet l\fanufact.ured only by A . DORENWEND, 10 many country meraba.nts, as rocelvers, 1 A welcome greetlnR'. bv R. PEA'IE sole owner for U. S. and Canada, 103 and. 105 do not underata.nd handling It, and the Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. retailers · prefer butterlne to roll that hao stuff~ J<,or sale by all principal drug stores. been exposed to tho air a.nd the smell of all J . HIGGINBOTHAM &, s 0 N, Druggists, As usual our new t. the goods In the store· Agents tor ·wmanville. To handle roll butter wccessf1.1.lly and have stock of It retain esme of hs freshneas till sold, you mus~ wrap eaoh roll In muslin that hae bE'en CANAD IA~ , washed to get ont the sizing and dipped In examine.~ ) . i a atrong salt brine. The brine will orysta.l· ~Call ENGLISH, llze over the muslin a.nd help to keep the ESTABLISHED IN 184'7. 8COTCH & air from It 1 and If you paok In boxes, lino :;;:. AMERICAN the bex In like me.nner with muslin and I t ha.a no shareholders to pay dividends to, paok close, se as net to shake while In tran· . · · ' Managed by and solely in the interests ot sit ; a.nd be sure and not to pa.ck poor roll1 WITH TEETS. WITHOUT TEETH the Policy holders. with the good-you had better put them In Tinware and Stove Emporium, BRIMA-cO~BE, the grease tub, or fling them out of the back Its Rates are Low. BOWM.AN VILLE. H·tf. doer-and by 1111 mean1 1hip your butter l'RA.()THJA.L .DEN'.l'!,ST, J'ollcles 11on forfeUnblc and unconditional, fresh, Do not hold for a higher market, a.a i:>VER TWlliNT'.lt YEARS JlJtli"ERIENOll!, some do, and sell It for i:ireaee. It you ()ash Bomu l'nld every three years, a1uousOxtdeGas A.dmlnlsteredCor Palnle8 are ready to meet the market price accord· and other Suitings is Operations. lntt ta quality, tH It ie sold In large mar· the largest, most OFFJ()E Joint Life Policies. MCCLlJNG'S BLOCK. keta, then you will make bv selling, complete and most Though a double rish but one premium ls pa.id for two people. A.mount of policy drawn fashionable to be on first death, A · Melanoholy Weddi.ne-. found inWest Durham At the Novgorod prison cha.'(lel (eaya the Special Inducements to Total Abstainer,. Rues1an Peterburgaklll Gazett~ ) a couple was recently ma.rrled. A young fellow of the nama of Zumlzkl, who had been eentenoed A.SSETS OTEK $5,000,000,, to a term of lmprisonmont for fourteen yea.rs INCOME OTER IJll.000,000 and 11lx months with hard Jabour, married 8 .100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern a young girl who wa.1 the daughter of a We have the goods. To inspect is to order. Our prices are right. I ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. aoldier, Yefremoff, and had only been reOur styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible. leased frem the Novgorod prison at the be· HARNDEN, L. D: S. ginning of the present year. Zumlzkl ha.d Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. INTESTED IN CA.NA.DA., $000,000.oo, Graduate oftheRo)'11.l Collegeo lDental told his brother of his Intention to marry, Surgeonso Ontario. IEi" CJall at tlac centre Style, Beauty and Cheapness. HEAD OFFICE IN CAN.A.DA:-MONTREAL hut the later thought the prisoner Insane, deeming It Impossible that any woman oould OFFICE OVER DICKl:30N'S STORE, For particulars refer to be pereua.ded to marry a oonviot, He was, lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY however, convinced of the truth by the pri· t ate Work exe.cnted in the latest and moe eon admlnlstra.tion oonaentlng to the ma.rrl· improved style of the Dental.A.rt. GENERAL AGENT, age, On tile wedding-day the warder ap1 tf '1.'be Tailor. BETH EX'l'RACTED wrrHOUT PAIN; POR1' HOPE peared In tile prieoner'e cell, hie ehalne were removed he wa.e dres!ed in n black suit, and the use of Nitrous Oxide Ge.s,wlthoutinjury 0 r to agents throughout the county, 48-6se, to the patient. ta.ken to chapel, where the bride :appeared with t he bridegro0m's brother, dreqaed in a Particular attention paid to the regulation of white bridal d~ess a.nd veil. At two o'clock . CHILDREN'S TEETH. the oaremony was begun, several .prisoners _...ALL WORK WARRANT.ED . . _ a.~ahtlng. One hour the ncwly·lllllorried pair Pumps Cheaper and Better were allowed to spend together in their cell, · - ; POSITIVELY CURES : the warder drinking their health and t hen than ever. retiring to leave t hem with a steaming teii.urn and a seu~lnel at the do,er. During T he Subscriber ha.ving built a large ne11 the whole of the time the husband tried ta Pump F actory in Orono, le prepared persuade his wife to go with him to the con· Are now showing large purchases of Spring Goods which we believe vlct oolony t o which he will shortly be de-to furnishwill command your favorable consideration. An inspection of the VETERINARY SURGEON, spatched. At the expiration of the hour same is respectfully looked for. We will take great pleasure in showthe warder reappeared, the convict doffed his wedding g1nmenta for his prison gear, -ing our goods.Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ol a.nd tho wl.fo went silently a.way, a.ooom· panled by her husb11nd's brother. College, will attend to all. diseases W e have just r eceiv etl a nice 1·aug·e of ace Cur ta i n t he Best Material, on the shortest notiOf of domestie animals. ------'---~-----va:R·y111g i n p1·ice f'ro1n 60c. to $6 a pair. and a.t the !owest prices. THE CANA1JIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, THE FARM. BOOTS and SHOES. SPB.ING ANNOUNCEMENT. JORN BELLYAR Cheap Life_ Insurance. We We -·--···a,,_. _,,._ ,.., .. EXTREMELY ~J!@~gy LOW" E E ALT H H ALT H I S W Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. M P J. HELLYAR. B B LOOK HE!1'E ! the Jeweller, MAYNARD WATCHES. R I DURE FITS! :uJT1~~;~. .1~r Dr. DORE NWEND'S J: Gold and Silver J Eranch omce, 37 YonEe st., Toronto. A MILK CANS, M Dairy Pails, American Clocks~ 0 ... .. MILK PANS .A.RE_ MAYNARD The Jeweller. DENTISTRY . BRITISH EMPIRE No Cheap-John, shoddy but goods that will wear and give satisfaction. and 0 :E<. D E J:l. 11~~/; ~ · MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ... L GEO QUICK 1.11. TWEEDS, WORSTEDS ....... - DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND WORLD'S BEST! We Never Get left, c. ' . WEST'S or Gent's Furnishings a specialty. E;L.LIVINGSTONE, Orono Pump Factory. -LIVER DYSPEPSIA, JOSEPH IJEFFERY, PILLS :E=t· E A D Y ! F. A. JONES , Operations & Dentistry . A SP E CI A LT Y. Calls ~nd Or~ers by mail or tl')legraph will receive prompt attention. CHARGES MODER.ATE. OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M . .A ftrst·class stock of Medicines always on hand. N . B.-Will visit Williamsburg every Saturday of each week. 16-ly Inordertointroduce our SONGS · catalogue of all kinds of Books, and agents' goods, we will send 100 JY.CASON EROS _ r.. ENNISKILLEN, pUMPS OF EVE.RY DESCRIPTION SICK HEADACHE, favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· lads, a vast collection, for only 100 or 4 Sc stamps and this slip. .A.. · w. ,KINNEY, ·Yar~ mouth, N. S. · Hundreds of P'ttente suffering from eye A few Boxes will curo any case of Dys· dl1ease oontlnae to come to Mera.n to seek WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. help from the famoua eye physiollln. P rinoe pepsia, simply by taking Ono 1'111 every on retiring. They do not lose the!r o..rl Theodor of Bllovarla.. Every day he re· night oeivas for three or four hears, when any· effect like other rills. body may call who aufiers from eye dlseue. He examlno11 and prescribes free of ob.Dorge for 11.ll, and gives the poor beoldes medi- 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. TO GIVE SATISFACTION. cines, eyeglasses, bandages, &c. THIRTV PJLLS IN A BOX. For pa.tlents who require a. longer cure the Prince has erected an eatabliahment for 0 rderslby Mail promptly attended to. clinical SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. treatment, where those who come a.re 011.red for and tree.ted free of cha.rge. D OORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, At all great operations, whloh he performs twice a. week, he Is assisted by his spouse, MOULDINGS, &c.,kept on hand. born PrlnceBB of Portugal. At a. recent opsratlon, for example, she held the p ,_ tlent'a head for three hours, although ~he PROPRIETORS, bl~od from the opero.tlon ar.tura.ted her clothi11g. a istern Tubs and Pumps supplied. A Prinoe Who is a. Popular Oculist. LIVER ~OMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. A Creslt opening; o:C '.l'able r. . incns cro1n 2oc. pe1· yd. u p; also Table ·.Naplrins Crom 7.:ic. to $2.o&pe1· doz. ALL wnRK GUARANTEED new shades, which are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ~ also figured goods at 12! cents. These are rapid selling O'OOds and will soon be cleaned out. " Our stock of Embroideries is also very complete and will be fonnd to be of interest. We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres John C. west &Co. Knitted Shawls in TORONTO. all colors from 85 cents up. - R. FERGUSON. As usual .we are showing a large choice in Cloths-English, Scotch and Canadian-and furnish clothing to order by the best tailors in town.

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