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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1886, p. 2

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-- -. " Oh come 1 pull yourstlf together, Mr, I shook my haad a.1 sh9 p · \ used, for this Matley:" sal.d i.be clerlt; " you've ln·Cl a was onlv another dangsr, a. fresh running BY T. c. HA1'. ll , l GR. narrew rquealt of oouree ; but you'ro B af& Into debt. now. l'b~"f w:n t try it on atter all." " E'ernap3, then, dell>r," she resume l, How f~e~ile art thou. litt le f!ow'r I -----=:.And yet bow very t . ir ; , " Try wh~t ? ' 1 na.iura ly a.eked ; for np " wm ~ brm mlgb.t hke yoa 1u a t ravoller . '.l'.he fraum ce or t lly one brle! hour £rRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1886. to thla 1iime I ha.d not ·n"pected the v dtt· I have heard Gha.c sQmo persone mako a great ::still lingers on tne rt!r. ence of any such dangerona Qonnultationff as deal or money in tha·t wav." 'Jhy hr me is where )he god of war Ti od down the brav.i aud truP, those of which I wag so soon about to hoar. I ahook my head again, Some persons, Stops all pains nnd aches. internal and exAndwherewert out an empire's star, ternal. 'l'hero is nothing lilrn it. I t's all thEl " Try wb11.t 1" eohoed the olerk; with a no doubt, did well ; but I knew batter)th<l\n Oh ro&e fr,m Wutelloo ! talk. go w hem you w1 It. hy every one who has knowi~ g 11hak e of the head. " Come, that's she did, the fong, slow, hop~leee tauk it waa tried it, e e a man carry lt for an uoknown m~n tG form a. new conneo· izood, mister ; I like to s. '.l'.hAsoil thl\t nouri·hed thee was red '( fa.T.mnn.- .A. new ~ment has been disI'l' (";lJRES elf like that, " tion. "The fact l~,"-I bagau ; wheu a With b ood (.ne summer day; '\tav-ei·ed whereby a permanent cnro of this It groa.ntd oen.,~th itR w ·igla of de1d " c.~rry what ?" I aaked with so:ne l oud double knock 11ot the street door Inter · Kidney ond Spinal a.lkctlons, r,a me Bac1, aml H.therto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· Whezenationstcup:ht for ~Wal · all com pluints of t he Urinary Pussul{cs. Blind ~ill from one to three applimitions. no maTt.ter rupted me. aymptome of a.m...oyarca. Tte roy11l Timorof bis ugd and Bleeding Pile~ , Salt Hhe nm, Scrofnlouc~ 'Wl'l->ther standing one year or ~orty years. tns The clnk, however, took no nottcc ef my My wlf:B turned p~lo; 8~ did I, Ill! L'zzin, \Ya.a corq1br·d whe n y~ g. ew, Soree, Scald Head. an c l all Cutaneous Affec11.1<.m~ <',dY t!I only a.pplied 9nce "~· t~Yel vo d!L.fB: 'Io dio v.itlw1 ti.; oceau C·!lo, interruption, 11>nd procoeded ; " You knew our litJe aerva.n.t, ran to the dcor. Lizzie ti on~. Neura'g-ia. Bleeding at tbe Lung~. Inwld does not interfere with bus.inese. Descnp ll,air roee f l'Om Wati.1 loci'! they thrn,ht they could have you up for ha.d begged her mistress not to eend hsr 1\amroatinu'of the Lungs. Hronchitis. Asthma.· tive pamphlet sent free on recmpt of stu'{'J> b[ Croup, Quincey, Swcillecl Neck. Colrls and " ·· H . Dixon & Son, 305 King street, es , coneplraoy~ and fraud, But-old Judabson "way just pt; for, a9 she eald,.eh<1 " h~d The Baiid.;n lion gua·ds the p!a.ln, Coulolbs, Hheumatism, Colie, Cholera Morbis, was y our friend- "13 wa.s. H e etuoll up for b ien In a m!l.ny houaes whcr(l .,'ley was "ol'l Org1mlzcd wllh n t'nll Stun: or eighteen Dy amnto,Can~~iAT IS 0ATARRH1 . A.nu Mara' bepti·roal font , sentry, F'ever and Ague. Sore )!;yea, Catarrh. ~ou all througb, SllyB he-fer I heard!him- up, and so dldi..'G mlud It;" and added, The ~pectres of tue gallonl fiain Headache, Pain in the llack, ~ide. Chest or ca. t an·h is a dangerous disE>aS~ which A~o.us· Experienced autl Sldlll'nl l'hyslclnns Stano. guard at Hugomor,t. any part of the ayeten ; Ulcers, Olcl ~ores and ands: are consciously or unconsciously su urmg "Ihere's no conEplracy there," eaye he ; th&t she would r!l.ther stD.y with ua tor il<·-< and Surgeo11s f'or the ti·cat111ent or Thy tis'ers iq tbti sot' sta.rl' ght t:lwetliugs. For Chilblains or l!'roste<l Feet, il:rom It is a. muco-purulent discharge c_aushd " the man's 1:1othl1Jg better thBn a fool,' "vittles, nor go anywner s e!Be for wa.g~a ;" R~ctive tho sPotless d tw, all Vbronlc Diseases, usecl perseveringly. a cure is warranted. by the presence of a vegetable p,araslte;n t e he ea.ye 1 "y<u oa.n all see that. T11olk about so she sta.yed, W.neu L!zzle had opened And W< nder wher e thou ai t to-night. Tumors, Stitr Joints, Outs, Burns, Bruises. lining membrane of thbed nt°sti;; ol{h~ ~~o~pto~~ oonepiracy I' he says ; " why, I don't be- ~he door, we heard eomebl)dy lnqulri t1~ lo· Orose tram Wat~1loo I 8prains, Chapped Hands. One half teaspoonful i ng ca.uses are a rnor i s a '1 lleve he'll get out of the conoem with oi:ough 1fr, and Mrs. M~tley. T~o servant's reply blighted corpuscle of tubercle. th? .ger~ P? tso~ will cm c a Sore '.l'hroat if 1aken when i t first 'Ihe caLnon ruts, those soar~ ct h!l.\e, 'O'!. syr hilis mercury, toxomoo, fl.om t. e i e en makes its appearance. ForFemaleObetructione to buy himself a glass of a.le and a eandwioh was Inaudible; but the vorna ea.Id: "D<>wn· H!l.Ve va.dsod witb. the re&rs ; Chron lc Nasal Catarrh, '.l'hroat u1ul causGd by Colds and other \)rgnnic derange· tlOn of.tho 'etfete matter of the skin, ~uppressed far dinner, when he etspa. over tho door and ·ta.Ira, are they ? All right ; don't you Lung Di11ea11es, Liver and Kidne y ..__...._ mente, it is unequalled. The cricketc·Jls his timid lli'l.te tieraplrations b&dlyventila.ted sleepmiz. apar.t· Where dl·d the grena.d·ete. wa p·1t tho shutters up, The man h..sn't trouble 'em; I'll field ~hem ant ; th11y won't Dh1eascs, lllad<ior D111enscs, Diseases ~neats and the germination of othe~ ~oisons m Womcn 9 Dloocl Dl,.ca11es aud Nerv· g lark l.<ir m~1 ins singa Tile eoi.rh ~e blood. Irritated by these. tbe llmng ruem· got 1>rai11a enough to bs a rogue."-Well, mind a.11 old friend 1ntrndlng." Then fol· of ous AUeclion81 curc<.l hero or 1tt home WORMS in CHILDREN or ADULTS· A.mid the balmy blue: .'Ull-a.ne of the nose is eve: ready . f?r the recepyon see, mister, we all knew, and they all lowed a atep on tile atair8, a tap at onr with or without seemg tho vutiont. Come and W th havpy nott s thy bh th·p'ace rings, :t.:i <11:1 of the parasite. whJCh rap1d·Y ~pr::~~ ..':i~ k.new, that eld J11d11>heon wan aa good a room door, and tten the well-Known figure see us, or send ten cents m stmnps for our Sweet fb wer ot vVa.tedoo. tb.6 nostrils and down the fances, o . If you want a sure remedy ask for "Invallds' Guido Book"' which gives judge cf what a rogue waa a.a any man on and faoe of Mr. S ;ate baoa.me vlalblB. 'tbe t b.roat causimi; ulceration of thelhro~\; up all particu lars. T~e l·mbkins sport where b11.ttle's wave the rolls; ao na.tmally be had great kfln. "Aha I you did not think ofaeelDgmo I" 'the eustachtan tubes, ca.using. ~enhg:::~n:S:i'· Nervous Dcbll lty1.lm1>0· .itlor1°is' Vegetable Honey Bea.t b1gb r hat tatern day, row!n!!' in the yocal cords, ca.usm b h' I toucy, Noctnrual 1_,o,.scs, ence. So he got you df In tty le ; &nd l m he exal&imGd.-" No I [thought noG ; h·1t .A.nd where tb.e or<vet-t or the brave u.surpmg the proper structure of the tr~~ca~~ Wo1·111 Sy1°t1(J, ELICATE canse<l nud nll 1'10.-bld ()onditions Wtnt down, the ch'ldrcn play. gl11>d of It, l'hera waa, however, two fl? I got home orly, and I oouldn't reat wlth'Cubes . ending in pulmonary consump by Youthlul Fol· Crtn be taken by the most delicate child. and The lar.gu~ge tha.t tnv petals · peak: tbree thne that didn't know the old man, out comlnl{ rouud,-Your se1vant, Mn. DISEASES Hes and Pernicious ~011. 'I h~y whi.per 'neath the yAw. there is worms in the system guaranteed to 'ii~~Y ingenious spe!ftcs for for t_he cure of and they were inclined to be n&ety ; but Ma.tley, I ought to a.p!>logfoe for lntrudinl( · tary P.ractice11 are speedily it Till hlu'sbes crown tbe Je.siie's cheek:, i·emove them. Price only 2Jc. By all dealers, <U.t.anh have been invented, but w~thou~ su~· there waa a.nother party there who spoke like thla but 1 know you will excuse me, .__ _ _ _,. a11d permanently cured by our O rose from Waterloo l -cess until a. physician or long sta.ndmg ddsc~~ · Dook, post-paid, 10 eta. ln stamps. up well in your favor, M1 eye I he did I a.ma plain m\n, Everybody knows me ; Specialists. <5red the exact natlll'e of th diseaee an e :~ Rn1>tnre, or Breach, r udiNow, ae I lo:>lc thee o'er Pnd o'er, "Qn!y appliance which will permanently ~ed.trg~ give It to some ef 'em." and Ned SJa.te le here to uy tha.t he never c11Hy cure<.l, without the knife, And tone' my lips 10 tbk e, <ihe p&~asite, no matter how aj:l'gra.va. e 11 Indeed," without dcpcnde nco upon I eald. .. And who w1111 boa.rd llf snob srni.ndnlou~ treatm~nt ii.a your RUPTURE. ti-ussesll they have stood the test without an equel. I hear the Lide ~t war once wore ·~ Sufferers sbould send stamp at once 1tnd with very little Rull down ·be allied li ne! ha ?" · huab&nd has met with, ma.'am, Th&t'a wh11ot '.l'hey are the best. 'li'.o r descriptive pamphlet on. catar&rh, s~~ \i~ in stamps, pain. ook sent for ten cents But ah t the l\>lg3 that fh11.ttd then "A fzlenrl of ycurs, I auppoae," answerI a.m here tor," ~sinea:s manaa.ers. A, H. Dixon · MORRIS' SUGAR COATED DANDE· Wave o'er a P< nsiond few, PILE TUMORS and STRICTURES od tb.e ole1k ; "tald he knew )OU well in Although the man'a vobe, air, a.nd m:ln· Rini;c street, west, '.l'o~onto, Can~d",i a Clergy.And silent is tny n"thc gl6r, with the greatest success. Book sent ~ Jfl.'!J,at th& Rev. E. B . .:stevenson, .· .. · ... ti LION LIVER PILLS. the business. Bis name we.a B'1te, or Crate ner altogether were terribly vulgar, there treated Lone rose from Waterloo I ·,.,~Q'lltqtTi.e London Conferenceoft!·e ,.,e wfor ten cents in stumps. Ad<lrcBB WoRLD"B -no I So ~te-thflt wae It. l thcught he wa.s no reabtlng this ; at a.r.yrate Susan DISPEN8A RY MEDICAL ASSOCIA.'.rION, ti63 Main ' : lest' Church of Canada, has to say in r ega!d was goirg_to l<>t fli' at one fellow. It w"s a oould not reaiat It, and her te11.rs brok~ out St1'00t, Buffalo, N. Y, .. : T o A .H. D·ix on &: {)on's New Treatment 1 or never leave you costive after taking The treatment of many They game l But whtn I see what they have In earneet, and tb.ar.king him warmly, 11he · " 'Cata1':J:/J,, them. tl~ousands of ~ases of those . q)a'klMIS. Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 They Clo not gripe nor pain you in their actio1 1 ail done, It strikes me you won"t have a invited him to be seahJ and atay a while DISEASES OF diseases pccuhur to or weaken or make you sick. .<t·· r~se,,.8 .A J1 Dixon & Son: t h d braes fa.rthlr g for yourself." with ue, They positively ~C> J.v.CEN' do not contain any calomel "". fN;~R sins:-Yours of the 13th Inst. o My well-nm.nln~ although painfully vul· "IL'd what I oamg for, ma'am, If you will WOMEN. or mercury, or aa'y noisonous minerals to ·~· !l":fi~ almost too good to be true t~at a.~ CHAPTER I. the Invnllds' Hotel and gar irlend was rlgbt. My creditors It.ft me excnae my aa.ylog a,.," replied Mr. Soa.te, " ' - - - - - - - nt injure your system. ' ·;4et'I' o1'. Catarr h, but I kn<?w that a.~"ver Sm·gical Institute, has af- They When the eals wa· over, and tile brokere no farthings, or any other coin ; twd ao " I oa.me to t11>lk thlnga over whh Mr, forded large experience are t he best pills tor costiveness or Piles °"O,l.a.ire hall '!o retur_n of the disc~s!, 1t~~ many in adapting r emedies t'bat yon can take. <r:eolt better m my life. I have re d tor had all gone--Bnt stay l Thls 1eema total w11.a the coll,.par, ao utterly waa I In- M~tley-an(\ yonr3elf of course-and te see for t heil" our c, nnd They clco.nse the stomach and Digestive . ufft"b,~~u8°t~~~~ti:: that too abrupt a style d commencing my atory, volved, that. all t.b11 furniture worth apea.k- If we ca.n't do something to make matters 1"-fimg-s tor Catartrh h't ,_ ms.ny years. a s Organs, a.nu ijtrengthen them. 1 Dll. PIERCE'S as the reader may perhap11 whh to know Ing of a t N <>. 9 Victoria Laulu 'ferrt1oce, 11tra.!ght, I'm In rather a large way et are the best tor Liver Complaint. They l'fttm really betlter.. as a very bacl case: It bow it was we had tho brokers ln at 11111. 'They create an a ppetite and giye strength a.nd Keotieh Tewn, was aelzed, Oar home waa buelnaea myself, and h11ove friends who are .m O!mlllder tna mme w . · lving the vigor to the system. "'~ ~g~avated and chrome, mvc J. I Well, mlno was an experience whloh la only etripp11d from top to bottom ; bills were very idl.1entl ...1. Thay could m11.ke room '.l'hey can be taken in wet or dry weather with· ~ftl:"cttt as well as the nasal passages. an too <ommon, aud was dhtl11gulehed by no atuot: o.ll over the windows; aucti(;neers for a dcz "n like .M:r, ~fatley, and be glad to out any inconvenience or hindrance from 'th nui:rllt it would require the three ,t1eatments, work. ~:ru:.t I reel fully cured bY the tw_o sent me, an~ special features of romance, or evrn of pa· cam1 and b1·okera, and Jews, and ah11obby get sue l meo. Yeg, ma'am, glad to get Is the result of tbls va.st e:.:perlence. · They· make you sleep well a t night and fee l l'i a.ra. t.hil\nkfui that I was ever mduced to sen thos, a.ltheu~h lb w1i.s painful enough to me bangera·on-of every deoorlptlon, I was go- them, for men lik.e Mc. M"tley are not to It ls a power ful Restorntivo Tonic well in the morning. ae well as to Susan, fY'Y wife. ing io eay ; bnt they wore inderndbable. be found at the cor.:ier d every etroet, I nnd Nervluo, impurts vig·or uud strength 11'.lG.j~~a,~e a,t liberty to use this letter stating They regulate the Bowels gently and r egular. 1\17 na.me is M,.tley-Luke M'ltlcy 1 a Sympabhielvg neighbors came in tG3 ; not so.w him In baulnese, ma'am ; I know what to the gystem, nnd cures. as H l>Y magic. L CI U· Try them and you will never be without them 'C'.t111t 'l: have been cur ed at two treatments. and U!siha.ll gl:td ly recommend your remedy to some clerk In the city ~f L~nden, pkddtng along to boy, bot t o peep and quiz a.nd ti~ter ; he iu capable of, and will take cam that eorrhea., or "'vhitos"f excessive Uowln){, palnfnl u1ensh·uat.lo11, nu· EVERY Qi my friends who are sulferers. pret ty contentedly at a hundred and forty for I fei>r we bad been considered 11ta:ok-11p others know it too." natural sup1n·essious, prolapsns or Yours with many thanks. should have Ih em. 25 cont.a per box:. or pounds a yeo.r ; and I was engaged. to be people, and it wo.s felt that a. little revt·rse " I am sure I don't know how to tba.nk falling o l the uteru s, 'vealc back, family ' REV. E, B. STEVENSON. 5 boxes for $1. by all medicine dealers., married to M'ee Everett-the Susan] oat re· waa ra.thor good for ua than otherwlte. you for thh dlslntereetsd kindness," beg!l.n anhivorsion, rett·ovcrslon, b oariug. 'anCl1mnareds of others dow11 se1rnatlons, chronic couges· E . MORRIS, PROPRIETO!t, ferred to- an:l our ambition being of a llmit· Ho >Vever, the ea!~ took pl!\ce; went off my poor wifo ; "to at.rangers too, who"- tiou, inflanunatiou and ulceration No. 89 Augu sta Ave., T or onto. "Then don't thank me, ma'&m," blunt- or tbo 'voni'I>, iufJa1nmntion, pain ARD 01!' THANKS.-To the Mana- ed kind, our marriage waa to tak e place well, I WIMI assured, for in m<>st sale~ the ger of the Fire Insurance APsooi11tion; when mv ula.ry was rahed tG ono hnndred goods fotohed fnlly one fourth of what I had ly intlrrupted the othfr-" don't tha.nk me, nnd 'cudcrncss in ovaries, lutcrnal :ScR 1 hereby return t hanks for the. prompt and fif ty pounda, wblch, at the time when given for them twelve or thirteen months at anyrate till I have done something more heat, and. "fen1ale 'vealn10s s." It promntly relie ves nnd cures Nnugea 11;1a.yment {by your a.a:eut. Mr. Thos. Dmgham, I havo decided up<>n commencing my narra· bdore ; a.nd the auctioneer oongr&tulated thw talk a.bout my good-wlll. As for being and M ALL FAR)I FOR SALE.-- 30 'Vc aicucss or Sto1nach, Judlgcsifor my loss by fire, caused by a spark trom a acres of land having thereon good frame tlou, Dlontlng,.Nervous Prostratlou, <at.ee..ro thresher, having got payment tor C?n· tive, I hoptd would be in the next vear. me, At last, a.11 the ha.ngere-on WHll gone, atr&11g6rio, m11o'Alll, I don't intend to remain and Slee1>les~uess, barns, stables and other necessary out· house. in e ither sex. "tents o.t market Jilrice; no t or 1 payment like But un:uckily-I may say so now, although and the houie wa.e dull and void, save for a etranger a.ny longer. Thi ~ le not a Ume buildings. young orchard of 4 acres, well wat· i{! see on tb.e Oommion Grange Policy to tenants. I &Id not thluk so th~n-a dist11.nt rel11>tlve, the few thiJlgs that were not seized, twd a to ~tlnd on a lot of c~rernony, and Ned eued and fencect. Situated just outside the 6 'IJJ[ours g··a.tetully. Taos. Hanms. of Bowman ville. Will be sold very ~'Cn &~'8tS~ corporation from whom I h11>d entertained no expect11>· few other 1u\iciea whioh one of SueS<u'e aunts Sc~te never ca.red for ceremony. He's a 88 Tyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. cheap for ci»h, Apply to M . A. Ja~rns, tlona, diod, and left me about a thousand hPd pnrcha.~ed baclc for oar uso. I ha.d no phin Johu Bull, he le.-And now, goverSold by Druggii;,ts everywhere. Send 81'A:t: ESMAN0ffice, Bowman ville. 9·tf. en cents in ~tarnp8 for Dl'. l'ier cc's !1trge ARD OF THANKS . ..:.....To the M~llll·· paunds. Saean and myself, as I nee:l hard· r1 bUveu. S.u!l.n'a friends were quiet peo- nor"-thls was of cctuse to me-" though t 'l'reatise 011 Diseases of ·women, i1I ustratcd. ly aa.y, got married without walth:g for tho pie, occupying I\ 111m:.ll farm In a \Vel1:1h in· Mrs, Matley proba~ly don't go in for Bt' ch I ger of the Fire Insurance Associo.t1on : R ICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR ~[R, I hereby return thank a for the. prompt expected advance, land county ; ·nd we deliermlned not to thing!, I have tak.en the lib!rty r f bringiog SALJ<} IN BOWMANVILLE.- A very World's Dispensary Medical Association, comfortable (ilo.yruent (by your agent. Mr. Thos. Brngha.m) brick house, nearly new. contain· Thie would not have mattered ao grea.Hy, trouble them ; eo this aunt, who lived ln rcu nd a $itlglo bE1ttle of sherry. If the 1to r 1 y loss by fire, caused by a spark Crom a In fact it would bs tha beet thing I collld ing 8 rooms, besides pantr ies. closets and sum663 Main Street, BUFF ALO, N. Y. L~ndon on a smdl annuity, was the only qua.my c.ln be bee.ten In all Londoll, I can < 'Steam t hresher,ha.ving r~ceived the fui! amount mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft -.ir my i nsurance IN GOLD on the occasion of my ha.ve dona, hi>d we Jooted a.a wa hac! original · one who knew of our downh.11. She, then, only say I ha.v J navt1r seeu the q ua.lity t o water: very good fruit garden or l acre. Situat· 1i_r.a!<len wedding. Yours thankfully, THOMAS ly lntende1I, whlllh wa.s to hAve invested W i?-.11 the only fil end we upected to find 11.t bea.t It." ed in the moat aristrocratic part of the town. W ill be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply ..!:llA.t ' tDLS'E. · S8 nea.rly the whole of $his rn?ney In the pur· our sale ; but, to cur.suri:-rlse, a.nother one Salting the actions to the wordP, be drew \!.'.rr one, Sept. 11, 188a. 9·tf. chase of a couple of littlo beuaE8 1 and plod· turned up In the persen of my former ao· from one p · cket of hit long overco11t, which Dilious Headnellc, to :\II. A. JAMES, S'.rA'!'ESMAN Office, Dizziness, Constlpa. ding on with my clerkship a.a befora, B~t, qua.inta.~cn and recent cha.mplor, Mr, SJa.te, was white or drab, and made him louk like tlou, lutl igestio n, FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-The as !11 luck weulcl have it, r was in the whole- Not only did he appear at the sa.le, but a gr, zier, a bott.la <-f eherry ; and thon he and Bilious Attack~, proper~y owned by the late J\.. II. Gibbard, sale wine-trade, a.nd one of our travellera- lame up to me, lllld c&lling me "old fallow," produced a Jrnifo with a. numbr of blades F ei:merly Known as the" Soper Milla. ') .....£1trc<L by DI· .ill....the v:illag.e o ' 'yr.one, abo~c ~ 1wr"~ of la.nh promptly1 a very cle 1er fellow I 11olways ccnaldered said he WH S9rry to aoe rnoh going' Oll in twd odd ap.1, urtenances, among o tht:r a a, Cotk· ~iercc_s P~easa·n'f comfortable house, complete out-bui1 logs., him, ~nd eo without dGubt be was-had ro· my house, that he knew all about tho d1>irgi r crew. I 111·g a t 1.vc Pell_eti;i .. 2o slabfu, drivinghouse and wood ahA d; good we!L "'~ H.IS MILL HAS BEEN THORcents a viul. by Drnlito1Sts. and cistern: plenty or frnit; both large and All t bh was utterly opposed t> our lia.titf. [ OUGHT,Y renovated and put in order,under oently l eft, to eet np ln buslnesa for himself; whicn had led to it, and conaidortd I h ..d small. I<'or terms apply to 'l'HO)f,18 BINGJ" <. We cired not for drinking at all, ~ave on,· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·· ~lCQW n specie.I aupe1vision, for the purp. se, ot and bs tibo\Oed me hew It W<H poaelble to do b{t>n 8C&nda.ltuely used. Bowmanville,orGi;o. E, Grna.uw, Wllit~if~r Little as I had liked the man before, I re· meah ; and Vline we drilnk b11t ruely, ~i:i.s"'.ug auu. manufa< turtng Oat Meal and I ot much m1 re good with senn or eight hon · ..&i.t·ley. and we are now prepared to reoelva drod pDt:n is, thin j1ut to got a mil!erablo membered his exe1tlons with my erldltora We, however, w6re he~itatiog, and ree!r .. ino.td'.era from all our old cuatom~ra and o her~. five or six par oent. on house-property. I on my behalf, and "a1 melted I y bla eym· ed by a f . ,a,r c .f BtJeming ungrateful to onr ii~ work, and we gurantee to !!'1ve them "."ho - .A'r ·rnEILD.ti:crnt us with thA ea.me ent11 e sa tlsf~ ctwn. do not wish to dw611 en this part of my pa.thy now; so warmly eho~ k the b&t:d he new friend, Ho had no s ·irt of hedhtion '<J&te and other gr6ins taken in e xcho.;ige tor story, so "Ill only say that I invested my extendul. "Now, old boy, " he continued, ..bout him; ro while we fa.lttred, he hllld l!i"lGl11l' 01.Lt.Meal, &c. B. &. J, TOWNS, l!'ow· little fortu1:0 in the business, 11>nd at the "wha.t would you like m~ to buy In for o~Jled Lizzia the S(rvrn ~. who at hls c?mFIRST. -30 acres of lot 8 in tho 1st concession mis.n.vme 227. · end of t be first half-ynr i received a d!vl you? J a~t e9y t he wold, a.nd it'e vo11.ra, m md b:ougbt two out cf the few ojd tumof Darlington, lying immediately south of the cemetery. dend at t he rate of iwelve per cent, per an· even lt i have io kick the whole of theBB biers wh'c '.l wne l·ft, with a \'line-glass. SKCOND.- The South HO acres or lot 16 in the num. Tbe seccnd. ha.If-year was mora auc- swindlers cut of the ro1>m te gtit It." " D·pend up)n it, m~'am," eald h..,, a.a he thil'd concession of Darlmgton, and the North ces·ful &till, a rather lar ger dividend befog I was more ata.ggered I han l v£r at thh handed the gl..·e to my wife with his polit· 36 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in the <l'.i"'o ntinues to do a General Banking Businesa tihown ; and then, a 1 auelstance wafl requir- question, and could hardly get out my an· eat air, in whlch-ungratefnl as I felt It wa.e same concession ;Bo wmanville Branch. 'rmnn.- The South 100 a.cres ot lot 25 in the ed !or the fuller development of the bnsl· swer , that I weuld n ot trouble him. to notice lt-1 could not even at that mo· Clothing and any amount of suits third conoefsion of Darlington, at>d t11e Nort.h· DEPOSl'.l'S nen·, I gave up niy olo1·ksbJp, to take a. more He c11t me short here, "Trouble l Ncn- men· refraJn from seeing somethiog of a erly 60 acres of the east half of lot 25 in the sent out every day, senae I No troublo d all. I'll get some· swagger-" depend Ufon it that the worst ea.me concession. fil:eieefved ln Savings Bank Depar1ment and _ '-Ctlvo position In the conlern. I was often surprised-at first almost thing ha.ell fram their clawe-TheJ'e I he le thing you can do h to give way. I am 1ure "' .llllll and interest allowed a.t current rates. 1\ o All tho above will be sold in parcels t o suit <aat(ce ot withdrawai necessary. .A.ll deposlti ah!1ckBd at the etyle of people w,t\t whom j[lst puttinjiup that marble clock, and hark! If yllu keep vp, y · purchasers. Time for payment and terms will J ur hu·band will keep up Our Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, \:ISF6!hle on demand, be made very eas)' t o satisfactory buyers. F or our new bueine~s aoemed chiefly to be tran'. tha.t hook·noeed old vilblu has bid fittcen &l!o, Why, m..'a.m, I have been In fur:.as particulars apply to tho very latest styles. 1aoted ; they were, with &cJorcely an exoep· shlllloge for It I Why, It must be worth ten twenty tlm ·s wone than thill, twenty times D. BURKE SIMPSON, tlon, vulgar, ct.mmon people, and more times as mucr." With tbia, he began bid· over, and I have got out of them-and here 41-tf. Vendor's Solicitor 1 U!oo:ghtand sold and Drafts issued upon Europe, given to drlnkfog and iimoklng tha.n la oua· dl.ng ; and bia Ltyle, I may even iay hla I am ! my own master, and oaring for no· 'l'lJrtited Sta.tee and Canada, a.lso Gold,Siiveranil tomary even in the wine trade-a.a I h11od swa.gi,:er, wae ao lmpresaive, that the '?-en body.-Aud now, m'\'am I" oontlnt1ed M r. "1l:cit<e<l Sta~es Greenbacks bou11ht and sold, beEn used to lt. Among them wa.1 one 11.l lowed him to have the clock for thirty Slil.te, " I ha.ve muob. pleasure In drinking FROM $2 UP. ytun,g ma.n- he could nllt have been thirty shlllinE;B ; wblle I am convlnc. e d they would your health, with profpertty to yon &nd L COLLEUTION~ -whou1edtoc1-me infrequently, r.ndwhom have run it up to treble the money with u.ny your Wtirthy hu1bant1, Why, In ca.ya to PLEASE TO C.A.LL AND EX.A.MINE at"!'.1Jmptly made at current rates upon all part l e.t tint dlellked greatly ; but my partner .othu atranger. The undersigned having bought out come, we ·aball have many a laugh over <l<f~ G·t eat Brittain, the United States and Do the GRIST MILL of J . St.lter, E sq., and extolled him aa the very· lmporsoua.tlou of S 3the sale was over; the brokers and theaotimes.-Youtv..rygoodhellltl:Js,bothl wrmi.o n of Canada., N. ]).-We have disposed of our stock put everything in first-claaa order, is preliberty and honour, Hill name was So&te, all the at$eodant vamplrea had gone ;_the -You must not think, ma'am,' continued Telegraph Transl"ert and I underatt0d that he repreeented an In- cartr, which bad be<n standing a.bout all our deitor, "th11.t I have Intruded upon you of Fancy Dry Goods to MRS. IVES, pared to do all kinds of Gristing. I will -nre;de for largo or small sums on all parts ol fluential fl.rm ln the City, Whether my the afternoon, were gene aho ; but the fer nothing, or j 111t to say a few unmeaning OQposite the S11.lvation Army Barracks. guarantee to make t he best ARNECTa (,1::1£.aa.d.a. This ls espeoiahy. advantageous to partner ha.d ape ken well of me to Mr, Seate, marl:.e of mudiy foot ornr all the roeme and words; far from It. Aa I told you bdore, !! , LOUR that is mad e in the county, as the V8L'1!0ns living In Mamtoba or the. North-west In turu, I did not knew, bub the latter .wu on the at·lrcaau were not go·;e, nor were the I have heard 11>11 about the shameful wav In mill has been fitted up especially for 15111 it 'll:&k:es the funds available at once ai the always very oourteous to me-after hlutyle, wleps of dirty straw whloh 111.y In every oor· whloh Mr. M::itlty has been tr~ated 1 and I ~~llC·ll of payment. handling that kind of wheat. .' I could hatdly teII what he came for, but ner -and behind every door. · ha.~e epoken to some friend· already in hia I have also put in a SAw MILL In con· '.3"ot'(urt her particulars call at the BankhlA fat c1ed, from occa.alenal hints, that there My wife and myself were sitting in what behalf, I hope you will nc t think It wa.a t~~Q.!e. . )Ver,e m,qney ~ tr11>naaotloµ11 between him and Please to call upon her and you will see nection with the above, and am prepared wec"lled our hrea.kfaat-reom, whi, h loc·ked taking to9 grer.t 11o liberty,"-My wife as· 't'~BUrODIE, GEO. McGILL, to take in a ny quantity of Saw Logs. Accountant, Manage? my partner ; but the l·tter alway· la.nghed out on:the little doping front g&rden with sured him that he added to the' oll!ga.tlon the prettiest stock in town I have lowered the price of Chopping ·ly cfl my h:quirlea, and eald I ahould 1oon tee which all the houss11 In Vlotorla Louisa Ter· by doing 10.-" And I am p1ea.ied to tdl to suit the times. what hi1 l:!ueinesa w·s. I oertalnl:y had Mi raQe were furi;ilehed, Net that we · were you, ma'·m," he went on, "that there la impreselon that, little aa I liked the appear· looking oufl th(n ; for the g11>1 we.a lighted, eomething more than a ohanoe of ·n open· A. TOOLEY, ance of Mr. Seate, 'he :really did come on 'the blind1 were down, and we wua Hated, Ing. I am 1:1ot authorized to make an .offer People's Mills, buslneea, which wa1 n:ore than I could be- talking sa.dly E:nough,, In the room, which to-night, and therefore, looking .at the matKingsto n Road. 51 lieve ef many ef enr vleltora, and was patt· aeemed 110 bare 1Wd wretched compared ter p1mJy In a buslne11 ll&ht, C ough; to ly inclined to oredlt :what rry partner · ~a.Id with It· &:·pEct of a d:iy er two beforP. I ha.ve e·ld nothing about the affair until II of bla txtepalv.e tra.naactlona, . . · pretended to bear up confidently, forl .aw wa.e 10 authorized. Bnt-lf you will excuse Well, one day,' five weeks after my la.at poor Suean'a eyes till w ,th teare when 11he my e·ying 10-I wa1 110 ahocked at 1eelng ·Bas received her new stock of dividend w\"·. reotlved, I foi,md, on arriving looked a.t the n11oked hDa.rds where had been those goings on, tbat I could not keep Bl· at the t ffi~e, a. le.t'IEr from my partner, re-. ·nob a ocmfort..ble dark c.rpet; or lhnoed lence, and I thought yen would be 10 di1pl· 'l'he undereigned begs leave to intimate to the gretting "Ghali circummtenoea altogether un- at the oou:mon wooden Oba.in and 11abla rited at 1uoll misfertunu tha.t yon W&uld people of Bowmanville and vicinity. that he ba.s opened a new Harness Shop on King St., fereseen, and entirely beyond hia control,. boi-ght ba.ok out of our kitchen furniture, be glad of enn a a:llmpse flf hope." opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery StableP. and invites the Ladies of Bow· had cvmpelled him to ((&Vo for Amerloa. ; and now for.ced ta· serve ioet·ad of onr plain " Glad of It l" J said ; " .lam more than where he will have constantly on hand. aod ma~e to order, Harness of ail kinds, viz.: he r~etted 11>lao to sa.y that the 1te~k but handsome leather-oonred ants. She gla.d, I de not know how to thank :pou tuf· manville and vicinity to call whloh h·d been myaterleu&ly' dilappeuing tried to hide thcs1 tear1 from me, and every ficlently for the lntere1t you have taken.'- Heavy Lumber, -EYand see her Pattern of l&te-oeuld not meet the dem·a nds' and time she c·ught my eye 1he smiled ; but Juat then ca.me another loud double Farm, liabilities, ·nd he advised me to put myeelf her lfp tremblt1d 10 in the tffHt, tha.t Iii was knock, ·nd, a1 before, we heard L " zzle. Opt'n Express, WI am lully prepared to attend Fnneraleon in comn:. uulcatlon with 1c:me' experlenced almoat worse th11.n the burst of ·ebbing she the door, 1U1d ashert eonvereation to:lowed ; Coach, and was tr~lng 80 ha.rd to keep ba.ok. The sell- then oomlng to the he&kfaet·rocm door, ,, 'lil'le shortest notice, at the lo wee t possible raten aollcltor, and assortment ot <(':';&Sk:ets and BuriaIOasea ready on short notice: Aa soon a1 I recovered from the ahock ef ta.ry item whloh reminded ua of our pre· she ·~id : ··Oh, If yon 1>lease, mum, It's a Light Double Harness. i\;gi.rst-ciass hearse on very moderate terms. such a lettdr, I did ernll a ao.ioitor ; but In vloa:a oom!ort and am·1·tnees w&li the ma.rble gentl·ma.n 11>1 wants to1ee the ap·rtmf'nta." S!J.rouda and CofDns constantly on hand, Fun " S >e the apa.rtmenta ?' we both echoed. Fine Single Harness a specialty '~~! cardseuppliedatonce. Furniture Shop'& one resprnt I need not have troubled myself, cllclr, which ticked on the mantelpiece; for at lust half·a·dozeu t xperlenoed aollcl- .md we had a.lready E11>ld two or three times " Oh, he can't, 'fell him, Uzzle."-bhow .ttoornij-Bounaall'sNew Block. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. STORE I- Second Door Wes& or WJlllaml ton put th~maelve1 Into communication over, how g :elltly obliged we eught to feel ··No, nG !-nonsense ! Excuse me for lnrge slod' ort~olJnrs or every tleR crlptfou Bllteher lltaJI with me, rr.uoh to qiy discomfort, The case to Mr. Seate for hia kindness. the interruption," ta.Id eur nevi filer::d ; Anhntys on luuul. 01· c u stollu.,rs can luu·c was auch a . h ad one ; so µiany people had I have aald I pretended to bea.r up cheer- · " but If I were you, I should have him in, lht!Jll DJat1c to o.rdc.r on shortest notice. been " let in ; ' the trading h&d been ao fully ; it waa all pretence, for nothing could and 1ee wh.at he la like J { should indeed. Horse Millinery ever: shown in rte· le11, and the dleposal of all the beet be more utterly bepeleu than were our It ma.y come to nothing, of cour11e ; but It's Finest stock ottown, including: goods so suaplckua, that s:riort9 'thoughts prcspects; and what ma.de u1 more mlacr- a ohaDce, fnd m:p mi xtm In buslneae ls, ROBES, were entertained of proaeeut~ng me for able tha.n we should othetwille have been, never to throw a chance a way." J:JL.A.NKE'l'S, frs.ud ; bn~ this wa.a happily abandon.e d, l! ' LY NETS, was what had prevlou1ly given us great joy, (TO Bii OONTINUI!D ) WltAP S. I :earned how near and groat had been Susan . expected to have a b11>by in 11>bonz a. F or cost of adve rti s i11~ in any paJ1e1," or WHIPS, my danger, from a 1;lerk who waa in the couple ef months, and what were we to do list of pnpers pub lis hed in the Om tetl BIWSHF:S, employ of ono of,the hostile 101iolton. He then? Bsiore that time arrived, It wa.a O.OMBS St ates or Caua.cla, send to t ile .ADVERTIS· ··net in the Nick of Time, ING AGENCY of J<:J) WIN ALJ).,E N & B RO., had scraped 11n <cquaintance with me while olear that we should find another home, for and everything iu season. "Gentlemen," u; ged a merchant at a 1111vi11g me with writs 11>nd all sorta of pro· qua~tcr-~clay would oome, IUld it WAI hopeClncinnati,/}c1New York, (,'or. 5th d; f" int).tit s. , "-'/ l/JO lr. 2&san Ot1·eet . oesaes and ·wo.rryh:g notices ; but he was ie11 to think of going on where we were. meeting of his creduore, " glva me one week more, rnd I will be a.ble to p11y you sJl *·* Ou r ·· ::'\"c'.n;;1:i.p.:!r Co_in bin a~io n s," .,.a.book ~~ always chterf&J ..nd jooular even OVt'r ·noh Our present house waa la·ge enough tojl18tl· In full. ., r50 p:1;,c~s , co:1 t :u;!r:;..~ p?·E.:cs _ ot ~dvcr1.1 s11: g , fu, 11 or k aa that ; 1rnd when drink.Ing a glus of fv us In letting one ffoor-the cud, Indeed,. PR0111PTLY ATTENDED TO, i 11 s t ruct lons , <.:H.· . se:;! oa ;cceirt of 10c. OnT HJ-\rn. " What aHurance can you gl~o us " they port In the deaerted oonnting houte where with the simple annonncEment " Apart~fcw:>;Jfl.J)!:!: I C,i r.a!o·~·1.; 1~ · .:>:>n l a ini. ng !l :tll1 C5 of CVC-:"'1 guara nteed. Int ending purchasers ,; p a'.)C l" p; th ~1sht.· l. i ·1 1l:e U .S .. :1.nd C a n a i.b , the wretohed'business had rnce been c1urled ments0 ' still hung Idly In our window: hnt demanded, " that we will be pa.Id'°' the end Satlefaction will do well to give me a CtLJi. Having boui;ht fH.:w ; 1.:11t n l t·..:c~ipt o f !1:·tc...: , $L50. I!.su mates fr,~c .. of tha~ time !" on, Exhorted me to cheer up alao, " You're where wae the furniture to come from? Rll goods of the latest stylo and best quaiiry, " .My atoro la to be boycotted to-morrow for cash, I will bo ablo to give customers the all rlsht ; I can tell you that." "Don't yon thick, dea.r," aald my wife, benefit. " I am glad to hear It, ' I replied. trying to epeak without a oatoh In her morning." Prol:ably my tone was somewhat doleful, voice, " that we mlg11t buy some plain Newspap er:' Advertising J?ureau, rut I don't Hee how It cou'.d han been any- fu1 nltnre from people who will take month· 10 Spruce St., N e w York. Bowmanville, May 6, 1836. 19·4 w All played ent- Open 11.lr conc·:tt3. ly pjymer.t'·, and so" '~nd lOcts. for:- 100-P agc Pamphlet. thing else, The .Rose of vJ , terloQ. I 1 W~~e~f..~c~~;~~~:~;!s. African Zulu Oil ! CATARRH. Invalids 'Hotel iSurgical Institute OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. D OVER 2 0 YEARS BECAUSE MY NEW FRIEND. ln · 18 Favorite Prescription C S PRICE $1.00, C a B SICK· HEADACHE, Caledonian Mills. BUSINESS BOOMING Valuable Farms for Sale. THE ONTARIO BANK Eclipso Houso. ---o--- EXCDA.NGE READY-MADE CLOTHING Public Notice. See the ~est ~alue in Town1 w. H. I v Es. s. NEWHARNESS SHOP llSS McTAVISH ---o--GOODS., UN DE RT. AKl N 'C LEVI MORR'.IS. BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS ADVERTISERS Edwin Alden &Bro. 1 can learn the exact cost cif any proposed ·line of ;advertising in American :papers by addressing REPAIRING i:Geo. P. Rowell & Co., J. R. BRADLEY, Mve~ising Agency.

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