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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1886, p. 4

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--I am Greeted Every Day with: For a magnificent choice of H osiery , The Globe of yesterday says: Within Gloves, &c., call at the Star House. the past few weeks there has been a rapid Persons who h ave t,ri~d the Li-Quor 'l'ea accumulation of evidence to show that it Their Situation at the Pre 3e11t.. sold by L. Morris speak favorably of it . You get a beautiful book with every dol· ·My, wbat love!; pattema you ha.ve in is the intention of the Government to orWall i;>aper, and how cheap, too. You der a general election for the Dominion VIEWS O~' AN ENGLIS!Ofi~N ON TH r,i LA Bult lar"s worth. QUESTWN-liIS Oi'INION 01·' l'I'.l'l'fiBURG during this Fall. h ave the best selection I have seen." EN'i'Eltl'ltlS~J . ENGLISH LABORERH. VARIETY HALL -1s the' place to get-J Just so, tbat is my ir..tention. THE NEft' ES'I', 'fDE PRETTIES'l'. and at the 1·ight 1n·ice. The Peterboro Review is out with a bran new spring suit, adding new lustre to its already cheerful counte nance. The Review is one of the "brightest and best" daily journals published in Canada outside of t h e big cities. What a pity that it is so ult ra'l'ory! CROQUET SETS, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WACONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIACES, PICTURES FRAMED, AND WALL PAPER at Bottom Prices. Peterboroi~ 'b~essed with two brig~t DUNT. FAIL TO SEE MY PATTERNS I and newsy dally 3ournals that lire a credit to that prosperous town. The Examiner The very finest quality of h as just celebrated its first anniversary and is strong and vigorous. It is thoroughly Liberal in principle and is ably equal to any ehown in 'l'oronto, at a p rice edited. May its future be brig)1t and surprisingly low. prosperous. Gold Embossed P apers Plain Gohl, Cro111 3ac. ~~~ ......... ~ - ="" -~ . ..,....,. - ~ -~ .. ........ . ~ By a vote of 149 to 126 the British marriaae with the deceased wife's sister. Pictures Framed at lowest rates. Thi:i Prlnce of Wales supported the bill and the Duke of Connaught paired in its favor, but nineteen of tl{e BiEhops voted and t hrew their influe nce with the majority. - - -... . By advertisement in anot.her column it Bow.MANVILLE, F RIDAY, J UNE 4. will be saen that our distinguished repre. · · d ANARCHISTS AND NIHILISTS sentat1ve, Hon. E. Bbka, is billed to a · d1ess a ser ies of meetmgs of electors m The n ames of Spies, Schwaw, Most, different parts of this riding. It is only Fielden and Parsons hare been very fa. n ecessary to nmke the announcement to ·1;ar 11ames to tlie readers of the daily . · Tl118 · b · ml ensure crowded meetmgs. em g · newspapers during the past few weeks. not a very busy time with farm ers these These men, and others like them, who meetings will all be held in the country. · t l1e name o f au.. ·rcl11"sts g1ory m . · h ave ta- Mr. Blake will address a meeting in town ken ad,·antage of t l rn curren t l a b or t ro11 bles at a l"ter d · te. ~ t o do what they could to incite idle men to acts of wanton violence. In August last a .letter was published fin " Anarchy" is simply no government, the STATESMAN over the signature of Mr. t he absence of all government aad of reC. Bounsall in which he criticised White straint upon the indil"idnal. One of the Bronze Monuments adversely and for a-narchists arrested recently wailed out to which a suit was instituted against him his captors that h e wt>s disappointed in for alleged libels contained therein by the thi · s C··llntr v, 1 11oa11ing the G nited States, nronze l\" t , J St, Thomas White .1.onumen for he bud come hit h er with .the under- Con1pany. 'l'l1e case \vas tr1"ed at St. House of Lords has once more .rejected Window Blinds in linen, fancy. the second reading of the bill legalizing Large Variety of Patterns. P. TREBI LOOCK. 0 standiug that all men were free to do as Thomas last month and Mr. Bounsall was they pleased- a remark that would be mulcted in $100 damages and costs. We either pathetic or l udicrous, if the consed } desire publicly to state that we 1 rn not 1· quences of acting upon such an under- ing whatever to do, with the letter. comstanding were not so serious. plained of fu rther than publishing it iN It.is n ot eworthy that almost eve1·y per- these columns as an advei·tisement, We ·on who is identified with the anarchist C · t' ~ understand the ompany is a eorpom 1011 movement is a foreigner. Only t h e rnan composed of men who would not be a parnamed Pn.raons, of those mentioned above ty t o allY frauJ:ulent transactions and is American born, and there is scarcely whose business career is above reproach. allother leadeI. or follo"·er wl10 1 1as n ot It is said too that t he miiteria · l and pro" · f act ci>se of manufacture have been entirely come from across the Atlantic. Tl) lS gave point to the propl)sition of the liu- misr.ipresented, and that the Cumpany moris~ Nasby- who offered his services to have the fullest endorsati"on of sc1entists t h e cause, but apologized for his Ameri- both in Canada and t h e States. can birth- to elongate his name into Nasbiemki, and boasted of h is great ability to earn a living "by the sweat of his jaw?' · An other t hing worth remarking is that anarchism is only another name for the nihilism of Russia, and for those forms of socialism and communism which led lately to the terrible riot in London, a1~d a few WP.eks a fterward to the wild d isorders t h at prevailed in Belgi.1m. Somo peor)le among us seem to have a half-tenderfeeling for the Russian n ihilists. 'l'hey argue that the peqpl e of Rtis,;iia are gro und down by tyranny, and t hat n ihilism ia t h o only way in which they -can protest agai n st the existing order of it hings. When we'see that nihilistic me tho ds am tlie same as those of "dynamiters," who t ry to blow up p u blic buildings in L ondon, and of t he cowardly wretches wlw threw a bomb among the Chicago police, it is time t o consider if the B.ussians may u othave exaggerated their g1 ·ievan ces. It is 11 pity no way can b e found to rid the earth of these pests. Attempts at repression and suppression seem only to cause a new generation of them to spring up, Yiler and more y1ole nt than t h e last. On tlie other hand, to tole rate them isap· · 1 t tl · parently to sanction the VIe\V t ia us , continent is a "free country, " even for s uch men :is they are. What infinite harm t hey h ave · don e t o til e cause of tho honest workingmen on this continent. Alt h ough there is the best evidence that the anarchists are as m uch detested by a vast majority of the men who h a ve lat ely been on st rike as they are by any oth er class of society, y et the strikes began to fail when the Chicago aaarchists threw that bomb. Nice disti1~ctions are. not for the p0p1:1lar m.i11d. It \vas a rough argument, and n ot a true on e, which attributed the dis- GOLD MEDAL A ND OTHER HONorders w tlie willingnell6 of strikers .to b e ORS. l ed by anarchists, and wi thdrew from the At the great Intern!ltiOntl! Exhibition strikers a p~,rt of t h e sympathy and good- held at ABtwarp, Belgium, Jae l snmmer , L he Massey machinery was awar<led the will they Ji.ad previously pos!iessed. 'But GOLD MEDAL 11 of the highest clnse." th~ change was en ough t o renS.er the de- At a field trial near Al!ll.Werp, o.n the fanµ fellt of the strikers; we\1-nigk ,inavitable . vf Baron de Qruben, Iha 'l'oronto Ligh$ Binder and Massey Harvester were ct"OWl9· Let M one forget t hat p~aoe and or~E!r \ ed with '11e bi'gheill honor~. and the ·r6ign of lalV are qtt1teas eooontiicl Last harvest the l:fohool of Agrienlhire at Si. Anne d1Jla. l'op-ali:ere, ~a11101;1~aska to the well being of t!ie ·1 «Jor nui111 <!Jo., Qn., selected a Tor-0nto L1ghl ]}indet! wa.g.e-e.a.I'Der a~ th ey ar~ ~. tha.t, of the ca~- after b11.ving eubmil~d i\ \o \he severest iuli!'.tt1 &ad "monepohst. A1u.rchrsm lM poaslble teats during a period of two_ days at WM" :with wh&t i..s, - with J:>(operty, with together wilh tluee calb~r CanB'd1an Bmders which were subseqneu\ly lejeete<i. B6th law, with ggyermneRI;. Quebec Seaoola of ~~rionlhue ·o,w nee Wnle.sil thp.poor m:w. tlUu.ks h e lilita p ro- '.l.'oronto Lig h~ Bi!Jde!'.s. R tgher leetimony te<:t;himse'if again st n ot ~1111:u.i:e rich, hue \laan this canno& be produceil for any m11chiue. ot1Hll'. poor w,en, lietter than tAe kiw oan Shil.w & Tole agents Bowmanvillo. protoo~ 11illi, he ffio1tld' 1'roclw.im undying w&r.o,,"3.inst anar chy au.d nihilism in all IT CAN DO NO ·.niil tu try JrreeJ11aa'11 'Vorm 1·0,Ycle t8 when yonr c hild Is ailing., their forms. feve rlsb ci.r fretful. BEL~HAZZER's WAR~ING,-" · rri ed :in the bahnce and follnd wauting," is the f ~eneral verdict r endered a gam st mo·t <> the so-called cures for lung troubles. Such a decision h~s never been grven against Dr. R V. Pi~rce's " Goiden Medieal Discovery. " On the contrary, it is conceded hy thousands who have tried it to be the only remedy for con sumpti~n (scrofula of t he lun gs) · a1~d scrofulouA diseases ge uerally. lt wtllno·t cure wh e n b (. th lungs are lJ.lOSt gone, hnt 1 f taken when the disease is in th e fi11st stages it n ever fails. It is also specifrc for such scrofulous affections as fevel!~ sor. s. white ewellings, hip-joint disease, and great eating ti!cers, and fol' blood taints generally, from whatever cause arising. By .druggis~.s. The American , A91'icu ltur ist for Ju ne oontains original papers by no leas than forty-four well known write~i! r~sidin~ in the various states and terntones, from the Atl11n t ic tu Pacific ; ther e by presentin g a vast amount of useful i uform.alion a dapted to all sections of the country. These articles on the farm, garden, and ho usehold are profusely illustrated wit h n ea rly 100 original engravings, which enable the reader to better underst and the subjects treated. The full -page illustratio·u~ of this number by Forbes, Cary and B ennett surpass those of any previous numbers, while the new cover is es·~~crally at.tractive General George W. ¥i m gat e tells what he saw and heard at frontier. Colonel Battersby illustrates and d escribes a great variety of. Bri:lle. Bits. Seth Green gives full rn structton s for ~he trampnr tation of fish to those who wisb to restock 1heir streams. A. i3. Allen, the founder oftheArnei·ican,Agricult1wist, tells about Breeding on the Western Plains. Oscar R. Gleason, the celebrated tamer and horse educator, gives instruct" ions for breaking horses of bad habits. The humbug, h ousehold, children and baskeL departments ar e unusu lllly full and val11able. Price, $1.50 per year. '3ingle n umbers, 15 cents. 751 Broadway, N ew York, Dr. J, E . ·Brown, a tall, fine-looking gentleman, of T oronto,Canada, is visiting his brother, Professor Brown, of t ho D eaf and Dumb Asylum, Wilkinsburg. Dr. Brown has just returned from L ondou, En"land where h e has been for three yea~s cm~pl eting hid medical studies. He gives an in teresting talk on the labor q~ies tion u nd er discussion at the present tune in J<Jngland. "l have b een in London and Glasgow for three year>, and I have taken quite an interest in the question affecting th~ wor~r inrr people. Just at th e present time, rn E;"land the condition of aff.. irs among 0 the labo;.in" classes is bad enough. 'l'here is disco nte;;'.t, mutterings, strikes, anc · ~ fact all t h e troubles you h ave here in Am erica. I h ave found that in manufacturincr cities in Emdand there id but little 0 ~ peace among the workingmen. ']'ne wag~s were n ever lower, nor were t he comhtions of living Any darker than at the present time. The Englisb: w orkin~men, inany of them, take a deep 1~1te.rest m the labor problems .vhich are sbrrmg up tl11s side of the continent. There is perhaps, a wrona impression in Bn!!land regarding the tro~ble h ere. The accounts of the riots here wero widely retid 1ind comment_ ed on and most of the better :dMs of peopl~ over ther e look overt.be situa_tion and t hi uk it is even worse than what 1t is. 1 I have only been in this country a few days but from what I can see and hear, I an; inclioed t o think that the working people of this country are Just as quiet and oruerly as they are in England, and I be: lieve them to be very much better oft. They h..ve secured a reduction of working hours, thei r wages are better t han m Englaud, and they certainly lhe more <:0mfort:i.bly. " . . "What arc your irnpress10ns of P1ttsburg?" I d t ti t" " I confess am surprise a ie s 1 r here. l have visited all t he point~ of. in; terest here, and from what l see, P it.tsbur" is undouht~dly a gre;;t citv. The sub~rbs are bnilt up with handsome houses, and in tb is re~pect the city exceeds in beauty any manufact uring city of Enuland. There the cities have attairied fttll growth, and there has been {,it tie, if any change for many year~. . h_e h 11 tl t cities ol ver th ere ave da thratier an _and~ quatec appearance, an cs ranger 1s clighted wi t b th<' beauty o.nll freshness of the cities h ere." In speakin<r of th e Amerfa::am who go to England t~ study in the univereitie~, Dr. Brown sn.id. " Tne colle~es nud umversities of this cou1.try havo a good standing- in Englau_d- that is-, the best of them. · At the university at which I completed my stuJies, a yomi.g gentleman who had graduated [it B elleviow Hospital_, N ew York, took the first prize at the .umversity, and was acknowled~e«l t.o b e the most promisin.,cr man at tendwg i t. Th.e 1 we.11 young men from andstudents t he 8' tates st:.m< with t he fac ultie l)f the un;3 verdities of En~ bmd, and quite. 1\ deal o[ credit is given to A merican Institutions in England." Dr. -Brown is a graduate of the Toronto University, and left for Toronto to-day to visit friend s in that city. - Pittsburg Chronfole 1.'eleymz;h. · All or any nart ot wh"'t i9 known a· the . w ill be Stephens Mill Property, Howme.nyillA Rold on ensv terms. Apply to B. WEil.rt Y, Dowmanville, P. 0. 23.t( '[°'OWN PROPERl'Y FOR SALE. - OTICE:-All are he reby N forbidrlen to give credit to ir.ny one on my account wilhrint my writr.en order, as T wil l not be responeible for same. 23-3w· llEl\RY SYLYESTER. p~rso ns J..LF ASTRAY- A y ~arling calf s trayed on the premi~cs, lo t. 6. con. ,1, Darlington a short. time ago. 'l'he owrier is requeHed to prove proJJerty. pay expenses and take it away. J· L. PARSONS. 23·3w C ALVES AS1'RAY.-Oame on the premises lot 7. Brolrn n l~ront, Darlingto11. three yeur old calves. 'l'hc owner is requested to prove property.p,.,yexµcn· es an1l tak e t.ltem away. JAMES lGHGIIL'. 23·3 IC. CHAU LES C .l Wl'JI Ult~n; (;,\.l[ '( E U, ori;:aniet of St. Peter's, Cot.out".;, lllte of Eng- C Silver Plated Ware! suitable for wedding presents, at great reel uctions. land, teacher or Piano. 01·gan, '5lnglrig 11nrl Theory. Pupi.lsdesiring lessons can le!lv» I.h eir name and obtain tcrins, a t 1\fr. 'l.'rcbilcock's Store. 23·tf FROM THI'~ PREMISES ~of Mr. Robei·t Mal"tyn, near Ham pton. on or about the Hth of May, two ewes with split 1mp, 11.nd two in car and 'red mark acros.· r 1 lamb·. Any p~ rson giving informll.tion of their r<>covery will he re 1varded. Hoer. MAR'L'VN , H~p~~ ~~ ~ TRAYJ<JD NOVELTIES IN FANS. Come in and see for yourselves. J:CEN""N""ER & co_ Port Darlington Harbour Company. J ·arlinp:ton. on Monrlay the 21st. June nex:t, at t,hree o'clock, p.m., for the election ofDlrectors for the ensuing year- and for other purpose8. Dy order, Bowmanville. 19 May, 18SG, J. MnNE, Secretary. MEE'rfNG OF THE "STOCKA Holders of Port Da.rli;;gt.on Harbour Com pany, will bo held at their Of!ice at PJrt the ROBER TSON &BOND~ ---Have much pleasure in announcing a change in business. Owing to the retirement of J olm Pierce from the firm of Pierce& Co., John Robertson, of the late firm, and John S. Bond, formerly assistant in and so favor1bly known to the patrons of the Star House of this town, have entered into and formed a co-partnership and will hereafter con- , tinue business in the same store, Beaver Block, in the name and firm as you see above. In each of our departments will be found an excellent collection of new goo:Js, which we unhesitatingly affirm will compare most favorably in variety, sty le, quality and price with any stock in the town. Respectfully soliciting a continuance of your esteemed patronage, we are Yours very faithfully, OUSES TO SELL AND REN 'r . I have to rent a good Brick: House with mne rooms and excellent cell~r ; good l{a.rden with fruit tree·. Also a desirable rosldenoe for sale, suir... b!e for a retiring ra.rmel'; conL-tlns seven rooms and sumoier kirchen anci 1vood· shed; ]; acrelan<l wit h choice fr11it trees; good well 1.nd cistern: W. It. R . CAWKmR, How· 20-lf. manvilte. H Building Lots for Sale. OME of the most valuable and oligible S the Town of Bowmanvilie. Terma easy. olll.ce of ],'or partimtlars and plans ttpply ID at the MeClunga' Bui1 d1u.:·, Bowman ville. 20·4w May 10th, ! &!&. l!. HUfi!!IJ:LL L OS001'1.13b1. WOOL! WOOL!·! The subscriber will JltlY the highest cash price for ttny ~nuantity :>f good Merct111.ntable \Vool and 2c over th"t in t.r..ct~. Hont gt ve away your wool when you c~n gl'. t a':<!'" prlco in exc:1ani;:e for manket~. Sh1'et1ni,r. I weeds. etc., Carpet Yarn and Sock Y<>rn .. !wllys on hand. With thanks for pa.st ftwont·s amt ,he s.t m ·~. ·1 am solioitmic a contu1u..nce C)( r your obli~inl{ servant, D. 'rA VLO lt, Ha.moton 23·3m · Woolen Mills. Judicial Sale of Village Property. UR SUANT '1"0 AN ORDER OF P the Chancery Division of the High. Court of in an action or 'l'hornpdO<l vs BJLrton Ju~tice ROBERTSON & BOND. I GRE..A_T SE:OVT - - -O F - -- CHINA WEDDING. · One of these interesting imd pleasing events took place ou ]'rida:y, May 21st, heing the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the marriage of M1-. a.nu Mrs. W. L. :tla~on , of Raglan. A hrge number of of r elatives and friei1ds met at the fami ly residence in order to t ender their congratulatfons to the happy couple having reach e..!:l this, the ·c~mpl~tion of twenty y ears of peaceful married life, as well as to extend t heir earnest wish es for a long and pros1 ierous future . Sports of different ki?ds occupied the itfternoon and made the time slip .pleasantly away. The younger m embers of the par ty might have heen s e~n amusing · themsel ves at croquet, music, etc., while the older ones were arranged in little groups h ere and there whiling away the time by an enjoyab1e conversation. A.t one stage iu the nfternoon 's proceedings ·s ome one suggest ed the idea of b eing weighed. Accordingly all r epaired to the barn where everyone from the smalleat to the largest adorn e.d the scales . Among the gentlemen Mr. Alex , Ross stood first , llis weight coming to fiftee!1 pounds over the two humhed. I n this h e was outdone by several of t he ladies, one Miss Maggie Smit11; of Columbus, weighing 21.7 lbs .. and another M rs. M. Cryderman, of H \!iJn pton , sister of Mrs. Mason, t n·r ning the scailes at 231~ lbs. Mr. Ross said that the scales surely wer e., fal:llty bnt we think no.t. An excellen~ t ea wds served upon the b eautifnl la wn , over sixty par taking of it. \Ve must n ot omit to mention some of the presents which wer e numero us and costly. The followin g is it partial list:. B eautiful china set, Mr. and Mrs. John R use and fami ly; raw fruit dish, Mr. ·and 1),irs. Jos. Ruse, Toronto ; butte r dish Miss · M. Smith, .e'Jolumbus j flo~ered che.ose dis h, Mrs . Minty; pair vase~, Mr. R. J. Niddery, Hampton; porridge set, Mr . and Mrs. Hez?<lewood, Ragla!;) ; china set, Mr. and l\frs. A. J. Ross, D arlington ; fruit dish, Mrs. A. Ross, ]J:nfield; fruit plate, Mr . and Mrs, R. Pascoe; Enfield ; pair cake plates, Mr.and M rs. J. Star ks, EnfieJ.d; Chinese fruit plates, Mr. and Mrs. Cawker, Oshawa; handrnmo sil ver crncit, Mr. and Mrs. ll, T. Phillips, Hamptc:rn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Clem ens, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. F, Mae.on, B.1wmanYille; doz silver knives, Mr. rend Mrs. B. Hastfogs,Hsmploo, Mr. and Mm. J . Elliot t, H1ubptQn. At a late hour the µar'~ diJspersed to their homes, h aving spent one -0£ the moat enj oyable days of th@ir li~e·, a nd one that as time wheels- a wav his l"e.pid :l!ight, will remain as a brioght epot in the ··memory of those wha wer~ ;there. ONJI Wf[g WA.'t TJfLR.E. A skilled blacksi:uith from Toronto i.s .in ch argo of t h1s Waokemithing department of M orris' Carriago W orks. All kinda of repairing neatly, pNi:ppUy a.nd well d . one. and wit h the approho.tl.on of the Local Master or the Supreme Court at Cobourg there will be sold by public anct!on at Hobert Hutchison's store in thorvillar<e of Enn iAkillent...on SA'r UR DAY THE I<'lFTH OAY OF JUNJ<;, 18S6,at two o'clock afternoon, in one P!l.rcel the following valuable village Lots in St<id villagG or Ennis kilicn. one being ht<H! au acre more orles.s,part of Lot eie;hteen In bh e seventh concess10n of the ·rownship or Darlington, in the County of Durham, which m«y be described ascommenc ing nine cbains in a southerly ilirectiotl frnm the north west corner o f said Lot number eighteen on the east side of t.he Scngog Road, thence easterly two· .,hains and fifty links thence southerly t wo c·hRins wnd, t hence west terly two chains and.firLY links more or less to the Scugog Hoad, thence two cha ins more or less alone; the 8cugog Road;to the place o( beginning. On said puce! there ls a frame barn 18x2.i. 'l'he other parcel bcinl!" a village Lot in the said vtllage of Enniiskllleu contalnmg one quarter <it an nere being composed of part of ea.id 'l'&wnship Lot number eighteen, commencing at a post planted eleven ehains fom the nort i1 >Ves~ c·>rn·1r or Bi.td Lot number eighteen on the west side of said lot on the ScugoA" Road, thence nort.h seventyefou1· degretis east two chains and f\tty llnks, t hence south sixteen degrees. east one chain, thence scuth eeventy·!our degrees, west two chains and fifty links, thence north sixteen degrees, west one chain more or less to t he place or be ginning. On this last mentioned parcel there is a framed welling h& nseone and a hai.r stories high with five roums and stone cellar, a ~ood well of water and a nnm ber of fruit trees. 'l'he property w ill be offered Pnbj ect to a reserved bid llxed by the said Master. T.E<: ttMs:- 'l'en. per cent:ca.sh a.t time. of sale and t.he balance in one mouth w1thot1t mter Mt In.other respe<ilts the conditions w ill be tl10 standing conditions of the said Chancery Di· vision. J!'nrther particulars ·may be obtained from W . Mortimer Olt<rk. Esq., or .fohn Hosl<in. Q C., 'l'oronto, H. F . Holland, Esq. or ' 'I'm. Kerr, Esq.. Cobourg. Dated May :{rd 1886. .GEO. M. CLAHK Local Master at Gobourg. Wm. M . CLARK· V'endor's ::lolicitor. 19-6 w MOURNING GOODS! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Have j ust open ed out a full range of Crape Black Cashmeres, l(IMPORTED DinECT), These good3 are undoubtedly the best value ever shown in town. We have als o in stock a full assort ment of the best and most reliable make of BLACK CRAPE! Crapes not made for show merely, but whiCh we can confident ly recommend to give satisfaction to t h e wearer. Couclt, Johnston & Uryde1·man , One D oor West of Post Office, BowMANVILLE. II I ltE:OUCED FA:BES -TO- WEST END HOUSE. :.J-.:JICC.JE8· E? NEWEST AND ff· D Bll· EST IN ~~~l~r.~~ ~- Dress Goods' 8tate8teamship Line Prints, Ginghams, !\ET WEEN NEW YORK, GL;ASUOW, LIVER POO.L a nd BELI' AST. announce to the travelling publ1c a r'edn~ion 0£ .faree for the Summer of l880, ss iollowR: FIW3T CADIN, F'o.-warJ. Herth , · $35 " . AH Berth, · ~40. RETURN -0.'lCKBITS, $65 g,nd $75, S1'RERAGE, 6lne Way $19. SaloonB and Smo.king RQQm open to a<ll O&Wn Pa:allengers . 'l.'he S ktie Line of Ste.am era are a M~ifi· cent Passenger .b'leet, .,Dilh betng fr"m <1,000 t<.> 4, 000 t<,,ns. .All @ f ~htsa are built ~mder special survey, and ol1USed 100 A 1 {h1ghHt deS<:ript.i<0n), ·at Llofd'~. 'l'htiy are fitted Uljl "fl itb every improvement '!Vhich e°3'.P!!'rlence oon sllgg'eat fo.r the safuty, <;c.rbfori aii.d Con · vimitnoe of Cabin a1tt1 Steer.ag11 Pas.e!I)ler'i!, a.nd fro£n their fi11e rwdel aad Jl9W.er, 111re cailctllated to nai.11.titin. a speed eqlllll t,;i a.nt oili<lr 1lrst-e!Juu line. \. Fat full p11:rticular8, p!Ju.is, ~c. , apply ~o GA.LE BBO.S., A.llnT:S, J'.f:1ws 0.ffiC!I, B,owma.uville, Printed Muslins, Printed Canvas Cloth, Parasols, &c .., &c. ll.6d4 I Cloths and T\i\Teeds, Gent's Furnishings,. Suits made to order on shortest J. McMURTRY, notice by the A 1 Tailor.

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