Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1886, p. 6

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A 0ARD.-To all who &re suffering from the errors and indiacretions of youth, IS PUBLISHED nervous weakness, early dec11y, loss of 'ETERT FRIDAY MORNING, manhood, &c. , I will send a. recipe that will cure y ou FREE OF CHARGJ!. This - BYgreat remedy was discovered by a mission -try in. South Americ&. Send a aelf· AT TllE OFEICJC il.ddreased envelope t o the REV. JosEPH :J"e1tOflleeBloek,lilngSt.,BowmanTllle,Ont J.', INMAN Station D .New Y ork Cit'IJ. 46y THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, TER:MS: · $1.58:perannum,or$1.0lllCpaldln ad vane· Payment strictly ln advan~e required troru Insure in the Confederation Life .Asso· 11uo1>uribera outside of the county. Ord~rs to dlaoontinue the paper mul't be o.coompanied by cia.t1on. It is cheaper than the Canadian ibe amount due.or thepa.per will not bes topped. 11bsoribers a.re responsibleuntilrullpayment Is Mutual Aid, A, O. U. W . or any pa~ e a· round your hat insti~ution,, as the follow· Qlade, B.&TES OF .&DVERTISl.NG 1 i,i~:';: ing examplee will prove: Thoe, McCiung Whole Column one year ............ . $60 00 f;;;: ~ baa been insured eince 1872 for$ 2,000and ·· " Half yeo.r .... .. ...... ~6 00 · 1::;: the last five years it only cost him $2 55 ·· " One quarter ......... 20 oo ~ Balt Colnmn one year ............... 36 00 - - per annum on e&ch $1,000 to insure. J c, hn McClung insured at the ea.me time for ti e " Ho.If year . , ............ 20 00 · " One quarter ...... ..... 12 W a11me amC\unt and it only coat him $1. 74 ,Quarter Colurr.n one y eD-r .... . ...... 20 00 per annum on e&ch $1,000 to insure, he " " Ha.H year .. . . . .. .. ·. 12 60 One quarter...... .. 8 0 0 - 6 being a little younger. We certify the n.bove to be correct. Thoe. !lb:Uues and under, first insertion .· $0 60Eachsubsequent insertion...... 0 25 McClung, John McC!ung. l'rom six to ten lines, Jlrs t inaertior., 0 7~ ·: THOS· .BI NGHAM, .Agent, Each subsequent insertion...... 0 35 - l o O'fer ten lines,ftrst lnsertion,perllne 0 10 _ E&eh subsequent insertion , " 0 03 The numl:ter of lines to be reckoned by ·be space occupied,, measured by a sea.le 01 olid N onva.rcil, Cheap Life Insurance. 1 _ HEALTH IS WEALTH. CC- - - - - --- -·-- DB· .J. «J. llllTfJllEJ.L, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS , ·and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. omce and Residence, Enniakillen. H. M DH, TA.lllBL'.llN, P ·I ") .H YSICI.AN, SURGEON and ACC<?UCHEUR. Otllce ;-Silver Strnet, l3owmenv11le. 7 D. BIJJUlE SIMl'SON, DARRJS'fER, SOLICI'fOR, B:c., MOPIUS BLOCK, up stairs , King Street, llo'Vman ·'ftlle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. Prhatc lllonevs loa.ned o.t the lowest ro.tes, .John K ettll Galbraith, ARRISTER SOLICl'fOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. ' Offlce-Bounsa.ll's Bloc,k X.lng Stroot, Bowma.nville. Money to lend, B Dr. E. C. \Vest's Nerve and Brain Tr eatment, a g-narant.eed Apeclfic for Hysterin; Dizziness, Convnl·ions, Fils , Ncrvons, ?-Jeurnl1<ia, Hend· ache.1 :Nervous P r0Rtr .,,t1on 1 " aused by the use of alcobol or t.obacco, V\i okefnlne8s, l\iental Depression, Softening of the brain resulting in insanity anil leading t.o misery decay and death Prcmat.nre Old ;.. a-e, Barrennes·. Losa of Power in either sex, Invohmt1·rv Lo~ses and Sp1n·matorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, self·nbnse or over ·indulg-e11ce. Each box cont.a.ins one month's treatment. $1.00 o. box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ofpl'ice, .KOBEJtT .&RHOlJR, We Gua1·antee Six Boxes To cur e any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund tho mone1 if the treatment does not effect o. cure. Gua.r anteee issued only by JNo, Sto tt & Jury, Druggists. Bowmanville, . DKGISTRAR WES1' DURHAM ISSUER A of Marriage'Licenses, Barrister and Attar· ey at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money -Oaned on Real Estate. Office on King street, ~owmanville. 'L · . ICENSED AUUTIONEER tor the County ot Durh11m, Sales promptly attended, .A.ddress-Ha.mvton P. 0. 691 ... T. l'lllLJ.11"1!1 Dr. DORE NWEND'S OHN HUGRES.-LicenstJd Auct:oneer, · Valuator and .Arbitrator. Fire and Life . nsnrance, Notes and Acooun ts Collected. .Money to Lend on reasonable terms, .A.n dross Cartwri11:ht, Ont. 412 "' J every ma.n who buys his Licenee from A lJliNRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. GOOD W I FE GUARANTEED TO M ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber receives money on deposit tor theOnto.rio Loan 11.nd Savings Company, e.IJ.d pays imeresL &t the rate o! 4 and 5 per cent. No notice or withdr1towal required . .Also' loans money .oa mor1 go.ges 1H lowest rates. No comm1ss1on .cha1·i,:ee1, w. F . .A.LLEN, l:lowmanville. B·ly. ~ )> C) The mythloal man nnder the bed has been a aoaroe of mere anxiety te delicate Mixed Ration for Milk. nerves than the res.I man sometimes loud The relativa va.lue of com, oats and bra 'hldl~ In this not very secure place. A to each other for milk produotlon cannot be j9omewhat amualng story ls told of the _ cool· well stated; it would depend upon the neee of a wide -awake ma.id-servant, who 1 quality of bay, atrllw, comahlk1 or other looked Ullder her bed andfomd a man forage fed wlt.h them. Oorn, or what b there. maoh better, lndls.n meal, alone Is too fa.t. Two eervanta had been lefb In charge &f teniiig to be fad for milk, ae its tendency 1> luge mantfon near Glaegow, '.!.' he c 9 ok Is to m&ke fat and fieah rather thw.n milk l had gone first up to bed, and when the while bran &lone h not hearty enough t o nouaema.ld followtd,. slle ea.w the heel of a ma.ke milk and fl.eah &t the 11ame time l · man' a boot where ·· nae buit ehould be... wheat middlingii or ahorte would be better. It would never have done to have told The two combined, say Ont -fourth lndfan the 00E1k, but she was exceedingly ·n::dout Take~ great pleasure in notifying his customerR and others mea.l and thret>· fourths bran, wcnld be· tol· to tell A leck, the gardener. that his stock of Boots and Shoes is now very complete in erably good ration, Oa.ts, whole or ground, "What a time le are comln' to bed," every line -Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's. 1a an EXcellent ration for milk ; but perhaps grumbled the cook. ··'Deed ve may eay & better tM would he a mbtnro in the fol it," a!lawered the hous 3 mald. " Sic dirty lowing proportions fed night and morning, work a.a l hae had, I hae fair epoiled As I buy for cash, at close prices; I am prepared to offer you with hay r.lone at 11oen : ~· my goon One quart Indian meal to two qna.rta oat " y .,';.I eh&kfn' It here an' me.klu' a --goods a t m> al and two q'larte wheat br&n. The grain dtour, " BBid the cook. of the two former ms.y be mixed at the r&te "I bf.e m <\lr 88118f, a.newe· td the girl at of one of com to two of 011.ta and ground she opentd the wlnctow and abe~ k her d;eBB tegether, nnd then two quarts :of bran be outelde. 1 · she euddenly cried . added to every thre.e q'larte of this pro ven "Pl1toyue t & k. ' it 1 --A very large stock of-der. If a pint of oil or linseed mer.I, or half " Tber1; 1b my goon ower the windy l Ah. II pint ot:cotton1eed meal could be &dded to out I'll fetch It up," ehe added. ' every fi ve q'l&rts cf the ~bwe mixture, it The gardener wu ln the room before the would lncre1.111e the value ef th11 ratit n ?<>Dai " goon 11 w&s, and the m&n WMS pulled out derablv, and assist much In the digestion of 1;-0 receive his jW!t deaerts, just arrivfd and will he sold lower th:m heretofore. all other food and keep the bowels In fine condit ion, If linseed meal cannot b11 ebtaln· ed caaily, endeavor to get some flaxee~d, Anv1sE TO l\lorHERS.-Are you 1lis- Ordered worli and R.-1miring 1·eceive prompt attention from which this iB made, and grind lt with t urbed at night &nd broken of your r est the corn and oats at the ro.te <Jf four quarts by a sick c hild suffering and crying with Your <:usto1n rcspectCully:soJitited. to the bushel of the two lat· er, Don >t feed pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at oattonaeed whole, for a.Jthough this la d one o nce and get a bottle of "Mrs. W inslow's In the South it ls dangereu~, and a~metime11 B o wmanville, April 21, 1886. oauees doath frr,m lndlgeation. Soothing Syrup." For children t eething-, . In feeding meal it la muoh better to mix its value is incalculable, It will relie ve with hay cut up short In a straw-cutter; a the poor little sufferer immediately. D ehalf bushel of t bls to every fiva or dx quarts pend upon it, mothers ; there is no of the mix ture of m eals 1 md bran. ln do· mistake about it. It c ure3 Dysentery Ing this epra11>d the hlly out well In a. wide and Dfarrhoia, r egulates the Stomuoh a nd tub or trough, sprinkle the meal, etc., over Bowels, cures Wind Colic, soft!lns the It, then we~ well with pure w&ter, mix all Gums, reduces Inflammation, an<l gives up together and f eed, The benefi t of feod - to:1e and energy to th e whole sy<:1tem . Ing meal and hay together t h us le, 'h°'t the " Mr9 · 'Vinslow's Soothing Syrnp " for oows retain the ration in t heir first stomach children teething is pleasll.nt to the taste tlll all ls thoronghly diges.;ed ; bu~ If the meal ls fed a.lone It le apt to pe.H too rapid - an d is the prescription of one of the oldly Into the third stomach and more or leas est and best female physicians and nurses be voided un dlge. ted, oona~queutly being in the U nited States, and is for sale by llas th e finest assort ment of Silver something or a waste llf food, except addlng all druggists through the world, Price 1 · Plated Ware in town-all new to the rlchnesa of the ma.cu ce. 25 cents a bott le. Be sure and ask for and neat patterns ; also a In chopped oornatalks, of large growth, "Mus. Wrns1,ow's SooTHING SYRUP," the only part of them of &ny va.lue ill the and take no other kind, full line in leave,1 e.nd tho 6talk out off a.hove t':ie ea.r. ~·~~~·~~JI~ . ~u'!"!'ll!ll'"'~'~ - '!"!!'!'!'!i!!!.OO'!'WWW"!!"=!ll!·'!'!=!'!"! =!'!"!~~-!!'!!. The stalk below the ear ls little more nutri· '\Iii' .. tloue than 80 much wood ore:i.wdust. C<>rn· 0 ~ll:@~Ertr stalks of the sweet varieties wnloh grow e ~ WA~TCHE from fivo t o slx feet high, and out as t hey VEIE.HINARY SURGEON. begin to ~ilk, or when the e&r iB soft a.nd In All kinds of the milk, are very nlua.ble fodder, nearly equal to the beat of hay for making milk, Jewdle1·y, 1md cowP, and indeed s~ack of 11oll .klnd1, eat t hem either green or when proprely cur<cl ~pectaclest lvi~h great awidiiy. If any cow of tbe horo E y e Glasse s~ &c. hv.ppe11a to be in poor er llesh than the othen, it might ha adviaable ta glvri her t wo q!.mrta A full and complete line of of Indian meal instead of only one iu the above ra.Ucn . till her condition improves enov gh to find one q uart i ufifolent to ltcep her In good order, THE FARM. Cool-Headed. ·, . - BOOTS and SHOE', S. ' ., ( ' · ·,' .. , .. ~ '~ l. · Ji ~ · " ' ""' SPB ING ANNOUNCEIENT. JOllN BELLYAR be EXTREMELY LOW- FIGURES . Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. J. HELLYAR. LOOK HEREJ-1 the Jeweller, MAYNARD S. w w ·. Gold and Silver American Clocks. so Do! Gentlemen o.CFasla ion, not so t'ast. 0 Stock Notes. It will not hurt to have line u pon line aIJd pn cept upon precept concerning a. 1up· ply of pure w&tbr for firm i.n!ms.b, In 11ome vartB but few creeks afford decent water, befog mostly filled, not by epriog·i, but by the water which ruehee from the laud, full of varied impurity, after each rain, and aoon recedes Into 1t11ognant pooh to beoomee leBS foul. V &ryJew ponds ar e more comwenda.ble. It ooatB money to dig a well, and water la drawn from It a.t the ex· pen£e of labor. But lt h more eoonomlcal to expend this money u.nd this bbor, than to compel the farm animals t o drink atag. nant water from a pool or pond, A com· plete p umpbig outfit, Including valve ta.nki, can be got for one hundred dollars, and 1hould be had where eomiderably 1tock Le kept. If you pump the water by hand, put a roef over t h.e well, to (lroteoi you frc m the eun or ialn. I find tb:lt the mo, t progretslve vet n:n. arlan1 do not sling anlma.ls with broken llmbe, muoh ieu do they give euoh anlmal1 up to die, An a.nlma.l with. & broken limb will not put &ny weight on that limb, hence there Is r eally no nocd of swlnelng It vll the ground; and It ia more at eare stand· 1.Dg on throe lega than stt~pended by bands u.ccoes its belly. The limb must be a dj nated to 1.ring the broken e,:ida of t he hone t o· gether, and held i n place by 1pllnts. \Vet poper band~11.es r·r o aleo recommended. Dlp th1> ~tripa d pilpEr into pa.ate m11ode of oolclm,d ple.stur ot p&tls. Thie p11ete Foon sets and maheu a. 11t iff, pcrmunent bundags, which will hold tho bone In place until It heals. Tho paptr ia cover ed wit h a. oloth, In casE\11 of aevere vr compound fracture, an o-ptnlog l.n the b~udugu mn~ll be lllft tor the eecr.p~ of pud, ::: a ve written these few lines Is a po\verful re'lledy for thin h a.ir, grey ho.Ir a.nd do.Qdruff, whe1·0 the roots of the hair is not And all I have to sayentirely dest.royed it will produce a heavy that :;ouoa.n find me still at home, thick growth of ho.ir, it will likewiso restore lam not gone a way. the grey and faded hair back to its f01·mer So all my kind old l rlendemay come, o.nd where dandruff exists will remove color, And all theyoungones , too, it wiLhnut fail, Testimonials by the hundreds A.nd get theirgar men ta nicely made contirn.iing t he good results of the "HAIR Ip. t ashions t h at are new : MAGIC." .Vhere old and young, d&e.rfrlende, may meet Manufactured only by A. DOREN W'END, A welwme """etina-. bv R. PE.A.TE sole owner for U. S. and Canada, 103 ana 105 Yonr.re St.. Toronto, Canada. For sale by all principal drug stores. J, HIGGINBO'l'HAM &, S 0 N, Druggists, 4. · Agents for ·wmanville. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical .Association. 4.fI'Otfice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Will visit Orono.every Tuesday o.nd Saturday Office hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p. ro,, a.t Conlters' Hot.el, Calls by Telegraph receive :1mmed!o.t e attention. CHARGES MODERATE· We have put a n ew LATHE in our work shop, which enables us to do all k inds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. WCall and get the correct time from th e finest Regulator in town. MAYNARD·· The Jew.e ller. 0 :El. :0 E J:l. DENTISTRY MILK CANS, ALL SIZES, BRITISH EMPIRE As u sual our new st ock of. CANADIA1'1 , ENGLISH, 8 COTCH & AMERICAN ' · MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ESTABLISHED IN 184'l, It hae no shar eholders to pay dividend& to. Wl1'B TlllETlle WITHOUT TJCWfH. Dairy Pails, -ALSO- J.M. BRIMACOMBE, PRA.CTWA.L DENTIST, OVEU TWENTY YEARS ltXPERIENOE, Managed by and solely in the interests of the Policy holders, Its .Rates are J_,ow. l'olieles nou forfeitable a nd unconditional. CaR1t llmuu l'aid evel'y thi·ce yeaI'H, MILK PANS and all lines of TWEEDS, WORSTEDS aud other Suitings is the largest, most complete and most fashionab le to be found inWestDui:ham ·Uroa.s Oxld eG1 1~ .&1lmlnlsterecl for Palnles Operations. 4H'FICE MCt:LIJ.NG'S BLOt:K. Joint Life P olicies. Though a double ris h but one premium ls paid for two people. Amount of policy drawn on first death. TI~VT.A..RE. Special Inducements to Total Abstainer,, A.SSE T!! Ol'ER $ 5,00 ll,OOll.' I NCOME Ol'ER $1,000,000 8100,000.00 deposited with HARNDEN, L. D.S., c.Graduate of the Royal College o ·Dental Surgeonf!4 Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICR::>ON'S STORE. the Canadian Govern men t for benefit of Canadian policy holders. lNl'ESTED lN CANADA. $600,000.00, ate Work executed in the la.test and mos~ E.L. LIVINGSTO~VE, improved style of the Dental .Art. GENERAL AGENT, ElCTH EX1'RACTED w rrHOUT p AIN' PORT HOPE the use of Nitrous Oxide Gae, wlthouti'n jury Or to agen'ts throuRhout the county. ~8-llBe, t o t he patient. P artloular attention pa.id to the r egulation o t OH ILD REN 'o TKE'l'll. .OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. HEAD 0FJ.<'ICE IN CANADA;- MONTREAL F or pe.rticule.rs r eter to Orono PumpFactory. Pumps Cheaper and Better tb:an ever. · Es · F. A. J 0N VETERINARY SURGEON, ·. .-ALL WO T tK W.A.RR.AN'l'ED. -., 9 jThe Subscriber h aving built a large n e"I\ Pump Factory in Orono, is p r epared - to furnish- E N N ! S K!LLE N, f~ PUMPS O F EVE~V D ESGRIPTIOB Honorary Gr aduat e of Ont ario Veterin a ry With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ol College, will attend to all diseases the Best Material, on the shortest notict· c,f do01estie animals . and .at the !owest p rices. Operations & Dentistry A C alls S P E C I ALT Y. Cistern Tubs and P umps supplied. WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. The loee of the Oregon has alarmed the examine.~ Our st.yles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible. thousands of rich peo1 l o who yea.rly cross Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. the Atla11tlo, for t ne tact baa come t o light that none of the large ocean ateamtrs oury ~Call at tl1 e cenh·e oC Style, Beau1y and ~hcnp11css. beats enou gh to sa.ve mc;rJ th1 m one-t hird uf · · · ' the pa.eoenger11, Th6re were n< mrly nine hunored p· raonn o:i bn11ord the Oregon, but Tin ware and S tove Emporiu m, only boat~ tr o .igh foe threo budred i<l:'d BOWMANVIJ,LE, !Hf. lilly : and yet tnat Ill-fated veeetl wae bet ter furnished th1.n the gre1J.tmu.j orltyot ocean ':l'l·e 1.'ailo1·, 1 tf oarrlere. It ~eem9 the AmericS1n rr a oithnc laws provide for ft iats 11.nd rafta ln addition eo t.ho boi.ts; bu· fJS t hey hs.ve no se a -gv lo~ ste.. mero, exoep~ v.loug t 1; e om1.~t, the trnv· 1· Ing p ..1bllc dot·a 1·ot b endi~ by th eir fore· thCJugh·. An Rc1 gli.h iuventn~ euggeatQ t 1e.t o, uurnb..r ,.f hollo>'I' ttecl fi 111ota, eioch ~1ghty feet 1quare, might be a.ncbored in ir:·d·<Jce...n, b-..Iing sixty foot llg ht·towers. 1 haee might be euly a. few hundred milee ap .. n, anct would ~erve as harbors of r efuge ln th., event of nhipwre~k, "11 well ae placeu ~- · . alcn of ahlpplng -newa, by Jor the trr.nsmlM Are now showing large p urchases of Spring Goods whfoh we believe telegraph, nod for we&ther aca.tlom, The will command your favorable consideration. An inspection of the cable ccmp..nla11 could afford t G pay tho ex· same is respect fu lly looked for. will take grnat plea1rnie jn showpcn& e. of rund"g them by the H,vlog that wvulu be tildctt<i In the use of relay ius truf~11{v..,_;, -ing our goods.meint~. Of oonr~e , thla wou 'd neoeauHate t hti ships keeping on ono 1011te gilng nnd · \\' c h:n'e .inst rcccivcfl a nice range ot Lace Cu 1· ta i n 0 ';'miog. · Undoubtedl y aomet hln!!' ef 1his va ~·!· ·ng in J)l'icc t"rmn 60c·. lo $ 6 a 1mir. ktnd will bc done lu tho l< Ouree of tirne, rndeed, the11e l\rtlfiolal Island a might be used A. Ca·es h opcnin;:; ot' 'l':tblc r~incns rrona 2.:ic. JH~r ycl. up i s.u aa.nttarlums, 11oe there a re corti.in forms of doknee8 which are beno.tited· by the aalt also 'l'ablc .Na1,ldns ( ' 1·0111 7.:ic. to $~.GO 1·er doz . 001>a.n bren1aa, lTnloeks all the clogged a.venues of the Mid-Ocean Harbors ofRefu: e. - - No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give satisfaction. We Never Get .Left. We have the goods. To inspect is to order. Our prices are· i·'ight. .lt1F0all and L GEO QUICK Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH tJEFFERY, ' JY.CASON EROS_ EAD-Y w·e THE KE.Y TO HEALTH. ~nd Or~ers by mail or t ?l egraph I will rece1ve p rompt attent10n. . . CHARGES M ODERATE. TO G IVE SA'.1.' ISFACTION. . OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. A ftret·class stock or Medicines always - -on hand. 1 N. B.- W ill visit Williamsburg e very -Ordera!by Mail promptly attended to. S aturday of e ach \\eek. 16-ly 1 · - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - DOOltS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS InordArtointroduce our · . , ' · cu.Lt1lui;;t1c of ull kinds ot . MOU LDIN(,·S , &c., kept on hand. · Books, nnd agents' 11:oocts, we will senrt 100 ' 1avorite comic a11d sentimental songs and bA.l-: . u~ J1<d·, a vast co! l e c~ ion, for on!)'. 10c . pr 4 3c. I · ft · 111 '." "ncl th rn ol1p. A, W, 1.>..IN NEY, Yar. ~... . 1\ ti -;~ . , mo uth, N. S. ~ ·iii N · · I · ALL WORK GUARANTEED · Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- No :Raw :Material On Hand~ Bobby we.a very much lmpreaeed by the remark of the mlniaier at the cburoh that ma.nwaa madeofdust. ".i\h ," he eaid, after a theughtfolsilenoe, "w.." I ma.d e of duat t'Jo ?" "Vos," she replled. ·· Well, how la it, th~n., the.t my blrthd.ay clmas tn Jllnuary? ThEr e a in't no du ,t In January," - ·- · Wh . d en~ grocer " ver.tlaes every variety of!a.isms, aooa he inc!u ne derricks, pn!l .. y11, J >.ck-ecrewe, yeast, r ope 11'.'ld tackle, bent . plm, and mustard plaatera ? ingoff gradually without weakening the Bystem, all t he impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting A cidity o f the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys~ Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin· D ropsy. Dimness of Vision, J aundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, F luttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and General D ebility; a ll these a nd many other similar Complaints yield to the hn,ppy irdluence of EURDOCK We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, new R ha<les, which are one a nd a quarter yd1:1. wid e, at 25c. J er yard; also figured goods at 1 2~ cents. TheHe are rapid Helling goods and will soon be cleaned out. ~. · Our stock of Embroideries is nlso very complete and will be fonnd to be of intere:;t. pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, SONGS B FERG o ·N .. Knitted Shawls in all colors from 35 cents up. As usual w e are showing a laTge choice in Cloths- English, Scotch. and _ _ Canadian- and furniflh clothing to order ·by the best tailors in t own. BLOOD BITTERS. 1'. llJLDlmN .t CO., :J.>roprleWn. Toront.3.

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