Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1886, p. 8

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-= ~ht <!tauadiau Jtatef!mau. JUNE 4. DISTRICT NEWS. auhscribers t o end of 1886. .Bowman ville'B. as8e~sment this v ear is $ 1,062,024, population , 3,689. · T he Ballyduff brass ban d h old a p icnic at 'Vard's Grove, on .June 6 th. W est's Liver Pills will n e ver disappoint you . Alwa3 s r eliable. 25c. All drug· gists. t Brooklin wants a new Tow n H all on th e site of t he late G lob e H otel. Peterboro an d Ashburnh·1m h a.ve a combined populat io n of 11,000. T he William s memorial canvassers rn Ottawa have so far received $900. W est 's L iver l~il le cures sick headach e, dyspe;Jsia, i udigestion and liver complaint, 25c. A ll d rnggi,t8. i' The Por t PerrylPt·esbyt 0 rian church i s t o be greatly en l ar1'cd and i mproved this summer . On Friday week, Geo. Jackson, of Greenwood , hung himslllf in a neighboring barn. Mrn. W. Ham, an ol d aud respected re ~ ident of Pickering died very suddenly last we~k. Wes t' ~ Pain King cures t he worst C'f colic in live minutes. Cures chills, cr<>mps, and cholera morbus. 25c. All drnggist. t 'l'he Times, is the name of the new papel' started in Brighton, by Mr. W . A. Powers. The skeleton of a human body waa ploughed 11 p on a far in near Kirby village a few d ~ys ago . Rev. J. F. Ockle,v, Port Perry, has a call to the First Meth odist church, Picton afLer confe rence. ·1 ·Vest 's Wodd' s Wonder, Liniment cures rhe umaLism, neuralgia, cuts, burn~, sprains and bruise~. 25 and 50c. A ll druggists. t Mr. Mackie, of the St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope, lias cbsed his bar entirely, even fo1· temperance drinks. Osbawa is agi ·ating a monthly fair for the purposi> of buying und selling horses, cattle, sheep, swine, fo wls, etc. \Vest's World'.s '\Yon der. The demand is steud ily increasing for ~his truly popular re medy for rheumatism aud aH k indred diseases. '.&5 and 50c. All druggists. t Cannington having suffered considerably by fire lat ely, the villegers are about t.o in··est $7,000 in fire p rotection . Edward Cbanuon, E,q., of Darling-ton, has been spending a few clays with his brother John Dames, Esq ., of l':lfariposa. Nu:its»:R.Y MEDIUINES.- We do not believe in dosing ch ildren with drugs and m edicines from the · ti w e they arrive~ in the world t i ll they are grown, as some do. We bave found a litrlo castor oil and a bottle of Perry Davis' PAIN-KILLER Eafo and sure remedies for all their lit tle ills, aud would nnt do without them. Four t.hou sand speckled t r out. fry, provided by Mr. J , D . Edgi:.r, M . P. , will be placed in the ECreams in Pickering townsh ip. Pains cannot exist after the patient has taken a F.ingl e dose of West's Pain King, the Magic Cure . Do n ot be induced to take a substitute, but insist upon having W est's Pain K i ng. 25c. All druggists. t The lectu re "Too and Fro in London" by J ohn R. Clark, i n Port Hope last week was a d ecided s uccess financially and othf'rwise. 'Winter has paised and llOW comes summer with ail the t H rors of cholera., bowel complaiut, flux, cholera infantum. Provide for mi;t'f!encies by purchasing at once a bottlti of W est's Paiu King. 25c. All d ruggists. t Barney Longwell, of the 5th con. of Sidney, bad a col t foal~d on t he 24rh of May with 1io fore legs. It is afo·e and m o \"eS around q uite easily on its t woLind- legs. A S EcI<ET l<'OR THE LaDIF.S.- 'l'he g re111 secret of beauty is pure blood. Eruptions and al l blotches that rlisf:Jgnrn the face, rmiy be quickly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Annie H ealth, of .Portland, certifies tha t :;he was cured hy this r emedy after suffering for two yea rs. 1' As Mr. D . Every, of Pickerin g, was dig!(ing up ruspberry roots at Mr. Chas. Taylors', in Whitby, he found a gold sover eign un der one 0f the roots, pretty deep iu the ground. A Fo1tTUNATE E scAPE. - M rs. Cyrus Kilbomt', Beams ville, Ont., had what was supp<1sed to be a cancer on h er nose. She was abo ut t o submit to th e cancer doclot"s treatment, w hen R h e con cluded to try Burdock Blooel B itters, internally and extern ally, a few bottles of which entirely cu red her. t As Mr. J . . Black, proprietor of the Royal H ot el, Whitby, and wife were re turning from Oshawa on t h e 24th, the horse ran itway, t hrowing the occupant s out. They were not seriollsly h urt. A U sEFUJ, H INT. -It m::iy be useful for th e reader to know that t he popular prep arati on known as lfagyard's Yellow Oil h as proved a soverigu remedy for d eafness, many certified cures being on record. Hagyard's Yello w Oil also citres aches, pains, and lameness, and may b e u sed internally as well as outwardly. t BowMA.NVILLE, FRIDAY, In Memory of. Our Dear Fat · r, Only 50 cents for STATESM AN to new BY ADA HAllRIS. LIN""ES THE TORONTO LIGHT BINDER .... WITH SHEAF OARRIER ATTACHED. I " CE NTRAL ONTARIO PRESS ASSOCIATION. According t o anuou ncem ent, the second meetio6 ()f this Association was held at Whitby, QD M onday last. Among those p resent, wer e L. S. Ackerman, P ickering News ; A. G. Hender f!On , and S. H. Graham, W hitby Chnmide; J .M. Kennedy, also unt il r ecently <if the Choni,;le; J'.J,Cave,Beaverton Ea·press ; \V . Keller, Uxbridge Jourmd, J a.s. Gale, Bownmnv ille NEWS. Com.rounications were r eceived from a num b er of other !lewspaper men in t he Mid· l and District, expressing regret at their U'.>t being able to at tend, bu t all pledgin g their sympat hy with t he Associat ion· .I as. Gale was appointed · chairman, and L. S. Ackerman, as Sec. , of the tnecting. After some discussion, the election of Ofti.cers was precE-ede:l with a s follows: PuEB rnlHlT.-J.B. Trayes, Port Hope D earest father, thou hast l eft us, F or the r elms of end less light, Gone t o dwell with Christ fo H eave1 , In that world so pure and bright. Our h earts e' er flow with s1idness \Vhen we gaze on h is vacant chair; But this world is full of sh adows, And each must take their share. L onelier i$ our hom e without h im, Home! a pln~e to ~s so dea1-, Yet, why sI10uld we ever m u rmur He h as had a brigh t cnreer . Ever t ru sti ng in God's mercy O'er life's r ugged path he trod, Watch ing , w1 1iting, looking upward, · Strong in h is great love for God. Th e fondest l ove that earth can give Was o'er his pathway shed, And from each tender, clinzing tie His spir it upward fled. Oh! the l1ome above is gladdened Since Christ has taken his own, For he was ready to go he said, When Christ should call h im hom e. Anti. when the death stroke came to him So swift, so sure, so true, Our hear ts that loved our fath er, W ern almost broken, too. I n th e µrave beside our brothers, Where we laid h is body low; But uur he~rts are sad and lonely Eor we have no fath er now. Brothers, whom we l oved so fondly Broke life's cord and wen t before; Now our fathet', oh! die sorrow, F\'er with us on this shore. Father h e ha.s crossed the river, Gone to dwell with Christ the King How with lo\'e and joy he'll greet t h em, And our Saviour's ,praises sing. May we as children be prepared \Vhen life's shor t journey's o'er, ·ro me e t om· sainted father On that eternal shore. And when we all are gathered home, Across the chilly fluod, We'll then unite in praising C hris ~ Who washed us in his blood. 'l.'inws. l'o.~t. V 1c:m PRES, - 0. D. Barr, LindRay 2nd . VICE PRES. - E. M un dy, Osha- Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record! I s guaranteed t o con tain mol'e malleable iron and st eel t han any other Binder i n Canada. Is i gu aran teed to cut closer and handle short and lodged grain bet ter than any other Binder. I s O'Uaranteed to be more easily operated than a ny oth er Bin der. Its Cutting Apparatus is t h e best in t h e w~rld. 'The only43indel" runn~ng the Conveyor a~d ~levator B.elts and Bin ding Attacli men t with. a Single Chain. The;only Binder r unm ng the Conveyor w1thm half a n mch of th e C utter.:>. The only Binder h aving perfect P itman and! Knife- heel Connections. The only Binder h aving interch ang<>able Bush Bear ings. The only Bin der having Spiral S prings in t he Can vas Bel t Guides t o receive the stra in and tighten t he Belts in wet and dry we!l.t her. Th E-' only Binder provided wit h a Relief Rake. The only Binder fitted with an Angul ar Steel Cu tter Ba r. Th e only Binder on wh ich t he S heaf Canier is used successfully . The only Binde1 · having a Clover Seed Attach ment. wa R eformer. . . St:c. T1rn.as.-L. S. Ackerm ir.n , Pick· ering News. C01D.!ITTJl:ES. Exr:cUTIVF. CoM. - Jas. Gale, Bowtnanville NEws; J . J. Cave, Beaverton Express ; \Y. Keller, Ux bri~ge. Jo1irnal, ..l . A . Carswell, Oshawn Vindicator; S. H. Graham , Whitby Chronicle. ON CONSTI'tUTION.-L. S. Ackerman; M . A. J'ameR, Bowmauville Stcdcsmmi ; and S . H. Graht1m. ON PRICRS.-.J. B . Trayes, C. D. Barr, ami Jde. Gal e. "The ·Advisability of I,ocal N6WS· papers clubbing with other papers," 'then c~nrn up for discussion , and all present sEemed t o be of t he opinion thitt the soom·r the clubbing syste o p. was .abandm1ed, t he better. A r esc>lution 'Was placed on record to the effect that this Association heli eves it tu be detrinentttl t u the interests of local publish ei·s to continue the clubbing system witl1 city papers. 'fhie subj ect will be brough t up again at the next meeting in August. ' "l'he adoption as far as possible of a unifonn ra.te for jo b P r inting, " was t h e next B ubject on the list, and all seem'3d to concur in t.he movement if it can be br0ught alout. Th@ matt er was left wrn1 th e Committeo appointed lo draft II 11c:J.le of prices, to be rnbmitted at the n ex.t meeting. l'RE!;J;N'.l'ATlON. At this stage of the meeting 11> pleas· ing event transpired. (~ uite unexpect· edly, a large number of the business men of t he to'l"n came into the meet i11F; for the purpose of presenting :M.r. Ken n edy, who had just severed his counection as ed itor 0f the Chi'onicle, with a siight tol<en ,1f th eir appreciation of his services in the t:iwn, during his resid ence among them. The preseutation consisted of a very handsome Silver Pitcher and Goblet, acco mpani ed by a v ery kindly worded address. Mr. K en n ectv was taken by sUI·priB e and r eplied ver; feelingl y, t hanking them for t his expression of their good.will towards them. A numher of sho1t speeches were given by g entle men present., after which th ey retired . l\Ir. Kennerly has only resided in Whit.by for the past seven months, b ut in that t ime he seems lo have ingratiat· ed himself i n to the good will of the town generally. \Ve regret his r etire· ment from this vicinity and hope that he may be permanently settled ere long. "Pree Local and dead h ead Puffs," was lhen discussed and the f J llowing m otion, moved by M;. Keller, and sec-0nded by Mr. K ennedy, was passed: '.l'hat this meeting is of the opinion that publishers should not and shonld not be expected to give fr ee notices when an amount of printing or ~dver · tising is not accorded their p:~pers . "The Refm;al of some city dailies to exchan~e with local publishers," was not dealt with at this meeting. "The Advisability of L ocal Newspaper Publishers dealing with advertising A gencies" was a subj ect ~hich all seemed t o think should b e discontinued, as generally, the publisher only got about half rat es from this class of custcmers. The follow ing resolution on the q uestion wae moved by J . J. Cave, and seconded by S. IL Graham: 'rhat this question, especially as i t d eals with P atent M edicine firm o, be re ferred to the Committee on Prices, for co nsideration, and to be r epor ter! o n at nex t m eeting. Time of meetin g was then discussed and it was though t that a fter the Association was t h oroughly or ganized , once in t.hree or six months wou ld be often enough to meet. 'ri10 meet in Q" th en ad jourued to meet again a.t " Whitby,on the lir8t M onday in A ugust. Whitby seemed to b<.'l the most cen tral place for all, and it is to be hoped that every publish er in the d istrict "fill endeavor t o be p_ r esent, as the ©rganiz · ation will be a benefit to all. SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville~ Bowmanville, Mar ch 25th , 1886. t. "~: MESSRS. SHA.w & 'l'oui,- H11.vin g bought 11>. Toronto Light Binder , an d after runnin l{ it for two h ar vests cutting for myself a_n d n_ eigh bor a, ove: 200 acres,· 11ot costmg me 10 cents for r epairs, bein~ able to handli. it with two horses with eas&, I consider it the champion B ind er of the Dominion. My nei"hbor, Mr. Neil Osborne 1 h ad!\ fi eld he could not handle with the Chath am .B inder, t h ?Y could not go through without ch okin°g and I wen t i n with th e Ligh t Toron to, went eix: t imes ar ou nd t he fiel d with out leavmg m y seat, not only cutting and binding it bnt tnrned out and cut t h e etn bblo the Chatham had passed over, elevated and boun d the rnme, Mr. Osborne h ad the l ittle B r an tford and t h e Dundas for several d11>ys cutting for h im, but gave his order f"!r the Light Toronto. , V, H . OSBORNE. D ARLINGTON CO U N OIL . Regular of present.. Minutes read and confirmed. A petition was presented from Robt. ~leeting C~1~~B.to~~~J~b~J!h~ll llod~- AUCTION SALE ! AUCT I 0N SA l E0RESS CODDS. - 01 '-oF- M~l~~~r~fi.ott!i~· :~l~it~:t~~1~~ional aidfor W. :Frnm t,hc Clerk of the Leglslati v e Assemblv submit.ting ~ nndry pl'oposed am entlments to the ManiciDal Corporations Act, for opening of eonncil. Lnid on the table. 1"rom Vv. C. Blackburn, claim for dama1te roi: iajury to hi· son, fro111 want. or a bridl('e b emg proper1Ygua rded. Heferred to H.eeve and Mr. Awrle, for exn.miu ,1tio11 anrl report at VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. in the Township of Darlingt on in in t h e Tow nship of Darlmgton, in' the Cou n ty of Durham . t h e County of Du rham. Under instructions from t,heVcndors,there will be offered f'>r sale by Public Aue.ion, at the J hi ve received instrnctlons from E O. Burk, Esq .. to offer ror sitle by Public A uctfon "" the ALMA HO'l'.KL in the '!'own of Howmanville, HUEBOTTOM HOUSK in t he town of Bow- - - -o--Among our mitriy departments, Dress Goods w ·ll have our special attention, and we purpose making damage man f le, on ~~-n.~~~rfnfJn:ie~·{:b1!~nce b: parties takinK l &!U, alt o 'd ock 11. m .· II. T. 1·111uus: a great effort to lead t he t rade in J!'rom \lie Central Iron Bridge \Yorks, pro · A u e U onccr , t.t1 e folloWi Dg 1>al'ccls at tho hour of 'l'wo o:clock in t he afternoon posing to erect o. bridge vn 8cugog roo.d, in Hh of J:ou1l : lhc followrng property: that branch of our ·entr.rpriRe·. c~u., for $50il. Laid on table. Fm~TLY. -The north 12 acres or Lot nnmber LOT 1.- All and silluular tho.t ccrl ain pa1·cel or "' . From .Joli n Stapl es, claiming sheep damages 18 in the Fom·th Concession of the l'ownship trttct of land ·nd premises situate, lying snd ~ot entitled, as clann not presented within or Darltngton ln .the County ot Durham. being Jn the Township of Darlington, in the We will constantly have on hand legal time. On this. P't'OpertY tliere are a one anel a h11.lf ()oun ty of Durham , cont.arning by udmeasure. A pet.ition was presented from Cb as. Knapp atoroy brick house 22rt by 30tt containing 6 ment l if> acres. be the san e more or less, o.nd oth.,rs, for repairs to roan in 10th con, rooms : a bric I' kitchen 2set by 20ft; a brick and bein<r composPd of part of lots 15 and 10, all the latest productions that 'Glie Hererred to the Reeve and Mt·. Vancamp. wood shed l Sft by 22ft; a frame drivrne:: sh ed in the 3rd Concession of Darlington. .ll'rom Wm. l\lcCelhtn and others. for passage l5ft by 2Ht; a cattle ~h lld and stable :<Gft by On t.h e property there are 1i ]'rume liollse of a by-law authorizing the erection of wi re 20ft aud a bn.rn 30ft by 50ft, 'l'hera is also a 30x22, 11> stories high with Kotchen a 1t.1.whed market affords in Frer.ch, German fence between lots 22 a nd 2~ in 3rd con., pursu· good orchard on the premises consisting of .15 l8xl6, lfack Kitchen and Wood Shed, Stone ant to statute. Granted. apple trees, 1l pem· r.rees, 3 plum trees. 3 crab Cellar, ]'rame Barn 50x3G with Cow ~Habl e Mr. ])yer cla.imed refunil or statute labor in- apple trees. fi cherry trees and othes small under,Shed 50x:20, Stable'10x2!. t wo good Wells and English materials, togetheP with pumps attached. 115 acres cleared, j ustly ex.u.cted from him during last six years. fruit. 'l'he soil 1s a light loam. La.id over till next mee tirq;. SECONPJ,Y.- All and sim(ular that certain balance st.anding timber. 'l'he land is in good parcel or tract or Janrl "nd yremises situ11ote state or cultivation 1tnd well fenced; there 1 s a with Buttons, Laces, Frin ges~ Wm' Kmqip complained of condition of road lying and being in the Township of Ditrlington never failing supply cf. water from Barber's Oll lot 28 in lUth con. Hererred r ,o Mr. Awrle. aforesaid and being composed of the south C1·eek, which runs through t.he prooerty. Dietance·from Bowmanvillc about 1! miles. H enry :Jeffel'y complained of damage to his ha.If of Lot number 18 in the 3rd Concession of Plushes, Velvet!:!, Silks, Satins, fence from parties taking gritvel. L:iid over the said Township of D'l.rlinglon and contain· LOT, 2.-160 acres, be the so.mo moro or till next meeting. ing 100 acres more or less. Jess, heing composed ofIJart of lot.s 25 and 2o, in On this pMperty there are a houSR 23ft by the 3rd concession of tho s11id 'l'ownship of and all Trimming:; to m '1tch. Mr. Awde IJMSent.ed a report from the special com1,1ittee a ppoln tcd to ex11miue the 20ft, a barn55rt by 2Grt and a stahle and uriving Darlington. changRin location of road on lot 15, in 2nd con. sh Pd 20ft by 40ft. There nre two orchards, one On t he Prope rty tlrnre are a Dwelling House Adopted. consisLing of 5;, trees and rhe other or 25 trees. 4.6:<2-i with Ston11 Cellar. good Well wiLh pL 11up Mr. Vancamp presented a r eport from com· There is also some cedar timber on the premi- attad1ed, two l!, m01e Darns 30x40. and 30x50 mitt co appointed at last rneeeing to examine ees. Soil is·· ligh t loam. other out·buildings. About 101aores a .e cleared sundry roads a.nd bridges. Adopted. Tli!RDLY.- All and singular those certain and in a g!JOd s~at~,of cultivatio~.the balance is ·- -·Mr. Dyer was appointed poundll:eeper in parcels or tracts of land and premises situitte standrng tunbe1. _I h e property is . well fenced pl<tce of .Mr. Stark. lying and being in Llie ~a.id 'l'ownat.iu or Dad· and watered b) a nev1,1r failrng ·tre.am. ington a.nd being compose ii. ; Firstly- of tlie Distance fro!11 .Bowman v1Uo, a bout 1 m1le.s; On motion of Messrs Awde. Vancamp. the weet half of the north ho.It of lot number 18 in Oshawa.. ll n~tles , C.hurch .and Schoo l-hou9e in t he immediate n e1g~borh ood. Reeve a nd mover were appointed a special com· the 3rd concession of the said 'l'ownship of mittee to examine and rAport on the r oad be· Dai·lington contaiuin({ 50 acres more or less. Terms mo.de known a t time of sale, Any tween lots 3~ and 33 in 8th con. t:>econdly- of the north 6!J acres of lot number rurthP.r information may be ob tainer! trom the Moved by Mr. Awde, seconded hy Mr. 'Wor· 19 in th? 3rd concession ofDarlington aforesaid Yen~or's Solicitor, D. Burk Simpoon. Es<t.. den, that tbe council parcl\aae rrom Mt'. Henry and, Thirdly- of the south 20 acres of the north 1 Ba.rnster, .l:lowmanville, of the Auctioneer, Jeffery all the gravel on 1 .hc west side of the half of said lot number 19 In the 3rd concession j Hnmp tori. half acre lormerly purchased from him at tbe of Darlington aforesaid. H. T. PHILLJPS, price of $150, t o be paid in three equ"l annual On these parcels there are o. i;me storey brick i .Bowmanville, June l , 18$0. Auctioneer. instalments-the CG Uncil to have wba.t. tirno they requirfl to remove said gl'avel as r equired; house 43ft by 30ft containfrig 7 room s, a bfn'n Mr. s ettery to fence off said gronnd and that 32ft by 46ft, a driving shed and stable 24ft by 50ft. There are tbree a.ores of orchard · the lJiork be instructed to prepare a contract consisting or about 65 fruit bearing trees and II . ' for execution by tl10 parties thereto. in terms 72 young trees coming into bearin g. 'rhe soil . . . . of this reaolulion. the money to be paid on first is a light loa.m. Your attention ts direct ed ~o the immen se ( Palace Steamers. Low":aates.. of December each year. Carriec t. k f Four Tripo p et· Woo:r Dctween TERMS 0 11' SAU<:- 10% of purchase money at stoc 0 An arrangement wad made ti) enter into a time of sale ; 15%more in 30 days from date of DETRO IT , MACKINAC ISLAND contract with t he 'r ownshio of. Clarke for tho sttle and tbe balance of purnhase money on Jst ti imprevement of the town line beG wean thes ~ April 1887 when purchaser or purchasers will St. Igg;g~<l~11e~~c\~~~~1 tl!P~~;·f~~~:ville. municipo.ltiea. be let into fu ll possession of t he premises. St.. Olah-, Oo.klo.n.u. llo usc, Ma~iuo Cit y. The Hcevo wasinstructed to grant orders on Possession to purchasers immediately o.fter 1 of every description at Every VJe ek D a y Between the 'l 'reasurer for the following sums:- Geo. harvest in 1886 for 1 ,he tmrpose or niowir:g. , DET ROIT AND CLEVELAND· 'Vilkinson & Co.. ten 1·0,.rl serapel's andfrei~ht 'l'he Secondly and 'l'birdly described parcels thereon $9l.!i8; Hart & Co., municipal blank~. will be put up for sale to.gether but. H tni:iy do ~ ) : L ) \'Ill ' 1 . ~ SJ>eola.l Sunday Trips d Ul'IIlg July and Augwit·. 1 1: ~.72; W. Power, balance of dalary as Assessor, not reach the reserved bid each parcel will be · · .. " ll! 'l! .. $25; R. Woodley, plank fumlsbect~.~l·l; Arthur offered seperately. J<'urther and other conOUR I L LU STR A TED PAMPH L ETS AverY, rent of lo.lld for road, $2; wm. Ormis- ditions will be made known at time ol' ea.lo, She h as just opened ou t one of the largest .Bil.tee and.Excursion Tickets will b e f urni&.b.ed by yo11r Ttcltet Aaent. oraddreas ton, $15; Indigent persons $i5. l J<' urtber particulars can bo obtained from the and most stylish stocks ever brought C . D. W HI TCO M 8, Gen ' I P·ss . Agent, R. WINDATT, Tp C. ' auctioneer and from I to town consistin" of · : ' o · D. BURKE SIMPSON, Detroit & C leveland Steam Nav. Co. ne;;o:"~~i~~-oi,~1:~~~~1. reference to ON TUESDAY JUN E 22 T :,y ues ay, d 22 '86 une ' R 0BE R TS 0N & B0ND~ I I L A D I E.. s M ACKINA C. Sum1ner Tours. 0 I M I L L I N E RY MR'S Dr "NN'ELY ' 'SVd ve t s, &c., Vend:oB~~~~~~fi1e. t lUilJin e ·· y , Dress S ilks, DETROIT, MICH. Jj ...,-A.RM l<'OR -S-ALE-:=-T!Ut wellkn-0.;u ( During a st orm at L inclsay on Friday night, 21st i nst., t.lrn ligh tning struck a house in which wer e sleeping a man, h is wifo and children. '.l'he husban d wa s a w<iken ed by bein;( sbru ck on the h ead by falling bricks. Por a time , h e 3ays h e t h ought. h e wa s dr(laming; but; soon the terrible reality dawned on his brain. On in~ est igation it w>1.s found th e electr icity had knoched a lal'ge hole in th e roof, throu~h which the chimn ey fell, crush ing its W< ty through the cdlini:; a nd fallin~ on them. The house is otherwise complete ly wrecked. 'l' he wife was kocked sen seless, while lier husband has several Bcalp wounds. 1 rh e children escaped unhurt. VloR'.l'n RE~rnMllERINc.: .-There is prob-1 ably no better r e laxing r emedy for st iff j oints, contraot.ed cords, and painful con gestion., than Hagynrd's YellolV Oil It cured M rs. J oh n Siddell, of Orton, Ont., who was afilicted for y ears with contraction of the bronchia l pipes and tightness J>JtOI' . J,CHV'S Sfil,PlllJJt SO.tJ· i s n 1le· of lbe chest. lt is the great r emedy for J l g ltHu l toilet Jnxu1·y 118 wen as :i good internal or ext ernal pain. t curath·e tot· sJdn 1 liscnscs. I . - and valllable farm the ··Weldon < Home· with a ver y fin e stock Qf F eathers and stead." being. composed or 200 ac_re~,. 153 cleared Fl · the balance m woods, the pnncipal part ot owers. t.he timber beiuf\' beech and ma .D l.e, A new Call and inspect this fin e display which BEST IN THE W ORLD frame house, with cellar full size, 2 barns ; . . . . ' pr- Get tho Genuine. Sold Everywhere. hor·e and cow stables, cow shed and root cannot fail to give satisfact10n. house; 2 good wells of water, anil small J l'I! JlTll!! ER S by addressing GElt. P . orchard. The above farm is well fenced and under good cultivation. lt is suited for 2 ROWELL .t (;o.· 10 Spruce St.. New York, rarms. having tha wood on both en<ls. The ' can learn the exact cost or any proposed line of num bor of tho lot is 13 in the Jth concession of · ADYERTISir.G ln A.mer lcan Newspapers. l>arlington, 2} north or the tlonrishing town o! '1 ~lOO·p,.ge 1·11mpblc l , IOc. - -CALL AT- llow1eanville, Chnrch and School olose by. }Apply to Thamas Weldon. Senior, Pronrietor, I· now in Da1·lington. H by letter whc'l home, "Littlewood," P . 0. ! !'.. 13,- If not sold in 2 months it 'will bo rent- j ed. 'r. w .. Senr. I I l LADIE s FRAZER GREIS AXLE E ~F - --- A )) I IBtt l@"'BlG~ I ) WORTHLESS IMITATIONS --AISD SEE-- I AUCTION SALE ! The Largest Stock - -AND-·- Of Buggies, Mowers, Hay Tedder s, Plows, etc. --~-o--~~ Greatest Variety - -IN- - As t horo are mnny i.i.ferfor goods, corded wlth jute,. hemp, otc.,offorod and sold· as Coraline by eome u npl'iuclplod mercho.11ts trading ou t he reputo.tiou of our gm1uine Coraline, . we waru the lndiea ago.inst such imposition by drawi ng their attention to the necessity of seeing that the uamo 'R On WED~ESDAY the 9th day of J u NE, 1886, TnE BowMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL Absolutely P ure. This powder never varies. A marvel or purity, .strenhgth hand d wholeso1inedness. dMore economica1 t an t e or mary lt n ~. an can· not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test , short W!Jlght, alum or phosphate powders; Sold only m cans. BOYAL BAKINu POWDER cu., 106 Wall St .. N. Y. & CARRIAOE COMPANY, (li mited) will sell by pnbhc auot~on a l arge st ock of Buggies, Mowers, Hay Tedders and P lows, all made from th e best stock. Intending EYER SHOWN IN ORONO. purchasers should 011.ll and inspect stock b f d f I T -4 h e ore ay o sa e. erms mont s. j T HE BowMANvILLE AoRICULTURAL .AND RE'.\IEMBER THE STAND: C ARRIAGE 0n 1 ORKS C o. (L' · L ATE M rss B EPJlURN ' s, M 11.LER · ' s B LOCK, 1m1ted). MILLINERY 'CROMPTON CORSiT CO.' sto.mpod on innor sldo of all Coro.Iino goods, Without which none are genuine. I 4 pieces fine n ew worsted coatings, beautifully finish ed goods. Gentlemen, if you· want a suit, see them a t 'l'. Geo. Mason's, Star House. Call at Tait & Morrison's to see Mrs~. Clarke's Cookery Book, I

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